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Le Yacht Club Restaurant

A rollicking mediterranean cruise.

Yacht Club restaurant Paris

I try to avoid “trendy” restaurants in Paris because the noise levels are generally high and the food standards low. But when asked to choose a place for a reunion of a group of friends, I decided to give the brand-new Yacht Club a chance.

It turned out to be the perfect place for us with its rollicking atmosphere and – surprise! – great food. It was a bit noisy, it’s true, but not excessively so for those in a celebratory mood. The live piano music right next to us contributed to the noise, but it wasn’t overwhelming.

The Yacht Club has taken the place of Jean-Frédéric Guidoni’s restaurant Jean, a former standard-bearer in Paris. Although it’s far from any port, the decor in pale blue and white has a seaside feel, and the shark’s head sculpture on the wall is straight out of the film Jaws.

The servers were all charming and professional in this extra-large (for Paris) restaurant with Mediterranean influences (the owners, Luc Sananes and Olivier Chini, are also the proprietors of Les Niçois).

Yacht Club restaurant Paris

We were advised to order two dishes apiece, but we quickly overshot that goal after sampling and loving the first round. A great favorite, quickly reordered, was the matchstick fries with Parmesan, thyme and truffle oil, but we also loved the razor clams with garlic and parsley, Iberian ham, butternut squash with toasted hazelnuts and hazelnut oil, crispy squid with tomato sauce, sautéed gambas with lemon juice and Kampot pepper, Sardinian fregola, cheese croquettes and deep-fried octopus with tomato sauce. The only thing that was good but not out of the ordinary was the feta cheese. The one vegetarian at our table was able to choose from six options, which the meat-eaters also enjoyed.

Yacht Club restaurant, Paris, rum baba

Eating at the Yacht Club was a good lesson for me: forget your a prioris and try everything! I’m looking forward to going back and hope I will have as much fun as I did the first time thanks to the food, the servers and my friends. 

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I’m not so sure that the photo is of Sardinian Fregola. It looksmore like Malloreddus.

You’re right, it does. Malloreddus, by the way, is Sardinian gnocchi.

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yacht club restaurant paris 9

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Cocktails, brunch et fiesta au Yacht Club

Bar et restaurant niçois à Paris

Les Niçois ont encore frappé ! Après leur démentiel resto-pétanque dans le 11 éme , la team du Sud jette l’ancre à Notre-Dame-de-Lorette dans une brasserie géante aux allures de Croisière s’amuse 2.0 furieusement cool sur deux étages. Embarquement immédiat dans ce nouveau bar/resto hautement trendy doté en prime d’un club très secret planqué au fond de la cale où se tiennent des fiestas d’anthologie en fin de semaine…

Mais chaque chose en son temps. A la carte ? Un doux parfum de Méditerranée : couteaux à la plancha (10 €), poulpe croustillant (11 €), côtelette d’agneau grillée (13 €) , croquettes de fromage (9 €), boulettes de bœuf sauce au yaourt (9 €), et ça continue avec le baba au rhum et le cake à l’amande, notre révélation (7 € chaque). Evidemment, le rosé est toujours au frais et les cocktails font leur « petit effet » à commencer par le Spritz XXL (12 €) et le Sir Mojito (11 €)…

plats du restaurant

Mention spéciale pour la déco absolument canon du sol au plafond : structure en bois, parterre graphique, banquette matelassée bleu acier, fauteuils en osier. Et pour le twist, trophées de pêche, bouées de secours et gueule de requin plus vraie que nature au mur, du meilleur effet sur Instagram. #LesDentsDeLaMer

Tip top : en bons capitaines, Olivier Chini et Luc Sananes ont prévu le brunch kids-friendly avec nounou tous les week-ends. Œufs brouillés, pancakes salés et sucrés, gravlax de thon rouge (30 € par adulte, 17 € par enfant). Parés à l’abordage !

Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 12h à 2h, samedi de 11h30 à 2h et dimanche de 11h30 à 17h.

Découvrez aussi Huguette, un apéro et fruits de mer en terrasse .

Julie Zwingelstein

Où le trouver ?

Le yacht club.

8, rue Saint-Lazare

75009 Paris

yacht club restaurant paris 9

Je partage !

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Restaurant Le Yacht Club

Téléphone et réservation :

La Condesa 75009

Bistrot de Marius 75008

Le Yacht Club Paris 9

A l'abordage, cap sur Paris !

Olivier Chini et Luc Sananes, ou l’équipe des Niçois, mettent les voiles et ouvre le Yacht Club, version parisienne d’un resto de plage. Une grande bicoque de 300m2 sur deux niveaux, où le bois verni s’accord au bleu ciel dans un style mi colonial, mi Cap-Ferret. Vieux carrelage mosaïque, chaises en rotin cannées, plantes vertes et banquettes turquoise, cette brasserie chic verse dans le beau rétro, sans en faire trop. Humeur partageuse en grandes tablées autour d’un poulpe croustillant, de couteaux à la plancha, de croquettes crousti-fondantes aux trois fromages et de balbutiants gnocchis au pesto sauce parmesan. La carte est résolument méditerranéenne, et les cocktails sentent bon le Sud. Évadez-vous en mer le temps d'un verre ou d'un repas.

Avis de la rédac sur Le Yacht Club

Testé le 24/11/2017 (par Antoine)

Coordonnees & plan d'acces

8 rue Saint-Lazare - 75009Paris

Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 12h à 2h, le samedi de 17h30 à 2h et le dimanche de 11h30 à 17h.

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Bonne adresse : le Yacht Club

Bonne adresse : le Yacht Club

Les Niçois ouvrent un nouveau restaurant kids friendly dans le 9ème à Paris ! Notre avis.

