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Rope, rigging & deck gear: how to choose the right rope

  • Toby Heppell
  • April 12, 2021

Rope continues to develop every year. We take a look at the plethora of options on the market

A sailor pulling on a rope around a winch on a boat

Rope is one of the most important tools for the cruising sailor

There was a time when selecting the correct boat rope for a specific task was scarcely more complicated than choosing a larger diameter for higher loads.

A sailor pulling on a rope to control a blue, white and red sail

Choose ropes according to their role to hit the right balance between price and performance

But as new materials have been developed – offering differing characteristics, woven in different ways, with or without a jacket – deciding on which rope is right for you can be something of a minefield.

Typically, the better a rope performs in any number of areas, the higher the price tag, so for most sailors there is something of a cost-benefit analysis to be made when deciding which product to buy.

It is wise to ask yourself what specific improvement you are paying for and whether, ultimately, it is worth the additional expense.

It is also worth noting that, though we tend to equate cheaper with lower performance, that is not always the case.

Sometimes picking up a more expensive rope assuming it will behave better due to the higher price tag can leave you 
with an inferior product for a specific task.

On the other hand, due to the cost price of the materials they use, manufacturers don’t tend to vary hugely in terms of outright price charged for a given product.

As such, if you manage to find a rope that is significantly cheaper than everyone else online, it is worth being fairly cautious.

Rope is our most important tool and for most cruising sailors, a knowledge 
of the basic types established half a century ago has been enough to get by.

Traditionally, we’ve accepted what manufacturers or riggers gave us, perhaps made a decision about nylon rather than polyester for the anchor, and that’s been the end of the matter.

But progress in the past decade or so has been meteoric, driven largely by race boats. Some of these developments lie beyond the needs of cruisers, but the critical elements are right up our alley.

What’s changed and why

We’re now relatively used to seeing the term ‘high-modulus’ in reference to ropes.

English Braids' R5 is made with yarn sourced from recycled plastic

English Braids’ R5 is made with yarn sourced from recycled plastic

These have been used at the highest end of sailing for well over 20 years, though until relatively recently were only available at eye-watering prices.

The term ‘high-modulus’ refers to Young’s Modulus of Elasticity.

The higher the value of this figure, 
the less a rope will stretch.

As it happens, most high-modulus ropes are also exceedingly strong – at least equivalent to wire – and can withstand far more load than any ropes previously.

Not only are these ropes unbelievably strong and light, they also repel water, so won’t get heavier when wet.

The same may not apply to the cover, depending on what this is made of.

The essentials remain the same as they have for a generation, though, with the high-modulus option best seen as an important bolt-on.

Polyester three-strand rope

Once the mainstay of yacht ropes, 
three-strand polyester is now largely used for shorelines.

Stretch is relatively low, price is not too steep and abrasion resistance is reasonable, so if that’s 
how you like your shorelines, it’ll do nicely.

Octo-plait rope gives plenty of flexibility

Octo-plait gives plenty of flexibility

If you prefer more flexibility, try polyester multi-plait or ‘octo-plait.’ It seems to resist chafe better than three-strand, and if one strand does wear through, there are another seven to go.

Polypropylene three-strand rope

This is a cheap and not-too-cheerful option for shorelines.

It chafes easily, is degraded rapidly by sunlight and isn’t 
as strong as other rope variants.

Where polypropylene excels is in 
its ability to float.

As long as you 
have bought the best you can find (the really cheap line won’t coil at all), it will make a great heaving line as it isn’t too heavy to throw and won’t sink into your propeller.

Nylon, whether three-strand or multi-plait, is the strongest of the non-hi-tech ropes and is set aside from the others by its remarkably low elastic modulus.

This means that if it takes a snatch load, it will elongate rather than break, making it the top choice for anchor rodes and snubbers ever since it was invented.

For shorelines, many prefer polyester or really meaty polyprop because, the argument goes, you don’t want them stretching to leave the boat hanging off the dock.

Marlow's classic rope braid-on-braid is very popular

Marlow’s classic braid-on-braid is very popular

However, nylon can be a better option because it soaks up any snatching and, so long as you’ve bought nylon that’s big enough for your boat, stretch won’t be an issue.

Nylon is also a very good option for gybe preventers. The less a preventer stretches, 
the more likely it is to damage the boom in a crash gybe .

Nylon has long been the default rope for all running rigging in cruising yachts.

Choose rope with a bit of give for mooring

Something with a bit of give is ideal for mooring

It might be ‘braid-on-braid’, with similar outer and inner 
parts, as sold by most manufacturers, 
or it could be a low-stretch polyester braidline (LSP) with a loosely laid 
three-strand core, such as Marlowbraid.

The stretch reduction of this can be as much as 40 per cent, which is well worth the extra you’ll pay.

Much of the braid-on-braid now sold is pre-stretched at the factory, which creates rope that’s an improvement on non pre-stretched lines, but it’s not as good as LSP, so is less than ideal for halyards on all but the smallest yachts.

With respectable strength, easy splicing and good price, braid-on-braid is the logical option for working sheets, kicker tackle, pole guys and the like.

It starts off soft to handle, but it can stiffen up over the years until the friction it creates passing round a block becomes so heavy that the boat’s winches are inadequate.

It also chafes relatively easily and it stretches a lot compared with more modern alternatives.

Buy Marlow Rope’s doublebraid rope on Amazon (UK)

Buy Kingfisher Braid on braid from Force 4

Buy Liros braid on braid from Force 4

Note: We may make a small commission on purchases made via the links on this feature. In no way does that affect our editorial independence.

Cores and modern rope.

Modern ropes are made of two components – a core that accounts for up to 95% of the rope’s strength, plus a protective outer cover (or jacket) that provides abrasion resistance, protection from sunlight and, where appropriate, improved holding in a clutch, jammer or cleat.

The cover can also be designed for better handling comfort.

Without a protective outer layer, modern rope will deteriorate in UV light

Without a protective outer layer, modern rope will deteriorate in UV light

On racing boats this will 
usually be sacrificed in favour of a performance benefit, be it holding capability or resistance, but for the cruising sailor, striking a balance between performance and comfort 
is a key concern.

Broadly speaking, when talking 
about modern ropes, there are four or five major fibres involved – primarily Dyneema, Technora, Kevlar and polyester.

Until recently, Vectran 
was also used frequently, but its low resistance to ultra-violet light means there are now better fibres on the market.

These materials are blended together in different ways to produce both cores and covers that are optimised for each function on the boat.

Dyneema focus

Dyneema is perhaps the most important fibre currently used to manufacture ropes and is a proprietary brand name 
of DSM, which developed and sells it.

As such, brands selling Dyneema products will almost always feature the Dyneema name and/or trademark.

Dyneema is not the be all and end all of ropes but it does cover most areas and is a reliable purchase thanks to the above reasons.

All of the ‘big four’ manufacturers working in the UK – English Braids, Kingfisher, Liros, and Marlow – feature Dyneema in their performance products.

Dyneema comes in a variety of types and strengths

Dyneema comes in a variety of types and strengths

Dyneema lines come in different types too.

So simply specifying a Dyneema line of an appropriate size is not sufficient. Dyneema sells four different types of fibre for the marine sector: SK75, 78, 90 and 99.

SK75 has been around a while and combines strength with lightweight.

SK78 is a higher-end product with lower creep (permanent long-term elongation that arises from extended periods under load), while Dyneema SK90 has more strength, but with slightly more creep.

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In recent years Dyneema SK99 has 
been making significant inroads into 
the racing world and is now used by all major manufacturers.

SK99 has become one of the class leaders in the rope rigging field and offers a breaking load 
of almost a tonne in 3mm rope!

For most cruising sailors, however, 
the latter would be overkill, says Nigel Saddington of Kingfisher Rope.

‘I would say that 78 has superseded 75 and 99 has superseded 90 right now. But even then, to be honest, for most sailors and in most circumstances, I would say 78 
is sufficient for almost all needs.’

Buy Marlow Excel Fusion Rope – SK75 Dyneema core – from Force 4

Buy Liros Magic Edge Rope – SK75 Dyneema – from Force 4

Effect on deck fittings

Nigel points to some concerns he has with the very top end of the Dyneema ropes being produced.

He notes that as 
a commercial product, its strength and stiffness are the qualities that make it a good rope but also make it a rope to be used with care.

This is because the loads that can be carried, even in a relatively small-diameter line, are high enough to warrant extra consideration 
with regards to which clutches and sails it is being used with.

Though super-strong modern ropes are ideal on race boats, their deck gear is set up to handle loads it will be working under

Though super-strong modern ropes are ideal on race boats, their deck gear is set up to handle loads it will be working under

This is a theme that seems to pop-up time and again in recent years; as modern materials become stronger, so the rest of the kit on board needs 
to be up-spec’d in order to keep up.

Though it is impressive how much load can be carried by the highest-performing ropes, in relatively small diameters you still need something wide enough for your clutch to hold, and you will also want to ensure that your deck gear is rated high enough to deal with the loads.

Saving a halyard at the cost 
of losing a clutch might not be such a good idea.

That basic core of modern ropes 
isn’t the only area where there have 
been developments, however.

Here, a Dyneema mix is a popular option which has the benefit of being extremely light and, perhaps because it floats, is as resistant to water as the Dyneema inside – great for lightweight spinnaker sheets that stay light even after they’ve been dunked a few times.

The downside is that it doesn’t last very long because of the vulnerability of polypropylene
to UV degradation.

The ‘entry-level’ coat is polyester 
of similar specification to the standard braid-on-braid most of us use.

This is relatively loosely woven, making for easy splicing.

the resulting rope’s performance is streets ahead of its braid-on-braid equivalent, it is prone to chafe and is more likely to slip around the core.

In other words, 
the clutch catches the cover but the 
core can slide through until equilibrium is reached.

Many modern fibres do not melt, making them fray easily when cut

Many modern fibres do not melt, making them fray easily when cut

Next up the scale comes Technora, 
a para-aramid fibre woven far more tightly.

A coat of this is a little more expensive than a basic polyester cover, but the improvement in performance and chafe-resistance is huge.

If your halyards are wearing through and need replacing, it’s a no-brainer.

Finally, if you want to see your ropes in the dark, you can specify a cover that has a light-positive strand.

This works on the same principle as those garden lights that soak up power by day then illuminate when it’s dark.

The rope won’t dazzle you, but you’ll certainly appreciate being able to see it so easily 
at night.

What ropes to use in running rigging

On most cruisers, sheets and other ropes that are constantly adjusted and not under tremendous load can sensibly be braid-on-braid for economy, ease of splicing and soft feel.

Lines that are set up tightly then left are a different story, however.

On a boat with pretensions to performance, high-modulus ropes can make a dramatic difference.

A clutch needs to be closely matched with a rope's breaking strain and diameter

A clutch needs to be closely matched with a rope’s breaking strain and diameter

Reef pennants are a case in point.

A Dyneema pennant can be a size or 
two smaller than the standard braidline item, yet will be just as strong and will stay tight once set up.

Main halyards should definitely be made out of some variety of Dyneema, ideally with a Technora coat or its equivalent.

Wire halyards are a thing 
of the past now, particularly when rope can cope with almost the same loads 
for its size, with few of the drawbacks.

Headsail halyards should also 
ideally be top-quality rope, but on roller forestays it can be easier to maintain luff tension than on a mainsail.

So, if funds are tight, upgrade the main halyard first and see how you get on.

Creep stretch and elasticity definitions

Initial loading will result in elastic extension.

This happens upon loading and is immediately recoverable upon release of the load (elastic contraction).

After the elastic extension 
of the initial loading, the rope 
will experience what is known 
as viscoelastic extension.

This is further extension over time and is fairly limited.

It's not a question of 'best' or 'cheapest', but buying rope with the right properties for the task

It’s not a question of ‘best’ or ‘cheapest’, but buying rope with the right properties for the task

Unlike elastic stretch, viscoelastic stretch will only recover slowly over time once the load is released.

Finally there is creep, which is permanent, non-recoverable and time-dependent.

Creep occurs at the yarn molecular level when the rope is under constant load.

