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Cruising Australia: Everything you need to know about sailing Down Under

Yachting World

  • July 7, 2020

From stunning coastal routes to unmissable sailing events, Janneke Kuysters shares her top tips for cruising Australia


Anna Caroline moored with iconic Sydney landmarks in the background

“It doesn’t matter where you choose, you can’t go wrong in Australia. There are so many wonderful cruising grounds,” says Hank Rosendal, a Dutch-Australian sailor. His Amel 53 Tempest is currently moored in Albany, West-Australia. And he’s right: you could sail a lifetime around Australian shores and still not see everything.

So for a foreign cruiser there is a difficult choice: how much time do you want to spend in Australia and what can you do and see? Classically, on a trip around the world , cruisers sail from the islands of the South Pacific to New Zealand for the cyclone season: a tough crossing but with the rich rewards of New Zealand hospitality and boat maintenance facilities.

From New Zealand many go back north to Vanuatu or New Caledonia and then on to the Indian Ocean. For those a short pitstop in Australia in either Cairns, Thursday Island or Darwin is logical. Visits to the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef will add the wonderful experience of tropical Australia.


Australia is a vast country: don’t underestimate the distances you’ll sail. From Bundaberg to Sydney is a little under 500 miles; add 628 miles for the trip from Sydney to Hobart. If you go from Hobart to Perth across the Bight, you’ll be adding another 2,250 miles.

East coast cruising

But in the past decade more and more cruisers have viewed Australia as a destination in itself. And that opens up a whole new perspective. The tough 1,000-plus miles crossing from the Pacific Islands to New Zealand is no longer necessary – a downwind cruise of around 700 miles from New Caledonia to the east coast of Australia is much more comfortable.

The boat can be safely left in Australia while you fly home, or you can keep sailing. The most important thing to consider is to stay below 30°S; the official cyclone belt lies to the north of this latitude. Instead of having to wait for the cyclones to pass, cruisers can sail on and explore Australian waters.

There are myriad choices to make depending on the distances you are willing to cover. Two popular options are to make landfall near Brisbane in Queensland and sail south to Sydney and back, or to continue sailing to Tasmania .

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South African cruiser Brent Grimbeek has chosen this second option: “I love the diversity that the Australian east coast has to offer. Most of the distances between ports are short, so we daysailed our Lagoon 44 Impi from port to port. Crossing Bass Strait is always a challenge, but the effort is richly rewarded by the stunning nature and landscapes of Tasmania.”

His wife Ana adds: “There is the annual Go West rally between New Caledonia and Australia. Although we have made this crossing a few times now, we enjoy participating in the rally: it makes entry into Australia easier and it is fun to meet like-minded people.”

British solo sailor Thom D’Arcy sailed his Vancouver 28 Fathom along the east coast from Bundaberg to Sydney and back up north, all the way to Darwin. “I’m very pleased I took Fathom to Sydney. The sense of achievement on entering such an iconic port is fantastic.”


Thom D’Arcy sailed his Vancouver 28 Fathom along Australia’s east coast

For those with a taste for speed and endurance, sailing south along the east coast of Australia can be ‘spiced up’ by entering the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race . Paul Billingham, Commodore of the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia explains: “We encourage foreign yachts to participate in ‘the Hobart’ as part of their trip around the world and extend all the necessary help and support to make it happen for them.”

There is also a lesser used track to cruise around the south of Australia and up the west coast. After studying the weather patterns closely, we saw that the tough westward crossing of the Great Australian Bight is feasible in the summer months of February and March.

A succession of high-pressure systems chases the prevailing south-westerly winds away and makes for periods of four to seven days of nice easterly winds. A cruise ‘along the bottom’ of Australia not only gives the opportunity to visit Tasmania’s lesser known cruising areas on the wild west coast, but also puts cities such as Adelaide within reach.


The start of the Sydney Hobart Race means a congested Sydney Harbour. Photo: Rolex / Carlo Borlenghi

Bruce Roach, Commodore of the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron, says they welcome visiting cruisers. “The south coast of Australia is a very rewarding cruising ground, from Adelaide to the natural beauty of the Gulf St Vincent and Spencer Gulf with its many anchorages,” he adds.

During our cruise around the south of Australia we experienced this warm hospitality first-hand: the generosity of the Australians to visiting yachts is one of the rewards of sailing off the beaten track in such a vast country. Once across the Bight, Western Australia offers a whole new cruising experience. Long reefs stretch along the coast, so careful navigation is needed.

Cities like Perth and Fremantle offer all possible facilities to visiting yachts, and from the west coast of Australia there are two options: start crossing the Indian Ocean as early as possible after the cyclone season or sail north to Indonesia.


The Royal Prince Albert Yacht Club in Pittwater

Coastal sailing

In Australian sailing vocabulary, ‘cruising’ doesn’t mean bluewater cruising, but is mainly coastal daysailing from port to anchorage. Coastal sailing in Australia therefore comes with lots of interesting options, often seen as luxuries by foreign cruisers, such as streaming internet up to 25 miles offshore and ample provisioning (around every corner there is a supermarket and an ATM).

We joked how cruising the east coast is ‘sailing with a watch in your hand’, as a lot of the entrances are river mouths with sandbars across them, requiring careful calculation to cross the bar at the turn of the tide. The navigational challenges can be roughly summarised in three words: current, depressions and sea breeze.

First the current. Along the east coast of Australia there is a southbound current of up to four knots which makes for fast sailing to the south, but rather tedious work when sailing up north, unless you use the countercurrent close inshore. Along the south coast the Leeuwin current flows east at a rate of 0.5 knots. On the west coast the Leeuwin current is stronger and flows south at a rate of about one knot.


Cruising in Pittwater and Broken Bay, north of Sydney

The second challenge is the depressions. They flow in a steady succession from west to east, bringing troughs and fronts. The quality of the available forecasts is high, so you can make good use of the wind the depressions generate to propel you in the right direction. Going against the prevailing winds makes for tough conditions though, because in the shallow coastal areas steep wind-waves build up very quickly.

Australia’s hot interior generates sea breezes. Again, if you study them and use them to your advantage, it can make for some fine passages. But you need to be careful. Sea breezes can easily last for 12 hours and reach over 25 knots on top of the prevailing winds.

Timing and distances

The cruising season in southern Australia is at its best in January, February and March. That means that you can sail to Australia from, for instance, New Caledonia in September. This gives you the time to cruise at leisure down the coast and make some trips overland too. We went to Ayers Rock/Uluru.

You can spend the summer in Tasmania and sail back up in March, to be in time for the end of the cyclone season by the time you reach Queensland again. If you decide to go along the Bight, you need to leave Tasmania at the end of January to time your crossing of the Bight in February or March.

Cruising Australian shores has been very rewarding for us: the wildlife, nature, diversity and hospitality left us in awe.

Entry in Australia

Australia has the reputation of being a tough country to enter. In reality, if you prepare yourself and your boat, there is no need to worry. The process is fairly straightforward and all necessary information is easy to find on the government websites.

Before arriving in Australia, every crew member needs to have a visa. There are two types. The e-visitor visa which is valid for three months. It is free of charge and can be extended. The other type is valid for one year (multiple entry) and costs AU$140. Both can be applied for online.

When you have been in certain countries in the Pacific for more than three months, you will need to have a chest X-ray before you arrive in Australia. Check the online forms carefully for the conditions.

For your boat there are two important steps. First, the cruising permit. This is issued on arrival and is valid for one year, with the option of extending it to three years. With this cruising permit as proof of being a ‘yacht in transit’, buying parts for the boat or having repairs done is exempt from sales tax (GST in Australia).

The second step is the biosecurity inspection. Fresh fruit, meat, dairy and eggs are not allowed. Importantly, the boat also needs to be without any pest infestation, such as fruit flies, termites, or growth on the hull. Australian agri- and aquaculture is strictly protected and the inspections are thorough.

At AU$60 per 15 minutes increments, it pays to prepare the boat in the port of departure, cleaning and making all surfaces accessible makes for a quick inspection. On average, the cost is AU$300 for the inspection.

Where to enter? There are roughly three options, depending on your cruising plans. If you want to do ‘Australia light’, the port of Bundaberg is the best. It is just below latitude 30°S, so you can wait for the cyclone season to pass north of you before you head to Cairns or further north.

If you want to cruise the east coast, ports further south such as Brisbane, Southport or even Coffs Harbour are attractive. If your focus is on Tasmania, you could even choose to enter in Sydney.

About the authors

Dutch couple Wietze van der Laan and Janneke Kuysters are sailing around the world in their Bruce Roberts 44 Anna Caroline . They love high latitude cruising and exploring areas which are slightly off the beaten track.

First published in the August 2019 edition of Yachting World.


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Better Sailing

Australia Sailing Guide (With Itinerary)

Australia Sailing Guide (With Itinerary)

From the Whitsundays Islands, to Port Douglas, and from Perth to Brisbane, Australia has so many coastal sailing routes to explore. Everyone should spend some time sailing Australia’s deep blue oceans, and the numerous sailing trips offered will ensure that you have as much fun at sea as you did on land. Summer and fall are the ideal seasons for most Aussies to spend time on the water. Despite the fact that Australia is known for being the best destination for water sports, sailing around Australia is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. So, in this article, I will list the best sailing routes and destinations in Australia as well as the most popular sailing itineraries. Keep reading!

Preparing your Voyage: What you Need to Know

With tens of thousands of kilometers of coastline, sailing around Australia or even a portion of it is no ordinary undertaking. If you truly want to sail around Australia, you must have enough time available and be willing to take on a challenge. This is one of sailing’s Holy Grails, on par with an ocean crossing or even completing a global circumnavigation. Because, despite the fact that the Australian coastline is one of the most gorgeous on the globe, it also has some risks.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t attempt to do this voyage unless you have prior sailing experience . You must also ensure that you have the proper boat and equipment before setting sail. Many people set sail from Sydney, head to Brisbane, and travel up the Gold Coast in an anticlockwise route. Sailing the east coast of Australia includes heading up the Sunshine Coast to Cairns, past the Great Barrier Reef, and around the top of the country, starting in Brisbane. Others set sail from Darwin and explore the west coast. So, it’s important to set your goals and know which part of Australia you want to visit.

Note that when you are planning your stops, you have to consider how far you can sail in a single day. This is dependent on the type of boat you have, the weather, the amount of weight you’re hauling, and a variety of other things. You should strive to be as mathematical as possible because you will need to calculate how much food, water, and other supplies you will require. Naturally, the more you bring, the heavier you will be and the slower you will travel. You can anticipate sailing between 75 and 150 miles every day on average.

Keep in mind that the Northern Territory and Western Australia are remote areas with few ports. So, you’ll need to be well prepared. When you sail down the west coast, you can stop in Perth, the world’s most isolated city, before continuing down the south coast. Keep in mind that temperatures can reach the sweltering 40s, so it’s advisable to have proper ventilation on your boat. This is because if you don’t have adequate protection on your boat, such heat might be extremely dangerous.

Sailing around Australia is a difficult but extraordinary voyage. Note that it might take six to twelve months and include crossing some dangerous waters, such as the Great Australian Bight.

>>Also Read: Is It Dangerous to Sail Around the World?

Sailing in Australia’s East Coast: What to be Aware of

The Australian East Coast is one of the world’s most beautiful travel locations. There are numerous routes you can choose from; from New South Wales to Queensland, and up to Cairns on the Australian East Coast. Note that from April to November, the trade winds blow east-to-southeast in Queensland. But, the winds off the coast of New South Wales can be erratic. Meaning that along the coast, wind patterns tend to change.

One of the most important pieces of advice is to arrange your trip sailing up Australia’s East Coast, particularly in Queensland, to take advantage of the trade winds . While the weather may not always be cooperative, it is far preferable to postpone or go during the appropriate season. The East Coast Trades are quite predictable for running north, especially farther up the coast.

Every sailor understands that the sea is unbeatable. So, always verify the weather forecast and conditions before leaving port. It’s also a good idea to double-check immediately before leaving. This is because weather conditions may have changed since the forecast the night before. While conditions in a peaceful anchorage may appear calm and relaxed, there might be harsh wind and wave conditions just over the headland.

Furthermore, tropical cyclones can occur in the Queensland region as a result of lows in the monsoon trough. It is often discouraged to sail in Far North Queensland between November and April. During this time of year, many full-time cruisers prefer to travel south to NSW. The south-easterly trade winds die out during this season, making sailing south much simpler.

Note that the ruins of Australia’s once-thriving island tourism sector can be found as far south as the Whitsundays. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the island resorts seen sailing up Australia’s east coast have been abandoned. This is due to Australia’s high travel costs compared to other countries, as well as the risk of tropical storms in the north. Regardless, those traveling up the east coast will have the opportunity to visit islands that have been cut off from the rest of the world for generations.

Whale Migration in Australia

It’s known as the Great Humpback Whale Migration in Australia. Approximately 60,000 humpback whales depart Antarctica each year to undertake their own northward voyages. It’s the world’s largest animal migration, taking three months to reach northern Australia. In the warm tropical waters, they breed and raise their babies. Whales go north during the months of July and September. And, they travel to the south from September to January. If you’re cruising up Australia’s East Coast during the whale migration, you’ll almost surely see a lot of them. This has the potential to be both a blessing and a curse.

This is because sailing at night can be dangerous, since the whales snooze on the surface, entirely unaware of sailing vessels. When sailing up Australia’s East Coast, many individuals have experienced “bumping” whales. It will not be a nice experience for you, and it will be even more unpleasant for the whales.

