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Tue dec 31 2024 at 07:00 am utc+08:00, swan yacht club | perth.

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Martedì 17 Settembre 2024

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Yacht Club Costa Smeralda oggi al via le regate della 22^ Rolex Swan Cup, 101 le barche registrate

Sono 101 le barche del cantiere finlandese per questa 22^ edizione, organizzata dallo Yacht Club Costa Smeralda con il supporto di Rolex in collaborazione con Nautor Swan.

Yacht Club Costa Smeralda oggi al via le regate della 22^ Rolex Swan Cup, 101 le barche registrate

Ufficio Stampa YCCS

  • 17/09/2024 08:42

Porto Cervo, 17 settembre 2024. La Rolex Swan Cup, evento biennale giunto alla 22^ edizione, prenderà il via questa sera con lo Skipper’s briefing seguito dal Welcome cocktail sulla terrazza dello Yacht Club Costa Smeralda al quale sono invitati gli armatori degli yacht Nautor Swan assieme ai loro equipaggi.

Sono ben 101 le barche del cantiere finlandese registrate per questa 22^ edizione, come sempre organizzata dallo Yacht Club Costa Smeralda con il supporto di Rolex in collaborazione con Nautor Swan. In particolare, quest’anno si festeggiano i 40 anni di partnership: era infatti il 1984 quando la Swan Cup, in occasione della terza edizione, assunse l’attuale denominazione.

La Rolex Swan Cup è una regata dalla doppia anima, quella racing, con la gamma ClubSwan One Design e quella più orientata alle lunghe navigazioni, con i modelli heritage fino ai più moderni blue water cruiser e maxi. Sulle banchine antistanti lo YCCS si sono ritrovate ben 101 barche, una flotta composita che si dipana dai modelli del passato ai più recenti maxi. Si va dal 36 piedi tedesco Isabella al 65 piedi olandese King’s Legend, che giunse secondo alla Whitbread Round the World Race del 1977-78 , al moderno Swan 98 Drifter Cube di 30 metri, lo yacht più grande presente a Porto Cervo.

Altrettanto differenti sono gli approcci alla Rolex Swan Cup da parte degli armatori: sulle banchine di Porto Cervo si incrociano tra loro gli equipaggi familiari o di amici con i grandi nomi internazionali della vela, da Vasco Vascotto a Paul Cayard , per citarne solo due. Se gli equipaggi arrivano a Porto Cervo da tutto il mondo, la maggior parte delle barche proviene dall’Europa, ma va sottolineata la presenza di concorrenti asiatici, americani, australiani e anche dal continente africano: due armatori giapponesi (ClubSwan 28 Swing e Swan 68 Defiance), due dall’Australia (S&S 65 Eve e Swan 53 Bedouin), uno dagli USA (ClubSwan 28 Play Bigger), uno dall’Argentina (Swan 45 mod. From Now On), uno dall’India (Swan 58 Aquarius) cui si aggiunge l’armatrice egiziana del ClubSwan 36 Lady Ghada.

swan yacht club nye

La flotta alla 22^ Rolex Swan Cup 2024

La novità è il debutto a Porto Cervo del ClubSwan 28 , una sportboat monotipo di soli 8 metri e mezzo, il più piccolo modello mai costruito dal cantiere. Sono presenti alla 22^ Rolex Swan Cup 5 barche che regateranno insieme per la prima volta. Il 28 ha riscontrato l’interesse anche di armatori che già possiedono modelli più grandi, è il caso Anya Race e di Django. L’armatore Giulio Gatti già possiede lo Swan 48 Anya, mentre il socio YCCS Giovanni Lombardi Stronati, che regata sul ClubSwan 50 Django, ha acquistato per i propri figli anche un 28 battezzato con lo stesso nome. I 28 regateranno su percorsi a bastone, così come i ClubSwan 36, con 7 yacht iscritti. 

