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Most beautiful superyachts: 10 of the best as chosen by top designers

  • Superyachts

What turns a superyacht into a thing of beauty? We asked scores of the world's leading yacht designers to list the 10 most beautiful superyachts ever built...

The only rules were that they couldn’t pick one of their own and they had to be luxury superyachts over 30 metres. With the votes counted, we can now reveal our definitive rundown of the most beautiful yachts in the world.

We’ve even enlisted some of those same designers to explain what makes the final ten yachts so special. Scroll down to see the full top 10 and read more about each model.

10 of the most beautiful superyachts of all time


10. Limitless

James Roy, managing director of BMT Nigel Gee believes her to be one of the most beautiful superyachts in the world and writes:

“One of the earlier breed of superyachts Limitless is in my opinion from a period when the volume of superstructures were not over imposing producing a well balanced yacht. These proportions coupled with the sheer line and well matched angles of bow profile and rake of superstructure ends all work together.”

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Certainly with her dark blue hull and glistening white superstructure she cuts quite a dash and at night her comprehensive array of on deck illumination and underwater lighting make her look nothing short of spectacular proving that yachts can have beauty 24 hours a day.

Year: 1997 – LOA: 96.25m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Jon Bannenburg – Interior: Catroux

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“It’s a great pleasure to pay tribute to an iconic thoroughbred such as Skat , still standing tall on the horizon,” says Tim Saunders of Rainsford Saunders Design. “Despite her military looks, this is a true superyacht, engineered as a ship at heart and built from the keel up, with every square metre fulfilling the owner’s brief. Skat is a unique design but has not broken traditional yachting rules for the sake of it.

She is a superyacht that has been devised to offer the owner a well-considered relationship between external and internal living spaces, and unlike many of her sisters, she doesn’t opt for maximum density. Skat ’s combination of poise, elegance and balance comes from a clever use of straight, angular lines, facetted surfaces and enhanced ship details.

Each component comes together in a harmonious relationship to offer a daring and bold statement that from a distance has the grace and elegance of something far more organic. She is a yacht that catches your eye from all angles.”

Year: 2002 – LOA: 70.7m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Espin Oeino – Interior: Marco Zanini


8. Alfa Nero

“When we first saw Alfa Nero we were impressed by her smooth exterior lines,” say Mareid Moosbrugger and Georg Decker of Egg and Dart Design. “The superstructure is sleek and elegant without any angular or hard corners. We consider her to be one of the most beautiful yachts afloat today, and we can easily understand why our colleagues agree.

“Walking around her at the 2007 Monaco Yacht Show , we felt the three-dimensional use of space was harmonious with the elements, and there was a true balance between the inside and outside areas of the yacht, with the exterior spaces maintaining a close connection with the natural environment of the sea and sky.

“The decks are open and airy, yet there is a feeling of being safely cocooned, and the superb aft deck in particular maintains a feeling of being at one with the ocean, which is emphasised by the huge pool. The yacht impressed us as a gentle giant: on the one hand huge, voluminous and technically advanced; on the other, stylish, glossy and surprisingly cosy.

“The beautiful interior features a timeless but modern design with elements of Art Deco, and everywhere you can see that the smallest details have been attended to. This yacht is a perfect combination of design, functionality and vision, and offers a unique ambience.”

Year: 2007 – LOA: 81.27m – Builder: Oceanco – Exterior: Nuvolari-Lenard – Interior: Alberto Pinto


Designer Reymond Langton says: “At the time of her creation, she was the largest yacht that we had signed and would be the largest the yard had built. The client is a very experienced yacht owner and for him to have put his trust in us when we had nothing of our own in the water at the time was a massive vote of confidence.

“He allowed us to be a little experimental with the design – this was the first large yacht with a plumb bow. It was fantastic to have landed another contract where we were able to design the exterior and interior as it gave us much more control over the whole project, and gave us the scope to really harmonise the spaces.

“It also allowed us to work hand in hand together, which we thoroughly enjoy and believe delivers the best results for the client. We think she stands out because she has a very striking profile that is easily recognisable from a distance.

“She has a lot of presence on the water due to her powerful lines. Anyone who has been on board will tell you that the high-volume interior feels incredibly luxurious.”

Year: 2007 – LOA: 68.0m – Builder: Abeking & Rasmussen – Exterior: Reymond Langton Design – Interior: Reymond Langton Design


6. Carinthia VII

The Austrian supermarket heiress Heidi Horten replaced Carinthia VI (see below) with this very secret yacht rumoured to run at 26 knots. Voting her as his most beautiful yacht, Rupert Mann of Rainsford Mann Design said, “97m is a good length for a designer to work with, as it gives an opportunity to design longitudinally not vertically and therefore create an elegant yacht which appears low and sleek.

“What makes the design of Carinthia VII so successful is the enhancement of this due to the pure and elegant sheer line that draws your eye from the bow to stern so effortlessly. The clever trick of dropping the sheer line one deck down aft, gives it a dynamic and purposeful bow shape forward, as if carving its path with consummate ease.

The horizontal lines of the super structure are equally uncomplicated, in this instance resisting the addition of unnecessary detail such as fashion plates that often complicate a design. Ultimately I think the strength of the design manifests through its simplicity. It is the most successful of designs, which can be called a ‘timeless classic’.

“A design that will be successful in every genre modern or classic and in every decade, that even 7 years later still is relevant and pleasing to the eye. I would suspect it is this timeless styling and the sheer simplicity, coupled with the poise and balance of the whole composition, that is so appealing to so many of us.”