Sailing Along Australia’s East Coast

While the sea and its bays are must-sail areas, island hopping is also great on Australia’s East Coast. These are the best islands in the Queensland area:

  • Whitsunday Islands (Keswick, Brampton, Goldsmith)
  • The Low Isles, Port Douglas
  • Hamilton Island, Whitsundays
  • South Molle Island, Whitsundays
  • Green Island, Cairns
  • Great Barrier Reef Cays
  • Magnetic Island, Townsville
  • Dunk Island, Mission Beach
  • Orpheus Island

The places you will stop are the nicest part about sailing on Australia’s east coast. The following is a list of some of the best anchorages and mooring spots along the Queensland coast:

  • Whitsunday Islands (Brampton, Outer Newry, Goldsmith)
  • Whitehaven Beach, Whitsundays
  • Cid Harbour, Whitsundays
  • Airlie Beach
  • The Hinchinbrook Channel

Sailing Guide Australia

Sailing in Australia’s East Coast: Tips

Keep in mind that full-time cruising in Australia can be expensive. But, if you catch your own fish, use the wind for propulsion, and anchor for free, the cost is significantly lower than living on land. Diesel and food will be the most expensive items on a daily basis, and the amounts will fluctuate based on your food needs and how much you use your engine. Expect to pay between $70 and $140 a night for docking and marina fees. So, consider spending 99 percent of your time anchoring since it is entirely free.

It’s worth noting that the sailor who claims to never experience boat troubles has never left the harbor, as the adage goes. In other words, always keep in mind the possibility of having to pay for repairs. From the engines to the sails, electronic equipment to leaks, every boat may have issues.

There’s a joke that when you cruise the east coast is like “sailing with a watch in your hand”. This is because many of the openings are river mouths with sandbars across them, necessitating precise calculations to cross the bar at low tide.

The navigating difficulties can be summed up in three words: current, depressions, and a strong sea breeze.

First, there’s the current. There is a southbound current of up to four knots along Australia’s east coast. This makes for rapid sailing to the south but tedious labor up north unless you employ the countercurrent near inshore. The Leeuwin current flows east at 0.5 knots along the south coast. Also, the Leeuwin current is stronger on the west coast, flowing south at around one knot. The depressions are the second difficulty. They move from west to east in a constant stream, bringing troughs and fronts with them. The available forecasts are of great quality, so you can make use of the wind generated by the depressions to propel you in the appropriate direction.

Going against the prevailing winds, however, might be difficult because of the rapid build-up of steep wind waves in shallow coastal locations. Note that sea breezes are generated by Australia’s scorching interior. Again, if you use the winds effectively, you can enjoy sailing on great routes. However, you must always be cautious. On top of the prevailing winds, sea breezes can easily last for 12 hours and reach speeds of over 25 mph.

Also Read: Best Small Sailboats To Sail Around The World

Sailing in Australia’s East Coast: Common Itineraries

Australia’s East Coast is the most popular tourist destination in this breathtakingly distinctive country. Cairns, the Whitsundays, Fraser Island, Brisbane, and more are among the top destinations. Coastal communities, sandy beaches, and numerous national parks, notably the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, are all well-known. The regions there are warm and the nicest aspect about cruising Australia’s east coast is that there won’t be any nighttime passages for a while!

Between Sydney and Cairns, the east coast offers the chance to sail during the day and overnight at various marinas, yacht clubs, and sheltered secure anchorages. While cruising in these areas, you will get to meet some local cruisers who will be delighted to share their experiences and pass on any suggestions or local information they may have. I’m sure you’ve heard folks talk about how beautiful the Great Barrier Reef’s cruising grounds are. Well, they are correct! And, exploring the islands and sheltered seas of the Great Barrier Reef and coastal Queensland for a few months (or perhaps years) should be on almost everyone’s sailing plans.

Depending on the distances you’re willing to travel, you have a variety of options. Making landfall near Brisbane in Queensland and sailing south to Sydney and back is a popular alternative, as is continuing sailing to Tasmania. The Australian east coast has a lot to offer in terms of diversity. Because the distances between ports are often short, you can daysail your boat from one to the next. Crossing Bass Strait is always a challenge, but the effort is well worth it when you see Tasmania’s beautiful environment and scenery.

In addition, many people start their voyage from Cairns, Thursday Island, or Darwin on Australia’s East Coast. Visits to the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef are a must on this route.

If you sail from Bundaberg to Sydney and back up the east coast to Darwin, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment when you arrive in such a famous port. On the route, there’s the Great Sandy Strait, which runs between the Sunshine Coast and Bundaberg. It’s between the mainland and Fraser Island and it’s a beautiful and scenic place ideal for sailing. The water is crystal clear, similar to the Whitsundays, and it’s one of the best places to spend some days relaxing. Whales, dugongs, dolphins, and turtles are among the marine fauna that may be found in the Great Sandy Strait. And, this is why it is designated as a marine sanctuary.

These are the most common itineraries for sailing along the East Coast of Australia. Keep in mind that you can sail clockwise or anticlockwise.

  • Melbourne, Wilsons Promontory, Eden (NSW), Bermagui (NSW), Jervis Bay, Cabbage Tree Bay Marine Reserve, Manly, Sydney, South Solitary Island, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Great Sandy Strait, Bundaberg, Mackay, Airlie Beach, Cairns, and Lizard Island.
  • Cairns, Mission Beach, Townsville, Airlie Beach, Mackay, Rockhampton, Agnes Water, Hervey Bay, Rainbow Beach, Noosa Heads, Great Sandy Strait, Maroochydore, Moreton Bay, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Tweed Heads, Byron Bay, Port Macquarie, Sydney.

Sailing in Australia’s West Coast: What to be Aware of

Western Australia is bordered on the east by South Australia and the Northern Territory, and on the west and north by the Indian Ocean. The southwest coastline region has a mild climate. The state’s middle four-fifths are semi-arid or desert. Annual rainfall ranges from 200 to 250 millimeters, with the majority falling in intermittent torrential downpours during cyclone outbreaks during the summer months.

The northern tropical zones are an exception to this. Kimberley has a relatively hot monsoonal climate, with annual rainfall ranging from 500 to 1,500 mm on average. However, there is a lengthy, practically rainless season from April to November. The Kimberley receives 85 percent of the state’s runoff.

In Western Australia’s northwestern region tropical cyclones are a common phenomenon. They occur from November to April, with sporadic activity in the months before and after. The highest occurrence takes place in January, February, and March. Squalls are prevalent, especially during cyclone transitions. They affect all areas north of Carnarvon, including all land and sea areas in Northern Australia. But, areas south of Carnarvon are not affected that much.

Cyclones strike Western Australia’s northwest coast more frequently than any other region of the country’s coastline. It has one of the world’s most cyclone-prone coastlines. Each year, several tropical cyclones form, but only two cross the coast of northern Australia on average. The tropical cyclone season runs from November to April, with the majority of coastal crossings taking place in February and March.

Sailing in Australia’s West Coast: Passages

Bear in mind that currents have a wide range of speeds, ranging from 3 to 1 knot, but reaching up to 3 knots in some regions. The best time to visit is from May through October, which coincides with the dry season. Weather conditions are warm to hot, with low humidity. The SE trade winds blow from E to S, averaging 4 to 5 mph during the day and get stronger at night. In the southern region, anticyclone systems tend to increase the wind’s strength. However, the trade winds are frequently linked to pleasant weather.

Tropical storms do occur on occasion. During this season, excellent weather conditions prevail, with regular light conditions in the northwestern parts. This will result in using your motor more frequently. You should carry extra water and fuel in the Kimberley region, from Broome to Darwin, as supplies are spread out over vast distances. During the dry season, strong SE to SW winds are common for regions south of Exmouth. Meaning that your voyages south will be more difficult. If you intend to head south, it is best to wait for a high system with moderate E to NE winds. Excessive tides and strong tidal streams up to 4 knots (but up to 10 knots at the approach to major bays and narrow channels) are common in the NW.

When navigating and choosing anchorages, extreme vigilance is essential. There are numerous unmarked “bombies” (an area of large sea waves breaking over a shallow area) and shallows around the coast. In other words, you have to be cautious and plan careful navigation.

Sailing Trip in Australia’s West Coast: Tips &Common Itineraries

The most common locations you can set sail on Australia’s west coast are Darwin or Kimberley. Note that May through October are the best months to cruise in the Kimberley area. When there is a strong high to the south, SE winds are predominant in the morning and can reach 30 kn. In the afternoon, the wind normally dies down. Furthermore, note that most anchorages are best visited during a period of neap tides.

If you’re traveling north , April/May is the best time to leave Fremantle for the Abrolhos, Shark Bay, or farther north and east. If you’re heading to Queensland, plan on arriving in Darwin by the end of September. A voyage from Fremantle to Kimberley and back needs to sail rapidly. Also, it is possible to leave Carnarvon in the first week of May if no cyclone is building.

When traveling to the Western Australian coast, June/July is a great time to leave Darwin. When heading south to Fremantle, plan to get at Dampier by early September. Keep in mind that the best time to travel from Broome to Dampier or vice versa is when a fairly strong front is nearing the south of the state. You should do this in suitable weather and avoiding strong E winds. In September, a vessel sailing south from Dampier should expect moderate southerly quadrant winds for the remainder of the journey down the west coast.

You should aim to arrive in Geraldton by the end of September. This is because if you arrive later the risk of strong southerlies will increase. Coming south from North West Cape normally entails a lot of windward effort. So, a day or two in a peaceful anchorage is essential. Continuing south from Geraldton, the goal is to leave in September or October. It’s a good time so as to avoid winter cold fronts but not late enough to dodge the strong southerly summer sea winds. Short and sparse weather windows are common. April-May is the best time to do this passage.

These are the most common itineraries for sailing along the West Coast of Australia. Keep in mind that you can sail clockwise or anticlockwise.

  • Kimberley Coast, Pilbara Coast, Ningaloo, Gascoyne and Geraldton Coast, Abrolhos Islands, Lancelin, Perth, Bunbury, Leeuwin Coast (Cape Naturaliste to Cape Leeuwin), Albany, Esperance and Eucla Coast.
  • Darwin, Wyndham, Derby, Broome, Port Hedland, Dampier, Exmouth, Carnarvon, Geraldton, Fremantle, Bunbury, Albany, Esperance.

The Great Australian Bight and the Southwest Coast

In general, the best months to cross the Bight from west to east are October to November or late March to roughly mid-April. It’s worth noting that every year is a little different, so anyone planning a trip should start checking weather patterns a few weeks ahead of time.

There is also a less-traveled route that circumnavigates Australia’s south and west coasts. The difficult westward crossing of the Great Australian Bight is possible in the summer months of February and March after carefully examining weather patterns. This is because the predominant south-westerly winds are chased away by a series of high-pressure systems. And, this results in four to seven days of pleasant easterly winds. A voyage “down the bottom” of Australia not only allows you to visit Tasmania’s lesser-known cruising locations on the untamed west coast, but it also allows you to visit cities like Adelaide.

From Adelaide to the natural splendor of the Gulf St Vincent and the Spencer Gulf with its various anchorages, the south coast of Australia is a particularly pleasant cruising ground . Western Australia offers a very different cruising experience once you’ve crossed the Bight. Long reefs lie throughout the coast, necessitating cautious navigation. Cities such as Perth and Fremantle provide all amenities to boats. Note that there are two possibilities from Australia’s west coast if you want to continue your voyage. Either you will start crossing the Indian Ocean as soon as possible after the cyclone season ends, or sail north to Indonesia.

Australia Sailing Trip Guide – The Bottom Line

In the last decade, an increasing number of cruisers have seen Australia as a stand-alone destination. And that opens up a whole new world of possibilities. A downwind voyage of roughly 700 miles from New Caledonia to the east coast of Australia is far more comfortable than the difficult 1,000-plus mile crossing from the Pacific Islands to New Zealand. In any case, Australia is a huge country, so don’t underestimate the distances you’ll have to travel. For example, the distance from Bundaberg to Sydney is just under 500 miles, and the distance from Sydney to Hobart is 628 miles. Traveling over the Great Australian Bight from Hobart to Perth will add additional 2,250 miles to your journey.

If you want to sail around Australia you can either get back home and store the boat in Australia or continue sailing. The most important thing to remember is to stay below 30 degrees south latitude. This is because the official cyclone belt is located to the north of this latitude. In other words, you can continue sailing and explore the Australian seas rather than waiting for the cyclones to pass. Cruising Australia’s coastlines may be extremely rewarding: the wildlife, natural beauty, diversity, and warmth will astound you.

I hope that this article was helpful to your route and voyage planning for sailing around in Australia. I wish you all safe & pleasant voyages!


Peter is the editor of Better Sailing. He has sailed for countless hours and has maintained his own boats and sailboats for years. After years of trial and error, he decided to start this website to share the knowledge.

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The Top 10 Destinations For Sailing in Australia

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Looking for the best places to sail in Australia? Now has never been a better time than to set sail on a new adventure.

For most Aussies, summer and autumn calls for the perfect season to spend time on the water.

Although we’re renowned for being the best destination for water activities, sailing in Australia is an experience like no other.

So whether you’re looking for a sailing holiday or simply just the top sailing destinations, these top 10 places to sail in Australia will have your weekends sorted!

When is the best time to sail in Australia? Thanks to the balmy weather and the calming of tides, the best cruising and sailing season in Australia, more specifically southern Australia, is in January, February and March of every year.

The Best Places to Sail in New South Wales:

Port Jackson

Port Jackson

Port Jackson is found within the waters of Sydney Harbour, and where better to explore Sydney’s famed sights than from the harbour itself. These sailing trips venture around the harbour and are a spectacular experience for both tourists and locals alike. Thanks to the warm, blissful weather paired with beautiful scenery, Port Jackson makes for one of the top sailing experiences in Australia.

Lake Macquarie

Lake Macquarie

Lake Macquarie is one of the top sailing destinations of New South Wales. Located just 150 kilometres north of Sydney, the lake connects with the Pacific Ocean on its east side. Lake Macquarie is pooled with sandy inlets and secluded bays perfect for sailing, swimming and snorkeling. Four times as big as Sydney Harbour and extremely quiet, Lake Macquarie is a perfect sailing destination in Australia.