La Swan One Design Division, raggruppa tutte le barche dall’anima racing: oltre ai 28 e ai 36 include i modelli più grandi: ClubSwan 42, Swan 45 e ClubSwan 50 presenti rispettivamente con 4, 6 e 13 concorrenti. Per questi ultimi tre modelli sono previste prove a bastone ma anche una regata costiera attorno alle isole dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena. 

La Swan Maxi Division A conta 15 iscritti, tra cui l’82’ Kallima Randstad con a bordo Paul Cayard, Tommaso Chieffi e Federico Michetti, direttore delle attività sportive di Nautor Swan. Le 13 barche heritage presenti a Porto Cervo, tutte progettate dallo studio Sparkman & Stephens , fanno parte della Swan S&S Division B. La Swan Division C è la più numerosa, con 29 concorrenti.

Una volta rientrati dalla regata, i concorrenti troveranno tutti i giorni un rinfresco in piazza Azzurra. Giovedì 19 settembre gli armatori saranno ospiti all’Owners Dinner sulla terrazza dello YCCS mentre il giorno successivo è in programma il Rolex Dinner Party aperto a tutti gli equipaggi.

Le regate iniziano oggi, martedì 17 alle ore 12.00 CEST , con previsione di vento da nordest tra gli 11 e i 18 nodi. Per il resto della settimana il vento è dato in calo e in rotazione verso est. La Rolex Swan Cup si concluderà il 21 settembre dopo 5 giorni di regata


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The Rolex Swan Cup is at the starting line

Un momento della competizione del 2022 (foto Rolex/Carlo Borlenghi)

The Rolex Swan Cup, a biennial event now in its 22nd edition, will kick off today, Tuesday 17 September, with racing on a course that promises to be spectacular. Yesterday, the Skipper's briefing and Welcome cocktail on the terrace of the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda with the owners of the Nautor Swan yachts and their crews. There are 101 boats from the Finnish shipyard registered for this new edition, as always organized by the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda with the support of Rolex in collaboration with Nautor Swan. In particular, this year we are celebrating 40 years of partnership: it was in fact 1984 when the Swan Cup, on the occasion of the third edition, took on its current name.

The Rolex Swan Cup is a regatta with a dual soul, the racing one, with the ClubSwan One Design range, and the one more oriented towards long-distance sailing, with heritage models up to the most modern blue water cruisers and maxis. A total of 101 boats gathered on the docks in front of the YCCS, a composite fleet that ranges from models of the past to the most recent maxis. They range from the 36-foot German Isabella to the 65-foot Dutch King's Legend, which came second in the 1977-78 Whitbread Round the World Race, to the modern 30-metre Swan 98 Drifter Cube, the largest yacht present in Porto Cervo.

The owners' approaches to the Rolex Swan Cup are equally different: on the docks of Porto Cervo, crews of family or friends meet with the great international names in sailing, from Vasco Vascotto to Paul Cayard, to name just two. While crews come to Porto Cervo from all over the world, most of the boats come from Europe, but it is worth highlighting the presence of competitors from Asia, America, Australia and even Africa: two Japanese owners (ClubSwan 28 Swing and Swan 68 Defiance), two from Australia (S&S 65 Eve and Swan 53 Bedouin), one from the USA (ClubSwan 28 Play Bigger), one from Argentina (Swan 45 mod. From Now On), one from India (Swan 58 Aquarius) to which is added the Egyptian owner of the ClubSwan 36 Lady Ghada.

The novelty is the debut in Porto Cervo of the ClubSwan 28, a one-design sportboat of just 8.5 metres, the smallest model ever built by the shipyard. There are 5 boats present at the 22nd Rolex Swan Cup that will race together for the first time. The ClubSwan 28 has also attracted interest from owners who already own larger models, as is the case with Anya Race and Django. Owner Giulio Gatti already owns the Swan 48 Anya, while YCCS member Giovanni Lombardi Stronati, who races on the ClubSwan 50 Django, has also purchased a 28 with the same name for his children. The 28s will race on windward-leeward courses, as will the ClubSwan 36s, with 7 yachts registered. The Swan One Design Division groups together all the boats with a racing soul: in addition to the 28 and 36 it includes the larger models: ClubSwan 42, Swan 45 and ClubSwan 50 present with 4, 6 and 13 competitors respectively.

