world's most beautiful yacht

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Most beautiful superyachts: 10 of the best as chosen by top designers

  • Superyachts

What turns a superyacht into a thing of beauty? We asked scores of the world's leading yacht designers to list the 10 most beautiful superyachts ever built...

The only rules were that they couldn’t pick one of their own and they had to be luxury superyachts over 30 metres. With the votes counted, we can now reveal our definitive rundown of the most beautiful yachts in the world.

We’ve even enlisted some of those same designers to explain what makes the final ten yachts so special. Scroll down to see the full top 10 and read more about each model.

10 of the most beautiful superyachts of all time


10. Limitless

James Roy, managing director of BMT Nigel Gee believes her to be one of the most beautiful superyachts in the world and writes:

“One of the earlier breed of superyachts Limitless is in my opinion from a period when the volume of superstructures were not over imposing producing a well balanced yacht. These proportions coupled with the sheer line and well matched angles of bow profile and rake of superstructure ends all work together.”

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Certainly with her dark blue hull and glistening white superstructure she cuts quite a dash and at night her comprehensive array of on deck illumination and underwater lighting make her look nothing short of spectacular proving that yachts can have beauty 24 hours a day.

Year: 1997 – LOA: 96.25m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Jon Bannenburg – Interior: Catroux

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“It’s a great pleasure to pay tribute to an iconic thoroughbred such as Skat , still standing tall on the horizon,” says Tim Saunders of Rainsford Saunders Design. “Despite her military looks, this is a true superyacht, engineered as a ship at heart and built from the keel up, with every square metre fulfilling the owner’s brief. Skat is a unique design but has not broken traditional yachting rules for the sake of it.

She is a superyacht that has been devised to offer the owner a well-considered relationship between external and internal living spaces, and unlike many of her sisters, she doesn’t opt for maximum density. Skat ’s combination of poise, elegance and balance comes from a clever use of straight, angular lines, facetted surfaces and enhanced ship details.

Each component comes together in a harmonious relationship to offer a daring and bold statement that from a distance has the grace and elegance of something far more organic. She is a yacht that catches your eye from all angles.”

Year: 2002 – LOA: 70.7m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Espin Oeino – Interior: Marco Zanini


8. Alfa Nero

“When we first saw Alfa Nero we were impressed by her smooth exterior lines,” say Mareid Moosbrugger and Georg Decker of Egg and Dart Design. “The superstructure is sleek and elegant without any angular or hard corners. We consider her to be one of the most beautiful yachts afloat today, and we can easily understand why our colleagues agree.

“Walking around her at the 2007 Monaco Yacht Show , we felt the three-dimensional use of space was harmonious with the elements, and there was a true balance between the inside and outside areas of the yacht, with the exterior spaces maintaining a close connection with the natural environment of the sea and sky.

“The decks are open and airy, yet there is a feeling of being safely cocooned, and the superb aft deck in particular maintains a feeling of being at one with the ocean, which is emphasised by the huge pool. The yacht impressed us as a gentle giant: on the one hand huge, voluminous and technically advanced; on the other, stylish, glossy and surprisingly cosy.

“The beautiful interior features a timeless but modern design with elements of Art Deco, and everywhere you can see that the smallest details have been attended to. This yacht is a perfect combination of design, functionality and vision, and offers a unique ambience.”

Year: 2007 – LOA: 81.27m – Builder: Oceanco – Exterior: Nuvolari-Lenard – Interior: Alberto Pinto


Designer Reymond Langton says: “At the time of her creation, she was the largest yacht that we had signed and would be the largest the yard had built. The client is a very experienced yacht owner and for him to have put his trust in us when we had nothing of our own in the water at the time was a massive vote of confidence.

“He allowed us to be a little experimental with the design – this was the first large yacht with a plumb bow. It was fantastic to have landed another contract where we were able to design the exterior and interior as it gave us much more control over the whole project, and gave us the scope to really harmonise the spaces.

“It also allowed us to work hand in hand together, which we thoroughly enjoy and believe delivers the best results for the client. We think she stands out because she has a very striking profile that is easily recognisable from a distance.

“She has a lot of presence on the water due to her powerful lines. Anyone who has been on board will tell you that the high-volume interior feels incredibly luxurious.”

Year: 2007 – LOA: 68.0m – Builder: Abeking & Rasmussen – Exterior: Reymond Langton Design – Interior: Reymond Langton Design


6. Carinthia VII

The Austrian supermarket heiress Heidi Horten replaced Carinthia VI (see below) with this very secret yacht rumoured to run at 26 knots. Voting her as his most beautiful yacht, Rupert Mann of Rainsford Mann Design said, “97m is a good length for a designer to work with, as it gives an opportunity to design longitudinally not vertically and therefore create an elegant yacht which appears low and sleek.

“What makes the design of Carinthia VII so successful is the enhancement of this due to the pure and elegant sheer line that draws your eye from the bow to stern so effortlessly. The clever trick of dropping the sheer line one deck down aft, gives it a dynamic and purposeful bow shape forward, as if carving its path with consummate ease.

The horizontal lines of the super structure are equally uncomplicated, in this instance resisting the addition of unnecessary detail such as fashion plates that often complicate a design. Ultimately I think the strength of the design manifests through its simplicity. It is the most successful of designs, which can be called a ‘timeless classic’.

“A design that will be successful in every genre modern or classic and in every decade, that even 7 years later still is relevant and pleasing to the eye. I would suspect it is this timeless styling and the sheer simplicity, coupled with the poise and balance of the whole composition, that is so appealing to so many of us.”

Year: 2002 – LOA: 97m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Tim Heywood – Interior: Tim Heywood


5. Maltese Falcon

The designer Ken Freivoch, responsible for the way this beautiful yacht looks says, “We are delighted that our fellow designers should have included Maltese Falcon within their shortlist. She was designed without any attempt to be ostentatious or to conform to a set style – it was very much a case of “form follows function”, albeit with very careful attention to essential design principles, balanced proportions and uncluttered and purposeful shapes totally derived from the function they are designed to perform.

The yacht is significant in her innovative sailing system, and our studio took this as a clue to develop the design around such technology, with every effort to develop beautiful and unique solutions aimed at highlighting her unique rig. I can only surmise that a reason why she may have been selected by designers is that she is not a “trendy” design, but the result of going back to first principles, coming out with original and unique solutions, and achieve continuity of concept through from the external styling to the interior design.

A case in point would be the design of the “spider” feature at the aft deck – originally the result of a last minute request from the naval architects to achieve optimum separation between the bearings at the mizzen mast, the announcement from Gerry Dijkstra came something like: “Hey Ken, if we had to place the top bearing for the aft mast 1m above the deck, in the middle of the aft deck – would that be a problem?

“Can you come up with a way to do this, which Tom will not object to? We took this as a clue to design an elegant and purposeful set of arches or buttresses to shore up the bearing in question, and at the same time underline what a unique “machine” the Falcon is – express such function very much along the lines of a watchmaker showing the inner workings of a beautifully crafted watch. Maltese Falcon was a great challenge, exactly the type of challenge that our design team relishes.

For us, the thrill, the excitement and the ultimate satisfaction is to come up with totally unique, “out-of-the-box” solutions, and achieve a design which the owner can feel was truly conceived and executed in response to his brief, to his preferences and to the very specific requirements set out for the project.”

Year: 2006 – LOA: 88m – Builder: Perini Navi – Exterior: Gerard Dijstra – Interior: Ken Freivoch


Espen Oenio was at the time of the design working with Martin Francis and describes the commissioning owner – Mexican media magnate Emilio Azcarraga – as a wonderfully charismatic man. He remembers one meeting in particular early on in the project.

They were at the time sitting on board the owner’s then yacht Lady Azteca (now Achilles ), when he laid out what was to become the mission statement for the whole design process. He told the design team: “I am a very private man. I never spend time in port, I am always cruising. But when I do go into port, I want my presence to be felt through my boat.”

James Roy of BMT Nigel Gee is one designer who voted for Enigma . “It was not until I set eyes on her in the flesh at Cowes Week in 1999 that I really came to appreciate her beauty,” he says.

“The reverse sheer, the sweeping aft deck and those iconic windows – they all meld together to produce a yacht that visually works to perfection and is thoroughly striking even today, 18 years after her launch. It’s very different from anything else that is around.”

Theo Werner of Werner Yacht Design is equally enthusiastic. “When the design of this yacht was first published, I was stunned,” he says. “And when the first photographs appeared in the magazines, I was even more stunned.

“She introduced a new way of thinking that even surpassed the designs of Bannenberg, who I admire very much. Eco included many aspects that are foreign to other ships and yachts, yet Martin Francis managed to combine these with everything that make a ship pretty, such as sleekness, the suggestion of a low freeboard a small superstructure.”

She was subsequently sold to Larry Ellison and is now owned by the British businessman Aidan Barclay and his brother.

Year: 1991 – LOA: 74.5m – Builder: Blomhm & Voss – Exterior: Martin Francis – Interior: Francois Zuretti


3. Endeavour

“Endeavour is one of my favourite yachts for a number of reasons,” Ed Dubois told SuperYacht World . “Firstly, she is a J Class yacht – one of only a few ever built. This class epitomised the very peak of yacht design before World War II and remains still, in technical terms, a class apart. These yachts were extreme in every way and demanded technology that was then in its infancy.

“They were superb yachts to sail upwind, but they were also fast reaching and downwind. They demanded a very high level of sailing skill, and indeed a high level of boatbuilding skill.

“ Endeavour , I believe, is the most beautiful of all the Js built. Her purity of line is exquisite and I think the shape of the sheer is slightly better than any of the others including Velsheda (by the same designer).

“Charles Nicholson designed Endeavour in 1933 and she was used to challenge for the America’s Cup in 1934. It was universally acknowledged that she was faster than the defender Rainbow , and she won the first two races, but better sailing by the Americans allowed them to win overall.

“She has captured the imagination of so many people including, happily, Elizabeth Meyer, who acquired the yacht in the seventies and rebuilt her almost from scratch.

“I believe there is some original plate still present but the hull was rebuilt in the UK and then taken to Royal Huisman Shipyard to be fitted out. The interior, by John Munford, is beautiful – obviously not what was fitted originally when she was a pure racing yacht, but Munford created something that is entirely fitting.

