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13-04-2008, 01:18  
for microcruising, The Souriceau 4.75m.
She is an epoxy-plywood unit, for home builders.

You can discover her on this link:

The aim of the is to sail just above plexiglas bubbles in a little .

Good visit, Eric

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CaptainK General Sailing Forum 14 05-07-2008 22:50
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souriceau sailboat

Small Craft Advisor

souriceau sailboat

New Design: DIVINITE 4 3/4

A seaworthy offshore scow you can build yourself.

Details from Eric Henseval Architecte Naval

You might know Souriceau (“little mouse” in French) my 4.75m (15’6”) design from 2008 that Jean-Claude Montesinos used to cross the Atlantic Ocean successfully in 2012.

Let's jump into a new boat in 2023: the DIVINITE 4 ¾ . She is a sort of Souris-scow. With 4.75 meters length, equal to 4 meters and ¾ meter.

Yes, DIVINITE 4 ¾ is a little scow: not only to follow the fashion of the popular new 6.50m mini-transat scows, but to adapt the concept to a new powered 4 ¾ sailing boat.

souriceau sailboat

She was first ordered by a French international artist and explorer, Abraham Poincheval —well-known for his art and fantastic feats—like living inside of a rock or “walking” through the clouds.

He called and asked me to design a boat for his transatlantic route, which will be another artistic experience with the water element. He plans to write a singular story to be shown in several international museums along with the 1st DIVINITE 4 ¾.

DIVINITE 4 ¾ is especially suited for solo and double sailing, with much more comfort inside than Souriceau. You’ll find a real big, wide double berth forward, a big galley table and an incredible volume of open space. The short, strong keel trunk case stops at the berth level, and there is with a very small cockpit space to steer and live outside. Thus the inside volume is runs the full length of the boat!

(A second version with longer cockpit as well, as on Souriceau, has been designed for those who want more seat surface outside, while keeping the forward double berth.)

souriceau sailboat

All the sail trimming can be done from the watertight companionway-hatch. A second tiller is easily mounted inside to steer in security below the plexiglass bubbles.

Headroom is 1.20m (4’) height and much more under bubbles. With the bubbles you see the deck and sea over 360 degrees.

The boat is designed to be built by home-builders or professional yards. Divinité 4 ¾ can be sailed either in coastal, sheltered waters, or blue water in the trades. Just like a Mini 6.50, this boat has been designed for high seas and to be a very seaworthy little boat. She is also equipped with flotation foam.

With a simple vertical sliding keel she is beachable, and also trailerable behind a common car.

Comparing to the Aviateur 5.70m I designed in 2012, DIVINITE maintains the good initial stability and should have good power to carry sail, and be easier to handle than Souriceau. Her inside volume is approaching the Aviateur's volume with 1m less length!

For more information:

Order study plan from Duckworks:

Order plans from Duckworks.

Designer email: [email protected]


souriceau sailboat

Liked by Joshua Colvin

I suppose the mast has flotation in it which would probably prevent this from happening. But if it were dismasted, it may stubbornly stay inverted.

A possible remedy for this would be to let some sea water enter and have the crew put its weight on the low side (where all this sea water would be). That would probably do it.

This is assuming of course that the keel stays extended and the balb stays on the keel.

Ready for more?

souriceau sailboat

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  • DIVINITE 4 3/4
  • WOMBAT 298 dériveur solitaire
  • V448 dériveur voile aviron


  • Revue de presse Souriceau 4,75m
  • FLOUKA ET PELURENN 4,85m plate voile-moteur
  • KOUIGN AMANN 5,50m
  • AVIATEUR 5,70m
  • Prestations pour CORSAIRE (Pichavant)

Présentation Eric,  et vive les Divinité 38 Expé et  42!

souriceau sailboat

Voir presque tous les bateaux en 1 coup d'oeil !

souriceau sailboat

Constructeurs, commandez ici les Study plans  ( pour découvrir les 3 versions ) ou les Full plans avec fichiers de découpe numériques.

