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Meyer yachts continues green course and presents concept two10.

28 September 2022

Just one year after the official launch of MEYER Yachts at the Monaco Yacht Show 2021, the brand continues to pursue its course towards green yachts and is now already unveiling a second spectacular yacht concept: the TWO10.

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Meyer Werft: Warum der Staat den Bau von Kreuzfahrtschiffen rettet

Meyer werft warum der staat den bau von kreuzfahrtschiffen rettet.

Wann sich der Staat wieder aus der Meyer Werft zurückziehen wird, ist offen. (Archivbild) Foto: Izabella Mittwollen/dpa

Als "industrielles Kronjuwel" bezeichnete Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz die Meyer Werft , als er Ende August im niedersächsischen Papenburg die milliardenschwere Rettung des Unternehmens durch den Staat ankündigte. Jetzt sind die Verträge unterschrieben. Doch warum bewahren der Bund und das Land Niedersachsen für viel Geld den Bau von Kreuzfahrtschiffen bei der Meyer Werft vor dem Aus? Ein Überblick:

Was ist die Meyer Werft?

Die Meyer Werft hat eine mehr als 200-jährige Geschichte. Heute ist sie ein führender Hersteller von Kreuzfahrtschiffen und gehört laut Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck (Grüne) "zu den größten und modernsten Werften weltweit". Zum Repertoire gehören auch Forschungs- und Spezialschiffe. Für die Meyer Gruppe arbeiten rund 7.000 Menschen - neben dem Standort Papenburg hat sie Werften in Rostock und im finnischen Turku. Hinzu kommen Tausende weitere Arbeitsplätze bei Zulieferern.

Ein Handicap der Werft ist die Lage 40 Kilometer von der Nordsee entfernt. Die Überführungen der Schiffe auf der schmalen Ems sind spektakulär, doch bei Länge und Breite sind Grenzen gesetzt. Noch größere Kreuzfahrtschiffe werden daher bei Meyer in Turku gebaut. Die frühere Neptun-Werft in Rostock liefert zu und baut Flusskreuzfahrtschiffe.

Warum ist das Unternehmen in Not?

Die Werft leidet trotz gefüllter Auftragsbücher unter Nachwirkungen der Corona-Pandemie und der Preissteigerungen wegen des Ukraine-Krieges. Einige Verträge für die Kreuzfahrtschiffe waren vor der Pandemie abgeschlossen worden und sehen keine Anpassung an die drastisch gestiegenen Energie- und Rohstoffpreise vor. Zugleich sind viele Banken vorsichtiger bei der Finanzierung von Schiffskrediten geworden. Werften bekommen rund 80 Prozent des Kaufpreises üblicherweise erst bei der Ablieferung - den Bau müssen sie daher mit Krediten zwischenfinanzieren. So muss die Meyer Werft zur Finanzierung von Schiffsneubauten bis Ende 2027 fast 2,8 Milliarden Euro aufbringen.

Warum steigt der Staat bei Meyer ein?

Das Ziel der Staatshilfen ist es, die Tausenden Arbeitsplätze bei der Werft sowie ihren Zulieferern zu sichern. Es geht jedoch auch darum, die maritime Wirtschaft zu unterstützen und das Knowhow im Schiffbau in Deutschland zu erhalten. Hinzu kommen strategische Interessen, die der Bund mit der Rettung verfolgt: Sollte sich die geopolitische Lage verschärfen, könnten die Werftanlagen auch für die Marine genutzt werden und eine bedeutende Rolle im militärischen Schiffbau einnehmen, hieß es aus Parlamentskreisen.

Steht der Bau von Kreuzfahrtschiffen nicht im Widerspruch zum Klimaschutz?

Die Grünen-Fraktionschefin in Niedersachsen, Anne Kura, machte nach der Verkündung der Vertragsunterzeichnung aus ihrer persönlichen Haltung keinen Hehl: "Ich habe keine Lust auf Kreuzfahrt. Ich gehe lieber wandern." Im Schiffbau sei noch viel zu tun für mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz. "Die Meyer Werft hat aber schon bewiesen, dass sie da weit vorne ist, dass sie die modernsten Schiffe der Welt bauen kann und da erwarten wir, dass es auch in Zukunft passiert", sagte Kura. Den Einstieg des Staates sieht sie daher als Chance. 

Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck hatte zudem erklärt, die Werft könne auch mit dem Bau von Konverter-Plattformen, die für die Weiterleitung des auf hoher See erzeugten Windstroms auf das Land notwendig sind, zur Energiewende beitragen. Die Grünen tragen die Rettung der Werft also mit - sowohl in der Bundes- als auch in der Landesregierung.

Wie genau greift der Staat der Werft unter die Arme?

Der Bund und das Land Niedersachsen übernehmen für 400 Millionen Euro zusammen rund 80 Prozent der Anteile. Zudem gewähren sie dem Unternehmen Bürgschaften von jeweils rund einer Milliarde Euro, um Kredite von Banken abzusichern.

Bleibt Meyer ein Staatsunternehmen?

"Für Bund und Land steht fest: Wir wollen uns dort nicht auf Dauer engagieren, sondern das Unternehmen nach einem gewissen Zeitraum in private Hände geben", sagt Niedersachsens Ministerpräsident Stephan Weil (SPD). Den Zeitpunkt für den Rückzug des Staates ließ der Regierungschef aber offen: "Ob das im Jahr 2027, 28, 29 oder wann auch immer sein wird, kann ich nicht sagen. Die Bedingungen müssen stimmen."

Auch Kanzler Scholz hatte gesagt, Bund und Land stiegen "für eine gewisse Zeit" ein - nicht, um immer Partner zu bleiben, sondern um die Grundlage für eine gute Zukunft auf privatwirtschaftlicher Basis zu legen.

Wie wird sich die Werft verändern?

Der Sanierungsplan für das Unternehmen sieht unter anderem den Abbau von 340 Arbeitsplätzen vor. Der Gewerkschaft IG Metall Küste zufolge soll es dabei aber vorerst keine betriebsbedingten Kündigungen geben. Geplant ist ein Freiwilligenprogramm, das bis März 2025 greifen soll. Wie genau der Arbeitsplatzabbau gestaltet werden soll, ist noch offen. 

Strukturell soll das Unternehmen künftig als Konzern mit einem Aufsichtsrat und einem Konzernbetriebsrat geführt werden. Das Land Niedersachsen hatte während der Verhandlungen über die Hilfen auch darauf gedrungen, dass der Unternehmenssitz von Luxemburg nach Deutschland zurückverlegt wird. Einige Fragen sind aber noch offen - etwa, wer im Aufsichtsrat sitzen soll und wie die Zusammenarbeit mit der Werft in Finnland genau geregelt wird.

Wie sieht die wirtschaftliche Perspektive für die Werft aus?

Die Entscheider in Bund und Land gehen davon aus, dass die Werft in einigen Jahren wieder florieren wird. Als Beleg dafür sieht man die Nachfrage nach Kreuzfahrtschiffen: So hatte die Meyer Werft erst vor einigen Wochen mit vier Schiffen für die Disney Cruise Line ihren größten Auftrag der Firmengeschichte verzeichnet. Niedersachsens Wirtschaftsminister Olaf Lies (SPD) zufolge wird die Werft laut einem Gutachten jedoch erst 2028 wieder einen Gewinn verzeichnen.

Der Ökonom Marcel Fratzscher hatte es indes als bedenklich eingeordnet, dass das Unternehmen keinen privaten Investor finden konnte. "Das sollte eigentlich ein Alarmsignal an alle sein, dass dieses Unternehmen eigentlich so nicht nachhaltig aufgestellt ist", sagte der Präsident des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) im August dem NDR.

  • Meyer Werft GmbH
  • Kreuzfahrtschiff
  • Niedersachsen
  • Olaf Scholz
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German lawmakers approve bailout plan for meyer werft shipyard.

German lawmakers approved a major bailout for the struggling Meyer Werft shipyard on Wednesday, clearing the way for a temporary state takeover of the shipbuilder.

The budget committee of the Bundestag, as Germany's national parliament is known, signed off on a €200 million ($220 million) government investment to stabilize Meyer Werft.

The shipyard, best known for building large cruise ships, fell into serious financial trouble after business was upended during the coronavirus pandemic. The shipyard had signed contracts to build a number of ships, but then found itself swamped by rising costs that were not accounted for in the deals.

The German state of Lower Saxony, where the Meyer Werft shipyard is located, also plans to invest €200 million, although state lawmakers have not yet given their approval.

In addition, both the state and federal governments plan to offer loan guarantees of around €1 billion each to allow Meyer Werft to secure funding to complete orders.