“Endeavour is not a practical yacht to own. She can only be sailed in reasonable conditions, she requires a large crew to race her, most of whom by necessity must sleep ashore, and maintaining a yacht of this type, particularly with regard to sails, rigging, etc is not inexpensive. However, for sheer sailing performance, romantic appeal and beauty I believe she is second to none.”

Year: 1934 – LOA: 39.6m – Builder: Camper & Nicholson – Exterior: C & N – Interior: C & N


Designer Tim Heywood says: “When a client gives you carte blanche to create a design, it is a blessing and a curse, if you do not rise to the challenge, you will not gain the approval of your client or, eventually, the respect of your peers.

“ Pelorus was a great project for us and we are extremely pleased with the end result, as was the client. I was able to develop the internal general arrangement plan, the external global styling themes and the practical engineering details to a level I had not achieved before.

The organic curves & forms of the superstructure are echoed in the lines of the hull, tying the two forms together, to produce a harmony that is easy on the eye, was quite unique at the time and, hopefully, will not date.

“The belt line that runs forward from the stern and sweeps down towards the anchor pocket, is inspired by the armour plating of the light cruiser HMS Belfast , which still lives just up stream from our old London studio.

“If I succeeded in creating a yacht that is thought of as attractive, by my brothers in arms of the design world, I am very pleased. Informed comments from professional, talented designers and client, means more than from any other source, especially if they are not negative!

“My partner, Vanessa, came up with our project name, we always give a name to our yachts, rather than a sterile number, and the client liked the name so much that he confirmed Pelorus as the yacht’s eventual name. The yacht has changed hands, but we are very pleased to see that she has retained her original name.”

“If I succeeded in creating a yacht that is thought of as attractive by my brothers-in-arms of the design world, I am very pleased. Informed comment from professional, talented designers and clients means more than from any other source – especially when they are positive!”

Year: 2003 – LOA: 115m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Tim Heywood – Interior: Terrence Disdale


1. Carinthia VI

Dickie Bannenburg of Bannenburg Designs say: “Famously, and perhaps notoriously, Carinthia VI owes her existence to the fact that her elder sibling Carinthia V survived for only a few months before ending her days several fathoms down in Greek waters.

:The unfortunate captain struggled ashore to find a phone to have an awkward phone conversation with Helmut Horten, his Owner. Mr Horten rang my father up almost the following day and told him to start work on her replacement which has now become, in an often over used phrase, a yachting icon.

“She certainly wasn’t an icon when she appeared out of the Lürssen shed for the first time. With dramatic superstructure on a slim frigate-based hull, grilles and that distinctive blue windshield forward of the wheelhouse, my father’s design scared the pants off people and the perception of him hardened amongst conventional designers and naval architects as a dangerous radical. But now her pared down lines and slender masculinity scream good taste, restraint and a sense of suave style that is rarely seen these days.

“Certainly her interior was purposeful, code for slightly austere, and by today’s standards there was not much interior volume for lavish living, not least due to the presence of three mighty MTU diesels. There are no swoops, no complicated fashion plates and absolutely no ability to walk down steps at the transom to a nice bathing platform.

“But all the better for it. Life on board was, I understand, conducted with a certain Austrian precision and Carinthia ’s elegant and taut exterior, with deep blue paintwork and her gold coachwork stripe cut an unmistakeable dash in the harbours of the Cote d’Azur as she still does today.

“My father was very proud of her. Of course I’m even more proud that his design of almost forty years ago has such an enduring impact.”

Year: 2003 – LOA: 115m – Builder: Lürssen – Exterior: Bannenberg – Interior: Bannenberg

First published in the January 2015 issue of Superyacht World.

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world's most beautiful yacht

20 of the World’s Most Luxurious Yachts

Yachts represent luxury at its highest level, but even so, not all yachts and tenders are created equal. When it comes to the world’s most luxurious yachts, they include features and amenities that were designed to cater to the world’s most pretentious individuals. Bedrooms with queen-sized beds and glass chandeliers just don’t cut it anymore. The world’s elite expects plush king-sized beds, crystal chandeliers, powerful engines, and even helipads. The yachts that you’re about to admire are the best of the best in their class, meaning that we’re not going to include large superyachts exclusively.

In some cases, motor yachts offer that perfect blend of comfort, speed, and versatility. Ideal for shorter trips or weekend getaways, these yachts are synonymous with freedom without compromise. Now that we’re done with introductions, let’s have a look at the world’s most luxurious yachts and superyachts.

20. Sirena 64 Yacht.

Created by a Turkish shipyard named Sirena Yachts, the Sirena 64 yacht is a chic long-range cruising vessel that measures in at 68 feet or 20 meters. Obviously, this isn’t the largest yacht in the world, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, as some customers are simply looking for smaller, more nimble, and lighter yachts for their cruising needs.

The interior layout sketched out by Spadolini Design Studio includes several large living spaces, including the bow with its luxe Jacuzzi, and the flybridge area. As far as accommodations are concerned, Sirena 64 offers two en-suite staterooms for guests, while the owners benefit from their own 258-square-feet master suite, which is complemented by a full-beam bathroom. There’s also an optional cabin for 2 crew members on board, which means that eight people can be accommodated on board this vessel at any given time.

Light and airy, the yacht boasts high-quality light-colored fabrics and furnishings, as well as dark wood floors and ceilings for a touch of contrast. The lower decks benefit from LED illumination, which complements the natural lighting provided by the windows. The flybridge measures 410 square feet, and it was designed with entertainment in mind. There’s also a teak swim platform at sea level, a private dining area, and several sunbeds.

Sirena 64 further benefits from a semi-displacement GRP hull and a pair of CAT C12.9 engines that enable a top speed of 27 knots. The yacht is priced at about $1.6 million, which is definitely not an overwhelming sum in the yachting world.

19. Arcadia Yachts Sherpa.

While fully solar-powered vessels are still a bit far into the future at the time of writing, we’re happy to report that forward-thinking companies such as Arcadia Yachts are taking steps in the right direction. What we have here is the Arcadia Yachts Sherpa, which measures 55-feet in length and is available in various configurations that are designed to suit its owner’s needs to the letter.

The name “Sherpa” is related to the Nepalese people that inhabit the most mountainous region of the Himalayas, and it is a fitting, graceful name if you ask us. The vessel’s versatility is proven by two superstructure configurations, one of which includes an open deck perfectly suited for cargo transport, while the other offers a saloon deck. No matter the choice, Sherpa’s lower deck can include one, two, or three cabins, but we should also mention the galley, bridge, and dining area.

Yes, Arcadia Yachts has decided to implement solar panels into its new creation, panels that harness the power of the sun to animate all of the vessel’s onboard systems. The panels are built-in directly into the superstructure, by the way. Thanks to a selection of lightweight materials, the yacht can reach a respectable cruising speed of 20 knots, while the top speed sits at 25 knots.

The Arcadia Yachts Sherpa is the proud winner of two awards at World Yachts Trophies, namely “Most innovative yacht from 50 to 80 feet” , and “ Boat of the Year in the motor yacht category.”

18. Sanlorenzo SL96 Special Edition Superyacht.

Built specifically for the Chinese market by the renowned Italian shipyard Sanlorenzo, the Sanlorenzo SL96 superyacht is in a league of its own when it comes to comfort, spaciousness, and lavishness. This contemporary masterpiece measures 96 feet in length and was designed by the CEO of Sanlorenzo China Holding himself, Traugott Kaminski.

Flaunting 3 decks in total, the Sanlorenzo SL96 offers a high degree of privacy for its fortunate owners, and that’s because the Chinese prefer to use their superyachts for business endeavors or formal entertaining opportunities. Therefore, the yacht was designed in such a way that it would allow the crewmembers to go about their business without disturbing the owners and their guests in any way.

Speaking of the crew members, it’s worth noting that their accommodations can be found at the front part of the lower deck, and they include 2 cabins for up to 4 members. These cabins feature their own showers and ensuite toilets, which means that the crew would always look respectable and would be ready to provide irreproachable service as needed. As with many other Sanlorenzo superyachts, the SL96 is highly customizable and built specifically according to its owner’s preference. For this particular vessel, Traugott Kaminski designed vast open spaces that are flooded with natural light thanks to floor-to-ceiling windows.

Accommodations for the guests involve 4 cabins for up to 10 people. The owner’s suite flaunts high-end amenities as well as walk-in showers for 2 and double vanity units, but the VIP cabin is definitely quite impressive as well. The “regular” guests would find more than adequate sleeping arrangements in 2 guest cabins that feature a pair of single beds as well as a pull-down bed each.

As you would expect from a yacht of this caliber, the Sanlorenzo SL96 includes only the finest materials in its composition, materials such as marble, leather, and European wood. As far as entertainment is concerned, the flybridge includes its own Jacuzzi, a dining table, a flat-screen TV, a special teppanyaki cooking station and a comfortable lounging area.

The active types will be glad to know that the vessel can also carry 2 jet skis as well as a large tender boat in its lower deck. We invite you to have a look at the following images in order to admire this glorious superyacht yourself.

17. Mangusta Oceano 42 Superyacht.

What we have here is a superyacht that was designed to inspire. Its spacious decks, luxurious living arrangements, and exceptional power output make it ideal for relaxing cruising trips all over the world, but honestly, we would expect nothing less from Mangusta, which is an Overmarine Group Brand since 1985. The Mangusta Oceano 42 measures 141 feet in length, or just about 42 meters, and its unique three-deck design was envisioned by Maurizio Balducci.

Boasting a full-aluminum displacement, which is a first for this particular company, this yacht is as elegant as it is imposing, and since it is powered by a pair of MTU 12V 2000 M72 engines, it can reach a cruising speed of 11 knots while offering a generous range of 5,000 nm. The top speed is 15 knots, by the way.

All that aside, it’s time to have a look at some of its most important features, including the social U-shape area, the open sunbathing deck space, and the bar. There’s also a beach club and a bridge deck that comes with its own private breakfast area and wind-free zone, which offers perfect opportunities for relaxation. The foredeck is an open space that comprises an infinity pool and a series of large sun pads.

Accommodation-wise, there are two double cabins and two twin cabins for guests, while the owner benefits from his own lavish cabin. For the crew, the Mangusta Oceano 42 offers three twin cabins, and there’s also a separate cabin reserved for the captain.