Versions possibles: 

-1- Standard rig / Retractable vertical keel

-2- Furling rig / Retractable vertical keel

-3- Furling rig / Bilge keel (biquille)

1 beau diaporama de Souriceau par le photographe Jean-Marie Liot :

souriceau sailboat

 un essai du Souriceau dans le numéro de mai 09 de Voile Magazine (dans sa rubrique 100 milles à bord).

merci à Bernard Rubinstein pour sa passion et son excellente compagnie.

souriceau sailboat

3 versions possibles

souriceau sailboat

       Voilà un bateau original dessiné spécialement pour une personnalité de la mer immergée de culture maritime, qui va retourner voir le Bleu.        Nous avons tous entendu parlé de "microcruising" ( ), ou l'art d'aimer la simplicité des petits bateaux néanmoins marins pour réaliser de grandes choses nautiques sur des petits ou grands parcours.        C'est la formule la plus économique et la plus pratique de naviguer. Souriceau est dessiné, ou pour le golfe du Morbihan, ou pour parcourir le Danube en toute autonomie, ou même pour rejoindre le groupe fermé des petits bateaux ayant franchis l'atlantique.

souriceau sailboat


par Eric Vibart de Voiles et Voiliers

  Il fait 4,75m de long , (environ la longueur flottaison d'un corsaire), et 2,20m de large ,  soit 30 cm de plus que le Corsaire que tout le monde connait. Avec son franc-bord important, il a une habilité à comparer réellement  à celle du Corsaire avec 2 vraie couchettes (2m de long et 650mm de hauteur mini au-dessus), un coin cuisine et une table à carte.

Voile Magazine janvier 2009

  Place donc à la construction amateur , "dans son garage", avec des fichiers de découpe du peu de pièces à assembler, de ce bateau simple et flush-deck.

souriceau sailboat


Longueur hors tout : 5.00 m

Longueur coque: 4.75m

Longueur flottaison : 4.75 m

Bau maxi : 2,20 m

Tirant d'eau maxi : 1,35 m

Tirant d'eau mini : 0.57 m



Cuisine et table à carte

Barres franches intérieure et extérieure

Déplacement en ordre de marche : 530 kg

Lest : 140kg

Surface de voilure maxi au près : 18 m2


CONSTRUCTION contreplaqué époxy

  Sur le pont , le cockpit est dévolu au beau temps avec des bancs munis de panneaux solaires. Sur un petit bateau, on se fait secouer et copieusement tremper.  A bord de Souriceau, on tente d'y remédier efficacement: Le poste de manoeuvre est essentiellement situé au niveau du trou d'homme de descente ("à la Jester") On y tient bien calé (au-dessus des reins) pour manoeuvrer sans lourds efforts d'équilibre. Avec une jupe de kayak, on se passerait même de pantalon de ciré. Côté performances , on a un bateau qui remonte au près comme un Corsaire, et qui se révèle plus stable de route au portant. Le bateau est échouable et bien-sûr transportable avec sa quille à bulbe rétractable et ses 2 safrans protégés par de solides ailerons. Il est aussi incoulable avec ses réserves de flottabilité.

souriceau sailboat

   A l'intérieur, on barre à l'abri des embruns , grâce à une petite barre franche intérieure située sous le plancher de cockpit, où 2 vérins de pilote peuvent travailler à l'abri des intempéries.

C'est vraiment un atout du bateau que l'on a grand plaisir a utiliser.    La visibilité est assurée par une bulle plexi placée sur chaque bord à travers lesquelles on a une vue imprenable sur 360°,assis sur une couchette et rehaussé d'un coussin, barre en main!

poste de barre interieure tribord avec son coussin

Les écoutes du solent autovireur et de la grand-voile sont retournées à portée de main du trou d'homme. Le trou d'homme ( ou panneau de descente) est abrité par une capote  à ouverture variable. Cette capote fournit l' aération de l'habitacle en navigation, en plus du panneau ouvrant vertical de la cloison avant de cockpit, toujours abrité des embruns par une petite casquette.

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Souriceau 4.75m , especially designed for microcruising

Guest eric henseval

By Guest eric henseval April 17, 2008 in Classifieds

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Guest eric henseval.

Dear everybody,

2 Souriceau set of plans have been ordered to be built this winter.

I will give news as soon as i will have some pictures.

So the plans of Souriceau are available, all is ready to build this

little plywood hull especially designed to sail far in security and

to be built in your garage.

