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endeavor 35 sailboat

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09-12-2005, 06:52  
Boat: Morgan 382 "Tropical Wave"
/ (6 months on 6 mths off), and this one keeps coming to the top. It isn't perfect (what is?) but we like the 4'11 , the fit/finish seems pretty good, it is a very roomy 35' , and the numbers indicate that it should have the kind of light-air and windward performance we are looking for (at least in a shoal boat). And, there are a few of them in our range! But some of these have closed-cell foam cored decks, and I am wondering if this is something that should scare me away?

Also, anyone with comments in general on the mid-80's 35 - I have had no luck whatsoever in finding a review or objective 3rd-party opinion on these (tried BoatUS, Practical Sailor, Sailnet)

Thanks for your advice!

09-12-2005, 07:29  
Boat: Farr 11.6 (AKA Farr 38) Synergy
35's seemed to have an upgraded build and design quality relative to Endeavour's earlier models. The 35's were a Bruce Kelly design rather than a Johnson design like the earlier Endeavours. I have always thought that Bruce was a very tallented . These seem to have had a very loyal following.

09-12-2005, 07:56  
Boat: (Cruiser Living On Dirt)
. The 35 uses encapsulated lead ballast, whereas I’d prefer a suspended exterior (but it’s not a deal breaker). It's got the preferred "internal flange" hull/deck joint.
All in all, this could be an excellent choice for the , at the right .

Endeavour 35 Sailboat Specifications

10-12-2005, 16:45  
it causes larger than normal problems. And a shop familiar with this coring needs to be employed. All but one of the boats we looked at had problems.
- The step is a very prone area. All the boats had had this are repaired.
- All owners and brokers claim it is a "tender" boat. Good or bad, you'll have to decide on that one.
- All the boats had leaky . A "common" Endeavour problem.
- For a cruiser they have respectable speed. Three of the boats had a handfull of trophies to their credit.
- When maintained they sure look better than most of the marina stock.

Here's a review someone provided me:


Good luck

12-12-2005, 04:25  
Boat: Farr 11.6 (AKA Farr 38) Synergy
than Balsa. This is especially true when used as a material where sheer tends to be less of a problem than moisture problems. Klegecell is a crosslinked closed cell foam making migration next to impossible (at least as this material is generally described in the literature.)

12-12-2005, 05:56  
Boat: Tayana 37, M-20/I-20 Scow
, accidental impacts to the deck would soon create a of the structure. Granted that such sport boats are laid up with the thinnest possible schedule of laminates to keep the overall weight to a minimum and that Klegecel with the probably proper overlayers of adequate protection would perform as well as balsa for this 'light-weight' construction; but, probably needed a heavier layer of laminate over it to protect it. So, from such observations from a very limited application it seems that one needs a much thicker of kelgecel in comparison to balsa - not with respect to 'box beam' requirements but just to address the 'recovery' and impact strength of kelgecel. Again, this was the situation about 25 years ago, so with new formulations the product may be vastly improved.
12-12-2005, 16:38  
. These other guys sound like they know the material. Just what I've read and been told. But, we know how that stuff goes. We looked at the Endeavour 35's after falling for the Endeavour 38 CC. But, being out of my price range. Still like most Endeavor models. Good luck.
12-12-2005, 16:48  
Boat: currently "on the beach"
12-12-2005, 18:19  
Boat: Morgan 382 "Tropical Wave"
incursion if you go aground and damage the . The other question I had - without , how do you provide a ground for disipation? I think our J/30 was grounded to the .

Thanks again!

12-12-2005, 18:54  
Boat: Farr 11.6 (AKA Farr 38) Synergy
, I personally strongly prefer a bolt on keel rather than an encapsulated keel.) Here’s the way I see it.

Lets start with the basics, niether bolt on keels or encapsulated keels are inherently stronger or weaker. It all comes down to how any given example of each is actually engineered. They each have to deal with a variety of loads and they both have to spread these loads out into the and they both have to deal with the trauma of a heeled boat dropping off a wave or running at speed into an immoveable object.

If you look at the way side forces , the maximum force occurs where the keel stub hits the hull and not necessarily where the ballast meets the hull. The keel is a simple cantilever and maximum bending moment occurs at the fold in the hull where it turns down toward the keel. What happens structurally at the bottom of the keel is almost irrelevant to the discussion.

So it is that the area that turns down into the keel needs to really have a lot of strength and that area needs to be reinforced to distribute the loads out into the hull. In a properly designed hull, there are a series of athwartship frames that take the load out into the hull and often there is a longitudinal frame that distribues these loads fore and aft. It does not matter whether we are talking about a bolt on keel or an encapsulted keel, these framing elements are critical to achieving the necessary strength in this area of the boat almost no matter how thick you make the .

And these athwartship members have to be connected to the ballast keel so that they take the sideward moments (bending forces) from the ballast keel and connect them to the rest of the hull.

Here's where it gets harder (but not imposible for an encapsulated keel). If you visualize a boat with an encapsulated keel at an extreme angle of heel, the weight of the ballast keel has a lot of leverage pushing against the sides of the encapsulation. The high side of the keel where the ballast ends is trying to pry the encapsulation away from the ballast. All that glues the ballast to the encapsulation typically is a polyester resin slurry. Polyester resin is not a great especially to lead or iron, and so oved time that adhesion fails.

You might think that is no big deal. The ballast is in there and where can it go. But lets go back to our earlier discussion. As I said earlier it is critical to transfer the side loads from the ballast to the athwartships frames. In a properly encapsolated keel, this is done through a series of bonds.

To explain, once the ballast keel is 'glued' in place in the fiberglass keel cavity, the top of the keel is glassed over. Normally this layer is pretty thin and is only intended to keep water out of the keel and if there athwartships frames, provide bonding for the athwartships frames. Then the athwartships frames are bonded to this membrane. Done right and still intact, the ballast transfers its loads to the sides of the keel cavity, which transfers most of the loads to the athwartships frames through the membrane at the top of the keel. And there in lies the problem, once the bond between the F.G. keel and the ballast has loosened the ballast is prying the top of the keel membrane away from the side of the keel cavity and with that goes a weakening of the athwarships connection to the hull.

Walk around most any boatyard with a lucite hammer and tap out the area about 6" to a foot below the top of the ballast on any older boat with an encapsulated keel and you will find that many, if not most, have a void in this area. In fact as I have pointed out in prior discussions of this topic, over the years I have frequently walked around boat yards tapping on encapsulated keels doing an informal . As many as 50% percent of the encasulated keels that I have knocked on have delamination voids that were in excess of a foot in diameter, wiith many having total delamination.

Making this problem worse is that this is an area that is next to imposible to because once water gets in there (and it does) it is very hard to re-establish a connection between the ballast keel and the hull.

Now then run that boat aground. There's a couple things at here. First of all, it is very hard to do a proper glassing job at the bottom of the keel. You are laying up glass in a narrow cavity that a person really can't get into very well. Although there are lots of tricks to doing the work in these tight areas, having repaired quite a few of these in my day, the glass work at the bottom of keels is very heavy, from the laps in the cloth, but not very sturdy. There are usually large lenses of unreiforced resin and sections of dry cloth.

When you run aground hard, the force generally crushes the cloth and drives the ballast upward against the membrane toward the top of the keel and the athwardhip frames, and creates a rotation that pulls downward at the forward end of the keel and upward at the aft end. Now you have a leak. Maybe small maybe large, but not one that can be easily repaired to full strength, People often think that an encapsulated keel must be stronger because the keel membrane is integral with the hull. While it is true that the keel cavity is integral with the hull, the ballast in not integral with the with the keel cavity. So it comes down to whether you trust a not extremely good glue (polyester resin) or pretty massive mechanical fasteners.

So now for the other side of the story with bolt on keels. In the case of a bolt on keel you really do have greater . The fairing materials tend to be short lived. This is a pain in the neck process and even using it has to be done every 7 to 10 years. (That said it is no worse than fixing that come from moisture trapped between the keel cavity and the ballast working its way out through the not so great glasswork in the keel cavity. But not every encapsulated keel boat gets while every bolt on keel boat sooner or later needs refairing.)

At some point, on most production boats with bolt on keels the SS keel bolts need to be replaced. (I have never understood why for just a little more cost the industry does not use Monel Keel bolts but that is another story)

When we talk about the strength of a bolt on keel we are really discussing depending on the ability to make a mechanical connection vs than a glued connection. I'm a mechanical connection kind of guy. Also The stub is generally shallow enough that you can get really good glass work and the overlaps occur so that you have the thickest amount of glass where you need it most, right at the top of the keel. Often, on better built, low volume boats, the athwartships frames are often glassed right in as the hull is being laid up. (On less expensive boats and mass produced boats the frames are generally molded separately or as part of the liner and glassed or glued in.) The keel bolts then pass through the outward turned tabbing or flanges on the frames making a solid mechanical connection.

In the same grounding as above, the metal (especially lead) absorbs much of the shock of the impact before ever distributing the loads to the keel bolts. The bolts have to distribute all of the loads in a compact area. Here is where engineering is critical and why there is nothing worse than a poorly engineered bolt on keel, and nothing better than a properly engineered one. In that impact, the aft end of the keel pushes up. In a properly engineered bolt on keel, that upward force is distributed through a solidly engineered frame at the aft end of keel which carries the loads into a wide area of the boat. Often there will be a bulkhead (seat face or other cabinetry) or massive longitudinal tied to this frame that distributes the loads fore and aft, and a athwartships bulkhead that distributes the loads into the hull and deck. (That same structure should be there in an encapsulted keel but it absolutely needs to be there on a bolt on.)

At the forward end of the keel there needs to be a similar frame as well. This is the frame is perhaps easier to . It only needs to have sufficient bearing area to not slice down through the hull and to withstand the withdrawal forces of the forward keel bolts. Lastly there is shear but that's the easy one. All it takes is enough surface area on the bolts and enough bearing plate area to prevent the bolts from acting strictly in sheer.

Of course a proper bolt on keel requires better engineering and is probably a more expensive keel to build. The keel casting must be made carefully. The bolts, and bearing plates are expensive. Great care must be taken in boring the holes for the keel bolts and there is a lot of labor and handwork in fairing the keel.

This is why a lot of manufacturers take the short cut of doing an encapsulated keel. This is especially true of smaller production yards where the cost of precision tooling a keel casting can be exessive.

In the end it is a off between the maintainable and the low . Encapsulated keels are low maintenance until they can no longer be repaired. Once upon a time, wooden boats had internal ballast, but they went to bolt on keels for the same reasons outlined here.

For those of us, like myself, who tend to own older boats, I would think that the ability to repair a bolt on keel far outweighs the potentially lower maintenance of an encapsulated keel.

At least that's how I see it.
13-12-2005, 03:18  
Boat: (Cruiser Living On Dirt)
Jeff said it much better than I would have.
I generally prefer the “transparency” of an external keel - I can easily see how it was engineered, constructed, and maintained, which is generally not as readily apparent on an encapsulated keel. You can see the keel stub force grid, the keel-stub joint fairing, and any water intrusion collects (visibly) in the . The external keel stub provides a good sump.
The external keel’s force grid also helps take the and loads, minimizing the hull and deck stress and deformation.
Light groundings “bruise” an external lead keel, but could fracture the fibreglass encapsulation (with the attendant water intrusion). The fairing of the external keel-stub joint is easy to inspect & maintain when bottom painting.
An encapsulated keel requires that you install an external ground strip or plate.
In any case, the only suitable keel material is LEAD (ok, maybe uranium?) - watch out for steel/concrete internal ballast).
As is so often the case, it’s a trade-off analysis, and perhaps (like Jeff) I’m a biased towards the mechanical.
Others might make convincing arguments for encapsulated ballast.
Gord May
13-12-2005, 05:57  
Boat: currently "on the beach"
? I understand JBoat has a small drain in the to deal with their version of the latter issue.
capt lar
13-12-2005, 06:38  
Boat: Morgan 382 "Tropical Wave"
on the keel, about 6" below the hull, but I don't seeing a drain on the of any of the J/24/29/30's. Of course these are all 20+ year old boats, so drains in the rudder may be something TPI have started with the more recent wave of J/boats.

And thanks for the dissertation on keels Jeff, that's all really good info for a like me.

13-12-2005, 12:40  
Boat: currently "on the beach"
recently told me of a keel that had several gallons trapped.

capt lar
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  • Sailboat Guide

Endeavour 35

Endeavour 35 is a 35 ′ 5 ″ / 10.8 m monohull sailboat designed by Bruce Kelley and built by Endeavour Yacht Corp. between 1983 and 1987.