For these last three models, windward-leeward races are planned, as well as a coastal race around the islands of the La Maddalena Archipelago. The Swan Maxi Division A has 15 entries, including the 82' Kallima Randstad with Paul Cayard, Tommaso Chieffi and Federico Michetti, director of sports activities for Nautor Swan, on board. The 13 heritage boats present in Porto Cervo, all designed by the Sparkman & Stephens studio, are part of the Swan S&S Division B. The Swan Division C is the largest, with 29 competitors. Racing begins today at 12:00 with a forecast of north-east winds of between 11 and 18 knots, while for the rest of the week the wind is expected to drop and rotate towards the east. The Rolex Swan Cup will conclude on September 21st after 5 days of racing. A new opportunity for the Island of great tourist promotion: the images of the regattas will go around the world and the presence of so many prestigious crews, extraordinary boats and great international sailing champions acts as an attraction for the public of enthusiasts, who have been arriving from everywhere since last week on the occasion of the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup.

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PORTO CERVO , 16 settembre 2024, 19:53

Redazione ANSA


Prendono il via domani le regate della Rolex Swan Cup, evento biennale giunto alla 22/a edizione, organizzato dallo Yacht Club Costa Smeralda.     Sono 101 le barche del cantiere finlandese registrate per questa edizione. La Rolex Swan Cup è una regata dalla doppia anima, quella racing, con la gamma ClubSwan One Design e quella più orientata alle lunghe navigazioni, con i modelli heritage fino ai più moderni blue water cruiser e maxi.     Si va dal 36 piedi tedesco Isabella al 65 piedi olandese King's Legend, che giunse secondo alla Whitbread Round the World Race del 1977-78, al moderno Swan 98 Drifter Cube di 30 metri, lo yacht più grande presente a Porto Cervo. Altrettanto differenti sono gli approcci alla Rolex Swan Cup da parte degli armatori: sulle banchine di Porto Cervo si incrociano tra loro gli equipaggi familiari o di amici con i grandi nomi internazionali della vela, da Vasco Vascotto a Paul Cayard, per citarne solo due. Se gli equipaggi arrivano a Porto Cervo da tutto il mondo, la maggior parte delle barche proviene dall'Europa, ma va sottolineata la presenza di concorrenti asiatici, americani, australiani e anche dal continente africano: due armatori giapponesi (ClubSwan 28 Swing e Swan 68 Defiance), due dall'Australia (S&S 65 Eve e Swan 53 Bedouin), uno dagli USA (ClubSwan 28 Play Bigger), uno dall'Argentina (Swan 45 mod. From Now On), uno dall'India (Swan 58 Aquarius) cui si aggiunge l'armatrice egiziana del ClubSwan 36 Lady Ghada.        

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22nd Rolex Swan Cup kicks off tomorrow with fleet of 101 boats

22nd Rolex Swan Cup kicks off tomorrow with fleet of 101 boats

The Rolex Swan Cup, a biennial event now in its 22nd edition, is set to get underway this evening with a skipper's briefing followed by a welcome cocktail on the terrace of the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda for Nautor Swan owners along with their crews.

No less than 101 boats from the Finnish shipyard have enrolled in this 22nd edition, as always organised by the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda with the support of Rolex and in collaboration with Nautor Swan. This year marks 40 years of partnership, dating back to 1984 when the third edition of the Swan Cup adopted its current name.

