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around french island yacht race 2023

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What is The Ocean Race?

The Ocean Race is often described as the longest and toughest professional sporting event in the world, sailing’s toughest team challenge and one of the sport’s Big Three events, alongside the Olympic Games and America’s Cup.

To truly understand the race, though, it’s better to think of it in a way the athletes who take part will recognise immediately. Put simply, The Ocean Race is an obsession, and many of the world's best sailors have dedicated years, even decades of their lives trying to win it.

Take Sir Peter Blake, who competed in the first edition of what was then the Whitbread Round the World Race in 1973-74 and came back again and again until he finally conquered his Everest, securing an overwhelming victory with Steinlager 2 in 1989-90. Only then was he able to fully turn his attention to other projects.

The race sits, just as it always has, at the intersection of human adventure, and world-class competition. Thanks to the work of the Onboard Reporters embedded with every team, fans are given a unique insight into just what it takes to win a race that is relentless in its demands – as teams give everything they have, 24 hours a day, in pursuit of the tiny advantages that can make all the difference.

The race’s concept is simple: it’s a round-the-clock pursuit of competitive edge and the ultimate ocean marathon, pitting the sport’s best sailors against each other across the world’s toughest waters. It’s relentless: the importance of winning, the adventure of life on board, the transformative effect on the sailors — all of these combine to give the race its power and depth.

The last edition of the race was the closest in history, with three teams virtually tied, approaching the finish line. After 126 days of racing spread across 11 legs, the winning margin for Charles Caudrelier’s Dongfeng Race Team was only 16 minutes. The top three teams were separated by just four points.

A total of 2.5 million people visited the Race Villages during the 2017-18 event, getting a first-hand taste of the action. Millions more followed the action on our digital platforms, television and via the news as the race set new high-marks for international coverage.

Now we enter a new era as the event continues to evolve. Two classes will compete in the 2022-23 edition of the race with the addition of the high-tech, foiling IMOCA 60 class adding a design and technical element. The one-design VO65 fleet will race for The Ocean Race VO65 Sprint Cup over three legs: Leg 1 from Alicante, Spain to Cabo Verde, Leg 6 from Aarhus, Denmark to The Hague in the Netherlands, and Leg 7 from The Hague to Genova, Italy.

Following the success of our ground-breaking and award-winning sustainability efforts in the last race, sustainability will continue to be a core value of the race as we go forward, as we redouble our efforts to restore ocean health and lead, inspire and engage on this critical issue.

The 14th edition of The Ocean Race started from Alicante, Spain on January 15th 2023, and will finish in Genova, the Grand Finale, in Italy early in the summer of 2023. The race visits nine iconic cities around the globe over a six-month period (Alicante, Spain - Cabo Verde - Cape Town, South Africa - Itajaí, Brazil - Newport, RI, USA - Aarhus, Denmark - Kiel Fly-By, Germany - The Hague, the Netherlands - Genova, Italy) and features a leg with the longest racing distance in the 50-year history of the event - a 12,750 nautical mile, one-month marathon from Cape Town, South Africa to Itajaí, Brazil. The IMOCA fleet of mixed crews will pass all three great southern Capes - Cape of Good Hope, Cape Leeuwin, Cape Horn - non-stop, for the first time.

How the race is won

Although at its most fundamental level the perfect strategy for  winning The Ocean Race comes down to simply scoring more points than  your competitors, there is much more involved in emerging victorious  from a five-month, 32,000-nautical mile (36,825-mile / 60,000-kilometre)  race around the world.

The Ocean Race uses a high points scoring system with the winning  team on an offshore leg awarded points equal to the number of entries in  the race. Second place gets points equal to the number of entries minus  one – and so on down the finishing order.

However, double points are up for grabs on two of the legs: the  monster 12,750-nautical mile (14,672-mile / 23,613-kilometre) Southern  Ocean passage on Leg 3 from Cape Town, South Africa to Itajaí in Brazil –  the longest in the race’s 50-year history – and the transatlantic  crossing on Leg 5 from US city Newport, Rhode Island to Aarhus in  Denmark.

