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Chef Nina Wilson Shares 20 Ways to Cook Halibut

Dishing it Up - Ways to Cook Halibut

Pre-galley, Nina Wilson trained as a dive instructor and skippered sailing boats in Greece before starting her yachting career in 2013. Currently head chef on a 55-meter, her talents included telling brilliant jokes and being able to consume six cheeseburgers and feel no guilt. Follow her on Instagram @thecrewchef .

We’ve recently had a brilliant season in Alaska. A killer season, some might say. A fish-killing season if we’re going to be blunt. MY WORD.

Overall, it was a completely new experience for me and most of the crew. A foggy, craggy landscape where bears and avalanches were a genuine worry rather than a fictional plot line. No more trotting out off the passerelle for a post-work stroll; you’ve got to remember to download the all-terrain map, back it up on your watch GPS system, let the whole team know when you’ll be back, and then shrug on the bear spray holster fully loaded with its weaponry. Yes, bear spray. It’s like mace, but for bears!

Its incredible scenery almost made up for the lack of provisioning options. I’ve already detailed in a previous column how hard it was to get any fresh produce in the 49th state, but the seafood
now that’s another story. Luckily, our guests’ main goal for their Alaskan adventure was to land some monsters.

  • The 12 Types of Crew You’ll Cook for as Chef

Gone were the SEABOBs and Jet Skis — in their place we acquired the kit to become a seafood-hunting machine. Crab pots, shrimp pots, electric reels worth thousands of dollars to haul up creatures from the deep. We got excited, thinking about plump fillets of salmon and sweet, juicy spot shrimp. Fear not, it was all to come our way. However, the phrase, “Be careful what you wish for” does spring to mind.

Having avid and determined fishermen on board, we didn’t have to wait long. Rockfish, spot shrimp, Dungeness crabs caught in our very own pots! It was thrilling, seeing the bounty brought aboard, and also confronting learning how to “skull cap” a crab. (Approach from behind. With two hands, grab legs on either side. Find a suitable bollard. Confidently smash the crab’s eyes onto the bollard in a swinging motion and the lid should pop off nice and easily. Break crab body in two, remove the gills, and repeat with the remaining 15 crabs.)

Initially, we galley folk were thrilled. Melt-in-the-mouth rockfish, plucked from the frigid Alaskan waters. The freshest spot shrimp — perfect when served raw and tasting so sweetly delicate with a yielding texture. At first, we enthusiastically accepted the Dungeness crab
until the toil of picking crab meat became a large time vacuum that we didn’t account for. Nevertheless, we loved having such quality produce to work with and the guests were thrilled to be eating their own harvest. Yet, there was still one delicious fish that we hadn’t seen

Having avid and determined fishermen on board, we didn’t have to wait long. Rockfish, spot shrimp, Dungeness crabs caught in our very own pots!

Toiling away in the depths of the galley mid-trip, the news reached us. HALIBUT HO! Not one, but two giant prizes. We rushed outside, eager to catch a glimpse of the beasts. Slimy, slightly grotesque but nicely plump, they promised us divine inspiration and a way to keep within the crew seafood budget. Thankfully, two of our deck crew were keen sports fishers, and deftly filleted the halibut, delivering it to us in large, silver gastronome trays. Post-dinner service, we cleaned up the fillets, exclaiming at the pure white flesh, the heft of the fillets. Our vacuum-sealing machine became the hero of the story, safely packaging the bounty in tight, hygienic bags for our future enjoyment.

Mission accomplished! Or so we thought

Later that same week, we heard that there had been another incredibly successful halibut fishing day. A monster, a behemoth, what they call a Pacific door halibut — literally the size of the man who caught it. One of the fillets reached from my ankles to my shoulders.

Determined, we began the packaging process again, feeling for all the world a fish processing plant. Tray after tray after tray arrived in the galley. Great, quivering mounds of translucent flesh. We ploughed through more vacuum-seal bags. Our sealing machine started protesting, as did our second engineer who we’d wrangled in to assist. Bag after bag, we kept on packaging

Which thus formed The Great Wall of Halibut. Not visible from space, but indeed highly impressive and upon taking a moment to view it in the galley, we all felt slightly queasy and had a moment’s silence for this ancient fish that had given its life.