The Rolex Swan Cup is a regatta with a dual soul, represented by the racing-oriented ClubSwan One Design range, alongside yachts designed for long-distance sailing, ranging from heritage models up to the more modern bluewater cruisers and maxis. The 101 boats gathered on the docks in front of the YCCS form a varied fleet, spanning a spectrum that goes from early models right up to the latest maxis. Participants range from the 36-foot Isabella from Germany, to the 65-foot King's Legend from the Netherlands, which placed second in the 1977-78 Whitbread Round the World Race, and the modern 30-metre Swan 98 Drifter Cube, the largest yacht taking part in Porto Cervo. Equally different are the approaches to the Rolex Swan Cup taken by owners: on the docks, crews of family and friends mix with major names in international sailing, from Vasco Vascotto to Paul Cayard, to name but two. While crews flock to Porto Cervo from all over the world, most of the boats here hail from Europe, but yachts have also travelled from Asia, America, Australia and Africa to take part. Two Japanese yachts (ClubSwan 28 Swing and Swan 68 Defiance) join two from Australia (S&S 65 Eve and Swan 53 Bedouin), one from the USA (ClubSwan 28 Play Bigger), one from Argentina (Swan 45 mod. From Now On), one from India (Swan 58 Aquarius) and the Egyptian ClubSwan 36 Lady Ghada.

Making its regatta debut in Porto Cervo is the ClubSwan 28, a one-design sportboat measuring just 8.5 metres - the smallest model ever built by the yard. Five boats from this new class will be racing together for the first time at the 22nd Rolex Swan Cup. Some owners of larger Swan models have been drawn to add the ClubSwan 28 to their stables, as is the case for Anya Race, whose owner Giulio Gatti already owns the Swan 48 Anya, while YCCS member Giovanni Lombardi Stronati, racing on his ClubSwan 50 Django, has also purchased a 28 of the same name for his children. The 28s will race on windward-leeward courses, as will the ClubSwan 36 class, with seven yachts entered.

The Swan One Design Division groups together all the models with a racing soul, in addition to the ClubSwan 28 and ClubSwan 36, it includes the larger ClubSwan 42, Swan 45 and ClubSwan 50 models with 4, 6 and 13 competitors respectively. The latter three classes will take on windward-leeward courses as well as a coastal race around the islands of the La Maddalena archipelago. 

The Swan Maxi Division A fields 15 entries, including the 82-footer Kallima Randstad with Paul Cayard, Tommaso Chieffi and Federico Michetti, Nautor Swan's Director of Sport Activities, on board. The 13 heritage boats present in Porto Cervo, all designed by Sparkman & Stephens, are grouped in the Swan S&S Division B. The Swan Division C is the largest class, with 29 boats competing.

On their return from racing, competitors will gather for daily refreshments in Piazza Azzurra. On Thursday 19 September, owners will attend the Owners’ Dinner on the YCCS terrace, while the following day the Rolex Dinner Party will take place for all crews.

Racing is set to start on Tuesday 17 September at 12 noon CEST, with a north-easterly wind of 11 to 18 knots forecast. Over the course of the week the breeze is forecast to decrease and shift to the east. The Rolex Swan Cup will conclude on Saturday 21 September after 5 days of racing.  

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Russian stuff blowing up: Moscow yacht club goes up in flames

Image of quaoar, author

Big ammo dump bavovna

🔥 Explosion of a russian ammunition depot. Pokrovsk direction. pic.twitter.com/Oc9BaqcsHD — ✙ Albina Fella ✙ 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇫🇷🇩🇪🇵🇱🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺 (@albafella1) June 22, 2024

Smoke on the water, the fire in the sky.

Yachts go up in smoke. Could be sabotage or could be insurance fraud or could be another careless smoker.

“ARSON in a yacht club near Moscow. More than a dozen yachts and boats burned downs.” – Baza 👉 Russian ships are racing to join the Moskva. pic.twitter.com/VeErNGzT6s — Jason Jay Smart (@officejjsmart) June 21, 2024

Sucks when you can’t even get a moped through with a six-pack of water.

The whole road is about 15 km and you can take dozens of similar photos on it. Thanks to the successful operation of drones, Russians are sitting in tree lines and  forests with a minimum of ammunition, food and water. There were cases when we destroyed a moped with which Russians tried to bring a pack of 6 bottles of water to the position.”
Bukhanka graveyard on the Kharkiv front: “The cutting of Russian logistical routes is probably one of the key reasons why Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region got bogged down. In one photo there are 5 burnt Bukhankas. The whole road is about 15 km and you can take dozens of… pic.twitter.com/j1xeg4tOhr — Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) June 22, 2024

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

🔞 Kadyrovite beats Kadyrovite. Education in the ruzzian army. pic.twitter.com/Z43RJsd2c2 — ✙ Albina Fella ✙ 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇫🇷🇩🇪🇵🇱🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺 (@albafella1) June 22, 2024

Speaking of declining morale.