Year: 2002 – LOA: 97m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Tim Heywood – Interior: Tim Heywood


5. Maltese Falcon

The designer Ken Freivoch, responsible for the way this beautiful yacht looks says, “We are delighted that our fellow designers should have included Maltese Falcon within their shortlist. She was designed without any attempt to be ostentatious or to conform to a set style – it was very much a case of “form follows function”, albeit with very careful attention to essential design principles, balanced proportions and uncluttered and purposeful shapes totally derived from the function they are designed to perform.

The yacht is significant in her innovative sailing system, and our studio took this as a clue to develop the design around such technology, with every effort to develop beautiful and unique solutions aimed at highlighting her unique rig. I can only surmise that a reason why she may have been selected by designers is that she is not a “trendy” design, but the result of going back to first principles, coming out with original and unique solutions, and achieve continuity of concept through from the external styling to the interior design.

A case in point would be the design of the “spider” feature at the aft deck – originally the result of a last minute request from the naval architects to achieve optimum separation between the bearings at the mizzen mast, the announcement from Gerry Dijkstra came something like: “Hey Ken, if we had to place the top bearing for the aft mast 1m above the deck, in the middle of the aft deck – would that be a problem?

“Can you come up with a way to do this, which Tom will not object to? We took this as a clue to design an elegant and purposeful set of arches or buttresses to shore up the bearing in question, and at the same time underline what a unique “machine” the Falcon is – express such function very much along the lines of a watchmaker showing the inner workings of a beautifully crafted watch. Maltese Falcon was a great challenge, exactly the type of challenge that our design team relishes.

For us, the thrill, the excitement and the ultimate satisfaction is to come up with totally unique, “out-of-the-box” solutions, and achieve a design which the owner can feel was truly conceived and executed in response to his brief, to his preferences and to the very specific requirements set out for the project.”

Year: 2006 – LOA: 88m – Builder: Perini Navi – Exterior: Gerard Dijstra – Interior: Ken Freivoch


Espen Oenio was at the time of the design working with Martin Francis and describes the commissioning owner – Mexican media magnate Emilio Azcarraga – as a wonderfully charismatic man. He remembers one meeting in particular early on in the project.

They were at the time sitting on board the owner’s then yacht Lady Azteca (now Achilles ), when he laid out what was to become the mission statement for the whole design process. He told the design team: “I am a very private man. I never spend time in port, I am always cruising. But when I do go into port, I want my presence to be felt through my boat.”

James Roy of BMT Nigel Gee is one designer who voted for Enigma . “It was not until I set eyes on her in the flesh at Cowes Week in 1999 that I really came to appreciate her beauty,” he says.

“The reverse sheer, the sweeping aft deck and those iconic windows – they all meld together to produce a yacht that visually works to perfection and is thoroughly striking even today, 18 years after her launch. It’s very different from anything else that is around.”

Theo Werner of Werner Yacht Design is equally enthusiastic. “When the design of this yacht was first published, I was stunned,” he says. “And when the first photographs appeared in the magazines, I was even more stunned.

“She introduced a new way of thinking that even surpassed the designs of Bannenberg, who I admire very much. Eco included many aspects that are foreign to other ships and yachts, yet Martin Francis managed to combine these with everything that make a ship pretty, such as sleekness, the suggestion of a low freeboard a small superstructure.”

She was subsequently sold to Larry Ellison and is now owned by the British businessman Aidan Barclay and his brother.

Year: 1991 – LOA: 74.5m – Builder: Blomhm & Voss – Exterior: Martin Francis – Interior: Francois Zuretti


3. Endeavour

“Endeavour is one of my favourite yachts for a number of reasons,” Ed Dubois told SuperYacht World . “Firstly, she is a J Class yacht – one of only a few ever built. This class epitomised the very peak of yacht design before World War II and remains still, in technical terms, a class apart. These yachts were extreme in every way and demanded technology that was then in its infancy.

“They were superb yachts to sail upwind, but they were also fast reaching and downwind. They demanded a very high level of sailing skill, and indeed a high level of boatbuilding skill.

“ Endeavour , I believe, is the most beautiful of all the Js built. Her purity of line is exquisite and I think the shape of the sheer is slightly better than any of the others including Velsheda (by the same designer).

“Charles Nicholson designed Endeavour in 1933 and she was used to challenge for the America’s Cup in 1934. It was universally acknowledged that she was faster than the defender Rainbow , and she won the first two races, but better sailing by the Americans allowed them to win overall.

“She has captured the imagination of so many people including, happily, Elizabeth Meyer, who acquired the yacht in the seventies and rebuilt her almost from scratch.

“I believe there is some original plate still present but the hull was rebuilt in the UK and then taken to Royal Huisman Shipyard to be fitted out. The interior, by John Munford, is beautiful – obviously not what was fitted originally when she was a pure racing yacht, but Munford created something that is entirely fitting.

“Endeavour is not a practical yacht to own. She can only be sailed in reasonable conditions, she requires a large crew to race her, most of whom by necessity must sleep ashore, and maintaining a yacht of this type, particularly with regard to sails, rigging, etc is not inexpensive. However, for sheer sailing performance, romantic appeal and beauty I believe she is second to none.”

Year: 1934 – LOA: 39.6m – Builder: Camper & Nicholson – Exterior: C & N – Interior: C & N


Designer Tim Heywood says: “When a client gives you carte blanche to create a design, it is a blessing and a curse, if you do not rise to the challenge, you will not gain the approval of your client or, eventually, the respect of your peers.

“ Pelorus was a great project for us and we are extremely pleased with the end result, as was the client. I was able to develop the internal general arrangement plan, the external global styling themes and the practical engineering details to a level I had not achieved before.

The organic curves & forms of the superstructure are echoed in the lines of the hull, tying the two forms together, to produce a harmony that is easy on the eye, was quite unique at the time and, hopefully, will not date.