  • The Seven Deadly Sins of a Yacht Chef

After keeping some of the choice pieces aside for the guests (read: halibut cheeks — have you ever had them? Incredible! The texture will blow your mind, almost like pulled chicken in the best possible way). The wall was disassembled and decamped to the walk-in freezer.

The freezer became a danger zone, full of frozen bricks of halibut. One of those, tumbling off the top shelf, could pose a serious threat to your noggin. Stuck between a rock and a hard wall of halibut, we decided the best possible option was to A) offload some on the private jet when they departed and B) serve it to the crew every single day.

Every. Single. Day.

Obviously, fish tacos were the first port of call, and then we started our journey. Pan-fried, roasted, crumbed. Poached with a ranchero sauce, poached with a creamy dill sauce. Battered, steamed, flaked into pasta, and molded into fish cakes. En papillote with garlic and cherry tomatoes and en papillote with ginger, garlic, and scallions. Fish burgers, fish sliders, fish finger sandos. Sometimes dressed in a salsa verde, other times with the simple lemon wedge. Nestled in with butter-softened leeks and tucked under crisp puff pastry. Fish curry, both Keralan and Thai (multiple times). To the crew’s credit, they never complained once. We were blessed to have a boatload of fish-loving crew, and they devoured it without delay.

  • Yacht Chefs’ Strained Relationship with Time

Our plan was successful: within a few weeks and the guests departing (loaded with Yetis of frozen white gold), our freezer stocks were at a manageable level, and we could enter the seafood boxes without fear. It was a wild ride, those months in Alaska, and I am sad to see the halibut slowly disappear (we have a few kilos left, but I’m appropriately saving them for the guests). To taste truly fresh, cold-water seafood minus the price tag was a life-changing experience. Especially for the halibut itself. Sorry not sorry.

Halibut Burger

The best meal that we ever created with the halibut was a hastily thrown together fish burger on drop-off day eaten on the dock at sunset. We still had some fresh fillets kept aside, important for the flakiest, juiciest burger. Prep your fish into roughly the same size as the burger bun if possible. Whisk together self-raising flour, and ice-cold beer to make a thin batter. Flour, dip, and fry the fish. Load up your toasted buns with a good tartare sauce (equal parts mayo, shallots, capers, and pickles), shredded iceberg lettuce, and finally, the golden battered fish. Absolute joy.

This article originally ran in the February 2022 issue of Dockwalk.

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Nina shares all her passion and talent with you over a cram packed course of dishes to equip you as a private chef on superyachts or land.

Nina wilson.

Nina is currently head chef onboard a 67m Super yacht, and she is presenting the Superyacht Chef Cookery House Course.

She was born to yachting parents and grew up looking at photos of their super yacht circumnavigation. This made her dream for a life on the high seas.

Nina's Course:

  • 23 dishes, including CanapĂ©s, Guest & Crew dishes & Desserts
  • Provisioning, Crossings and Guest Preferences videos
  • Sample Guest Preference Sheet
  • 3 Sample Menus provided for Guests, Family Style and Crew
  • Instagram: @thecrewchef
  • Youtube: TheCrewChef

"I am so pleased to present this Superyacht Cookery course for mymuybueno Academy of Culinary Arts. Since I started sharing my work on social media, there have been many questions about how to get a job as a chef onboard a yacht, what recipes and techniques are needed, would I write a cookbook etc. To have the opportunity to create this course means I can present this as an answer to those questions! We've designed this course to provide aspiring individuals with the finest foundation in the yachting industry.  We've built it to include a variety of dishes and techniques that will equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the world of super yacht cuisine. I couldn't be more thrilled about this endeavour and the potential it holds for those looking to embark on a successful journey in this remarkable industry."

Nina is currently Head Chef onboard a 67m Superyacht, and she is presenting the Superyacht Chef Cookery House Course. She was born to yachting parents and grew up looking at photos of their super yacht circumnavigation. This made her dream for a life on the high seas.

Her obsession with food also began early, preferring to watch cooking shows rather than cartoons. Plus, with her parents afore-mentioned world travels, she got to get a good taste of the world through their cooking from her childhood coastal home in Queensland, Australia.

