yachting club escp

  • Student Life
  • Student life & services

Student life

A strong sense of school spirit and community is a defining characteristic of ESCP. Involvement in extra-curricular activities and student associations is strongly encouraged as we consider it an essential part of personal well-being and professional development.

Student life on each of the campuses is shaped by the initiatives and activities offered by some fifty clubs and associations which organise networking, and artistic and cultural events, political discussions, sports tournaments, social events, humanitarian activities, etc.

THRIVE – The ESCP Students Magazine – March 2019

picto-fleche Previous Issues – Click Here

THRIVE – The ESCP Students Magazine – January 2018


Andrea NEJAD - Student Life - Berlin Campus - ESCP

Andrea Nejad


Thuany Demuner - Student Life - London Campus - ESCP

Thuany Demuner


Roxana Olura - Student Life - Madrid Campus - ESCP

Roxana Olaru

Paris Champerret -->

Arana-Prevoteau - Student Life - Paris Campus - ESCP

Alice Arana-Prevoteau

Paris Montparnasse

Sabrine Hakim - Student Life - Paris Campus - ESCP

Sabrine Hakim


Sara Guarino - Student Life - Turin Campus - ESCP

Sara Guarino

Inclusion & Diversity Multiculturalism, Equality, Respect for others

ESCP Business School's Inclusion and Diversity policy aims to promote equality and diversity within the School and to fight against all forms of discrimination. It is based on listening, awareness, community and plurality.

Since 2016, a monitoring unit has been dealing with situations of discrimination, such as racism, homophobia - LGBT phobias, sexist and sexual violence, hazing, discrimination related to disability and to the state of health of which Students are victims within the framework of their studies (students in full-time programmes, Executive Education participants, Ph. D. participants).

The Inclusion and Diversity policy is based on three pillars:

  • prevention;
  • a specific procedure for supporting victims, identified as "witnesses". This procedure, which is carried out in a confidential and neutral manner, is divided into two stages: a listening phase and an investigation phase. It may lead to the referral of a case to a disciplinary board by the Director General of the institution;
  • a system of disciplinary sanctions. 

This commitment towards Inclusion and Diversity is led by the Associate Dean for Inclusion and Diversity, who works in close collaboration with students across campuses, the School Nurse, the Director of Events and Student Life, the Legal Department and the School's General Management.

Any student can confidentially contact the Associate Dean for Inclusion and Diversity in order to report a discriminatory act via the email box dedicated to the collection of reports and the management of the system.

A specific mailbox has been set up to reinforce the visibility of the alert system

Stop harassment

[email protected]

Student life & associations Get involved

A few examples:.

Elected by the students, the Student Union plays an important role within the school. Agora bridges the gap between the student body and the administration on the different campuses. It provides a forum and proposes ideas on a wide range of topics concerning your life as a student at ESCP. The Student Union also organises social events which encourage networking amongst different year groups, programmes and nationalities.

Junior Enterprise

A student-run business association which works with corporate clients across Europe on a wide range of business ventures. The association attracts businessminded individuals keen to pursue their personal development on genuine business projects.

Finance Society (EFS)

ESCP Finance Society is the oldest and largest student-run Association active in the finance field of ESCP Business School. They have branches in the five ESCP Campuses and count an Alumni network of +200 people that works in the finance sector. Each team conducts market research, produces reports about their specific area of interest, and organises related activities. The mission of the ESCP Finance Society is to help ESCP students break into the Finance Industry, organise dedicated networking events, and provide valuable materials to support the application and interview process.

GEA Sustainability

GEA Sustainability is committed to empowering the next generation to build a more sustainable future. Its mission is to educate future leaders through events and awareness campaigns, based on three pillars: EDUCATE the next generation of leaders, INITIATE collaboration with partners to make an impact today because now is the time to act, and NETWORK among students, graduates, and companies who want to create a sustainable future.

180 Degrees Consulting ESCP

The world’s largest consultancy for non-profits & social enterprises. They provide high-quality consulting services to impact-driven organisations so they can improve and expand their services. Their team at ESCP has over 50 carefully selected and professionally trained student volunteer consultants from all academic backgrounds and nationalities who work tirelessly so that organisations can achieve their full potential and enhance their impact on society. They have a branch on all our campuses.

A cross-campus organisation which prepares its yearly participation at the NMUN in New York City. Around 4,000 students from top universities worldwide embody diplomats and represent their country in various UN committees such as the Security Council or UNICEF. Members gain a unique experience in the spirit of European and international diplomatic relations.