“The belt line that runs forward from the stern and sweeps down towards the anchor pocket, is inspired by the armour plating of the light cruiser HMS Belfast , which still lives just up stream from our old London studio.

“If I succeeded in creating a yacht that is thought of as attractive, by my brothers in arms of the design world, I am very pleased. Informed comments from professional, talented designers and client, means more than from any other source, especially if they are not negative!

“My partner, Vanessa, came up with our project name, we always give a name to our yachts, rather than a sterile number, and the client liked the name so much that he confirmed Pelorus as the yacht’s eventual name. The yacht has changed hands, but we are very pleased to see that she has retained her original name.”

“If I succeeded in creating a yacht that is thought of as attractive by my brothers-in-arms of the design world, I am very pleased. Informed comment from professional, talented designers and clients means more than from any other source – especially when they are positive!”

Year: 2003 – LOA: 115m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Tim Heywood – Interior: Terrence Disdale


1. Carinthia VI

Dickie Bannenburg of Bannenburg Designs say: “Famously, and perhaps notoriously, Carinthia VI owes her existence to the fact that her elder sibling Carinthia V survived for only a few months before ending her days several fathoms down in Greek waters.

:The unfortunate captain struggled ashore to find a phone to have an awkward phone conversation with Helmut Horten, his Owner. Mr Horten rang my father up almost the following day and told him to start work on her replacement which has now become, in an often over used phrase, a yachting icon.

“She certainly wasn’t an icon when she appeared out of the Lürssen shed for the first time. With dramatic superstructure on a slim frigate-based hull, grilles and that distinctive blue windshield forward of the wheelhouse, my father’s design scared the pants off people and the perception of him hardened amongst conventional designers and naval architects as a dangerous radical. But now her pared down lines and slender masculinity scream good taste, restraint and a sense of suave style that is rarely seen these days.

“Certainly her interior was purposeful, code for slightly austere, and by today’s standards there was not much interior volume for lavish living, not least due to the presence of three mighty MTU diesels. There are no swoops, no complicated fashion plates and absolutely no ability to walk down steps at the transom to a nice bathing platform.

“But all the better for it. Life on board was, I understand, conducted with a certain Austrian precision and Carinthia ’s elegant and taut exterior, with deep blue paintwork and her gold coachwork stripe cut an unmistakeable dash in the harbours of the Cote d’Azur as she still does today.

“My father was very proud of her. Of course I’m even more proud that his design of almost forty years ago has such an enduring impact.”

Year: 2003 – LOA: 115m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Bannenberg – Interior: Bannenberg

First published in the January 2015 issue of Superyacht World.

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The 15 Most Expensive Yachts in the World

These dream machines show what's possible when money is no object., rachel cormack.

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Al Saïd Lürssen

As superyachts continue to get bigger and more extravagant than ever before, so too do the accompanying price tags. According to the Boats Group’s market index, the average cost of a yacht above 80 feet in the US last year was $5.3 million. As you’ll see below, though, there are a handful of high-end vessels that blow that figure out of the water.

Although it’s difficult to get exact prices in what is a fiercely secretive industry, sales of luxury yachts have surged amid the pandemic and the ultra-wealthy are more willing than ever to fork out for ostentatious ocean goers. Case in point: Billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos reportedly parted with $485 million for his Oceanco megayacht that’s currently in build.

Believe it or not, that’s quite a modest price compared to at least half of the entries on this list. Lürssen’s Dilbar , for instance, is rumored to have cost in the ballpark of $800 million. As alluded to, the shipyards behind these lavish, nine-figure designs seldom share details regarding ownership or price. Therefore, the amounts cited here are estimates pulled together from Wikipedia and other reliable sources. Still, the 15 vessels here give you a good idea of what’s possible when money is no object and the best builders in the business are at your whim.

Lürssen: ‘Dilbar’ — $800 Million

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Delivered in 2016, Lürssen’s Dilbar is the largest motor yacht in the world by gross tonnage. It’s also the most expensive with an original price tag in the ballpark of $800 million. Weighing in at 15,917 tons, the monolithic 512-footer is one of the most complex and challenging vessels the German yard has ever built. Penned by Espen Øino, Dilbar features a classic profile and a light ivory hull with bronze accents. Onboard, meanwhile, the elegant interiors were brought to life by Winch Design and outfitted with only the best luxury materials. The pièce de résistance is, of course, the 82-foot swimming pool. Lürssen says it is the largest pool ever to have been installed on a yacht. Seafarers also have access to 41,000 square feet of saloons, staterooms, spas and cinemas to explore. German authorities impounded Dilbar earlier this year after establishing it was linked to a Russian billionaire. According to the US Treasury Department, the yacht is now worth between $600 million and $700 million, with annual maintenance costs of about $60 million.

Blohm+Voss: ‘Eclipse’ — $600 Million

Blohm & Voss "Eclipse" Superyacht

The epic 533-foot Blohm+Voss superyacht Eclipse took half a decade to come to fruition before it was finally delivered to Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich in 2010. At that time, it was the largest yacht in the world and certainly one of the most expensive. It has now been 20-odd years and Eclipse still sits at the top of both lists and is estimated to be worth over $600 million. Designed inside and out by Terence Disdale, the vessel is equipped with 17 staterooms, a 185-foot-long owner’s deck with a palatial owner’s suite, a giant swimming pool that doubles as a dance floor, a gym, a beach club and a spa. Other highlights include a helicopter hangar with space for three choppers and a garage that can hold six tenders. On top of that, Eclipse has a top-end speed of 21 knots, with a range of 6,000 nautical miles.