Post-school she took a few career detours, training to become a dive instructor on the Great Barrier Reef, skippering sailing boats in Greece, and even starting an officers courses before finally realising that I she should be around food for most of her waking hours.  

After running a small sailing yacht with her partner and jumping into the ‘chef’ role a little bit blind, she decided to get into the cheffing world and attend culinary school. Since then, she has stepped in front of the chopping board and not looked back.

She has been very lucky to work under some brilliant head chefs, and she attributes most of her culinary education from being on the job – especially working on fast paced charter yachts where you never know what the guests are going to order.

Working onboard a yacht, where the menu changes daily and the guests change weekly – being adaptable is a key quality that she has had to develop as a chef. Luckily, she loves her job and it’s safe to say that she is food obsessed – at her happiest with either a very sharp knife or a loaded fork in hand. 

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Superyacht Cuisine

Discover the world of gourmet cuisine on board charter superyacht Loon. Indulge in unparalleled dining experiences crafted with the finest ingredients by our world-class chefs.

Our menus are as unique as our guests, meticulously crafted to cater to individual preferences, dietary needs, and tastes. Whether you seek gourmet extravagance or health-conscious choices, Loon’s chefs ensure that every dining experience is a personalised delight.

Charter yacht MY Loon Rotational Head Chef Dean Harrison

Rotational Head Chef

Dean harrison, australia.

Dean grew up in the coastal town of Noosa, Australia. His culinary journey began at the age of 15 when he embarked on a career as a chef.

With an impressive 17 years of experience under his apron, Dean has spent the last 13 years crafting culinary delights aboard yachts. 

Dean draws inspiration from a diverse array of Asian cuisines, encompassing Thai, Indonesian, and Vietnamese flavours. He also has a deep appreciation for the art of modern Australian cooking.

Charter superyacht Loon Rotational Head Chef Nina Wilson

Nina Wilson, Australia

Nina is an Australian chef who has been working onboard luxury yachts for over 10 years.

She comes from a maritime background and worked as a Scuba dive instructor on the Great Barrier Reef and ran sailing flotillas in the Greek Islands before undertaking her culinary training in the United Kingdom.

Her travels inspire her cooking, and she loves to showcase her knowledge in South East Asian, Japanese and Mexican cuisine, and recently spent a lot of time in the United states embracing the ‘New American’ style of cooking.

Nina loves to share her passion for food, and enjoys treating the guests to Beach BBQs and Pizza Parties.

Motor Yacht Loon Sous Chef Judy Gilbert

Judy Gilbert, South Africa

Judy grew up on the sunny East Coast of South Africa, in a lively family with a love for boating and traditional South African braais.

Her passion for food led her to pursue a degree in food technology, and she has since refined her culinary skills through various roles: a food product developer in Johannesburg, a caterer in Scotland, and a sous chef in a French ski resort. Judy’s studies and travels have inspired her to create exciting flavor combinations, blending classic French techniques with modern cuisine and Asian fusion.

Her love for travel and cooking comes together perfectly in yachting, where she enthusiastically crafts delicious dishes for both crew and guests.

Sample Menus

Soft Scrambled eggs, Petrossian Osetra Caviar, Pea Shoots, Sourdough Toast

  • Slow Cooked Dry Rubbed Pork Ribs
  • King Crab Rolls, Celery, Caviar, Brown Butter and Tarragon Emulsion
  • Tuna Niçoise Salad, Seared Bluefin, Tomatoes, Capers, Pickled Onion, Green Beans, Soft Boiled Egg, Potatoes, , Tomato, Olives
  • Parmesan Truffle Fries
  • Wedge Salad, Crispy Bacon, Blue Cheese, Tomato, Chives, Blue Cheese Dressing

Honey Cake & Borage Flowers

Beef Ragu Arancini with 24mth Parmigiano Reggiano

Chilean Sea Bass, Buttered peas & Leeks, Shoestring Potatoes

Yuzu Poached Pears, Whipped Mascarpone & Filo Shards

Acai Bowls with Almond Butter, Honey Granola, Sliced banana and Blueberries

  • Grilled Wagyu Rib Eye Steak with French Fries and Green Pepper Sauce
  • Salt and Pepper Calamari with Aioli
  • Burrata Salad, Heirloom Tomatoes, Basil, Herb Crumble
  • Grilled Halloumi and Avocado Salad, Cherry Tomatoes, Smoked Almonds with Ranch Dressing