Sports Clubs & activities

Sports activities have a long tradition at ESCP, and the Paris campus alone offers around 30 different disciplines. On the Berlin campus, students have the possibility to participate in the sports activities of the network of Berlin universities, London campus students have access to various off-campus sporting facilities through partnerships, and the Torino campus organises an annual regatta, bringing together both students and alumni.

Major Events A wide range of events take place at ESCP of which several are (co-)organized by the students

The escp entrepreneurship festival.

Each year, ESCP and the Smart-Up society honours Jean-Baptiste Say , the co-founder of ESCP Business School. The vision is to unite students, entrepreneurs, investors and potential customers, allowing them to exchange ideas and learn from each other. The event is a unique opportunity for students to present their innovative ideas to potential stakeholders and gain first-hand feedback and support for project development.

The ESCP Ski Event

The ESCP Ski Event is an annual event organised by an international team of students, where networking, sport and fun merge together in a unique atmosphere. Students from all six ESCP campuses attend the event, together with alumni and representatives from top international companies. The structure, concept and objective of the event is similar to that of the Regatta: to enhance networking between students, companies and alumni, and to deliver to firms the opportunity of recruiting students from one of the best business schools in the world. The ESCP Ski Event represents a unique opportunity to fully exploit the potential of an international school, and to foster both fun and education. We believe that the ESCP spirit combined with passion for sport makes this event unforgettable.

Conference for Sustainable Innovation - Designing Tomorrow

ESCP Berlin organizes an annual event based on the principles of the 2030 Agenda, a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly. This year's "Conference for Sustainable Innovation - Designing Tomorrow" marked its beginning at the Allianz Forum, next to the Brandenburg Gate. The event brought together 250 international students and more than 50 representatives from different companies, NGOs and the public sector. ESCP Berlin provided a setting in which future business leaders met with policy makers, civil society, and industry. The conference and workshops at the event also offered a space for ideas and business innovations touching on all aspects of sustainability - social, environmental and economic. The students experienced how they could make an impact and help the world achieve the United Nations' global goals.

The ESCP Regatta

The ESCP Regatta symbolises what ESCP is all about. Once a year, students from all six campuses, as well as members of staff, faculty and alumni, gather in Italy for a weekend at sea. The event is a unique opportunity to fully exploit the potential of a multi-campus school and to strengthen and broaden the group spirit key to the ESCP community. The ESCP Regatta has become a landmark in the School’s sporting, networking and social calendar. Working in teams to take first place, the event allows for excellent group bonding and the continued development of team-building skills.

The London Campus Annual Gala

Every spring the students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends of ESCP come together in London to celebrate the School’s achievements over the past 12 months. The Annual Gala takes place at a different high profile location each year, with guests enjoying a champagne reception followed by a three-course meal, music provided by talented ESCP students, a charity prize draw, and a party that carries on all night. The Annual Gala is the highlight of the London campus’ social calendar. We look forward to celebrating ESCP with you at the next one!

The Berlin European Summer Night

Each year in Berlin, just as the heat of summer is coming to an end, European Summer Night is the celebration that sets the new academic year in motion. The grounds of the Berlin Campus dress up for a day, from the colourfully lit stands offering a wide selection of food and drink to the atmospheric and dimly lit gardens that give way for guests to mingle and network with each other. Representatives of business, academia, politics, current students and several of our alumni, friends and supporters of ESCP share in discussions with each other for an exciting evening of food, fun and future friends.

National Model United Nations

Each year, students from across all our campuses attend the National Model United Nations (NMUN) Conference in New York, NY alongside more than 5,000 others from universities around the globe. Each team represents a different country, with students divided between mock committees that mimic the real structure of the United Nations.

yachting club escp


L'avantage de ESCP Business School est bien son emplacement, dans Paris intra muros. Des dizaines d'associations dynamisent tous les jours la vie à l'ESCP. En proposant de nombreux évènements sur le campus et dans Paris, la Scep ne dort jamais. 

Comme tu le sais peut-être, l'ESCP a déménagé en 2023, retrouve toutes les infos sur le nouveau campus dans l'article dédié mais aussi la vie qui l'entour dans le guide :


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yachting club escp


En arpentant le site, tu as certainement déjà rencontré l’expression « scep » et tu t’es peut-être demandé d’où elle venait. Alors, le BDE est là pour t’éclairer sur les expressions utilisées dans notre belle école.

La scep : C’est la Scep sidi ! Notre Scep à nous c’est l’ESCP, si tu ne comprends pas le jeu de mots de l’espace basé sur une anagramme de folie et bah tant pis. Il est urgent de revoir ses classiques.

ACA : accueil admissible ! 