Drawing of Endeavour 35

  • 1 / 19 St. Petersburg, FL, US 1984 Endeavour 35 $25,000 USD View
  • 2 / 19 Daytona Beach, FL, US 1985 Endeavour 35 $30,900 USD View
  • 3 / 19 St. Petersburg, FL, US 1984 Endeavour 35 $25,000 USD View
  • 4 / 19 Daytona Beach, FL, US 1985 Endeavour 35 $30,900 USD View
  • 5 / 19 St. Petersburg, FL, US 1984 Endeavour 35 $25,000 USD View
  • 6 / 19 St. Petersburg, FL, US 1984 Endeavour 35 $25,000 USD View
  • 7 / 19 Daytona Beach, FL, US 1985 Endeavour 35 $30,900 USD View
  • 8 / 19 Daytona Beach, FL, US 1985 Endeavour 35 $30,900 USD View
  • 9 / 19 St. Petersburg, FL, US 1984 Endeavour 35 $25,000 USD View
  • 10 / 19 St. Petersburg, FL, US 1984 Endeavour 35 $25,000 USD View
  • 11 / 19 Daytona Beach, FL, US 1985 Endeavour 35 $30,900 USD View
  • 12 / 19 St. Petersburg, FL, US 1984 Endeavour 35 $25,000 USD View
  • 13 / 19 Daytona Beach, FL, US 1985 Endeavour 35 $30,900 USD View
  • 14 / 19 St. Petersburg, FL, US 1984 Endeavour 35 $25,000 USD View
  • 15 / 19 Daytona Beach, FL, US 1985 Endeavour 35 $30,900 USD View
  • 16 / 19 St. Petersburg, FL, US 1984 Endeavour 35 $25,000 USD View
  • 17 / 19 Daytona Beach, FL, US 1985 Endeavour 35 $30,900 USD View
  • 18 / 19 St. Petersburg, FL, US 1984 Endeavour 35 $25,000 USD View
  • 19 / 19 Daytona Beach, FL, US 1985 Endeavour 35 $30,900 USD View

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

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1984 Endevour 35 cover photo

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Review of Endeavour 35

Basic specs..

The hull is made of fibreglass. Generally, a hull made of fibreglass requires only a minimum of maintenance during the sailing season.

The boat is equipped with 288.0 liter fresh water capacity.

The boat equipped with a masthead rig. The advantage of a masthead rig is its simplicity and the fact that a given sail area - compared with a fractional rig - can be carried lower and thus with less heeling moment.

The Endeavour 35 is equipped with a fin keel. The fin keel is the most common keel and provides splendid manoeuvrability. The downside is that it has less directional stability than a long keel.

The boat can enter even shallow marinas as the draft is just about 1.46 - 1.56 meter (4.79 - 5.09 ft) dependent on the load. See immersion rate below.

Sailing characteristics

This section covers widely used rules of thumb to describe the sailing characteristics. Please note that even though the calculations are correct, the interpretation of the results might not be valid for extreme boats.

What is Capsize Screening Formula (CSF)?

The capsize screening value for Endeavour 35 is 2.06, indicating that this boat would not be accepted to participate in ocean races.

What is Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed?

The theoretical maximal speed of a displacement boat of this length is 7.3 knots. The term "Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed" is widely used even though a boat can sail faster. The term shall be interpreted as above the theoretical speed a great additional power is necessary for a small gain in speed.

The immersion rate is defined as the weight required to sink the boat a certain level. The immersion rate for Endeavour 35 is about 223 kg/cm, alternatively 1251 lbs/inch. Meaning: if you load 223 kg cargo on the boat then it will sink 1 cm. Alternatively, if you load 1251 lbs cargo on the boat it will sink 1 inch.

Sailing statistics

This section is statistical comparison with similar boats of the same category. The basis of the following statistical computations is our unique database with more than 26,000 different boat types and 350,000 data points.

What is Motion Comfort Ratio (MCR)?

What is L/B (Length Beam Ratio)?

What is a Ballast Ratio?

What is Displacement Length Ratio?

What is SA/D (Sail Area Displacement ratio)?


When buying anti-fouling bottom paint, it's nice to know how much to buy. The surface of the wet bottom is about 35m 2 (376 ft 2 ). Based on this, your favourite maritime shop can tell you the quantity you need.

Are your sails worn out? You might find your next sail here: Sails for Sale

If you need to renew parts of your running rig and is not quite sure of the dimensions, you may find the estimates computed below useful.

Mainsail halyard 34.4 m(113.0 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Jib/genoa halyard34.4 m(113.0 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Spinnaker halyard34.4 m(113.0 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Jib sheet 10.7 m(35.0 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)
Genoa sheet10.7 m(35.0 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)
Mainsheet 26.7 m(87.5 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)
Spinnaker sheet23.5 m(77.0 feet)14 mm(0.55 inch)
Cunningham4.0 m(13.0 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Kickingstrap7.9 m(26.0 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)
Clew-outhaul7.9 m(26.0 feet)12 mm(1/2 inch)

This section is reserved boat owner's modifications, improvements, etc. Here you might find (or contribute with) inspiration for your boat.

Do you have changes/improvements you would like to share? Upload a photo and describe what you have done.

We are always looking for new photos. If you can contribute with photos for Endeavour 35 it would be a great help.

If you have any comments to the review, improvement suggestions, or the like, feel free to contact us . Criticism helps us to improve.

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Basic information.

  • Builder Endeavour
  • Model 35.5 Sloop
  • Category Sloop
  • Condition Used
  • Cruise Speed 6 KN
  • Fuel Type Diesel
  • Hull Material Fiberglass
  • LOA 35' 6"
  • Beam 12' 2"
  • Max Draft 4' 11"
  • Fuel Tank 30 GAL
  • Fresh Water 76 GAL
  • Holding Tank 15 GAL
  • Displacement 13,250 LBS
  • Number of Engines 1
  • Make Yanmar
  • Power HP 27.00 HP
  • Location Middle

Runaway 1984 Endeavour 35.5 Sloop (3692044)

"Runaway" 1984 Endeavour 35'

1984 Endeavour 35.5 Sloop

Full Description

Vessel walkthrough.

Forward is a V-Berth with bureau and hanging locker. To port is the enclosed head with composting head and stall shower. Centered in the boat is a full beam main cabin with settees, lockers and drawer storage. A chart table and double quarter berth are aft to port; the galley is starboard aft. Teak and Holly sole.

Main Salon:

  • Port and starboard settee berths
  • Teak and Holly sole
  • Port settee slides out to form wide berth
  • Navigation station with chart table and storage
  • Double quarter berth
  • Shelf and drawer storage
  • Seth Thomas clock and barometer
  • Custom Teak drop leaf table
  • Opening overhead hatch
  • Opening ports
  • 12 Volt Lighting and fans
  • Jensen XM ready stereo
  • 2011 Two-Burner Seaward LP gas cooktop, Princess Gourmet
  • 2011 Custom Teak drawers under cooktop
  • Adler Barbour cold plate refrigeration
  • Exhaust fan
  • Vented LP gas deck locker
  • Six gallon Raritan water heater, 110 volt and heat exchanger from engine
  • Single stainless steel sink
  • Cabinet storage
  • Magna Catalina barbeque grill
  • Hot and cold pressure water

Master Stateroom:

  • 6’9” Long V-Berth with insert
  • Clothes bureau
  • Hanging locker
  • Opening hatch and opening ports
  • Head compartment with stall shower, sink
  • Sanitation hoses and fittings replaced 2008
  • Composting Head
  • Lewmar winches two #24 two speed mast winches, #14 self tailing reefing winch, two #46 self tailing genoa winches, main sheet winch
  • Running rigging replace 2022
  • Mack mainsail and sail cover 2012
  • Harken roller furling with 135% Genoa and a 155% Genoa
  • Running rigging and reef winch 2004
  • Mast step replaced 2004
  • Standing rigging replaced 2022 except for Back Stays
  • Aluminum mast and boom stripped and Awl gripped 2004
  • Cockpit storage lockers
  • Cockpit dodger and Bimini
  • Bench seat at helm
  • Cabin top grab rails
  • Dorade vents
  • Danforth #20H anchor, chain and rode
  • Danforth #22 anchor, chain and rode
  • Stainless steel bow pulpit and life line stanchions
  • Forespar davit system 2012
  • Bottom stripped to fiberglass, 5 coats Interlux barrier coat 2000/2001
  • Bottom Painted 2022
  • Stern tube replaced 2007
  • Rudder post replaced 2007 with 1.25” stainless steel shaft
  • Hull Awlgrip 2009
  • Decks painted with Interlux Brightside 2011
  • Binnacle and winch covers 2011
  • Stainless steel folding transom ladder
  • Aft rail mounted outboard bracket
  • Cabin top main sheet traveler with cockpit controls
  • Main sheet led aft to cockpit
  • Spare halyard
  • Double spreader rig
  • Topping lift
  • Lazy jacks and mainsail cover
  • Inboard and outboard jib tracks
  • Sliding companionway hatch with sea hood
  • Teak companionway doors
  • Cockpit cushions
  • Life Sling 2
  • Three inflatable PFDs, three offshore PFDs with whistles, 6 inshore PFDs

Electronics and Helm:

  • Raymarine S-60 depth sounder
  • Oversized steering wheel
  • Autohelm autopilot
  • Icom hand held VHF radio
  • Icom M304 VHF radio at Nav station
  • Garmin EchoMap Plus
  • 6” Danforth compass
  • Edson pedestal steering; refit 2011 with new brake, cables, quadrant and Awlgrip paint
  • Emergency tiller


  • DC breakers and battery monitor
  • Attwood 1100 automatic bilge pump 2017
  • 2017 Battery cables and terminals
  • Four Marine group 31 batteries; relocated from lazarette to under cabin sole
  • 100 Amp alternator 2017
  • Guest 30-amp battery charger
  • 30 Amp shore power, two 30 amp cables
  • Morningstar 60 watt 8.4-amp solar panel with 15-amp regulator 2017
  • AC/DC breaker panel at Nav station

Engine Details and Mechanical Equipment:

  • Yammer 3HMF three cylinder marine diesel engine
  • Hurth 2.83:1 marine transmission
  • New mixing elbow 2017
  • Vernalift fiberglass water lift muffler and hoses 2011
  • Racor fuel filter 2007
  • Fuel tank cleaned 2007
  • New shift and throttle cables
  • Perko raw water strainer 2007
  • PSS dripless stuffing box 2007

Mechanical Disclaimer

Engine and generator hours are as of the date of the original listing and are a representation of what the listing broker is told by the owner and/or actual reading of the engine hour meters. The broker cannot guarantee the true hours. It is the responsibility of the purchaser and/or his agent to verify engine hours, warranties implied or otherwise and major overhauls as well as all other representations noted on the listing brochure.

The company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change or withdrawal without notice.

1984 Endeavour 35.5 Sloop"Runaway" has benefited from numerous upgrades and is well equipped for cruising on the East Coast or Bahamas. Solid 1980’s construction, roomy interior and good sailing performance at a very reasonable price. Brewer Yacht Sales is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by United Yacht Sales. It is offered as a convenience by this broker/dealer to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a particular vessel

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Endeavour 35

The endeavour 35 is a 35.42ft masthead sloop designed by bruce kelley and built in fiberglass by endeavour yacht corp. (usa) between 1983 and 1987., 300 units have been built..

The Endeavour 35 is a moderate weight sailboat which is a good performer. It is very stable / stiff and has a low righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a coastal cruiser. The fuel capacity is originally small. There is a short water supply range.

Endeavour 35 sailboat under sail

Endeavour 35 for sale elsewhere on the web:

endeavor 35 sailboat

Main features

Model Endeavour 35
Length 35.42 ft
Beam 12.17 ft
Draft 4.92 ft
Country United states (North America)
Estimated price $ 0 ??

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endeavor 35 sailboat

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Sail area / displ. 19.44
Ballast / displ. 42.49 %
Displ. / length 230.41
Comfort ratio 23.48
Capsize 2.06
Hull type Monohull fin keel with rudder on skeg
Construction Fiberglass
Waterline length 29.50 ft
Maximum draft 4.92 ft
Displacement 13250 lbs
Ballast 5630 lbs
Hull speed 7.28 knots

endeavor 35 sailboat

We help you build your own hydraulic steering system - Lecomble & Schmitt

Rigging Masthead Sloop
Sail area (100%) 678 sq.ft
Air draft 0 ft ??
Sail area fore 395.50 sq.ft
Sail area main 282.75 sq.ft
I 50 ft
J 15.82 ft
P 43.50 ft
E 13 ft
Nb engines 1
Total power 0 HP
Fuel capacity 33 gals


Water capacity 76 gals
Headroom 0 ft
Nb of cabins 0
Nb of berths 0
Nb heads 0

Builder data

Builder Endeavour Yacht Corp. (USA)
Designer Bruce Kelley
First built 1983
Last built 1987
Number built 300

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1984 Endeavour 35 Technical Specs

General data about endeavour 35.