The points on Leg 3 will be split between the order in which the teams  pass the longitude of 143 degrees east – and their finishing order at  the end of the leg. On Leg 5 the points will be doubled based on the  teams’ finishing order on the 3,500-nautical mile (4,028-mile /  6,482-kilometre) transatlantic crossing.

With the rules dictating that teams which fail to finish a leg shall  receive no points, the crews will need to manage their instinct to push  their boats and themselves flat out with the need to avoid sustaining  damage that might slow them down or even force them to retire.

As well as avoiding damage the sailors need to avoid incurring penalty  points that can be awarded for any transgressions to the race’s rules,  such as entering race imposed exclusion zones, measurement violations,  and anything else deemed to be a breach of the regulations.

The final standings at the end of the race are determined based on the  teams’ total score for all of the legs – less any penalty points. The  team with the highest series score wins with others ranked accordingly.  Ties on overall points are throughout the race broken in favour of the  boat with the highest overall position in the In-Port Series.

In The Ocean Race 2017-18 after racing for eight months around the world  the top three teams were so close on points starting the final leg from  Gothenburg, Sweden to The Hague in the Netherlands that the eventual  winner – China’s Dongfeng Race Team – was not decided until the last few  miles to the finish line.

Europe 2021


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2023 Around French Island Race

Event information.

2023-24 Victorian Trailable Yacht Traveller Series

Heat 1 Hosted by Warneet Motor Yacht Club

Blackburn South Community Bendigo Bank

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From art and live music to environmental activities; and food, wine and fresh produce to fitness and sport - and everything in between - there will be something happening in Bass Coast for you.

We're also proud as punch to host world-class events right here on Phillip Island, including the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix and the Phillip Island Pro QS1000.

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around french island yacht race 2023

Around French Island Catamaran Challenge

Saturday 19th March 12:00 - 5:00pm

[email protected]


Cowes Yacht Club is preparing for what endeavours to be the biggest Catamaran race in all of Australia; The Around the French Island Catamaran Challenge for 2022. And that's not the only record being broken - for the first time ever, there is prize money of $10,000 waiting to be claimed by the best sailors from Victoria and interstate alike. The lauded event is scheduled for a 12-noon start on Saturday, March 19, 2022 with a re-sail day scheduled for Sunday March 20 2022. The race averages approximately four to five hours in duration and covers about 70 kilometres, making this race a marathon. Repeat: it is a marathon, not a sprint. This type of course tests not only each entrants skill level but also their endurance.

around french island yacht race 2023

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  • Warneet Around French Island Race
  • WAFIR 06 Febuary 2021
  • WAFIR 29 Jan 2022
  • WAFIR 1 April 2023
  • WAFIR 7 Oct 2023
  • Division / Yardstick
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Series scores

Division 1 - Yardstick

PlaceSail#NameClassCrewClubRace 1
18 Jan 2020
1141OFFSHORE ACCOUNTRoss 780 MK 1Simon Morris
  Nigel Beddoe
2SB165AQUADISIACRoss 780 MK 1Peter Bulka
  Andrew Clark
2 entrants.    

Division 2 - Yardstick

PlaceSail#NameClassCrewClubRace 1
18 Jan 2020
1880RUNNNG FREENoelex 25David Phillips
  Ted Phillips
2147PIPALINICastle 650Mitch Bayliss
  Tom Renshaw
3938SILVER SHADOWNoelex 25Toby Leppin
  Adrian Hughes
4913Night SkyNoelex 25Adrian Cassar
  Andrew Osbourne
MTYC 44.0
5696PARADISE CITYNoelex 25Dean Hansen
  Chris Carter
6970NO EXCUSESNoelex 25Mark McLellan
  Dale Gardiner
7796JimbalookaNoelex 25John Hadaway
  Tim Lee
10 (DNS)10.0
8579Rampage Seaway 25Leo Reid
  Peter Mart
10 (DNS)10.0
9991Stalker Noelex 25Glenn Hewitt
  Andrew Thompson
MTYC10 (DNS)10.0
9 entrants.    