Once the load is released 
and elastic and viscoelastic extension recovered, the rope will ultimately have experienced an element of permanent extension.

This is a factor of 
both creep and ‘bedding in’, which is when individual fibre components in the rope and/or splice settle into their preferred position when under load.

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Standing Rigging (or ‘Name That Stay’)

Published by rigworks on november 19, 2019.

Question: When your riggers talk about standing rigging, they often use terms I don’t recognize. Can you break it down for me?

From the Rigger: Let’s play ‘Name that Stay’…


Forestay (1 or HS) – The forestay, or headstay, connects the mast to the front (bow) of the boat and keeps your mast from falling aft.

  • Your forestay can be full length (masthead to deck) or fractional (1/8 to 1/4 from the top of the mast to the deck).
  • Inner forestays, including staysail stays, solent stays and baby stays, connect to the mast below the main forestay and to the deck aft of the main forestay. Inner forestays allow you to hoist small inner headsails and/or provide additional stability to your rig.

Backstay (2 or BS) – The backstay runs from the mast to the back of the boat (transom) and is often adjustable to control forestay tension and the shape of the sails.

  • A backstay can be either continuous (direct from mast to transom) or it may split in the lower section (7) with “legs” that ‘V’ out to the edges of the transom.
  • Backstays often have hydraulic or manual tensioners built into them to increase forestay tension and bend the mast, which flattens your mainsail.
  • Running backstays can be removable, adjustable, and provide additional support and tuning usually on fractional rigs. They run to the outer edges of the transom and are adjusted with each tack. The windward running back is in tension and the leeward is eased so as not to interfere with the boom and sails.
  • Checkstays, useful on fractional rigs with bendy masts, are attached well below the backstay and provide aft tension to the mid panels of the mast to reduce mast bend and provide stabilization to reduce the mast from pumping.

Shrouds – Shrouds support the mast from side to side. Shrouds are either continuous or discontinuous .

Continuous rigging, common in production sailboats, means that each shroud (except the lowers) is a continuous piece of material that connects to the mast at some point, passes through the spreaders without terminating, and continues to the deck. There may be a number of continuous shrouds on your boat ( see Figure 1 ).

  • Cap shrouds (3) , sometimes called uppers, extend from masthead to the chainplates at the deck.
  • Intermediate shrouds (4) extend from mid-mast panel to deck.
  • Lower shrouds extend from below the spreader-base to the chainplates. Fore- (5) and Aft-Lowers (6) connect to the deck either forward or aft of the cap shroud.

Discontinuous rigging, common on high performance sailboats, is a series of shorter lengths that terminate in tip cups at each spreader. The diameter of the wire/rod can be reduced in the upper sections where loads are lighter, reducing overall weight. These independent sections are referred to as V# and D# ( see Figure 2 ). For example, V1 is the lowest vertical shroud that extends from the deck to the outer tip of the first spreader. D1 is the lowest diagonal shroud that extends from the deck to the mast at the base of the first spreader. The highest section that extends from the upper spreader to the mast head may be labeled either V# or D#.

A sailboat’s standing rigging is generally built from wire rope, rod, or occasionally a super-strong synthetic fibered rope such as Dyneema ® , carbon fiber, kevlar or PBO.

  • 1×19 316 grade stainless steel Wire Rope (1 group of 19 wires, very stiff with low stretch) is standard on most sailboats. Wire rope is sized/priced by its diameter which varies from boat to boat, 3/16” through 1/2″ being the most common range.
  • 1×19 Compact Strand or Dyform wire, a more expensive alternative, is used to increase strength, reduce stretch, and minimize diameter on high performance boats such as catamarans. It is also the best alternative when replacing rod with wire.
  • Rod rigging offers lower stretch, longer life expectancy, and higher breaking strength than wire. Unlike wire rope, rod is defined by its breaking strength, usually ranging from -10 to -40 (approx. 10k to 40k breaking strength), rather than diameter. So, for example, we refer to 7/16” wire (diameter) vs. -10 Rod (breaking strength).
  • Composite Rigging is a popular option for racing boats. It offers comparable breaking strengths to wire and rod with a significant reduction in weight and often lower stretch.

Are your eyes crossing yet? This is probably enough for now, but stay tuned for our next ‘Ask the Rigger’. We will continue this discussion with some of the fittings/connections/hardware associated with your standing rigging.

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West Coast Sailing offers a full selection of marine grade sailing line and rigging including One Design rigging, pre cut line, line kits, and line by the foot for halyards, sheets, control lines, and more. Shop running rigging and standing rigging today from trusted brands including Marlow, Robline, Samson, Kingfisher, New England Ropes, and more.

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Sailboat line & rigging - halyards, sheets, control lines & more.

Line is a critical part of any sailboat, from small dinghy to super yacht and everything in between. West Coast Sailing offers a wide variety of line and marine rope for every sailor from leading line manufacturers. Whether you're looking for a new control line for your Laser vang, jib sheet for your J24, replacement halyard for your cruising boat, or a high strength low stretch line for a high performance application, we've got what you need to get you back on the water. Shop by common application, diameter, material, and more with options available from Robline, Marlow, Alpha Ropes, and New England Ropes. All line sold by the foot with line kits for select boats and small diameter mini spools available.

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West Coast Sailing offers custom rigging, line kits, and pre cut line for many popular one design dinghies and keelboats. These products make it simple to get the right line for your sailboat and you can be confident they will work great.

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Shop By Line Type

Line has come a long way in the past few decades, and current options offer great value and performance. We offer a variety of h igh tech Lines, which generally feature a non-stretch core for strength, durable cruising lines, which are typically polyester and less expensive but still strong and durable, or Dyneema, Spectra, & Vectran for non-stretch control line, halyard, and sheet applications. Shockcord bungee and floating Polypropylene also available. Scroll down this page for recommendations for line material based on your boat size and application.

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Shop By Diameter

West Coast Sailing carries over 80 different lines from 6 of the best rope manufacturers in diameters ranging from 1mm all the way up to 12mm. Use our handy category filters to narrow in on the specific diameter of lines that work for your application, and then pick the one that meets your exact criteria for performance, color, or price.

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Additional Line Options & Services

In addition to per foot line, pre cut line, line kits, and custom rigging, West Coast Sailing also offers mini spools, splicing equipment, and custom rigging services. If you can dream it, our team can build it! 

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Line Fiber Type / Material Guide

 Fair  Excellent  Excellent  Poor  Poor Poor Fair 
 Poor Poor  Poor  Excellent  Excellent Poor  Good 
 Excellent Poor   Fair Excellent Poor Good  Good 
 Good  Good  Good Good  Good Fair  Good 
 Excellent Fair   Fair  Poor Poor Excellent  Fair 
 Good  Good Good  Excellent  Good Fair Excellent 

Line Application Guide - Dinghy

        Good Better Best
        Good Better Best
        Good Better  
Good   Best Best      
Good   Best Best      
Good   Best Best      
    Better     Better  

Line Application Guide - Racing

        Good Better Best
        Good Better Best
        Good Best  
Good   Best Better Good Best  
        Good Best  
    Better Best Good Best  
   Good Better Better Good Best  

Line Application Guide - Performance Cruising

   Good     Better Better Best
  Good     Better Better Best
  Good     Better Best  
Good Good Better   Better Best  
Good Good     Better Best  
Good Good     Better Best  
Good Good Better   Better  Better  

Line Diameter Guide

Recommended Diameter by Application & Boat Length

6mm / 1/4 in  6mm / 1/4 in 8mm / 5/16 in  8mm / 5/16 in  9mm / 3/8 in 11mm / 7/16 in
6mm / 1/4 in  6mm / 1/4 in 8mm / 5/16 in  8mm / 5/16 in  9mm / 3/8 in 11mm / 7/16 in
6mm / 1/4 in  6mm / 1/4 in  8mm / 5/16 in 9mm / 3/8 in  9mm / 3/8 in 11mm / 7/16 in
6mm / 1/4 in 6mm / 1/4 in 8mm / 5/16 in 9mm / 3/8 in 9mm / 3/8 in 11mm / 7/16 in
8mm / 5/16 in 9mm / 3/8 in 9mm / 3/8 in 
9mm / 3/8 in  11mm / 7/16 in 12mm / 1/2 in
6mm / 1/4 in 8mm / 5/16 in 9mm / 3/8 in  9mm / 3/8 in 11mm / 7/16 in 12mm / 1/2 in
6mm / 1/4 in 8mm / 5/16 in 8mm / 5/16 in 8mm / 5/16 in 9mm / 3/8 in 9mm / 3/8 in
5mm / 3/16 in 6mm / 1/4 in 9mm / 3/8 in 9mm / 3/8 in  9mm / 3/8 in 11mm / 7/16 in

 1mm = 3/64 inch  2mm = 5/64 inch  3mm = 1/8 inch 4mm = 5/32 inch  5mm = 3/16 inch  6mm = 1/4 inch
7mm = 9/32 inch   8mm = 5/16 inch  9mm = 3/8 inch  10mm = 25/64 inch  11mm = 7/16 inch 12mm = 1/2 inch 

If you are replacing an existing line, the easiest way to determine what diameter you need is to match what you already have. This can be done with a caliper or by close estimation with a tape measure. For example, if you've previously used a 7mm halyard and it has performed well, another 7mm line is likely a great choice. In most applications, there is some flexibility in the exact diameter that can be used. Most blocks, for example, have an 'ideal' diameter (ie, the line diameter that runs most effectively though the block's sheave) but also have a range so that you can run a slightly thinner or slightly thicker line. If you have a halyard that is getting hung up in your rig, stepping down 1-2mm might help the halyard run more efficiently. If you have a larger boat or rig and want to run a thinner halyard, consider a double braid line that features a Dyneema or Spectra core for strength. A similar approach can be applied to replacing sheets, control lines, and other line on your sailboat.


Double Braid vs Single Braid

Two terms you will often see in line descriptions are 'double braid' and 'single braid', which refer to the way the line is constructed. At the most basic level, a double braid line has a cover and a core whereas a single braid does not, but there are other important distinctions to consider when making a line selection.

Single Braids  are made up of either 8 or 12 strands that are braided into a circular pattern, half clockwise and half counter clockwise. This produces a line that is supple, absorbs twists, and tends not to kink. There are two types of single braid lines: performance single braids and polyester/blended single braids. Performance single braids are made from fibers with very low stretch and designed to handle extreme loads - think Dyneema, Spectra, or Vectran. Polyester/blended single braids, sometimes called hollow braid, are soft and easy to grip, built for sheets and hand-adjusted control lines. These are less common than performance single braid lines but recommended in a few specific applications.

Double Braids , sometimes called braid on braid, have a braided core within a braided outer jacket or cover. This creates a strong, durable, smooth-running line that is easy to handle. Double braids are used for the vast majority of all running rigging on sailboats including sheets, halyards and control lines for both cruising or racing. There are two types to consider: polyester double braids and high-tech double braids. Polyester double braids, found most commonly on recreational and cruising sailboats, have a polyester cover with polyester core. These are low maintenance, affordable, and long-lasting, while offering relatively low stretch and high working loads. For additional strength and minimal stretch, consider high-tech double braids. These lines typically feature a Dyneema or Spectra core (non-stretch) inside a polyester or polyester/dyneema blend cover for additional durability. They are more expensive but often the go to choice for high performance racing boats.