According to "The Northern Channel", Russian military police have been detached to the northern Kharkiv front to suppress defections and that the highest risk of deserters is in the area of #Hyboke north of #Lyptsi where the AFU is making gains. "The military police arrived… pic.twitter.com/iiP6n69EyJ — OSINT (Uri Kikaski) 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 (@UKikaski) June 18, 2024

Russia continues to round up migrants workers for cannon fodder duty in Ukraine.

Barnaul is in Siberia south of Novosibirsk.

Russia: FSB conducted a massive raid, lining up over 200 people outside night clubs and bars in Barnaul, near Novosibirsk. Some were severely beaten and gunshots were also heard. pic.twitter.com/GnCigcBE8S — Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) June 22, 2024
45 migrants were forced at gunpoint to sit under the scorching sun This is how Russian law enforcers conducted another raid on migrants at a construction site in Voronezh. Those who are found to have a Russian passport are often taken to the military recruitment center. pic.twitter.com/vIDBiSWGRH — NEXTA (@nexta_tv) June 22, 2024

It’s basically an armored taxi.

In this video a Ukrainian soldier breaks down why this T-62 is a pile of shit.

The Ukrainian Army released an extensive video of the infamous Russian turtle tanks. They are far worse than expected. Underneath that garbage is an old T-62M. The gun is not operational, there is no ammunition and the turret is locked in place. The panels are sheet metal… pic.twitter.com/s33mm5zg5w — (((Tendar))) (@Tendar) June 22, 2024

Another 1,110 Russian soldiers.

Russian losses per 22/06/24 reported by the Ukrainian general staff +1110 men +8 tanks +11 APVs +28 artillery pieces +15 UAVs +4 cruise missiles pic.twitter.com/5Ul2ZRCfB0 — NOELREPORTS 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 (@NOELreports) June 22, 2024
At least 4 285 Russian officers have been eliminated in Ukraine, +27 since last update. Minimum losses since 24 February 2022. Each name is confirmed by a Russian source via funeral notices, obituaries, graves, news platforms, monuments and memorial plaques. pic.twitter.com/KDBMXg72CZ — KIU ✪ Russian Officers killed in Ukraine 🇨🇿🇺🇦 (@KilledInUkraine) June 22, 2024

It reminds me of the old German V1 rocket

Breaking: Nikolayevsky Vanekreported reported on his TG Channel that the AFU has recovered remnants of an Iranian Atash-1/2 jet-powered OWUAV which was shot down and crash-landed near the town of #Ochakiv , Mykolaiv Oblast. The Atash drones are jet powered and appear to be cruise… pic.twitter.com/pk86jtAGin — OSINT (Uri Kikaski) 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 (@UKikaski) June 22, 2024

Russians continue to shell Kharkiv.

The Russians dropped 4 x FAB UMPC's on the center of Kharkiv earlier today. Currently, there are 2 dead and 23 injured but the debris are still being cleared to search for more victims. #OSINT #UkraineWar #UkraineKrieg #Ukraine #Russia #NAFO REPOST APPRECIATED!!! pic.twitter.com/TjhXf2BNnu — OSINT (Uri Kikaski) 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 (@UKikaski) June 22, 2024
The moment of the guided aerial bomb hit in Kharkiv The number of wounded has increased to 37. https://t.co/CTXKu85FC3 pic.twitter.com/1lduAfIJ3S — Maria Drutska 🇺🇦 (@maria_drutska) June 22, 2024

No, no, no. We weren’t trying to hit the residential building. We were trying to hit the hospital.