You can have more details on my web site:

Eric Henseval Yacht design

2, quai Jacques de Th


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Boy does that design look French.  Looks like a Mini 6.5 except even smaller.  I bet she is fast off the wind.

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souriceau sailboat

They say every design is a compromise. But we ask: If you can ride the edge, point and surf down waves like a dinghy, enjoy the safety and stability of a keelboat, gunk-hole in waters only kayakers can reach, sleep two comfortably and eat on a table that’s big enough for a full-size paper chart, where’s the compromise ? RoG, 15FT OF 1-OF-A-KIND.

I had this design in the back of my mind for a long time:  An expedition micro that will accommodate 2 adults for a week-end or a single-hander for up to 5 days.  Ability to take on some weather and deliver solid performance while doing so.  For the crew: forgiving and predictable but fast & fun.  Launch time should be kept to a minimum.  As a RAID class boat, she must draw 8” or less, be rowing-friendly and launched from the beach unassisted; in other words, as small as possible.

The result is RoG(River of Grass), a 15ft  micro expedition cruiser

souriceau sailboat

 RoG completed the 2019 Everglades Challenge and took First-in-Class .  She also completed the 2018 and 2017 Challenges.

RoG was voted 2021 Trailerable sailboat of the year by Voile Magazine

A given was that this would be chinned hull, built of developable panels. I spent a lot of time comparing various iterations and there is no way around the fact that bringing down that chine close to the waterline increases stability significantly, hence the slab sides.  Ditto for the blunt nose; but it is a balancing act to achieve this while keeping the transom out of the water at all angles of heel and wetted surface to a minimum; as the latter is a strong indicator of light-air performance. So don’t be deceived by the boxy look, this is a powerful hull and can support a significant sail plan.

souriceau sailboat

If there is one topic on which sailors love to argue, it is sail plan.  Many aspects have to be juggled:  center of effort, center of gravity, aspect ratio, versatility and simplicity (both to maneuver and rig) are but a few.  I chose the cat ketch for a combination of these factors.  Carbon spars, which have come down in price in recent years, make this rig quite attractive, and a breeze to set up on the trailer.  150sq.ft. will bring the Sail Area-to-Displacement ratio to 24, somewhere between the Wayfarer and GIS, promising a fine ride to the thrill seeker.

Stability and weight are two overarching concepts of this design:  Together they strongly define safety and performance, but they are potentially conflicting so I took the approach of combining lead and water ballast.  A 100lb swing keel provides ultimate stability while 80lb of water in either of two wing tanks adds versatility.  The result is a range of positive stability in excess of 100° and the ability to accommodate various conditions:  In light-air or windless conditions, empty tanks will lighten the boat and reduce wetted surface.  For enhanced performance, the windward tank is filled, which will result in a significant increase in righting moment as well as ability to pound through chop.  Finally, beanbag sailing will benefit from filling both tanks (which in effect means 160lb of water ballast, bringing the overall ballast to a respectable 260lb): the boat will now behave like a 25footer.  Great for newbies, lazybones and exhausted raid-sailors.

Both the keel and rudder are high-aspect ratio foils that minimize wetted surface while providing performance to windward.  The rudder is balanced so will be light and responsive.

souriceau sailboat

Comfort & Convenience

The devil is in the details and a lot of time went into this part of the design.  There is sitting headroom in the cabin and a forward table can be lowered in two separate halves, to make bunks on either side. Two big self-bailing cubicles (and 4 cup holders!) in the cockpit, two watertight lazarettes and ABYC-compliant dedicated gas locker, for grill/outboard tanks adds comfort and safety.  Full-length oars are stowed under deck and out of the way, accessible via a small watertight transom hatch.  The companionway is a hybrid kayak-coaming/sailboat-companionway hatch:  It is large enough that one can reach the bow anchor and main mast while standing in the cabin, yet can be covered with stretch canvas or wood panels for spray/rain/sun protection in various configurations.  Completely open in fair weather the cabin is closer to a dodger than an oven.