Après Les Niçois dans le 11ème, Riviera rue Oberkampf et leur gamme d’épicerie aux recettes familiales (du Sud, bien sûr), la bande des Niçois (Olivier Chini et Luc Sananes) conquiert Paris une fois de plus. Les joyeux lurons ont largué les amarres du Yacht Club, côté Notre-Dame-des-Lorette en septembre dernier. Cette néo-brasserie chic et rétro s’inscrit comme un véritable lieu de vie dans ce quartier animé : cocktails pointus à la tombée de la nuit, tapas en afterwork, piano-bar le mardi, brunch kid’s friendly le week-end (avec l’étage réservé aux enfants, accompagnés d’une super animatrice)…

A la carte ? Des inspirations méditerranéennes et iodées : purée de panais, thon mi-cuit, poulpe croustillant, et des valeurs sûres comme les pièces de boeuf.

Le plus : la déco chinée (comme la tête de requin dans la première salle, leur emblème) et évidemment, l’accueil des kids aux petits oignons notamment pour le brunch. Le bon plan pour prendre le large en famille, du lundi au dimanche, à n’importe quelle heure de la journée !

Le Yacht Club 8 rue St Lazarre 75009 Paris Plus d’infos sur leur page Facebook et Instagram

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Photo of Yacht Club - Paris, 75, FR.

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8 rue Saint-Lazare

75009 Paris

9ème, Saint-Georges








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Le Yacht Club

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Le Yacht Club - Restaurant, Bar, Brunch & Tapas à Paris 9ème

Le yacht club est un restaurant-bar situé au pied de la rue des martyrs dans le 9ème arrondissement de paris. avec son décor de mini-paquebot, notre établissement vous transporte dans une ambiance yacht club très pop et chic sans être guindé. notre cuisine du sud, surtout à base de poisson, est recommandée par les niçois, qui ont ouvert plusieurs restaurants à paris. venez déguster nos tapas entrée super bons, nos plats à 15€, nos produits niçois super bons à 25€/personne, et notre formule à 19€. notre brunch samedi et dimanche avec animation enfants de 11h30 à 15h est un must-try, avec des tapas à 10€ et un menu adulte à 30€ et enfant à 17€. notre carte de vins et cocktails est également à découvrir, avec notamment un excellent gin tonic lavande sirop de verveine à 13€. le yacht club est un endroit kids friendly, avec une animatrice pour les enfants et une salle de jeu à l'étage. vous pouvez également réserver pour un groupe et profiter de notre grande table. enfin, notre emplacement en plein coeur de paris en fait un lieu idéal pour bruncher en groupe ou pour un business lunch car les tables sont espacées et peu bruyant, avec un service attentif et rapide. venez découvrir le yacht club, la version parisienne du restaurant de plage, pour vous évader et profiter d'un bon moment entre amis ou en famille .

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3 634 utilisateurs

"C'est l'adresse des célèbres Niçois ! Déco genre Marin et brunch avec activité pour enfants ! "

@luciekagan, "une table de l’équipe des niçois • cheesecake & baba au rhum • brunch avec baby-sitter", "services très sympa et plats délicieux ", "au pied de la branchée rue des martyrs, le yacht club est une version parisienne du restaurant de plage. profitez du repas pour vous évader ", @lucielebas, "re coucou maryseajoutez un commentaire si vous le souhaitez...", @french.gourmet, "impression riviera française 🇫🇷☀️", @vic.sablon, "l’adresse iodée de la team des niçois. bistrot moderne et pêche plutôt rafraîchissante pour déjeuner cool ou dîner de copains. et ", @jcbeaumont.

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@hungryconsti, "truffle and parm fries ".

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The Don Juan II remains open all summer.

Frédéric Anton on the Don Juan II.

One star MICH­ELIN Guide France 2024.

For river-cruise dining with a menu that is as sensa­tional as the views.


Introducing Frédéric Anton

Chef at the Pré Catelan and the Jules Verne (3 stars and 2 stars in the MICH­ELIN Guide France 2024), Frédéric Anton has brought all of his creat­ive auda­city and his art of trans­form­ing products aboard the Don Juan II.

The most stunning experience on the Seine

The Don Juan II is the only yacht to be awar­ded a star in the Mich­elin Guide 2024 and 4 toques in the Gault&Millau 2024. The yacht offers a gast­ro­nomic twist that combines the charm of Art Deco with a contem­por­ary spirit to discover the emblems of Paris along the Seine.  

yacht club restaurant paris 9

The cuisine

The menu prom­ises you subtle sensa­tions for a breath­tak­ing gast­ro­nomic jour­ney that blends struc­ture and delic­ate flavors.

yacht club restaurant paris 9

Plunge into the world of Yachts de Paris

Yachts de Paris repres­ents the most refined way of exper­i­en­cing the Seine with a fleet of Yachts and Salons on the dock that you can privat­ize for your events. Treat your­self to the last word in chic for an unfor­get­table celeb­ra­tion. 

  • Paris, Île-de-France /
  • LES NIÇOIS 9 /
  • LES NIÇOIS 9 menu


Menu added by users november 18, 2022.


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Yacht Club

  • Location: Disney's Newport Bay Club
  • Restaurant type: Table Service
  • Food type: Seafood, International cuisine
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New England cuisine in an elegant boating club setting.

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I tried a ship-within-a-ship cruise experience and it was worth it for the endless perks—here’s why

The MSC Yacht Club affords travelers a totally different cruising experience, but you’ll have to splurge.

Erica Lamberg

I heard tales of luxury from people about the ritzy MSC Yacht Club , the ship-within-a-ship concept where discerning passengers enjoy their own area of the cruise ship that includes a dedicated restaurant, private lounge, separate pool and sundeck as well as private butlers and concierges to take of any whim while cruising. The elevated Yacht Club boasts priority everything while sailing MSC.

I sailed on a four-night cruise on the new MSC Seashore, a glitzy ship with Italian flair intermingled with references to New York City at every turn. Although the ship was well-appointed and had amazing dining, drinking and entertainment venues, and a bountiful Top Sail main buffet, thousands of passengers made the ship feel crowded at times, elevators were slow, and as I strolled through the general pools, they were boisterous and crowded.