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  • Thermal Cameras
  • Waterproof Cases
  • Accessories
  • Fish Finder Sonar
  • Depth Instruments
  • Multifunction Systems
  • Speed Instruments
  • Weather Instruments
  • Wind Instruments
  • Autopilot Accessories
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  • Onboard Autopilots
  • Navigation Charts
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  • Entertainment Accessories
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  • Speakers & Subs
  • Electronics
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  • Harnesses/Bosuns Chair
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  • Safety Knives
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  • Fire Safety Stick
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  • GPS Tracker
  • Liferaft Accessories
  • Recovery Devices
  • Survival Suit
  • Cones & Balls
  • Dye Markers
  • Horns & Whistles
  • RADAR Reflectors
  • Bungs & Bailers
  • Battery Management
  • Chargers & Alternators
  • Electrical Other
  • Leisure Batteries
  • Plugs & Connectors
  • Shore Power
  • Wind Generator
  • USB & Phone Chargers
  • Blocks & Terminals
  • Circuit Breakers
  • Seals / Outlets / Plugs
  • Switches & Panels
  • Wires & Cables
  • Deck Lights
  • Interior Lighting
  • Navigation Lights
  • Searchlights
  • Head Torches
  • Freshwater Pumps
  • Macerator Pumps
  • Service Kits
  • Toilets/Waste
  • Spray Guns & Connectors
  • Toilet Accessories
  • Toilet Parts
  • Waste Tanks
  • Ball Valves
  • Inlet & Skin Fittings
  • Metal Plumbing Fittings
  • Plastic Plumbing Fittings
  • Diverter Valves
  • Non Return Valves
  • Deionised Water
  • Filters & Purification
  • Taps & Sinks
  • Water Heaters
  • Water Tanks
  • Gas Connectors
  • Gas Fittings
  • Bow Thruster
  • Bungs And Self Bailers
  • Cleats and Fairleads
  • Deck Filler
  • Deck Flooring & Protection
  • Eye Bolts & U Bolts
  • Grab Rail / Handles
  • Hooks and Clips
  • Latches & Catches
  • Shackles & Swivels
  • Tiller Extenders & Joints
  • Track & Cars
  • Winch Handles
  • Fans & Windscoops
  • Hatch & Inspection Covers
  • Hatch Shades
  • Hatches & Portlights
  • Plastic Hatches
  • Yacht / Keelboat Rope
  • Dinghy Rope
  • Dockline / Mooring Rope
  • General Purpose Rope
  • Watersports Rope
  • Fender Rope
  • Rope Accessories
  • Furling & Reefing
  • Mast, Spars & Sails
  • Pins & Rings
  • Rigging Screws, Adjusters & Tensioners
  • Splicing & Whipping
  • Thimbles & Stoppers
  • Galvanising Paints
  • Thinners & Solvents
  • Paint Brushes
  • Glue & Adhesives
  • Mixing Pots & Accessories
  • Resins & Epoxy
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  • Cleaning Equipment
  • Fabric Cleaners & Proofers
  • General Cleaners
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  • Onboard Cleaner
  • Polishes & Waxes
  • Vinyl Cleaner
  • Teak Cleaner
  • All Zinc Anodes
  • Zinc Shaft / Prop
  • Zinc Engine / Outdrive
  • All Aluminium Anodes
  • Aluminium Hull
  • Aluminium Shaft / Prop
  • Aluminium Engine / Outdrive
  • All Magnesium Anodes
  • Magnesium Hull
  • Magnesium Shaft / Prop
  • Magnesium Engine / Outdrive
  • Bow Thruster Anodes
  • Hanging Anodes
  • Bolts & Fixings
  • Backing Pads
  • Lubricants & Grease
  • Power Tools
  • Marine Prepacks
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Blowers & Exhaust
  • Engine Oil & Additives
  • Oil Extractors & Filters
  • Shaft Bearings
  • Pumps & Inflation
  • Tender Accessories
  • Petrol Engines
  • Boat Fender
  • Dock Fender
  • Edging Strip
  • Hooks & Pumps
  • Mooring Buoy
  • Step Fenders
  • Anchor Bags
  • Anchor Connectors
  • Anchor Lines
  • Anchor Windlass
  • Compensators
  • Personal Craft
  • Engine Covers
  • Fuel Tanks & Lines
  • Fuel Connectors
  • Kill Switches
  • Propeller Bags
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  • Lighters & Matches
  • Cabinet Fridges
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  • Water Bottles & Flask
  • Inflatable Paddleboards
  • Hard Paddleboards
  • Inflatable Kayaks
  • Handles / Bridles
  • Throw Lines
  • Swim Accessories
  • Sea Scooter
  • Free Delivery on UK mainland orders over £100 excl. Highlands / rural areas

yacht rigging rope

FREE Next Working Day or Saturday delivery on orders over £150 - Choose option in basket (UK mainland, excludes Highlands rural areas, order before 3pm. Saturday delivery option available from 3PM Thursdays.)

Boat Ropes & Rigging

Whether you’re renewing your entire boat rigging or replacing ropes for safety, comfort or better colour-coding, we have miles of the finest quality lines in stock and ready to ship, including dinghy ropes , fender ropes , yacht ropes and docklines and mooring ropes . Our inventory includes synthetic and natural boat ropes in all sizes and materials from top brands like Marlow and Seago. Complete your selection with essential rope accessories like hot knives  and  rope cutters .

Showing 1–36 of 78 results

Seago Dockline - Image

Seago Dockline

Marlow Doublebraid Rope - Image

Marlow Doublebraid Rope

Marlow 3 Strand Polyester Rope - Image

Marlow 3 Strand Polyester Rope

Marlow Blue Ocean Doublebraid Rope - Image

Marlow Blue Ocean Doublebraid Rope

Marlow D2 Club Rope - Dyneema® SK75 / Polypropelene Core - Image

Marlow D2 Club Rope – Dyneema® SK75 / Polypropelene Core

Marlow Marlowbraid Rope - Image

Marlow Marlowbraid Rope

Marlow Excel Pro - Image

Marlow Excel Pro

Trem Spliced Polyester Fender Rope with Eyelet - Blue

Trem Spliced Polyester Fender Rope with Eyelet

Marlow Shockcord - Image

Marlow Shockcord

Marlow Excel Racing Rope - Image

Marlow Excel Racing Rope

Hot Knife Rope Cutter - Image

Hot Knife Rope Cutter

Marlow Excel Fusion Rope - Image

Marlow Excel Fusion Rope

Marlow Excel D12 Rope - Image

Marlow Excel D12 Rope

Marlow Blue Ocean Dockline - Image

Marlow Blue Ocean Dockline

Seago Liros Handy Anchor Lines - New Image

Seago Liros Handy Anchor Lines

Marlow Blue Ocean Dockline - Black

Blue Performance Bulkhead Sheet Bag

Marlow 8 Plait Marstron Floating Rope - Image

Marlow 8 Plait Marstron Floating Rope

Marlow 3 Strand Pre-Stretched Rope - Image

Marlow 3 Strand Pre-Stretched Rope

Marlow Excel R8 Rope - Image

Marlow Excel R8 Rope

Trem Anchor Line - Image

Trem Anchor Line

Halyard Line With Spliced Shackle - Image

Halyard Line With Spliced Shackle

Marlow Excel Pro/Racing Hi Brites Reels - Image

Marlow Excel Pro/Racing Hi Brites Reels

Marlow Dockline - Navy

Marlow Dockline

Marlow 8 Plait Standard Rope - Image

Marlow 8 Plait Standard Rope

Trem Tidy Bungies - TREM TIDY BUNGIES

Trem Tidy Bungies

Marlow Multiplait Nylon Rope - Image

Marlow Multiplait Nylon Rope

Marlow Excel Racing GP78 Rope - Image

Marlow Excel Racing GP78 Rope

Seago Rope Cutter Mains Powered - Image

Seago Rope Cutter Mains Powered

Marlow 8 Plait Pre-Stretched Rope - Image

Marlow 8 Plait Pre-Stretched Rope

Splicing Needles - Image

Splicing Needles

Seago Spliced Fender Lines Pair 8mm - BLACK

Seago Spliced Fender Lines Pair 8mm

Trem Stowage Bag for Ropes - Image

Trem Stowage Bag for Ropes

Trem Mousing line 20 Metre - Image

Trem Mousing line 20 Metre

Rope Seal Hot Knife Toolbox - Image

Rope Seal Hot Knife Toolbox

Talamex Fenderline 8mm 2 Pack - White

Talamex Fenderline 8mm 2 Pack

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For All Your Cordage Needs - Yachts, Ships & More

  • 3 Strand Nylon
  • Double Braid Nylon
  • 8-Strand Nylon
  • Mega Braid 12 Strand
  • Double Braid Polyester
  • High Performance Line
  • AmSteel® Blue 12 Strand
  • Purple Plasma Rope
  • Manila Rope
  • Tylaska Snap Shackles
  • Anchor Chain
  • Dyneema Soft Shackles
  • Mega Yachts
  • Pleasure Marine
  • Commercial Marine
  • Military & Government
  • Architectural & Decorative
  • Industrial and Utility
  • Choosing Dock Lines
  • Rope Glossary
  • Splicing Services
  • Conversion Chart
  • Company Brief
  • Contact / Inquiries

yacht rigging rope

utility & industrial

Commercial marine, yacht & mega-yacht, military & goverment, ropes and lines for yachts & more – all your cordage needs, rope inc (aka rope works) has the buying power and expertise of a national distributor, with the personal attention and in-house splicing and customization, of a local chandlery..

Offering New England Ropes, Puget Sound Ropes, Samson Rope Technologies, Southern Ocean Ropes and other premium rope manufacturers.

We provide cordage of all sizes and types used in yachting and recreational boating , commercial marine , building construction and services , military and government applications, industrial uses ,  and architectural applications. We offer a wide selection of natural fiber rope (manila), synthetic fiber (nylon and poly) and wire ropes.  We regularly supply cordage and wires for decorative building applications, including steel cables and fittings.

Rope Inc. offers custom splicing for dock lines and mooring lines, running rigging and anchor gear, as well as leather and fabric chafe gear for yachts – large and small.  We can provide the experienced guidance and solutions a customer may require for demanding applications.  By consulting with a Rope Inc specialist, we can provide complete package solutions which are tailored specifically to your needs and consolidated in our Fort Lauderdale, Florida warehouses .

We are the Rope and Cordage EXPERTS

yacht rigging rope

888-596-7673 +1 954-525-6575


Pleasure marine boating & sailing, recreational, construction & safety.

Architectural Rope

Rope Inc 268 SW 33rd Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315 ( map )

We’re Here To Help You 888-596-7673 +1 954-525-6575 +1 954-525-5887

Home • Terms of Service • Privacy Policy Copyright © 2020-2022. All Rights Reserved – Rope Works Inc .

Right Rope. Right Price.

You need the best rope for your project or lifestyle. We are here to help you find it.

Find Rope For

Arborist | Tree Work

Arborist | Tree Work

At Right Rope, we are stocked with a large variety of arborist ropes, ideal for your tree work needs. Whether you need to replace your tree rope, or purchase new arborist gear, or supplies, we've got you covered. 

Boating | Sailing

Boating | Sailing

At Right Rope, we offer exceptional boating rope and sailing rope. Order a custom length sailing line for the smallest dinghy to the largest yacht. Make it your own with custom add-ons like stainless steel thimbles and spliced eyes on 3-strand and double braid ropes.

Camping | Outdoors

Camping | Outdoors

At Right Rope, we have the perfect outdoor rope for your next adventure! Whether you need some rope for camping or rope for survival, we have the right rope to help you take on the great outdoors!

Climbing | Rescue

Climbing | Rescue

While saving a life, you need reliable, high-quality rescue rope you can count on. Whether you are rappelling, pulling, or lifting a life to safety, we've got the right rescue rope for you. 

Electrical | Energy

Electrical | Energy

At Right Rope, we have premium electrical pulling rope you need to get the job done right. Our high-strength electrical rope is ideal for pulling cable, wire, and fiber through ducts and conduits.

Fitness | Exercise

Fitness | Exercise

At Right Rope, we have workout ropes that will help you crush your fitness goals and personal bests! Whether you are doing arm day, leg day or a challenging cardio day, we have the perfect exercise ropes for you.

Industrial | Utility

Industrial | Utility

At Right Rope, we offer industrial ropes that are made to get the job done right, the first time. We offer heavy-duty rope that's in stock and ready to be shipped the same day, so you can spend less time waiting for the tools you need.

Pets | Animals

Pets | Animals

At Right Rope, we have a variety of pet rope that is safe for your furry friends. On top of being safe for your pets, our rope for animals is fairly priced, in stock, and ready to be shipped the same day!