Vanilla Bean, Panna Cotta, Saturn Peach, Caramelised White Chocolate and Raspberry

Yum Cha Style

  • Peking Duck Pancakes, Cucumber, Hoisin, Scallions, Crispy Shallot
  • Sweet and Sour Pork Belly with Steamed Rice
  • Pork Siu Mai Dumplings with Chilli Dipping Sauce
  • Blazed Salmon with Ginger Ponzu
  • Crispy Prawn Torpedo with Yuzu Marmalade
  • Chicken and Vegetable Gyoza
  • Honey Chicken and Sesame with Steamed Rice
  • Crab Claw with Teriyaki Sauce, Kewpie and Scallions

Assorted Mochi Ice Cream

Our Incredible Superyacht Cuisine

nina wilson yacht chef

Episode 124: Nina Wilson, Superyacht Sous Chef

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April 16th, 2020

42 mins 3 secs

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nina wilson yacht chef

About this Episode

Show Description:

Nina Wilson (@thecrewchef) is a superyacht sous chef from the United Kingdom. She prepares exotic, tasty meals around-the-clock for an elite clientele who demand the highest level of culinary expertise. And she creates these feasts while floating on a yacht with no supermarket expertise.

In this interview, Nina discusses her passion for joining the superyacht industry as a sous chef, the key lessons she has learned while cooking high-end meals for wealthy clientele on a yacht, and the difference between her position and a chef in a brick and mortar restaurant.

Show Highlights:

3:00-14:00: Nina discusses how she became passionate about the superyacht industry, how being a sous chef on a boat is different than a brick and mortar restaurant, and how the menu is created 14:00-21:00: Nina talks about how her traveling has impacted her cooking, the craziest meal she has ever cooked, and how she can build relationships with her superyacht guests. 21:00-28:00: Nina touches on the Coronavirus pandemic and the influence on the industry, as well as the best and worst aspects of being a sous chef. She also talks about what her ultimate dream is after she is done being a sous chef. 28:00-36:00: Nina discusses what it's like to move to a new country at age 19, the essential takeaways from being a sous chef, and how she takes negative feedback on her dishes. 36:00-42:00: Nina ends the show by explaining how she will reach head chef status and how she wants to be remembered in this life when it's all said and done.

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Nina Timofeeva

Brief life history of nina.

When Nina Timofeeva was born on 24 October 1958, in Omsk Oblast, Russia, Soviet Union, her father, Yakov Timofeev, was 59 and her mother, Alexandra Averyanova, was 33. She died on 19 March 2013, in Omsk, Omsk Oblast, Russia, at the age of 54.

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Cosmonaut Yuriy Gagarin launched in world's first manned orbital space flight.

By universal suffrage, Yeltsin elected president of Russian Republic. Last Soviet troops leave Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Gorbachev and leaders of seven Soviet republics sign draft union treaty.

Hard-line officials attempt to unseat Gorbachev government. Coup fails after three days, elevating Yeltsin's prestige. Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldavia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyz Republic declare independence. Armenia and Tajikistan follow in September, Turkmenistan in October, and Kazakstan in December.

Name Meaning

The surname Timofeev originated from a baptismal name Timofey, which was common in Russia. The very name translates from ancient Greek as «worshiping God». The patron saint of the name is considered Timothy of Ephesus, one of the disciples of the Apostle Paul. These surnames originated from the direct ancestor, who bore the appropriate name. In the Russian Empire, the patronymic was usually written as «Timofeev syn» or «Timofeev». Later for many people a patronymic would become a surname.

The surname is spread throughout Russia and particularly common in the Saratov, Pskov and Novgorod regions. Timofeevy also live in other CIS states (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. ), as well as in Germany, the USA, etc.

In written sources the surname first appears in the 17th century. Documents from this period mention Spiridon Timofeev, a posad man from Moscow (1638). The Oryol branch of the Timofeev noble family dates back to Mitka Vasiliev syn Timofeev, an Ivan the Terrible's oprichnik. His son Bogdan Dmitrievich had already been marked in the Pereyaslav censuses as a boyar scion (part of the military class).

