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Catamarans Lagoon d'occasion

275 annonces, jeanneau rush, beneteau 57 shallow draft, lagoon 52 f, lagoon 450 s, lagoon 450 f, lagoon 46 flybridge, lagoon 400 série 2, lagoon 410 série 2, l'avis de notre communauté sur lagoon, pourquoi nous faire confiance , déjà 689 bateaux vendus grâce à nous, tout savoir sur la marque de catamarans lagoon.

La marque Lagoon voit le jour en 1984 par le biais de Jeanneau Techniques Avancées (JTA) : département spécialisé dans la conception de prototypes de compétition. Suite à la demande spécifique d’une cliente, JTA construit un catamaran de croisière et le tout premier modèle sort des usines en 1987, le Lagoon 55. En 1995, Jeanneau et Lagoon intègrent le groupe Bénéteau , ce qui permet de donner un nouveau souffle à la marque.

Aujourd'hui Lagoon est un constructeur spécialiste des catamarans  à voile et à moteur, résolument orienté vers la croisière et l'aventure . L’ensemble de la gamme est dessiné par le cabinet VPLP (Marc Van Peteghem et Vincent Lauriot Prévost), dont le palmarès en compétition de multicoques est incomparable. Les modèles de plus de 50 pieds sont construits par CNB.

Lagoon est le leader mondial du catamaran de croisière avec plus de 4000 modèles construits. Parmi leurs navires à deux coques les plus populaires, on peut citer le Lagoon 42 qui allie performance et confort ou encore le Lagoon 440 et sa vue imprenable lors de la navigation. Pour la grande croisière, c'est le Lagoon 450 qui occupe la première place.

Lagoon propose également des catamarans à moteur .Band of Boats vous propose un large choix de modèles Lagoon parmi ses annonces bateaux. Lancez-vous aux commandes d'un voilier multicoque !

Lagoon : des catamarans de croisière chics et funs

Des premiers modèles conçus aux plus récents, le constructeur offre un large choix de bateaux de plaisance à vendre pour vos sorties en mer . Les bateaux de la marque peuvent être catégorisés dans différentes gammes qui s’affinent au fur et à mesure des saisons nautiques.

Comment acheter son futur bateau ?

Avant de faire l’acquisition de votre futur bateau, prenez le temps d’étudier votre profil de plaisancier en déterminant des critères simples mais efficaces :

  • Budget consacré à l’achat et à l’entretien du navire
  • Zone et type de navigation envisagés : côtière, hauturière, mixte ?
  • Usages favoris : la pêche ? le cabotage ? La croisière fluviale ? les sports nautiques ?

A la recherche du bateau idéal ?

La marque de bateaux vous fait rêver mais aucun de ses modèles ne remplit vos attentes de navigateur aguerri (ou en devenir) ? Pas de panique ! Band of Boats est là pour vous aider. Que vous soyez à la recherche d’un bateau de croisière, d’un bateau de pêche-promenade ou tout simplement d’un bateau habitable, jetez-vous à l’eau et achetez votre futur bateau neuf ou d’occasion. Nous sommes impatients de vous compter parmi notre communauté de passionnés. Réveillez le navigateur qui sommeille en vous et écrivez les premières pages de votre journal de bord.

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En 2024, Lagoon célèbre ses 40 ans à vos côtés en vous offrant 40 000 euros d’équipements pour tout achat d’un catamaran Lagoon neuf.


Vue sur l'horizon

Totalement ouvert sur la mer, le cockpit arrière du Lagoon 60 offre un espace de liberté exceptionnel.  Ses pavois ouvrants donnent instantanément accès à la baignade. Pensé pour qu’il devienne votre espace favori, le cockpit arrière bénéficie d’un accès facile et sécurisé grâce à ses marches positionnées en biais.


Tout en fluidité

Accessible par une porte à l’avant du carré, sans aucune différence de niveau au sol, le cockpit avant offre un vaste espace de détente confortable et convivial. Une vue panoramique s’offre à vous à chaque fois que vous changez d’espace. Aucun obstacle ne vient entraver votre évolution de l’arrière à l’avant du catamaran.