Boat Type
Year Of Production
Condition (New/Used)
Fuel (Gas/Diesel)
Hull Material Used
Selling Price

Engine and Power Specs

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Engine Hours

Dimensions And Wieght

LOA (Length Overall)
L.W.L(Length WaterLine)
Displacement (Weight)
Boat Maximum Draft
Beam Width
Ballast System Weight

Detailed Specifications

Waste Water Tank
Number of Heads (Watercraft)
Gas Tank Size
Drinking Water Tank

Features And Equipments

Endeavour 35.

Endeavour 35 tv detailed specifications and features

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Endeavour 35?

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We (a couple) are looking for a boat for the Bahamas and Caribbean - 34-36 ft range. We have at most 50K US to spend on buying a boat - the Endeavour 35 seems to fit the bill very well, but I can''t seem to find any opinions of their suitability for this type of cruising. How well built are these boats? Are there common problems to look out for, or are there flaws that are serious enough that we should avoid these boats altogether? How do they compare with others in the same size/price range? Thanks for your advice! John  

If my memory is functioning ok, I think Practical Sailor did a review on this boat. It will cost you $20 to get it from their site. My recollection of the article is that the 35 is very solid offshore boat, but a bit slow.  

Endevours have a tendency for core rot. The decks do like to go bad and the rot can be a problem and an expense to fix. A neighbor sold his 33 and that problem turned up in the survey.  

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endeavor 35 sailboat

1983 Endeavour 35 Sloop For Sale – SOLD! Date: July 21, 2010 From: John Nunes 1983 Endeavour 35 s/v Gallia Here’s a nice Endeavour 35 that’s clean and well-maintained. This is a comfortable coastal cruising boat with lots of room. The exterior teak was recently cleaned and brushed with Cetol Marine Light giving it a beautiful golden brown color. New blue/gray striping added this year to original manufactures specs. Lots of upgrades and maintenance performed over the last few years including new Westerbeke 27 with only 4 hours on it. SPECS Builder: Endeavour Designer: Bruce Kelly DIMENSIONS LOA: 35’4” Beam: 12’2” LWL: 29’6” Draft: 4’11” Fin Keel Disp: 13,250 lbs Ballast: 5,630 lbs Hull Material: Fiberglass ENGINE Engine Brand: Single Diesle, Westerbeke 27 Engine Model: Inboard Engine Hours: 5 hrs (Remanufactured ‘10, new block) Total Power: 27 hp • Oil change pump • Engine room/ bilge/ lockers repainted (’10) • 3 blade prop • Stern tube replaced ‘09 • Stuffing box replaced ‘09 SAILS & RIGGING • Keel stepped mast • Fully battened mainsail w/ Dutchman (cleaned/serviced/repaired ‘09) • 150% Genoa (cleaned/serviced/repaired ‘09) • Hood roller furling system • Whisker pole • Coachtop traveler • Lewmar (2) #46st 2spd primary winches (serviced ’10) • Lewmar (1) #36st 2 spd winch (serviced ’10) • Lewmar (1) #24st 2 spd winch (serviced ’10) • Lewmar (2) #20 halyard winches • Running rigging new ’10 (main/jib/spinnaker halyards, topping, traveler, ) ELECTRONICS & NAVIGATION • Garmin 3206C color chartplotter (2008) • JRC LCD radar 1000, 16nm, • Simrad Autopilot • Radar reflector • Icom VHF ('08) • Datamarine Depth/ Speed/Wind • Jensen AM/FM/CD stereo (’10) • Danforth Pedestal Compass On Deck • Edson pedestal wheel steering • Cockpit Dodger (’06) • Pedestal cover (’06) • Mainsail cover (’06) • Cockpit awning • Teak cockpit cup holder/ chartplotter mount • Cockpit cushions (’08) • Louvered companionway doors • S/S bow pulpit w/anchor roller • S/S double lifelines w/gates • S/S stern rail w/mid gate for stern ladder • CQR anchor w/ 20’ – 3/8 chain and 200’ – 5/8 rode • Life jackets/ fenders/ flares (’08), dock lines (’10) • Secondary Danforth Anchor • Bottom paint (Petit ’10) BELOW DECKS • Quarter and Forward berth cushions reupholstered ‘09 • Settee cushions replaced ‘08 • Hot & cold pressure water • 12V refrigeration • 2 12V batteries (’08) 1 House, 1 Starting) • 30 amp shore power cord • 12 opening ports • 2 opening hatches • Solar air vent (’09) • Atwood automatic bilge pump • Manual hand pump • 12 gallon holding tank (’10, w/new sanitation hoses) • Seward 6 gallon hot water heater   Asking: US$34,900.00 – SOLD! John Nunes 508-245-2984 Located: Padanaram, MA

endeavor yacht j class

Endeavour, jk4.

Launched: 1934

Designer: Charles E Nicholson

Image Credit:

Jens Fischer

Image Credit: 

endeavor yacht j class

Endeavour was designed for the 1934 America’s Cup by Charles E Nicholson and built at Camper & Nicholson’s in Gosport for Sir Thomas Sopwith. Along with Shamrock, Endeavour is one of the two remaining J Class yachts which actually raced for the America’s Cup. Indeed she came closer to winning the Cup than any other Challenger. Against Harold S Vanderbilt’s Rainbow, Endeavour won the first two races and was considered to be the faster boat. With better tactics Rainbow then took wins in Races 3 and 4. Sopwith protested against one contentious manoeuvre but lost and Rainbow went on to win 4-2. At home, one headline read, “ Britannia rules the waves and America waives the rules ."

After the Cup she raced successfully in England but was partially wrecked in 1937 after breaking a tow. Since then she has had numerous owners, refits and repairs.

Endeavour was fully restored by Elizabeth L. Meyer over five years at Royal Huisman and this initiative, and her restoration of Shamrock, stimulated renewed interest in restoring and building replica J Class yachts.

Endeavour was relaunched on the 22nd June 1989 following a refit with Dykstra Naval Architects and sailed for the first time in 52 years. Meyer organised the first J Class racing that September when Endeavour raced Shamrock V in Newport RI.

She had a major refit in 2010/11 with modifications by Dykstra Naval Architects with a new sail plan and deck layout, the work carried out by Yachting Developments in Auckland, New Zealand. That refit included a new deck structure, new rig and sails, a new deck layout, an engine room upgrade and a new crew interior. Fresh from refit Endeavour proved she has performance potential, winning the 2012 Saint Barths Bucket against Shamrock V and Velsheda.

Length at waterline


upwind sail area

spinnaker sail area

endeavor yacht j class

1999 Antigua Classic Regatta

Competed against Velsheda and Shamrock V

‍ 2001, J Class Regatta, The Solent

Endeavour wins against Velsheda and Shamrock V ‍

2012 St Barths Bucket Regatta

Endeavour wins ‍

2013 Loro Piano Superyacht Regatta, BVI

Endeavour competes

endeavor yacht j class

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endeavor yacht j class

Endeavour was commissioned by Sir T.O.M. Sopwith to challenge for the America’s Cup in 1934. Having prepared his campaign in Shamrock V, Sopwith was keen to ensure that this yacht was the most advanced design possible. With his experience designing aircraft Sopwith applied aviation technology to Endeavour’s rig and winches and spared nothing to make her the finest vessel of her day. From launching in 1934 she continued her preparation by competing against Shamrock V (then owned by Sir Richard Fairey) and the newly launched Velsheda (owned by W.L Stephenson).

She swept through the British racing fleet and into the hearts of yachtsmen the World around, winning many races in her first season. Like many before her, Endeavour did not win the Cup but she came closer to doing so than any other challenger.

Endeavour pioneered the development of the Quadrilateral genoa, a two clewed headsail offering immense sail area and power, and still used on J Class yachts racing today. She also had a larger and better designed spinnaker but Sopwith was let down by poor crewing. Just prior to departure for the  USA , his professional crew went on strike for more money and Sopwith was forced to round up keen amateur sailors, who had the enthusiasm but not the experience. Afterwards, she returned to England to dominate the British racing scene until 1938 when she was laid up prior to the war.

Over the next 46 years, Endeavour passed through many hands, her fate often hanging by a thread. Among other indignities, she was sold to a scrap merchant in 1947 only to be saved by another buyer hours before her demolition was due to begin. In the seventies, she sank in the Medina River in Cowes. Again at the eleventh hour, she was bought for ten pounds sterling by two carpenters who patched the holes in her hull with plastic bags and got her afloat again. In the early eighties, Endeavour sat at Calshot Spit, an abandoned seaplane base fronting the Solent. She was a complete wreck, a rusting and forlorn hulk with no keel, rudder, ballast or interior.

The Rebuild

In 1984 American yachtswoman Elizabeth Meyer bought Endeavour and undertook a five year rebuild. Since the hull was too fragile to be moved and was miles away from any boatyard, Meyer had a building constructed over the boat and hired welders to restore the hull. Endeavour’s missing keel and ballast were rebuilt, the steel frames and hull plating repaired and replaced where necessary, and a new rudder fabricated.

The newly seaworthy hull was launched and towed to Holland where it was put on a barge and transported to the Royal Huisman in Vollenhove. There she was transformed and rebuilt by Royal Huisman’s Huisfit division in 1989 into a modern masterpeice, with all new deck, rig, sailing gear and interior.

Endeavour sailed again, on June 22, 1989, for the first time in 52 years.

The incomparable Endeavour was the first of the J Class yachts to be restored to her old glory and thus will always claim a special place in the hearts of the shipyard workers and yachtsmen everywhere.

The latest refit was completed in 2011 at Yachting Developments, Hobsonville, Auckland NZ.

In May 2013, the refit work was recognised when JK4 Endeavour won the Refitted Sailing Yacht Award at the 2013 Superyacht Awards.

Information courtesy of the J-Class Association


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Story of the J-Class Yachts:



The J-Class was adopted for America's Cup competition in 1928, looking forward to the next regatta in 1930.  The Class itself, though, dated back to the turn of the century when the Universal Rule was adopted though no J-Class yachts had yet been built.

The Rule used a yacht's various dimensions to calculate an equivalent rating in feet.  Boats of equal rated lengths could then race against each other directly without making other allowances for time or distance sailed.  Even though one yacht might have a longer length or another yacht a larger sail area, their overall configurations had to produce a rated length that met the Universal Rule for that class. Boats in Class J, more commonly today termed J-Class yachts, were the largest constructed under the Universal Rule.  The Rule actually includes provisions for an even larger type of boat, the I Class, though none were ever built.  Inquiries made in the 1930s for a Defense in the smaller K Class were rejected.

The J-Class were the first yachts in an America's Cup match to be governed by a formal design rule.  Previous defenders and challengers were only restricted by minimum and maximum lengths set forth in the Deed of Gift.  Sir Thomas Lipton, challenging in 1930 for the fifth time, had held earlier discussions with the New York Yacht Club in hopes of adopting the Universal Rule for the previous America's Cup match, intended for 1914 but delayed until 1920.  Though an agreement to use the rule was not reached for that match, the 1914 US boats, Vanitie and Resolute, still roughly followed J-Class parameters.

Building Program:

There were only 10 J-class yachts designed and built.  Additionally, several yachts of closely related dimensions, mostly 23-Meter International Rule boats, were converted after their construction to meet the rating rules of the J-Class. 

Only the purpose-built Cup yachts, though, could compete in the America's Cup.  The "converted" J-Class yachts, while acceptable for Class racing events, were not admissible for America's Cup competition.  Responding to issues that surfaced in earlier defenses, the America's Cup rules required that all boats had to be sailed to the event on their own bottom.  Some critics pointed out the possibility that the challenger might, as a result, be disadvantaged by  being of heavier construction than the defender.  In order to avoid a situation that could be perceived as an undue advantage, the NYYC eventually agreed that all America's Cup J-Class yachts would be built to Lloyds A1 standards, ensuring that defender and challenger met the same minimum construction specifications (the nautical term is "scantlings").  Most existing yachts were not built to such standards, so the Cup-eligible boats thus ended up heavier than the ineligible J's.

(The issue of challengers having to build heavier boats due to the ocean crossing was a popular, if uncertain, explanation in the British press for the long string of American victories.  In practice, a number of challengers added internal bracing for the crossing, which was then removed before racing.  And on a few occasions defenders subsequently made the crossing in reverse in search of competition following their successful defense.  The rule requiring that the challenger sail to the event on her own bottom was actually instituted in response to a super-lightweight challenger towed to the match through canals and rivers from Canada.