Russian propagandists now claim their target in Kharkiv was not a residential building but a police hospital. Their open admission of calls for war crimes is truly outrageous. Watch this and imagine it’s your Saturday afternoon pic.twitter.com/tP2BLSUoT8 — Maria Avdeeva (@maria_avdv) June 22, 2024

Well, what can ya do? You can’t hide in your basement 24/7.

Residents of the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv shock with their calmness People continue to relax by the pool while explosions are heard on the horizon. A residential apartment building was damaged as a result of the attack. 18 people were injured, 2 dead. pic.twitter.com/NjgwsCbIGz — NEXTA (@nexta_tv) June 22, 2024

Russia not only commits war crimes like bombing a school, they posted video about it.

Russian sources are posting a video of what they describe as the "second use" of a FAB-3000 M-54 S UMPC in the #Liptsy area. Geolocation: 50.193348, 36.436196 The structure is the Slobozhanskaya School which is closed as civilians have been evacuated from the entire area. The… pic.twitter.com/2GUgssOi5I — OSINT (Uri Kikaski) 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 (@UKikaski) June 21, 2024

This attack is in Ivano-Frankivsk, which is southeast of Lviv in western Ukraine.

The aftermath of the night attack on Ivano-Frankivsk Oil and Gas University In addition, 14 buildings, a lyceum, a kindergarten were damaged in the city. pic.twitter.com/Iz5WRyGRxZ — Maria Drutska 🇺🇦 (@maria_drutska) June 22, 2024

In  this video  a Russian soldier is wounded by an FPV drone. While he is lying in the road and his comrade walks up to him, he motions to his head. His comrade then finishes him off with a shot to the head.

Life is brutal in the Russian Army.

You can believe that this is the result of climate change if you like, but clearly this is the wrath of God at work. Expect to see locust swarms and frogs next.

🌪️ Russia: Tornadoes in Moscow injured over 40 people. Experts say the frequency and intensity of the phenomenon is increasing due to climate change. pic.twitter.com/KjpDe2Qd8t — Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) June 21, 2024

Lukashenko says being president of Belarus is “fiddle-faddle” and that he dreams of milking cows.

Lukashenko told how he milks cows in his dreams. Also, during a visit to a dairy complex, he said the best job is in agriculture, and the presidency is fiddle-faddle. pic.twitter.com/AwpScZES7F — Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) June 22, 2024

This is why Ukraine will eventually win.

A Russian drone was taken out by Ukrainian EW, local people grabbed it and repaired it and sent it to the ukrainian army. Hah. pic.twitter.com/CRN6SgE3Vy — Andrew Perpetua (@AndrewPerpetua) June 22, 2024

Rest in peace.

💔 In Kherson region, our colleague Oleksandr Chekhun was killed in an enemy attack while on duty at a checkpoint As a result of a Russian drone attack, an inspector of the patrol police response sector of the Kherson Police Department No. 1, a senior police lieutenant, was… pic.twitter.com/GTX7nTxG7a — Andrew Perpetua (@AndrewPerpetua) June 22, 2024

No peppers? No green beans?

Because they are #Ukrainians ❗️😜🤣 The Ukrainian military man showed his trenches, where onions, cucumbers, dill , tomatoes are planted evenly and neatly... This nation cannot be defeated❗️☝️ pic.twitter.com/aeLupjZMbu — Olena_Wave🇺🇦 (@OlenaWave) June 22, 2024

Life goes on in Kyiv.

One more video from the festival in Kyiv for you. To tell you the truth, I meant to walk in the botanical garden and enjoy the nature. But it was a festival there 🙈 oops. Perhaps you will ask why the girls put the ribbons on the tree. I don’t know. Maybe it is some tradition… pic.twitter.com/tMaoP68LGa — Yaroslava Antipina (@strategywoman) June 22, 2024

Soledar needs a new home.

Meet Soledar, a cat who lost his home in the bombed city he’snamed after. Now he lives at a military strongpoint, nestled btwn tires, with 80th Brigade soldiers as family. Stressed by constant shelling, he needs evacuation from frontline. This war cat seeks a peaceful home. pic.twitter.com/ddyMNLyIRj — Euromaidan Press (@EuromaidanPress) June 22, 2024

Man’s best friend and his backup vocals.