Lürssen: ‘Azzam’ — $600 Million

pictures of luxury yachts

Lürssen has proven itself adept at delivering sizable (and expensive) vessels. In fact, the German yard is behind the world’s longest superyacht, which reportedly set one private owner back more than $600 million. Delivered in 2013, Azzam measures just shy of 593 feet and offers a volume of 13,136 GT. Penned by Nauta Yacht, the yacht’s exterior is characterized by a long, sleek forward area and a series of tiers ascending to the skydeck. The interior, meanwhile, was brought to life by Christophe Leoni and showcases luxurious decor inspired by the Empire style of the early 19th century. Azzam is no slouch on the high seas, either, with a top speed of more than 30 knots. Astonishingly, the behemoth only took three years to build after one year of engineering. Azzam also underwent a refit in 2020 that likely resulted in a few more dollars being spent on her.

Lürssen: ‘Al Said’ — $600 Million

pictures of luxury yachts

Another nine-figure Lürssen megayacht on the list is Al Saïd . Delivered in 2008, the 508-footer reportedly set the Sultan of Oman roughly $600 million and, well, you can tell. Designed by Espen Øino, Al Saïd ’s exterior is reminiscent of a classic cruise liner with the twin-exhaust stacks in the center of the superstructure. Sporting a steel hull and lightweight aluminum superstructure, the yacht is capable of 25 knots flat out, with a cruising speed of 22 knots. Inside, meanwhile, the contemporary interior was penned by Redman Whiteley Dixon. Highlights include a concert hall that can hold a 50-piece orchestra.

Lürssen: ‘A+’ (Topaz) — $527 Million

Lürssen Topaz largest yachts in the world

Lürssen megayacht A+ , previously known as Topaz , reportedly cost approximately $527 million (€400 million) to come to fruition. It is the fourth-largest yacht ever built by the German shipyard and was launched back in 2012. It’s rumored that Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan, the deputy prime minister of the UAE and owner of Manchester City Football Club, took delivery of the vessel and is the current owner. A+ ’s exterior was penned by Tim Heywood Designs, while her interior was brought to life by Terence Disdale. She is equipped with cabins for 62 guests and 72 crew, as well as two helipads, a pool and a large swim platform. What more do you need?

Fincantieri: ‘Serene’ — $444 Million

A float plane flies over the super yacht Serene during take off in Ketchikan, Alaska Friday morning. Work began on the 493-foot 3-inch yacht in 2007 by Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri. The ship has a crew of 52 and room for 24 guests. The seven deck vessel has landing capabilities for two helicopters and for a submarine and a sea water pool. (AP Photo/Ketchikan Daily News, Hall Anderson)

Fincantieri’s first superyacht turned out to be big in terms of both proportions and price. The 439-footer was the largest yacht ever launched in Italy when it hit the water in 2011 and cost approximately $444 million (€450 million) to complete. Designed by Espen Øino, the seven-deck vessel is characterized by a sleek blue hull, a contrasting white superstructure and a ton of racy curves. She’s brimming with amenities, too, including an enclosed winter garden for dining in any season, a tender garage large enough to house a submarine and a supersized swimming pool for soaking. She also has two helipads and a hangar to facilitate comings and goings. Although the details of Serene ’s interior remain tightly under wraps, we do know Pascale Reymond of Reymond Langton Design penned the 43,056-square-foot living quarters.

Platinum Yachts: ‘Dubai’ — $400 Million

DUBAI UAE - DEC 16: Dubai - yacht of the Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum the ruler of the Emirate of Dubai. December 16 2014 in Dubai UAE

Dubai was, quite literally, built for royalty at a princely fee of roughly $400 million. The superyacht was originally commissioned by Prince Jefri Bolkiah of Brunei as a joint project between Blohm+Voss and Lürssen. The duo only got to finish the bare hull and skeletal superstructure before construction was halted in 1998. The incomplete design was then sold to the government of Dubai and turned into a royal yacht for the country’s ruler. The 532-footer, which was finished off by Platinum Yachts, was delivered to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in 2006. Penned by Winch Design, Dubai spans seven decks and can sleep 24 guests and 88 crew. Befitting a sheikh, she is also equipped with a landing pad for a Black Hawk helicopter, a submarine garage, a disco and a cinema.

Blohm+Voss : ‘Motor Yacht A’ — $300 Million

Motor Yacht A 2008

Legend has it that architect Philippe Starck sketched the design for Motor Yacht A on a napkin in a matter of minutes. Blohm + Voss then sold the superyacht for approximately $300 million. Commissioned by Russian industrialist Andrey Melnichenko, the 390-footer is characterized by a minimalist exterior and a highly distinctive pelican bow that cuts a striking silhouette. With a beam of 62 feet, the vessel offers a generous interior volume of 5,500 GT. She offers accommodation for 14 guests and 42 crew. She also has no less than three swimming pools, one of which has a glass bottom that creates a wow factor on the deck below. Melnichenko kept  Motor Yacht A for nearly a decade before replacing it with Nobiskrug’s Sailing Yacht A . The 468-footer is not only the largest sailing yacht in the world, but also the most expensive with an estimated value of $578 million .

Lürssen: ‘Radiant’ — $300 Million

pictures of luxury yachts

The tale behind Radiant ’s price tag is almost as long as the 360-footer itself. Rumor has it, the superyacht was built for Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky at a cost of roughly $149 million (€148.5 million). After Berezovsky ran into financial difficulties, he asked Edmiston to list the vessel for $352 million (€350 million) and it eventually sold for a hair under that. Delivered in 2010, Radiant sports a steel hull, an aluminum superstructure and gorgeous teak decking. She can comfortably accommodate up to 20 guests in 10 suites, as well as up to 44 crew. Her top-tier amenities include a movie theatre, a beauty salon, a beach club, a gym, a pool, a Jacuzzi, a helipad and a fully stocked tender garage. Certainly sounds worthy of $300 million to us.