In the shipbuilding industry, buyers generally only pay about 20% of the price up-front, leaving shipyards to cover the remaining cost of building the ships through loans or other financing.

Meyer Werft said it has to raise almost €2.8 billion euros by the end of 2027 to finance new ships, and that agreements must be reached by September 15 or else the shipyard will run out of money.

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This Epic 948-Foot Superyacht Comes With Duplexes and Triplexes That Have Their Own Elevators

Each luxurious abode starts at $8 million., rachel cormack.

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Njord Superyacht

All too often the boldest superyacht concepts don’t actually make it to the water. That’s not the case with Njord , though. The epic 948-footer, which was unveiled by Ocean Residences Development (ORD) last year , could hit the seas within the next four years.

Billed as “world’s largest private residence yacht,” Njord will be built at Meyer Werft with a target delivery of 2025, according to a recent announcement . Throughout its two-century run, the German shipyard has delivered around 50 luxury liners and is adept at constructing vessels of such proportions.

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The Shipyard That Built the ‘Titanic’ Has Filed for Bankruptcy

“We are fortunate to have the opportunity to partner with Meyer Werft, a company that has kept its shipbuilding on course for 226 years—that’s seven generations—and which is the world leader in building innovative and complex passenger vessels with a stellar reputation for exceptional quality, precision and on-time deliveries,” ORD’s chief executive Kristian Stensby said in a statement.

Njord Superyacht

The 948-footer is full to the brim with luxury amenities.  Ocean Residences Development

Named after the god of the seas and winds in Norse mythology, Njord is practically a lavish high rise primed for clean, ocean adventures. The vessel will be fitted with 117 exclusive residences with between two and six bedrooms each. The pick of the bunch, however, is the 16 duplexes and triplexes that come complete with their own private elevators. Each abode starts at $8 million depending on the size and the cost of ownership maintenance is 5 percent of the purchase price.

Seafarers will have the full run of the onboard amenities, too, which include multiple outdoor terraces, a sundeck, beach club, two outdoor pools, an indoor hydro pool, wellness facilities, a nightclub, jazz lounge and even an observatory. There are also RIBs, toys and tenders for further fun and exploration.

Njord Superyacht

The vessel with house 117 luxe private condos.  Ocean Residences Development

Njord will embark on journeys all across the globe, from Antarctica to the Mediterranean. Better still, it will do so sustainably. The vessel will be built to the “strictest” environmental regulations to minimize its carbon footprint. It will be equipped with state-of-the-art dual-fuel engines, batteries for hybrid operation, heat recovery systems and advanced power management systems.

Furthermore, Njord will feature a professional oceanographic laboratory that will help the scientific and research community tackle climate change and other pressing issues.

“Our company is proud to embark on building the finest green ship ever built,” added shipyard owner Bernard Meyer. “Meyer Werft’s commitment to ocean conservation is a top priority, the vision of M/Y Njord as a Ship With A Purpose is directly aligned with our company values and commitment to the environment.”

Now show us a high-rise that can do that.

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Njord Superyacht

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Njord Superyacht

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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German Parliament Approves Rescue of Shipbuilder Meyer Werft, Lawmakers Say


FILE PHOTO: The interior of luxury shipbuilder Meyer Werft is seen on the day of the visit of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (not pictured), in Papenburg, Germany, August 22, 2024. REUTERS/Carmen Jaspersen/File Photo

By Maria Martinez and Christian Kraemer

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's lower house of parliament and the state parliament of Lower Saxony have approved the rescue of Meyer Werft, one of the world's biggest cruise ship builders, members of the budget committee told Reuters on Wednesday.

Although the shipbuilder's order books are full, it has an almost 2.8 billion euro ($3.1 billion) financing gap due to the delayed effects of a demand dip during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The German government and that of the state of Lower Saxony, in northwestern Germany, want to rescue Meyer Werft to secure thousands of jobs in the structurally weak Emsland region.

Around 17,000 jobs are directly and indirectly dependent on the family-owned shipbuilder, which has a 229-year history.

Meyer Werft lists one of its main clients as U.S. entertainment giant Disney. In 2010 and 2011, it built the Disney Dream and the Disney Fantasy, the largest ocean liners ever made in Germany.


German federal and state governments will invest 400 million euros ($442 million) in Meyer Werft for an 80% stake.

The plan also includes guarantees for 2.6 billion euros in loans.

"Meyer Werft is one of the largest and most modern shipyards in the world. It is of immense importance for German shipbuilding," German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said.