Division 3 - Yardstick

PlaceSail#NameClassCrewClubRace 1
18 Jan 2020
144SundareeUltimate 23Andrew Burton
  Vanessa Burton
23031JuniperTimpenny 670Mark Gillies
  Doug Whitby
MTYC 7 (RET)7.0
39ClifClifton 683 SKGavin Hillenaar
  Jura M
LVYC7 (DNS)7.0
4218MelindaSunmaid 20Tony Matherson
  Frank Jahanke
7 (DNS)7.0
5WT30NEMESISJedda 22 BIKRoss Phillips
  David Phillips
LVYC7 (DNS)7.0
618SUNRISEBoomerang 20 DKGerry Nmyer
  Ray Semmins
HYC7 (DNS)7.0
6 entrants.    

Division 4 - Yardstick

PlaceSail#NameClassCrewClubRace 1
18 Jan 2020
127059Triple ExspressoCorsair F28CAndrew McColl
  Bruce James
2v306SKNOTfarrier (F22R Tri)Chris Culph
  Craig Unthank
HYC4 (DNS)4.0
31TECTONICFarrier 22CGuy Miller
  Deborah Burzins
WMYC4 (DNS)4.0
3 entrants.    

Division 5 - Yardstick

PlaceSail#NameClassCrewClubRace 1
18 Jan 2020
0 entrants.    

Race 1 18 Jan 2020

Division 1, Yardstick results

1141OFFSHORE ACCOUNTRoss 780 MK 1Simon Morris
  Nigel Beddoe
2SB165AQUADISIACRoss 780 MK 1Peter Bulka
  Andrew Clark

Division 2, Yardstick results

1880RUNNNG FREENoelex 25David Phillips
  Ted Phillips
2147PIPALINICastle 650Mitch Bayliss
  Tom Renshaw
3938SILVER SHADOWNoelex 25Toby Leppin
  Adrian Hughes
4913Night SkyNoelex 25Adrian Cassar
  Andrew Osbourne
5696PARADISE CITYNoelex 25Dean Hansen
  Chris Carter
6970NO EXCUSESNoelex 25Mark McLellan
  Dale Gardiner
796JimbalookaNoelex 25John Hadaway
  Tim Lee
579Rampage Seaway 25Leo Reid
  Peter Mart
991Stalker Noelex 25Glenn Hewitt
  Andrew Thompson

Division 3, Yardstick results

144SundareeUltimate 23Andrew Burton
  Vanessa Burton
3031JuniperTimpenny 670Mark Gillies
  Doug Whitby
9ClifClifton 683 SKGavin Hillenaar
  Jura M
218MelindaSunmaid 20Tony Matherson
  Frank Jahanke
WT30NEMESISJedda 22 BIKRoss Phillips
  David Phillips
18SUNRISEBoomerang 20 DKGerry Nmyer
  Ray Semmins

Division 4, Yardstick results

127059Triple ExspressoCorsair F28CAndrew McColl
  Bruce James
v306SKNOTfarrier (F22R Tri)Chris Culph
  Craig Unthank
1TECTONICFarrier 22CGuy Miller
  Deborah Burzins

Division 5, Yardstick results


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Around the Island Race

Races and regattas, local racing, offshore racing, past events, class events, race management, sail training, sail to change.

around french island yacht race 2023

The annual Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Around the Island Race is one of the biggest inshore events in Hong Kong. It is a 26nm race around Hong Kong Island involving Class Keelboats, Dinghies, Beach Cats and Cruisers.

An average entry list of 200+ boat entries

On average more than 1500+ participants from all major yacht, sailing and rowing clubs in Hong Kong

Past Result

  • Notice of Race
  • Sailing Instructions - coming soon
  • Endorsement Form  (Dinghies and Beachcrafts) - see NoR 3.6
  • Consent Form (Under 18) - see NoR 3.7
  • Sandwich Order Form
  • Club Sampan Suspension Notice

(The list will be updated after the entry form has been processed)

Big Boat Handicapping 2023 and beyond  - HKPN Committee Go to SailSys homepage SailSys instruction videos New User New Entry / Boat Creation Add more boat details Give control to alternative skipper Add Crew Details Sign On

Title Sponsor

around french island yacht race 2023

Supporting Sponsors

around french island yacht race 2023


Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Kellett Island, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong View location map Tel: (852) 2832 2817 Fax: (852) 2572 5399

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Cowes Yacht Club


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Around French Island National Catamaran Challenge 2024

Event information.