Lürssen: ‘Pelorus’ — $300 Million

pictures of luxury yachts

In the late ‘90s, Saudi Arabian businessman Abdulmohsen Abdulmalik Al-Sheikh commissioned Lürssen to create Pelorus . The 377-footer hit the seas in 2003 and was the 11th-largest yacht in the world at the time. During her maiden voyage, Pelorus was sold to Roman Abramovich. The Russian entrepreneur had it altered by Blohm & Voss, adding a second helipad and other lavish amenities. Fast forward to 2009, Irina Abramovich received the yacht as part of her divorce settlement from Roman. She sold it to David Geffen in 2011 via broker Merle Wood for $300 million. Pelorus features a sleek exterior designed by Tim Heywood and a beachy chic interior penned by Terence Disdale. She has several terraces with doors that open out to the sea to create a true indoor/outdoor feel.

Peters Werft: ‘Al Mirqab’ — $300 Million

pictures of luxury yachts

The 436-foot Al Mirqab is one of the largest yachts in the world and has a price tag to match. Launched in 2008, the $300 million vessel was built for Qatar’s former prime minister under the supervision of Kusch Yachts in the Peters Werft shipyard in Germany. Penned by Tim Heywood, the elegant exterior pairs a long, navy-blue hull with a contrasting white superstructure. The interior, meanwhile, was brought to life by Andrew Winch and has won several awards. Arguably, the most striking feature is the Arabic-influenced motifs on the marble floors. Another highlight is the swimming pool on the lower deck, which can be opened up to the sea via side hatches in the hull. Al Mirqab has staterooms for 36, and crew quarters for 45. She was also treated to a refit in 2014 and thus looks fresher than your average 14-year-old vessel.

Abeking & Rasmussen: ‘Aviva’ — $250 Million

pictures of luxury yachts

Abeking & Rasmussen’s Aviva shows what kind of lavish amenities you can get with $250 million. The 323-footer, which was delivered in 2017, features the largest gym on any yacht. It’s so big, in fact, that it houses a full-size paddle tennis court that pulls double duty as a soccer field when the nets are down. Penned by Toby Silverton and Reymond Langton Design, Aviva pairs a curvacious blue exterior with a chic modern interior. She is equipped with a hybrid propulsion system that enables her to reach up to 11 knots using only electric motors or 20 knots with the addition of diesel power. The yacht is reportedly the sequel to another smaller Aviva that was delivered to British billionaire Joe Lewis in 2007. The yacht was launched just 33 months after the signing of the contract, which is quite an impressive feat given the complexity and scope of the project.

Lürssen: ‘Octopus’ — $200 Million 

Octopus Superyacht Exterior

Launched in 2003 at a cost of approximately $200 million, Octopus was built by Lürssen for late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. The 414-footer is regularly loaned out for expeditions and scientific research initiatives. A true explorer, it features a dive center with a hyperbaric chamber, a yellow submarine named Pagoo and a remotely operated vehicle that can dive thousands of feet below the surface. Of course, this is complemented by state-of-the-art research technology. In addition, Octopus features two helipads, a hangar and seven tenders to facilitate comings and goings. She is also equipped with 13 staterooms, several bars, a recording studio, a cinema, a spa, a gym, a library and a basketball court. (You might remember Allen once owned the Portland Trail Blazers.) What’s more, Octopus appears to be climbing in price as time goes on. In 2019, the vessel was listed for sale for a cool $325 million .

Lürssen: ‘Rising Sun’ — $200 Million

Lürssen Rising Sun superyacht

Rising Sun was designed by one of the brightest minds in the industry: the late, legendary Jon Bannenberg. In fact, it was the last yacht the Australian designer penned before he died in 2002. The $200 million vessel was built by Lürssen and delivered to Oracle CEO Larry Ellison two years later in 2004. The 138-footer is characterized by large expanses of glass that let in plenty of the sun’s rays. In addition, it offers 86,000 square feet of living space brought to life by Seccombe Design. There are nine cabins for up to 18 guests and generous crew quarters for up to 46 crew. Elsewhere, you’ll find a gym, a cinema, a wine cellar and a basketball court. As for grunt, Rising Sun promises a maximum speed of 28 knots and a cruising speed of 26 knots. She was last refitted in 2011 and is currently owned by billionaire David Geffen.

Lürssen: ‘Solandge’ — $150 Million

Lürssen’s Solandge

Lürssen’s Solandge is rumored to have cost $150 million to come to fruition, and you can tell. Delivered in 2013, the 279-footer is replete with the finest materials. The floor, for example, sports no less than 50 types of exotic wood. There are also around 50 samples of natural stone in the bathrooms. Designed by Espen Øino, Solandge has a sleek exterior with elegant, clean lines. Aileen Rodriguez’s interior, meanwhile, is full to the brim with extravagant amenities. The spa comprises multiple pools on different decks, along with a hammam and a sauna. In addition, the yacht features a beauty salon is equipped with a sink and crane that together creates “snow” à la a snow room, as well as a gym and a massage room. As Lürssen puts it, Solandge was built with pure yachting pleasure in mind.