The J-Class Yachts

.  Mahogany planking over steel frames.  Pine deck.  Spruce original mast replaced with duralumin.  Led J's with double-headsail rig. Electric wind-speed devices. Sold to Pynchon. Whirlwind Syndicate: Landon Thorne, Alfred Loomis, Paul Hammond. Longest J-Class until 1937. Scrapped at City Island, 1935.
and winning by 17 hours.  Raced in England, took eight first-place finishes in 32 races.  Defense Trials, 1937, tested single-headed rig, mast step moved forward, lowered center of ballast, larger mainsail.  Sold for scrap by Lambert (reportedly for $10,000) in April, 1941, Fall River, MA, with proceeds donated to war effort. Tender:
also raced in the off-years between defenses.  1930 Tender: .
and (same No. 1 main was used on all three); Vanderbilt's 3 J's all used the tender , which also served the 12M defender candidate in 1958, and challengers (1962) and (1967);  Launched May 11, 1937;  Bath Iron Works Hull # 172; built at cost; funded solely by Vanderbilt; named for US frigate commanded by John Paul Jones; largest displacement J-Class; Hauled at end of 1937 and never sailed again.  Sold for scrap May, 1941, bringing $12,000.
(spelling uncertain but roughly "Four Leaf" in Italian as a play on her original name); ketch-rigged?; Appeared in movie "Swept Away"; Rebuilt at C&N 1967-70; Sold to Lipton Tea Co. 1986, donated to Newport Museum of Yachting; Restored under Elizabeth Meyer 1989, rig, bulwarks, deckhouse rebuilt to original; sold to Newport Yacht Restoration School 1995; sold to Newport Shamrock V Corp 1998; refit 2000 at Pendennis, under Gerard Dykstra; sold to Marcos de Maraes, Brazil. Lipton had a 23M yacht also named , sometimes confused with his America's Cup boats.  The 23M was broken up in 1933.

's keel;  Ends modified 1935;  Name combines Stephenson's daughters Velma, Daphne, and Sheila; (laid up 25 years?); Restored Terry Brabant 1983, maintaining very original condition; Sailed as charter;  Sold to Swiss owner, refit stalled for lack of funds;  Laid up Gosport; Sold in 1996, major refit 1996-7 at Southampton Yacht Services under Gerard Dykstra, interior, CF rig, sails, modernized, but less authentic; Current owner Ronald de Waal.  
lost to in 1914 trials (defense postponed) and 1920 trials, losing 7-4 in final 1920 selection series. Owned by Alexander Smith Cochran.  Not designed as a J, but altered after construction to rate as a J; not acceptable for AC as a J-Class yacht because lightweight, not Lloyd's A1. Sold to Gerard Lambert, 1928. Trial horse 1930 and 1934 America's Cup defender trials. Laid-up at Herreshoff Mfg. and scrapped there in 1938.



by Nicholson for Italian Owner; restored 1989.
in fleet racing on the Clyde, 1894; Built for HRH Albert Edward, Prince of Wales; Sold to private owners, 1897;  Bought back in 1902, after the Prince had acceded to the throne as Edward VII; Passed to his son George V after Edward's death in 1910; Rated after construction as 23M; not designed as a J, but altered in 1931, converted to "Marconi" rig, sail area 8,700 sf, triple-headed, and rated as a J; modified to double-headed-rig and Park Avenue boom in 1935; Scuttled off the Isle of Wight by Edward VIII, July 9, 1936, as per wishes of his father, George V, who did not wish to see the yacht live on to a life of decline once he was gone.


Conceived at the height of the affluent 1920's, the J-boats arrived during the Great Depression.  They required enormous crews, and, despite expert attention to their technical details, still broke an astonishing number of masts.  While they were in most regards the most advanced sailing yachts yet built, and they were  indeed powerful sailing thoroughbreds formed in sleek lines that can race the pulse of almost every viewer, the glorious J's proved too extravagant for their own good.  Most had very limited sailing careers outside of America's Cup.  Ranger , whose 1937 cost was upwards of $500,000, was laid-up at the end of her debut season and never sailed again.  All of the American J's were scrapped between 1935 and 1941. Most of the British J's were either abandoned or scrapped.

When NYYC sought to revive the America's Cup in the 1950s, there was a faction that favored returning to the J-Class.  Mike Vanderbilt even stated that not only would he like to see the Cup contested in the large boats, but that if so he would consider rebuilding a new Range r to the design of the original.  Still, another faction hoped for smaller dual-use yachts that could be used in offshore racing when the Cup year was ended.  With cost estimates for a 1958-era J starting around three million dollars, the impulse for a J-Class defense faded away in the face of economic pressures and a compromise was reached to sail the America's Cup in International Rule 12-Meters.

  , the 1930 Challenger, and , the 1934 Challenger.  , distinguished by being the only yacht built as a J-class though not intended for America's Cup, is intact and sailing, too.  Of at least seven other boats that were rated as J's, two remain: , and .  was originally a 23-Meter International Rule yacht, but later altered to rate as a J. The surviving boats have all had extensive restoration and re-building. was rescued from near oblivion, too delicate to move without structural reconstruction.

The J-Class Resurgent

J-Class rigs today are no longer built of wood or dur-alumin, but with modern lightweight composites.  Their sail technology is long past being canvas duck, and many other subtle changes have been made to make the ongoing maintenance and operation of these yachts a realistic proposition.  Still, the J-Class owners have gone to great lengths to insure the integrity of the boats.  The J-Class is self-administered, rather than governed by an outside organization as is the case with almost all other classes.  This allows the members to more easily adapt the rules in order to serve the needs of these uniquely historic yachts.

Most of the surviving J's are available for charter.  Cambria was reportedly for sale in 2000.  Endeavour changed hands in 2006 for a reported $13.1 million USD, though as her former owner Dennis Kozlowski said, "No one truly owns Endeavour .  She's a part of yachting history.''

Recreations, Replicas, and a Tender:

For decades, most yachting fans thought that we would never again see the likes of these boats again, the few survivors would sooner or later fade away, and the whole history would be reserved for books and fading photographs, but following the restoration of the surviving hulls rumors grew throughout the late 1990's and early 2000's about building "new" J's.  In 2001, all of this dock talk began to become reality:

Ranger Wooden Boat magazine, March/April 2001, described a "Dutchman" who had commissioned a new Ranger built to the original's plan.  This incredible rumor came true, and a piece of lost sailing history was brought back to life.  The new version of this "Superboat", as Mike Vanderbilt once called her, was officially launched in October, 2003. 

Designed by Studio Scanu and Reichel-Pugh, and built by Danish Yachts, Skagen, Denmark, she is not an exact replica of the original. Some would term her a re-interpretation, as a number of changes were made including greater freeboard, and Ranger 's original designers did not participate in the project.  The new Ranger first competed head-to-head against other J's in Antigua, Spring, 2004.  It took some additional adjustment after launch by her owners and designers to seek the proper trim that would make her float on her lines, an essential step in the process of being officially rated a J-Class yacht.  Visit the Ranger Website for more info.  J-Class Management is also at work on a restoration of Bystander, tender to the original Ranger .

Endeavour II An Endeavour II replica is being built at Royal Huisman Shipyard, with a planned 2008 launch date.  Gerard Dykstra and Partners is leading the project, which features a lightweight Alustar (aluminum alloy) hull and carbon-fiber mast.  See additional photo at Yachtspotter


Lionheart Based on an unbuilt alternate design by Starling Burgess and Olin Stephens II that was considered for 1937's America's Cup defender Ranger , this new boat is being built at yards in the Netherlands for an expected 2008 launch.  Lionheart will be the longest J-Class yacht when completed. See more including photos of the completed hull at the Lionheart Website and the story of sailing onboard including photos and videos Cruising J-Class Style Aboard Lionheart at Yachting World Designer:  Hoek Design Builders: Bloemsma Aluminiumbouw and Claasen Jachtbouw BV

Svea Tore Holm's unbuilt 1937 design, said by some to be faster in the test tank than any of the original boats, is being pursued by Hoek Design

Name To Be Announced In late March 2008, reports of another replica about to begin construction appeared on the Classic Boat website .  Whether this is one of the known projects, such as Svea , above, or yet another replica about to become reality, such as Rainbow , below, should become known shortly.

Rainbow In late May, 2008, Dykstra and Partners announced that a new build of the 1934 America's Cup Defender Rainbow was underway, with an expected launch date of 2010.  Read the Press Release

Other projects: Hoek Design is also studying replicas of 1930's Enterprise and another boat from Yankee designer Frank Paine.  Yankee herself has also been rumored as a new project, as well.  Earlier reports of a Ranger alternate-design carrying the name of Seawolf may have been referring to the project that has become Lionheart , see above.  Whirlwind and Weetamoe are the only two designs of the original ten J's that aren't known to be sailing, building, or under serious consideration as of 2008.  The J-Class website points out that there are 10 unbuilt J designs from the 1930's, so the possibilities for more J-Class yachts are intriguing.

Yachting World reported in May, 2003 , that construction was underway on a yacht replicating the famous G.L Watson design Britannia .  Photos showed a nearly completed hull at Solombala Shipyard, in Arkhangel, Russia, and included interviews with the yacht's owner Sigurd Coates of Norway.  The design was adapted by Cesil Stephansen from published plans.  The original designer's modern descendent company, G.L.Watson & Co., Ltd., has no involvement with the Arkhangel boat.  Little was been heard of this ambitious project for years, until the yacht was finally launched only to become subject of a financial dispute, trapping her in Russia until 2009, when she "escaped" to Norway. 

In the Spirit

A similar project to return elegant yachts to competitive racing, the W-class, was set in motion by Donald Tofias, an American enthusiast.  He commissioned naval architect Joel White to design a new class with lines evocative of famous racing yachts like the New York 50's and the J-Class.  The first two boats, Wild Horses and White Wings , were built in Maine of modern cold-molded wood construction and launched in 1998.  It is Tofias' aim that there will eventually be a whole fleet of the beautiful W-class to regularly compete against each other.  The one-design W-76 is actually similar to the New York 50's.  Tofias' long-range plans involve a range of classes including 46, 62, 76, 105, and 130.  The 130's would be nearly identical in basic dimensions to the J-class. See the W-Class Websit e .  

Additional Links: Chris Cameron onboard Ranger at Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup, 2010: Photo Gallery

Web Sites of Particular Interest: The J-Class Association J-Class Management, Inc.  

Further Notes:

K-Class: The Royal London Yacht Club made and withdrew its inquiry for a K-Class challenge in 1935.  The intent had been to reduce costs, not the least of which was hoped to be a lower velocity of mast replacement, but the K-Class line of thought was rejected for several reasons.  For one, the K-Class wasn't so much smaller than the J-Class as to have clearly led to significant savings.  Additionally, no K-Class yachts existed on either side of the Atlantic while several J's of various pedigree were available for testing, training, and racing in 1935.  Also a factor was that the NYYC was already actively considering another challenge at the time the RLYC began their communication  about the K-Class and it was the NYYC's policy to consider only one challenge at a time, in keeping with the Deed of Gift.

Sailing to the Event on Own Bottom: This provision of the Deed of Gift was at times strictly interpreted to the the degree of making sure that the challenging yacht actually was under her own sail while traveling to the match, not towed by another boat.  Challengers returning across the Atlantic after Cup matches concluded were sometimes towed for convenience. Eventually the NYYC agreed at various times to permit towing the yachts to the match, particularly when conditions were light, and in 1956, for the coming of the 12-meter yachts in 1958, the Deed of Gift was amended to eliminate the requirement.

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Sailing yacht ‘Endeavour’ is a 130 foot J Class classic sailing sloop which was launched in 1934 and embodies one of the most formidable and famous sailing yachts in the world. Following her 2011 refit, she is in an ‘as new’ condition and is ready and waiting to give you the exhilaration of the powerful sailing of yesteryear. Her high sailing performance is matched only by her truly elegant interior accommodations and extremely high standard of craftsmanship, catering, service and facilities.

Sailing yacht Endeavour has now been almost entirely rebuilt in such a way that her quality of workmanship and sleek lines are entirely consistent with her original condition. She does, however, boast the recent technology and increased performance of a modern yacht. She has a powerful engine and generators as well as bow thrusters, an aluminium mast and boom, hydraulic winches and a water-maker and all the latest electronic entertainment and navigation and equipment one could desire.

Endeavour's saloon and dining area is an amazingly memorable space for charter guests to relax and entertain. Her interior joinery is American Cherry wood raised panels, nickel plated fixtures and locust sole.

The crew of classic charter yacht Endeavour are professional and amongst the best in the business. They include the captain, first mate, engineer, chef, steward, stewardess, as well as three deckhands. The fantastic friendly crew will pamper you with first-class service and absolutely fabulous cuisine during your yacht charter. As a lady who has been brought into the contemporary world, Endeavour provides all the modern electrical entertainment systems and yacht water toys. Have you ever helmed just a famous, powerful and impressive classic yacht? It will be no problem if you wish to spend most of your day helming the greatest yacht in the world, the mighty Endeavor under full sail!