"It is a temporary aid," said opposition politician Andreas Mattfeldt, from the Christian Democrats CDU, adding that the shipbuilder has a successful business model.

Green politician Sven-Christian Kindler highlighted that many jobs are at stake and this is a key industry for Germany.

"An agreement is now planned this week," Kindler said.


Final details will need to be clarified before the package is confirmed in writing in the next few days.

($1 = 0.9057 euros)

(Reporting by Christian Kraemer, Klaus Lauer and Maria Martinez, Editing by Rachel More and Alexander Smith)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

Tags: United States , European Union , Europe , Germany

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Germany Approves Rescue Plan For Troubled Shipyard Meyer Werft

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The German government will step in to save the troubled luxury shipbuilder Meyer Werft, after lawmakers approved a share purchase on Wednesday.

The parliamentary budget committee gave the government the green light to buy some 80.7 percent of Meyer Werft for 400 million euros ($441 million).

The state will also extend loan guarantees worth around two billion euros to the shipbuilder as part of the rescue plan.

The regional assembly in Lower Saxony, where Meyer Werft is based, likewise approved the bailout.

Founded in 1795, Meyer Werft employs 3,300 people in the northwestern city of Papenburg and is one of the largest shipyards in the world, with a core focus on building cruise ships.

But the company has struggled with rising energy and raw material costs and needs around 2.7 billion euros to fulfil its order book until 2027, according to German media reports.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has described the company as "an industrial showpiece for Germany" and said it was "important that we are able to continue building such ships in Germany in large numbers at a high level".

Under the rescue plan, the German state will take ownership of Meyer Werft's shipyards in Papenburg and in northeastern Rostock-Warnemuende. The group's shipyard in the Finnish city of Turku will remain under the control of the Meyer family.

Berlin has emphasised the importance of securing thousands of jobs in the German shipbuilding sector and preserving industrial know-how among workers.

The shipyards may have a role to play in the construction of offshore wind turbine platforms or even support the German navy, according to the government.

The rescue plan did not involve any state aid and therefore did not need to be approved by the European Commission, the economy ministry in Berlin said.

Meyer Werft is not the only shipyard to have needed rescuing. In July 2022, the German state acquired the shipyards of MV Werften in Rostock, northeastern Germany, after the company went into bankruptcy.


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Meyer Werft builds LNG-powered superyacht

by Mariska Buitendijk | Aug 10, 2021 | News , Shipbuilding , Yachts

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After a year-long pause, Meyer Werft, a major German builder of luxury yachts, is continuing to extend its order portfolio. By the end of 2025, the shipyard will construct a residential superyacht that will be able to accommodate up to 1,000 people. Another key feature of the vessel is the LNG propulsion system.

Meyer Werft has won the second order since the pandemic outbreak. The Papenburg-based shipyard will build a residential yacht for Ocean Residences Development. Despite the vessel will be completed by the end of 2025, it has been already named Njord. The ship will have the following dimensions: a gross tonnage of 84,8000 tonnes, a length of 289.3 metres, a width of 33.5 meters. Around 1,000 people, including both crew and passengers, will be able to be accommodated in 117 apartments.

The German yacht builder is looking forward to this project. “With the new order, we are expanding our portfolio of ship types and can thus also improve the previously difficult prospects, especially for the years 2024/2025,” said Thomas Weigend, managing director of Meyer Werft. Meanwhile, the order is still subject to financing.

Focus on LNG

The NJORD yacht will be environmentally friendly in terms of propulsion. It will be equipped with low-emission LNG engines and a hybrid battery system enabling a maximum speed of 21 knots. To future-proof the vessel, the engines and fuel tanks will be prepared for easy conversion to future fuels with lower or neutral carbon footprints. Moreover, the ship will have the most modern heat recovery systems and advanced energy management systems onboard.

Oceanographic research

The superyacht was designed for becoming home to a community of individuals and families who share a passion for travel, adventure and discovery – across oceans, underwater, in the air and on land. It is also equipped to carry out oceanographic investigations by research organisations and scientific groups. The Njord yacht will fund research projects that help cross scientific boundaries and advance global ocean science that contributes to a better understanding of the complex systems that make up our planet.

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Ulyssia Residences AG presents 320m superyacht in collaboration with Espen Øino

Ulyssia Residences AG has presented a 320-metre residential superyacht concept at the Palm Beach International Boat Show 2024.