16. Aria.S Superyacht.

Representing the very first vessel from Arcadia Yachts’ 100 series, the Aria.S superyacht is as luxurious as it is eco-friendly. Usually, yachts need to use up a lot of fuel in order to be able to ensure the comfort of their passengers, to say nothing of the speeds they need to achieve in order to reach their destinations in a timely manner. However, Aria.S actually includes a series of photovoltaic cells on top of its superstructure, which ensures a total output of 5 kW – plenty of power for all of the vessel’s electrical systems and equipment.

The modern and sleek shape of the yacht’s body was sketched out by Arcadia Yachts in collaboration with Francesco Guida Design and the National Physical Laboratory Of England. When it comes to amenities, we should mention the Skydeck with its Arcadia Wheel, and the L-shaped lounging area that offers perfect opportunities for relaxation and fun. The low-profile interior design complemented by sliding doors give off a functional, minimalistic vibe, while the main decor elements include shades of red and gray.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to present more vessels such as this in the near future, as we believe that eco-friendliness should eventually find its way to some of the world’s most important industries, whether we’re talking about yacht building, motorcycles, cars, and even aircraft.

15. Invictus 280SX Yacht.

The highly appreciated SX series from Invictus Yachts has just received a new member. We’re talking about the Invictus 280SX, of course, a beautiful vessel equipped with contemporary technologies and classic comforts. Designed with performance and leisure in mind, the 280SX measures in at  8.70 meters, which is just a bit over 28 feet. Its impressive performance comes courtesy of a 350-horsepower engine, which is able to deliver a top speed of 38 knots. However, while cruising at 21 knots, this little yacht will offer a perfect balance between speed and range.

The back of the vessel houses a swimming platform, while the front area includes a generously-sized cockpit. We say generously-sized because it is large enough for up to six people, which is quite impressive considering the overall length of the boat. At the console area, the owner is treated to an L-shaped sofa, while an auxiliary C-shaped sofa covers the bow.

While the standard configuration should prove adequate for most clients, you can always customize the Invictus 280SX according to your own tastes and preferences.

14. Invictus 370GT Yacht.

We’ve covered quite a few massive yachts here on Luxefeed. However, it’s time to take a closer look at a smaller vessel, but one that’s impressive nonetheless. We’ll give credit where credit is due: Invictus 370GT impressed us with its clean design, outstanding performance, and stylish interiors, but we were most impressed by its ability to meet multiple roles.

To clarify, this yacht saw the limelight for the first time in 2016 at the Cannes Yachting Festival. Even though it works just fine as a luxury vessel for casual cruising, Invictus 370GT can also fill the role of a chase boat or tender for a larger yacht.

Invictus 370GT bears the signature touch of Anna Fendi. As such, it features unique design motifs inspired by leather goods and customized travel cases. Since we’re on the topic of interiors, the owner’s cabin is of particular interest. That’s because this particular space actually resembles a classic travel case. Bespoke tableware and a mirrored forward bulkhead with nickel elements somehow remind us of another one of Fendi’s projects, the Villa Laetitia hotel.

Exterior highlights comprise a reverse bow, ivory caulking, teak decks, and a stunningly beautiful sculpted hull.

13. Q30 Electric Yacht.

What makes the Q30 electric yacht stand out? Most modern-day yachts boast imposing designs that mirror their impressive performance capabilities. However, when it comes to eco-friendliness, they’re not exactly the greenest of the bunch. It’s true that the world’s top yacht makers have equipped their latest creations with eco-friendly features, which help minimize their impact on the environment. Still, nothing truly compares to an actual electric yacht.

The good people over at Q Yachts are introducing their Q30 electric yacht, which boasts complete independence from fossil fuels. It is a sleek, simple-looking vessel with a crisp white design that will still turn a few heads whenever it makes an appearance.

The Q30 features an Ocean Volt system, which is basically an electric motor capable of delivering 20kW of continuous power. The motor is 100% emission-free, and it is incredibly quiet. This improves the owner’s comfort while also making sure that the local fauna remains undisturbed. The motor gets its juice from a 30kWh lithium battery pack, which can be upgraded to a 60kWh pack upon request.

The Q30 electric yacht measures 9.3 meters, and it can reach a top speed of 15 knots. However, its cruising speed is somewhere at around 9 knots. At this speed, the overall range reaches 42 or 80nm depending on the battery pack.

12. Damen SeaXplorer 77 Superyacht.

Superyachts are designed to be impressive from the ground up, whether we’re talking about their exteriors or their interiors. And while it’s true that it’s probably hard to find a dull superyacht in the world, some of them are undoubtedly more amazing than others. The 77-meter Damen SeaXplorer77 is a great example, as everything about it just screams “extravagance.”

It bears the brand of a Dutch shipyard that’s well-known for its quality vessels. The SeaXplorer77 belongs to an anonymous buyer, but one thing is obvious: the client wanted it to be as large as possible. He definitely got his wish from what we see, as this vessel can house not one but two helicopters.

As its name suggests, the Damen SeaXplorer77 is perfect for braving the world’s most unwelcoming waters. It excels in remote areas, and since incorporates two helidecks and two hangars, it provides access to these areas with ease. Rose Damen, commercial director of yachting for the Dutch company, explained:

“It not only has a fully certified helideck for safe landings, but it also has a standby surface for a backup helicopter. Both helicopters can fit in the below-deck hangar, so they’re protected from the elements.”

Just in case you’re curious, these two helicopters will be Airbus ACH125 models. Other noteworthy highlights comprise a dive and submersible center, jet skis, snowmobiles, and a separate ski room. When it comes to accommodations, the vessel is large enough for 12 guests and a crew of 25. It’s not particularly slow either, as it can reach a very respectable cruising speed of 14.5 knots.

11. Riva 110’ Dolcevita Yacht.

Those of you who are familiar with the Ferretti Group will undoubtedly appreciate Riva, one of the group’s brands and one of the world’s best yacht makers. Riva recently launched a very special vessel at the Yacht Club de Monaco. It is one of its larger yachts, and it bears the name Riva 100′ Dolcevita. A lovely title, wouldn’t you agree?

When it comes to power, we’re looking at two MTU 12V 2000 M96L engines. This powertrain ensures enough juice for a top speed of 24 knots. However, if the range is truly important to you, a cruising speed of 22 knots will ensure the best of both worlds when it comes to speed and fuel efficiency.

The unique design of the Riva 110’ Dolcevita is the hard work of the engineering department of the Ferretti Group alongside Officina Italiana Design and the Strategic Product Committee. Inside, there’s enough room for 20 guests, as well as a plethora of high-end conveniences.

Alberto Galassi, CEO of the Ferretti Group, had a few words to say about this splendid 33-meter masterpiece:

“For the largest Riva ship, we have chosen the name of a time that is still endowed with sparkle and charm. The Dolcevita is a truly Italian style indication, the happy combination where good construction and the good life come together. Cruising on this amazing 33-meter yacht is an aesthetic and emotional experience.”

10. Benetti Air Yacht (Benetti Queen M).

One of the most iconic yachts to grace the world’s seas, the Benetti Queen M, has received a complete refit in 2013. The yacht in question was launched back in 1998, and even then, it set new standards in the world of luxury on seas. Measuring in at 50 meters, the superyacht also received a brand new name, which signifies new beginnings and a breath of fresh air. The Benetti Air is now a contemporary charter yacht, which means that you could take it out for a spin provided you had the cash for it. Small enough to brave the waters of bays and anchorages, Benetti Air is also large enough to host large groups in lavish conditions.

The yacht’s improvements include a complete exterior revamp, as well as redesigned interiors. The nautically inspired main saloon is just one of the most noteworthy highlights, but we should also mention the welcoming and luxurious cabins and the full-beam private apartment located on the upper deck. There are five cabins available in total, which are enough for up to 10 guests. On-board toys include a flyboard, diving gear, a Seadoo watercraft, Seabobs, kayaks, and even fishing gear.

Of course, you could always kick back and enjoy the view from the Jacuzzi, or sip on some delicious cocktails at the wet bar and raised lounge. In order to be able to enjoy these amenities, you’ll have to fork out $210,000 per week. All things considered, that’s not a bad deal at all.

9. Wajer 55 S Motor Yacht.

Not everybody can afford a lavish superyacht, that’s true. But maybe, just maybe, not everybody needs one. If you’re more of a watersport fan, you’ll definitely be better off with a sleek and powerful motor yacht. In comes the Wajer 55 S, a dashing vessel created by Dutch shipyard Wajer Yachts.

Powered by a trio of 435-hp Volvo Penta IPS600 engines, this boat’s top speed surpasses 40 knots, which is enough to impress even the most demanding enthusiast. Power aside, the Wajer 55 S is equipped with a plethora of amenities, which is quite impressive for its size. Its outdoor galley, for example, includes a grill, an icemaker, and a refrigerator. Therefore, you’ll definitely be able to enjoy the view and relax after you’ve put those engines through their paces.

Well, it’s a comfortable experience, that’s for sure. That’s all thanks to a set of forward-facing Stidd captain’s seats and a pair of useful Garmin touchscreens. When it comes to finishes, we should mention the hardtop roof, which comes with a set of removable panels. Once removed, the extra space enhances the lounging area, but the panels can also serve as protection from the sun if the need arises.

Overall, the Wajer 55 S motor yacht ticks all the right boxes when it comes to performance and comfort. It’s hard to imagine anyone finding a serious flaw in this particular vessel, and that says a lot!

8. Sunseeker 76 yacht.

We’ve featured our fair share of Sunseeker yachts here at Luxefeed. There’s a good reason for that too. The British yacht builder is one of the most respected in the world, and we definitely enjoy presenting their newest creations, as they’re always in trend when it comes to design and practicality. Sure, a yacht needs to be luxurious, but it also needs to be quick and comfortable.

The Sunseeker 76 yacht ticks all the right boxes, and even though it measures just 76 feet in length, it’s definitely large enough to make you feel like royalty. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more impressive foredeck social area on a 76-foot yacht. Moreover, the back of the flybridge could house a hot tub with ease, but these are just a few of the vessel’s main highlights. This yacht boasts an open-plan main deck, as well as wenge hardwood flooring and silver-oak interior woodwork. Then there’s the chef’s galley, the two large lounging areas, 360-degree windows, and a modern helm station that meets the most demanding requirements when it comes to equipment and performance.