Port Stephens

Port Stephens

The sparkling blue bay of Port Stephens is a brilliant place to sail. Named “The Blue Water Paradise” for obvious reasons, the bay is located tw0-and-a-half hours north of Sydney. The bay has over 30 kilometres of clean, white, sandy beaches and is home to whales and dolphins. Sailing in Port Stephens is a brilliant experience, and a fantastic holiday destination this sailing season. There is a sailing experience for all tastes in Port Stephens, so be sure to make the trip and enjoy this marine experience.

The Best Places to Sail in Victoria:

Gippsland Lakes

Gippsland Lakes

Under a four hour drive from Melbourne’s CBD or just over two hours from the heart of Gippsland lies one of Victoria’s largest and renowned network of Gippsland Lakes. Covering an area that stretches out to 354 kilometres, Gippsland Lakes is conveniently comprised of Lake Wellington, Lake King and Lake Victoria. Taking the title as one of the best places to sail in Victoria, sailing enthusiasts will feel anchored thanks to Gippsland Lakes’ circumference of marshes, lagoons and more.

The Best Places to Sail in Tasmania:

D'entrecasteaux Channel

D'entrecasteaux Channel

Located between mainland Tasmania and Bruny Island – a two hour sail from Hobart and home to miles of sheltered water – D’entrecasteaux Channel is our top pick of Australia’s top sailing destinations. The channel is filled to the brim with secluded beaches and there are often dolphin, whale and seal sightings in the area. On specific tours you can learn how to sail and immerse yourself in all things sailing as you take the helm. If you’re looking to experience sailing and take in the beautiful blue waters of Tasmania, be sure to visit the D’entrecasteaux Channel.

The Best Places to Sail in South Australia:

Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island

Reachable by ferry, if you love to sail, then why not get the catamaran started and head off to one of South Australia’s favourite sailing destinations in Australia? Although it may be small in size, Kangaroo Island is mighty in all that it offers for cruising and sailing enthusiasts alike. With the island renowned for its protected nature reserves, on your next sailing adventure you and your crew could come up close and personal to native wildlife species and some of the most striking coastal rock formations.

The Best Places to Sail in Western Australia:

Rottnest Island

Rottnest Island

Located 19 kilometres off the coast of Fremantle, Rottnest Island is Western Australia’s very own island getaway. The island is Australia’s premier boating destination. You can catch a ferry to the island, but why not sail to the island in luxury instead? Sail to and around the island on a luxury catamaran and enjoy snorkeling, as well as plenty of other activities around the island. This is an incredible experience, so if you ever find yourself around Western Australia, be sure to put time aside to sail to Rottnest Island.

The Best Places to Sail in Queensland

Moreton Bay

Moreton Bay

Moreton Bay is a gorgeous sailing destination on Queensland’s southern coast near Brisbane. Found between mainland Australia, Moreton and Stradbroke Island, the area is the ideal destination for water activities and has become a hub for boating, diving and swimming enthusiasts. Making for one of the best sailing holidays in Australia, here you’ll be able to stop at a variety of destinations including both islands and the Tangalooma Wrecks.

The Whitsundays

The Whitsundays

Meet the gorgeous Whitsundays, one of Australia’s classic summer holiday destinations. The islands around The Great Barrier Reef in Queensland are the perfect holiday destination, and you’re bound to have heard someone rave about how great Hamilton Island is! One of the best ways to explore this gorgeous part of Australia is on a boat, and sailing trips are a hugely popular attraction. There’s an array of sailing options to choose from: whether you want just a day on the water, or to stay several nights on a boat, there is surely a sailing holiday for you.

Great Sandy Strait

Great Sandy Strait

The Great Sandy Strait, located in between the Sunshine Coast and Bundaberg – between the mainland and Fraser Island – is a gorgeous and picturesque area, perfect for sailing. The water is incredibly clear, much like the Whitsundays, and makes for one of the most perfect places to get out on a yacht and relax for the day. The marine wildlife you can potentially come across in the Great Sandy Strait include whales, dugongs, dolphins and turtles, hence why the Strait is described as a marine sanctuary.

Love exploring the outdoors? Then get ready to dive into the 12 best snorkelling spots around Australia . And for some island-hopping inspiration, be sure to add these 10 beautiful islands around Australia to your 2021 bucket list .

We acknowledge the traditional owners of country throughout Australia and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging.

Feature image: Photographed by Evan Smogor. Image via Unsplash.

This article was first published by tom sargeant on november 8 2018. it was updated and edited by hunter and bligh on february 18 2021..

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Sailing in Australia: Top 7 Destinations for Yacht Holidays

Sailing in Australia: Top 7 Destinations for Yacht Holidays

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yachting in australia

Sailing in Australia offers some of the best life-changing yacht charter experiences to be had on Earth. From the stunning Sydney Harbour to the tropical Queensland waters, visiting the Land Down Under on board a luxury catamaran or sailing yacht will leave you with memories that last a lifetime. But where should you go?

We’ve found 7 of the most beautiful destinations, whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, to help make your decision easier!

Sunshine Coast

yachting in australia

Located on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, Noosa is a must-see spot when visiting Australia. With a lively marina, world-class fishing and sailing, great beaches, stunning coastal drives and cafes scattered throughout; you won’t run out of things to do.

There are plenty of Sydney yacht hire companies who provide boat tours around Noosa which gives you an opportunity to see one of Australia’s most beautiful regions from sea level. It also provides an opportunity to stop off at some picturesque coves if you decide to take it easy for a day or two.

yachting in australia

The Gold Coast offers a unique yacht charter experience. With over 100 sunny days a year, there are plenty of opportunities to sail around Queensland’s south-east coast. There are dozens of sailable rivers, ports and marinas – you can take your boat right into urban centers.

Whatever kind of vessel you want to charter, there’s something on offer on The Gold Coast – yachts, catamarans, dinghies and even fishing boats. If you want to combine your sailing holiday with some tourism and great nightlife attractions, The Gold Coast is a good place to start.

Brisbane River

yachting in australia

Sailing around Australia is a great way to explore its vast coastline, with many regions still relatively unexplored. One of our favorite sailing destinations is Brisbane River, home to many unique attractions such as historical buildings, parks and art galleries. A highlight of any visit to Brisbane River should be taking a ride on a river ferry.

Cruise along Australia’s longest river in an open-air top deck or cozy cabin cruiser; either way you can’t go wrong! If you have some extra time, take a day trip from Brisbane River to one of Queensland’s world-famous islands including Moreton Island National Park or Stradbroke Island. If it’s your first time visiting Brisbane River we recommend hiring a yacht from Sydney Yacht Hire and sailing up from Sydney Harbour.

yachting in australia

Harbour Town/Port Douglas/Cairns

yachting in australia

Harbour Town, Port Douglas and Cairns are among Australia’s top destinations. It is not a surprise that all three of these cities, which are situated on Australia’s north coast are popular with tourists who want to sail on Australia’s renowned Great Barrier Reef. This is especially true when it comes to chartering boats in Australia during peak season. These holidays offer plenty of excitement, action and adventure while you find yourself surrounded by pristine beaches and tropical lagoons.

In addition to wonderful sailing conditions, these areas also offer many activities including swimming at gorgeous white sand beaches or hiking along breathtaking nature trails.

Sydney (includes Manly, Watsons Bay, Sydney Harbour)

yachting in australia

Sydney is one of Australia’s most famous cities, perhaps because it serves as a gateway to other famous destinations around Australia. Sydney Harbour is arguably one of the most beautiful in all of Australia, filled with iconic landmarks like The Sydney Opera House, The Royal Botanic Gardens, and Taronga Zoo. All three are great destinations for sailing enthusiasts looking to get a closer look at some exotic wildlife on their yacht holiday.

Travelers can also enjoy some time shopping in Queen Victoria Building or dining out at one of many seaside restaurants overlooking Sydney Harbour. Manly Beach is another great spot if you’re looking to spend some time relaxing on your yacht holiday in Sydney.

New South Wales Far North Coast (includes Port Stephens, Lake Macquarie)

yachting in australia

Not only does Port Stephens offer some of the most breathtaking views, you can also choose to have a relaxing time cruising around on your yacht. With several places to moor your yacht, there is no shortage of choices as to where you can set up camp.

When it comes to sailing around Australia, Port Stephens is an ideal spot if you are looking for something with great natural beauty while also being able to do so while taking in fresh air. Another fantastic thing about New South Wales’ Far North Coast is that it offers something unique with just a bit of a difference compared to other parts of New South Wales and Australia.

Newcastle (includes Gosford, Lake Macquarie)

yachting in australia

Newcastle is located just three hours from Sydney and there are a number of yachting clubs around Newcastle. While yachts can also be anchored off shore, most choose to tie up at one of Newcastle’s many marinas which offer good protection from southerly winds.

While Newcastle’s large industrial port means that it is not an ideal location for small boats or quiet holidays, it does make Newcastle an excellent place to explore on a yacht. Gosford (includes Lake Macquarie): Located two hours north of Sydney, Gosford boasts wonderful sailing conditions with easy access to nearby beaches such as Murrays Beach, Avoca Beach and The Basin.

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  • Yacht Charter Australia

Yacht Charter in Australia

Flying Fish by Warren Yachts - Top rates for a Charter of a private Motor Yacht in Australia

Australia yacht charter

Australia is blessed with some of the most beautiful yacht charter destinations in the world. Located in the South Pacific, with the Indian Ocean to the west, and the Pacific to the east, Australia is a yacht charter paradise. The Great Barrier Reef offers the Australian northeast coast with endless opportunities for yacht charters. With some of the world's best dive spots, uninhabited islands featuring secluded bays, pristine white sand beaches, and a world of peace, serenity, and tranquility, the world's biggest coral reef system is the most beautiful attraction for yacht charters in Australia.

How much to charter a yacht in Australia?

Every imaginable yacht can be found cruising along the coast and waters of Australia. At different price points, varying amenities, sizes, and purposes, you can find every kind of yacht that suits your needs. A 50-foot sailing yacht with four cabins can cost around $6,500 for a week's rent. An 82-foot catamaran, on the other hand, can cost around $60,000 for a week's rent; while a 119-foot motor yacht with five cabins costs around $110,000 for a week's rent in Australia.

What are the most popular yacht holidays in Australia?

With so many beautiful coastal cities, nearby islands, and over 200 marinas located all over the country, it can be a little daunting to find the best yacht charter holidays in Australia. However, if you want to discover the top sailing destinations, these spots are the Whitsunday Islands, Moreton Bay, and Sydney. The Whitsunday Islands is located in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef, and it's no wonder the group of islands is the most popular yacht charter destination in the country. There are 74 islands in this island group, with only six being inhabited. This means there are 68 islands to explore with no crowds, no structures, and very little development. With pristine white sands, crystal clear waters, a subtropical climate, and the most exotic underwater marine life, the Whitsundays top the bill for the most popular yacht charter destination in Australia.

On Brisbane's doorstep, Moreton Bay is another yacht charter destination that boasts of beauty and allure. Moreton Bay itself is the route of migratory humpback whales in the summer, where you'll also get to see dolphins and much other marine life in its waters. Moreton Island is also a stone's throw away from Brisbane, featuring beaches and wildlife. The North and South Stradbroke Islands are popular spots for locals and visitors, while Fraser Island is a definite must for yacht charters for its famous white-sand dunes and freshwater lakes. Dive enthusiasts will also take pleasure in the abundance of marine life in Moreton Bay, especially the shipwrecks that number to over 100.

The Sydney Harbour and Pittwater Bay are popular yacht charter destinations in the country. Cruising along the Harbour presents yachtsmen with beautiful views of the iconic Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Located to the north of Sydney is Pittwater, offering little swell and reliable winds. There are three national parks inland, which make for a beautiful day excursion. Furthermore, the Hawkesbury River in Pittwater offers spectacular sandstone cliffs, uninhabited islands, and small towns worth discovering.

Where to go on a luxury yacht charter in Australia?

With more than 290 marinas found in Australia, a luxury yacht charter is easy to find. You can find a plethora of superyachts cruising along the Harbour in Sydney's Port Jackson, offering sunset cruises, corporate yacht parties, and even weddings onboard the most luxurious yachts you will ever see. About 2 hours away, Port Stephens features the Soldier's Point Marina, which has been awarded the Marina of the Year Award in 2007 and proclaims itself as a Four Seasons resort. Dubbed as "The Blue Water Paradise," Port Stephens has 19 miles of clean, white, sandy beaches and a bay that offers perfect sailing conditions.

The Gold Coast in Queensland is another yacht charter luxury destination due to its marine boat building industry. The coastal city is the headquarters for many internationally recognized marine brands, making it the first spot in the world to witness the most beautiful and most luxurious vessels to ever cruise on water. Home to nine luxury marinas, The Gold Coast is where you'll find mega yachts cruising on the Bay, and luxury yachts casually cruising on its famous Broadwater.

Airlie Beach, the gateway to the Whitsundays, is another luxury yacht charter destination. Tourists who want to visit the Whitsundays head to Airlie Beach, which is in itself, a beautiful coastal location with stunning beaches and world-class resorts. Australia is home to some of the world's best yachting destinations. With a lifestyle that includes spending time outdoors as a daily activity, a yacht charter in the land Down Under is simply the best way to truly experience this stunning country.

Yacht Charter IN Australia

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An inexhaustible source of adventure, Australia is the quintessential superyacht destination. Overflowing with iconic destinations that bask in the country’s infectious laid-back style, it is no wonder Australia is an enduring favourite for sport, adventure and natural wonders.