Endeavour Specifications

Type/Year:Sailing Yacht Charter/1934 
L.O.A.:43m (130ft) 
Max Speed:N/A 
Cabins:4 dble 
Cruise Speed:N/A 
More Yacht Info: , , ,  
Builder/Designer: , ,  
Locations: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  

Sailing yacht Endeavour has been awarded the best Refitted yacht at the 2013 World Superyacht Awards and her extensive 18month refit, which concluded in October 2011, included the replacement of the complete weather deck, new deck equipment, relocation of steel deck framing, reconfiguration of the accommodation forward and new interior.  The main engine, electrical system, electronics, air conditioning, hydraulics bow thruster and winches were all replaced.  A new carbon fibre mast was built by Southern Spars and the new interior was built in house by Yachting Developments tradesmen.  Dykstra & Partners, Naval Architects, have been instrumental in the design of the new sail plan, deck layout, and structural engineering. The interior was collaborated by John Munford and Adam Lay Design Studios to ensure the originality of the boat was maintained.  Care was taken throughout the refit to preserve as much of the vessel as practical, yet still enhance performance and improve functionality.  

Yacht Accommodation

Classic Sailing yacht Endeavour is remarkably comfortable with accommodation for up to eight guests in four staterooms - two with queen berths, one with a king berth and one with twin berths. The staterooms adjoin their own baths with lovely heated towel bars and nickel plated shower enclosures. Endeavour’s master bathroom also features an over-sized bath tub.

Amenities and Extras

Luxury classic sailing yacht Endeavour offers the following amenities for your yacht charter vacation: a Zodiac Mark 2 tender with a 25 h.p. out-board engine, two wind-surfers, a dive compressor and a water maker. In the yacht’s Saloon is a 25 inch TV with VCR and an N.A.D. music system with a CD player and there are both indoor and outdoor speakers, a large library of CDs movies etc. Her Master stateroom also provides a Hi Fi music system with a CD player. Sailing yacht Endeavour is fully air conditioned throughout the interior in all of her staterooms. The yacht has up to date modern communication and navigation electronic equipment.

Endeavour Disclaimer:

The luxury yacht Endeavour displayed on this page is merely informational and she is not necessarily available for yacht charter or for sale, nor is she represented or marketed in anyway by CharterWorld. This web page and the superyacht information contained herein is not contractual. All yacht specifications and informations are displayed in good faith but CharterWorld does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the current accuracy, completeness, validity, or usefulness of any superyacht information and/or images displayed. All boat information is subject to change without prior notice and may not be current.

Quick Enquiry

Camper & Nicholsons became known for its fast, wooden racing sailing yachts, which included the famed J-Class sloops that competed in the America’s Cup Races of the early 20th century, including two J-Class boats commissioned by Sir Thomas Sopwith, Endeavour and Endeavour II.

Endeavour Yacht - Image Courtesy of Yachting Developments

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Mini J Class

Discussion in ' Sailboats ' started by Tim Judge , May 28, 2010 .

Tim Judge

Tim Judge Tim J

Endeavour Js were produced in the UK in the mid 1980s. These are scaled down versions of the J Class Endeavour. I think there were about 22 made, 6 sent to North America and imported by Tom Hale at the Martha's Vineyard Shipyard. I know of three today: an all fiberglass version and two with teak decks (one in Cape Cod area, the other one is my boat). There may be one on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. I would love to know if there are any other Mini J sailing. Check out the gallery for some pixs. Mini J LOA 20ft 4in LWL 12 ft Beam 3ft 6 in  


Herman Senior Member

Great looking boat. At university, I sailed Mini12M, and Illusions. Real fun!  
Interesting news...I now know of 4 Endeavour J on the east coast of North America...and I am on the trail of a mould. Any other mini Js out there?  
Restoration of the Mini J I spent several months (and a surgical delay) to redo the hull at the waterline, and the bright work. The gelcoat had peeled off at the bootstripe, and I found a very soft spot at the bottom of the keel. I had water in the very bottom of the keel, below the drain plug (design flaw) and used a poltice of sorts. I took CaCl wrapped in a cloth and a plastic film backing and taped it to soft did draw water out, and when used in combination with a wet/dry shop vac tapped to the hull I managed to dry it moisture meter, but it got dry. Once I cut out the damaged glass, I had to perform an emergency herni repair to keep the lead shot balast from pouring out. A week later I was in the hospital undergoing the same. Have a look at the photos...of the boat.  

Doug Lord

Doug Lord Flight Ready

Tim, how do you like the wheel steering? I'm doing a singlehanded 18 footer and I've been trying to decide-wheel ,footpedals or some sort of tiller. I posted the wheel picture-if you'd rather I didn't I'll be glad to remove it.  

Attached Files:


The wheel Doug...the wheel is great...easy to use and with the mini J gives you a bit of big boat feel. Also there is no weather helm. I would say more comfortable too in that I can move my legs and or feet without changing course. Kay Fore has a Safe-tee cable stearing system like that used for smaller power boats.  
Tim Judge said: ↑ Doug...the wheel is great...easy to use and with the mini J gives you a bit of big boat feel. Also there is no weather helm. I would say more comfortable too in that I can move my legs and or feet without changing course. Kay Fore has a Safe-tee cable stearing system like that used for smaller power boats. Click to expand...
Steering Doug if you look just above the aft cockpit backrest and just below the aft combing, you can see the steering mechanism. The cable spool is forward of the wheel, runs below deck dow the port side to the unit with a push rod. The rod is attached to a pivot that is attached to another rod with a socket for the ball joint on the rudder post. The rudder post has a short (~3") flat plate with a ~5/8" ball. Tim  
Doug...sorry but I never did answer your question about the weather helm....there is feedback, and you do know what the current/tide is doing in addition to the wind...the cable system is very sensitive....however it is not like a tiller, and you grow into Garry Jobson observed of Russell Coutts "he has a light touch on the wheel"...and that is all you need. The boat is well balanced, but waves and minor shifts in wind do have an effect because of her narrow beam...I am going to redo her teak deck, and the company I contacted about the work is doing the deck for Endeavour, the full size mine will have the same teak as her "mother" as my daughter calls Endeavour...she is undergoing a refit in New Zealand.  
Tim Judge said: ↑ Doug...sorry but I never did answer your question about the weather helm....there is feedback, and you do know what the current/tide is doing in addition to the wind...the cable system is very sensitive....however it is not like a tiller, and you grow into Garry Jobson observed of Russell Coutts "he has a light touch on the wheel"...and that is all you need. The boat is well balanced, but waves and minor shifts in wind do have an effect because of her narrow beam...I am going to redo her teak deck, and the company I contacted about the work is doing the deck for Endeavour, the full size mine will have the same teak as her "mother" as my daughter calls Endeavour...she is undergoing a refit in New Zealand. Click to expand...

mark heydt

mark heydt New Member

Tim Judge said: ↑ Endeavour Js were produced in the UK in the mid 1980s. These are scaled down versions of the J Class Endeavour. I think there were about 22 made, 6 sent to North America and imported by Tom Hale at the Martha's Vineyard Shipyard. I know of three today: an all fiberglass version and two with teak decks (one in Cape Cod area, the other one is my boat). There may be one on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. I would love to know if there are any other Mini J sailing. Check out the gallery for some pixs. Mini J LOA 20ft 4in LWL 12 ft Beam 3ft 6 in Click to expand...

Paul Newell

Paul Newell New Member

Hi all. My name is Paul Newell and I'm from the Isle of Wight, UK. My father, Norman Newell, was, with two others (Evert De Kort and John Watson), responsible for helping to make the mini Endeavours. All three men are dead now. He made the first boat as a stripped planked hull in about 1984. This hull still exists although it was never fitted out and therefore never sailed. The moulds here in the UK were destroyed many years ago when the company who produced the fibre glass hulls went bust. The mast making company Needlespar made the first masts and I made the first suites of sails when I worked in Cowes for Stephen Ratsey Sails (direct descendant of the Ratsey from Ratsey and Lapthorn Sailmakers) His trade mark was the red diamond I've seen on the sails in some of your photo's. There is almost no paperwork left from when my father was involved and I don't have any photo's of either construction or sailing so no plans, sorry. But I do have the original drawings I made with the sails sizes and seam shaping for the mainsail and jib. I do however have access to the original wooden boat. She is varnished with a green bottom. She is stored in an old World War 1 gun emplacement in constant temperature and humidity. I have some photo's of this boat (but not on the computer I write this from) and, if asked, I could easily take some more if anyone wants to see this boat. I have been in an email correspondence a while ago with one of you but I cannot find these emails now so I'm not sure now who I was writing to. Please make contact either here or direct to my email account ( [email protected] ) if anyone want more info or photo's Yours Paul Newell  
If it's not too much trouble, I'd love to see pictures the original hull.  
Hi Again If I've done it right there should be a photo of the wooden J  

Wooden J upside down.jpg

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J Class Just beautiful, Paul-thanks!  


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J-class yacht Endeavour 1934 by The Sailor - Amati - 1:35

  • j-class yacht

By The Sailor August 28, 2013 in - Kit build logs for subjects built from 1901 - Present Day

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today a huge box came in. When the rigging of my Pickle is done I‘ll start with the America‘s Cup yacht Endeavour.

The 1/35 scale kit includes laser cutted parts for the deck, keel and frames, limewood and mahogany planking material, brass and wooden fittings, photo etched brass details, cloth, plans, instructions in three languages (Italian, French and English).

Endeavour is a 130-foot (40 m) J-class yacht built for the 1934 America's Cup by Camper and Nicholson in Gosport, Portsmouth Harbour, England. She was built for Sir Thomas Sopwith who used his aviation design expertise to ensure the yacht was the most advanced of its day with a steel hull and mast. She was launched in 1934 and won many races in her first season including against the J's Velsheda and Shamrock V. She failed in her America's Cup challenge against the American defender Rainbow but came closer to lifting the cup than any other until Australia II succeeded in 1983.



Frames and keel


Metal parts


Wooden strips for planking and the material for the mast


The deck and the wooden fittings


The building plans


The Amati kit is really impressive. The wooden parts are of good quality, only the sails are not sewn. Anyway, I can‘t wait laying the keel.

  • JPett , hamilton , yvesvidal and 5 others


Cheers, Richard.

------------------------------ Current build: Mercury, Russian brig ,  America's Cup Yacht Endeavour (1934), Amati Completed build: HM Schooner Pickle, JoTiKa Next:

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Timothy Wood

Timothy Wood

Current Build:

Future Build:

  • BlueJacket - USS Kidd (Fletcher Class Destroyer) Solid Hull
  • BlueJacket - U.S.S. SAMUEL B. ROBERTS , DE413 | Butler-Class Destroyer Escort
  • BlueJacket - 310' Destroyer " The famous "four-piper" of both World Wars"
  • Model Shipways - Pride of Baltimore II (Topsail Schooner) 
  • Model Shipways - Willie L. Bennett (Chesapeake Bay Skipjack)
  • Constructo - Pilar (Ernest Hemingway's Fishing Yacht)  
  • Sergal - Race Horse (Bomb Ketch)
  • Classic Warships - USS Salem CA-139 (Heavy Cruiser) Resin Kit
  • Pen Duick Schooner - Half Hull (Scratch Build)
  • CSA Submarine Hunley (Resin Kit)
  • Classic Warships - USS Washington BB-56 (Battleship) Resin Kit
  • Blue Ridge Models - USS Alaska CB-1 (Resin Kit)

Completed Builds:

  • 18th Century Sea Mortar
  • Endeavour Half Hull by BlueJacket Ship Crafters
  • Scratch Build - Atlantic (Schooner 1903) Half Hull: Winner of the 1905 Kaiser's Cup Race.
  • BlueJacket 80' ELCO PT Boat 1/48 scale


Hampton Roads Ship Model Society



Thank you for doing this kit.

Jay 1

Richard, I'm pulling up a chair for your build as well! I also have the Amati kit but won't be starting it for awhile--you're spot on that it's a lovely kit!

Current Build:   Ariel


  • avsjerome2003 , Salty Sea Dog , Nirvana and 5 others


Lovely yacht, i love theese ships. They have beautiful lines.

Will peak in for your progress

Current build(restore, bashing) BB582 "Dragen" Scale 1:12

On hold: BB534 Bolougne Etaples Scale 1:20 Not started: Model Shipways MS2040 USS Constitution 1:76


Look at that overhang! It could almost double as a harpoon! The sea is calm and yet the deck is awash.


Just take a seat. But be patient with me, first I have to finish my Pickle. Jeff, I just found your half hull build log. It‘s very nice. Yves, thanks for posting the picture.


Richard - I just found your log. She is a beautiful ship. I too have this kit on my shelf. I concern is what will the admiral say when she sees how bit it is?!! Did you notice the mast alone is nearly 5 ft tall. this is not likely to fit in a display case.