Speaking of performance, the vessel is powered by a pair of 1,550-hp MAN engines that ensure a respectable top speed of 32 knots and a range of 400 nautical miles. During your stay, you could always relax on the two large sunbeds, or at one of the three large outdoor social areas, each equipped with tables and lounges. The Sunseeker 76 yacht was built for wellness and relaxation, and it is undoubtedly one of the best vessels in its class.

7. Azimut 55 Yacht.

It’s true that it’s not the largest yacht in the world, but Azimut 55 is arguably one of the most impressive vessels of 2018 at the time of writing. That’s because it offers a fantastic mix of high speeds, maneuverability, and lavishness. This small yacht is scheduled to make a debut at Boot Dusseldorf this year.

With a rather large and spacious flybridge, the vessel offers a secondary living area at its rear, which is sheltered from prying eyes. However, the main deck was designed specifically for social activities, which is why it includes a sun lounging area in the bow. Shading is provided by a large bimini top, while the backrest is versatile enough to serve as both a sun lounger and a chaise longue.

Azimut 55 was put together using high-end materials, that’s for sure. These include grey zebrawood and dark oak, bronze, and steel, while a glossy black lacquer adds a final touch of luxuriousness. The main accommodations are located on the lower deck. That’s where we’ll find two double cabins at the bow, as well as a full-beam owner’s cabin with rectangular windows. Performance-wise, Azimut 55 is powered by 800 hp MAN engines, which guarantee a top speed of 31 knots.

6. Elements Motor Yacht.

The living standard for ordinary people nowadays rivals with that of the old Kings. However, the luxury world is constantly evolving, and with it, so is the yachting industry. Nothing spells lavishness quite like an expensive and imposing superyacht. The Elements Motor Yacht is a step ahead of the competition, and you’re about to find out exactly why.

First of all, this vessel measures 262 feet in length, which is about 80 meters. It’s not the largest yacht on the seas by any measure, but it’s large enough to make its owner feel like royalty. Its unique architecture was envisioned by Alfa Marine, and its interior layout is spacious enough for up to 24 guests and a crew of 19. Sketched out by Cristiano Gatto, the interiors are clad with expensive materials such as fine leathers, plush linens, and the finest woods.

Accommodations comprise a superb master suite complemented by four double staterooms, a pair of VIP staterooms, four regular twin cabins, and a smaller twin cabin.

The Elements Motor Yacht is animated by a pair of MTU 16V 4000 M63L diesel engines. The engines ensure a top speed of 18 knots, while a pair of stabilizers make sure that everything stays on your plate while the yacht is anchored. Onboard, the owner and his guests will enjoy access to a plethora of conveniences. These include a spa pool, a beach club, a hammam, a cinema, and an elevator that connects the four decks.

5. Dynamiq GTT 115 Superyacht.

Some time ago, we told you about the GTT 115 hybrid yacht project. You know, the one that was designed by Design Studio Studio F. A. Porsche and built by Dynamiq. Well, it looks like this monumental vessel has finally hit the waves, and we’re proud to present the very first official images of it.

As you can see, the yacht meets and surpasses the most excessive requirements in terms of luxury and lavishness. The fine choice of materials for the interior is definitely something that we’d expect from Dynamiq, especially given the Porsche collaboration. Measuring in at 35 meters in length, the GTT 115 will be a part of a limited edition of just 7 units. Therefore, yachting enthusiasts from all over the world will be racing to get their hands on one of these vessels.

It’s definitely worth noting that this particular model includes features that were never seen before in the yachting world. These include the first superyacht on the market infused with the design spirit of Studio F. A. Porsche, the first to blend a top speed of 21 knots speed with Transat range, and the first yacht equipped with two engine rooms in this size category. Moreover, this is the first yacht that can be configured and ordered completely online.

Speaking of which, if you’re interested in owning one, you should know that there’s only one place where you can configure it. Fortunately, all you have to do is visit Dynamiq’s official configurator for the GTT 115. Powered by a duo of MAN diesel engines, the yacht boasts 3,250 horsepower, but we should also mention the 20.8 kW electric motors. These motors might not seem like much, but they can enable a top speed of 6 knots alone, while the diesel engines ensure a 21-knot speed.

Priced at €12,5 million, the Porsche-designed GTT 115 hybrid yacht by Dynamiq is definitely intimidating, but it’s also worth every penny.

4. Gio Chi Thè Superyacht by Codecasa.

The Italian shipyard Codecasa has been around since 1825, but after it unveiled its Vintage Series about six years ago, it started on a true path to greatness. As the years passed, so did the shipyard’s renown, especially since its experts strived to design and create purely exceptional, classic-looking vessels that are as gorgeous as they are expensive.

Codecasa’s Gio Chi Thè Superyacht represents the pinnacle of years of research and development, as it offers an ideal combination of contemporary technologies, an elegant layout, and a traditional look. Some of its most impressive highlights include spacious outdoor areas that provide ideal opportunities for relaxation and entertainment, particularly the sun deck. This area comes with its own Jacuzzi and built-in sun pads, while the Portuguese deck is perfect for socialization and fun.

As far as accommodations are concerned, we’re looking at two double bed cabins and two twin cabins that were outfitted with modern amenities and colorful decor elements that help create a warm, welcoming ambiance. The master suite comes with its own private office, and it distinguishes itself from the other cabins with a luxurious flair.

Power-wise, the Gio Chi Thè superyacht boasts a pair of Caterpillar 3512C that ensure a  top speed of 16.5 knots as far as light displacement conditions are met. The generous cruising range of 4,000 nautical miles can be achieved at 11 knots, though, which is still respectable for a 43-meter (141-foot) vessel.

3. Eco-Friendly Arcadia 85S Yacht.

If you’re looking for a luxurious and eco-friendly yacht, you should definitely check out some of Arcadia Yachts’ offerings. Our suggestion for the day is represented by the Arcadia 85S yacht, which offers a perfect mix of comfort, sleek looks, and eco-friendly technologies.

Keep in mind that we’re not talking about electric propulsion here, as the 85S is powered by two 730-hp MAN diesel engines. Since we’re on the subject, the engines ensure a top speed of 18 knots, while a 12 knot cruising speed is enough to guarantee a range of 850 nautical miles.

Set to be unveiled during the 2017 edition of the Cannes Yacht Festival, this new Arcadia masterpiece is a clear improvement when compared to the original 85 models. Accommodations include a lavish 345-square-feet master suite, a VIP double cabin at the bow, and two twin cabins. There’s also enough space for a two-person jet ski and a 14-foot tender, but we should definitely mention the sky deck, the open-plan saloon, the small winter garden, and the exceptional dining area.

So where’s the eco-friendliness coming from? Well, that part is taken care of by the 400 square feet of electric solar panels, a high-end set of lithium batteries, and a few skylights. The solar panels offer a power output of 3.5 kilowatts, which ensure plenty of juice for the yacht’s systems, including the water pumps, refrigerators, and audio/video equipment.

2. Sanlorenzo SX88 Yacht.

What makes a yacht perfect anyway? Most of them are luxurious and comfortable, and modern ones are able to traverse the oceans without a care in the world, which means that yacht builders need to get creative when they design and build these exquisite vessels nowadays.

Today, we’re going to focus on a fantastic 27-meter motor yacht named Sanlorenzo SX88, which was unveiled for the first time in September during the 2017 Cannes Yachting Festival. Boasting a GRP hull and a carbon fiber superstructure, the vessel comes with exquisite interiors envisioned by an Italian designer named Piero Lissoni. Naturally, the buyer has the final word when it comes to decorations and materials, which means that each Sanlorenzo SX88 is quite unique in its own way. As for the exterior, it was sketched out by Officina Italiana Design, and it involves a semi-displacement hull created with performance in mind.

The best part is that this vessel was built to have very little impact on the environment. Keep in mind that it can reach a top speed of 23 knots, but precise details about the powertrain are vague at the time of writing. Described as a “Copernican revolution,” this masterpiece blends the most important elements of an explorer yacht and a flybridge yacht into a very promising package.

Consequently, more than six hulls of the SX88 range have already been sold. Keep an eye out on Sanlorenzo’s official website for updates and more information regarding this upcoming range.

1. Heesen Maia Yacht.

Dutch shipyard Heesen Yachts has created a truly monumental superyacht dubbed Maia – a name inspired by a shining star in the Taurus constellation. The vessel in question measures 50 meters or 164 feet in length, and it boasts a full displacement design that will soon amaze yacht lovers from all over the world. The project is still in construction, but its exterior layout envisioned by Clifford Den is almost complete, while the interiors sketched out by Reymond Langton will surely be something to write home about.

Up to ten guests will find exquisite accommodations onboard the Maia, all thanks to its five lavish staterooms, including a sumptuous master suite that’s packed with high-end amenities. The main highlights onboard comprise a beach club with a sauna and a bar, and plenty of space for tenders, just in case the guests are feeling adventurous.

The Heesen Maia yacht is powered by a pair of MTU engines, which ensure a range of 3,800 nm at 12 knots. The top speed, however, is reached at 15 knots, which is definitely not bad at all for a 164-foot vessel. No word on pricing just yet, but you can always keep an eye on Heesen’s own website just in case some information pops up. Below you will find a complete list of specifications for this unique project.

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Top Ten Most Beautiful Yachts in the World

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Simple schooners or elegant design classics, pompous party islands  or luxurious wellness retreats: yachts are simply spectacular. And, unlike any other real estate property, these floating palaces can sail towards the most beautiful sailing destinations on earth, anytime. We’ve selected the ten most beautiful yachts in the world:

The Maltese Falcon

Christina o, carinthia vi, discover more about all these beautiful yachts:.

Alfa Nero yacht most beautiful yachts in the world

Alfa Nero, built by Dutch shipyard Oceanco, was presented for the first time at the Monaco Yacht Show in 2007. This impressive yacht measures 81 metres and features beautiful clean lines and a sleek superstructure.

The ocean can be admired from a huge pool on one of the Alfa Nero’s decks, which are generously open and airy. The interior design is mostly modern, with sophisticated elements inspired by Art Deco. Overall, the Alfa Nero is a stunning combination of functionality, design and vision.

Pelorus yacht

The Pelorus was designed by award-winning naval architect Tim Heywood and built by the German shipbuilding company Lürssen in 2003. The organic lines of the superstructure are mirrored beautifully in the shape of the hull, creating a harmonious vision that will never date – we’re sure of it.