"Un vaste cockpit avant de plain-pied avec le carré renforce l’harmonie entre les espaces de vie intérieurs et extérieurs." – VPLP Design


Connexion & convivialité des espaces

Modulable, spacieux et tourné vers l’extérieur, le carré s’adaptera à toutes vos envies. Version cuisine ou version bar, il bénéficie d’une abondante lumière naturelle grâce à ses grands vitrages verticaux.



  • Architecte naval VPLP Design
  • Design extérieur Patrick le Quément
  • Design intérieur Nauta Design
  • Longueur de coque 18,27 m / 59'11''
  • Longueur hors tout 19,77 m / 64'10''
  • Largeur hors tout 9,87 m / 32'5''
  • Tirant d'eau 1,65 m / 5'5''
  • Tirant d'air 30 m / 98'5''
  • Déplacement lège (normes CE) 34,6 T / 76,293 Lbs
  • Surface de voile au près maxi 230 m² / 2,475 sq.ft
  • Grande voile à rond de chute 135 m² /1,453 sq. ft.
  • Grand voile à corne 143 m² / 1,539 sq. ft.
  • Génois 87 m² / 936 sq. ft.
  • Trinquette 58 m² / 624 sq. ft.
  • Code 0 (option) 160 m² /1,722 sq. ft.
  • Spi asymétrique 310 m² / 3,336 sq.ft
  • Motorisation 2 x 150 CV / HP YANMAR
  • Capacité carburant 1,300 L / 343 US Gal
  • Capacité eau douce 960 L / 254 US gal
  • Nombre de couchages 8 à 14
  • Homologation CE A : 14 / B : 14 / C : 20 / D : 20

Lagoon 60 trefil

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Russian Arctic Travel | Siberia's Best Tours

Top Sights in Salekhard (with interactive map)

  • Post author By admin
  • Post date 21/03/2021
  • 1 Comment on Top Sights in Salekhard (with interactive map)

Salekhard City by night from above

You’re visiting the Russian Arctic and now you’re in Salekhard, wondering what there is to do here. We’ve put together a list of the top sights in Salekhard to help you out! A lot of people think the city is just a jumping-off point for the many outdoor activities in the area, and that there’s nothing much to see or do here. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In 1595, a small fortress was built here, and the village that grew up around it was called Obdorsk. In 1933, the town was renamed Salekhard, which is taken from the Nenets word ‘salja’harad’ meaning ‘house on the peninsula’. The city is now the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region so all visitors to the area go through it at least once.

Salekhard is a remote place, even by Russian standards, and was very difficult to access for a long time. As a result, the city also has a dark side to its history. In Tsarist times it was used as a place of exile, and in the Soviet era, it was surrounded by many gulags . The city’s history and location as one of the only cities in the world crossing the Arctic Circle mean it’s a pretty cool place to explore.

As you walk around the city, keep your eyes open for some interesting local artwork – there are lots of cool murals and statues hidden away. Read on to see our pick of the top sights in Salekhard, complete with interactive map. 

Top Sights in Salekhard You Shouldn’t Miss

Shemanovsky regional museum.

This is the main regional museum for the whole of the Yamal Peninsula. If you’re keen to learn more about the local indigenous Nenets people and natural history of the area then this is the place to go. There’s also an interesting look at the town’s history as part of the Gulag Archipelago. 

The museum was actually founded way back in 1906 by a senior priest of the town’s Orthodox mission. It was originally a library of information about the Nenets people. These days, there are almost 150,000 exhibits.

The most famous display in the museum is Lubya, the baby mammoth. Lubya is a perfectly preserved baby mammoth mummy who was found by a local Nenets man in 2007. She’s been the subject of her own National Geographic article and even a movie ! 

The museum is a great place to start to learn more about the interesting history of the Yamal region.

Note : an English pamphlet is available, and some signage is also in English, but be aware that much of the museum is in Russian only.