Current Builds - 18th Century Longboat , MS Syren

Completed Builds - MS Bluenose, Panart BatteStation Cross section , Endevour J Boat Half Hull, Windego Half Hull, R/C T37 Breezing Along , R/C Victoria 32, SolCat 18

On the shelf - Panart San Felipe, Euromodel Ajax, C.Mamoli America, 

The height of the mast is very impressive but not the problem. Tapering the round timber could be a really tough job.


Ah, she was such a lovely boat.  It will be nice to see the model.

Every build is a learning experience.

Current build:   SS_ Mariefred

Completed builds:   US Coast Guard Pequot     Friendship-sloop ,   Schooner  Lettie-G.-Howard ,    Spray ,   Grand-Banks-dory , 

                                                 a gaff rigged yawl ,   HOGA (YT-146 ),  Int'l Dragon Class II,     Two Edwardian Launches  

In the Gallery:   Catboat ,   International-Dragon-Class ,   Spray


  • The Sailor and Nirvana

Richard, seeing how you taper the mast will be a build highlight--looking forward to learning what you come up with!


Wow is that a full size ironing board? This is going to be a huge replica. What's her overall length (and height), my calculations give just under 4 feet long? She should make one really impressive display. I also love seeing the non-period and working vessel builds. There are so many interesting vessels out there and this one is a definite keeper.

@ Yves, Nice photo, it really shows the inner beauty of the sail stitching. 

When she raced in the Cup she had a crew of 35! Can you imagine being the bow man on that thing?!! She is in the Caribbean now. Her new owner spent over $1M to restore her. I would love a chance to sail on board. Every year there is a classic wooden boat race in the Carib.  

Did you know you can R/C this model? Just saying...
Wow is that a full size ironing board?

To water proof the hull on this kit all you need is a layer of West systems Epoxy. And the electronics is not hard either. am I tempting you? Hmmm?

Actually the biggest challenge would be the ballasting.

  • 1 month later...


The midship frames and some more parts:


The building slip for the ship‘s boat:


And the dry-fitted hull:


  • malmoerik , Julie Mo , hamilton and 3 others

I like everything I see already!  Keep the photos coming in!

Q A's Revenge

Q A's Revenge

Really looking forward to your progress on this as the smaller 1:80 version is high on my list.


Hi Richard:

No sooner is the Pickle done than this beauty emerges off the shelf?!?! I looked long and hard at this kit during my annual "kit acquisition season" but the size put me off - the Admiral does want to move to a bigger place, but I'm not sure this is the reason she had in mind!!

Looking forward to following this one

  • The Sailor and fnkershner

current builds:   Corel HMS Bellona (1780) ; Admiralty models Echo cross-section (semi-scratch)   previous builds: MS  Phantom (scuttled, 2017); MS  Sultana (1767); Corel Brittany Sloop (scuttled, 2022); MS  Kate Cory ; MS Armed Virginia Sloop (in need of a refit); Corel Flattie; Mamoli  Gretel ; Amati  Bluenose (1921) (scuttled, 2023); AL  San Francisco  (destroyed by land krakens [i.e., cats]); Corel  Toulonnaise (1823);  MS Glad Tidings  (1937) (in need of a refit) ;  H MS Blandford  (1719) from Corel HMS Greyhound ;  Fair Rosamund  (1832) from OcCre  Dos Amigos  (missing in action) ; Amati  Hannah  (ship in a bottle);  Mamoli America (1851) ;  Bluenose  fishing schooner (1921) (scratch) ; Off-Centre Sailing Skiff (scratch)   under the bench:  MS  Emma C Barry ; MS  USS Constitution ; MS  Flying Fish ; Corel  Berlin ; a wood supplier Colonial Schooner  Hannah ; Victory Models H.M.S. Fly;  CAF Models  HMS Granado;  MS  USS Confederacy


Hi Richard,

You are off to a great start keep the please pictures coming

Current Builds;

  HMS Supply  

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop Norfolk ;  HMS Victory Bow Section ;  HM Schooner Pickle

Looking at your pictures again, some of the small ribs seem to be shy of the keel whilst a couple of the larger ones are proud. Looking forward to see how you deal with this!

Thank you very much Floyd, Tim, Q A‘s Revenge, Hamilton and Jeff.

Oh boy I am so going to be getting into trouble with the Admiral.   I might just have to dig my kit out. Are going to have the drop keel exposed?


 but the size put me off -

Well, the length is a minor problem. The real problem is the height of the mast. For all I know, Amati‘s Endeavour is available in three different sizes: 1:80, 1:50 and 1:35.

  • hamilton and yvesvidal
I‘m not sure about an exposed drop keel. I think, it looks strange. But the drop keel is free to move.  

This is the little one that's on my list. It's available as resin hull or plank on frame. Which one I buy depends on how easy you make the hull planking look!

I think the drop keel looks strange in the present context but might look more appropriate when the hull is fully planked - a matter of taste I suppose. Anyway, it will be nice to see one of these beautiful hulls in a nice large format, drop keel or not!

I agree with you all about the retractable keel. I would not show it on the finished model, although it would be cool to have some kind of mechanism (spring or others) that allows you to pull it out, with automatic retraction inside the hull. This could be a nice feature on a static model.

The lines of the hull are so pure that the lower keel would break the incredible beauty of the J class.

As for the height of the mast, unless you place the model on the floor, you will need a ladder to work on the top of it. I cannot wait to see more progress and pictures.

If you were to R/C this boat you could have a 3rd channel for the drop keel. It would help you when pointing upwind.


looks good, I have always liked Americas Cup boats , Do they make kits for the modern 12 meter Boats ? ( Ive been looking and have not found any other than plastic ones) thought about buying plans and doing a scatch build, I saw some model plans for the America3 boats (just to new of a boat)

Best Regards,

"may your sails be full of wind and the sun on your back"   Current Builds :

  Future Builds :  

N.G Herreshoff 12 1/2 Scratch Build 3/4" = 1' - 0" Scale

Completed Builds :

Volvo 65 Farr Yacht Design

Herreshoff Alerion

Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14

Volvo Open 70

  Member : 

The Herreshoff Registry                                  Montgomery Sailboat Owners Group       Peter Kunst Sailboat Models                                      http://  

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Admiralty Ship Models

J-Class Yacht Model Endeavour

j class yacht model

Overall size: 54 cm (L) x 70 cm (H)


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Overall dimensions:

Length: 21.25" (54 cm) Width: 4" (10 cm) Height: 27.5" (70 cm)

Indulge in the timeless elegance of the J Class Endeavour yacht, beautifully captured in this handcrafted model.

  • This J Class model yacht is lacquer painted for a sleek finish: navy blue and burgundy.
  • Supported by a solid wooden stand.
  • Handmade wooden model yacht with a very detailed decking and brass fittings.
  • The Endeavour J Class model is sold fully assembled including the sails - no need to hook up the rigging.
  • Not a kit and not radio-controlled.
  • Dispatched from Bristol or Click and Collect.

PLEASE NOTE:   All our models are for display and decorative purposes. They are not functioning models and must not be put in water or left outdoors.

Models are shipped via DHL and shipping costs are as follows: UK mainland and Northern Ireland  @ £10.50 The Scottish Highlands & Channel Islands @ £35.10 The USA @ £110.00 Please email us to request a delivery charge to your country.

INTERNATIONAL DELIVERY INCLUDING EUROPE: Shipping cost doesn't include customs clearance, import taxes, duty or VAT. The buyer will be liable for payment of all import charges applicable in their respective country. Each country has a different tax rate. We advise buyers to check their government website for further information.

The J Class Endeavour yacht is a sailing yacht that was originally built in 1934 for Sir Thomas Sopwith, a British aviation pioneer and yachtsman. The Endeavour yacht was one of the most famous and successful racing yachts of the J Class, a class of sailboats that were used for racing during the 1930s.

The Endeavour yacht was designed by the naval architect Tore Holm and built by the Camper and Nicholsons shipyard in Gosport, England. She was designed to be fast and sleek, with a 131-foot (40-meter) wooden hull, a towering 173-foot (53-meter) mast, and a total sail area of around 9,000 square feet (836 square meters).

The Endeavour yacht competed in the 1934 America's Cup race against the American defender Rainbow, but was ultimately defeated in a closely contested series of races. The yacht was then sold to a new owner and continued to compete in various racing events throughout the 1930s.

After a period of neglect and disrepair, the Endeavour yacht was purchased by a new owner in the 1980s and underwent a major restoration that brought her back to her former glory. Today, the Endeavour yacht is still actively sailed and is considered one of the most iconic and beautiful racing yachts of all time.

The J Class Association has a wealth of information about the history of the J Class Yachts including the J Class Endeavour.

Really pleased with the model and the outstanding service. Would highly recommend.

Just want to let you know that the model arrived today w/o any issues or damages. Thanks for the very good handling of my order and the good packaging.

Great service throughout & extremely well packed for shipping. A beautiful designed & superbly made model of this class of yacht with attention to detail throughout.

Very nice and competent pre-sales contact. Ship model is beautiful, exactly as on photos. Price/quality ratio very good and I have looked at hundreds of similar sailing yacht model offers. Model arrived 4 days early and in perfect condition. Packaging could resist a nuclear warhead. Almost needed a chainsaw to unpack ;).

The model arrived exactly as scheduled. It was extremely well packed,so arrived in perfect condition. I unpacked it very carefully and it looks beautiful .

Arrived very well packed indeed. First class customer service, very helpful. Purchased as a gift, recipient was delighted.

The model arrived very quickly and has exceeded our expectations. My son is a sailor and has sailed near the actual Endeavour and is very impressed on the detail in the model you have done.

This beautiful model arrived well packed and on time.

We bought ship as a present for our father and it was absolutely perfect! Excellent service - I highly recommend.

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The new heyday of the J Class – why this illustrious class is now more popular than ever

  • Toby Hodges
  • March 24, 2017

Toby Hodges on the 2017 renaissance of the giant J Class yachts

endeavor yacht j class

Yacht brokers Edmiston created the opportunity to get us aboard Endeavour , which is currently for sale ( see original blog and history here ), the most beautiful of the J Class yachts and ranked among the most iconic yachts ever. Sailing simply doesn’t get any finer than this.

Compare all the J Class yachts with our pocket guide .

The word that kept entering my head and one that can be applied to all J Class yachts is ‘majestic’. They sail upwind at 10 knots and downwind at up to 13 knots – pedestrian by today’s planing and flying standards – and can be beasts to handle. But J Class yachts remain sensational to sail and mesmerising to watch.

The launch of the latest J Class yacht Svea this January takes the current fleet up to nine. That’s a collective weight of around 1,600 tonnes, with a sail area over 8,360m2 (90,000ft2).

Stack the J Class masts up end to end and they would reach the top of the Empire State Building. Their collective worth is over £100 million according to some camps – priceless in others.

When you consider that there were only ever ten J Class yachts built originally in the 1930s, a maximum of four of which sailed together at one time, and that all bar three were destroyed for scrap – the fact that five J Class yachts have launched in the last eight years is a pretty radical turnaround.

Six J Class yachts will race for the first time ever in St Barth this March. Eight out of the nine will then go to Bermuda for the America’s Cup showcase event in June (perhaps all nine if Endeavour sells before then), where a record seven will compete – a prospect that few people could ever have imagined before the recent resurgence of the class.

The J Class is unparalleled in any sport: historic yet cutting edge, competitive but also used for pleasure. They are the multimillionaire’s ultimate racer-cruiser.

Unlike maxi racing yachts, Js have fully fitted luxury interiors, a rule instigated by the class to ensure a multi-role yacht.

Endeavour’s finely appointed saloon.

Endeavour ’s finely appointed saloon.

One of the charms of J Class yachts is that their size and shape can swallow these interiors without harming performance – long overhangs mean the accommodation and associated weight remains central. And unlike modern performance superyachts that occasionally race, J Class yachts are seaworthy racing machines that can be cruised and are united by an absorbing history.

J Class yachts have the best systems, hydraulics, deck gear, sails and rigging to take the highest dynamic loads, and are crewed by armies of the most experienced pros on the circuit. Most J Class owners still enjoy cruising too. Indeed, both the current owners of Endeavour and Rainbow choose only to cruise – and over the last three decades, Endeavour has sailed all over the world.

A turning point for the class

In the last 15 years we have seen J Class yachts evolve from exhibition yachts to cutting edge race boats. The designs range from the wood-composite 1930-built Shamrock V , at 120ft the smallest J afloat, to the newly launched 143ft Svea , an aluminium masterpiece.

endeavor yacht j class

Superyachts Palma J Class Lionheart J-H1. Photo Nico Martinez

The America’s Cup Jubilee regatta in Cowes in 2001 was a real turning point for the class. For the previous 20 years the three Js had only cruised or raced with Corinthian crew. But when Endeavour showed the difference that racing with professionals could make, things changed.