Off-Road | Towing

Off-Road | Towing

At Right Rope, we have quality towing rope to get the job done right. If you are off-road towing, or pulling someone out of a ditch, you deserve heavy duty towing rope that's going to hold up to even the heaviest of loads. 

Safety | Fall Protection

Safety | Fall Protection

At Right Rope, we have a large variety of safety ropes that are in stock and ready to be shipped. Whether you are looking for safety rope for roofing, high rise window washing, or general safety rope we've got right rope for you!

Sports | Recreation

Sports | Recreation

At Right Rope, we have sports rope that's in stock, high-quality, and made to last. Find your niche and browse the various rope for sports we provide.

Tie-Downs | Cargo

Tie-Downs | Cargo

Looking for tie-down rope? We have the selection of rope tie downs to get you and your items on the road safely. At Right Rope, we have a wide variety of ropes to match your needs and your budget. Browse the variety of colors, diameters, and prices we have in stock below.

Get Your Project Done Right

Ultimate Customization

Ultimate Customization

Fully customize your rope for your unique project:

  • Ropes custom cut to your specifications
  • Custom splicing and rope end options
  • Unique hardware and accessories
  • Custom manufacturing and product development

Unbeatable Service

Unbeatable Service

Get your rope when you need it.

  • Standard orders ship the same day, if received by 3 p.m. ET
  • Standard orders returnable within 30 days
  • Expedited shipping options
  • Chat, call or email customer support

Expert Guidance

Expert Guidance

Confidently choose the right rope for your project.

  • Rope Selection Guidance video series
  • Expert rope knowledge on every page
  • Product information videos

DIY Resources

DIY Resources

  • Project Video Tutorials
  • How-To Instruction Sheets
  • Project Inspiration

Fast Shipping

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Quality Guarateed

We source the highest quality rope. Don’t love it? Return it for your money back.

Expert Support

We’re here to help. Call, email, or chat with a rope expert today.

Customizable Ropes

Your project is unique. Fully customize your rope to suit your needs.

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Rope Fence

How To Get it Right

Diy bed swing.

Website navigation, also found on 'Find My Rope' button, what are you doing with the rope?

How to Build a Rope Railing

What size dock line, which rope for tree work, how to uncoil your rope the right way.

Welcome to Right Rope! Our team is focused on helping you find the best rope to get the job done. We hope you can see our passion for rope and our commitment to excellent products and services. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and resources to be able to confidently tackle your projects.

What Others Are Buying

Promanila Rope | Unmanila

Wholesale Pull Tape

Black Polyester Combo Rope

Wire Pulling Rope | Cable

Dr Kwon Golf Swing Rope

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yacht rigging rope

  • Sports & Outdoors
  • Boating & Sailing
  • Docking & Anchoring Equipment
  • Dock Lines & Rope

yacht rigging rope

Image Unavailable

1/4" Premium Double Braid-Yacht Braid Polyester Rope. Sailboat Rigging Line. Multiple Lengths & Colors. Made in The U.S.A.

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1/4" Premium Double Braid-Yacht Braid Polyester Rope. Sailboat Rigging Line. Multiple Lengths & Colors. Made in The U.S.A.

Purchase options and add-ons

Material Polyester
Color White w/Navy, Orange Tracers
Brand Valley Rope
Vehicle Service Type Watercraft
Fastener Material Stainless Steel

About this item

  • Rope,Sailboat,Yacht,Double Braid,Polyester

Similar items that ship from close to you

MARINE SYSTEM Made 3/8 Inch 100FT 150FT Blue/Black Nylon Anchor Line Double Braided Anchor Rope/Line with Stainless Steel Thi

Product Description

-1/4" Double Braid-Yacht Braid Polyester Rope Sailboat Line -Premium High Tenacity Yarn -2,150 lb. Tensile Strength -Splicable -Custom Manufacturing Available -Made in the U.S.A. -Due To Monitors, Lighting, Etc. Color Shades May Slightly Vary Valley Rope & Supply

Product information

Technical details.

Material ‎Polyester
Color ‎White w/Navy, Orange Tracers
Brand ‎Valley Rope
Vehicle Service Type ‎Watercraft
Fastener Material ‎Stainless Steel
Tensile Strength ‎2.15E+3 Pounds
Number of Pieces ‎1
Manufacturer ‎Valley Rope
Unit Count ‎1 Count
UPC ‎632806130546
Brand Name ‎Valley Rope

Additional Information

Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank #1,074,690 in Sports & Outdoors ( )
#1,753 in
Date First Available February 27, 2018

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Jimmy Green Marine

Currency: GBP

  • Worldwide Delivery

Mooring Warps and Mooring Lines

  • LIROS 3 Strand Polyester Mooring Warps
  • LIROS Green Wave 3 Strand Mooring Warps
  • LIROS Braided Dockline Mooring Warps
  • LIROS Handy Elastic Mooring Warps
  • Marlow Blue Ocean Dockline
  • LIROS Super Yacht Mooring Polyester Docklines
  • 50 metre / 100 metre Rates - Mooring

Mooring Accessories

  • Mooring Compensators

Mooring Strops and Bridles

  • V shape Mooring Bridles
  • Y shape Mooring Bridles
  • Small Boat and RIB Mooring Strops
  • Mooring Strops
  • Mooring Strops with Chain Centre Section

Mooring Assistance

  • Coastline Bow Thruster Accessories
  • Max Power Bow Thrusters
  • Bonomi Mooring Cleats
  • Majoni Fenders
  • Polyform Norway Fenders
  • Ocean Inflatable Fenders
  • Dock Fenders
  • Fender Ropes and Accessories

Mooring Components

  • Mooring Swivels
  • Mooring Shackles
  • Mooring Cleats and Fairleads
  • Mooring Buoys

Mooring Information

  • Mooring Warps Size Guide
  • Mooring Lines - LIROS Recommended Diameters
  • Mooring Rope Selection Guide
  • Mooring Warp Length and Configuration Guide
  • How to estimate the length of a single line Mooring Strop
  • Mooring Ropes - Break Load Chart
  • Mooring Compensator Advisory
  • Rope Cockling Information
  • Fender Size Guide
  • Majoni Fender Guide
  • Polyform Norway Fender Inflation Guide
  • More Article and Guides >

Anchor Warps Spliced to Chain

  • LIROS 3 Strand Nylon Spliced to Chain
  • LIROS Anchorplait Nylon Spliced to Chain

Anchor Warps

  • LIROS Anchorplait Nylon Anchor Warps
  • LIROS 3 Strand Nylon Anchor Warps
  • Leaded Anchor Warp
  • Drogue Warps and Bridles
  • 50 / 100 metre Rates - Anchoring
  • Aluminium Anchors
  • Galvanised Anchors
  • Stainless Steel Anchors

Calibrated Anchor Chain

  • Cromox G6 Stainless Steel Chain
  • G4 Calibrated Stainless Steel Anchor Chain
  • Lofrans Grade 40
  • MF DAMS Grade 70
  • MF Grade 40
  • Titan Grade 43
  • Lewmar Windlasses
  • Lofrans Windlasses
  • Maxwell Windlasses
  • Quick Windlasses
  • Windlass Accessories and Spares

Chain Snubbers

  • Chain Hooks, Grabs and Grippers
  • Chain Snubbing Bridles
  • Chain Snubbing Strops

Anchoring Accessories

  • Anchor Connectors
  • Anchor Trip Hooks and Rings
  • Anchoring Shackles
  • Bow Rollers and Fittings
  • Chain and Anchor Stoppers
  • Chain Links and Markers

Anchoring Information

  • How To Choose A Main Anchor
  • Anchoring System Assessment
  • Anchor Chain and Rope Size Guide
  • The Jimmy Green Guide to the Best Anchor Ropes
  • What Size Anchor Do I Need?
  • Anchor to Chain Connection Guide
  • How to Choose Your Anchor Chain
  • How to Establish the Correct Anchor Chain Calibration?
  • Calibrated Anchor Chain - General Information
  • Calibrated Anchor Chain Quality Control
  • Calibrated Chain - Break Load and Weight Guide
  • Galvanising - Managing Performance and Endurance expectation
  • Can Galvanised Steel be used with Stainless Steel?
  • Windlass Selection Guide
  • More Articles and Guides

Stainless Steel Wire Rigging and Wire Rope

  • 1x19 Wire Rigging
  • 50 / 100 metre Rates - Wire and Fibre
  • 7x19 Flexible Wire Rigging
  • Compacted Strand Wire Rigging

Dinghy Rigging

  • Stainless Steel Dinghy Rigging
  • Dinghy Rigging Fittings

Fibre Rigging

  • LIROS D-Pro Static Rigging
  • LIROS D-Pro-XTR Fibre Rigging
  • DynIce Dux Fibre Rigging
  • Fibre Rigging Fittings

Wire Terminals

  • Cones, Formers, Wedges, Ferrules, Rigging Spares
  • Hi-Mod Swageless Terminals
  • Sta-Lok Swageless Terminals
  • Swage Terminals

Wire Rigging Fittings

  • Turnbuckle Components

Rigging Accessories

  • Rigging Chafe Protection
  • Headsail Reefing Furlers
  • Plastimo Jib Reefing
  • Selden Furlex Reefing Gear

Furling Systems

  • Anti-torsion Stays
  • Straight Luff Furlers
  • Top Down Furlers

Guard Wires, Rails and Fittings

  • Guard Rail Fittings
  • Guard Rails in Fibre and Webbing
  • Guard Wire Accessories
  • Guard Wires

Standing Rigging Assistance

  • Replacing your Furling Line
  • Fibre Rigging Break Load Comparison Guide
  • More Articles and Guides >
  • Cruising Halyards
  • Performance Halyards
  • Dinghy Halyards

Rigging Shackles

  • Captive and Key Pin Shackles
  • hamma™ Snap Shackles
  • Soft Shackles
  • Standard Snap Shackles
  • Wichard Snap Shackles

Classic Ropes

  • Classic Control Lines
  • Classic Halyards
  • Classic Sheets
  • Cruising Sheets
  • Performance Sheets
  • Dinghy Sheets

Sail Handling

  • Boom Brakes and Preventers
  • Lazy Jack Sail Handling
  • Rodkickers, Boomstruts
  • Sail Handling Accessories

50 / 100 metre Rates - Running Rigging

  • 50 / 100 metres - Cruising Ropes
  • 50 / 100 metres - Dinghy Ropes
  • 50 / 100 metres - Performance Ropes

Control Lines

  • Cruising Control Lines
  • Performance Control Lines
  • Dinghy Control Lines
  • Continuous Control Lines

Running Rigging Accessories

  • Anti-Chafe Rope Protection
  • Lashing, Lacing and Lanyards
  • Mast and Boom Fittings
  • Rope Stowage
  • Sail Ties and Sail Stowage
  • Shock Cord and Fittings
  • LIROS Ropes
  • Marlow Ropes

Running Rigging Resources

  • Running Rigging Rope Fibres and Construction Explained
  • How to Select a Suitable Halyard Rope
  • How to select Sheets and Guys
  • Dyneema Rope - Cruising and Racing Comparison
  • Dinghy Rope Selection Guide
  • Rope Measurement Information
  • Running Rigging - LIROS Recommended Line Diameters
  • Running Rigging Break Load Comparison Chart
  • Colour Coding for Running Rigging
  • Selecting the right type of block, plain, roller or ball bearing
  • Recycling Rope
  • Running Rigging Glossary

Plain Bearing Blocks

  • Barton Blocks
  • Harken Element Blocks
  • Low Friction Rings
  • Selden Yacht Blocks
  • Wichard MXEvo Blocks
  • Wooden Yacht Blocks

Control Systems

  • Ratchet Blocks
  • Stanchion Blocks and Fairleads
  • Snatch Blocks
  • Genoa Car Systems
  • Traveller Systems
  • Block and Tackle Purchase Systems