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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Black Pearl yacht charter Oceanco Sail Yacht

Black Pearl

105m Oceanco

Renaissance yacht charter Freire Shipyard Motor Yacht


IJE yacht charter Benetti Motor Yacht

REV Ocean 28 18

195m   Vard

Golden Horizon yacht charter Brodogradevna Industrija Split Sail Yacht

Golden Horizon 274 140

162m   Brodogradevna Industrija Split

Flying Fox yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

Flying Fox 22 11

136m   Lurssen

from $3,328,000 p/w eek

Octopus yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

Octopus 12 13

126m   Lurssen

from $2,200,000 p/w eek

Kismet yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

Kismet 12 8

122m   Lurssen

from $3,000,000 p/w eek

Ahpo yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

115m   Lurssen

from $2,874,000 p/w eek

Renaissance yacht charter Freire Shipyard Motor Yacht

Renaissance 36 19

112m   Freire Shipyard

IJE yacht charter Benetti Motor Yacht

108m   Benetti

from $1,990,000 p/w eek

Dream yacht charter Olympic Yacht Services Motor Yacht

Dream 36 22

107m   Olympic Yacht Services

from $2,211,000 p/w eek

Black Pearl yacht charter Oceanco Sail Yacht

Black Pearl 14 5

105m   Oceanco

Christina O yacht charter Canadian Vickers Motor Yacht

Christina O 34 17

99m   Canadian Vickers

from $774,000 p/w eek

Carinthia VII yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

Carinthia VII 12 8

97m   Lurssen

from $1,547,000 p/w eek

Faith yacht charter Feadship Motor Yacht

97m   Feadship

from $1,775,000 p/w eek

CC-Summer yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

CC-Summer 12 10

95m   Lurssen

from $1,769,000 p/w eek

O'Pari yacht charter Golden Yachts Motor Yacht

O'Pari 12 14

95m   Golden Yachts

from $1,217,000 p/w eek

Whisper yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

Whisper 12 7

from $1,327,000 p/w eek

Lady S yacht charter Feadship Motor Yacht

Lady S 12 7

93m   Feadship

from $1,556,000 p/w eek

Tatoosh yacht charter Nobiskrug Motor Yacht

Tatoosh 12 11

92m   Nobiskrug

from $1,050,000 p/w eek

Aquarius yacht charter Feadship Motor Yacht

Aquarius 12 7

92m   Feadship

from $1,500,000 p/w eek

Queen Miri yacht charter Neorion Motor Yacht

Queen Miri 36 18

92m   Neorion

from $1,094,000 p/w eek

Moonlight II yacht charter Neorion Motor Yacht

Moonlight II 36 18

91m   Neorion

from $713,000 p/w eek

Tranquility yacht charter Oceanco Motor Yacht

Tranquility 22 11

92m   Oceanco

from $1,100,000 p/w eek

Lady Lara yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

Lady Lara 12 8

91m   Lurssen

from $1,400,000 p/w eek

Nero yacht charter Corsair Yachts Motor Yacht

90m   Corsair Yachts

from $497,000 p/w eek

Phoenix 2 yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

Phoenix 2 12 7

90m   Lurssen

from $1,000,000 p/w eek

Athena yacht charter Royal Huisman Sail Yacht

Athena 10 5

90m   Royal Huisman

from $324,000 p/w eek

Dar yacht charter Oceanco Motor Yacht

90m   Oceanco

from $1,334,000 p/w eek

Lauren L yacht charter Cassens-Werft Motor Yacht

Lauren L 36 20

90m   Cassens-Werft

from $768,000 p/w eek *

Barbara yacht charter Oceanco Motor Yacht

Barbara 12 7

89m   Oceanco

Samsara yacht charter Oceanco Motor Yacht

Samsara 12 7

Maltese Falcon yacht charter Perini Navi Sail Yacht

Maltese Falcon 12 6

88m   Perini Navi

from $490,000 p/w eek

Project X yacht charter Golden Yachts Motor Yacht

Project X 12 9

88m   Golden Yachts

from $1,222,000 p/w eek

Arctic yacht charter Schichau Unterweser Motor Yacht

Arctic 12 7

88m   Schichau Unterweser

from $500,000 p/w eek

AQuiJo yacht charter Oceanco Sail Yacht

AQuiJo 12 7

86m   Oceanco

from $561,000 p/w eek

Chakra yacht charter Scheepswerf Gebr. van der Werf Motor Yacht

Chakra 24 19

86m   Scheepswerf Gebr. van der Werf

from $531,000 p/w eek

Man of Steel yacht charter Oceanco Motor Yacht

Man of Steel 12 7

Aquila yacht charter Derecktor Shipyards Motor Yacht

Aquila 12 8

86m   Derecktor Shipyards

from $945,000 p/w eek

HBC yacht charter Abeking & Rasmussen Motor Yacht

86m   Abeking & Rasmussen

from $939,000 p/w eek

Sunrays yacht charter Oceanco Motor Yacht

Sunrays 12 9

from $1,278,000 p/w eek

Bold yacht charter SilverYachts Motor Yacht

85m   SilverYachts

from $974,000 p/w eek

Wanderlust yacht charter SilverYachts Motor Yacht

Wanderlust 12 8

from $960,000 p/w eek

Gigia yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

85m   Lurssen

Grand Ocean yacht charter Blohm + Voss Motor Yacht

Grand Ocean 12 7

85m   Blohm + Voss

from $703,136 p/w eek

Meridian A yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

Meridian A 12 9

from $1,056,000 p/w eek

O'Ptasia yacht charter Golden Yachts Motor Yacht

O'Ptasia 12 10

85m   Golden Yachts

from $1,001,000 p/w eek

Solandge yacht charter Lurssen Motor Yacht

Solandge 12 8

from $1,111,000 p/w eek

Victorious yacht charter Ak Yachts Motor Yacht

Victorious 12 6

85m   Ak Yachts

from $890,000 p/w eek

Le Ponant yacht charter SFCN Motor/Sailer Yacht

Le Ponant 32 16

84m   SFCN

from $506,000 p/w eek

Savannah yacht charter Feadship Motor Yacht

Savannah 12 6

84m   Feadship

Emir yacht charter Golden Yachts Motor Yacht

83m   Golden Yachts

Romea yacht charter Abeking & Rasmussen Motor Yacht

82m   Abeking & Rasmussen

from $1,223,000 p/w eek

Alfa Nero yacht charter Oceanco Motor Yacht

Alfa Nero 12 6

81m   Oceanco

from $812,500 p/w eek *

Air yacht charter Feadship Motor Yacht

81m   Feadship

from $1,028,000 p/w eek