The Maltese Falcon, built by Perini Navi in 2006, stands out due to her understated and functional design. Ken Freivoch, the designer of this beautiful yacht, says:

“She was designed without any attempt to be ostentatious or to conform to a set style – it was very much a case of “form follows function”, albeit with very careful attention to essential design principles, balanced proportions and uncluttered and purposeful shapes totally derived from the function they are designed to perform.”

We love the sleek and strong lines of the Maltese Falcon and agree that, even with luxury yachts , sometimes less is more.

Maltese falcon yacht

The Azzam measures an incredible 180 metres, making her the longest private luxury yacht in the world. The title was formerly held by the Eclipse, Roman Abramowitsch’s superyacht. This floating palace was launched by Lürssen in 2013 and belongs to Sheik Chalifa bin Zayid Al Nahyan, the president of the United Arab Emirates.

On its seven decks the Azzam boasts a helipad, a salon measuring 520m² and, as rumour has it, even a private submarine and antimissile system. The cost of this beauty is estimated to be around a whopping 500 million euros.

Many celebrities , from Sir Winston Churchill to Marilyn Monroe, have enjoyed the luxuries of this elegant yacht. The Christina O was originally built by shipmaker Canadian Vickers for the Canadian marines and was even present for D-Day during the Normandy landings. Aristoteles Onassis bought this beautiful ship in 1948 and had it converted into a stunning luxury yacht, which he named after his daughter.

Christina O

The Solandge was the highlight of last years Monaco Yacht Show and it’s not difficult to see why. The Solandge was built by Lürssen in 2013 and, measuring 85 metres, took home the title of longest yacht at the show. While passengers can pamper themselves in the gym or sauna, with a massage or at the hairdressers, at night the whirlpool turned into an open air party under the Monaco skies.

A one week holiday on board the Solandge will cost you a mere 1 million dollars and for just 175 million you could even buy the whole thing.

Savarona yacht

The Savarona was built in 1931 by German shipmaker Blohm + Voss for American heiress Emily Roebling Cadwallader, whose family built the Brooklyn and Golden Gate Bridge. At the time, the Savarona was the biggest yacht ever built, measuring an impressive 134 metres.

In 1938, Turkey bought the Savarona as a present for Kemal Atatürk.

With her stunning golden features, the Savarona is without a doubt one of the most beautiful yachts in the world.

This beautiful 68-metre yacht was commissioned from German shipmaker Abeking & Rasmussen in 2007. The Aviva is the first yacht with a plumb bow, an experiment we think paid off. The interior is incredibly high-end and luxurious, featuring a huge observation deck as well as a gym, cinema and wellness suite.

Aviva yacht

This huge, luxurious, three-masted schooner belongs to US software developer Jim Clark. The beautiful design of the Athena’s hull and superstructure make her, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful yachts in the world. No surprise: this beauty is also a masterpiece of computer automation and monitoring.

Carinthia yacht

This iconic yacht notoriously owes her existence to the quick demise of her predecessor, the Carinthia V, which sunk in Greek waters during her first journey in 1971. Owner and German supermarket magnate Helmut Horten commissioned the Carinthia VI, now a yachting icon, the very next day.

Back in the day, the dramatic superstructure was a radical design choice and the designer, Jon Bannenburg, quickly gained a reputation as a renegade in the world of naval architecture. Nowadays, the Carinthia VI is known and loved worldwide for her clean yet strong lines and her suave style.

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Andre Hoek’s 8 most beautiful sailing yachts

Dutch yacht designer Andre Hoek has such an impressive portfolio of superb sailing yachts that it’s hard to narrow it down to his best.

But on any list of the most beautiful sailing yachts designed by Andre Hoek should certainly be the cutting edge Athos . The 62 metre yacht was the largest sailing yacht ever built in aluminium alloy when she was launched by Holland Jachtbouw in 2010. While she might look like a beautiful classic sailing yacht on the outside, Athos is highly technical. This combination of beauty and brains makes her doubly impressive.

More about this yacht

Yachts for charter.

The exterior of Athos was inspired by none other than the 54.6 metre stunner Adele . Launched by Vitters in 2005, the aluminium sailing yacht boasts classically styled deckhouses and a prevalence of teak that helps her stand out in any harbour. She’s no slouch on the racecourse either, having participated in the America’s Cup Superyacht Regatta in San Francisco, barely losing out to the similarly named Adela .

Where Adele shone with a bright white hull, Marie charges in like a gorgeous pirate ship with black paint, red details and a real cannons on deck. But the 54.6 metre Vitters yacht isn’t all gruff, inside her luxe saloon she houses a real sailing yacht rarity of a baby grand piano. One of Andre Hoek’s most beautiful sailing yachts, _Marie, _currently for sale , was built for yacht owner Ed Bosarge , who also established the eco-friendly Over Yonder Cay in The Bahamas.

Wisp is a winning combination of superyachting and sailing , and she has proved herself as one of Andre Hoek’s most beautiful yachts by winning a bevy of awards. In addition to Hoek Design Naval Architecture taking the Exterior and Styling award at the ShowBoats Design Awards 2015 for Wisp , launched by Royal Huisman in 2014, the 47.65 metre classically styled stunner also went on to nab a World Superyacht Award in 2015 .

Who doesn’t love a J Class yacht? With graceful a sheerline, low-slung deckhouses and a private owner’s cockpit, the J Class replica Lionheart , built by Claasen, is all about throwback glamour and certainly one of the most beautiful Andre Hoek designed yachts on the water. Like all modern Js, her hull is based on the original 1930s design, but Hoek gave Lionheart an updated layout that makes her much more comfortable than most hardcore racers.

Of course, a designer who has penned a modern J Class yacht is in good standing to design a new class of yachts inspired by Js. Cue Firefly , the first in a new F-Class series that was designed to be the ideal size to compete against J Class sailing yachts and have the high performance of a maxi yacht. One of the most beautiful Andre Hoek sailing yachts, Firefly also stands out with her topless lady spinnaker, one of the best around .

Velacarina is another beautiful Andre Hoek designed sailing yacht built by Claasen . The 25.88 metre Claasen Truly Classic 85 was launched in 2005 and features exterior and interior styling as well as naval architecture by Hoek. Currently for sale, sailing yacht Velacarina features a clean exterior with a single deckhouse, an unusual green hull paint job and a traditional interior with plentiful teak.

Bartelli II

This petite classically styled sailing yacht by Andre Hoek is a real beauty. Constructed with a cedar hull, the 17 metre Bartelli II was launched by Combi Jachtbouw in 1997. Currently for sale, Bartelli II would make a sweet daysailer, welcoming guests in a highly varnished, cosy cockpit, or an equally apt overnighter with guest accommodations for six.

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Spirit Yachts: Inside the British yard behind some of the world’s most beautiful boats

Yachting World

  • February 6, 2020

Few builders possess the power of seduction demonstrated by British wood epoxy experts Spirit Yachts. David Glenn reports


Spirit Yachts’s workforce with one of the laminated sapele frames of the Spirit 111. Photo: Emily Harris


Highly stylised furniture

Two of the defining features of the Spirit 111 are aesthetics and a determination to use modern technology to make the yacht as efficient as possible, reducing the amount of fossil fuel required.

In profile she has a noticeably low freeboard and while the owner was warned this might limit headroom in the ends of the accommodation he was prepared to sacrifice this for looks. “The freeboard is just 1.4m which means she looks stunning – she’s more J then a J,” said Sean McMillan who is clearly relishing working with a client who won’t let anything get in the way of aesthetics.

Using some unusual, highly stylised furniture as guidance on how he wanted the interior designed, the client went to Rhoades Young in the UK to develop the accommodation. The result, which suits the use of wood construction perfectly, is quite extraordinary.

The yacht’s drive train comprises a 200hp electric engine served by four banks of lithium ion batteries providing a 380V system. The technology has been developed by the German outboard manufacturer Torqeedo, which has branched out into other forms of what it calls ‘water-based electromobility’ in response to the need for boats to be super eco-friendly on European inland lakes.


Nigel Stuart and Sean McMillan visited several companies developing the technology and were impressed by what they saw at Torqeedo in Gilching, Bavaria. One of the attractions is that the company considers the system as a whole, including batteries, the drive train to the folding Gori propeller, the ‘freewheeling’ prop generator system while sailing, and smart control to keep electricity consumption to a minimum.

The electric propulsion package perfectly suits the Spirit 111’s easily driven hull and relatively light displacement of just 59 tonnes. The batteries, which are similar to those used by BMW for their i3 and i8 electric cars, have a nine-year warranty and are small enough to fit under the yacht’s cabin sole in way of the keel.

It is anticipated that the Spirit 111 will be able to remain in quiet ship mode (no generator running) using all domestic appliances including air conditioning and water making for three to four days, assuming charging via the propeller while sailing can be achieved for up to five hours a day. Recharging the batteries using the yacht’s twin 25kw/33hp four-cylinder Torqeedo generators takes just four hours.


The deckhouse of a new Spirit in build showing the fan skylight. Photo: Emily Harris

In addition to propulsion efficiency, low current means running motors for cooling systems for the battery bank and the electric engine itself, plus pumps for the hydraulic system and a Webasto electric water heater, will also be far more efficient through smart control and monitoring. If these targets can be reached, the Spirit 111 will use half the amount of fuel than that of a conventional system, demonstrating a big advance in the search for the genuinely eco-friendly superyacht.

Another yacht in search of low consumption, and attracting considerable attention, is the recently-launched Spirit P70 motor yacht . She’s a semi-displacement fast cruiser with a top speed of 25 knots, whose owner required a 1,000nm range at 18 knots enabling him to complete cruises from Hamble in the UK to Scandinavia and back without refuelling.

Her advantageous power-to-weight ratio is achieved through her lightweight timber construction requiring two MAN diesel inboard engines of just 800hp each to reach the required performance. She carries 10,000lt of fuel, divided into five tanks, which is automatically distributed between the tanks to maintain efficient trim as the fuel is consumed. With luxurious accommodation on three levels this is a businesslike-looking yacht capable of high average speeds in almost all sea conditions.


The P70 powerboat hull in the early stages of build with major engineering fitting such as engine and stabilisers. Photo: Emily Harris

With these three yachts alone, Spirit Yachts is displaying not only its known ability in sophisticated wood epoxy construction, but also its keenness to use advanced technology available from other industries. It’s a powerful combination likely to attract considerable attention in the demanding world of superyachting.