Ball Bearing Blocks

  • Harken Ball Bearing Blocks
  • Selden Ball Bearing Blocks

Roller Bearing Blocks

  • Harken Black Magic Blocks
  • Selden Roller Bearing Blocks

Deck Fittings

  • Bungs and Hatches
  • Bushes and Fairleads
  • Deck Eyes, Straps and Hooks
  • Pad Eyes, U Bolts and Eye Bolts
  • Pintles and Gudgeons
  • Tiller Extensions and Joints
  • Harken Winches, Handles and Accessories
  • Barton Winches, Snubbers and Winchers
  • Lewmar Winches, Handles and Accessories
  • Winch Servicing and Accessories

Clutches and Organisers

  • Barton Clutches and Organisers
  • Spinlock Clutches and Organisers
  • Lewmar Clutches
  • Harken Ball Bearing Cam Cleats
  • Barton K Cam Cleats

Deck Hardware Support

  • Blocks and Pulleys Selection Guide
  • Barton High Load Eyes
  • Dyneema Low Friction Rings Comparison
  • Seldén Block Selection Guide
  • Barton Track Selection Guide
  • Barton Traveller Systems Selection Guide
  • Harken Winch Selection Guide
  • Karver Winch Comparison Chart
  • Lewmar Winch Selection Guide - PDF
  • Winch Servicing Guide

Sailing Flags

  • Courtesy Flags
  • Red Ensigns
  • Blue Ensigns
  • Signal Code Flags
  • Flag Staffs and Sockets
  • Flag Accessories
  • Flag Making and Repair
  • Webbing only
  • Webbing Soft Shackles
  • Webbing Restraint Straps
  • Webbing Sail Ties
  • Sail Sewing
  • PROtect Tape

Fixings and Fastenings

  • Screws, Bolts, Nuts and Washers
  • Monel Rivets

Hatches and Portlights

  • Lewmar Hatches
  • Lewmar Portlights
  • Fids and Tools
  • Knives and Scissors

General Chandlery

  • Carabiners and Hooks
  • Antifouling

Flag Articles

  • Flag Size Guide
  • Bending and Hoisting Methods for Sailing Flags
  • Courtesy Flags Identification, Labelling and Stowage
  • Courtesy Flag Map
  • Flag Etiquette and Information
  • Glossary of Flag Terms and Parts of a Flag
  • Making and Repairing Flags
  • Signal Code Message Definitions

Other Chandlery Articles

  • Anchorplait Splicing Instructions
  • Antifoul Coverage Information
  • Hawk Wind Indicator Selection Guide
  • Petersen Stainless - Upset Forging Information
  • Speedy Stitcher Sewing Instructions
  • Thimble Dimensions and Compatible Shackles

Jackstays and Jacklines

  • Webbing Jackstays
  • Stainless Steel Wire Jackstay Lifelines
  • Fibre Jackstay Lifelines
  • Jackstay and Lifeline Accessories


  • Crewsaver Lifejackets
  • Seago Lifejackets
  • Spinlock Lifejackets
  • Children's Life Jackets
  • Buoyancy Aids

Floating Rope

  • LIROS Multifilament Polypropylene
  • LIROS Yellow Floating Safety Rope

Guard Wires, Guardrails and Guardrail Webbing

Lifejacket accessories.

  • Lifejacket Lights
  • Lifejacket Rearming Kits
  • Lifejacket Spray Hoods
  • Safety Lines

Seago Liferafts

  • Grab Bag Contents
  • Grab Bags and Polybottles
  • Liferaft Accessories
  • Danbuoy Accessories
  • Jimmy Green Danbuoys
  • Jonbuoy Danbuoys
  • Seago Danbuoys

Overboard Recovery

  • Lifebuoy Accessories
  • Purchase Systems
  • Slings and Throwlines

Safety Accessories

  • Fire Safety
  • Sea Anchors and Drogues

Safety Resources

  • Guard Wires - Inspection and Replacement Guidance
  • Guard Wire Stud Terminal Dimensions
  • Webbing Jackstays Guidance
  • Webbing Jackstays - Custom Build Instructions
  • Danbuoy Selection Guide
  • Danbuoy Instructions - 3 piece Telescopic - Offshore
  • Liferaft Selection Guide
  • Liferaft Servicing
  • Man Overboard Equipment - World Sailing Compliance
  • Marine Safety Information Links
  • Safety Marine Equipment List for UK Pleasure Vessels

Sailing Clothing

  • Sailing Jackets
  • Sailing Trousers
  • Thermal Layers

Leisure Wear

  • Accessories
  • Rain Jackets
  • Sweatshirts

Sailing Footwear

  • Dinghy Boots and Shoes
  • Sailing Wellies

Leisure Footwear

  • Walking Shoes

Sailing Accessories

  • Sailing Bags and Holdalls
  • Sailing Gloves
  • Sailing Kneepads

Clothing Clearance

Clothing guide.

  • What to wear Sailing
  • Helly Hansen Mens Jacket and Pant Size Guide
  • Helly Hansen Womens Sailing Jacket and Pant Size Guide
  • Lazy Jacks Mens and Womens Size Charts
  • Musto Men's and Women's Size Charts
  • Old Guys Rule Size Guide
  • Sailing Gloves Size Guides
  • Weird Fish Clothing Size Charts

The Jimmy Green Clothing Store

Lower Fore St, Beer, East Devon, EX12 3EG

  • Adria Bandiere
  • Anchor Marine
  • Anchor Right
  • August Race
  • Barton Marine
  • Blue Performance
  • Brierley Lifting
  • Brook International
  • Brookes & Adams
  • Captain Currey
  • Chaineries Limousines
  • Coastline Technology
  • Colligo Marine
  • Cyclops Marine
  • Douglas Marine
  • Ecoworks Marine
  • Exposure OLAS
  • Fire Safety Stick
  • Fortress Marine Anchors
  • Hawk Marine Products
  • Helly Hansen
  • International
  • Jimmy Green Marine
  • Maillon Rapide
  • Mantus Marine
  • Marling Leek
  • Meridian Zero
  • MF Catenificio
  • Ocean Fenders
  • Ocean Safety
  • Old Guys Rule
  • Petersen Stainless
  • Polyform Norway
  • PSP Marine Tape
  • Sidermarine
  • Stewart Manufacturing Inc
  • Team McLube
  • Technical Marine Supplies
  • Titan Marine (CMP)
  • Ultramarine
  • Waterline Design
  • William Hackett

Clearance LIROS Racer Dyneema £55.08

Clearance Folding Stock Anchor £123.25

Clearance Sarca Excel Anchors £294.00

Clearance LIROS Herkules £0.00

Clearance Barton Size 0 Ball Bearing Blocks - 5mm £0.00

Clearance Marlow Blue Ocean® Doublebraid £18.48

Mooring Clearance

Anchoring clearance, standing rigging clearance, running rigging clearance, deck hardware clearance, chandlery clearance, safety clearance.

The Jimmy Green Marine Rigging Team invite you to try our wire rigging service involving the meticulous production of complete rigging wires to your exact lengths and specifications.

Jimmy Green Marine offer a comprehensive range of wire rope terminals suitable for marine and architectural applications to complement the stainless steel wire. More obscure fittings can be obtained from our Rigging Manufacturer partners at reasonable notice to solve any rigging issues.

Deadlines are there to be met, and Team Jimmy Green take great pride in delivering on schedule, whether in the UK or the other side of the world.

Marine Grade 316 stainless steel 1x19 wire is generally the wire rope of choice for Yacht Rigging on Cruising Yachts.

Compact Stranded stainless steel wire offers enhanced performance for racing or extended cruising.

Marine Grade stainless steel 7x19 wire offers a flexible option for running rigging.

Break Load Comparison Chart by Wire Construction: 7x19, Standard 1x19 and Compact Strand

Leading marine industry manufacturers such as Sta-Lok, Petersen Stainless, Hamma, BSI, Selden, Bluewave and KOS are carefully sourced to ensure all our completed wire rigging is of the highest possible quality.

Jimmy Green produce Wire Rigging on machines recognised as the best in the marine industry. For wires up to and including 12mm in diameter, modern, up-to-date, maintained and serviced WireTechnik Hydraulic Roller Press  and multiple Cabco Talurit Hydraulic Presses are on hand in our Rigging Workshop at Jimmy Green to carry out the work. For wires of 14 and 16mm diameter, finished wire assembly including swaging is carried out on site at Sta-lok in the UK. Sta-lok are a premium wire terminations manufacturer with vast experience in the marine and architectural industry.

All our custom build rigging prices include swaging the terminals onto the wire rope.

Strict Quality Control Procedures and Accountability Systems ensure that only the best quality stainless steel wire and terminals are considered. Traceability is an essential feature of the Jimmy Green assurance policy: Stainless Steel Wire - Quality Control and Care

Jimmy Green Marine offer a comprehensive range of swage terminals, e.g. eye, forks, tees, strap toggles, plus multiple turnbuckle and backstay insulator options.

Jimmy Green Marine also offer the full range of Sta-Lok, Petersen Hi-Mod and Bluewave Swageless DIY fittings, plus Norseman replacement cones manufactured by Tylaska Marine. These are standing rigging essentials for wire rigging solutions involving one end swaged and the other end left long for finishing in situ.

Instant Quote

The Jimmy Green Custom Build Online System makes an instant online quote very achievable, even with only the basic information on your standing rigging.

Once the specification is finalised and the price is established, each wire stay, shroud or other finished wire rigging component can be added to your basket to purchase.

Custom Build Selection Process

  • Select the type of wire you require: KOS Standard 1x19, Compact Strand or KOS Flexible 7x19
  • Select the diameter of the wire

Once you are on the correct product page for the wire construction and the diameter, you can enter

  • The terminal at the top
  • The approximate length of each stay
  • The bottom terminal (with or without rigging screw)

These Custom Build Instructions will help you through the process.

For a rough guide, approximate lengths and an educated guess for the terminals will suffice. The decision on whether to replace the turnbuckles dramatically affects the price.

Confirming the correct T terminals to fit your mast backing plates with proper load-bearing seating is extremely important to the integrity of your rig.

However, for an indicative quote, the T terminals are similarly priced for each wire diameter, so it is possible to select a generic one to estimate a price.

The Jimmy Green Rigging Team are always on hand to help you through the entire process by email or telephone.

If the measuring seems daunting, send us the old rigging as a pattern. We'll be able to measure, ask any pertinent questions about the new rig and quote you before starting any work.         

Step by Step Guide to tackling a Re-Rig

Stay Diameter

  • 2.5mm (14) 2mm (9) 3mm (10) 4mm (12) 6mm (12) 7mm (8) 8mm (11) 10mm (11) 14mm (8) 16mm (1)
  • Hamma (2) Jimmy Green Marine (1) KOS (28) Petersen Stainless (12)

Purchase Type

  • 50 metre Coil (5) 100 metre Reel (5) Clearance (4) Custom Build (29) Set Lengths (2)

2mm 1x19 Stainless Steel Wire Standing Rigging

2.5mm 1x19 stainless steel wire standing rigging, 3mm 1x19 stainless steel wire standing rigging, 4mm 1x19 stainless steel wire standing rigging, 5mm 1x19 stainless steel wire standing rigging, 6mm 1x19 stainless steel wire standing rigging, 7mm 1x19 stainless steel wire standing rigging, 8mm 1x19 stainless steel wire standing rigging, 10mm 1x19 stainless steel wire standing rigging, 12mm 1x19 stainless steel wire standing rigging, 14mm 1x19 stainless steel wire standing rigging, 16mm 1x19 stainless steel wire standing rigging.

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Additional Info: We couldn't locate the device. Unfortunatly your browser seems not to support geolocation. Please supply your desired location.

Additional Info:In order to find the nearest Vendor, supply your desired location.

Logo New England Ropes

#1 Polyester Double Braid on the market!

Sta-Set is the quintessential proven performance double braid.

  • Cover: Braid polyester
  • Core: Braided polyester

Color variation

Sta-Set White


As the #1 double braid in America, Sta-Set is a strong, flexible, and long wearing line. It is high strength, low stretch, and extremely durable, yet it still remains soft over time. Sta-Set is both easy to handle and splice.

A true multi-purpose line used for sheets and controls on a wide range of boats from 420s and Flying Scots to Keelboats. The ideal line for collegiate programs and sailing schools looking for a high quality line with superior durability and dependability. Perfect for mainsheets, jib sheets, and control lines.