The boat is ABYC unsinkable, thanks to the use of flotation foam.  She is designed to recover dry from any but the most catastrophic capsize.  Indeed downflood angle is 108°, so no bailing for a tired crew.  Centerboard and rudder systems are accessible and repairable underway, including keel-lift mechanism and rudder bolts.  Both appendages will kick up undamaged upon grounding.

souriceau sailboat


Beam: 5.75ft,1.74m

Draft board up: 6in,15cm

Draft board down: 46in,118cm

Displacement: 975lb,443kg

Light ship: 450lb,205kg

Sail area:150sq.ft.,14sq.m.

souriceau sailboat

Pointing ability: Fine sailplan balance and precise appendage shape allows RoG to point above 45° to the wind

souriceau sailboat

Materials and BOM

We strongly recommend the carbon spars, but the sails do not have to be full-battens, nor do they absolutely need 2 reef points so there can be some savings there.  The BOM as below is comprehensive, with lines led aft, all the way to the hiking sticks.  Beware comparing this to your barebones-run-of-the-mill equipment list on most new boats.

Download it HERE , current as of 3/26/2017

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G'day guys,

I took the liberty of sending some photos of "Okwata by Jem Watercraft"

I was privelidged to have been given the opportunity of building the prototype of this lovely design. As a genuine recreational/touring kayak with good capability for the odd venture in open water, I think she has few peers.

Will post more piccies as I get the chance to use this one more. regards, Mick

Tender Behind

Chuck and Sandra - I don't think I ever sent a good picture of my with the sails I got from you last fall (sails and plans from DW thankyou very much).  When I got the sails it was already late in the sailing season and I only had it out one time and there was no wind as you can see. BUT, they sure look good.

Still winter in TN although there are some nice days. The biggest factor I guess is that the lake waters are still quite cold. Another month or so and we'll try her out again. Meanwhile, I have started on the parts for my .

George Cunningham

Little Gem

Hi Chuck,

I thought I would share a few pictures of the skiff that my son, Ben, and I built. It is the "Little Gem" designed by Ken Swan.I named it the "Rachel LeAnne" after my daughter. It is 13'6' loa and has a beam of 54''.We built this over a 4 year period,as we had time and money.Easy boat to build but we decided to add a few personal touches to the design as we went.This of course added time and money,but made this a more enjoyable project for us.

We added the larger C shaped rear seat,the lattice style bow seat,the shaped transom,to name a few.Ken was very helpful whenever I contacted him and would highly recommend one of his designs as a first boat.

Thanks for listening, Andy Campbell Sutherlin, Oregon


I know you've seen allot of , but it's probably one of the best "One-Man, One-day, get out on the water" boats there is to build.

I've kept a brief blog on this build also, I may try to "throw it together" and send it to you when the painting is complete.

Glynn Sirmans


Dear Sir, As an "old" french student of Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology, I permit myself to write you to show you a new little boat: Souriceau 4,75m. She is sailing for 1 month! Here is the LINK you can discover her.

Best Regards, Eric Henseval Eric Henseval Yacht design rue de Bereven, hameau du Roz 29120 COMBRIT-SAINTE MARINE FRANCE tel: 0033 (0) mobile: 0033(0) email: [email protected] website:


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woven fiberglass fabric how much?

Discussion in ' Sailboats ' started by metin_mehel , Aug 25, 2011 .


metin_mehel mech.eng.

Hello guys, I have designed a small catamaran LOA 5.8m and beam is 2.8m. the construction technique is stitch and glue. I just cover the inside of chines by fiberglass tapes. Nothing on exteriour. I will coat the exteriour with just epoxy but I am not sure that I should cover with woven fiberglass fabric. The hull is made by 8mm. thick okume marin pw. How about the cost of woven fiberglass fabric? Do you ofer me cheap market? Thanks a lot. Metin  

Ilan Voyager

Ilan Voyager Senior Member

8mm plywood is too much but can work. On this size a 6mm is generally enough. That depends of the use of the boat. I counsel you to cover outside (and decks) with a 160-200 gr/m2 satin fiberglass to control the thickness of the epoxy (are you using epoxy?). That will last far longer as that gives a harder surface. If the cata is often beached a second layer on the keel zone is good practice. I have no idea of the prices of fabric in Turkey.  
Ilan, I applied westsystem epoxy filled through chines inside. But only one layer of fiber tape was laid on each fillet. Moreover the beam of one hull is 50cm and 580cm in length but there are only 3 bulkheads (8mm okume). There are no stringers. So I am thinking the design is little bit weak. I asked to Dudley Dix if he coat exteriour of his boats. About Didi 26 he said he only reinforces some places and he does not cover exteriour with fiber. In turkey 200gr/m2 fabric is about 7.2$ do you think it is expensive? Can you compare it in your country? Thanks  

Attached Files:

100_4841.jpg, 100_4867.jpg.