The Spirit Yachts story: From a cowshed in Saxmundham to building superyachts

Spirit Yachts has come a long way since a 37-footer called Spirit was built in a cowshed in Saxmundham in 1993. The hull of this beautiful long-ended, wood epoxy sloop was so light that Sean McMillan and his late business partner Mick Newman could pick it up between them and turn it over for completion.

Demand for larger yachts soon grew with eleven 46s built to date, four 52s and many other sizes including a 56, 74 and the 100-footer Gaia . Despite a steady flow of orders over the years and a big spike in interest when a Spirit 54 ‘starred’ in the James Bond movie Casino Royale , Sean McMillan had to spend a lot of time explaining the advantages of building in wood epoxy to the boat buying public.


Daniel Craig took the helm of a Spirit 54 in Casino Royale

“Thirty years ago people thought wooden boats were dirty smelly things, difficult to maintain with dodgy stuff lurking in the bilges,” said McMillan. “The journey has involved subtly re-educating the yachting public about composite wooden yachts.”

Due to its epoxy saturated protection, composite wood yachts are almost maintenance-free, they are easy to repair and can be done so invisibly, maintains Sean McMillan. The very structure of the hull is, without doubt, a thing of beauty something illustrated by the interior of the stripped out Spirit 52D Oui Fling . And it is the outward appearance of the Spirit genre that gives it its must-have status.

In 2007 Spirit Yachts launched five yachts including the 100ft Gaia , but it was also the year in which Sean lost his business partner Mick Newman, who died in a light aircraft crash in Turkey. Shortly after that in 2008 the financial crisis hit, although the effects didn’t filter down to Spirit Yachts until 2010 when business slowed.


The stripped-out interior of the Spirit 52D Oui Fling exhibits the yard’s craftsmanship. Photo: Mike Bowden

When Nigel Stuart arrived in 2013, the first thing he did was replace the industrial style metal door leading to reception with a solid mahogany one. He booked a stand at the Düsseldorf Boat Show, fired up the media machine and sat Sean down at his drawing board.

Stuart has also encouraged the company to re-define its range, which now includes, The Classic Style (Spirit 46,52, 56); The Cruising Style (Spirit 47CR, 55CR); The Deckhouse Range (Spirit DH57, DH60); Spirit Superyachts (100 to 130) and then the entirely bespoke. Spirit Yachts expanded into new, modern premises in 2017, making the build process faster. In all respects it’s a very long way indeed from that cowshed in Saxmundham…

The go-faster factor

A key player in almost all Spirit Yachts projects is John Parker of OneSails, based in Suffolk Yacht Harbour. He is passionate about Spirit’s modern classic ethos. His sails are not only Spirit’s preferred choice, but clients are urged to discuss their needs from early on in a project.


The interior of the Spirit 74 is beautifully built in ruby rich mahogany and flooded with light. Photo: Anthony Morris

“It’s important to understand how people are likely to use their yachts,” said Nigel Stuart. “Are they setters and leavers, or non-stop tweakers? Will they simply go cruising or take to the race course?” Based on these facts carbon mast specification can be decided.

“We try to futureproof yachts by building in items like additional sheave boxes and mast track laminate reinforcement for spinnaker poles – it’s amazing how many clients seem convinced they don’t want to race but end up being tempted,” said Stuart.

Low friction rings, soft shackles and bespoke, colour-coded running rigging – even hand stitched leather winch handle pockets – are all part of what’s on offer to ensure clients get the best out of their Spirit and that the boat looks the part.

Adapted and updated from an article published in the September 2017 edition of Yachting World.

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Highly stylised furniture

world's most beautiful yacht

Top 10 Most Beautiful Sailing Yachts

world's most beautiful yacht

Sailing dates back to early 3,000 BC and is one of the first sea-going ships in human history. From racing to luxurious vacations, it’s known to be one of the most efficient, long distance travel methods of its kind. According to Statista, the global luxury sailing yacht market is projected to more than double between 2019 and 2030. We hope you enjoy the top 10 sail boats!

world's most beautiful yacht

maltese falcon

Year Built: 1990 Maker: Perini Navi Length: 289' Owner: Tom Perkins (American)

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sailing yacht a

Year Built: 2015 Maker: Nobiskrug Length: 468.5' Owner: Andrey Melnichenko (Russian)

world's most beautiful yacht

black pearl

Year Built: 2016 Maker: Oceano Length: 350' Owner: Oleg Burlakov (Russian)

world's most beautiful yacht

Year Built: 2015 Maker: Oceano / Vitters Length: 282' Owner: Kjell Inge Røkke (Norwegian)

world's most beautiful yacht

Mirabella V

Year Built: 2003 Maker: VT Shipbuilding Length: 254'6" Owner: Rodney Lewis (American)

world's most beautiful yacht

Year Built: 2016 Maker: Perni Navi Length: 230' Owner: King of Morocco (Moroccan)

world's most beautiful yacht

Year Built: 2004 Maker: Royal Huisman Length: 295' Owner: James H. Clark (American)

world's most beautiful yacht

Year Built: 2011 Maker: Alloy Yachts Length: 220' Owner: Rupert Murdoch (Australian/American)

world's most beautiful yacht

Year Built: 2017 Maker: Perni Navi Length: 197' Owner: Ennio Doris (Italian)

world's most beautiful yacht

Year Built: 2014 Maker: Nautor Swan OY ‍Length: Owner: Unknown

world's most beautiful yacht

Beautiful Yachts profiles the most luxurious and beautiful yachts around the world. If you have a great photo of a beautiful yacht, please email us at [email protected]

Ship shape: 5 of the world’s most spectacular royal yachts

The Dannebrog

Image may contain Transportation Vehicle Boat Watercraft Vessel Yacht Human and Person

This Danish royal yacht serves as an official and private residence for the Danish Queen and other members of the royal family when they are on summer cruises in home waters or on official visits overseas. Made in the naval work yard Orlogsvaerftet, Copenhagen, in 1931, the ship was baptised by Queen Alexandrine, the wife of King Christian X. The yacht has a rich history, with many decades of royalty aboard. King Frederick IX is known to have taken his showers on the boat's bridge, hosed down by a member of his team. It has been anchored in almost every port in Denmark, as well as Greenland, the Faroe Islands, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean and all the way to the coastline of the US; training around 30 Danish naval conscripts every year. Based on the design of the floating palaces of the XIX century, the Dannebrog is more than just a boat.

Image may contain Transportation Vehicle Boat and Yacht

The largest privately owned super yacht in the world, this 180-metre vessel was built for Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan of Abu Dhabi’s royal family, for use as a day boat to reach his favourite diving grounds. The boat can hold 36 guests and as many as 80 crew members - it also includes a gym, pool and a special ‘golf training room’. It is reported to have cost the sovereign approximately 600 million dollars. Filled with luxury, the engineers apparently worked to ensure that there is as little turbulence as possible, so that the chandeliers don’t tinkle at sea. Its record is soon to be beaten by a new yacht: the REV Ocean. A vessel which, at 183 metres, was designed by Norwegian millionaire Kjell Inge Rokke, and has been created to clean the ocean floors.

HMY Britannia 

Image may contain Transportation Vehicle Boat Yacht Vessel and Watercraft

HMS Britannia 

Built in 1953 for the late Queen Elizabeth II (who was crowned that same year), after 44 years of service the HMS Britannia was decommissioned and is now on display in Edinburgh. The vast and lavishly designed yacht has sailed over one million miles, accommodating 968 official royal visits. The regal vessel was once described by Queen Elizabeth as ‘the one place where I can truly relax’. The boat boasts dining rooms adorned with gifts from around the world, including a whale rib found by her husband on a beach, as well as a sun lounge with furniture chosen by the queen, and a garage built to house the royal Rolls-Royce. Sir Winston Churchill, Boris Yeltsin, Rajiv Gandhi and Nelson Mandela are among those who have joined the Queen on board over the years. Four royal honeymoons have also taken place aboard, including King Charles III and Diana, Princess of Wales's 16-day trip to the Mediterranean in 1981.

Image may contain Vehicle Transportation Boat Yacht Ship Vessel Watercraft Military Cruiser and Navy

Le Norge is the pride of the Norwegian royal family, dating back to 1947. In 1905, after the Norwegians became independent from Sweden, they chose Prince Carl of Denmark as their monarch, proposing to him the yacht on his appointment. However, due to the difficult economic situation in Norway after the dissolution of the union with Sweden, King Haakon VII (formerly Prince Carl) did not call upon the Government to provide a yacht. Instead, the yacht was given as a gift from the people of Norway to their king decades later, purchased after the spread of a nationwide collection effort. The ship, which measures 80 metres in length is maintained by the Royal Norwegian Navy and sets sail during the summer months. It suffered a violent fire in 1985 while under maintenance, with only the shell and the motors saved from the incident. The impressive ship has since been entirely reconstructed. 

Image may contain Transportation Vehicle Boat Ferry Vessel Watercraft Human and Person

Owned by Princess Caroline of Hanover, Pacha III has been passed from hand to hand since it was first put on water in 1936, under the name Arlette II. The 36-metre-long boat has had very many owners: in 1940 it was requisitioned by the Royal Navy, when it went back to the Mediterranean coast under the name Priamar. And in the '50s it was bought by French industrialist Louis Renault, who renamed it Briseis. The yacht was then sold to the painter Bernard Buffet, in 1967, who moored it in Saint-Tropez, in front of the ever glamorous L'Escale restaurant. 

In 1990, by now in a depleted state, it was sold to Stefano Casiraghi and Caroline of Hanover, who had it entirely renovated. Casiraghi was never able to enjoy the yacht, however, after he died during a racing accident that same year. It reportedly took more than two years to restore the vessel to its former splendour and renamed Pacha III (in reference to the initials of Princess Caroline’s children). It is now primarily used to take the Hanover Royal Family on extended Mediterranean escapes. 

Meghan Markle attends a star-studded bookshop opening in California

The World’s Most Beautiful Yacht Clubs

These waterfront landmarks define classic maritime style—and attract some of the most magnificent ships at sea.

Beautiful yacht clubs in New England

The glamour of these yacht clubs is matched only by their intriguing histories. From Sardinia to Singapore, Newport to the Bahamas, these high-style sailing outposts carry on the traditions of their founders (with the oldest dating back to the mid-19th century). Not a member? Here's a peek at the super exclusive spots.