 With an eclectic mix of unique experiences, there are memories to be made in Australia that simply cannot be found anywhere else. Escape to a country that in one moment will leave you in awe at its untouched natural beauty, and the next throw you into the very heart of the some of the world’s most exhilarating events. Beaches are more than a spectacular blend of sand and sea in this colourful country; they’re a lifestyle and inhabit every piece of Australia’s coastal character, from the boho fashion of the locals to the delicious seafood cuisine served in waterfront restaurants.

Australia boasts an all-year-round cruising calendar, outstanding tourism experiences and world-renowned refit and maintenance facilities that welcome the global superyacht fleet. For those willing to indulge their inner hedonist, Australia is the ultimate superyacht playground.

Unique experiences, all-year-round

Summer and Winter cruising seasons afford Australia an irresistible outdoor spirit that lasts 365 days a year – rather fortunate given the abundance of experiences that await…

A country surrounded by water, Australia is a superyacht haven. Ranging from unspoilt, secluded stretches of glowing white sands to towel-strewn golden paradises and rough surfing havens, beach-lovers will never be disappointed here. Diversity reigns supreme in this huge island nation, where a cruising itinerary can encompass an amazing range of sights not found anywhere else in the world.

From the stunning coral reefs of Queensland, to the spectacular waterways of New South Wales and the crocodile-filled waterholes of the Northern Territory, Australia is a truly unique yachting experience. The kaleidoscopic colours of the Great Barrier Reef are the pinnacle of any diver’s fantasy. From Port Douglas down to Bundaberg stretches 300,000 square kilometres of coral cays, brimming with marine treasures and exquisite sea life. There is simply no better destination for water-based activities.

Not all of the adventure is concentrated at sea. Step inland and discover Australia’s diverse flora and fauna, along with a rich Aboriginal culture. Stop off to play with kangaroos, koalas and wombats or sample fine wines at one of Australia’s exemplary vineyards. The rugged beauty of The Kimberley and Tropical North Queensland presents the opportunity to learn something new. Immerse yourself in 50,000-year-old Aboriginal rock art, brush up on your bush tucker skills or get an awe-inspiring perspective of it all from the sky.

For those who can’t stay too long away from the hustle and bustle of a city, world-class marina facilities in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne can take you right back into the action. Sydney is perfect for a long weekend of luxury comforts, fine dining, and high-end shopping. New Year’s Eve onboard a superyacht with the backdrop of Sydney’s Opera House and Harbour Bridge is certainly one for every owner’s bucket list. Head down to Melbourne, the events capital, for some of the world’s best events. From the Harbour, you are a short tender cruise from the major sporting events held throughout the year, including the Grand Prix, Melbourne Cup and Australian Open. Alternatively, a short walk down the newly renovated dockside will bring you to the Marvel Stadium, where leading artists flock to perform.

Indulge in infinite luxury

No matter where in the country your itinerary may take you, Australia’s highlife is never far away.

Premium superyacht marinas scattered across the islands lead into luxurious five-star resorts, leaving your yacht in good care while you delve into an authentic barefoot island retreat. Ideal for groups carrying a wide demographic, the Whitsunday Islands offer everything from chic beach glamour to high-octane water sports.

Should you wish to venture into Australia’s richly diverse regions, the Luxury Lodges of Australia will welcome you in sumptuous style. A collection of the finest lodges and camps around Australia, Luxury Lodges offers over 250 individual experiences and activities that connect guests to Australia’s most breath-taking locations, unlocking their curiosity and adventure-seeking spirit. The standards of comfort and service in Australia’s high-end heritage sites are parallel to that of a stay onboard one of the finest superyachts. Whether overlooking the Ningaloo Reef on Australia’s West Coast, staying in the world-renowned Barossa Valley wine region in Southern Australia or dining underneath the iconic Ayers Rock in the World Heritage listed Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, the Lodges deliver a truly special experience.

If you prefer not to stray too far from the natural playground of the Great Barrier Reef, Cairns and the Whitsunday Islands offer a selection of high-end luxury resorts. Surrounded by a bewitching blend of sublime landscapes, intriguing marine life and infinitely perfect anchorages, the tropical coast marinas offer something for every superyacht party. Superyacht owners have enthused that being able to explore the coastal towns without the need for a security detail has added a special touch to their Australian exploits.

World-class superyacht facilities

Nowhere else in the world can a superyacht sit so detached and isolated yet still be within a short cruise from premier, state-of-the-art shipyard facilities. Australia has a thriving refit and maintenance industry that has benefitted recently from significant investment to cater to larger vessels, meaning no project is too complex.

All along the East Coast there is an array of shipyards that constantly makes sure the South Pacific superyacht fleet is well serviced and pristine. The capabilities available are not to be understated. In Cairns, the world’s largest Mobile Boat Hoist at BSE Maritime Solutions gives the area significant pulling, and lifting, power. The City can accommodate superyachts of up to 140m in length, while highly experienced agents take great care in providing everything needed for a seamless transition from or to life at sea. Cairns itself provides the perfect setting for a superyacht homeport, situated between the Wet Tropics Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef, two World Heritage listed natural wonders.

Queensland’s vibrant South East region boasts a similarly impressive offering. The well-established facilities in Brisbane and the Gold Coast have given the green light to significant investments as they prepare for an influx of visiting superyachts. Rivergate Marina & Shipyard has its own prominent international reputation, having completed over 250 superyacht projects since opening in 2006. Rivergate’s positioning on the Brisbane River provides easy access to both the bustling city and the immaculate cruising grounds of Australia and the South Pacific.

The Australia Marine Complex in Henderson, Western Australia is home to Echo Yachts and Silver Yachts, both multi-award-winning superyacht builders with glowing international reputations. The delivery of 84m trimaran White Rabbit by Echo Yachts in 2018 earned worldwide acclaim for reimagining the possibilities of comfort and efficiency onboard a superyacht. Superyacht projects undertaken in Australia not only benefit from the thousands of specialised trades that surround each facility and the historic expertise in aluminium, but also from the significant exchange rate advantage of the Australian Dollar.

New possibilities

With the intimacy of a small island and the might of a first world country, Australia is the South Pacific superyacht hub with a perfect balance to ensure there is never a dull moment. Some of the world’s largest superyachts frequent the sanctuary of Tropical North Queensland’s marinas as a homeport and gateway to the excitement of the South Pacific islands. Hollywood star Will Smith became the first to officially charter a foreign flagged superyacht in Australia following the passage of new legislation in 2019. Since then, interest in superyacht charters has blossomed from the tropical northern areas down to the isolated splendour of Tasmania.

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Australia Yacht Charters

Australia is a country that needs no introduction. It’s a land of stunning landscapes, beautiful beaches, and incredible wildlife. So it’s no surprise that this vast continent is a favorite destination for travelers from all over the world. And what better way to explore this paradise than on a yacht charter? Here are just a few reasons why Odyssea Yachting believes Australia is a must-visit destination on your next sailing adventure.

First and foremost, Australia is home to some of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. From the rugged cliffs of the Great Ocean Road to the tropical paradise of the Whitsunday Islands, there’s no shortage of breathtaking scenery to explore. With over 50,000 kilometers of coastline, there’s always a new adventure waiting just around the corner.

Beyond the coastline, Australia is also home to some of the most unique wildlife on the planet. You can swim with whale sharks, spot kangaroos in the wild, and even witness the annual migration of humpback whales. The Great Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a must-visit for any nature lover. This incredible natural wonder is home to thousands of species of marine life, and there’s no better way to explore it than on an Odyssea yacht adventure.

Of course, Australia is also a cultural hub with a rich and fascinating history reflected in its art, food, and people. You can explore the bustling cities of Sydney and Melbourne or venture into the outback to experience the true Australian spirit. Whether you’re interested in Aboriginal culture or contemporary art, there’s something for everyone in this diverse and welcoming country.

And when it comes to food, Australia is home to some of the best seafood in the world and a thriving wine industry. So whether you’re indulging in a seafood feast on the deck of your yacht or sampling local wines at a vineyard, you’re in for a culinary treat.

All in all, Australia is a destination that is sure to leave you awe-struck and inspired. From its coastline’s natural beauty to its cities’ vibrant culture, there’s no shortage of things to see and do. So why not embark on the adventure of a lifetime and experience it all on an Odyssea yacht charter?

Australia Yacht Charter Sailing Regions

The Gold Coast is located in Queensland, Australia, and stretches along 57 kilometers of stunning coastline. This world-famous destination is known for its beautiful beaches, abundant sunshine, vibrant urban culture, and various outdoor activities. With its golden beaches, clear blue waters, and excellent year-round weather, it's no wonder the Gold Coast is a favorite destination to experience an Odyssea yacht charter. One of the must-visit places on the Gold Coast is Surfers Paradise, a lively and bustling neighborhood that's the heart of the city's entertainment and nightlife scene. Here, visitors can stroll along the beach's golden sands, shop at the many retail outlets, or enjoy a meal at one of the many restaurants, cafes, and bars. Another popular destination is Broadbeach, known for its relaxed atmosphere and excellent dining options. For those looking for outdoor adventures, the Gold Coast offers a range of activities, such as surfing, kiteboarding, and parasailing. The region is also known for its world-class theme parks, such as Dreamworld, Movie World, and Sea World, providing entertainment for all ages. Another highlight of the Gold Coast is its hinterland, just a short drive from the coast. Here, visitors can explore the region's natural beauty, with lush rainforests, cascading waterfalls, and stunning mountain ranges. The Tamborine Mountain National Park is a popular destination, with a range of hiking trails and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. In addition to its natural beauty and outdoor activities, the Gold Coast is also known for its cultural attractions. The region has a rich Indigenous history, and visitors can learn about the local Aboriginal culture through various tours and experiences. The Gold Coast also hosts multiple events throughout the year, such as the Gold Coast Film Festival, the Bleach* Festival, and the Gold Coast Marathon. The Gold Coast is a destination that offers something for everyone. With its beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and range of outdoor activities, it's no surprise that the Gold Coast is a popular choice for adventure on your Odyssea yacht charter in Australia.

Sunshine Coast

The Sunshine Coast is a stunning sailing region in Queensland, Australia, stretching 65 kilometers of pristine coastline. With its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and a range of outdoor activities, it's no surprise that this region is a popular destination for an Odyssea yacht charter. One of the highlights of sailing on the Sunshine Coast is exploring the nearby islands, such as Fraser Island and the Great Barrier Reef. These islands offer unique natural beauty, with pristine beaches, diverse marine life, and stunning coral reefs. Visitors can enjoy various activities like snorkeling, diving, and fishing or relax on the beach and soak up the sun. One of the must-visit places on the Sunshine Coast is Noosa Heads, a picturesque coastal town known for its beautiful beaches and national parks. Visitors can explore the Noosa National Park, with its stunning coastal scenery, hiking trails, and abundant wildlife. Noosa Heads also offer a range of dining and shopping options, with a lively restaurant and cafe scene and boutique shops and galleries. Another popular destination on the Sunshine Coast is Mooloolaba, a bustling beach town known for its excellent surfing and fishing opportunities. Visitors can explore the Mooloolaba Spit, with its seafood restaurants, cafes, and bars, or relax on the beach and soak up the sun. Mooloolaba is also home to the Underwater World SEA LIFE Aquarium, a popular attraction showcasing a range of marine life. For those looking for outdoor adventures, the Sunshine Coast offers a range of activities, such as surfing, kayaking, and paddleboarding. The region is also home to several national parks, such as the Glass House Mountains National Park, which offers a range of hiking trails and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The Sunshine Coast is also known for its vibrant cultural scene, with a range of galleries, museums, and festivals throughout the year. In addition, the region is home to the Caloundra Music Festival, which showcases a range of local and international musicians, as well as the Horizon Festival, which celebrates the arts and culture of the region. In addition to its natural beauty and cultural attractions, the Sunshine Coast is also known for its local produce, with a range of farmers' markets and food festivals showcasing the best of the local cuisine. You can sample fresh seafood, locally-grown fruits and vegetables, and artisanal products here. The Sunshine Coast is a destination that offers something for everyone. With its beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and range of outdoor activities, it's no time to live your dreams and experience this incredible adventure with Odyssea Yachting on the Sunshine Coast in Australia.

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is a world-renowned sailing region located off the coast of Queensland, Australia. With its stunning coral reefs, crystal-clear waters, and diverse marine life, it's no surprise that the Great Barrier Reef is a popular destination for you to experience an Odyssea yacht charter. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system and is home to thousands of species of marine life, including turtles, sharks, dolphins, and tropical fish. Sailing on your Odyssea yacht through the reef offers a unique opportunity to explore this incredible natural wonder, with its stunning coral formations and abundant wildlife. Popular destinations within the Great Barrier Reef include the Whitsunday Islands, Cairns, and Port Douglas. The Whitsunday Islands are a group of 74 islands located in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef and offer a range of activities, such as snorkeling, diving, and hiking. Cairns and Port Douglas are also popular destinations, offering a range of accommodation options, dining and shopping options, and attractions such as the Daintree Rainforest and the Kuranda Scenic Railway. Sailing on your Odyssea yacht adventure through the Great Barrier Reef also offers a unique opportunity to explore some of the reef's more secluded and remote areas. There are many coves, bays, and coral gardens that can only be accessed by boat, offering a truly unique and intimate experience of this incredible natural wonder. The Great Barrier Reef is a destination that offers unparalleled natural beauty, diverse marine life, and a range of activities and attractions. With its crystal-clear waters, stunning coral formations, and abundance of wildlife, it's no surprise that the Great Barrier Reef is a must-visit destination with Odyssea Yachting in Australia.