This event has passed (if resail - event will be re-opened & entries due by 24hrs before race).

2024 Race results can be found at:  https://www.cowesyachtclub.com/afi/

Australian Air Safaris

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  1. 2023 Around French Island Yacht Race

    around french island yacht race 2023

  2. Round the Island Race 2023

    around french island yacht race 2023

  3. 2023 Round the Island Yacht Race

    around french island yacht race 2023

  4. Around the Island Race 2023

    around french island yacht race 2023

  5. La Course des îles 2023 a tout d’une grande !

    around french island yacht race 2023

  6. Round the Island Yacht Race 2023 Timelapse

    around french island yacht race 2023


  1. Brisbane to Hamilton Island Yacht Race 04 08 2023

  2. Mackinac Island yacht race: Geronimo!

  3. 2023 Around French Island Yacht Race

  4. 50th Rolex Fastnet Race

  5. Middle Sea Race Maxi Yacht Start 21 October 2023

  6. Stormy Wellington Start to the Round North Island Yacht Race 2011


  1. Around French Island Catamaran Challenge

    Arrival details: 2023 road arrival details Latest news articles: If you or your business would like to sponsor or support the 2024 Around French Island National Catamaran Challenge please get in touch by emailing [email protected]. The 2024 Around French Island Catamaran Challenge events (AFI) was an outstanding success, and the 2025 event is shaping up to be even bigger and better!

  2. Around French Island Catamaran Challenge 2023

    The 2023 edition of the Around French Island Sailing race hosted at Cowest Yacht Club Phillip IslandF18, F16, A Class, Hobie 16s, Hobie 18s, Tornados and Tai...

  3. Around French Island Catamaran Challenge 2023

    Cowes Yacht Club is located on Phillip Island with a majestic north facing beach. Home to a variety of sailing events for off the beach boats & trailer sailors. ... Around French Island Catamaran Challenge 2023 Details. Race 11AM Sat 25th March 2023, Resail Sun 26th March 2023 ... 2023 Race results can be found at: https://www.cowesyachtclub ...

  4. 2023 Around French Island Yacht Race

    2023 Warneet Motor Yacht Club around French island yacht race. Good times and great food

  5. Around French Island Catamaran Challenge 2023

    Watch races recorded live from around the world, right here in your web browser. Regattas; Homes Home Pages; Return to Regatta menu. Around French Island Catamaran Challenge 2023 - Around French Island Catamaran Challenge 2023 - Isle of Wight Hotel Trophy. Around French Island Catamaran Challenge 2023:

  6. For anyone who is interested,...

    For anyone who is interested, entry forms for the The Warneet Around French Island Race are now available. This is the first event in the 2023-24... This is the first event in the 2023-24 Victorian Trailable Yacht Traveler Series.

  7. Cowes YC are happy to announce that...

    Cowes YC are happy to announce that the portal to enter the Around French Island Catamaran Challenge for 2023 is now active! Please follow the link shown below to ensure your place in this iconic...

  8. Home

    2025 Around French Island date announced as Saturday 15th Feb 2025 & resail on Sunday 16th Feb ... 2023 to be held at the Cowes Yacht Club Saturday 10th June 2023 at 2pm then afternoon tea ... An 'Australian Sailing' National race hosted by Cowes Yacht Club Inc. 15th February 2025; 1200hrs start (1000hrs briefing). ...

  9. The Around French Island Catamaran Challenge

    The 2022 Around French Island Catamaran Challenge event (AFI) was an outstanding success, and the event to be held on 25 March 2023 is shaping up to be even bigger and better! The event has been run as a fun event for catamaran sailors giving many local Westernport and Australia wide sailors the opportunity to participate in a unique race that ...

  10. Around French Island Catamaran Challenge

    On the 25th of March, the ' Around French Island Catamaran Challenge ' took place on the beautiful waters of Westernport Bay in Victoria. The course is a circumnavigation of French Island, covering a distance of approximately 42 kilometres. The race typically takes around 4-5 hours to complete, depending on wind conditions.

  11. What is The Ocean Race?

    The Ocean Race is the toughest test of a team in sport - and sailing's greatest round-the-world challenge. Since 1973, winning the Race has been an obsession for the world's best sailors - Olympic champions, record breakers and pioneers. With teams racing through the most extreme spots on the planet - closer to the astronauts in the Space Station than anyone else on land - and calling ...