Many were against the introduction of pro crews, but it was a transition that was inevitable if the three-strong class was ever to grow. These 180-tonne yachts could not conceivably race safely with five or more on the startline today without pros in key positions.

Ranger entered the scene in 2004 and this increased the momentum in the class further. Together with Velsheda she has been a stalwart of the regatta scene since.

The owner-drivers have become confident and competent, particularly on Velsheda and Lionheart , and can regularly boss and win the prestart with the aid of their expert tacticians.

But with more Js on the line this summer, the experience of top helmsman such as Ken Read ( Hanuman ), Erle Williams ( Ranger ) and Peter Holmberg ( Topaz ) could be a deciding factor. Clear air will be gold.

I have been fortunate enough to race aboard several J Class yachts in big regattas during this modern era and it is always an electrifying experience. It requires around 30 crewmembers to race a J, which is more than most other large racing yachts, with a team of no fewer than eight required to handle the spinnaker pole.

“The excitement is the closeness of the racing and all the loads and the amount of effort it takes to coordinate all 30 guys to do something at once,” said North Sails Scott Zebny. “That’s the cool part.”

  • 1. Introduction
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A photo of Mark Kelly wearing a dark suit at the Capitol.

Spaceman, Senator, V.P. Pick? Kamala Harris Sizes Up Mark Kelly.

The Arizona senator, a Navy veteran and former astronaut, has an almost impossibly strong political résumé. But an overlooked asset is his expertise on the Southern border.

In his short political career, Mark Kelly has won two elections to the Senate in Arizona. Credit... Valerie Plesch for The New York Times

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Jonathan Weisman

By Jonathan Weisman and Jazmine Ulloa

Jonathan Weisman reported from Chicago. Jazmine Ulloa reported from Douglas, Bisbee and Tombstone, Ariz.

  • July 26, 2024

The rugged border lands around Douglas, Ariz., dip through precipitous canyons and shoot skyward on rocky mountain walls, impossible terrain for a 30-foot steel bollard wall but not for the cartels smuggling people and contraband from Mexico.

Senator Mark Kelly, an Arizona Democrat under consideration to be Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate , knows this expanse well — a fact that even the state’s Republicans acknowledge.

Donald Huish, the G.O.P. mayor of Douglas, recounted a phone call with Mr. Kelly two weeks ago, when the two men talked through progress on making the small city an official, expanded port of entry into the United States. The senator has pushed hard for the move, and Mr. Huish has embraced it. Both of them see the plan as a way to inject economic stability into the region and possibly defang the coyotes and cartels prowling the passes.

“What gets me about Senator Kelly is, yes, we’re in touch with staff on the issues, but he personally calls me on a regular basis, and I feel comfortable calling him,” said Mr. Huish, who identifies as a strongly conservative Republican. “I’m sure he’s taken some heat from some of his party concerning the border, but he understands it.”

Mr. Kelly, 60, is a relative newcomer to politics. But he would bring to the Democratic ticket a résumé as remarkable as any political consultant could dream of : He is the working-class son of New Jersey police officers, a Navy pilot who flew 39 combat missions off the U.S.S. Midway in Operation Desert Storm, and a NASA astronaut and engineer who collected debris from the Columbia disaster, commanded a shuttle as the United States returned to space and flew the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s final mission.

Oh, and he is married to Gabrielle Giffords , the former Arizona representative whose near-fatal brain injury in a mass shooting made her a symbol against gun violence, in her battleground state and beyond.

All of that could be hugely helpful to Ms. Harris as she tries to recapture momentum among working-class voters and keep Arizona, where former President Donald J. Trump has been gaining an edge , winnable for Democrats.

Mark Kelly and other astronauts wearing orange space suits in 2006.

But Mr. Kelly’s special appeal, beyond what other potential running mates from swing states could provide, is his expertise on the technical issues and politics of the U.S.-Mexico border, perhaps Ms. Harris’s biggest vulnerability, his backers say.

“That’s why I appreciate Senator Kelly: He sees the dichotomies, the differences, the challenges that are not all the same on the border,” Mr. Huish said.

A Trump supporter, Mr. Huish said he was not a fan of Ms. Harris. “Her heart’s in the right place,” he said. “Her policies are in the wrong place.” But if Mr. Kelly joined the ticket, he said, it would cause him to “struggle a little bit” with this vote.

Other vice-presidential contenders, like Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky and Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina, have made their reputations by winning over Republican voters. Two other governors in the mix, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan , hail from states that are perhaps more crucial to Democratic fortunes than Arizona, which, while President Biden carried it narrowly in 2020 , was more of a capstone to his victory than a linchpin.

Mr. Kelly’s political identity is tied directly to his appeal to Republicans — not just voters but also politicians and personalities — in a state where the Grand Old Party is bitterly divided between old-line Republicans allied with the legacy of Senator John McCain and a new guard of Trump loyalists who hold their intraparty rivals in contempt.

As a fellow Navy combat pilot, Mr. Kelly bonded with Mr. McCain well before he entered politics, when he was best known in the state as Ms. Giffords’s husband. He was elected to the Senate in 2020 , beating Martha McSally, a fellow military pilot appointed to Mr. McCain’s seat after his death, and then won a full term in 2022 by defeating a Trump-backed conservative, Blake Masters , by nearly five percentage points .

Meghan McCain, a conservative media personality and the senator’s daughter, estimated that about 15 percent of Arizona Republicans remained in the McCain wing. Mr. Kelly has been “not just respectful” to her father’s legacy, she said, but “I’d go so far as deferential.”

“He’s smart, he’s charismatic, he has a vision,” Cindy McCain, Mr. McCain’s widow, said in an interview. “You look at his record and who he is as a person, he’s a very lovely man, and of course he brings Arizona.”

With Mr. Kelly’s personal history comes a mystique that cannot be manufactured. Paul Fujimura, a former Naval flight officer who flew an A-6 Intruder with Mr. Kelly for two years, remembered being asked during the Gulf War to go after an Iraqi patrol boat making a run for it out of Kuwait Harbor. Mr. Kelly wanted to attack, but that meant a hard, 135-degree turn at 200 feet above the water, under heavy antiaircraft fire, and bringing another plane that was flying cover with them. At Mr. Kelly’s order, they went ahead and sank the boat.

“To order somebody else to go forward and put their life on the line is a heavy, heavy, heavy responsibility,” said Mr. Fujimura, a senior official in the Transportation Security Administration who this weekend will take over international programs at the U.S. Naval Academy. “You’ve got to be decisive, and you have to commit. It takes courage.”

During Ms. Giffords’s first House run, in 2006, women at her campaign events wanted to know if she was really dating an astronaut, and if so, what was he like. As she painstakingly recovered from her brain injury , he was seen in the state as her steadfast supporter , even from space.

His willingness to stand by — and sometimes in the shadow of — a famous political woman has not been lost on Ms. Harris’s team, Democrats say. He has ties to the vice president from their time together in the Capitol, where she has served as the tiebreaking president of the Senate. His Senate chief of staff, Jennifer Cox, came from his wife’s sprawling political operation and is on leave to lead the Harris campaign in Arizona.

His standard campaign uniform, a Navy flight jacket and ship cap, is recognizable with blue-collar audiences anywhere; he has been stumping with endangered Senate Democrats across the country. He even has cordial relations with Elon Musk, now an avatar of the right , having served on a safety panel for Mr. Musk’s company SpaceX.

And Arizona Democrats are behind him. The state party’s executive board on Wednesday formally endorsed Mr. Kelly to be the vice-presidential nominee.

“It would be good for Arizona as a border state, and it would be good for our country,” said Raquel Terán, a former chair of the Arizona Democratic Party now running for the House. “He is a coalition builder, and he knows how to get things done.”

Mr. Kelly, who declined to be interviewed for this article, has his drawbacks. If a Harris-Kelly ticket captured the White House, the Democratic governor of Arizona, Katie Hobbs, would appoint a Democratic replacement for Mr. Kelly in the Senate next year, but the seat would be subject to an early special election in 2026, potentially putting it at risk. (Mr. Kelly does not face re-election until 2028.)

Daniel Scarpinato, a Republican operative in the state, noted that Mr. Kelly was not a barnburner on the stump. In Washington, the senator has often been overshadowed legislatively by Senator Kyrsten Sinema, the Democrat-turned-independent who helped craft some of Mr. Biden’s signature accomplishments, especially the infrastructure law.

Mr. Kelly has also not faced the harsh spotlight of a national campaign, and has potential political liabilities like a high-altitude surveillance balloon company he helped found with Chinese venture capital, Mr. Scarpinato said.

But like other Republicans, Mr. Scarpinato circled back to the border, and Mr. Kelly’s deft handling of it, as a huge boon to a Democratic ticket.

John Giles, the Republican mayor of Mesa, Ariz., a sprawling suburb of Phoenix in critical Maricopa County, agreed.

“He’s a wonky, nerdy guy who has to know the details of how things work,” he said. “He’s not a superficial guy.”

Mr. Kelly’s approach to the border embraces barriers like Mr. Trump’s wall in some places, though not across the entire frontier. He has also called for an immigration policy that treats migrants with respect and maintains asylum options. Most of all, he has pushed back against politicians (he does not say Republicans) who have swept into Arizona’s borderlands since the George W. Bush administration, held photo opportunities and partisan news conferences, and then returned to Washington only to snuff out legislative solutions and preserve their political talking points.

Local officials say Mr. Kelly is attuned to the complexities of the issue and grasps the difference between a smuggler’s haven like Cochise County, which includes Douglas, and a major port of entry like Yuma, Ariz., where migrants cross legally, appeal for asylum and are often released pending their court date.

Douglas’s police chief, Kraig Fullen, remembered when the only border barrier between his city and its southern sister, Agua Prieta, was a dilapidated fence. Now, there are immigration officials, surveillance cameras and a towering metal fence the color of rust.

As Mexican criminal organizations have grown more sophisticated, law enforcement officials said, their smuggling operations have, too. Sheriff’s deputies arrest people from across the country, some of them teenagers, who have been lured on social media apps like TikTok to drive migrants through the desert for a few thousand dollars a night.

When the numbers of migrants began to climb to new heights last year, a Catholic church in Douglas transformed itself into a shelter. Volunteers collected donations and helped the newcomers.

“We’re a town of 17,000,” said Mr. Huish, the Douglas mayor. “We have zero capabilities of handling even 30 people staying overnight and waiting for transport out.”

Mr. Kelly is well aware. After Mr. Biden changed the nation’s asylum policies by executive order last month to try to slow the flow of migrants, the senator called Mr. Huish to ask if the change was working. But the flow of migrants had already slowed considerably, Mr. Huish said.

Now, he was focused on restoring an orderly flow of goods and people through a formal port of entry, complete with major infrastructure improvements that his senator, Mr. Kelly, is trying to secure.

If anything, Mr. Huish said, he is worried about Mr. Trump’s promise of across-the-board tariffs on most imports , including those that would cross at a new Douglas port of entry.

“That could be a problem,” he said.

Jonathan Weisman is a politics writer, covering campaigns with an emphasis on economic and labor policy. He is based in Chicago. More about Jonathan Weisman

Jazmine Ulloa is a national politics reporter for The Times, covering the 2024 presidential campaign. She is based in Washington. More about Jazmine Ulloa

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endeavor yacht j class

Endeavour is a J-class yacht built for the 1934 America's Cup by Camper and Nicholson in Gosport, England.She was built for Thomas Sopwith who used his aviation design expertise to ensure the yacht was the most advanced of its day with a steel hull and mast. She was 130-foot (40 m) and launched in 1934 and won many races in her first season including against the J's Velsheda and Shamrock V.

About. Endeavour was designed for the 1934 America's Cup by Charles E Nicholson and built at Camper & Nicholson's in Gosport for Sir Thomas Sopwith. Along with Shamrock, Endeavour is one of the two remaining J Class yachts which actually raced for the America's Cup. Indeed she came closer to winning the Cup than any other Challenger.

The J Class yacht Endeavour arguably remains the jewel of the fleet. She is the yacht that has come closest to winning the America's Cup for Britain. Her story reflects the history of the J ...

Watch our unique footage of sailing the 1934-built J Class Endeavour. Yachting World's Toby Hodges had the chance to sail her and takes a look around Becom...

It took five years, but 1989 saw Endeavour sail again. (On a side note, Meyer went on to establish J Class Management to restore, document, and manage classic yachts and historic buildings.) The entirely new deck, rebuilt rig, and re-created interior of Endeavour have served her well since then. A significant refit from 2011 to 2012 has kept ...

The J Class - so named because it was the letter allocated to its particular size by the Universal Rule to which the yachts were built (K and M Class yachts were, for example, shorter on the ...