Whitsunday Islands

The Whitsunday Islands is a group of 74 islands located in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef and is one of Australia's most popular sailing destinations. With its stunning natural beauty, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant marine life, the Whitsundays offer a unique and unforgettable experience for your Odyssea yacht charter. Whitehaven Beach is among the top destinations and experiences to explore in the Whitsundays. This iconic beach is known for its pure white silica sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters. It is regularly voted one of the best beaches in the world and is a must-visit destination for visitors to the Whitsundays. Your Odyssea yacht can anchor nearby and take a dinghy ride to the beach to explore its beauty and dip in its warm waters. Hill Inlet is another stunning location that offers panoramic views of the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef. From here, you can hike to the top of the hill to enjoy the breathtaking views or take a guided tour to explore the surrounding trails and learn about the local flora and fauna. The Whitsundays are home to some of the best snorkeling and diving sites in the world, with an abundance of marine life and coral formations to explore. With many of the islands offering secluded spots to discover, your Odyssea yacht can help you explore these exotic locations. Hamilton Island is the largest inhabited island in the Whitsunday group and offers visitors a range of attractions and amenities. The island features a marina, luxury accommodation options, a golf course, and various dining and shopping options. The Whitsunday Islands National Park covers much of the Whitsunday Islands and offers a range of activities, such as hiking, camping, and wildlife spotting. The park is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including many rare and endangered species. With its natural beauty, vibrant marine life, and range of activities and attractions, the Whitsundays are a destination that should not be missed. At Odyssea, we can't wait to show this incredible sailing region in Australia, so contact us to book now.

East Coast Cruising

The East Coast of Australia is a famous sailing region for yacht charters, offering a range of destinations to explore. At Odyssea Yachting, we can't wait to help you discover this incredible region. Sydney is Australia's largest city and is a bustling metropolis with a stunning natural harbor. On your Odyssea yacht adventure, you can explore iconic landmarks such as the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge or stroll through the botanical gardens. There is also a fabulous range of dining and shopping options to enjoy. Byron Bay is a laid-back beach town popular as a destination for surfers and sun-seekers. It features stunning beaches, a lighthouse with spectacular views, and various dining and shopping options. From here, you can also explore the nearby national parks, such as Mount Warning and Nightcap National Park. The Gold Coast, a coastal city, is known for its stunning beaches and vibrant nightlife. It features a range of attractions, such as theme parks, shopping centers, and a casino. You can also explore the nearby national parks, such as Lamington National Park and Springbrook National Park. Whitsunday Islands is a group of islands off the coast of Queensland with stunning beaches, snorkeling, diving sites, and national parks to explore. You can hike to Hill Inlet for breathtaking views of the islands or dip in the crystal-clear waters of Whitehaven Beach. One of the world's most famous natural wonders, the Great Barrier Reef is a must-visit destination for visitors to the East Coast. On your Odyssea yacht charter, you can explore the vibrant coral formations and marine life through snorkeling and diving tours or take a scenic flight for a bird's eye view of this stunning ecosystem. The East Coast of Australia offers a range of delightful destinations to discover with your Odyssea yacht charter, from the bustling city of Sydney to the natural beauty of the Great Barrier Reef. With its warm weather, stunning landscapes, and range of activities and attractions, the East Coast is a destination that should not be missed.

Australia Yacht Charter Attractions

Snorkeling and diving.

Australia’s underwater world is one of the most stunning and diverse in the world. With over 8,000 species of fish, hundreds of species of coral, and other fascinating marine creatures such as sea turtles and manta rays, snorkeling and diving on your Odyssea yacht is a must-do activity. The Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral reef system, offers some of the most stunning diving opportunities, while Ningaloo Reef is known for its abundance of whale sharks, manta rays, and humpback whales. Your Odyssea yacht charter allows you to reach remote dive sites and enjoy uncrowded underwater experiences.

Wildlife Watching

Australia is famous for its unique and fascinating wildlife. While on a yacht charter, you can get up close and personal with some of the country’s iconic animals, such as kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, and wombats. You can visit national parks and conservation areas, such as Kangaroo Island or the Great Otway National Park, to observe these animals in their natural habitat. Additionally, you can also spot dolphins, whales, and seals from your Odyssea yacht as they swim and play around the boat.

Beach Hopping

Australia’s coastline is lined with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. With crystal-clear waters and white sandy beaches, many of which are only accessible by boat, beach hopping is one of the most popular activities on your Odyssea yacht charter. One of the must-visit beaches is Whitehaven Beach in the Whitsunday Islands, known for its pure white silica sand and clear turquoise waters. You can also anchor near famous beaches, such as Bondi Beach or Surfers Paradise, and enjoy a range of water sports and activities.

Coastal Cruising

Australia’s coastline is vast and diverse, and an Odyssea yacht adventure allows you to explore it at your own pace. You can sail from Sydney to Cairns, taking in the stunning scenery of the New South Wales coast, the Great Barrier Reef, and the tropical north. Along the way, you can anchor in remote fishing villages and island communities, meet friendly locals, and explore the region’s unique culture and history. You can also visit landmarks such as the Twelve Apostles in Victoria or the lighthouses that dot the coast.

Dining and Wine Tasting

Australia is famous for its culinary scene and wine production. An Odyssea yacht charter is an excellent opportunity to experience both. You can sample some of the country’s finest culinary offerings, from fresh seafood to gourmet cheeses, prepared by your private chef. Additionally, you can visit vineyards and wineries along the coast, such as the Margaret River wine region or the Hunter Valley, for wine tasting and tours. These regions are known for producing some of the world’s best wines, and your Odyssea yacht allows you to visit them in style, savoring the scenery and enjoying the wine in a luxurious setting.

Example Itinerary for Your Australia Yacht Charter

Experience the ultimate luxury on a custom yacht charter tailored just for you! Contact us now to plan your dream itinerary.

This is a sample itinerary that might be altered by the captain depending on weather factors or guests’ requests.

Sydney Harbor

Your adventure begins in Sydney Harbour, one of the world's most iconic harbors. The stunning views of the Harbour Bridge and Opera House will welcome you as you step aboard your Odyssea yacht to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. First, take the time to explore Sydney's many sights and sounds, including the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney Tower Eye, or even visit Taronga Zoo. Then, enjoy a sumptuous meal on board your yacht while watching the sun set over the harbor in the evening.

After a leisurely breakfast, sail up to the stunning Pittwater, known for its natural beauty and serene atmosphere. This hidden gem just north of Sydney is a paradise for nature lovers, with its secluded beaches and coves, lush national parks, and wildlife. Explore the stunning Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, dip in the crystal-clear waters, or relax on one of the many beautiful beaches. In the evening, enjoy a candlelit dinner on board your yacht, surrounded by the peaceful sounds of nature.

Today, you'll set sail for Newcastle, a vibrant coastal town with a rich history. The town is home to various attractions, including the iconic Newcastle Ocean Baths, Fort Scratchley, and the Bathers Way, a coastal walk stretching from Nobbys Head to Merewether Beach. Take a surf lesson, stroll along the picturesque boardwalk, or relax on the beach. Then, enjoy a night out at one of the town's many bars and restaurants, sampling the local craft beers and wines.

Port Stephens

From Newcastle, sail up to Port Stephens, a stunning bay home to over 150 bottlenose dolphins. Take a dolphin spotting tour, try your hand at fishing, or relax on one of the many beautiful beaches. Enjoy a sunset cruise around the bay in the evening, sipping on a glass of champagne and taking in the stunning scenery.

Next, head to the charming town of Nelson Bay, known for its boutique shops, cafes, and galleries. Then, take a scenic hike to the top of Tomaree Head, where you'll be rewarded with panoramic views of the bay. You can even try sandboarding on the nearby dunes if you're feeling adventurous. In the afternoon, explore the many bays and coves around the area or relax on the beach. Finally, enjoy a delicious seafood dinner on board your Odyssea yacht in the evening, paired with some of the region's finest wines.

Port Macquarie

Today, you'll set sail for Port Macquarie, a stunning coastal town home to a thriving arts and culture scene. Visit the Koala Hospital, where you'll learn about the conservation efforts to save these iconic animals or take a surf lesson at one of the many beaches. After such an exciting day, this evening enjoy a night out at one of the town's many bars and restaurants, trying some of the local seafood specialties.

Return to Sydney

On your final day, sail back to Sydney Harbour, taking in the stunning scenery along the way. Spend the day exploring the city's many sights and sounds, including the iconic Bondi Beach, or relax on board your Odyssea yacht and take in the views. In the evening, enjoy a farewell dinner while reflecting on the incredible journey of a lifetime you've just experienced with Odyssea Yachting.

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Guide to Australia

A spectacular canvas of nature’s finest work

Discover a place where proud Aboriginal heritage and rugged outback life meets modern metropolises and thriving underwater worlds. Australia’s vast open plains of arid desert contrast with lush forests and snow-cloaked mountains whilst its crowning glory, the magnificent Great Barrier Reef creates the perfect concoction for a hedonistic and unforgettable vacation.

With over 50,000 km of coastline linked by more than 10,000 beaches boasting world-class marinas and ports, choice and diversity is a strong theme of any luxury yacht charter adventure Down Under. Sydney ’s fantastic natural harbour offers a gateway into a melting pot of experiences within this dynamic city, from the Sydney Opera House to a myriad of chic bars and boutiques. Watching the kaleidoscopic fireworks dancing over the Harbour Bridge with family and friends from the comfort of your superyacht is a truly unbeatable way to see in the New Year.

Justifiably one of the world’s seven natural wonders, the Great Barrier Reef is unrivalled in oceanic phenomenon. An afternoon’s helicopter ride over the reef will leave you awe-struck by the breath-taking aerial views showcasing it in all its glory. Scuba-divers and snorkellers can take to the warm waters to experience the mesmerising coral formations teeming with marine life close-up.

Set off the coast of Queensland, the idyllic Whitsunday Islands lie within the Great Barrier Reef, shimmering with secluded retreats. Ancient granite peaks encompassed with water form eerie and exciting dive sites and safe swimming waters surrounding the mostly uninhabited archipelago. Flora and Fauna scatter the wild landscapes and the welcoming hospitality of the locals.

The largely uninhabited north-west coast of Western Australia is home to the remote, pristine Ningaloo Reef – one of the best places in the world to see whale sharks – who arrive in large numbers every year. The City of Light, Perth, attracts visitors to its boutique hotels. South Australia is renowned for its cultural diversity, winelands, fine wines, arts, world-class restaurants.

Watch turtles nesting on the Sunshine coast, sample fine wines amongst the tumbling winelands of the Mornington Peninsula and go in pursuit of the Tasmanian Tiger in the wild and rugged terrains of Tasmania. Proud native cultures and mythical ancestors, home to some of the world’s largest world heritage sites.

If you are interested in a luxury yachting vacation in crystal waters of the Australia view all Australia Charter Yachts which are available to rent.

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Reasons to Visit

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Discover Areas within Australia

Sydney Guide

Guide to Sydney

Whitsundays Guide

Guide to Whitsundays

Great Barrier Reef Guide

Guide to Great Barrier Reef

The Kimberley Guide

Guide to The Kimberley

Melbourne Guide

Guide to Melbourne

Explore popular itineraries.

Not sure where to go? Let our itinerary suggestions inspire your own Australia bespoke charter.


Our Pick Top Things to See & Do

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  • Eat & Drink

Bondi Beach

One of the world's most iconic beaches

Challenger Bay

Explore magical marine life

Coogee Beach

Surfer's paradise

Curtin House

The heart of Melbourne

Featured Yachts in Australia

To help you in your search for your perfect luxury charter yacht for your next vacation, we’ve selected some of the finest and most exclusive superyachts and megayachts that are currently available for charter in Australia.

Asteria yacht charter in Australia

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  • Great Barrier Reef
  • Whitsunday Islands
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Chapman Yachting

Luxury Yacht & Boat Charter in Sydney

Sydney charter options.


Yachts & Boats For Hire in Sydney Harbour

We offer a wide range of handpicked luxury charter yachts and boats readily available for hire in Sydney. Sydney Harbour is an aquatic playground for Sydneysiders and is home to one of the world’s most beautiful and natural harbours. It’s best known for its harbour-front Sydney Opera House, the iconic Harbour Bridge, Darling Harbour and the Circular Quay port. Chapman is the most experienced and premier yacht charter company Sydney, Australia has to offer in this dream destination.

With an array of secluded hidden beaches and bushland, the crystal-clear waters of Sydney are a huge attraction to tourists and locals alike. And what better way to take in all the harbour has to offer than onboard a luxury boat.

People from all over the world flock to Sydney harbour to experience world-class restaurants, designer boutiques and indulgent spas— but most of all to enjoy the Harbour, which seems to have it all. Many choose to spend a day onboard a yacht to enjoy swimming, the sun, and the array of water activities before anchoring up by Taronga Zoo in Athol Bay for stunning views back across Sydney, the Opera House, and Harbour Bridge. If you are looking for an extended experience, one of our superyachts can welcome you and your family onboard for a 5 day adventure.

Your itinerary will include cruising the iconic waterways of Sydney all the way up to Palm Beach and the Pittwater region, where you can discover some of the best anchorages on the east coast. It’s the most dreamlike yachting experience Sydney has to offer— and it can be yours with Chapman by your side.

From Sea to Land,

Once ashore, discover more about the area on one of the various walks that take in stunning Sydney landmarks. One of the world’s best city walks is from Woolloomooloo to Barangaroo, stopping at Mrs Macquaries Chair for a perfect postcard picture.

Each New Year’s Eve, Sydney Harbour puts on a magical display as hundreds of fireworks soar off the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The celebratory atmosphere makes it the perfect way to ring in the new year. Seeing the fireworks from a yacht will ensure you get up close and personal and have the best view in the city.

When it comes to weather, Sydney is quite predictable. The warmer months are commonly from November to February which is when the Harbour is most alive and buzzing with activity.

The cooler months are March to August. Even if you are visiting in the cooler months, make sure to pack swimwear, as it is common to enjoy warm, sunny days during winter.

Our Charter Locations

  • Whitsundays

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Built from a family heritage and founded by Cooper Chapman, Chapman Yachting is Australia’s leading, full-service, in-house yachting company. Discover over 50 years of Australian yachting experience from the wider Chapman network and services that cover all aspects of the industry, including Yacht Management and Service, Yacht Sales, Yacht Hire and Crew Recruitment.