Metin-Mehen. A 580*50cm hull is largely enough with a 8mm okoume. I do not see the need for stringers. It's simpler when building to give the extra strength of the surface with a few meters of fiberglass cloth so the paint will last years. The keel is particularly exposed and a few extra layers made with all the chutes is a good feature. Only the fiber is abraded and fixing it becomes very easy. Also exterior fiber makes the boat very watertight with no checking or cracking of the joints. Fiberglassing pays by itself at the second year...  
At 7.2 US $ the meter (what width?) the price is fairly good. Look at for the prices in the States, it's not so far. In Mexico count for about 12 USD the lineal meter in 50 inches wide for a 4 oz of last quality... Fiberglassing adds durability at the outer coat, as it improves stability, hardness and resistance to abrasion. It's important for a beach boat which is handled from and to the trailer, is dragged on the beach, receives a lot of knocks. After one season without fiberglassing you'll have to fix all dings and scratches as okoume is very soft. The boat will look miserable and you'll spend money and a lot of time. That will cost far more than the initial fiberglassing. That improves also the durability of the boat.  


KnottyBuoyz Provocateur & Raconteur

Hello Metin I know a fellow countryman of yours who's built boats in Turkey. He may be able to help. He's asked that you contact him through Facebook or his cell phone 05326165886 Regards Rick  

Steve W

Steve W Senior Member

While i used to come down in the always glass it camp and i personally always do although my preference is for Dynel cloth i did major repairs on a very nicely built 25ft Searunner tri a couple of years ago that had only been epoxy coated apart from the chines and deck edge and at 28 yrs old with the original paint was holding up very well indeed, it had zero rot and only a small amount of checking ( it was built of 3 ply fir) which probably would not be present with almost any other plywood choice. The checking was almost all on the inside faces of the amas as it had spent winters on a trailer with the amas folded. So, while im sure i will continue to sheath, i am less convinced that it is essential. I agree with Ilan that 8mm is a bit too heavy for this size cat and since its too late to change i would probably just sheath the bottoms with a couple of layers of the fabric of your choice, my default choice is dynel, others prefer polypropylene, others glass, they all work, just some better than others for abrasion which is the main reason for doing the bottom on a boat that will be beached often. You will of course also glass tape all end grain ply such as deck edges and transom edges Steve.  

m3mm0s rib

m3mm0s rib Senior Member

Metin, I feel that launched crooked on the epoxy will not work as polyester and will have to clean the surface to be able to do anything that prices differ from country to country but if thou look here /  
Thank you very much for all your replies. I decided that I will only cover the wet surfaces from the closest chine. Here 1 m2 fabric with is 7$. I think at this weekend or next I can start painting. So can you advice me painting? What is the cheapest way?  
some photos... I am realy not sure that fillets can work . I will live and you will watch from tv...  


100_4859.jpg, untitled.jpg.

metin_mehel said: ↑ Thank you very much for all your replies. I decided that I will only cover the wet surfaces from the closest chine. Here 1 m2 fabric with is 7$. I think at this weekend or next I can start painting. So can you advice me painting? What is the cheapest way? Click to expand...