Technical product data

Product Name Diameter [mm] Diameter [inch] Weight [lbs/100'] Tensile [lbs]
C2100-06-00600 5 3/16 1.10 1,400
C2100-08-00600 6 1/4 2.00 2,350
C2100-10-00600 8 5/16 3.10 3,850
C2100-12-00600 10 3/8 4.30 5,100
C2100-14-00600 11 7/16 6.00 7,000
C2100-16-00600 12 1/2 7.80 10,100
C2100-18-00600 14 9/16 10.10 11,700
C2100-20-00600 16 5/8 11.90 16,900
C2100-24-00600 18 3/4 17.00 23,500

Typing errors and technical changes reserved. The data are typical values without warranty or guarantee. For questions we are always at your disposal

Access Ropes

Ropes you can rely on

Showing all 6 results


Polypropylene Floating Rope

An ideal rope for rescue that is lightweight , floats on water  and has excellent visibility. Great for attaching to bouys and works perfectly as a painter line for dinghies. Check out our floating rope range for more.

3 strand poly black image

3 Strand Polyester Multipurpose Rope

3-Strand Polyester that is used for multipurpose activities. The rope is available in white, navy or black.

yacht rope reel photo

Yacht Master / Yacht Braid

This rope is an easy-to-splice, conventional Polyester Yacht Braid with a loose construction that’s great for riggers. 

  • Easy splicing
  • High tenacity and abrasion resistance
  • High resistivity to UV and most chemicals

yacht rigging rope

3 Strand Nylon Multipurpose Rope

3-Strand Nylon Rope that is used for multipurpose activities. The rope is available in white, navy or black.

Superspeed yacht rope in white

SuperSpeed – Yachting Rope

The latest performance rope from Southern Ropes, a coated 12-strand Stealth Fibre® core with HT Polyester cover. Performance rope perfect for sailing applications where ultra-low stretch and low weight is needed.

yacht rigging rope

SuperBraid – Yachting Rope

Available in Mottle only


We go out of our way to ensure our customers receive first-class service.

Contact us for Yacht Rope enquiries

If you’ve got an enquiry about Yacht Rope, our expert team can help.

The Access Ropes Guide to: Yacht Rope

Yacht Rope image

What is yacht rope?

Broadly speaking, yacht rope is any rope that is used on large sailing boats. However, there are several different types of yacht rope, each of which has its own particular purpose.

Access Ropes stock a range of lines to meet your sailing needs. We are available to answer any queries you may have on the type of rope you need and can provide bespoke yacht rope if required. All our products also ship with certification (and free delivery in the UK), so you can rest assured that your rope will meet all the necessary quality standards.

Contact us today!

What are the different categories of yacht rope?

There are many variances of yacht ropes; however, the most common categories you will come across are rigging lines and mooring lines.

Rigging lines

Running rigging ropes are those which are used to adjust and control the yacht sails. They determine the shape and position of your sail, and comprise of halyards, downhauls and sheets. Halyards pull up the mainsail, and downhauls lower it, while sheets control the individual sails when you are sailing. Most commonly, you will hear the terms mainsheet, which is the line that controls the mainsail, and jib sheet, which controls the jib sail.

Standing rigging rope is the rope that offers stability to stationary objects such as the mast. These are referred to as stays. Either the forestay or the backstay, depending on whether the rope runs from the mast to the front or back of the boat.

We now stock the  SuperBraid Yachting Rope , which is the latest performance rope from Southern Ropes and can be used for sheet lines, halyards, control lines, downhauls and numerous other applications. This product gives you the strength of  UHMWPE rope  in its core, with a Polyester cover, making it soft and light to handle, yet incredibly strong. It is not pre-stretched and heat set.

If you need a line with a little more stretch, but with all the performance of the  SuperBraid , then the  SuperSpeed Yachting rope  is a great alternative which is pre-stretched and heat set. Both ropes are easy to splice and come in diameters from 6mm – 16mm.

For the non-professional sailor, the  Polyester Yacht Braid  is ideal for leisure marine yachts. It is easy to handle, easy to splice and low stretch. This is a relatively multi-purpose polyester rope that works for general sheets and control lines.

If you are considering buying new boat ropes, then spend time checking the compatibility with your deck gear as some jaws and clutches are designed to suit only specific lines.

Mooring lines

Mooring lines  or anchor lines are, as the name suggests, ropes used to moor your yacht. They will tie your boat to a pontoon and may also be referred to as dock lines. Fender lines are also used during mooring; they prevent a boat from continuously moving and hitting the dock, which could result in damage to your vessel.

Instead of the traditional hemp rope, most mooring rope is now made of  nylon ,  polyester  or  UHMWPE . Some rope has a combination of these fibres to bring you the best properties.

Our  3 Strand Nylon Rope  and  3 Strand Polyester Rope  are both ideal choices for fender lines when docking. These ropes are very resilient and abrasion-resistant while being flexible and easy to splice. Both these rope options come in a variety of diameters, each giving you a different break load, and can be custom cut accordingly.

For more product information on these lines, please take a look at our detailed mooring ropes guide.

For more information about yacht ropes and our range of items, call or  email one of our rope experts . They will be more than happy to discuss your rope requirements and the products most suitable for you.

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  • Fox's Marina Services

Yacht Rigging, Ropes & Splicing

Worldwide yacht rigging service, for private clients & major yacht builders.

We provide a professional, worldwide rigging service to private clients and major yacht builders, encompassing a complete range of rigging services. As main dealers for all of the main brands, including Seldén, Lewmar, Harken and Spinlock, we hold an extensive stock of fittings, rod, wire and rope, including Gleisten, Marlow and Maffioli.

Servicing and supplying rigging to yachts all over the world, Fox’s has re-rigged yachts and stepped masts in countries as far away as the United States, Singapore, Malta, Gibraltar, Spain and Hong Kong among many others. In recognition of our reputation and expertise, we have been recognised as an Authorised Service Centre for Harken Rigging.

We provide a professional, worldwide rigging service to private clients and major yacht builders

Our Rigging Team

Experts in rigging vessels of all sizes.

Our loyal workforce is our greatest asset and we’re proud to have one of the most experienced and highly skilled rigging teams in the country. Experts in rigging for all forms of sailing yachts, including modern cruisers, race yachts, classic yachts and sailing dinghies, we’re fully equipped to help you, whatever your requirements. So, whether you’re looking for a basic rig check or a fully customised electric or hydraulic rigging package, please do get in touch.

most experienced and highly skilled rigging teams in the country

Standing Rigging

The largest machines on the east coast.

Standing Rigging is the key structural element of any mast and usually constructed from stainless steel in order to ensure it is robust and durable against the demanding conditions it will face at sea.

At Fox’s, we have extensive experience in all forms of stainless steel wire and rod rigging, as well as the higher performance composite fibre rigging options. Offering the largest rod cold heading and wire roll swaging machines on the east coast, we can deal with any re-rig enquiry quickly and efficiently both on or off site.

Our skilled riggers have years of experience and, with our tools, equipment, and undercover workshop facilities, they can ensure that all spar and standing rigging work is completed to the highest standard whatever the weather. With multiple departments under one roof, if you need assistance with spar painting, rewiring, electronics, stainless fabrication, or anything in between, our skilled and experienced teams are here on site.

Extensive experience in stainless steel wire and rod rigging

Running Rigging

Delivering optimum quality & performance.

Here at Fox’s, we can supply, repair and maintain all forms of running rigging – from easy to handle dock lines to high tech, low stretch halyards and control lines.

Committed to delivering optimum quality and performance, we work closely with a number of the industry’s leading manufacturers in order to select the right rope for your needs, budget, and vessel. We are proud to work alongside brands such as Gleisten and Marlow and are one of the UK’s few stockists of Gottifredi Maffioli race ropes.

We can supply, repair and maintain running rigging

Furling Systems

Installation & detail of all types of furling systems.

As any experienced sailor will know, when it comes to sail control, a high performance, free running, headsail or mainsail furling system can make all the difference, allowing shorthanded racers and cruisers to furl large sails safely, without leaving the cockpit.

The latest generation of top down furlers, utilising torsion stays and lightweight line drivers/bearings, has brought additional convenience to handling downwind and asymmetric sails.

Fox’s can service, install and detail all types of furling systems – advising on the best system to suit your boat, be it manual or powered.

Free running, headsail or mainsail furling system can make all the difference

Masts & Spars

Fox's design, build & fit new or replacement.

At Fox’s Marina & Boatyard, we can offer an extensive range of masts and spars in aluminium, carbon fibre and wood. From designing, building and fitting new or replacement masts and booms, to developing a custom bluewater pole system or simplifying a complex reefing system, our rigging team is fully equipped to install, repair and maintain all types of mast and spars.

Fox’s is proud to be recognised as one of three Advanced Technical Centres for Seldén, allowing the specification, supply and installation of Seldén products from individual spares, to complete rigging packages.

And, because your project will be overseen by a hands-on manager with the resources of all Fox’s departments at their fingertips, you can rest assured that you will receive the best advice based on knowledge, and bringing innovative solutions via clear and transparent quotations.

 building and fitting new or replacement masts and booms

Hydraulics & Rig Control Systems

For racing or cruising.

Rig control hydraulics allow you to control loads effectively, efficiently and safely, in order to optimise the performance and speed of your yacht.

We offer an extensive range of hydraulic rigging services and solutions, encompassing everything from the service of self-contained back stay tensioners, installation of remote control panels to fully integrated powered systems. Whether your yacht is used for racing or cruising, state-of-the art or a true classic, our specialist rigging team can advise, install, and maintain the hydraulic equipment you need to enhance the performance, convenience and safety of your vessel.

Working closely with manufacturers and local industrial service partners, we can provide 24hr emergency hose replacement and hydraulic ram servicing as well as longer term planned maintenance and refit solutions.

Hydraulics & Rig Control Systems

NDT Testing

Dye testing, electrical resistive or x-ray testing.

When rigging fails, it can do so without warning and with disastrous results. Lack of maintenance, continued cycling and/or poor articulation in fittings can all lead to catastrophic failure of wire or rod rigging.

Whilst an experienced eye may be able to pick up visible faults, depending on the history and application, it may also be appropriate to employ additional methods of testing to determine if flaws are present.

Non Destructive Testing (NDT) using dye testing, electrical resistive testing or X-ray allows the testing of bespoke components where routine inspection and or replacement may not be cost effective.

Lack of maintenance, continued cycling and/or poor articulation in fittings can all lead to catastrophic failure

Rig Surveys

Identify any potential maintenance issues.

Maintaining your rig in optimum condition is essential. Although many older rigs may look fine to the untrained eye, there can be less obvious signs that signify that it’s time for a full rig inspection and service. Our rigging survey services will help you to identify any potential maintenance issues, the best course of action to address any problems and at the same time consider any possible upgrades.

We understand that nothing is more important to a yachtsman than the integrity of his rig, so whenever a yacht is brought into our boatyard for work or storage involving a de-rig, our expert team will be happy to carry out a rig survey and report accordingly.

Alternatively we regularly travel to inspect and survey rigs off site and report on any rigging work that may be required.

Maintaining your rig in optimum condition is essential

Deck Gear - Service & Solutions

Advice, service, modifications & installation.

Our experienced team can offer advice, service, make modifications and install deck gear to suit any type of cruising or racing yacht.

With expertise and practical training on of all the relevant suppliers equipment including Seldén, Lewmar, Spinlock and Harken, we are well placed to assist you with making improvements or maintaining your deck gear.

Deck Gear - Service & Solutions

Racing Yachts

Reliability, security & performance are key.

If you are racing your yacht, reliability, security and performance are key to you and your crew’s safety and enjoyment. Fox’s is the preferred base for various high profile projects and as a long term authorised Service Partner to the Oyster World Rally, Fox’s is experienced at providing worldwide regatta and event support.

Over the years, Fox’s has built, rigged and maintained many state-of-the-art racing yachts and equally competitive classic yachts. We carry significant rigging stock and can produce bespoke standing and running rigging solutions, in a variety of materials, at short notice.