Address : 38 Chubynina St.

Opening hours : Tue-Thur: 10:00-19:30, Fri 12:00-20:00, Sat-Sun: 11:00-18:00, Mon: closed

catamaran moteur lagoon occasion

Torch Bridge

The bridge was built in 2004 to connect the city centre and the airport. It has actually become one of the most famous sights in Salekhard thanks to its architecture. The design features a single tower with a golden lattice structure, where the bridge gets its torch name from.

You can get a nice view of the city from the bridge itself. If you want the full Salekhard panorama then head up to the restaurant at the top of the tower!

Address : Chubynina St.

Obdorsky Ostrog

This is the original site of the Obdorskaya Fortress, which was the birthplace of modern Salekhard. Initially constructed as a prison by the Cossacks in 1595, it was converted to a fortress in 1635. In 1807 the original wooden structures here were pulled down as they were deemed to be unsafe.

Although it’s only a few years old, the reconstruction of the original wooden fortress does make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time. If you’re lucky enough to get it to yourself on a quiet winter morning, you can imagine how isolated those original settlers were.

catamaran moteur lagoon occasion

The walled area contains a beautiful watchtower and also the Church of Basil the Great, which holds services on Sundays. You can’t enter the other buildings, but it’s a lovely place to get an idea of the original architecture of the area.

Address : 1 Respubliki St.

Church of Peter and Paul

The church is the only preserved 19th-century religious building in the entire area. It was built between 1890 and 1894, and presented some pretty unique challenges to the builders. Since it stands on permafrost, the construction required special engineering considerations – it couldn’t be built on traditional piles and it had to be +16℃ inside.

Legend has it that 7 Russian architects attempted to build the church for 15 years before declaring it impossible! Finally, the structure was completed under the supervision of a German architect, Gottlieb Zinke.

The grounds are lovely, and the church looks particularly beautiful under sparkling blue winter skies. In the postwar period, the building had all sorts of uses. It was a vegetable store, a warehouse and even a sports school. Eventually, in 1991, it was re-consecrated and returned to its original function as a church.

Address : 8 Nogo St.

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66th Parallel Monument

Did you know that Salekhard is one of the only cities in the world that lies on both sides of the Arctic Circle? You’ll pass this monument as you travel from the airport to the city, and it represents the exact line of passage of the Arctic Circle. It’s a fun place to go and have your photo taken with one foot in the north and one in the south!

Interestingly, the monument was initially installed in 1980 but turned out to be in the wrong place. It was dismantled and moved in 2003 once employees of the Geological Department of Salekhard had determined the correct site for it.

You’ll probably want to go here during the day for the best photos, but it’s also a great place to visit at night due to the beautiful way that it’s lit up.

Address : Brodneva St. Hwy Airport

Memorial of the 501st Gulag Site

This is one of the more sober reminders of the history of this part of Russia. This steam engine mounted on a plinth, just north of the 66th parallel is actually a gulag memorial. Construction on Stalin’s Trans-Polar Mainline started here following the end of World War II. The labour force was made up of prisoners convicted of “political” offences. Many of them lost their lives in this hostile place.

catamaran moteur lagoon occasion

Following Stalin’s death, the project was abandoned, and the tracks left to sink below the permafrost of the arctic tundra. This railway to nowhere subsequently became known as the Dead Road.

The plaque here is inscribed with the words “…the iron road to the very end of the earth was mercilessly laid by the fate of the people […] Deeds and destinies are not forgotten…” It’s a must-visit for anyone interested in the history of Russia, and always provokes intense emotions .

Address : Brodneva St. Hwy Airport 

catamaran moteur lagoon occasion

This sculpture is dedicated to the mammoths that once freely roamed this region. Their bones and tusks can be found all over Yamal. Although the mammoths are long gone, you might meet one of the local arctic foxes while you’re here. The views across the river are stunning from this spot too.

You’ll need to have transportation to get here, but it’s a quick 15-minute taxi ride from the city centre. You’ll come away with photos that are sure to provide a talking point when you get home! If you’re here over the Christmas period, then you may even be lucky enough to see the mammoth dressed up as Santa Claus.