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Switch gears to MSC Seashore’s Yacht Club, passkey-protected for lucky guests, and is a 180 from the ship’s general spaces. Once you scan your handy Yacht Club wrist badge, or your room key, you’re instantly given entrance to a breathtaking retreat of 131 staterooms and suites. All this luxury does come at a price. Cruise fares will vary based on destination, time of year, and cabin category, but generally speaking you can expect to pay double for the Yacht Club. And from my experience, it’s worth it. Read more about why you should splurge.

You’re fast-tracked through everything

The Yacht Club’s exclusivity and impeccable service standard started from the moment I got dropped off at the Port Canaveral cruise terminal. There were hundreds of people waiting to board at 1pm on embarkation day. I saw in the distance a canopy that said MSC Yacht Club. My husband and I wheeled our carry-on luggage to the representative under the canopy. I gave her my name and within two seconds, she gave me a sticker to wear and up we ascended on the escalator to check in. Just five minutes later, I was directed to the dedicated check-in area for Yacht Club guests. To my right, I saw about 1,000 people serpentine through ropes to do general check-in. I felt a sense of relief; who wants to wait in that line? Five minutes later, a butler from the Yacht Club insisted on wheeling my luggage to board the ship and I was in my room in a total on 12 minutes from the time I stepped foot out of the car to my stateroom in the Yacht Club.

Relaxing and streamlined

In addition, Yacht Club guests have the freedom to get off the ship first for excursions. Your butler will happily escort you off the ship with a smile. Guests also can disembark on the last morning first, which is a big convenience. Your butler walks you right to the place you disembark, bypassing crowds and hassles. Port Canaveral is about an hour away from Orlando International Airport, and we took a 10 am flight home. We didn’t have to linger around until the afternoon for our flight home.

Another perk is that there’s a special seating area in the theater for shows. All the shows were excellent during my voyage. All other ship passengers have to make reservations in advance for shows but that’s not the case for the privileged Yacht Club passengers. As long as you arrive about 10 minutes before any show you choose, a crew member from the Club will allow you entry into a special roped-off section. Again, no rushing through dinner—you have the flexibility to plan your evenings your way.

MSC Seashore

Your Yacht Club package is packed with remarkable value

The price tag may sound daunting, but there’s lots of value there. All Yacht Club cabins and suites include a premium drink package that covers beverages up to $15. You can use this perk both in the Yacht Club and throughout the ship. In addition, your package includes a two-device Wi-Fi package, which worked well during my sailing. Finally, you get access to the thermal spa suite, which is a place to indulge after a day in port or a sea day. Commonly, there’s a taboo regarding mini-bars, but not in the Yacht Club. It’s stocked each day with the beverages you want; just tell your butler and consider it done.

You get perks ashore too

If your sailing includes a call to Ocean Cay, MSC’s private island, Yacht Club guests get an elevated experience there too. Yacht Club guests enjoy a private area, and a dedicated restaurant called the Ocean House. While other ship guests were hosted to a buffet of predictable fare, I enjoyed a lobster roll, and my husband chose carne asada. In my opinion, one thing that could be improved was the tram service to the Yacht Club’s private area. We were told the last tram back was 3:30pm if we didn’t want to trek a 15-minute walk in the heat. Since we were docked in Ocean Cay for the evening and weren’t sailing, I was a bit dismayed by this logistical quirk. I felt like I was keeping an eye on my phone to make sure I didn’t miss the last tram.

You have private areas with curated food and drink and outdoor spaces

Within the Yacht Club complex, there’s the Yacht Club Restaurant, Top Sail Lounge and the One Pool Buffet, which are all exclusive to Yacht Club guests. Obviously, the food and service are steps above other dining venues of the ship, I can vouch for that. Although the food is delicious, if you don’t want to pay extra to dine at the specialty restaurants or fuss in the main buffet, eating three meals a day in the Yacht Club restaurant can get a bit monotonous. The breakfast is the same daily, and lunch and dinner offer a menu with daily specials plus a few standby selections like a hamburger or pasta each day. Although the Yacht Club Restaurant concept is desirable, I would strongly suggest dining in other venues on board, especially for dinner. I thoroughly enjoyed specialty dining in Ocean Cay Restaurant, Butcher’s Cut, and Kaito Teppanyaki. I also want to mention that late afternoon high tea is offered daily at the Yacht Club Restaurant. It was one of the nicest I have experienced at sea.

MSC Seashore

Also available exclusively to Yacht Club passengers is the Top Sail Lounge, which offers panoramic water views and has chef-curated selections from morning through late night. We enjoyed popping into the lounge at all hours to try finger foods and sweets. The One Pool Buffet offers a more casual option for breakfast and lunch by the pool. The buffet has grilled fish, sandwiches and lots of delicious options if you want to dine outside.

There’s also an exclusive area with a private pool and two whirlpools for Yacht Club guests only. The sun deck loungers are very comfortable and I never had to worry about finding a lounger, there are ample. One issue I had was that there was almost no shade on the sun deck; there were shaded day beds for Royal Suite and Owners Suite guests, but beyond those, I couldn’t find any shade, which was disappointing.

You can justify the price at the end of your cruise

Overall, the best way to explain my enthusiasm for my MSC Yacht Club experience is this: it’s better to book an interior stateroom in the Yacht Club than a luxe cabin outside the Yacht Club. It’s worth the splurge and you return home feeling truly pampered and it’s money well-spent. And I make this prediction: Once you try a ship-within-a-ship concept like the MSC Yacht Club, you won’t want cruise any other way. Bon Voyage!

Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

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Musée d'Orsay Balade Seine Yachts de Paris

Embark on a magical journey

We instill our key values of eleg­ance, inspir­a­tion and excel­lence in all events to ensure that you have a magical exper­i­ence from start to finish.

yacht club restaurant paris 9

Organise a truly memorable event on the River Seine hosted by experts in hospitality

As experts in the art of hospit­al­ity, we guar­an­tee our clients impec­cable service across all of our venues.

yacht club restaurant paris 9

Take your event to the next level with Yachts de Paris

Our passion for luxury yachts has led to a collec­tion of excep­tional and atyp­ical venues across Paris, enablling our clients to exper­i­ence the River Seine in the most soph­ist­ic­ated way possible.

Enjoy the Yachts de Paris experience

Whether you are a corpor­ate or private client, we will take your event to the next level by offer­ing you an unfor­get­table exper­i­ence on the River Seine.


Professional gatherings and corporate events

We will make your corpor­ate seminars, team build­ing events and busi­ness meals into memor­able occa­sions that inspire loyalty.

Diner Paquebot

XXL Event Organizing

We work with you to create the high­lights and an event with a unique format for your product launch, show or gala.

yacht club restaurant paris 9

Exclusive experiences

We invite you to grasp the magic of Paris for an intense and exclus­ive moment.


Weddings and Private celebrations

The qual­ity of our services and our luxury yacht­ing culture are at your service for your big occa­sions: weddings, birth­days, special events, etc.

Experience luxury yachting

Eleg­ance is the driv­ing force behind all of our yachts and quay­side lounges. Why not hire one of our venues or even two for a wonder­ful escape from the every­day?

Luxurious and intimate

The Cachemire embod­ies all the luxury of yacht­ing; from furniture to table­ware, this is French crafts­man­ship at its best. What better way to spoil the select few you invite to your event? 

Elegant with a gentlemen's club feel

The Acajou prom­ises an event in a comfort­able, friendly atmo­sphere. Its fully equipped upper deck is the perfect place to enjoy­ing a fun and excit­ing cruise on the River Seine.

Stylish and modern

Enhance your event with a cruise on the River Seine onboard a sleek, stream­lined yacht! The Victoria welcomes guests with soph­ist­ic­ated, neo-clas­sical flair – you decide how you want to build on this for your event!

Exceptional and majestic

The Excel­lence offers a bright, wood-paneled setting with a flex­ible layout, while its remark­able upper deck provides guests with the perfect insight into the world of luxury yacht­ing.

Avant-garde and festive

Few venues provide guests with as magical a setting for an event as the Mirage. Its ultra-modern design and vast bay windows guar­an­tee you an unfor­get­table cruise on the River Seine.

A grand transatlantic vibe

The Paque­bot (which means cruise ship in French) gives a glimpse into life on the ocean waves! A giant on the River Seine, this yacht can host large events across three decks that are bound to thrill your guests.


The Liberty Barge

Spacious and open to the skies

Set up the Liberty Barge however you wish for your event, whether it’s open­ing the huge retract­able glass roof or making the most of its cosier areas. Wherever your imagin­a­tion takes you, your guests are bound to enjoy an immers­ive exper­i­ence onboard.

The Nework Lounge

Flooded with natural light

Situ­ated right oppos­ite the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty, the Nework Lounge affords stun­ning views over Paris. Combin­ing eleg­ance and modern­ity, this venue is equipped with all the latest tech­no­logy and its differ­ent areas can be configured to suit your needs so you can hold excep­tional larger events.

The Atelier

Chic and relaxing

Sitated near Notre Dame Cathed­ral, the Atelier’s discreet, neo-indus­trial style and open spaces is a great option for your event. This unusual venue in Paris is full of natural light and partic­u­larly condu­cive for network­ing, with superb views of the French capital.

Notre-Dame Space

La vue et le confort

Situé en bord de Seine, l’Espace Notre-Dame est le lieu idéal pour organ­iser votre évène­ment d’en­tre­prise en journée et pour­suivre en soirée sur la terrasse, qui offre une vue inégal­able sur Paris, pour votre after­work ou cock­tail. Impres­sion­nez vos convives sur la deux­ième plus belle avenue du monde !


Unforgettable experiences with Yachts de Paris

We are thrilled that our clients are happy with the service we have provided and that we can share their wonder­ful messages of thanks

"An extraordin­ary/fabulous/incred­ible moment, with very pleas­ant and attent­ive staff. The cuisine was superb and the barman was lovely. Everything was just as I’d planned, it was even like the weather had been made to order! 

We all had an excep­tional, heart­felt and joyful even­ing."

“We would like to sincerely thank you for the qual­ity of the service you provided for our seminar on May 23 and to tell you how grate­­ful we are and how much we enjoyed work­ing with you. You greatly contrib­uted to making this seminar a success from every point of view.

We will not hesit­ate to call on you in the future for another event that our Maison may organ­­ize in the future.”

"Little by little, we’ve been gradu­ally coming back down to earth after our big day, which would not have been as good as it was if we hadn’t celeb­rated our wedding onboard the Excel­lence!

Everything went perfectly to plan, the magic worked instantly, making this a wonder­ful dream­like night full of love and friend­ship."

"Every­one was delighted with the Acajou, the chic decor­a­tions on the tables and in the room, the qual­ity of the service, the polite­ness of the staff and the finesse of the food.

You helped make the celeb­ra­tion of the 10-year part­ner­ship between the KLESIA Group and Mutuelle UFR go perfectly." 

Our latest news on Instagram

Take inspir­a­tion from the most beau­ti­ful events staged by our clients to create your own and discover the unique exper­i­ences that you can enjoy with Yachts de Paris.

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  • Disney Newport Bay Club Dining

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Disney Newport Bay Club

Table service, Online bookings


Yacht Club Restaurant at Disneyland Paris Closes for Refurbishment

Hi everyone!

The Yacht Club restaurant at Disneyland Paris has closed for refurbishment. The restaurant is located in Disney’s Newport Bay Club. I am not sure of the official reopening date, but the first evening I see available in the app is September 3rd, 2024. The restaurant serves specialties “inspired by New England with Mediterranean influences”.