New York Yacht Club

New York Yacht Club Model Room 

It’s been 175 years since John Cox Stevens invited eight friends aboard his schooner Gimcrack, anchored off Lower Manhattan, to propose the creation of the New York Yacht Club . The newly formed society ran its first regatta in 1845, and at the turn of the century, a Beaux-Arts-style mansion was built on land donated by then-Commodore J. Pierpont Morgan and designed by Whitney Warren and Charles D. Wetmore (who went on to create Grand Central Station). Today, its cavernous Model Room (pictured) displays more than 1,000 models of members’ boats and America’s Cup vessels.

New York Yacht Club—Harbour Court

New York Yacht Club

The New York Yacht Club acquired Harbour Court in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1987. The grand, Norman-style mansion was built in 1906 and sits on eight acres overlooking Brenton's Cove. The connection between the New York Yacht Club and Newport dates back to the club's founding in the mid-1800s, when the NYYC founders sailed from the Battery to Newport on their inaugural summer cruise.

Royal Yacht Squadron

Cowe's Week Regatta

Black tie and boat shoes are de rigueur for the happy few who crack the ranks of the ultra-exclusive, 200-year-old Royal Yacht Squadron , headquartered in a 16th-century castle in England's Isle of Wight. Today, it’s best known as the heart of the legendary Cowes Week regatta , when thousands of sailors and revelers alike gather to await the firing of the club’s brass cannons.

Detroit Yacht Club

Historic Michigan Yacht Clubs 

In its heyday, Dodges and Fords were among the tony patrons of this 1920s Mediterranean Revival building. They danced in the grand timbered ballroom and did laps in the indoor pool, which was lined with iridescent, Detroit-made Pewabic Pottery tiles. But as the fortunes of the city declined, so, too, did membership and maintenance at the Detroit Yacht Club . But a turnaround began in 2011, returning much of the building’s original grandeur, as well as a younger, more diverse membership, many of whom live in what is now an equally resurgent downtown Detroit.

Yacht Club Costa Smeralda

Yacht clubs in Sardinia

American architect Peter Marino redesigned this glamorous Italian outpost in the early 2000s, turning it into a deeply seductive hub in keeping with the yachts that fill the marina every summer. But at Yacht Club Costa Smeralda , it’s not all Cristal and caviar. In 2017, alarmed by the ubiquity of pollutants in local waters, club leaders launched a strict code of conduct for eliminating single-use plastics and reducing energy consumption.

Republic of Singapore Yacht Club

Most beautiful Singapore architecture

Winner of a Singapore Institute of Architects Architectural Design Award for its modern incarnation (a former clubhouse was lost to a massive container terminal), Asia’s oldest yacht club is replete with cultural pride of place. Republic of Singapore Yacht Club is now marked by a soaring, serrated roofline that pays homage to the traditional buildings of the Minangkabau, an Indonesian ethnic group.

Epping Forest Yacht & Country Club

Jacksonville historic landmarks

This 58-acre Jacksonville, Florida, estate was built in 1926 by chemicals pioneer Alfred I. duPont and his wife, Jessie Ball duPont. Located on the widest point of the St. John’s River and shaded by grand oak trees, the mansion was built as a sprawling home base for duPont’s favorite pastime, yachting (on his beloved Nenemoosha ), and quickly became an illustrious meeting place for fellow industrial giants and heads of state of the day, including the Vanderbilts, Carnegies, and the Goulds. The building blends Gothic and Baroque architectural elements with a sprawling Spanish Renaissance form. Today, the romantic mansion has been completely restored and serves as home to the Epping Forest Yacht & Country Club .

Lyford Cay Club

Lyford Cay Harbour Island

Slim Aarons photographed the Lyford Cay Club in 1975, and the uber-exclusive Bahamian landmark hasn't lost an ounce of its allure since. Past the 74-slip yacht harbor and white-sand beaches is an impeccably decorated clubhouse famously overhauled in the early 2000s by Tom Scheerer. The nearly 20-foot tall painted palms in the drawing room (seen at left) have become iconic symbols of the billionaires' outpost. For more photos, check out this story published by Town & Country .

Yacht Club de Monaco

Visiting Monaco

This French Riviera hotspot is as much a maritime playground as it is a proper yacht club. Reimagined by architects Foster + Partners in 2014, Yacht Club de Monaco is designed to resemble a ship, with "decks" offering expansive views of the Mediterranean and the Grand Prix race track. Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier III of Monaco, it is now presided over by Prince Albert.

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Sailing in Style: The World’s Most Beautiful Yacht Charter Destinations

By Thom Esveld

Updated on January 4, 2024

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or at least that’s what this famous saying tells us.

In our case, the beauty of a yacht charter destination is in the eye of the vacationer, and despite the impossibility of finding the most beautiful destination ever, subjectivity seems to lead most of us to a few traits we all seem to love in our vacations.

With that in mind, we’ve set to find 20 of the most beautiful yacht charter destinations in the world.

Sure, the first prerequisite of chartering a yacht is for the destination to have access to a sea or the very ocean. From there, your imagination and desires can run wild.

yacht charter destination

Crystal clear waters, white sand beaches and palm trees, otherworldly coastlines, remote, secluded stretches of sand and off-the-beaten-path lagoons? The world is your oyster, literally.

Despite our individual uniqueness, the most popular yacht charter destinations in the world show us that we’re all, or most of us at least, searching for the same things.

Below are a couple of yacht charter destinations that seem to enchant countless people all over the world. That only means there’s a high probability that you will like them too.

But no matter how much you’ll read about them below, there’s only one way of finding out. Just pick one and go. Enjoy.

Hawaii Yacht charter

There’s no way you haven’t heard of Hawaii . It’s one of the most well known vacation destination in the world.

Famous for its myriad islands, active volcanoes, lush nature, sandy beaches, and turquoise waters, Hawaii is high on many people’s bucket lists.

The many different islands in the archipelago create a yachting paradise, and there seems to be an island for everyone.

From the business of the Honolulu Harbor to the peacefulness of the remote island of Lanai, there’s plenty of options to choose from.

For whale lovers, Hawaii is an ideal destination. Humpback whales migrate to this part of the world to give birth, which creates a beautiful opportunity to observe some of the best moments nature has to offer.

  • 19. St. Martin

St Martin Yacht charter

Situated in the northeast of the Caribbean, the island of St. Martin is a very special place.

Half French, half Dutch, this destination offers the best of both cultures, and plenty of opportunities to explore its natural beauty both from a yacht and on the shore.

The island is teeming with silky white sand beaches, tropical scenery, waterfront restaurants offering delicious cuisine, and more than enough snorkeling spots.

  • 18. Tuamotu Archipelago


Located somewhere in the middle of the southern Pacific Ocean, the Tuamotu Archipelago is probably one of the most secluded vacation destinations, no matter where you live in the world.

Part of French Polynesia and consisting of 76 islands and atolls, the archipelago is the largest chain of atolls on Earth.

With so many little islands to explore, there’s no way Tuamotu will disappoint you. There’s so much to explore and to marvel at that once there, you wouldn’t want to go back.

  • 17. Thailand

Thailand Phi Phi Island

Thailand is one of those world renowned vacation destinations, especially due to its incredible scenery and low cost of living.

But that’s not all, as the country has some incredible coasts that stretch south between the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea.

The unique seascape makes the country a high end destination for yachting, as there’s plenty of exotic locations to explore, from the incredible nightlife in Bangkok to tranquil natural spots and everything in between.

  • 16. Galápagos

Galapagos Islands

The Galápagos archipelago is a natural wonder best explored by boat.

Comprised of several dozens of islands and islets, Galápagos is home to some of the most impressive marine wildlife in the world, which is also the reason why it’s heavily regulated when it comes to visiting.

That is, yachting and boating there will have a strict schedule and route enforced by the government, but that’s the price to pay to protect such a wonderful environment.

Fiji Yacht charter

With some of the most welcoming inhabitants and a paradise of more than 330 islands to explore, Fiji makes for a heavenly traveling experience.

The immersive traditions and way of life, spectacular sea life, underwater adventures, tropical rainforests, and dazzling lagoons make spending your vacation there a bliss.

  • 14. The Bahamas

The Bahamas

The Bahamas are another tropical paradise and one of the most cherished yachting destination in the world.

Everybody knows to expect the crystal clear waters, white sand beaches, or the lush vegetation, but more than everything it’s the laid-back lifestyle of the locals that makes the Bahamas a worthy destination, on or off shore.

  • 13. Balearic Islands, Spain

world's most beautiful yacht

Tucked in between the coasts of Europe and Africa, Spain’s Balearic Islands enchant travelers year after year with their ideal Mediterranean climate.

Luxurious, vibrant, and eclectic are some of the characteristics that make these islands so popular.

You’ve heard of course about the party paradise of Ibiza, or the incredible natural beauty and rich diversity of Mallorca, but maybe you should give the lesser known Menorca, Formentera or Cabrera a try.

Perhaps navigate through the even smaller islands as well for some off-the-beaten-path experiences.

  • 12. Canary Islands, Spain

world's most beautiful yacht

Somewhere off the western coast of Africa lie a group of stunning volcanic islands, the Canaries.

Belonging to Spain, the Canary Islands offer some of the most otherworldly landscapes you’ll ever get to see, thanks to their very diverse volcanic topography.

And the best way of exploring the islands’ various contrasts is traveling between them by yacht.

On your way between the islands, be on the lookout for dolphins, whales, and other marine animals that inhabit those waters.

  • 11. San Blas Islands, Panama

San Blas Islands

Off the coast of Panama, there is an archipelago like no other.

Called the San Blas Islands, it consists of extremely small patches of land with nothing but sand, palm trees and bungalows on them, surrounded by turquoise waters.

There’s really nothing to do there but relax or go boating here. There are no roads, no cars, and nothing has to be done.

  • 10. Saint Lucia, Caribbean

Saint Lucia

Considered one of the best Caribbean destinations for luxury yachting, Saint Lucia also represents the best possible starting point for a prolonged sailing exploration of the Caribbean.

Its convenient position between Barbados, Martinique and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines makes it a prime spot.

In terms of needs and wants, Saint Lucia has it all, on and off a yacht.

From panoramic sights in Marigot or Rodney Bay to the tropical charm of the island’s nature, or the iconic Petit Piton and Gros Piton, the island’s most prominent peaks, there’s no way you could go bored.