peterchech Senior Member

Cheapest way? Latex porch and floor paint. Down side is you may have to give a touch-up coat every year if you use the boat a lot.  
Surely in the States (but it looks awful with brush strokes). Not so sure in Turkey where this kind of paint is probably not common (building style is very different from the States, specially the north east)... Car acrylic paint is found everywhere, covers well, very easy to use with a good finish and good gloss. It lasts five years without any work nor touch up on a polyester panga in Mexico under a UV 12 sunlight and 3000 hours/year of sun with 85-100 degres F... It's my winner since 15 years.  
I bought acrylic car paint and its primer (Hope works with epoxy well). NowI will buy compressor. what about jelcoat? It is cheap. Why dont we use it?  
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Not need to buy a compressor for just a paint job. Surely someone can rent you one. Compressor for painting are small and very common, and it's a 2 days job if you prepare well before. Ordinary gelcoat is more destined for mold work. It doesn't work on epoxy, simply because the epoxy inhibits the hardening of the polyester gelcoat, and that becomes an ugly mess. Acrylic car paint works very well on epoxy. Do not worry. Prepare the epoxy surface with a last 320 sanding with water and soap. Rinse well with clear water. Let dry. Do not use any solvent for wiping the epoxy surface, it's the best way to have problems. If needed use only the paint's solvent. Spray the primer to get a good "one color" surface (generally pale grey or white-cream) and after, spray the paint as recommended. That goes very fast as the acrylic dries in minutes.  


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Hull Warping in 70's fiberglass Tailer Sailer, fixable?


Sailboat Fiberglass Mold Appraisal

Proper way to tab bulkheads on a fiberglass boat.


Plywood bulkhead - fiberglass hull joint without epoxy

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Boat Design Net

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  • Eric Henseval

Souriceau Study Plans

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Souriceau Study Plans

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  1. L'Atlantique en solo en Souriceau

    souriceau sailboat

  2. Souriceau 4.75m

    souriceau sailboat

  3. Après avoir défrayé la chronique nautique en présentant au Nautic le

    souriceau sailboat

  4. Paris-Nautic Voiliers: Souriceau

    souriceau sailboat

  5. SOURICEAU 4.75m, microcruising

    souriceau sailboat

  6. Bateau souriceau : fiche technique, photos, vidéos, essais et entretien

    souriceau sailboat


  1. Souriceau Full Plans

    Souriceau roughly translated means "very young Mouse". Eric Henseval has designed this singluar boat with microcruising in mind. Microcruising can be thought of as sailing in small, seaworthy boats with simplicity. Whether the route is short or long, these little boats always provide wonderful voyages in an economical and simple way.

  2. Plans & Kits

    Aviateur 5.7M Full Plans. $500.00. A real seaworthy little cruiser For Study Plans, click HERE She is the "big" brother of Souriceau. The boat is designed to be built by home-builders, or by a professional yard. Aviateur 5,70m can be sailed with your family during coastal navigations.She...

  3. Souriceau 15'6" Micro Mini Transat

    Re: Souriceau 15'6&quot; Micro Mini Transat I am building the boat in three sections because I am happy with the accuracy of the CNC parts - in a sense they are self jigging. Yes that is the plan, make all the components (done) then construct the midships section, then the stern. The reference lines are of course the 'centre line' and the ...

  4. Microcruising

    Microcruising - The New Souriceau 4.75m Welcome to discover a new boat for microcruising, The Souriceau 4.75m. She is an epoxy-plywood unit, for home builders.

  5. New Design: DIVINITE 4 3/4

    Details from Eric Henseval Architecte Naval. You might know Souriceau ("little mouse" in French) my 4.75m (15'6") design from 2008 that Jean-Claude Montesinos used to cross the Atlantic Ocean successfully in 2012.. Let's jump into a new boat in 2023: the DIVINITE 4 ¾.She is a sort of Souris-scow. With 4.75 meters length, equal to 4 meters and ¾ meter.

  6. SOURICEAU 4,75m

    Souriceau est dessiné, ou pour le golfe du Morbihan, ou pour parcourir le Danube en toute autonomie, ou même pour rejoindre le groupe fermé des petits bateaux ayant franchis l'atlantique. VIDEO DE PRESENTATION: par Eric Vibart de Voiles et Voiliers. Il fait 4,75m de long, (environ la longueur flottaison d'un corsaire), et 2,20m de large ...

  7. Souriceau 4.75m , especially designed for microcruising

    2 Souriceau set of plans have been ordered to be built this winter. I will give news as soon as i will have some pictures. So the plans of Souriceau are available, all is ready to build this. little plywood hull especially designed to sail far in security and. to be built in your garage. You can have more details on my web site:

  8. Aviateur 5.7M Full Plans

    The boat is designed to be built by home-builders, or by a professional yard. Aviateur 5,70m can be sailed with your family during coastal navigations. She has been designed for high seas as well as Minis 6.50m, to be a very seaworthy little boat. CHARACTERISTICS: Building material: 9mm thick. marine plywood, glass fiber and epoxy resin.