Sea Eagle yacht charter Royal Huisman Sail Yacht

Sea Eagle 10 5

81m   Royal Huisman

from $590,000 p/w eek

Elements yacht charter Yachtley Motor Yacht

Elements 12 12

80m   Yachtley

from $889,000 p/w eek

Excellence yacht charter Abeking & Rasmussen Motor Yacht

Excellence 12 7

80m   Abeking & Rasmussen

from $1,150,000 p/w eek

Aalto yacht charter Oceanco Motor Yacht

80m   Oceanco

from $861,000 p/w eek

My Dragon yacht charter Columbus Yachts Motor Yacht

My Dragon 12 7

80m   Columbus Yachts

Tatiana yacht charter Bilgin Yachts Motor Yacht

Tatiana 12 8

80m   Bilgin Yachts

from $860,000 p/w eek

Mimtee yacht charter CRN Motor Yacht

Mimtee 12 11

79m   CRN

from $965,000 p/w eek

SS Delphine yacht charter Great Lakes Ew Motor Yacht

SS Delphine 26 12

79m   Great Lakes Ew

from $445,000 p/w eek

Amaryllis yacht charter Abeking & Rasmussen Motor Yacht

Amaryllis 12 6

78m   Abeking & Rasmussen

from $770,000 p/w eek

Malia yacht charter Golden Yachts Motor Yacht

78m   Golden Yachts

from $811,000 p/w eek

Yersin yacht charter Piriou Motor Yacht

Yersin 12 8

78m   Piriou

from $480,000 p/w eek

Added to Shortlist

1 - 64 of 3,704 Yachts For Charter

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* Not offered for charter to US residents while in US waters.

♦︎ Approximate price conversion

All yacht particulars are believed correct but cannot be guaranteed.

Featured Luxury Yachts for Charter

This is a small selection of the global luxury yacht charter fleet, with 3704 motor yachts, sail yachts, explorer yachts and catamarans to choose from including superyachts and megayachts, the world is your oyster. Why search for your ideal yacht charter vacation anywhere else?

Flying Fox yacht charter

136m | Lurssen

from $3,328,000 p/week ♦︎

Ahpo yacht charter

115m | Lurssen

from $2,874,000 p/week ♦︎

O'Ptasia yacht charter

85m | Golden Yachts

from $1,001,000 p/week ♦︎

Project X yacht charter

88m | Golden Yachts

from $1,222,000 p/week ♦︎

Savannah yacht charter

84m | Feadship

from $1,111,000 p/week ♦︎

Lady S yacht charter

93m | Feadship

from $1,556,000 p/week ♦︎

Maltese Falcon yacht charter

Maltese Falcon

88m | Perini Navi

from $490,000 p/week

Kismet yacht charter

122m | Lurssen

from $3,000,000 p/week

As Featured In

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Superyacht insider exclusive sneak peek: top 5 largest superyachts at the 2024 monaco yacht show.

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The 400-foot-long Kismet embarks on her maiden voyage in the Med

When it comes to the ultimate exclusive enclave, it’s pretty hard to compete with Monaco. The world’s elite flock to the tiny principality on the French Rivera for its sunny weather, sophisticated hotels and casinos, spectacular shopping and other interesting financial reasons. And they love to drive their fast cars down the famous roads leading into the city and they love the speed and power of the legendary Monaco Grand Prix too.

Monaco Yacht Show 20224

But when it comes to the absolute pinnacle of luxury, it’s impossible to compete with owning a superyacht. And for those select few who happened to be shopping for a superyacht, there’s only one place to see nearly all of the best, and biggest, and the most technologically advanced yachts that money can buy (in addition to the tenders, and limousines, and private submarines, and luxury cars that go along with owning a superyacht) in one place—the Monaco Yacht Show that starts next week.

Renaissance is massive

During the show, the docks of Monaco’s famous port are always filled with numerous yachts that are longer than 250-feet. But this year, the largest superyacht in the show is 400-feet-long! And lots of superyachts in the 300-foot-long range will be there too!

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So, if you are lucky enough to be in Monaco later this month, I’ll see you there. But if you not, here’s a sneak peek at the five largest yachts that will be on display.

Kismet underway

What can I say about the 400-foot-long Kismet (that was built by Lürssen , features an exterior design by Nuvolari Lenard and an interior design by Reymond Langton Design and available for charter with Cecil Wright ) that can help you understand just how big a 400-foot-long superyacht is? How about, since it measures 40-feet longer than an American football field (including the end zones!), it’s safe to say that Kismet would only just barely fit inside the Jacksonville Jaguars EverBank Stadium. And that’s only if it could somehow be lowered inside from the top with a crane!

Kismet departs Lurssen shipyard in Germany

But since these photos and that explanation can’t really convey just how big Shaid Kahn ’s (the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars) new 400-foot-long superyacht is. The only way you’ll really be able to understand just how big the Jacksonville Jaguars owner’s new yacht is to see it for yourself in Monaco next week. It’s going to be largest yacht at the show and has raised the bar on what’s possible when it comes to designing, building, owning and chartering the largest yacht sin the world.

The interior for the 400-foot-long Kismet that charters for $3 million per week

And since Kismet has already spent her first season in the Mediterranean and is available for charter through Cecil Wright (instead of being hidden away for a private owner like many yachts in this size range are), you too could experience what it’s like to live the superyacht life aboard one of the largest and most opulent yachts in the world.