When it comes to luxury yachting amenities, there’s nothing you could possibly miss while floating around the island.

  • 9. Whitsunday Islands, Australia

Whitsunday Islands

Situated along the northern coast of Australia, the Whitsunday Islands offer no less than 74 choices to make, all of them within the heart of the Great Barrier Reef.

From snorkeling and diving adventures to water sports on the surface and exploration of some of the deserted islands and stretches of sand in the archipelago, there’s plenty of opportunities for an unforgettable vacation.

In all those 74 islands that comprise the Whitsundays, there are eight main ones, offering high end resorts with luxury amenities, national parks and breathtaking seascapes.

The eponymous main island is home to one of the purest white sand beaches in the world, the Whitehaven Beach.

  • 8. Indonesia

Indonesia yacht charter

Indonesia is another one of those obvious vacation spots, well regarded especially for its unique culture.

Beyond its marvelous beaches and lush vegetation, it’s the charm of its people and their way of life that attracts foreigners so much.

If that excessive attraction and the possibility for swarms of tourists flocking to the country’s beaches is something you might not want to witness, there are good news.

Indonesia is home to over 17,000 islands, which is quite a huge number to choose from. And since we’re speaking of yacht chartering, the options are practically countless.


The Scandinavian peninsula is a unique place in the world, filled with wonders both on the land itself and up in the sky.

In the northernmost part of this peninsula sits Norway, a country with a coastline so mesmerizing that no matter how much you’d explore it, you wouldn’t get enough of.

That’s the reason why Norway is tremendously popular with yacht charters. With a plethora of available bays and anchorages, this is the perfect heaven for yachting and boating.

And then there’s the fjords, meandering and magnetic and absolutely stunning.

When you’re tired of sailing around the various fjords, go north and explore a little bit of the Arctic Circle. Oh, and while in Norway, don’t forget to sleep with your eyes open to catch the northern lights.

  • 6. French Rivera


Some would advise Monaco alone, but we’d rather tell you to go explore the entire French Riviera. It’s not that big anyway, but Monaco is simply way too tiny.

While Monaco is home to some of the most luxurious and exclusive man-made places in the world, the French Riviera boasts with breathtaking coastal scenery.

It’s a place where you could enjoy sunshine all year round, and relax to your heart’s content. Should you desire something rugged and wild and away from civilization, the French Riviera has it.

If you’re into vibrant lifestyle and cosmopolitan resorts, there are plenty of those as well.

Exceptional cuisine, lovely nightlife, or the peaceful-palm-trees-swaying-in-the-wind kind of atmosphere, you can’t go wrong with the French Riviera.

  • 5. The Seychelles


Seychelles is another incredibly well known yachting destination, and while it may be crowded at times, it does have tremendous opportunities for every kind of soul.

From the tropical climate to the one of a kind culture, the archipelago is a blissful paradise. Comprised of no less than 115 islands located in between Madagascar and the Somali sea.

While the main attractions are the islands of Praslin, La Digue, and Mahé, should you want a little bit more privacy, there’s countless little islands that go under the radar of most travelers.

There’s a National Marine Park, and several natural reserves waiting to enchant those who love wildlife, and plenty of harbors, marinas, and moorings with impressive amenities for even the largest of yachts.

  • 4. The British Virgin Islands

British Virgin Islands

A long time favorite of the yachting world, the British Virgin Islands are known for having the most yachts than any other location on the globe.

That can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on the type of person you are.

Sure there’s plenty of yachting advantages if everyone wants to go there, but if you’re more of an introvert, these may not be for you.

The consistent trade winds, line of sight navigation opportunities, and a plethora of sheltered anchorages are just some of these advantages.

The nature is also full of mesmerizing places, and activities offered on-shore are rich as well.

  • 3. The Croatian Coast

Hvar, Croatia

It’s not for nothing that Croatia and its coast are some of the most well regarded travel destinations in the world.

There’s countless opportunities to choose from, especially if you choose yacht charter as your means of exploration.

The coastline is sublime, but the medieval towns and ancient villages spread along its length aren’t at all inferior to its natural beauty.

The wilderness on the Dalmatian Islands, the remoteness of the Kornati archipelago, or the fine dining and drinking in the west and south Istria are only some of the things you could enjoy while cruising the Croatian Coast.

  • 2. The Italian Coast

Capri, Italy

From Sicily to Portofino, the Italian Coast has plenty of memorable locations to sail to.

The country’s many spectacular islands, beach clubs only accessible by boat, or the unbelievable rich history and culture have made Italy and its coast one of the most popular charter destinations in the entire world.

There are literally no simple choices to be made there, since there are too many wonderful options for a vacation there.

The thing with the Italian Coast is that once you’ve been there, you’ll keep wanting to go back again and again.

Greece yacht charter

Greece might seem another one of those overrated vacation destinations, but we’d say this country is actually underrated when it comes to all the possibilities it offers.

Sure, everybody has heard of Mykonos, Santorini, and Crete. Instagram is full of still perfection from there.

But did you know that Greece, apart from the mainland, which is not to be ignored at all, features between 1,200 and 6,000 islands and islets begging to be explored?

Interestingly enough, that is only an estimate, because no one knows for sure how many there are.

Once you grasp the true immensity of that number, you might realize that it’s only the likes of Crete or Santorini that have become overrated. But please don’t tell this to anybody else.

We bet you’d like to keep it that way as well

  • Final thoughts

So you’re getting ready for your next yacht charter vacation and you don’t know what destination to pick. Oh well, we don’t know either. All of them are beautiful in their own way.

Maybe go on the path of least resistance, pick the nearest one to you, or the cheapest, and just go. After all, traveling, or yachting for that matter, is less about the destination and more about the journey.

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About Thom Esveld

Thom has over 7 years of experience writing content about subjects such as travel, cars, motorcycles, tech & gadgets, and his newly discovered passion, watches. He’s in love with two wheeled machines and the freedom and the thrills that motorcycle travel provides. Learn more about Luxatic's Editorial Process .

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    Part 1: The World's Most Beautiful Superyachts. By Anna Solomon. 31 Jan 2019. has compiled a list of the most awe-inspiring exteriors on the market - a diverse fleet that proves that beauty is in the eye of the beholder... Jubilee A real standard bearer for 'the modern yacht', Jubilee's beauty resides in the fact that she ...

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    10. Benetti Air Yacht (Benetti Queen M). One of the most iconic yachts to grace the world's seas, the Benetti Queen M, has received a complete refit in 2013. The yacht in question was launched back in 1998, and even then, it set new standards in the world of luxury on seas.

  12. Best luxury yacht: 7 ultimate luxury cruisers you can buy

    Best luxury yacht winner - Oyster 495. It is hard to imagine that the decor of a yacht can change its look and feel quite this much, yet the layout of this second 495, Eddie Jordan's dramatic ...

  13. Top Ten Most Beautiful Yachts in the World

    With her stunning golden features, the Savarona is without a doubt one of the most beautiful yachts in the world. Aviva. This beautiful 68-metre yacht was commissioned from German shipmaker Abeking & Rasmussen in 2007. The Aviva is the first yacht with a plumb bow, an experiment we think paid off. The interior is incredibly high-end and ...

  14. The world's best superyachts

    The magnificent vessel is considered one of the world's most beautiful yachts and won the Motor Yacht of the Year award at the World Superyacht Awards 2009, as well as Best Interior Design in the motor yacht category. The ornate staircase made from hand-cut crystal indicates the level of detail and decadence lavished on Al Mirqab. And with a ...

  15. Andre Hoek's 8 most beautiful sailing yachts

    Velacarina. Velacarina is another beautiful Andre Hoek designed sailing yacht built by Claasen. The 25.88 metre Claasen Truly Classic 85 was launched in 2005 and features exterior and interior styling as well as naval architecture by Hoek. Currently for sale, sailing yacht Velacarina features a clean exterior with a single deckhouse, an unusual ...

  16. Spirit Yachts: The British yard behind some of the world's most

    Spirit Yachts has come a long way since a 37-footer called Spirit was built in a cowshed in Saxmundham in 1993. The hull of this beautiful long-ended, wood epoxy sloop was so light that Sean ...

  17. Future of Luxury Yachting: The 25 Best Yacht Brands

    2019 Sunseeker motor yacht, 131′ (40.2 m), (US$22,650,789). View the listing. One of the largest UK yacht builders, Sunseeker mainly manufactures its vessels in Poole, Dorset. Four superyacht models (ranging from 116-161 ft.) secure Sunseeker's place in the niche of large and extravagant vessels.

  18. Top 10 Most Beautiful Sailing Yachts

    Top 10 Most Beautiful Sailing Yachts. Sailing dates back to early 3,000 BC and is one of the first sea-going ships in human history. From racing to luxurious vacations, it's known to be one of the most efficient, long distance travel methods of its kind. According to Statista, the global luxury sailing yacht market is projected to more than ...

  19. 5 of the world's most spectacular Royal Yachts

    Ship shape: 5 of the world's most spectacular royal yachts. From the Danish royal yacht, where King Frederick IX is took his showers on the boat's bridge, to HMY Britannia, which the late Queen once described as 'the one place where I can truly relax'; these are the most spectacular royal vessels at sea today. By Dora Davies-Evitt.

  20. World's 5 Most Beautiful Superyachts

    The staff at Privé International have selected the 5 most beautiful superyachts in the world.+ A Bonus yacht at the end of the video. Enjoy!

  21. The World's Most Beautiful Yacht Clubs

    The New York Yacht Club acquired Harbour Court in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1987. The grand, Norman-style mansion was built in 1906 and sits on eight acres overlooking Brenton's Cove. The connection between the New York Yacht Club and Newport dates back to the club's founding in the mid-1800s, when the NYYC founders sailed from the Battery to Newport on their inaugural summer cruise.

  22. World's most beautiful classic yachts

    One of the rarest sights in sailing and a real treat for anyone who loves traditional classic yachts. Watch this rare footage of the big classic schooners Na...

  23. Sailing in Style: The World's Most Beautiful Yacht Charter ...

    19. St. Martin. Photo by Lauren Ostrout / Unsplash. Situated in the northeast of the Caribbean, the island of St. Martin is a very special place. Half French, half Dutch, this destination offers the best of both cultures, and plenty of opportunities to explore its natural beauty both from a yacht and on the shore.