  9. Inseperable 398 a new micro cruiser from Eric Henseval

    Tweet. #1. Inseperable 398 a new micro cruiser from Eric Henseval. 01-18-2014, 03:58 AM. You may remember our thread on Eric's Souriceau 4.75m micro yacht. Well a new client wanted a similar boat but, as with SCAMP, below the local taxation rules which meant below 4m. So Eric has designed this new boat and the famous Riva yard has built her, so ...

  10. Souriceau : la micro-croisière hauturière

    Traverser l'Atlantique sur un voilier de série de 4,75 mètres ! C'est le défi que l'architecte du Souriceau Eric Henseval s'apprête à relever. Avec sa quille...

  11. Souriceau 15'6" Micro Mini Transat

    Today's Posts; Member List; Calendar; Forum; Designs / Plans; The WoodenBoat Forum is sponsored by WoodenBoat Publications, publisher of WoodenBoat magazine. The Forum is a free service, and much like the "free" content on Public Radio, we hope you will support WoodenBoat by subscribing to this fabulous magazine.

  12. Souriceau sailboat, any input?

    Souriceau sailboat, any input? Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Michail, Aug 27, 2011. Joined: Aug 2011 Posts: 61 ... Does anyone construct this boat or has any experience with it? Attached Files: image3.jpg File size: 41.4 KB Views: 6,301. Michail, Aug 27, 2011 #1. Joined: Oct 2002

  13. 15' Micro cruiser

    As a RAID class boat, she must draw 8" or less, be rowing-friendly and launched from the beach unassisted; in other words, as small as possible. The result is RoG(River of Grass), a 15ft micro expedition cruiser RoG completed the 2019 Everglades Challenge and took First-in-Class. She also completed the 2018 and 2017 Challenges.

  14. Divinité 4-3/4 Full Plans

    The first boat will be prepared to sail across the atlantic ocean for the well-known international performer artist Abraham Poincheval. She is a blend version of Souriceau and Aviateur to offer the best qualities of both of them in being scow designed. Scow hull, big volume inside with forward wide double berth+ 2 bunks, kitchen.

  15. Souriceau again.

    Re: Souriceau again. Not glassing inside will reduce panel stiffness,and so some strength. Having said that, a 9mm ply hull skin on a boat of this displacement,on stringers should be fine. Shes a fine little boat,and as i sail in Sweden,the inside control would extend the sailing season. Will you build her yourself?

  16. Souriceau et le Chat

    This is a building log of my new project, a small 4.75 meter long sailboat. Souriceau et le Chat 475 is a cat boat version of Eric Hensevals Souriceau 475 that have been commissioned by Peter...

  17. Duckworks

    As an "old" french student of Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology, I permit myself to write you to show you a new little boat: Souriceau 4,75m. She is sailing for 1 month! Here is the LINK you can discover her. Best Regards, Eric Henseval Eric Henseval Yacht design rue de Bereven, hameau du Roz 29120 COMBRIT-SAINTE MARINE FRANCE tel: 0033 ...

  18. Cabin Sailboats to 15'

    A small, simple, seaworthy microcruiser For Souriceau Study Plans, click HERE There are 3 versions of this boat: -1- Standard rig / Retractable vertical keel -2- Furling rig / Retractable vertical keel -3- Furling rig / Bilge keel Comments about...

  19. woven fiberglass fabric how much?

    8mm plywood is too much but can work. On this size a 6mm is generally enough. That depends of the use of the boat. I counsel you to cover outside (and decks) with a 160-200 gr/m2 satin fiberglass to control the thickness of the epoxy (are you using epoxy?).

  20. Souriceau Study Plans

    Decrease Quantity of Souriceau Study Plans Increase Quantity of Souriceau Study Plans. Add to Wish List. Create New Wish List; Description; Additional Information; 0 Reviews; Description. ... Boat Type: Powerboat. View All Close. 0 Reviews. View All Close. OK. Subscribe to our newsletter. Email Address. 826 East Park Ave, Port Townsend ...