The interior for the 400-foot-long Kismet that charters for $3 million per week is massive

So, if you looking for a charter yacht that costs roughly $3 million per week, the Monaco Yacht Show will be the place where you can see just how opulent Kismet (and theses other superyachts too) for yourself.


The Bannenberg & Rowell-designed Renaissance that can accommodate 36 guests in 16 cabins is unlike ... [+] most other superyachts that are available to charter

The 367-foot-long, 7,200 gross ton, Bannenberg & Rowell -designed Renaissance is um, a “really big superyacht.” But what intrigues me the most is that unlike most superyachts that can only accommodate 12 guests per charter. Renaissance has been designed to swaddle 36 guests in superyacht luxury.

Renaissance underway

As you’d imagine, Renaissance has it all. Open-air dining on five decks and a dining room with 18-foot-tall ceilings on the main deck. A sushi bar. A pizza oven by the huge pool. And of course, the requisite DJ stations when it’s time to party. There’s also a massive cinema that has seating 19 guests on lower deck that’s the perfect place to just Netflix-n-chill.


And oh yeah, the spa features hot and cold plunge pools, steam room and sauna, two treatment rooms, and a full beauty salon. Contact Burgess for more info.

The all-new exterior lines of Oceanco H3

I’ve seen lots of new superyacht designs come to life thanks to the hard work, dedication, perseverance and love that the large fraternity of superyacht designers, builders, artists and countless others pour into every spectacular new yacht that gets launched.

The rebuilt Oceanco H3 got a "rockstar" relaunch.

But I must admit, after seeing the 344-foot-long Oceanco -built (and rebuilt) H3 (that was first launched in 2000) emerge after an intensive 3-year-rebuild, I’m at a loss for words. I’m in awe, actually. Because after spending time at Oceanco with the project team and the owner's representative I understand why this project is way more than just a refit.

It’s been transformed into a brand-new yacht with every modern comfort that also retains its…soul.

The accommodations onboard the 334-foot-long H3 are spectacular

The sustainability impact of this project is also pretty awe-inspiring to me too. According to Oceanco’s team of engineers, by simply using an existing hull instead of building an brand-new one resulted in a 50% reduction of carbon emissions for the build. And since H3 has been repowered with smaller yet, much more efficient engines (and her top speed has been reduced slightly) the yacht burns much less fuel than she previously did as well. Delivery time was reduced by 25% as well and hope we see more projects take this approach in the future.

The video wall in the welcome area of the Ocean co H3 is innovative as well as attention grabbing.

Oceanco’s CEO Marcel Onkenhout adds, “To say that this has been a remarkable process is an understatement. The project has called for passion, dedication, and extraordinary craftsmanship, with many involved in her creation now contributing to her recreation, including myself.” Contact Edmiston for more info.

Silver Yachts' BOLD is sure to get attention at this years Monaco Yacht Show

The 278-foot-long BOLD is the largest and most aggressive superyacht the Australian-based Silveryachts has ever built. Working in collaboration with yacht designer, Espen Øino, BOLD brings a whole new look to the explorer yacht category.

There helideck aboard BOLD is...bold!

Amels Full Custom ENERGY will be at the 2024 Monaco Yacht Show

The 255-foot long Amels full-custom yacht ENERGY that exterior designer Espen Øino and interior designer Francois Zuretti have created to provide unapparelled luxury and access to the water

The top deck’s helipad forward is a versatile space outside heliops – sun lounge, al fresco yoga studio with wraparound ocean views, a space for elevated entertainment served by the statement bar, assorted lounging areas and dayhead inside. The jacuzzi and sun pads aft allow guests to bask in the sun.

The bridge deck music lounge is designed for acoustic excellence. There is a Steinway baby grand piano and marble-topped bar. The entertainment continues in the open-air lounge aft, guests can find some privacy on the sofa forward of the bridge or keep going on the walkaround sidedecks to appreciate the anchorage from every possible vantage point.

Full-height windows in the the owner’s deck bedroom provides direct access to a private foredeck terrace, a hot tub, and a mesmerizing marble fire pit. Contact Burgess for more info.

Bill Springer

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  6. Premium Selection: The 10 Most Expensive Yachts On The Market

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  2. Top 5 Luxury Yachts in the World

  3. Top 10 Most Luxury and Expensive Yachts in the World

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  7. Most beautiful superyachts: 10 of the best as chosen by top designers

    Year: 2002 - LOA: 97m - Builder: Lürssen - Exterior: Tim Heywood - Interior: Tim Heywood. 5. Maltese Falcon. The designer Ken Freivoch, responsible for the way this beautiful yacht looks says, "We are delighted that our fellow designers should have included Maltese Falcon within their shortlist.

  8. The 15 Most Expensive Yachts in the World

    Lürssen: 'Dilbar' — $800 Million. Delivered in 2016, Lürssen's Dilbar is the largest motor yacht in the world by gross tonnage. It's also the most expensive with an original price tag ...

  9. Top 100 World's Largest Yachts

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    Rock.It. The 60.35m luxury yacht, built by Feadship, has Sinot Exclusive Yacht Design to thank for its impressive interiors. With rich, cherry woods, plush sofas and a grand spiral staircase, the opulent interiors are reminiscent of more traditional-style yacht interiors with a contemporary edge. Take a closer look at Rock.It 's interiors here.

  14. Premium Selection: The 10 World's Most Expensive Yachts

    Self-isolation aboard a private boat — whether a 454-foot superyacht or a 40-foot catamaran — is becoming a part of a new reality. In April, a self-isolated billionaire sent his first (pretty high-profile) tweet from one of the world's most expensive superyachts somewhere near Grenadines. During the summer, brokers promoted yacht charters as the "safest version of self-isolated ...

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