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  1. YouTuber and Nina Wilson AKA Thecrewchef

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  2. The Crew Chef Nina Wilson

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  3. YouTuber and Nina Wilson AKA Thecrewchef

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  4. The Crew Chef Nina Wilson

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  5. Yacht Chef @ Home

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  6. What Crew Eat on a Super Yacht

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  1. The Crew Chef Nina Wilson

    The Crew Chef Nina Wilson. Nina Wilson was a deckhand on a superyacht who turned her passion for cooking into a full-time job. She then rose to InstaFame as a sous chef on a 70m Motoryacht travelling the world and cooking up a storm! Lucky for ys, back in those days "The Crew Chef" Nina Wilson would post almost daily to instagram allowing ...

  2. N i n a W i l s o n (@thecrewchef) ‱ Instagram photos and videos

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  5. A Yacht Chefs' Strained Relationship with Time

    Yacht Chefs' Strained Relationship with Time. Pre-galley, Nina Wilson trained as a dive instructor and skippered sailing boats in Greece before starting her yachting career in 2013. Currently head chef on a 55-meter, her talents included telling brilliant jokes and being able to consume six cheeseburgers and feel no guilt.

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    Pre-galley, Nina Wilson trained as a dive instructor and skippered sailing boats in Greece before starting her yachting career in 2013. Currently head chef on a 55-meter, her talents included telling brilliant jokes and being able to consume six cheeseburgers and feel no guilt. Follow her on Instagram @thecrewchef.

  13. Nina Wilson

    Nina Wilson M/Y Loon. Nina is currently Head Chef onboard a 67m Superyacht, and she is presenting the Superyacht Chef Cookery House Course. She was born to yachting parents and grew up looking at photos of their super yacht circumnavigation. This made her dream for a life on the high seas. Her obsession with food also began early, preferring to ...

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    Nina Wilson, Australia Nina is an Australian chef who has been working onboard luxury yachts for over 10 years. She comes from a maritime background and worked as a Scuba dive instructor on the Great Barrier Reef and ran sailing flotillas in the Greek Islands before undertaking her culinary training in the United Kingdom.

  16. Episode 124: Nina Wilson, Superyacht Sous Chef

    Nina Wilson (@thecrewchef) is a superyacht sous chef from the United Kingdom. She prepares exotic, tasty meals around-the-clock for an elite clientele who demand the highest level of culinary expertise. And she creates these feasts while floating on a yacht with no supermarket expertise. In this interview, Nina discusses her passion for joining the superyacht industry as a sous chef, the key ...

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    T. Tara, Omsk Oblast. Tyukalinsk. Categories: Cities and towns in Russia by federal subject. Populated places in Omsk Oblast. Hidden category: Commons category link is on Wikidata.

  18. Omsk Oblast: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    Park-Hotel Mechta. 48. Omsk Oblast Tourism: Tripadvisor has 13,841 reviews of Omsk Oblast Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Omsk Oblast resource.

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  20. "The Crew Chef" Nina Wilson riding into San Diego on top of Motor Yacht

    "The Crew Chef" Nina Wilson riding into San Diego on top of Motor Yacht Revelry 6/19/2021@TheCrewChef @NorthropJohnson@UCuGqMps7NNS1ikn1rpPXGqA#SanDiego

  21. crew chef

    The Crew Chef Nina Wilson. Nina Wilson was a deckhand on a superyacht who turned her passion for cooking into a full-time job. She then rose to InstaFame as a sous chef on a 70m Motoryacht travelling the world and cooking up a storm! Lucky for ys, back in those days "The Crew Chef" Nina Wilson [

  22. Nina Timofeeva (1958-2013) ‱ FamilySearch

    The Life Summary of Nina. When Nina Timofeeva was born on 24 October 1958, in Omsk Oblast, Russia, Soviet Union, her father, Yakov Timofeev, was 58 and her mother, Alexandra Averyanova, was 33. She died on 19 March 2013, in Omsk, Omsk Oblast, Russia, at the age of 54.

  23. Category : en:Cities in Omsk Oblast

    English names of cities in Omsk Oblast, a federal subject of Russia.. NOTE: This is a name category.It should contain names of specific cities in Omsk Oblast, not merely terms related to cities in Omsk Oblast, and should also not contain general terms for types of cities in Omsk Oblast.