  12. 2023 Around French Island Race

    2023 Around French Island Race Details. Sat 07 Oct 2023 07:00 — 16:00 Warneet Motor Yacht Club. Event information. This event has passed. 2023-24 Victorian Trailable Yacht Traveller Series. Heat 1 Hosted by Warneet Motor Yacht Club. Sponsors Contacts. [email protected] ...

  13. In Pictures: Thousands take part in Round the Island Race

    In pictures: Round the Island Race. 1 July 2023. RTIR. RTIR. The annual Round the Island Race is a one-day yacht race around the Isle of Wight. The race sees over 6,000 competitors and 1,100 boats ...

  14. 2023 96th

    Yacht Scoring is a featured packed 100% web based regatta administration and scoring system that simplifies the task of competitor registration, event management, competitor and media communications while providing results in near-real time to competitors and the World following your event on the internet. ... 2023 96th - Around the Island Race ...

  15. Events Calendar

    Cowes Yacht Club is located on Phillip Island with a majestic north facing beach. Home to a variety of sailing events for off the beach boats & trailer sailors. ... Please click for Social Roster 2023-2024 or printable format here. or. ... Around French Island National Catamaran Challenge 2025. Race 1200hrs Sat 15th February 2025, Briefing at ...

  16. 169th NYYC Annual Regatta

    169th NYYC Annual Regatta - Friday (Around-the-Island Race) New York Yacht Club Newport, RI, USA June 09, 2023: Online Registration Form - Closed For Entry, please contact the Event Organizers. Current Registration List. Scratch Sheet. ORC Ratings Table. ORC 5-Band Ratings Table. Crew List.

  17. Around French Island Catamaran Challenge

    Cowes Yacht Club is preparing for what endeavours to be the biggest Catamaran race in all of Australia; The Around the French Island Catamaran Challenge for 2022. And that's not the only record being broken - for the first time ever, there is prize money of $10,000 waiting to be claimed by the best sailors from Victoria and interstate alike.

  18. Warneet Motor Yacht Club

    Warneet around French Is Race; Testing; WAFIR 14th of OCTOBER ; WAFIR 6 OCTOBER 2018; Warneet Around French Island Race; Warneet Around French Island Race ; WAFIR 06 Febuary 2021; WAFIR 29 Jan 2022; WAFIR 1 April 2023; WAFIR 7 Oct 2023; Result. Division / Yardstick; Division / Personal handicap; Format. Show DNCs; Show division column; Show ...

  19. 2023 WYC/AIS Around the Islands Race

    Yacht Scoring is a featured packed 100% web based regatta administration and scoring system that simplifies the task of competitor registration, event management, competitor and media communications while providing results in near-real time to competitors and the World following your event on the internet. ... 2023 WYC/AIS Around the Islands ...

  20. RHKYC

    Saturday 26 October 2024. The annual Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Around the Island Race is one of the biggest inshore events in Hong Kong. It is a 26nm race around Hong Kong Island involving Class Keelboats, Dinghies, Beach Cats and Cruisers. An average entry list of 200+ boat entries. On average more than 1500+ participants from all major yacht ...

  21. Around French Island National Catamaran Challenge 2024

    Cowes Yacht Club is located on Phillip Island with a majestic north facing beach. Home to a variety of sailing events for off the beach boats & trailer sailors. ... Around French Island National Catamaran Challenge 2024 Details. Race 1200hrs Sat 23rd March 2024, Briefing at 1000hrs, Resail Sun 24th March 2024 Cowes Yacht Club, Osbourne Ave and ...

  22. 2023 96th

    Yacht Scoring is a web based regatta management, regatta administration and regatta scoring system that simplifies the task of competitor registration, event management, competitor and media communications while providing results in near-real time to competitors and the World following your event on the internet.

  23. 2023 Around Long Island Regatta (46th Annual)

    Yacht Scoring is a featured packed 100% web based regatta administration and scoring system that simplifies the task of competitor registration, event management, competitor and media communications while providing results in near-real time to competitors and the World following your event on the internet. ... 2023 Around Long Island Regatta ...