Yacht Club restaurant in Disney's Newport Bay Club

Photo copyright Disneyland Paris

There are two main restaurants at Disney’s Newport Bay Club – the Yacht Club and also Cape Cod, which is a buffet restaurant (we had a nice meal there in September 2022).

If you are looking for a lovely restaurant to dine at while the Yacht Club is under refurbishment, we do recommend Brasserie Rosalie in Disney Village, which opened late last year.

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  • The Nightmare Before Christmas Sleepwear Arrives to Disney Store



Live, laugh, yacht club.


Everyone Welcome

What we're about.

Yacht Club is an anti-club club where all are welcome. It’s a nerdy cocktail bar, a natural wine bar, and your favorite dive bar all in one. We believe in accessibility to deliciousness and that a good time shouldn’t be unattainable, but rather had by all. 


Drinks & Food

We got the goods.

The drinks at Yacht Club are first and foremost aimed at enjoyment - with the best quality of ingredients, care and love that make for some seriously fun (and delicious!) drinking. We lean coastal while not being tropical, we focus heavily on split based wine forward cocktails, and aim to get the most out of every ingredient that comes through our door - all of this is part of our ultimate belief and ethos in a holistic approach to sustainability.



Seize the day, cap the night, private events, how can i host my private event at yc.

Want a private Yacht Club experience for you and your people?! Holler at us using the link below!

How many people can the bar hold?

We are small but mighty! Our space holds 50 people seated, and has a capacity of 77 standing. We can't fit the whole village but we can fit all your favorites!

Do you offer catering?

Heck yes! We are always happy to take the Yacht Club show on the road. Whether you need some drinks curated for your big party, Hollywood Frank's famous dogs, or the Full Monty, we are here for all your Yachty needs!


A rotating cast of our favorite people & places.

Whether you're in Denver for a bit or need some travel tips, you'll find some of the places that we love to frequent when not at the bar. It's not completely comprehensive but should be a good place to start! We'll update frequently so keep an eye out for new and old friends making appearances!

The 100 Bars We Can't Live...

24 essential denver bars, the 10 most memorable..., 50 best bars: north..., ketel one 'sustainable..., best bars in america, tales of the cocktail 'top..., best new bar 2023, the best places to drink..., wear your bar on your sleeve.

Dope merch for dope people! There is an ever rotating collection of Yachty gear up for grabs and this is the easiest spot to find what's fresh. If there is a size that's out of stock, we will have them back soon so please don't hesitate to reach out on Instagram !

yacht club restaurant paris 9

Unique Romantic Experience

navigate, dine, sleep on the seine


Romantic stay in Paris The VIP Paris Yacht Hotel ","tablet":" Romantic stay in Paris The VIP Paris Yacht Hotel ","phone":" Romantic stay in Paris \n The VIP Paris Yacht Hotel "}},"slug":"et_pb_text"}" data-et-multi-view-load-tablet-hidden="true" data-et-multi-view-load-phone-hidden="true"> Romantic stay in Paris The VIP Paris Yacht Hotel

Carried by the waves of the Seine, the VIP Paris Yacht Hotel & Spa offers lovers a unique moment where each moment spent on board plunges us into an atmosphere of romance and elegance.

A word from the General Director

yacht club restaurant paris 9

Hervé Debbah

signature Hervé Debbah

Our concept

An aperitif cruise from the rooftop with a breathtaking view of Paris, a refined dinner in our Thalattata restaurant or an overnight stay on board in our 17 double cabins including 7 Suites with private Jacuzzi and Sauna, create the stay of your dreams.

Discover our romantic experiences

Four experiences specially designed to make you live a timeless moment aboard the VIP Paris Yacht Hotel & Spa. All designed to celebrate love in a romantic and elegant atmosphere. All you have to do is choose your stay.

Dinner Cruise

Dinner cruise & night, summer cruise.

  • Boarding between 18 p.m. and 19:30 p.m.
  • 2 hour cruise
  • Live singer
  • 3-course dinner included (excluding drinks)
  • Night not included
  • Boarding from 16 p.m.
  • Suites with private jacuzzi and sauna (depending on availability)
  • Dinner not included
  • Cruise according to season and/or time arrival
  • Boarding from 18 p.m. to 19:30 p.m.
  • 2 hour cruise on the rooftop
  • 1 Cocktail per person
  • Only available from April to September
  • Dinner and overnight stay not included

yacht club restaurant paris 9

2024 Olympics

Access to vip paris during the olympics.

View The Parisian VIP | July 29, 2024

yacht club restaurant paris 9

National Day 2024

Program for july 14: unforgettable evening and night on the seine.

View The Parisian VIP | 27th May 2024

yacht club restaurant paris 9

Flood: New Itinerary

Exceptional adaptation: cruise modified due to flooding.

View The Parisian VIP | 14th May 2024

new year on the Seine vip paris cruise boat hotel

New Year’s Eve 2024

Enchanted new year on the seine: dinner cruise and magical night.

View The Parisian VIP | December 12, 2023

yacht club restaurant paris 9

Valentine's Day: Special evening on February 14, 2024

10% discount on february 14, 2024.

View The Parisian VIP | 21th November 2023

yacht club restaurant paris 9

Throughout the year

Private jacuzzi and sauna on the seine.

View The Parisian VIP | 9th November 2023


From 50 people

A little guide to a successful marriage.

View The Parisian VIP | 2th November 2023

Velouté of pumpkin

From the November 1

New fall product at the vip paris yacht hotel: potimarron velouté.

wedding Seine Paris cruise

Your wedding on the Seine

View The Parisian VIP | September 14, 2023

suite Bali hotel

New themed suite: Bali

View The Parisian VIP | September 13, 2023

Instagram follow

Follow us @levipparis

Join our community, discover behind the scenes of the VIP Paris Yacht Hotel and take part in our monthly competitions!