SMAQ : Séminaire Moderne Ambitieux et Qualitatif. Un séminaire organisé par le BDE pour faire connaissance avec ta promo mais surtout avec les gentils 2A qui te prennent de haut et attendent de se faire giguer. Quand ? Début septembre. Où ? Si on te demande dis que tu ne sais pas. Avec qui ? Un demi-millier de Scepiens.

Couloir des assos : Envié depuis la nuit des temps, parfois imité mais jamais égalé, le couloir des assos c’est un endroit réservé aux étudiants où les assos ont leurs QG. Y passer plus de temps que chez soi et en cours combinés est la norme pour beaucoup d’entre nous. A visiter, si vous ne trouvez pas, suivre l’odeur.

Fafu : Essentiel, polysémique et endémique, ce terme concentre tensions et affectuosités. Tu comprendras bien assez vite, fafu.

Le Q = Le Quatter : Le poumon du couloir des assos, il irrigue dès 17h le couloir en pintes à des prix défiant toute concurrence, mais aussi l’antre de la pièce. Must see. 3 étoiles au guide Michelin. Barmans respectueux.

La pièce (ou la piécette) : Certains considèrent ça comme un vulgaire jeu d’adresse voire une pratique barbare qui anime tous les soirs le Quatter. D’autres y voient un sport portant des valeurs de respect, de courage et de partage voire une philosophie de vie. Une chose est sûre, la piéce ne peut laisser indifférent.

La gigue : Savant mélange de discussion, drague, manipulation et flatterie, ce concept aux fondements théoriques abstraits donne souvent lieu à des abus, appelés fautes de gigue. Applications : La gigue (à utiliser avec modération) est utile pour : Se faire remarquer des 2A qui aiment recruter pour leur asso et se faire mousser.

La Coinche : Aussi appelée la « Contrée » par les Provençaux, ce jeu de carte centenaire est incontournable chez nous et donne lieu à des joutes enflammées où se mêlent stratégie et gigue. Pour toute question sérieuse à ce sujet s’adresser à l'Amicale du Sud-Ouest.

Potliste : Soirées de tous les excès organisées par les listes BDE en campagne, les Potlistes sont incontournables sur le campus de Paris.

Intro : Du verbe introniser, « Être intro » dans une asso signifie devenir membre de celle-ci. Selon les cas l’intro est accompagnée d’un cérémonial plus ou moins romancé, tu auras le temps de découvrir tout ça.

Percentile : Vous pensiez que le concours serait votre dernière note. Vous vous trompiez.

Le Five : Une balle, cinq verres (officiellement), quatre joueurs et une seule envie, une honneur à préserver. Mais il ne faut pas s'y tromper, il s'agit avant tout d'un moment de convivialité où s'affrontent les plus grands seigneurs de la scep. Nunc est fivendum.





The Yachting Club of America was founded in 1963 as the first National Association of Yacht Clubs. The founding principles set forth by the Board of Governors and Founding Members , were designed to serve the advancement of Yachting.

The Yachting Club of America is also publisher of reference books for the yachting fraternity , most notably the annual "Register of American Yacht Clubs"   the Reciprocity Guide and "The Oldest Existing Yacht Club Register in America."

The Yachting Club of America represents some 300,000 members of  over  600 YCA registered Yacht & Sailing Clubs in America.

� Copyright YCA, Inc. 1996-2024 All rights reserved. No part of this service may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission from the Publisher - Yachting Club of America Inc.

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The mission of the San Diego Yacht Club is to encourage and foster interest in all aspects of yachting

Tucked away in beautiful Point Loma, the San Diego Yacht Club is consistently ranked among the top 5 yacht clubs in the Nation and is recognized by the  Club Leadership Forum  as one of the finest facilities of its kind in the world.

Throughout its existence, the San Diego Yacht Club has evolved from a small gathering of boating enthusiasts joining together in 1886 to a world-renowned yachting community recognized for its success in bay sailing, ocean racing, predicted log racing, cruising, angling, and its support of youth programs at all levels. Competitions have ranged from Major National and World Championships to the Lipton Cup, from Junior Regattas to the Olympics, and from Classic yachts to the America’s Cup. Training and racing programs are available for adults as well as juniors.

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  • Learn to Sail Memberships
  • Private Lessons
  • Online Learning
  • Group Sails, Racing & Events
  • Memberships
  • Reciprocal Privileges
  • Members Only
  • Tahiti May 2025
  • Croatia September 2024
  • British Virgin Islands December 2024

Skippered Sails

  • Corporate Events

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Sailing Club

yachting club escp

Team Building

yachting club escp

First time sailing? Join us for a group sail

Welcome to spinnaker sailing school and club.