Whether you’re a weekend club racer, or organising an international campaign we have experience of the latest ‘go fast’ products to help you achieve victory. We’re also proud to be one of the few stockists in the UK of Gottifredi Maffioli race ropes, renowned for using the best combinations of Dyneema, Kevlar, Zylon and Vectran to suit specifc handling needs.

Fox’s has built, rigged and maintained many state of the art racing yachts

Cruising Yachts

High performance deck gear.

High quality is just as crucial for cruising yachts as it is for racing yachts. Here at Fox’s we supply, fit and repair high performance deck gear and running and standing rigging on cruising yachts of all sizes. Most of this work has been gained from our experience and reputation in supplying and fitting out some of the world’s greatest offshore cruising yachts, including Gunfleet and Oyster.

As main dealers for all the main rigging brands including Lewmar, Seldén, Harken and Spinlock, we have an extensive stock of fittings, wire and rope including Gleistein, Marlow and Maffioli. With a highly skilled and experienced in-house rigging team, you can rest assured that we will meet your cruising needs, whatever they may be.

extensive stock of fittings, wire and rope

Classic Yachts

Authenticity matters as much as performance.

When it comes to your classic yacht, authenticity matters just as much as performance, particularly when it comes to ropes and rigging.

Whether you require contemporary styled rope for a classic restoration, authentic wire rigging for a historic ship, or anything in between, our specialist yacht team is fully equipped with the knowledge and experience to help. We can advise on and supply a full range of fittings, rope and wire that will blend seamlessly with the teak decks, wooden spars and polished bronze of any classic yacht.

Fox's Marina Classic Yachts services

Architectural Rigging

In house stainless steel fabrication department.

The Fox’s rigging service doesn’t stop with yacht masts – we are highly adaptable and able to design and deliver for domestic, commercial and industrial applications.

From bespoke balustrading, to tension spans for industrial roof trusses, we are able to produce a range of architectural fittings in various materials.

Working closely with our in house stainless steel fabrication department and other key suppliers, we are able to manufacture bespoke product for both marine and architectural customers.

yacht rigging rope

Our Rigging Partners

BSI. •  Gleistein  •  Gotifredi Maffioli  •  Harken  • Lewmar  •  Marlow  •  Ocean Yacht Systems  •   Petersen  •  Reckmann  •  Selden  •   Stalok  


If you would have any questions or would like further information on our wide range of Rigging Services please complete the form opposite and one of our Rigging experts will be in touch.

We promise that your email won't disappear into a black hole - we will respond to you as quickly as possible, and always within 24 hours if you get in touch during normal office hours.

If you prefer a 'good old fashioned chat' then please don't hesitate to give us a call on +44 (0)1473 689111

Yacht Rigging  

We provide top-quality lines and precise hardware, all tested and proven to deliver optimal performance. 

Antibes Ship provides high-quality yacht rigging supplies for captains, engineers and those refitting and equipping superyachts. Our rigging solutions are designed to ensure safety and performance and meet the high standards of luxury yachts. We provide top-quality lines and precise hardware , all tested and proven to deliver optimal performance.

Explore our extensive selection of tailored rigging products, including essential lines such as fender lines, stopper lines, heaving lines, and snubber lines, designed to enhance the safety and functionality of your yacht. Our professional advice and guidance from on-site rigging experts make sure that you receive the right solution tailored to meet and exceed your expectations. For additional yacht rigging needs, our comprehensive inventory includes specialised lines like toy line, tender whips, and pilot or swim ladders, all crafted to the highest standards for durability and reliability. 

Bespoke Yacht Lines and Ropes

Our physical Rigging Store in Antibes  has a team of skilled professionals specialising in creating custom-made ropes and lines for yachts. Our commitment to excellence extends to our ability to create and splice rigging lines and ropes in-house. Our skilled department made up of seasoned rigging experts prioritise precision and reliability, offering bespoke solutions that meet the unique needs of your yacht.  Our expertise spans all types of rope and lines required of a functional superyacht, including running and standing rigging, netting, mooring ropes and anchoring warps. We take great care in selecting materials from trusted brands like Robline , Armare and Dyneema, and can customise the ropes to fit the needs of your vessel. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible performance and durability for all of your yacht rigging needs.

Running Rigging

Upgrade your yacht's performance with our quality running rigging parts and ropes. Choose from top-notch components like winches, blocks, and cleats for smooth sail control. Our selection includes durable mast fittings and spreader bars to ensure mast stability. Find reliable halyards, sheets, and control lines designed for the best handling. Whether you need replacements or upgrades, our straightforward range of running rigging parts is here to enhance your yacht's efficiency on the water.

Select from a range of durable and lightweight options, including masts and booms, expertly crafted for top sailing efficiency. Our straightforward selection of spars, featuring renowned brands such as John Mast, Selden Mast AB, Eurospars / Sparcraft, Z-Spars, and Axxon, ensures that your yacht is equipped with precision-engineered components to enhance stability and control. Whether you're seeking replacements or upgrades, our spars are meticulously designed to meet the demands of the open seas, providing you with a reliable and straightforward solution for improved sailing performance.

Standing Rigging

Explore our selection of top-quality components, including wire rigging, turnbuckles, and mast tangs. Our straightforward offerings also include robust chainplates and sturdy toggles, ensuring the integrity of your yacht's standing rigging system. Trust in our commitment to simplicity and quality, providing you with the essential parts needed for a secure and dependable standing rigging setup. Whether you're looking for replacements or upgrades, our range guarantees that your yacht is equipped for stability and performance on the open seas.

Rigging Inspection and Testing

Our skilled technicians conduct thorough examinations of key rigging components, including wires, turnbuckles, and connections. Rigorous testing procedures are implemented to assess the strength and integrity of the rigging system, identifying any potential issues before they become critical. We provide a detailed assessment, giving you the confidence that your yacht's rigging meets the highest standards of safety and performance. Trust our inspection and testing services to keep your rigging in the best condition possible, ensuring a secure and worry-free sailing experience.

Rigging Hydraulics

We offer reliable hydraulic tensioning systems, ensuring phenomenal performance during sail manoeuvres. Additionally, our inventory includes top-notch hydraulic pumps, valves, hoses, and fittings, sourced from reputable brands, to meet the specific needs of your yacht's rigging setup. Trust our commitment to excellence as we provide you with the essential products and parts required for a robust and efficient hydraulic rigging system.

Yacht Rigging Gear and Parts

We have a wide range of tools and equipment such as hooks, clamps, winches, and shackles that we can use to help you with any situation. Our expert in-store rigging professionals can provide you with the best advice on how to rig your superyacht. 

We only carry high-quality and durable rigging gear and parts specifically designed and machined to withstand the harsh marine environment, and we source them from reliable manufacturers such as Wichard and Lewmar.   

Looking for high-quality yacht rigging esse​ntials for your superyacht? 

Look no further than Antibes Ship! We're your go-to partner for all your maritime supply needs. Our products are built to withstand the toughest conditions and are up to the task for long-term use at sea. As a one-stop shop for captains and engineers, we have everything you need to equip your superyacht with the best rigging essentials in the industry.

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Armare Ropes

Super Yacht line

01. Super Yacht line

02. S/Y Mooring line

03. Captive Winch

yacht rigging rope

S/Y Mooring line

yacht rigging rope

Captive Winch

Armare Ropes can boast an extraordinary experience in the Super Yacht sector, gained through years of research and development of specific products for use on boats and sailing yachts, where every line is subjected to extraordinarily high workloads. Armare technicians are available to riggers, captains and owners to provide advice for the development of the most demanding projects.

Rope Configurator

The perfect rope step by step with the exclusive Armare configurator

yacht rigging rope

Sailing Super Yacht, running rigging, mooring, captive winch ropes

The Super Yacht line focuses on the use of the two bers in Dyneema® SK99 and SK78, both enhanced by HPS + PU treatments. To these cores can be added 6 special high performance covers.

A special mention goes to the exclusive “Captive” treatment, introduced by Armare Ropes, specically developed to improve the performance of the ropes used on Captive winches.

yacht rigging rope

Cables & Rigging

yacht rigging rope

Armare Store

  • > Single braid
  • > Double braid (Core + Cover)

The rope can be composed by choosing both the core and the cover from the various options available on the configurator .

Single braid

  • Dyneforce® 99 Dyneema® SK99 + HPS + PU
  • Dyneforce® 78 Dyneema® SK78 + HPS + PU

Double braid

  • Dyneema® SK99 HPS + PU
  • Dyneema® SK78 HPS + PU
  • Black Technora® / Dyneema® PBO / DYN
  • Black Technora® / Dyneema® / Poliestere BTEC / DYN / PET
  • Black Technora® / Poliestere BTEC / PET
  • Kevlar®/ Dyneema® / Poliestere KEV / DYN / PET
  • Cordura® / Poliestere CRD / PET
  • Poliestere PET

Single braids

yacht rigging rope

Dyneforce® 99 (Dyneema® SK99 + HPS + PU) 12 plait with Dyneema® SK99 impregnated with polyurethane coating and special heat treatment HPS. Ideal for tackles, backstays, runners, baby stays, halyards on hydraulic cylinders, strops and loops; moreover for bindings where high breaking load, low elongation and minimal amount of space are required.

Dyneforce® 78 (Dyneema® SK78 + HPS + PU) 12 plait with Dyneema® SK78 impregnated with polyurethane coating and special heat treatment HPS. Ideal for tackles, backstays, runners, baby stays, control lines, strops and loops; moreover for lashings where a good breaking load and a low elongation are required.

Super Yacht Line

Dyneema® SK99 + HPS + PU  Dyneema® SK99 delivers the highest tenacity available in a light weight polymer fiber. Indeed, compared to Dyneema® SK78, it shows a 20% increase on tenacity and a 35% higher modulus. Dyneema® SK99 appears thinner and lighter weight respect to ropes with the same diameter, but with a significant increase in strength, which entails an increase on performance and a better response of the boat. Other features: low water absorption, high UV resistance, minimal elongation and good flexibility.

Dyneema® SK78 + HPS + PU The High Modulus fiber Dyneema® SK78, characterized by a remarkable stability under constant loads, provides the following features: low creep, elevated breaking load, low elongation, light weight, low level of water absorption, high resistance to UV rays and abrasion, great flexibility, high resistance to cutting. The ropes made with Dyneema® SK78 + HPS + PU are therefore destined to extreme performances, especially during highly demanding regattas when the permanent load is continuously present.

Special treatments

Different special treatments may be applied to the braided cores and to the technical fibers to enhance their characteristics in terms of elongation, creep and resistance, and to obtain even better performance.

yacht rigging rope

Black Technora® / Dyneema® The mixture of these fibres has been carefully studied to be fairly distributed in order to make them take advantage of their mutual characteristics, both in terms of durability and performance. Excellent results in order of smoothness, abrasion resistance and durability have been reached.

USO: Ideal for high fatigue manoeuvres and repeated mechanical stress, in particular where the wear of the cover is steadily present e.g. jib sheets, tacklines and staysail sheets.

yacht rigging rope

Black Technora® / Dyneema® / Poliestere This item is suitable for many different boats and uses because of its excellent resistance to abrasion and to repeated bending. Compared to TEC/DYN covers, it is easer to customize thanks to the presence of Polyester and it even becomes more recognizable in the distinction of the different manoeuvres

USE: It’s simple to control and to release on winches. Ideal for jib and gennaker sheets, halyard and control lines.

yacht rigging rope

Black Technora® / Poliestere It combines high level functional characteristics, with UV and abrasion resistance as well as a good grip. Thanks to the mixture among the Black Technora® and the different Polyester colours, the look is also winning

USE: This rope is used on monotypes, oceanic boats and on Super Yachts as sheets and halyards with a good grip and high chafe resistance.

yacht rigging rope

Kevlar®/ Dyneema® / Poliestere It preserves similar characteristics as its sister-cover BTEC/ DYN/PET, but thanks to the high point of fusion of Kevlar® it is more suitable for high speed manoeuvres and load, where the ropes reach high temperatures. It holds one of the best grips but a lower UV resistance in comparison to Black Technora®, which is composed by special pigments that protract his life, despite of exposure to UV rays.