✨ Admirez les plus beaux monuments de la capitale à bord du VIP Paris Yacht Hôtel.🇬🇧 Admire the most beautiful monuments of the capital aboard the VIP Paris Yacht Hotel.••🛳️ Bateau Hôtel romantique🧖🏻‍♀️ Suites, Jacuzzi et Sauna🍽 Dîner croisière du lundi au dimanche🥂 Naviguez, dînez et dormez sur la Seine📍 Port de la Râpée, 75012 Paris📞••�Crédit photo : @monsieurhuman#VIPParisYachtHotel #ParisYachtHotel #DinnerCruise #DînerCroisière #SeineCruise #ParisDinnerCruise #RomanticDinner #RomanticEscape #ParisRomance #EveningCruise #ParisNights #SeineViews #ParisianExperience #CityOfLight #ParisGetaway #YachtViews #NightCruise #Paris12 #ParisOnTheSeine #ParisExperience

Can we enjoy the restaurant with a cruise on the Seine in Paris without staying overnight?

Welcome to the VIP Paris Yacht Hotel , the ideal place to live a unique experience combining luxury, gastronomy and discovery of the magnificent city of Paris. We are delighted to answer your question regarding the possibility of enjoying our restaurant during a Seine cruise without spending the night on board.

The answer is an enthusiastic yes! You can absolutely book a dinner cruise without spending the night on board from our yacht hotel. We understand that some of you simply want to enjoy an exceptional culinary experience and a breathtaking view of the monuments of Paris, without necessarily staying in our suites.

To make your reservation easier, we offer two simple options. The first is to visit our website and go to the section dedicated to dinner cruises . There you will find all the details on the menus offered, timetables and prices. You can also make your reservation online, choosing the date and time that suits you best.

If you prefer a more personal approach, our team is also available by telephone. You can contact us at the following number: 01 44 68 06 38. Receipt of the VIP Paris Yacht Hotel will be happy to guide you through the booking process and answer any questions you may have regarding our dinner cruise.

Once your reservation is confirmed, get ready for an unforgettable experience. OUR restaurant on the Seine offers you refined cuisine prepared by our talented chef, with exquisite dishes highlighting fresh seasonal products. While you enjoy your meal, you will be lulled by the calm waters of the Seine and enjoy a spectacular view of the main monuments of Paris such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre-Dame and many others.

Whether you are a couple, family or friends, our dinner cruise is a perfect opportunity to celebrate a special event or simply to spend a memorable evening in Paris .

Welcome aboard and enjoy your meal!

When does the hotel boat leave for a cruise on the Seine?

Welcome to the VIP Paris Yacht Hotel website, the essential address to experience a unforgettable experience aboard our sumptuous yacht hotel sailing on the Seine. We are happy to answer your question regarding our cruise schedules.

Our cruises start at 20 p.m. and last until 22:30 p.m. . In order to guarantee a smooth and pleasant experience for all our passengers, it is imperative to be on board the boat by 19:30 p.m. This meeting time allows us to warmly welcome you and offer you personalized service upon your arrival.

We recommend that you arrive on time to fully enjoy every moment of your Seine cruise. By arriving on board at 19:30 p.m., you will have plenty of time to sit comfortably and admire the superb views of the monuments of Paris; and prepare yourself to enjoy a delicious gourmet meal prepared by our talented chef if you have chosen to enjoy our restaurant.

It is important to note that our hotel boat returns to the dock at 22:30 p.m. . At the end of your cruise, you will have had a magical experience and you will be able to continue your evening in Paris, having unforgettable memories of your trip on the Seine.

See you soon for a unique experience in the heart of the City of Lights!

Is the reception of the romantic hotel Le VIP Paris open 24 hours a day?

Welcome to the VIP Paris Yacht Hotel website, the perfect address to experience a romantic experience and luxurious in the heart of Paris. We are here to answer your question regarding opening hours of our reception .

Please note that our reception is open from 8 hours to 23 hours . During these opening hours, our dedicated team is available to welcome you warmly, answer all your questions and offer you personalized assistance.

Outside reception opening hours, our on-call staff remains available for any emergency situation that may arise during your stay in our Parisian hotel. You can have the peace of mind to know that we are always here to help you.

I booked a romantic night, but the hotel boat has to go on a cruise

We understand your desire to fully enjoy your Stay in Paris to live a unique experience aboard our hotel boat. In this case, two options are available to you:

Enjoy the cruise: You have the opportunity to take a seat on board for the cruise which starts at 20 p.m. This will allow you to combine a romantic night aboard our yacht hotel with a magical cruise on the Seine. You will be enchanted by the breathtaking views of the emblematic monuments of Paris illuminated, creating a romantic and magical atmosphere.

Wait for the boat to return to the dock: If you prefer a more intimate evening and enjoy your night alone without the cruise, you have the option of waiting for the boat to return to the dock at 22:30 p.m. At that time, you will be able to sit comfortably in your suite and enjoy all the premium amenities and services that our hotel offers. You can also choose to dine in our restaurant, where our talented chef will provide you with an exquisite culinary experience.

Whichever option you choose, we strive to make your stay a romantic and memorable experience . Our dedicated team is on hand to answer all your questions and help you plan your evening in the best possible way.

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Luxury bvlgari yacht club restaurant in dubai, choose your language.

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Jumeira Bay Island, Jumeira 2, Dubai, UAE +971 4 7775555


Little Gems Club

Save the Children

Green Initiatives

Rooms and Suites

Garden Rooms and Suites

The Bvlgari Bar

Il Ristorante - Niko Romito

The Bvlgari Lounge

La Spiaggia

Yacht Club Restaurants

The Bvlgari Spa

Fitness Center

Meetings and Events

Weddings and Celebrations

Bvlgari Boutique

La Galleria

Bvlgari Dolci

Bvlgari Dolci Shop Online

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Abu Dhabi Tour

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  • An Emperor's Jewel


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Bulgari Resort Dubai Yacht Club Restaurant

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Yacht Club Restaurant

Nestled on the end of the Marina, the world’s first Bvlgari Marina and Yacht Club is a unique destination which overlooks a 46-boat harbour and recreates the charm of a Mediterranean atmosphere in the heart of the Gulf. Open for lunch and dinner, it features an Italian Restaurant specializing in fish conceived to offer its diners a timeless dining experience.