Peaceful night to all good people 😴💤 And let Russia burn. pic.twitter.com/Vy9PCw1QJU — 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐎𝐌𝐒𝐀 | 🇪🇺🇫🇷🇵🇱🇺🇦 (@tweetforAnna) June 21, 2024

Swan Yacht Club


Happy New Year to our SYC family! 2021 was an interesting year but we have high hopes for 2022. This year we aim to continue to improve our facility and member services to do our best to provide a quality experience at Swan Yacht Club for members and our guests.

We can’t wait to see you at the club in the new year with your friends and family for a meal, drink or catch up.

Book a table via (08) 9339 3520.


  1. New Year'S Eve at Swan Yacht Club!

    Say goodbye to 2023 from $30 to see Diamond Road perform, or for $60 you can enjoy a buffet dinner followed by an evening of entertainment. Bookings are essential, please call (08) 9339 3520 to confirm. Band plays until 12:30am bringing in 2024! Listen to the band as they countdown into the new year. Band first set starts at 8:30pm. Members: $30.

  2. New Year's Eve Concert

    The Swan Yacht Club Presents 2022 - 2022 New Year's Eve Concert. Doors open at 7:30PM featuring 'The Easy Streets' band. Tickets are $50 Per Person. $20 for Kids (Up to 12 Years Old) Includes Food Stations. Tickets through reception on (08) 9339 3520. Add to calendar. Christmas Day Lunch. Members Night (Boaties & Social Members)

  3. Celebrate the SYC New Year

    The official SYC NYE Party! Say goodbye to 2023 from $30 to see Diamond Road perform, or for $60 you can enjoy a buffet dinner followed by an evening of entertainment. Bookings are essential, please call (08) 9339 3520 to confirm. Band plays until 12:30am bringing in 2024! Listen to the band as they countdown into the new year.

  4. Swan Yacht Club

    The countdown for NYE is on! Join us at the SYC for a night to celebrate! Party and watch Diamond Road perform from $30, or for $60 you can enjoy a buffet dinner followed by an evening of entertainment 壟

  5. Swan Yacht Club

    It's almost time for our NYE Party! Say goodbye to 2023 at the SYC! For $30, you can party and see Diamond Road perform, or for $60, you can enjoy a...

  6. Swan Yacht Club

    Don't forget to book your table for our NYE Party! Say goodbye to 2023 from $30 to see Diamond Road perform, or for $60 you can enjoy a buffet dinner followed by an evening of entertainment. Let's...

  7. 2024 New Year's Eve Concert, Swan Yacht Club, Perth, 31 December 2024

    Ring in 2025 at the Swan Yacht Club's New Year's Eve Concert, with a performance from HI-NRG! Tickets: $35 Members $40 Guests $15 kids under 12 years old Tickets are on sale now, please contact reception on (08) 9339 3520 to secure your tickets! Advertisement. Event Venue & Nearby Stays ...

  8. Swan Yacht Club

    Early bird tickets are on sale now for NYE at the SYC! See the Diamond Road perform for $30 Members, $35 for guests, or grab dinner and a show for $60 Members, $62... Swan Yacht Club - Have you planned New Year's Eve?

  9. 2024 New Year's Eve Concert

    About the event 2024 New Year's Eve Concert. Ring in 2025 at the Swan Yacht Club's New Year's Eve Concert, with a performance from HI-NRG! Tickets: $35 Members. $40 Guests. $15 kids under 12 years old. Tickets are on sale now, please contact reception on (08) 9339 3520 to secure your tickets! You may also like the following events from ...

  10. News

    CELEBRATE 120 YEARS OF SYC. Join us to help celebrate history, community spirit and 120 years of life on the River! "It is generally agreed that the Swan Yacht Club was founded around 1903, but we have no documentation of these early years. The inaugural meeting was held at the Plympton Hotel on August 3, 1904, attended by three gentlemen.