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yachting in australia

Yachties of Australia

The #1 Resource for How To Get Into Yachting

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Your Guide To Become a Yachtie

Whether you’re setting sail into the world of yachting, already navigating its waters, or preparing to dock after a rewarding career at sea, Yachties of Australia is your ultimate destination for all things yachting. Established by a yachting industry veteran with first-hand knowledge, we offer a comprehensive library of guides and resources to equip you with the knowledge and support you need to thrive in the yachting industry. View our list of guides below to learn how to become a yachtie.

How To Get a Job On a Yacht

Life while yachting, life after yachting, life of a yachtie, yachting faqs, why yachting.

 “I was paid a million dollars a year while working on yachts…” – Tom Leese, yacht crew for over 7 years. The superyacht industry is a work hard play hard environment that can take you around the world while paying you well to do so. It’s an industry that will have you saying every day “is this real”. You will develop your professional skills and personality in ways that you never thought were possible and the number of opportunities that will present themselves along the way will be endless. You will lose count of all the places you visit, the unimaginable experiences you will have, the stories, friendships and relationships, and the memories that yachting will create every day and this is why everyone earns a million dollars a year in yachting…

What is a "Yachtie"

“Yachtie” is the name used for a person that works in the superyacht industry. A yachtie generally falls under one or two of the four departments that make up the staff (crew) that run the multimillion dollar boats for the super-rich and famous. These four departments are Deck, Interior, Galley, and Engineering which require completely different skills, experience and qualifications but, in the end, they work as a team to provide the highest standard of service and fun to the vessel’s guests around the world.

How to become a yachtie

To start your career and become a Yachtie, simply click on Life Before Yachting where you will find a step by step guide and information.

Boat & Catamaran charter in Australia - Yacht Rental

Australia yacht rental.

Embark on an unforgettable journey across the breathtaking waters of Australia with Yachting.Rent. As your trusted partner in Australia yacht rental services, we’re dedicated to delivering experiences that blend luxury, comfort, and the thrill of discovery.

With Yachting.Rent, you gain access to a broad selection of top-tier yachts designed to cater to various sailing preferences. Whether you’re a novice sailor seeking a serene voyage or a seasoned mariner ready for your next challenging adventure, our diverse fleet has the perfect yacht for you. From family-friendly yachts for leisurely holidays to luxurious mega yachts for extravagant escapes, our offerings are designed to suit every occasion.

Our yacht rental service transcends just providing a vessel; it’s an invitation to explore Australia’s unmatched marine beauty. Imagine navigating through the vibrant Great Barrier Reef, cruising along the magnificent Whitsunday Islands, or anchoring in the secluded bays of Tasmania – every journey is a unique tale waiting to unfold.

Daniel Goldman

CEO of Yachting.Rent

Boat & Catamaran charter in Australia

Fountaine Pajot Elba 45 - 4 + 1 cab.

Fountaine Pajot Elba 45 – 4 + 1 cab.

Cumberland 46 - 4 cab.

Cumberland 46 – 4 cab.

Catamaran Bali 4.3 - Celeno

Bali 4.3 – celeno

Bali 4.2 OW - Queen Lizzy

Bali 4.2 OW – Queen Lizzy

Bali 4.3 - Nautilus

Bali 4.3 – Nautilus

Lagoon 40 - 4 cab.

Lagoon 40 – 4 cab.

yachting in australia

Why Choose Us

Yacht charter in Australia

Discover the boundless beauty of Australian waters with Yachting.Rent, your premier partner for yacht charter services in Australia. With our exclusive offerings, experience unrivaled sailing adventures where luxury, comfort, and a unique sense of exploration combine seamlessly. At Yachting.Rent, we provide a diverse selection of yachts to suit every sailor’s needs, whether you’re a beginner looking for a new experience or an experienced mariner in search of the next grand voyage. Our fleet ranges from family-friendly yachts ideal for relaxed vacations to extravagant luxury yachts perfect for corporate events or lavish escapes.

As part of our service, we invite you to navigate through the stunning Great Barrier Reef, cruise along the breath-taking Whitsunday Islands, or explore the secluded anchorages of Tasmania. Every journey with Yachting.Rent is an extraordinary tale waiting to be told. To ensure you have the best possible experience, our professional and friendly staff will assist you from start to finish. Their expert advice will guide you in selecting the perfect yacht, planning your itinerary, and ensuring your journey is safe, enjoyable, and memorable.

At Yachting.Rent, we put a strong emphasis on quality and safety. All our yachts are meticulously maintained and equipped with the latest navigation and safety equipment to provide you with a worry-free and enjoyable sailing adventure. Understanding that every journey is unique, we offer tailor-made charters, giving you the opportunity to design the sailing trip of your dreams. Whether it’s a romantic sunset cruise, a thrilling deep-sea fishing adventure, or a quiet retreat into Australia’s hidden aquatic gems, we aim to make your experience with Yachting.Rent unforgettable.

Satisfield Clients

Experiented Crew

Luxurious Boats

Premium Facilities

Featured Boats & Catamarans in Australia

Bali 4.3

Bali 4.1 – 4 cab.

Leopard 46 - 4 cab.

Leopard 46 – 4 cab.

Nautitech 40 Open - 4 cab.

Nautitech 40 Open – 4 cab.

Lagoon 440 - 4 cab.

Lagoon 440 – 4 cab.

Oceanis 48 - 5 cab.

Oceanis 48 – 5 cab.

yachting in australia

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About Australia

Why is Australia a good sailing destination?

With Yachting.Rent, uncover the reasons why Australia is considered a sailor’s paradise. The allure of Australia’s sailing landscape lies in its unmatched diversity, offering an incredible array of experiences for all types of seafarers. From the vibrant marine life of the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral reef system, to the secluded tranquility of Tasmania’s coastal hideaways, Australia provides a stunning backdrop for unforgettable sailing adventures.

Its idyllic weather, with warm summers and mild winters, makes it an ideal destination for year-round sailing. The constant breezes along its vast coastline make for an exciting and challenging sailing experience, while the calm waters of its numerous bays and inlets offer peaceful cruising opportunities.

Australia is also renowned for its world-class marinas and sailing facilities, making it a convenient destination for sailors. Whether you’re a solo adventurer, a family on vacation, or a corporate group, Australia caters to all your needs with a wide range of services and amenities.

Moreover, the country’s strong emphasis on maritime safety, with well-established rescue services and clear sailing regulations, ensures peace of mind during your voyages.

Finally, the Australian sailing experience is not just about the water. Its beautiful coastal cities, charming harbor towns, and pristine beaches offer plenty of opportunities for land exploration. Experience the local cuisine, discover Aboriginal culture, or simply soak up the sun on a white sandy beach.

With Yachting.Rent, sail the Australian waters in style and comfort. Our meticulously maintained yachts, comprehensive assistance, and customizable charters promise to enhance your sailing journey, making it a memory to cherish forever. Discover the wonders of Australia with us and see for yourself why it’s a top sailing destination.

yachting in australia


yachting in australia

What Choose

Sailing boat or Catamaran, what to sail in Australia

Embarking on an Australian sailing adventure with Yachting.Rent and unsure whether to choose a sailing boat or a catamaran? Both offer unique experiences, and the choice depends on your sailing ambitions, comfort needs, and personal preferences.

Sailing boats, embraced by traditional sailing enthusiasts, offer a dynamic, exhilarating sailing experience. They’re well-suited to navigate Australia’s expansive coastline, explore hidden coves, and undertake long, adventurous voyages. Sailing boats typically provide better upwind performance and are usually more fuel-efficient.

On the other hand, catamarans, renowned for their stability and spaciousness, provide a steady sailing experience with minimum rolling, making them an excellent choice for families, especially those with children or anyone prone to seasickness. Catamarans feature expansive deck spaces and larger living areas, perfect for relaxing, sunbathing, and socializing. They’re ideal for cruising through the turquoise waters of the Great Barrier Reef, anchoring in shallow bays, and enjoying leisurely exploration around the Whitsunday Islands.

At Yachting.Rent, our fleet encompasses a diverse range of both sailing boats and catamarans, each diligently maintained and equipped with the latest amenities and safety equipment. Our knowledgeable team is ready to assist you in selecting the right vessel for your Australian sailing adventure, ensuring an unforgettable journey. Dive into the beauty of Australian waters with Yachting.Rent, and let’s make your sailing dreams come true.

Find inspiration for your next holiday


Sailing the Great Barrier Reef: Exploring the World's Largest Coral System by Boat


Sydney Harbour Sailing: Iconic Landmarks and Hidden Coves


The Whitsundays: Australia's Tropical Sailing Paradise


Christmas Down Under: Celebrating the Holidays Aboard a Yacht in Australian Waters

Check out sailing destinations by regions.

  • Sydney Harbour, Sydney
  • The Whitsundays, Queensland
  • Great Barrier Reef, Queensland
  • Moreton Bay, Queensland
  • Port Stephens, New South Wales
  • Hobart, Tasmania
  • Perth, Western Australia
  • Broome, Western Australia
  • Darwin, Northern Territory
  • Gold Coast, Queensland
  • Sunshine Coast, Queensland
  • Jervis Bay, New South Wales
  • Pittwater, New South Wales
  • Melbourne, Victoria
  • Hamilton Island, Queensland
  • Adelaide, South Australia
  • Cairns, Queensland
  • Brisbane, Queensland
  • Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania
  • Geographe Bay, Western Australia

Check out our favourite sailing destinations

  • British Virgin Islands
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • French Polynesia
  • Netherlands
  • New Caledonia
  • New Zealand
  • North Macedonia
  • Philippines
  • Saint Lucia
  • South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • United Arab Emirates
  • US Virgin Islands

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Home » Oceania » Australia » 9 AWESOME Yacht Charters in Australia

9 AWESOME Yacht Charters in Australia

Chartering a yacht in Australia is a great way to see what’s up, down under. Australia is a HUGE country, surrounded by a whole lotta ocean full of incredible sea life that are indigenous to Australia.

As home to some of the best beaches and coral reefs in the world, there is 34,000 km of pristine coastline to explore. No doubt any trip to Australia would be incomplete without heading out on the water and exploring its vast ocean landscape.

But exploring the reefs and tropics is not all you can do on the water in Australia. If you’re looking for a gentle river cruise, you can find that. If you fancy an intimate party on a yacht on Sydney Harbour, well, that’s fine! Or if you’re heading up north in Queensland, Australia for some tropical rays, well go get your sunhat ready!

For a PERFECT holiday on the water, there is no better way to enjoy an all-inclusive experience than to charter a yacht in Australia.

If you’re making the trip to this part of the world, it’s not time to half-ass it. Round up your mates and get on that yacht, people! Let us explain to you how to do just that.

yachting in australia

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Top 3 Yacht Charters in Australia

How to charter a yacht in australia, why charter a yacht in australia, best yacht charters in australia,  queensland (brisbane and the gold coast), western australia, things to do on a yacht charter in australia , final thoughts.

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Bavaria 44 Yacht

Bavaria 44’ Yacht

  • > 12 guests
  • > Captained
  • > Budget friendly option

Rivera 57 Yacht

Rivera 57’ Yacht

  • > 30 passengers
  • > Versatile and luxurious

Moody 54 Deck Saloon

Moody 54’ Deck Saloon

  • > 12 passengers
  • > Family friendly

Sydney opera city Australia

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Okay, Broke Backpackers, you’ve convinced me. I’m interested in setting sail on a yacht in Australia. Umm, wait a minute, how do I do that?

We get it, we don’t have a luxury yacht lying around either. 

Lucky for you, we’ve got some contacts. 

Allow us to introduce you to Sailo. 

Sailo is an online platform where you can rent and charter boats of all kinds. It’s been around since 2014 and has been making waves in the boat rental scene ever since. 

On Sailo, boat owners can list their own boats for you to rent, either with a captain or bareboat (no captain, just you and your crew). All you do is search for your destination of choice, browse through the available boats and contact the owner if you’re interested! And that’s it! It’s like Airbnb for boats.

You can use filters to narrow the options to the smallest, most budget-friendly options for backpackers or to find the most luxurious party yacht. It’s all there, waiting for you to find it. You can also check out previous customers reviews to make sure the boat your hiring isn’t dodgy.


Umm, did we not mention the world’s largest barrier reef, thriving indigenous sea life, and tropical waters that make the Caribbean look like Putney (no offense, Putney)? Well, allow us to convince you further.

Chartering a yacht is a great way to celebrate something special. Maybe you’ve got a milestone birthday or an anniversary coming up, or maybe you’re just planning the trip of a lifetime after a hard year. Don’t wait for an excuse to live your best life. A yacht charter in Australia, or anywhere in the world for that matter, is an epic, all-inclusive way to make the most of a day on the ocean. 

To charter means your hire comes with a captain and crew (and maybe some other fancy features). All the tough work will be done by the crew, so your job, dear friend, is to sit back and enjoy yourself with your nearest and dearest.

If you’re more a hands-on kind of traveller, there are many bareboat options if you’d like to give sailing a go yourself. This means you and your mates are the captain and crew and you do all the organising and navigating yourself. But hold on friends, before you jump aboard a bareboat, remember that you must have a boating license for any boat with an engine over 4.5kw.

While there are bareboat options across Australia, we will be looking at the best yacht charters in the country.

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We got you. For reals.

We’ve mentioned already that Australia is not small. It’s also not the cheapest destination to travel to, especially on a yacht. We’re not fools and we know that everyone has different budgets to work with and travel styles to consider.

So, we’ve narrowed down three areas around the country that are great for a yacht charter in Australia, keeping budget and travel preference in mind so there’s something for everyone on our list. 

Here’s our list of the nine best yacht charters and tours in Sydney, Queensland and Western Australia. 