The Yacht Club Pool

The Yacht Club's custom-designed pool looks out onto the world's tallest tower, conjuring the soul of the Roman jeweller in every facet of its unique design. Intricate details at the bottom of the pool are inspired by vintage brooches from the 1920s, giving the impression of gemstones scattered in the water. Thousands of emerald green hand-laid tiles and glass mosaic pieces from Bisazza embellish the pool's 18 cabanas, completing the dazzling décor. 

Opening time

The Bvlgari Yacht Club Restaurant:

Open from 12.30 p.m. last seat at 11.00 p.m.

The Bvlgari Yacht Club Lounge:

Open from 05.00 p.m. to 02.00 a.m.

The Bvlgari Yacht Club Pool:

Open from 09.00 a.m. to Sunset

Dario Abbate, Executive Chef Bvlgari Resort Dubai

Executive Chef Dario Abbate brings 15 years of culinary experience to his role as Executive Chef at Bvlgari Resort Dubai. Born in Italy and trained in France, Chef Dario began his career at a one-Michelin-starred restaurant in Paris before returning to Italy to deepen his experience in regional cuisine. From Sorrento to Roma and Milano, he worked in and eventually helmed some of the country's most illustrious kitchens. After a decade studying the techniques and traditions of his native country, Chef Abbate moved to the Middle East in 2016, holding a number of prestigious appointments before taking on his finest role yet: as Executive Chef of Bvlgari Resort Dubai. Fusing east and west, time-tested expertise and a modern approach, Chef Abbate’s passion for flavour and artistry comes through in every dish.

what's on at the resort

Michelin awards stars to two bvlgari resort dubai restaurants.

The stars continue to shine bright in Dubai — Michelin stars, that is. The renowned French restaurant guide has just released its ratings for 2024 and confirmed one star for omakase restaurant Hōseki and two stars for Il Ristorante - Niko Romito. Congratulations to Chef Sugiyama and Chef Giacomo Amicucci for delivering an exceptional level of ...

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At the Resort’s beach, guests can enjoy a variety of international food and drinks during the day; while by night, the beach club glistens under the lanterns and candlelight and offers the perfect spot to enjoy the sea breeze.

Echoing the elegant design of the original Bvlgari Hotel Milano, Il Ristorante – Niko Romito at Bvlgari Resort Dubai celebrates the rich heritage of Italy. Every element of the restaurant’s ambiance has been hand-picked to ensure a seamless dining experience. Raised banquettes offer a better view of the Arabian Gulf, as a dramatic black ceiling ...

Meaning “gemstone” in Japanese, Hōseki is a minimalist jewel-box of a destination where guests can enjoy a one-of-a-kind gastronomic treat by Chef Masahiro Sugiyama. With just nine seats, dining at Hōseki is a unique Omakase experience, the most traditional way to savor Japanese food which means “I leave it to you”. After arriving through a special ...

what's on in Dubai

Newsletter sign up, an emperor’s jewel - the making of the bvlgari hotel roma.

A new movie starring Bvlgari Global Brand Ambassador Priyanka Chopra Jonas and produced by Atomic Production and directed by Andrea Rovetta, gives viewers an unprecedented view of Bvlgari Hotel Roma, taking them behind the scenes to discover the craftsmanship and culture that inspired the property.


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  2. Le Yacht Club, le nouveau bar/resto des Niçois à Paris

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    yacht club restaurant paris 9

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    yacht club restaurant paris 9


  1. Le Yacht Club Restaurant

    The Yacht Club has taken the place of Jean-Frédéric Guidoni's restaurant Jean, a former standard-bearer in Paris. ... Le Yacht Club Restaurant . Bistro . Paris Update Favorite. 8, rue Saint-Lazare 9th arrondissement. Métro: Notre-Dame de Lorette . 09 53 57 61 15.

  2. Le Yacht Club, the new bar/resto restaurant of the Niçois in Paris

    After their restaurant-pétanque, the gang led by Olivier Chini and Luc Sananes has thrown its anchor at Notre-Dame-de-Lorette in a Med neo-brasserie. ... Cocktails, brunch and fiesta at the Yacht Club. 10.30.2017 . Les Niçois are back on track! ... Le Yacht Club. 8, rue Saint-Lazare. 75009 Paris. 09 53 57 61 15. Trinite-d ...

  3. Le Yacht Club, le nouveau bar/resto des Niçois à Paris

    Restaurants à Paris : nos meilleures adresses . Bonnes brasseries à Paris : nos meilleures adresses . Cocktails, brunch et fiesta au Yacht Club . Cocktails, brunch et fiesta au Yacht Club . 30.10.2017 . Les Niçois ... Le Yacht Club. 8, rue Saint-Lazare. 75009 Paris. 09 53 57 61 15.

  4. Le Yacht Club Paris: le restaurant plage de la capitale

    A l'abordage !Situé dans le 9ème arrondissement, le Yacht club est le nouveau resto/brasserie branché des Niçois.

  5. Restaurant Le Yacht Club (75009 Paris)

    Restaurant / Restaurant Paris / Paris 9 / Le Yacht Club . Restaurant Le Yacht Club Ouvert en : Septembre 2017. 8 rue Saint-Lazare 75009 Paris . Téléphone et réservation : Afficher le numéro de téléphone Tel : 09 53 57 61 15. ← ...