Spinnaker Sailing in Redwood City began in 1980 with 1 boat, a small floating office, and a mission to share our love of sailing with as many people as possible. Over the years we have taught thousands of students to sail and in doing so established ourselves as leaders in sailing education.

As an American Sailing Association affiliate, our courses are designed to give students internationally recognized certification through the American Sailing Association. But more than just certification, when you complete your courses at Spinnaker you leave with a sense of accomplishment and the confidence to sail anywhere in the world.

Through the years the company has gone through numerous changes but one thing hasn’t changed – our love of Sailing and the commitment to share that passion and knowledge with as many people as we can.

The staff at Spinnaker Sailing consists of a group of dedicated professionals who have many years of sailing experience and many areas of expertise. They are knowledgeable sailors and great communicators, making learning to sail, safe and enjoyable.

Our Learn to Sail Guarantee is our way of assuring you that you will be able to sail confidently on your own when you successfully complete your courses.

Whatever your interest, the entire staff at Spinnaker Sailing will always be ready to help you achieve your goals. Our commitment to you is to do everything possible to make your sailing experiences safe, enjoyable, and affordable.

We look forward to welcoming you aboard!

Learn About Upcoming Events

  • 451 Seaport Court
  • Redwood City, CA 94063
  • 650-363-1390
  • Rich Ferrari, The Chief
  • Bob Diamond, School and Vacations Director
  • Dana Ochstein
  • Instructors
  • Redwood Landing Marina

Copyright © 2021  Spinnaker Sailing Inc. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Les engagements de Clairazur, parrainage, sponsoring et solidarité

    yachting club escp

  2. Clairazur et le Yachting ESCP Europe en équipage

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  3. Clairazur et le Yachting ESCP Europe en équipage

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  4. Clairazur et le Yachting ESCP Europe en équipage

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  5. Yacht Club Logos: the Best Yacht Club Logo Images

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  6. 5F8EC708-5095-4BF1-AA23-A9BA2FD4AA58

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  1. Agile Poodle Nails The Agility Run

  2. Summer Flower Club

  3. Hindi Space Shooter live 🛑: 👍 Good stream

  4. MSC Seascape Yacht Club ship front views #travel #cruise #msccruises #ship

  5. MSC Yacht Club First Impressions! A Look At My First Day Onboard This Suite Class! #mscyachtclub

  6. Nav Birdyfish Dunkerque yachting club 07/08/2024


  1. Yachting Club ESCP

    Yachting Club ESCP, Paris, France. 2,179 likes · 2 talking about this · 6 were here. Suivez l'équipage du Yachting Club ESCP dans ses différents évènements sportifs qui réunissent tout au long de... Yachting Club ESCP, Paris, France. 2,179 likes · 2 talking about this · 6 were here. ...

  2. Yachting Club ESCP Europe

    Yachting Club ESCP Europe | 113 followers on LinkedIn. ... Bureau Des Sports Extrêmes ESCP Business School Spectator Sports

  3. United through sport: an interview with our Women's Football Club

    We sat down with Zoé Thaller, President of the Women's Football Club and member of the Yachting Club, to explore ESCP 's vibrant sports culture and how it helps students gather some precious lessons along the way. As the 20-year-old sportswoman will soon join the ranks of ESCP's Master in Management, Zoe shares with us some key insights ...

  4. Yachting Club ESCP added a new photo.

    Yachting Club ESCP, Paris, France. 2,179 likes · 2 talking about this · 6 were here. Suivez l'équipage du Yachting Club ESCP dans ses différents évènements sportifs qui réunissent tout au long de...

  5. Student life

    Student life. A strong sense of school spirit and community is a defining characteristic of ESCP. Involvement in extra-curricular activities and student associations is strongly encouraged as we consider it an essential part of personal well-being and professional development. Student life on each of the campuses is shaped by the initiatives ...

  6. Yachting Club ESCP (@yachtingescp)

    1,077 followers, 184 following, 164 posts - Yachting Club ESCP (@yachtingescp) on Instagram: "Club Voile de l'ESCP Business School depuis 1967."

  7. Les assos de l'ESCP : #42 Le Yachting

    Le Yachting Club ESCP est avant tout une des associations historiques de l'ESCP, puisqu'elle figure parmi les plus anciennes de l'établissement. Créée en 1969, cette institution a donc marqué plus de 51 promotions ESCP par son esprit marin, authentique, traditionnel et innovant.