Sydney Harbour and the coast around the New South Wales capital is a dream for yachting enthusiasts. The harbour is filled with gorgeous, peaceful alcoves and iconic city skylines. It’s definitely one of the best places to visit in Sydney .

And of course, the best place to view those skylines is from your own private yacht in Sydney! Let us show you our favourites.

Best Yacht Charter for Families in Sydney – Moody 54’ Deck Saloon

Moody 54 Deck Saloon

  • 12 passengers
  • Sleeping options available

This Moody 54 foot Deck Saloon is great for a sailing trip if you and your family are in favour of something a bit adventurous. Known as Calypso, she’s crossed the Mediterranean and Atlantic ocean a few times and is no stranger to the waters off the coast of Sydney. You won’t miss out on little luxuries aboard either.

Each of the three guest cabins has access to a bathroom and shower and is fully air-conditioned. If you do opt for an overnight yacht charter, you can comfortably sleep 10 on board. 

Maybe something a little more low-key is what you had in mind for your Sydney yacht charter? You better believe it, she can do that too. You’ll love cruising around the harbour on this boat. There’s a big swim platform for dipping in and out of the water, and panoramic views of the water from each of the comfortable lounge areas.

There are also a bunch of safety features on board that offers peace of mind and comfort for everyone, including little ones. Think excellent sun protection and safety rails around the edges. These things are important on a yacht, it can take a while for some people to find their sea-legs!

Over-the-Top Luxurious Yacht Charter in Sydney – Rivera 57’ Yacht

Rivera 57 Yacht

  • 30 passengers
  • Versatile and luxurious

This Rivera 57 foot yacht is not just nice, it’s also super versatile. Whatever adventure you want to create on Sydney Harbour, you can do it on this boat in absolute style. 

Are you keen on a leisurely day beach hopping and enjoying cheese platters and champagne? This is your boat. A luxurious set-up like this would be the ideal yacht charter in Sydney to watch the iconic New Year’s Eve fireworks on the harbour. It’s also perfectly suited to a deep-sea fishing trip. She can do it all, this one. 

The motor yacht has plenty of space to spread out that is suited to all kinds of activities. There are padded sunbeds on the bow of the boat and inside has a living space with open windows to make the most of the waterfront views. For overnight stays, the master suite rivals some pretty swish hotel setups. 

Of course, a luxurious yacht charter in Sydney doesn’t come cheap, but up to 30 passengers can enjoy the vibes of yacht life in Sydney harbour on this beauty, and that’s bound to be an experience you remember. 

Best Boat Tour in Sydney – Sydney Whale-Watching Cruise

Sydney Whale Watching Cruise

  • Up to 15 passengers
  • Tour guide included

Everyone knows about the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. But did you know that Humpback and Southern Right Whales migrate along the coast near Sydney between May and November each year? It’s a special experience and this is one of the best boat tours in Sydney to see them from!

This boat cruise takes you out past the head of Sydney Harbour and into the Pacific Ocean in search of these majestic animals. You may even spot some dolphins too! You’ll learn a bunch about Australian marine life from your naturalist guide and a whole lotta info about the biodiversity of the area. 

A BBQ lunch or breakfast is included in your experience while you’re in the calm waters of the harbour, and of course, you’ll get epic views of the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House. 

There’s always a chance that luck won’t be on your side when you do nature-based tourism. These folk are so confident you’ll see what you came for, they offer guaranteed whale sightings or they will take you out again until you do. They sound like pretty good odds to me!

yachting in australia

Wanna know how to pack like a pro? Well for a start you need the right gear….

These are packing cubes for the globetrotters and compression sacks for the  real adventurers – these babies are a traveller’s best kept secret. They organise yo’ packing and minimise volume too so you can pack MORE.

Or, y’know… you can stick to just chucking it all in your backpack…

The Sunshine State of Queensland is Australia’s most tropical area. The warm waters and riverways around Brisbane and the Gold Coast cities are hot spots for yacht charters in Australia and all kinds of water-based fun. As anyone backpacking the East coast will tell you, the waters around here are out of this world!

So let’s look at some of the best yacht charters in Queensland, then!

Epic Party Yacht Charter in Queensland – Lagoon Catamaran

Lagoon Catamaran

  • 28 passengers
  • Sweet party boat

All aboard the Lagoon Catamaran, the best party boat for charter in Brisbane. Catamarans are always a good choice for boozy days out on the water. Not only do they look damn good, but their split hull means they stay extra stable even when you’re a bit wobbly yourself. 

This 40-foot Catamaran is the best choice for you to throw a sweet party with up to 28 of your besties. If you don’t have an occasion to celebrate, make one up. The warm weather in Queensland’s capital city lends itself to a day on the water, enjoying cold beverages and dips in the refreshing water. 

You can choose between a day on the ocean or on the Brisbane River. How you spend the rest of the day is totally up to you. Blast your fave party tunes and party all day. Just make sure you’ve got the drinks in an esky and you’re wearing your SPF 50+ sunscreen. 

Best All-Inclusive Yacht Charter in Queensland – Voyager Catamaran

Voyager Catamaran

  • 25 passengers
  • Standup and kayaks included

If you’re gonna charter a yacht in Australia, you might as well hire one that has a bunch of fabulous extras. This stunning 40-foot Voyager Catamaran is available for adventures on the beautiful Gold Coast. 

When we said all-inclusive, we weren’t kidding. This baby has everything you could possibly need on board, there’s no way you’re going to miss the comforts of land. There’s space to comfortably sleep eight people. It has a fully functional kitchen with stove, oven and BBQ. There’s even a solid Wi-Fi connection, so you’ll be able to update your Insta stories and let your fans know what you’re up to. 

The back deck and the flybridge are the perfect spots to lounge around and enjoy the sun in the sunshine state. The best bit? There’s even standup paddleboards and kayaks included in the charter so you can play on the water. 

The crew are experts who are used to catering for all kinds of special occasions. If you need language assistance, they can even arrange Chinese, Japanese and Spanish language interpreters. 

The experience is not exactly budget-friendly, but it’s bound to be a day you won’t forget. 

The Most Affordable Yacht Charter in Brisbane – Bavaria 44’ Yacht

Bavaria 44 Yacht

Australia isn’t exactly known as a budget destination and yachting is up there as a more elite sport. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t options that won’t break the bank.

This gorgeous 44 foot Bavaria is an excellent budget yacht charter in Brisbane for you and up to 12 mates. This means you can split the cost between a fair few of you and make it all the more affordable. The more the merrier, right? If you’d rather have an overnight adventure, the yacht comfortably sleeps eight in the cabin. 

The yacht has everything you need for a delightful day on the water, including speakers, BBQ, air conditioning and plenty of deck space to chill. Of course, the natural beauty around Brisbane takes the experience to the next level. 

She’s the most affordable yacht charter in Brisbane, but she’s also damn charming. 

Ask anyone who’s from here. West Coast = best coast. With turquoise water and an endless stretch of sandy coastlines, the state is full of top destinations to charter a yacht. 

The Biggest Yacht Charter in Australia – Eco Albrolhos  

Eco Albrolhos

  • 130 passengers
  • SUPs and inflatables for hire

This isn’t just any big boat charter. It’s damn huge! This is an awesome yacht charter in Australia if you’ve got a big occasion to celebrate or a chunk of cash to burn.

At 114 feet, the Eco Abrolhos is basically a floating city! She’s been kitted out with modern interiors, so you can be guaranteed to cruise in style. There’s a lot to love about this giant motor yacht. 

There are four levels and a bunch of comfy spaces to spread out indoors and in the sunshine. For playtime, there are standup paddleboards, kayaks and inflatables for hire, which obviously level up any experience. She’s got a full indoor jungle-themed bar that puts any hipster establishment to shame. If you’re planning a heck of an adventure, she can even go up to 200 miles offshore. 

For daytime adventures, there’s a capacity of 140 passengers. If you want an overnight stay, there is space for 32 passengers to sleep in twin-share cabins with private ensuites. 

Best Yacht Charter for Sightseeing in Australia – 56’ Custom Yacht

56 Custom Yacht

  • Flexible rental times

There’s many unmissable things to do around Perth and Margaret River on a boat. If you’re planning to do some sightseeing, check out this option!

You charter the boat by the hour, which gives you the flexibility to plan your ideal day of sightseeing on the waters. She’s a 56-foot motorboat that was custom built for whale watching. If you visit between April and August, this is the perfect yacht charter in Australia to do some whale watching. There are lots of other itineraries you can check out too. 

A boat charter to Rottnest Island will get you up close and personal with Australia’s cutest and most photogenic marsupial, the Quokka. You can’t visit this part of the world without a Quokka selfie after all! 

It’s also a great charter for events and parties, as there’s space for up to 38 passengers to come along. Your job is to decide where you wanna go, and this yacht charter will make it happen. 

Best Boat Tour in Perth – Perth River Cruise and Vineyard Experience

Perth River Cruise and Vineyard Experience

  • 10 passengers
  • All inclusive package

We’ve mostly focused on boat and yacht charters in the ocean, but for this recommendation, we suggest you venture inland to the Swan River on a boat cruise. This is an awesome boat tour in Perth if you want to get out on a boat, but are more interested in the activities than the vessel. 

The tour is an all-inclusive day-long adventure to the wineries near Perth. You’ll cruise along the Swan River with a knowledgeable guide while stopping at the most excellent wineries in the region. You don’t just get to experience the divine scenery, you’ll also fill your bellies with the best wine and boutique beers in the area. It’s pretty great value too, considering you get wine tastings, meals, activities, a guide, and your transport all included in the price.

Boat waterfront skyline Australia

  • Go swimming – The beaches down under are the most stunning and pristine in the world. Get your gear off and take a dip! Just make sure to check with your captain whether it’s safe to swim off the yacht first.
  • Get boozy – When you charter a yacht in Australia, or anywhere else for that matter, you don’t need to worry about who will be the designated driver (or “the desso” as the Aussies say). Whether your day on the water is a rowdy one or a chance to unwind, enjoy the opportunity to have a couple of cold ones on deck and take in the fresh sea air. 
  • Snorkelling – Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is world-renowned as one of the most spectacular destinations to explore what is under the surface of our ocean. It’s definitely not the only spot with incredible marine life to explore. Bring a snorkel along and marvel at the biodiversity of these parts. 
  • Jetski – Sure, cruising on a yacht is a lot of fun, but zooming around on a Jetski takes the fun to another level. Some of the more luxurious yacht charters in Australia include a jetski as a part of the charter package. If yours doesn’t, chat with your captain while you organise your trip, they may have some contacts to organise one for you. 
  • Watersports – Ever tried wakeboarding, kneeboarding, waterskiing or tubing? Watersports are up there as the most fun things you can do on a boat. If your vessel of choice has a strong motor, you might be able to do it on your yacht charter. 
  • Enjoy the sun – Catch some vitamin D while you’re out on the water. Be sure to protect your skin, we aren’t kidding when we say the sun is strong in Australia. Aussies take their skincare seriously, be sure to wear a hat, sunnies and SPF 50+. Opt for reef-safe sunscreen if you can, if we’re gonna keep enjoying our oceans, we have to protect them!
  • Whale watching – Many kinds of whales, including southern right, dwarf minke, humpback and orcas, make their annual migration along Australia’s coasts during the cooler months. This phenomenon happens on the East, West and Southern coasts of the country roughly between May-November. If your visit lines up with this time, don’t miss the chance to see these magnificent beasts and their young. 
  • Watch the sunset . There’s nothing quite like watching the sunset from your own private yacht charter. No matter where you charter a yacht in Australia, you’re in for a show. 

You came for the top yacht charters in Australia, and these are our top picks for Sydney, Brisbane, the Goldcoast and Western Australia.

Australia is big – and there are plenty of other epic locations around the giant island where you can hire and charter a yacht. 

If you didn’t find what you need here, you can head to Sailo and search specific destinations around the country and browse until you find the perfect vessel to suit you and your adventure. If somewhere else in the world is calling your name, you’ll find boats on Sailo all over our pretty planet.

Maybe a DIY Sailing trip is more up your alley than a yacht charter, and if so, be sure to check out the bareboat yacht rentals available, too. Renting rather than chartering tends to be a whole lot cheaper, and we know you folk like to save cash where you can. If it’s your first time renting a bareboat, check out our guide on life on a boat to learn more about what to expect.

In the meantime, we will be planning our yachting adventure in ‘Straya. 

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Trip duration, multiple days (less than 1 week), weekly trip show boats that have weekly prices. most weekly boats outside of the us are available only saturday to saturday., boat length: 5ft -, manufacturer, boat build year: -, weekly trip, price: $ - $, 69 boat rentals in australia.

Sail aboard Jeanneau 44 and Enjoy the winds of  Whitsundays

In addition to the best offers we have for boat and yacht charters in Australia, see also options available for rent in these nearby locations:

  • 33 boat rentals in Airlie Beach - Cannonvale, Australia
  • 33 boat rentals in Woodwark, Australia
  • 33 boat rentals in Proserpine, Australia
  • 33 boat rentals in Cannonvale, Australia
  • 33 boat rentals in Whitsundays, Australia
  • 33 boat rentals in Shute Harbour, Australia
  • 33 boat rentals in Airlie, Airlie Beach, Australia
  • 33 boat rentals in Airlie Beach, Australia
  • 33 boat rentals in Hamilton Island, Whitsundays, Australia
  • 32 boat rentals in Bowen, Australia

Yacht Charter Australia — Try Sailo's Luxury Yacht Hire in Australia!

Australia luxury yacht charters.

The sheer size and vast expanse of coastline that Australia has to offer makes it perfect for a luxury yacht charter vacation. Renowned for its abundance of watersports opportunities, from action-packed jet skiing and water skiing to scuba diving in the vast underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef, it is one of the most comprehensive and exciting cruising destinations in the world. 