  6. Yacht Club, Paris

    Yacht Club, #248 among Paris clubs: 140 reviews by visitors and 21 detailed photos. Find on the map and call to book a table. Log In. English . Español . Русский . Français . ... #15125 of 33982 restaurants in Paris . Add a photo + 18 photos + 17 photos + 15 photos. Add a photo.

  7. Bonne adresse : le Yacht Club

    Les Niçois ouvrent un nouveau restaurant kids friendly dans le 9ème à Paris ! Notre avis. Après Les Niçois dans le 11ème, Riviera rue Oberkampf et leur ... Les joyeux lurons ont largué les amarres du Yacht Club, côté Notre-Dame-des-Lorette en septembre dernier. ... Le Yacht Club 8 rue St Lazarre 75009 Paris Plus d'infos sur leur page ...


    With so few reviews, your opinion of Yacht Club could be huge. Start your review today. Overall rating. 4 reviews. 5 stars. 4 stars. 3 stars. 2 stars. 1 star. Filter by rating. Search reviews. Search reviews. Phone number. 09 53 57 61 15. Get Directions. 8 rue Saint-Lazare 75009 Paris France. Suggest an edit.

  9. Le Yacht Club : Restaurant Paris 9ème 75009 (adresse, horaire et avis)

    Restaurant Le Yacht Club Paris 9ème 75009. Avis, téléphone, horaires, plan et promotions avec Justacoté, le guide des bonnes adresses.

  10. Mapstr

    9 Rue Saint-Lazare, 75009 Paris, France - Retrouvez les avis de vos amis, des influenceurs, des magazines et des guides qui parlent du Le Yacht Club. Réserver, commander en livraison ou à emporter directement depuis l'application Mapstr.

  11. Yacht Club

    Yacht Club. 37 likes · 4 talking about this · 338 were here. Restaurant

  12. YACHT CLUB, Marne-la-Vallee

    Yacht Club. Claimed. Review. 433 reviews. #13 of 22 Restaurants in Marne-la-Vallee ££££, French, European. Avenue Robert Schuman Disneyland Paris, 77700, Marne-la-Vallee France. + Add phone number + Add website. Closed now See all hours. Improve this listing.

  13. Yacht Club

    Reservations. Our tables go like hotcakes! Book ahead via the website or the official Disneyland Paris mobile app up to 2 months in advance (or upon booking confirmation for Disney Hotel Guests). Please note: certain restaurants may only be open for bookings at a later date. Can't make it on the day?

  14. Don Juan II

    The most stunning experience on the Seine. The Don Juan II is the only yacht to be awar­ded a star in the Mich­elin Guide 2024 and 4 toques in the Gault&Millau 2024. The yacht offers a gast­ro­nomic twist that combines the charm of Art Deco with a contem­por­ary spirit to discover the emblems of Paris along the Seine. On-board.

  15. Menu at Yacht Club, Paris

    Menu added by the restaurant owner March 25, 2019. Yacht Club menu . Menus of restaurants nearby. L'Ivress Bourse menu #11197 of 38483 places to eat in Paris. Montezuma Café menu #13085 of 38483 places to eat in Paris. Le Macareux menu ... The restaurant information including the Yacht Club menu items and prices may have been modified since ...

  16. Yacht Club menu

    Menu for Yacht Club at Disneyland Paris. Check out all the dishes and the latest prices before you go to plan your dining at the restaurants of Euro Disney resort, including starters, main courses, desserts, drinks and set price menu deals of this Disneyland Paris dinner location, Yacht Club.

  17. I Tried the MSC Yacht Club and it Was Worth it for the Endless Perks

    Yacht Club guests enjoy a private area, and a dedicated restaurant called the Ocean House. While other ship guests were hosted to a buffet of predictable fare, I enjoyed a lobster roll, and my ...

  18. Yachts de Paris

    Yachts de Paris includes yachts and venues on the Seine for you to hire, as well as a restaurant—the Don Juan II—where chef Frédéric Anton is in residence. ... The qual­ity of our services and our luxury yacht­ing culture are at your service for your big occa­sions: weddings, birth­days, special events, etc. ...

  19. Yacht Club

    Drop anchor at the refined Yacht Club at Disney's Newport Bay Club Hotel for sophisticated dishes inspired by New England with Mediterranean influences. ... Show search - Rechercher sur disneyland paris, ce domaine dispose d'un menu contextuel d'auto-suggestion Delete typed ... certain restaurants may only be open for bookings at a later date.

  20. Yacht Club Restaurant at Disneyland Paris Closes for Refurbishment

    The Yacht Club restaurant at Disneyland Paris has closed for refurbishment. The restaurant is located in Disney's Newport Bay Club. I am not sure of the official reopening date, but the first evening I see available in the app is September 3rd, 2024. The restaurant serves specialties "inspired by New England with Mediterranean influences".

  21. Yacht Club!

    The drinks at Yacht Club are first and foremost aimed at enjoyment - with the best quality of ingredients, care and love that make for some seriously fun (and delicious!) drinking. We lean coastal while not being tropical, we focus heavily on split based wine forward cocktails, and aim to get the most out of every ingredient that comes through ...

  22. VIP Paris Yacht Hotel

    A unique romantic experience aboard the VIP Paris yacht hotel with private jacuzzi and sauna. Sail, dine and sleep on the Seine! 01 44 68 06 38. 5% discount when you subscribe to the Newsletter. ... a refined dinner in our Thalattata restaurant or an overnight stay on board in our 17 double cabins including 7 Suites with private Jacuzzi and ...

  23. Luxury Bvlgari Yacht Club Restaurant in Dubai

    The Bvlgari Yacht Club Restaurant: Open from 12.30 p.m. last seat at 11.00 p.m. The Bvlgari Yacht Club Lounge: Open from 05.00 p.m. to 02.00 a.m. ... Chef Dario began his career at a one-Michelin-starred restaurant in Paris before returning to Italy to deepen his experience in regional cuisine. From Sorrento to Roma and Milano, he worked in and ...