Developed in collaboration with Espen Øino and Meyer Werft, Ulyssia will take residents to a "wonderful balance of destinations, from chic yachting ports to the world's most iconic cities, as well as the most remote locations on earth."

Accommodation is across 119 residences and 13 guest suites, with homes ranging from 166 square metres to over 1,400 square metres. Residences are offered in one to six-bedroom configurations and will include reception rooms, open-plan kitchens and terraces. Guest cabins are also available for the purpose of extended family use, as well as for invited lecturers and destination experts – with EYOS Expeditions joining the project as the vessel's "expedition partner".

Interiors are customisable and will be designed by FM Architettura , with eight other designers (including Remi Tessier , Lenny Kravitz and Sabrina Monte Carlo ) appointed to give "individuality" to the apartments.

Meanwhile, Swiss-based Chenot will be handling the health and wellness activities on board, including a spa, sports and fitness centre and dental care. A medical facility will also be available, fitted with the "latest, high-quality equipment" such as X-rays, MRI, CT scanners, endoscopy and ultrasound equipment.

Other leisure highlights include a well-stocked signature wine cellar and a collection of restaurants which will feature a rotation of "world-renowned" and "up-and-coming" guest chefs. 

Outdoors, a fully-equipped yacht club, marina, dive centre and submersibles are available to residents, alongside multiple indoor and outdoor pools found around the yacht. A two-level theatre, extensive library and several conference rooms will also be featured, while two resident helicopters are on hand for transport, medical evacuations and to "facilitate epic adventures" such as heliskiing.

"[Every resident] has something in common. They want to travel, they are curious, they are adventurous," explained Alain Gruber, CEO of Ulyssia Residences. "But after that, they divide  up into these sub-groups. You have your foodies, you have your divers, you have your sailors, you have your art collectors, people that interested in reading and book clubs – all those subcommittees will start to form on board and create a real sense of community."

The design team has also promised to introduce "the most technologically advanced and sustainable power system available", including a "fully integrated system for recycling and processing of waste."

Ownership is a shared freehold whereby the residents own the ship in perpetuity and in proportion to the square footage owned.

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We believe that successful projects are based on mutual trust, built on enduring business relationships, and shaped by teams who are prepared to give their best. Our challenge is to realise workable solutions, even for our customers’ most demanding requirements. We achieve this by working closely with owners and/or their representatives. The design and construction of our tenders benefit from our expertise and innovation in all areas of production. Our main focus in the engineering of our tenders is not just their design, but also their ease of handling in everyday use, which is so important for the crew and owner.

Our use of only the highest quality materials, our company’s many years of experience in megayacht construction and the diverse technical facilities at our yard allow us to meet the very highest quality demands. We are proud that a megayacht carrying a yachtwerft meyer tender or equipment can now be found in nearly every port on the planet. The many satisfied owners and crews are our biggest endorsement and our motivation for continuing to build unique “made in Germany“ products in the future.

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The many satisfied owners and crews are our biggest endorsement and our motivation for continuing to create unique “made in Germany“ products in the future.

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We have an AOM (Approval of Manufacturer) for the p roduction of boats and components made of fibre reinforced plastics (FRP).

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We maintain a DNV certified quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015.

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  6. Meyer Werft brennt


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  2. Meyer Werft

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  3. Press Detail

    150-meter yacht concept with fuel cells and battery system. As the first model from MEYER Yachts, ONE 50 immediately shows what the new brand stands for - pioneering spirit, exceptional excellence and no limits. At 150 metres long and 20 metres wide, ONE 50 has an enormous volume of 15,000 gross tons. On six decks, the yacht for a maximum of 44 ...

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  8. Superyachting

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  14. Press Detail

    MEYER WERFT did win for themselves another newbuilding order: A residential yacht named M/Y NJORD with 117 apartments and a dimension of 84,800 GT is to be completed for Ocean Residences Development Ltd. (ORD) by the end of 2025. The ship with a length of 289.30 meters, a width of 33.50 meters can accommodate approximately 1000 people (crew and ...

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  27. Meyer Werft GmbH & Co. KG

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  28. Ulyssia Residences AG presents 320m superyacht in collaboration with

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  29. About us

    About us. We believe that successful projects are based on mutual trust, built on enduring business relationships, and shaped by teams who are prepared to give their best. Our challenge is to realise workable solutions, even for our customers' most demanding requirements. We achieve this by working closely with owners and/or their ...