USE: Ideal for manoeuvres of high fatigue and cyclical mechanical stress e.g. jib sheets, tacklines and staysail sheets.

yacht rigging rope

Cordura® / Poliestere This rope stands out for its lightness and perfect grip. It has been studied to obtain an excellent grip on stoppers and winches through the use of special anti-slip fibers.

USE: Excellent grip on stopper and winch. It can be chosen either as halyard, as sheet and for all control lines thanks to its soft and grip touch.

yacht rigging rope

Poliestere It is the most used fiber on different types of boats thanks to its good resistance to UV rays and to abrasion and for its excellent durability to atmospheric agents. Moreover, it is easy to customize and ideal to diversify the different manoeuvres.

USE: Indicated for multiple uses: sheets, halyards and general running rigging.


“Captive” range

Exclusive treatment for Captive Winch ropes

Thanks to the cooperation with leader companies in the production of Captive Winch and the supply to prestigious Super Yachts, Armare has improved and reached high performance levels also in this range of products.

Captive Winch products preserve high breaking loads and low elongation thanks to the use of high modulus fibres.

Moreover, they hold the essential characteristics necessary to grant the good working of a Captive Winch System like flexibility, a steady shape, no sliding between core and cover, high abrasion resistance and excellent behaviour between sliding and grip on drums.

The “Captive” ropes can be configured by coupling one of the six covers available to the core in Dyneema® SK99 + HPS + PU

yacht rigging rope

Compose the rope by combining a core with a protective cover of your choice among the various available.

  • Dyneema® SK78 + HPS + PU + CAPT DYN / HPS + PU + Captive
  • Black Technora® / Dyneema® BTEC / DYN + Captive
  • Black Technora® / Dyneema®/ Poliestere BTEC / DYN / PET + Captive
  • Black Technora® / Poliestere BTEC / PET + Captive
  • Cordura® / Poliestere CRD / PET + Captive
  • Poliestere PET + Captive

Super Yacht line + Captive treatment

Dyneema® SK78 + HPS + PU + CAPTIVE The High Modulus fiber Dyneema® SK78, characterized by a remarkable stability under constant loads, provides the following features: low creep, elevated breaking load, low elongation, light weight, low level of water absorption, high resistance to UV rays and abrasion, great flexibility, high resistance to cutting. The ropes made with Dyneema® SK78 + HPS + PU are therefore destined to extreme performances, especially during highly demanding regattas when the permanent load is continuously present.

Mooring and anchoring ropes

Complete range of highly customizable mooring ropes, with excellent performance and durability.

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Sailing Yacht maintenance services; based in Mina Rashid (Dubai), catering to sailing...  

Marine Products, Boat Repair and Rigging for Sailing Yachts in Dubai

Welcome to the Ragged Edge.

We are the leading boat rigging experts in Dubai, and we're knot even kidding!

We have a sailing chandlery and also offer yacht rigging services. Sailing puns aside, we're here to bring you a range of world-class Marine and Sailing Brands - from brand new boats and dinghies, to spare parts and deck hardware, from clothing and accessories to yachting lifestyle products.

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The Ragged Edge team specialise in the servicing or replacing sailing yacht standing and running rigging and deck hardware.

The Ragged Edge Chandlery stocks a wide range of sailing boat products from clothing to spare parts; curated from over 20 global marine brands.

We can support your sailing or watersports racing events, through prizes, merch, retail, organisation and MORE - get in touch today to find out how!

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Deck hardware.

Yacht deck fittings and equipment including: Jammers, Cleats, Friction Rings, Clutches, and...  

Quick Dry, Spray Tops, UV-protection and more! Sailing, technical and performance wear.  


yacht rigging rope

Rigging for Sailing Yachts

We are the leading boat rigging experts in Dubai, so why not leave your boat in our hands. We've got over a decade of expertise on yacht rigging and sail boat management.

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RAGGED EDGE Rigging Services

Standing rigging.

As Dubai's leading expert in sailing yacht rigging, we provide our marine clients with full re-rig services, boat repair and standing rigging maintenance.

Running Rigging

Ragged Edge Rigging is the regional distributor of one of the world's highest-quality marine rope, lines and running rigging for sailing yachts. We are based in Dubai and service the whole GCC.

Rig tuning by our rigging expert allows you to optimise your sailing yacht's sail set-up. A well-tuned rig prolongs the life of your cable or rod rig, maximizing your investment.

Rig Inspections

Our rig inspection and surveying service means we get to know the condition of your current rig, we provide you with a detailed pictorial and annotated report, and we can best advise you if anything needs replacing.

Custom Rope Splicing

Using our wide selection of premium marine ropes and line, we can provide full custom splicing packages for your sailing yacht. Tailor your halyards, sheets and line with a wide array of ends.

Project Management

Does your boat need maintenance or boat repair? Our experts can project manage large scale boat works projects in Dubai and the UAE; overseeing third party marine maintenance providers.

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Understanding Stainless Steel Grades

What Makes Grade 316 Special?Grade 316 stainless steel is known for its superior corrosion resistance compared to other types of stainless steel, such as grade 304. Find out why...

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  3. Yacht rigging, sailboat winch and rope. Vertical photo Stock Photo

    yacht rigging rope

  4. Yacht Rigging

    yacht rigging rope

  5. Yacht rigging, ropes and a system of blocks. Front view Stock Photo

    yacht rigging rope

  6. Yacht Rigging

    yacht rigging rope


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  2. HOW WE RIG OUR BOAT: A step by step guide. Ep 22

  3. RSB MotorBoat Clients

  4. Rigging for Yachts

  5. Ship rigging WIP

  6. 12.3 Whipping in a three stand rope


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  3. Expert Sailboat & Boat Rigging

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  4. Standing Rigging (or 'Name That Stay')

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  5. Sailboat Line & Rigging

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  6. Boat Ropes and Rigging For Sailing Boats & Yachts

    Marlow PS12 Rope 4mm. £ 1.33 £ 1.25 / metre. Trem Mousing line 20 Metre. £ 7.95. 1. 2. 3. Buy boat ropes and rigging online from Marine Super Store's unbeatable range, including Marlow and Seago marine ropes. FREE UK delivery over £100.

  7. Marine Rope & Line

    Our marine cordage selection features a variety of ropes and lines suitable for different marine applications, from towing to general-purpose use. Sailing Rope & Rigging Lines For sailing enthusiasts, we offer running rigging lines that enhance your sailing experience. These ropes are designed for optimal performance and durability.

  8. www.neropes.com

    Leading Pleasure Marine brand manufacturing premium quality rope since 1967, offering a comprehensive range of running, rigging, anchor and dock lines. ... Mega Yacht Rigging. Anchoring and Docking. Packaged Goods. Mooring Pendants. Cords and Accessoires. Hook & Moor. OFFICIAL ROPE PARTNER FOR US SAILING & US SAILING TEAM .

  9. Colligo Marine

    Colligo Marine offers high-performance synthetic rigging and hardware solutions for sailboats and racing yachts. Our innovative products are designed to give racers a competitive edge with their strength, lightness, and reliability. Trust Colligo Marine for a safer and faster racing experience. Colligo Marine has the rigging solutions you need ...

  10. Dyneema & Spectra Rigging

    3027 Capital Blvd Ste 111 , Raleigh NC 27604-3399. home. categories. sailing. rigging. running rigging. dyneema & spectra rigging. Check your spelling or try fewer, more generic words. If you're really stuck, visit the.

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    Rope Inc. offers custom splicing for dock lines and mooring lines, running rigging and anchor gear, as well as leather and fabric chafe gear for yachts - large and small. We can provide the experienced guidance and solutions a customer may require for demanding applications. By consulting with a Rope Inc specialist, we can provide complete ...

  12. Sailing Services

    If you are more of a do-it-yourself sailor, we sell Sta-Lok, and Hi-Mod fittings designed to be fitted on site. Huge Inventory of Rope and Sailboat Hardware. Rigging and Lifeline Shop. Splicing Shop. Expert Knowledge. [email protected]. (305) 758 1074. Sailing Services Catalog. Find A Rigger.

  13. Running Rigging Rope Fibres and Construction Explained

    Polyester is the universal rope fibre for running rigging lines because it is an all-round reliable performer for strength, stretch, abrasion and UV resistance. In 100% polyester lines, the amount of fibre is balanced equally between the cover and the core. The finished rope can be spliced using the doublebraid method.

  14. Marine ropes for sailing and powerboats

    Other sectors. Armare Ropes produces ropes and products for several industrial sectors. For information : [email protected]. Armare Ropes produces professional & leisure marine ropes for sailing and power boats of any size, standing rigging, and nautical accessories.

  15. Right Rope

    Order a custom length sailing line for the smallest dinghy to the largest yacht. Make it your own with custom add-ons like stainless steel thimbles and spliced eyes on 3-strand and double braid ropes. ... We have the selection of rope tie downs to get you and your items on the road safely. At Right Rope, we have a wide variety of ropes to match ...

  16. Amazon.com : 1/4" Premium Double-Yacht Braid Polyester Rope. Sailboat

    -1/4" Double Braid-Yacht Braid Polyester Rope Sailboat Line -Premium High Tenacity Yarn -2,150 lb. Tensile Strength -Splicable -Custom Manufacturing Available -Made in the U.S.A. -Due To Monitors, Lighting, Etc. Color Shades May Slightly Vary Valley Rope & Supply. Product information . Technical Details.

  17. Stainless Steel Wire Rigging and Wire Rope

    Marine Grade 316 stainless steel 1x19 wire is generally the wire rope of choice for Yacht Rigging on Cruising Yachts. Compact Stranded stainless steel wire offers enhanced performance for racing or extended cruising. Marine Grade stainless steel 7x19 wire offers a flexible option for running rigging. Break Load Comparison Chart by Wire ...

  18. Mega Yacht Rigging

    Products - Mega Yacht Rigging Products - Mega Yacht Rigging - Sta-Set. Sta-Set #1 Polyester Double Braid on the market! Sta-Set is the quintessential proven performance double braid. ... TEUFELBERGER Fiber Rope Corp. 848 Airport Road 02720 Fall River, MA USA Phone: +1 508 678-8200 Fax: +1 508 679-2363 [email protected]. Visit us ...

  19. Yacht Rope

    Yacht Ropes - Our ropes are designed for use on various yacht classes and all come with free, courier shipping, dispatched from the UK. ... Standing rigging rope is the rope that offers stability to stationary objects such as the mast. These are referred to as stays. Either the forestay or the backstay, depending on whether the rope runs from ...

  20. Yacht Rigging, Ropes & Splicing

    As main dealers for all of the main brands, including Seldén, Lewmar, Harken and Spinlock, we hold an extensive stock of fittings, rod, wire and rope, including Gleisten, Marlow and Maffioli. Servicing and supplying rigging to yachts all over the world, Fox's has re-rigged yachts and stepped masts in countries as far away as the United ...

  21. Yacht Rigging

    Antibes Ship provides high-quality yacht rigging supplies for captains, engineers and those refitting and equipping superyachts. tel:+33 493 34 68 00 [email protected] ... Upgrade your yacht's performance with our quality running rigging parts and ropes. Choose from top-notch components like winches, blocks, and cleats for smooth sail control.

  22. Running rigging ropes for Super Yachts

    Sailing Super Yacht, running rigging, mooring, captive winch ropes. The Super Yacht line focuses on the use of the two bers in Dyneema® SK99 and SK78, both enhanced by HPS + PU treatments. To these cores can be added 6 special high performance covers. A special mention goes to the exclusive "Captive" treatment, introduced by Armare Ropes ...

  23. Ragged Edge

    Welcome to the Ragged Edge. We are the leading boat rigging experts in Dubai, and we're knot even kidding! We have a sailing chandlery and also offer yacht rigging services. Sailing puns aside, we're here to bring you a range of world-class Marine and Sailing Brands - from brand new boats and dinghies, to spare parts and deck hardware, from ...