J Class yacht Endeavour sailplan. LOA: 39.31m/128ft 12in · LWL: 27.30m/89ft 7in · Beam: 6.68m/21ft 11in · Disp: 175 tonnes ... A modern J Class yacht's lines can only be taken from the ...

Endeavour sailed again, on June 22, 1989, for the first time in 52 years. The incomparable Endeavour was the first of the J Class yachts to be restored to her old glory and thus will always claim a special place in the hearts of the shipyard workers and yachtsmen everywhere.

Universal Rule. J Class yachts Velsheda, Topaz and Svea downwind legs. The J Class is one of several classes deriving from the Universal Rule for racing boats. The rule was established in 1903 and rates double-masted racers (classes A through H) and single-masted racers (classes I through S). From 1914 to 1937, the rule was used to determine ...

Endeavour in Newport, 2004 Photo ©2004 CupInfo: Out of nine America's Cup J's, only two survive today: Shamrock V, the 1930 Challenger, and Endeavour, the 1934 Challenger.Velsheda, distinguished by being the only yacht built as a J-class though not intended for America's Cup, is intact and sailing, too.Of at least seven other boats that were rated as J's, two remain: Cambria, and Astra.

Sailing yacht 'Endeavour' is a 130 foot J Class classic sailing sloop which was launched in 1934 and embodies one of the most formidable and famous sailing yachts in the world. Following her 2011 refit, she is in an 'as new' condition and is ready and waiting to give you the exhilaration of the powerful sailing of yesteryear. Her high ...

Endeavour II was a 1936 yacht of the J Class and unsuccessful challenger of the 1937 America's Cup. It was ordered by Thomas Sopwith, designed by Charles Ernest Nicholson and built at Camper and Nicholsons (Yard number 433). [1] Endeavour II was scrapped in 1968.

Replica of the C.E. Nicholson designed J Class "Endeavour" The prototype built in 1984 was wood and was used as a plug for the subsequent fiber glass hulls. Design: hull - Norman Newell; interior and mechanics - John Watson and Evert DeKort Wheel steering. Six were imported into the US by Martha's Vineyard Shipyard, Vineyard […]

Tim Judge Tim J. Endeavour Js were produced in the UK in the mid 1980s. These are scaled down versions of the J Class Endeavour. I think there were about 22 made, 6 sent to North America and imported by Tom Hale at the Martha's Vineyard Shipyard. I know of three today: an all fiberglass version and two with teak decks (one in Cape Cod area, the ...

Endeavour is a 130-foot (40 m) J-class yacht built for the 1934 America's Cup by Camper and Nicholson in Gosport, Portsmouth Harbour, England. She was built for Sir Thomas Sopwith who used his aviation design expertise to ensure the yacht was the most advanced of its day with a steel hull and mast. She was launched in 1934 and won many races in ...

With the exception of Velsheda, all the original Js were built for the purpose of America's Cup racing. From 1929 to 1937, 20 J Class yachts were designed. Ten of these were built, and six raced ...

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Endeavour 's history is one that typifies the highs and lows of the J Class fleet. She was sold for scrap in 1947 only to be bought hours before demolition. When American Elizabeth Meyer ...

Heliport information about UUVR - Yasenevo, MOS, RU. Information on this site may not be accurate or current and is not valid for flight planning or navigation.

Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

The launch of the latest J Class yacht Svea this January takes the current fleet up to nine. That's a collective weight of around 1,600 tonnes, with a sail area over 8,360m2 (90,000ft2). Stack ...

Paul Fujimura, a former Naval flight officer who flew an A-6 Intruder with Mr. Kelly for two years, remembered being asked during the Gulf War to go after an Iraqi patrol boat making a run for it ...

    Beam:  16'    Draft:  4.11'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  5' 6'
    Beam:  19'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  5.5'
    Beam:  13'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  13.5'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  13'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  12.51'    Draft:  4.9'
    Beam:  12.5'    Draft:  4.92'
    Beam:  12.5'    Draft:  4.9'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  11.5'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  11.7'    Draft:  4.6'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  11.58'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  11'7'    Draft:  4'6'
    Beam:  11.6'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  11.6'    Draft:  4.6'
    Beam:  11.8'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  5 12'
    Draft:  4.6'
    Beam:  11'
    Beam:  15'    Draft:  2.83'
    Beam:  15'    Draft:  2'10'
    Beam:  12.2'    Draft:  4.11'
    Beam:  12.2'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  16'    Draft:  3.5'
    Beam:  16'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  12'2'    Draft:  4'6'
    Beam:  14.8'    Draft:  2'10'
    Beam:  11'6'    Draft:  4'6'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  10'    Draft:  4.2'
    Beam:  10'    Draft:  4'2'
    Beam:  9'    Draft:  4.6'
    Beam:  9.7'    Draft:  4.2'

endeavor 35 sailboat

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Posted 2024-08-23 12:40

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Great opportunity, Pearson 35 - $11,000 (Puget Sound)

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This is a great opportunity, I bought this boat the end of May, in Skagit County (LaConner) I intended to sail it from Puget Sound to Lewiston, Idaho. I've done it before in a smaller boat. But this...


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  6. Runaway Endeavour 35' 1984 Daytona Beach, Florida

    endeavor 35 sailboat



    ENDEAVOUR 35. Save to Favorites . Beta Marine. BOTH. US IMPERIAL. METRIC. Sailboat Specifications Definitions Hull Type: Fin with rudder on skeg: Rigging Type: Masthead Sloop: LOA: 35.42 ft / 10.80 m ... Kelsall Sailing Performance (KSP): Another measure of relative speed potential of a boat. It takes into consideration "reported" sail area ...

  2. Endeavour 35

    Join Date: May 2003. Location: Annapolis, Maryland. Boat: Farr 11.6 (AKA Farr 38) Synergy. Posts: 569. Images: 13. The Endeavour 35's seemed to have an upgraded build and design quality relative to Endeavour's earlier models. The 35's were a Bruce Kelly design rather than a Johnson design like the earlier Endeavours.

  3. Endeavour 35

    Endeavour 35 is a 35′ 5″ / 10.8 m monohull sailboat designed by Bruce Kelley and built by Endeavour Yacht Corp. between 1983 and 1987. ... The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more. Formula. D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³ D: Displacement of the boat in pounds ...

  4. Review of Endeavour 35

    The Endeavour 35 is equipped with a fin keel. The fin keel is the most common keel and provides splendid manoeuvrability. The downside is that it has less directional stability than a long keel. The boat can enter even shallow marinas as the draft is just about 1.46 - 1.56 meter (4.79 - 5.09 ft) dependent on the load.

  5. Endeavour 35 Sailboat Specifications

    According the the Endeavour 35 brochure, Kelley gave the boat the proportions necessary to be very fast upwind while retaining the room below to accomodate a comfortable layout. Note the focus on upwind performance which would have signaled a philsophical shift away from the heavy shoal draft cruising boats more suited to reaching conditions.

  6. Endeavour boats for sale

    Endeavour is a yacht brand that currently has 41 yachts for sale on YachtWorld, including 5 new vessels and 36 used yachts, listed by experienced yacht brokers and boat dealerships mainly in the following countries: United States and Mexico. YachtWorld offers a diverse array of models, showcasing a comprehensive span of sizes and lengths ...

  7. Runaway 1984 Endeavour 35.5 Sloop for sale in Daytona Beach, Florida by

    This boat is centrally listed by United Yacht Sales. It is offered as a convenience by this broker/dealer to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a particular vessel. Brewer Yacht Sales is pleased to offer this 1984 Endeavour 35.5 Sloop located in Daytona Beach, Florida. This yacht is offered at $22,000, and listed ...

  8. Endeavour 35

    The Endeavour 35 is a 35.42ft masthead sloop designed by Bruce Kelley and built in fiberglass by Endeavour Yacht Corp. (USA) between 1983 and 1987. 300 units have been built. The Endeavour 35 is a moderate weight sailboat which is a good performer. It is very stable / stiff and has a low righting capability if capsized.

  9. 1984 Endeavour 35 Specs And Pricing

    Endeavour: Model: 35: Boat Type: Sail: Category: Cutter: Year Of Production: 1984: Condition (New/Used) Pre-Owned (Used) Country: Buffalo, New York : Fuel (Gas/Diesel) Diesel : ... Endeavour 35 Parts : Displacement (Weight) 6010 Kg / (13250 lb) Boat Maximum Draft: 1.50 Meters / (4 feet and 11 inch) Beam Width:

  10. PDF Endeavour Owners Group

    A sincere conviction on the part of ENDEAVOUR YACHTS impelled us to build a new boat thirty-five feet ih length. Considering the temper of the time, we feel this to be an extraordinary step. Combining new and incredibly strong materials, the ENDEAVOUR 35 hull became an exceptional per- former. Designer, Bruce Kelley, has given the boat the

  11. 1983 Endeavor 35 sailboat for sale in Florida

    5.4'. Florida. $39,900. Description: Beautiful 1983 Endeavor 35 with custom sugar scoop. This is a turnkey blue-water / liveaboard cruiser. Comfortable accommodations to sleep 5. Custom transom arch with electronic davits. New 1000 watt solar panel system and 60A Renogy Rover MPPT charge controller with Bluetooth app for phone and Victron ...

  12. Endeavour 35?

    It will cost you $20 to get it from their site. My recollection of the article is that the 35 is very solid offshore boat, but a bit slow. S. SailNet Archive Discussion starter. 87689 posts · Joined 1999. #3 · Jul 15, 2005. Endevours have a tendency for core rot.

  13. 1983 Endeavour 35 Sailboat For Sale

    The Endeavour Owners Sailboat For Sale Page, listing yachts from 32 to 59 feet. 1983 Endeavour 35 Sloop For Sale - SOLD! Date: July 21, 2010 From: John Nunes. 1983 Endeavour 35. s/v Gallia. Here's a nice Endeavour 35 that's clean and well-maintained. This is a comfortable coastal cruising boat with lots of room. The exterior teak was ...

  14. 35' Endeavour Catamaran Corporation Victory 35 Sailing Catamaran

    35'. 16'. 3.5'. Florida. $149,500. Description: This 2001 Endeavour Sailing Catamaran is fully equipped, and turn-key ready for your next great adventure! This beautiful catamaran received a full 10-month refit in 2021, and everything has either been replaced or reinforced, including, but not limited to: topside/deck paint,stanchions, deck ...

  15. 1985 Endeavour E35 sailboat for sale in Florida

    35' Endeavour E35. Year. Length. Beam. Draft. Location. Price. 1985. 35' 12' 4' Florida. $30,900. Description: **Updated May 23rd 2024 - Professional cleaned inside and hull scrubbed. New Yanmar control panel installed, new running rigging installed (2 replaced lines), Scrubbed teak oil stains. ... Endeavour Sailboats Endeavour 35s Florida ...

  16. Endeavour 35 Boats for sale

    1983 Endeavour 35 Sloop This Endeavour 35 Sloop is a Bruce Kelley designed vessel, hull # 133 out of 300 built that may well be the most spacious and comfortable 35 foot boat built. She performs very well to weather and can be easily single handed. She has a wide beam, beautiful teak interior, all the creature comforts for extended cruising.

  17. Endeavour boats for sale

    Endeavour boats for sale on Boat Trader are listed for a range of prices, valued from $17,000 on the modest side all the way up to $559,000 for the most expensive boats. Higher performance models now listed are rigged with motors up to 700 horsepower, while lighter-weight more functional models may have as modest as 27 horsepower engines ...

  18. 2000 Endeavour 35 Victory sailboat for sale in

    Endeavour Victory 35 Catamaran For Sale By Owner. Location: Loreto, BCS, Mexico. Price Reduced! $146,000 (USD) S/V Quartersplash is a 2000 Endeavor Victory 35 catamaran, for sale by owner. The name Quartersplash comes from the second owner who raced cars and almost broke the land speed record in the quarter mile dash.

  19. sailboats for sale

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  20. endeavor yacht j class

    Endeavour Sailing Yacht Charter. Inspiration; Endeavour has 20 Photos. Yacht Racing. Endeavour news. J Class Yachts to return to the ... Similar yachts. GUILLEMOT | From US$ 110,0

  21. A German Panzerkampfwagen 35(t) ,on its way to Moscow : r/TankPorn

    317K subscribers in the TankPorn community. TankPorn is for all things Battle Tanks, Armored Fighting Vehicles, Armored Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and…

  22. Endeavour sailboats for sale by owner.

    Endeavour preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Endeavour used sailboats for sale by owner.

  23. Great opportunity, Pearson 35

    This boat is great live-aboard space for a couple. The shallow draft (3' 9") with centerboard (7.5') design lets you go where deeper draft boats cannot. The design was based on the classic Alberg 35. It was Pearson's most successful boat with around 600 produced. I am currently staying aboard and in transit.