  8. Yachting Club ESCP

    Yachting Club ESCP, Paris, France. 2,187 sukaan · 6 pernah berada di sini. Suivez l'équipage du Yachting Club ESCP dans ses différents évènements sportifs qui réunissent

  9. Yachting Club ESCP on Instagram: "Le Yachting Club ESCP est heureux de

    119 likes, 6 comments - yachtingescp on June 21, 2022: "Le Yachting Club ESCP est heureux de vous présenter le ⚓️54e Mandat de son histoire⚓️, celui de 2022-2023 Il sera présidé par..." Le Yachting Club ESCP est heureux de vous présenter le ⚓️54e Mandat de son histoire⚓️, celui de 2022-2023 Il sera présidé par... | Instagram

  10. Eventures

    Eventures is a non-profit association created by ESCP Europe students and alumni to bring our community together through exciting sporting events. 🌍 Our Signature Events: ⛵ Regatta: A 4-day sailing adventure on the Italian sea. Network, team-build, and enjoy a prestigious yet informal atmosphere on the waves!

  11. La vie étudiante

    Des dizaines d'associations dynamisent tous les jours la vie à l'ESCP. En proposant de nombreux évènements sur le campus et dans Paris, la Scep ne dort jamais. Comme tu le sais peut-être, l'ESCP a déménagé en 2023, retrouve toutes les infos sur le nouveau campus dans l'article dédié mais aussi la vie qui l'entour dans le guide :

  12. Yachting Club ESCP

    Yachting Club ESCP, Paris, France. 2,189 likes · 6 were here. Suivez l'équipage du Yachting Club ESCP dans ses différents évènements sportifs qui réunissent

  13. Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resort 2024 Tour & Walkthrough ...

    Walking Tour: Disney's Yacht & Beach Club Resorts: Embark on a captivating 4K walking tour through the picturesque Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resorts. Imm...

  14. Yachting Club of America

    The Yachting Club of America was founded in 1963 as the first National Association of Yacht Clubs. The founding principles set forth by the Board of Governors and Founding Members, were designed to serve the advancement of Yachting.. The Yachting Club of America is also publisher of reference books for the yachting fraternity, most notably the annual "Register of American Yacht Clubs" the ...

  15. Yachting Club ESCP

    *** Un jour un Sponsor *** Grâce à une inscription en moins de 2 minutes avec leur carte bleue et leur smartphone les 120 participants de le Croisière 2017 ont pu payer directement de leur téléphone...

  16. San Diego Yacht Club

    The mission of the San Diego Yacht Club is to encourage and foster interest in all aspects of yachting. Tucked away in beautiful Point Loma, the San Diego Yacht Club is consistently ranked among the top 5 yacht clubs in the Nation and is recognized by the Club Leadership Forum as one of the finest facilities of its kind in the world.. Throughout its existence, the San Diego Yacht Club has ...

  17. About Us

    The Aeolian Yacht Club depends upon an active... and interactive ...team of elected officers, appointed board members, committees, and volunteers-at-large to run the club and manage its many functions. The Board meets at the club on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:00pm (except months with General Meetings on Thursdays) and members are ...

  18. Our Yachts

    Experience the epitome of luxury with the SEAcation Lagoon 450F Catamaran Yacht, a floating haven designed for indulgence in El Nido. This exquisite catamaran, boasting a sleek Lagoon 450F design, promises an intimate and lavish escape on the open waters. With a maximum liveaboard capacity of 6 people and the ability to host up to 18 guests for ...

  19. Disney's Yacht Club Resort Standard Hotel Room Tour in ...

    We believe it's essential to preview your hotel room before booking, especially when traveling with little ones. That's why we've captured 3D footage of various resort categories at the Walt Disney World Resort. These virtual tours let you step inside and explore every corner of the room, giving you a full view of the space.

  20. Spinnaker Sailing

    Award Winning Sailing School since 1980Spinnaker Sailing. Our commitment is to provide safe, enjoyable, and affordable sailing Lessons and Classes in San Francisco and Redwood City. Call us now at 650-363-1390. ... Welcome to Spinnaker Sailing School and Club. Spinnaker Sailing in Redwood City began in 1980 with 1 boat, a small floating office ...

  21. El Nido Yachting Club

    Immerse yourself in the panoramic views of El Nido, a destination renowned for its majestic ancient karst limestone formations, hidden lagoons with transparent waters, and marine sanctuaries bursting with tropical life. Unwind on the world's best island, as voted in 2020, and allow us elevate your El Nido adventure to new heights.

  22. Aeolian Yacht Club

    Aeolian Yacht Club, Alameda, California. 802 likes · 1 talking about this · 1,310 were here. Established in 1906, Aeolian Yacht Club is a neighborhood... Established in 1906, Aeolian Yacht Club is a neighborhood harbor on tranquil San Leandro Bay