Australia Luxury Yacht Charter Guide

There are a number of different charter itinerary options available for an Australia luxury yacht charter which could include a variety of spectacular locations such as the idyllic Whitsunday Islands, the rugged island of Tasmania and the architectural and cosmopolitan highlights of Sydney. Step ashore and charter guests can explore vast wine lands, fascinating cities and a diverse mixture of native and modern cultures.

Yacht Charters in Australia

A fantastic all-round luxury yacht charter destination, different areas in Australia are best for different months of the year. For example, the Great Barrier Reef boasts ideal y sailing conditions between April and November before the ‘wet season’ kicks in from December to March. Both the Kimberley and Queensland coastlines are a perfect choice between the months of November to late October while Sydney’s dry season runs from November to January.

Renting a Private Charter Yacht in Australia

There are an abundance of beautiful luxury yachts that head to the cruising grounds of Australia every year that offer something for everyone. An Australia private yacht vacation can be perfect for a Christmas and New Year charter where you can enjoy some winter sun while enjoying festivities such as the fireworks over Sydney Harbor Bridge.

For more information about renting a private luxury charter yacht in Australia please contact your preferred Yacht Charter Broker, they can help you plan your perfect yachting vacation itinerary, combining your party's needs with recommendations about the best time to visit each area.

From arid outback to the biggest natural harbour in the world, Australia is a country of diversity. Yacht charter in Australia could take you to the shining metropolis of Sydney with its world-famous beaches, a private island surrounded by the incredible Great Barrier Reef, or diving with pelagic creatures off the wild and rugged coasts of Western Australia. Yacht charter is undoubtedly the best way to experience what this incredible country has to offer – in the Great Barrier Reef alone you’ll find thousands of reefs, over 900 islands and endless anchorages. Whether you are seeking a tranquil escape to secluded islands in tropical waters, fine wine and dining in unspoiled coastal towns or a week sailing alongside the finest yachtsmen at a Sydney regatta, Sailo can design the perfect luxury yacht hire itinerary for you.

When & how to charter yachts Australia for a great sailing cruise?

Best Time To Visit : Whitsundays and the Great Barrier Reef are best visited in winter (April – November), Queensland and Sydney are best from November to late January.

Key Cruising Areas : The east coast offers many itinerary options - see beautiful beaches and iconic Australian landmarks in Sydney, or head north to the Great Barrier Reef. On the wild west coast see incredible wrecks, rare species such as dugongs and whale sharks, and excellent wine regions.

Don’t Miss : Take a charter from Cairns to see why the Great Barrier reef is one of the seven wonders of the world. With a private Great Barrier charter you can escape the commercial dive areas and explore the quieter ribbon reefs and private island resorts. Dive and snorkel amongst a kaleidoscope of marine life, partake in some game fishing, and enjoy BBQ dinners under an incredible night sky from the deck of your yacht.

Best Spots for Wining and Dining : The gorgeous area of Margaret River is famous for its boutique wine producers. Here you can hop from vineyard to beach to ancient forest, and be back in town in time to dine at one of the many award winning restaurants. Try the marron at Cape Lodge, paired with a glass of local chardonnay.

Best Local Dish : “When you see the sea, eat fish”. In the heart of the barrier reef on Lizard Island, heed this advice and dine at the exclusive Salt Water Restaurant. Enjoy local produce with incredible views of blazing sunsets.

Local Culture : Visit the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park to see the world’s most concentrated area of significant Aboriginal Heritage sites, complete with a traditional lunch of emu and kangaroo! Sail to an exclusive anchorage within the park to swim, fish or hike to spectacular waterfalls.

Best Beach : Set in incredible lazuline waters and surrounded by coral reef, the powder-soft white sands of Whitehaven beach are hard to beat. Stretching over 7km, even in peak season you can still feel like you’ve found a private paradise.

Sailo recommends : The fireworks of Sydney are second to none. Venture Down Under in December to watch the harbour light up under a myriad of colours, from the comfort of your superyacht, for an unforgettable New Year’s Eve.

Destinations where you can charter yachts in Australia from Sailo:


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Yachting qualifications essentials

Marine Order 74 (Master and deck officers – yachts) 2015 came into force on 1 January 2016. This marine order allows us to issue certificates of competency for service on yachts.

Under  Marine Order 74 (Master and deck officers – yachts) 2015   we can issue four new certificates of competency:

  • Watchkeeper deck less than 3000 GT (yachts)
  • Chief mate less than 3000 GT (yachts)
  • Master less than 500 GT (yachts)
  • Master less than 3000 GT (yachts)

The marine order defines yacht as a vessel that:

  • is less than 3000 GT
  • is for commercial use for sport or pleasure
  • does not carry cargo
  • does not carry more than 12 passengers.

A yacht does not need to be designed to carry sail and may be a training vessel, sail training vessel or a short range yacht. The full definition provides additional information on training vessels, sail training vessels, sailing vessels and short range yacht. Marine Order 74 should be consulted if further clarification is needed.

See the flow chart in Appendix 1—Pathway diagrams .

Certificates of Recognition

Marine Order 70 – Seafarer Certification (2014) allows us to issue certificates of recognition to holders of an equivalent certificate of competency issued by a national marine administration that we have a formal agreement with. Read more about options available to holders of primary certificates issued by foreign countries .

A Certificate of recognition for an equivalent yacht will only be valid for service on Australian registered vessels that meet the definition of yacht contained in Marine Order 74.

For issue of a certificate of recognition the applicant must demonstrate that they meet the same sea service requirements for issue of an equivalent AMSA certificate of competency.

Sea service

Sea service must be valid and appropriate, and meet the requirements of schedule 3 in Marine Order 74.

We do not accept evidence of sea service based on discharge certificates or letters originating from vessels without supporting letters from employers or owners confirming the sea service.

We consider sea service (work experience) very important and part of the training program for issue of a seafarer qualification or license. Service on vessels that spend considerable time in port will not be accepted.

We spend considerable time confirming and validating sea service and must be satisfied the service claimed, meets the requirements in schedule 3 of Marine Order 74.

Our training requirements

We believe your career progression is very important. If you have already undertaken training, this should be recognised. All units of competency for the approved course of study for a yacht certificate of competency come from the AMSA approved diploma course (see Appendix 1—Pathway diagrams ).

If you want to gain a certificate of competency for yachts issued in compliance with Marine Order 74, you have the opportunity to complete the diploma course in two or more blocks of study.

Holders of a certificate of competency—yachts issued by a national administration we recognise, who wish to obtain an AMSA certificate of competency, will need to complete the full diploma course. Any prior learning granted by an AMSA approved training provider will be recognised.

Service on sailing vessels

We issue two sailing vessel endorsements one valid for sailing vessels—fore and aft and the other for sailing vessels—square rigged (see schedule 2 of Marine Order 70).

Holders of any AMSA certificate of competency or certificate of recognition for Master cannot sail as a:

  • Master on a sailing vessel unless they hold a current sailing vessel endorsement .
  • Officer in charge of a navigation watch on a sailing vessel unless they have completed training required by the vessel’s safety management policies and procedures and have been considered competent by the Master.

Final assessment

For issue of an AMSA certificate of competency (yacht) or AMSA certificate of recognition applicants will need to undertake an oral examination .

Comparison between Marine Order 71 and Marine Order 74

Holders of an AMSA certificate of competency that were issued under Marine Order 71 meet the following requirements for issue of a Marine Order 74 certificate as listed in the table:

Deck watchkeeper less than 500GTMeet sea service requirements and undertake separate orals examinationDeck watchkeeper less than 3000GT (Yachts) or chief mate less than 3000GT (Yachts)
Mate less than 500GTMeet sea service requirements and undertake separate orals examinationDeck watchkeeper less than 3000GT (Yachts) or chief mate less than 3000GT (Yachts)
Deck watchkeeperMeet sea service requirements and undertake separate orals examinationDeck watchkeeper less than 3000GT (Yachts) or Chief mate less than 3000GT (Yachts)
Chief mate less than 3000GT

Meet sea service requirements and undertake separate orals examination

Hold ECDIS certificate

Master less than 3000GT (Yachts)
Master less than 500GT

Meet sea service requirements and undertake separate orals examination

Hold ECDIS certificate

Master less than 3000GT (Yachts)
  • Surveyor of domestic vessels
  • Vessel owner and operator
  • Commercial fisher
  • Domestic seafarer or crew
  • International crew
  • Coastal pilot
  • Not you? See more ...


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    2025 Australian Yachting Championships - Entries Open Entries are now open for the 2025 Australian Yachting Championships. The event will take place from January 3rd to January 5th 2025, hosted by the Derwent Sailing Squadron.

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    Sailing in Australia's West Coast: What to be Aware of. Western Australia is bordered on the east by South Australia and the Northern Territory, and on the west and north by the Indian Ocean. The southwest coastline region has a mild climate. The state's middle four-fifths are semi-arid or desert. Annual rainfall ranges from 200 to 250 ...

  4. Australian Sailing

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  6. Sailing in Australia

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  8. Sailing in Australia: Top 7 Destinations for Yacht Holidays

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  9. Home

    Australian Sailing is the national body for the sport of sailing in Australia, from grassroots sailing through to high performance (Olympic) sailing.

  10. Mysailing

    Australian and World Sailing News with views and reviews about sail and sailing, cruising yachts, yacht and dinghy racing, boats and gear, plus the latest on yachting regattas, offshore racing and boating destinations. Daily news coverage including Olympic Sailing, America's Cup, Sydney Hobart, The Ocean Race and more.

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    Motor Yacht Charter in Australia. "Blooms" is a 27m (89ft) long Motor Yacht with 3 cabins and enough space for 12 guests during day charters. The Yacht was built in 2011 (last refit in 2020) by Leopard and can reach a top speed of 38 knots. You can rent Blooms with a crew for $5,844 per day and enjoy a Yachting holiday with your family and friends.

  12. Australia Luxury Yachting Guide

    A collection of the finest lodges and camps around Australia, Luxury Lodges offers over 250 individual experiences and activities that connect guests to Australia's most breath-taking locations, unlocking their curiosity and adventure-seeking spirit. The standards of comfort and service in Australia's high-end heritage sites are parallel to ...

  13. Charter a yacht in Australia

    Sunshine Coast. The Sunshine Coast is a stunning sailing region in Queensland, Australia, stretching 65 kilometers of pristine coastline. With its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and a range of outdoor activities, it's no surprise that this region is a popular destination for an Odyssea yacht charter.

  14. Australia's Most Trusted Yacht Charter

    Built from a family heritage and founded by Cooper Chapman, Chapman Yachting is Australia's leading, full-service, in-house yachting company. Discover over 50 years of Australian yachting experience from the wider Chapman network and services that cover all aspects of the industry, including Yacht Management and Service, Yacht Sales, Yacht ...

  15. Guide to Australia

    Australia's vast open plains of arid desert contrast with lush forests and snow-cloaked mountains whilst its crowning glory, the magnificent Great Barrier Reef creates the perfect concoction for a hedonistic and unforgettable vacation. With over 50,000 km of coastline linked by more than 10,000 beaches boasting world-class marinas and ports ...

  16. Luxury Yacht & Boat Charter in Sydney

    Built from a family heritage and founded by Cooper Chapman, Chapman Yachting is Australia's leading, full-service, in-house yachting company. Discover over 50 years of Australian yachting experience from the wider Chapman network and services that cover all aspects of the industry, including Yacht Management and Service, Yacht Sales, Yacht ...

  17. Your Guide To Becoming a Yachtie

    A yachtie generally falls under one or two of the four departments that make up the staff (crew) that run the multimillion dollar boats for the super-rich and famous. These four departments are Deck, Interior, Galley, and Engineering which require completely different skills, experience and qualifications but, in the end, they work as a team to ...

  18. Boat & Catamaran charter in Australia

    Discover the ultimate boat and catamaran charter experience in Australia with our premium yacht rental services. Sail along the stunning Australian coastline, explore secluded beaches, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the land Down Under. Whether you're seeking a thrilling adventure or a relaxing getaway, our yacht rentals provide the perfect platform for creating unforgettable memories.

  19. 9 AWESOME Yacht Charters in Australia

    This is an awesome yacht charter in Australia if you've got a big occasion to celebrate or a chunk of cash to burn. At 114 feet, the Eco Abrolhos is basically a floating city! She's been kitted out with modern interiors, so you can be guaranteed to cruise in style. There's a lot to love about this giant motor yacht.

  20. Yachts & Boats for Sale Australia, New Zealand, Worldwide

    Yachts and Boats, New and Used, for Sale in Australia. Boat Shares and Yacht Charter. Yacht brokers. Catamarans, trimarans, power boats, sailing boats, monohulls, mulithulls, trailer sailers, cruisers in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, West Australia, Northern Territory, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory. Yacht Hub for Boats and Yachts for Sale.

  21. Yacht Charter Australia

    Yacht Charters in Australia. A fantastic all-round luxury yacht charter destination, different areas in Australia are best for different months of the year. For example, the Great Barrier Reef boasts ideal y sailing conditions between April and November before the 'wet season' kicks in from December to March.

  22. Australia yacht charter

    The Gold Coast yacht charter. Your superyacht charter in Australia might begin on the Gold Coast in Queensland, where you may like to dock your yacht at the famous Versace Hotel and Marina. The Gold Coast, near Brisbane, offers glitzy clubs, fashion boutiques, and theme parks galore. Moving north, the boutique resort town of Noosa Heads never ...

  23. Yachting qualifications essentials

    A yacht does not need to be designed to carry sail and may be a training vessel, sail training vessel or a short range yacht. The full definition provides additional information on training vessels, sail training vessels, sailing vessels and short range yacht. Marine Order 74 should be consulted if further clarification is needed.

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    Credit: South Australia Tourism If you're a fan of P&O, then this is a last opportunity to enjoy a cruise before the company is absorbed into Carnival Cruise Line in March 2025.