  11. Yacht Club Costa Smeralda oggi al via le regate della 22^ Rolex Swan

    Sono ben 101 le barche del cantiere finlandese registrate per questa 22^ edizione, come sempre organizzata dallo Yacht Club Costa Smeralda con il supporto di Rolex in collaborazione con Nautor Swan. In particolare, quest'anno si festeggiano i 40 anni di partnership: era infatti il 1984 quando la Swan Cup, in occasione della terza edizione ...

  12. The Rolex Swan Cup is at the starting line

    There are 101 boats from the Finnish shipyard registered for this new edition, as always organized by the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda with the support of Rolex in collaboration with Nautor Swan.

  13. Vela: tutto pronto per la Rolex Swan Cup a Porto Cervo

    Prendono il via domani le regate della Rolex Swan Cup, evento biennale giunto alla 22/a edizione, organizzato dallo Yacht Club Costa Smeralda. Sono 101 le barche del cantiere finlandese registrate ...

  14. New Years Eve at CorkScrew!

    When: December 31, 2023 @ 11:30 am - January 1, 2024 @ 12:30 am NEW YEARS EVE Open NYE 11:30am - 12:30am Live Music 7:30pm - 12:30am w/ Beartoe Complimentary Midnight Champagne Toast NEW YEARS DAY Open NYD 11:30am - 9pm Brunch Menu 11:30am - 3pm Southern Ham Dinner … New Years Eve at CorkScrew! Read More »

  15. Home

    The Swan Yacht Club in East Fremantle is the perfect place to relax and have a meal or a few drinks, overlooking the Swan River. For Members & Guests, the club offers a variety of annual entertaining events with both indoor and outdoor areas available for functions. Experience a warm welcome from our staff and mingle with other members in the community.

  16. Swan Yacht Club

    New Year, New Adventures! Set Sail into 2024 with a membership at the Swan Yacht Club. Explore our website to discover the various Membership options tailored for you today!

  17. 22nd Rolex Swan Cup kicks off tomorrow with fleet of 101 boats

    No less than 101 boats from the Finnish shipyard have enrolled in this 22nd edition, as always organised by the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda with the support of Rolex and in collaboration with Nautor Swan. This year marks 40 years of partnership, dating back to 1984 when the third edition of the Swan Cup adopted its current name.

  18. Home

    Coordinates: 43.3969° N, 72.0634° W. Phone : 603-763-5961. General Email : [email protected]. MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES: [email protected]. Commodore: David Goddard. Email: [email protected]. Please note that LSYC is a seasonal club so the phone is not manned during the winter months. Use an email address above during the off season and we ...

  19. Russian stuff blowing up: Moscow yacht club goes up in flames

    Smoke on the water, the fire in the sky. Yachts go up in smoke. Could be sabotage or could be insurance fraud or could be another careless smoker. "ARSON in a yacht club near Moscow. More than a ...

  20. New Years Eve About To Sell Out!

    New Year's Eve at the club has less than twenty tickets left. THE DETAILS:Join us on Thursday 31st December for a special 2020/2021 New Years Eve Party upstairs at the club. ... Swan Yacht Club. Riverside Rd, East Fremantle WA 6158 [email protected] (08) 9339 3520 . BAR OPENING TIMES. Monday: Closed Tuesday: 11am - 5pm ...

  21. NYE Countdown Party at The Swan Yacht Club

    Food event in Perth, WA, Australia by Swan Yacht Club on Monday, December 31 2018

  22. A Silver Lining: 'Spinnaker Party' survives the CYC fire

    A Silver Lining: 'Spinnaker Party' survives the CYC fire. The cause of the fire at the California Yacht Club is being investigated. First thing Tuesday morning I was awakened by the ping of a text saying the California Yacht Club had burned down. Like many people who have been members of the more than 100-year-old club that has been in ...


    Happy New Year to our SYC family! 2021 was an interesting year but we have high hopes for 2022. This year we aim to continue to improve our facility and member services to do our best to provide a quality experience at Swan Yacht Club for members and our guests. We can't wait to see […]