Address : Salekhard-Labytnangi-Kharp highway, near the river and ferry terminal

Victory Park

This is definitely one place in Salekhard that you shouldn’t miss. Victory Park is dedicated to the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. An eternal flame burns continuously in the centrepiece Pantheon. It’s a symbol of eternal life, commemorating the courage of those who fought and lost their lives.

catamaran moteur lagoon occasion

The park itself contains a small chapel, battle awards and several interesting sculptures. There’s also an alley of names of all the Yamal residents who participated in the Great Patriotic War. You’ll also find displays of military equipment on both sides of the park. This is a beautifully meditative place to visit whilst you’re in the city. It’s also a favourite spot for residents to hang out in good weather.

Address : Youth Avenue, behind the government building of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district

Open Air Park of Aviation Technology

This unique park running along the road to the airport displays various types of aviation equipment. All the aircraft here played a significant role in helping to develop Northern Siberia.

In the past, Salekhard airport was only able to accept large planes in the winter. Since the runaway was unpaved, this was when it got smoothed over with frost. During the summer a large hydroport was used to connect the city with settlements all over the region.

Unfortunately, there is nothing here in the way of signage, but it’s an unusual sight when you enter or leave the city to catch your flight.

Address : Aviation St.

catamaran moteur lagoon occasion

The City Manor Complex

The estate of the Terentyev merchant family was built in 1898. It’s located in the historical part of Salekhard, along with the Obdorsky fortress. This manor is one of the rare surviving examples of wooden architecture in the far North of Russia. 

The arrangement of the buildings is representative of a typical manor house in Russia from the late 19th-century. There are a residence, barn and gate. Inside you’ll find furnishings and exhibits from the original era of the buildings. It’s something rather interesting in a city that otherwise feels rather modern.

Address : 1 Lambinykh St

Opening Hours : Tue-Sun: 11:00-18:00, Mon: closed

Interactive Map of Top Sights in Salekhard

When to Visit Salekhard

The timing of your visit will depend on what you want to see and do whilst you’re here in Yamal. Since it’s so far north, Salekhard has a subarctic climate, with short, mild summers and long cold winters.

catamaran moteur lagoon occasion

Spring in Salekhard – March to May

The weather starts to warm up at this time of year. It’s one of the more popular times to visit as the days also begin getting longer. If you visit at this time, you’ll also get to experience one of the most interesting events of the year – the Reindeer Herders Festival. Usually held in Salkehard on the last Saturday in March, the event draws people from all over the region. 

The nomadic Nenets reindeer herders arrive from across the Yamal peninsula to come together and celebrate. You’ll see sledge races, axe throwing, reindeer wrangling and a host of other activities unique to this fascinating culture.

Another big draw for this time of year is the summer Nenets reindeer migration. Tens of thousands of reindeer are herded north to their summer pastures. It’s a sight that even seasoned photographers and travellers describe as spectacular.

Summer in Salekhard – June to September

Although short, summer in this part of the Russian Arctic is magical. You may have heard of the white nights which happen around the June summer solstice. You’ll see incredibly beautiful colours as the sun just touches the horizon without truly setting. It’s a wonderful time for outdoor activities in the region, with hiking, rafting and fishing getting into full swing.

Photographers will love the light on the vast, sweeping landscapes and exploring all that nature here has to offer. There are incredible glaciers and waterfalls that can only be accessed at this time of the year. You’ll also be able to taste locally grown berries and mushrooms. If you’re feeling adventurous you can even try gathering them yourself!

Autumn in Salkehard – September to October

Although short, autumn here is truly picturesque as the foliage begins to turn, revealing shades of gold and amber. It also marks the start of the winter migration season for the Nenets. Since it’s slightly warmer than spring, is a very different experience as the reindeer graze on greener pastures. 

Later in the season, you’ll experience the rolling fog across the River Ob and surrounding tributaries. It creates a truly atmospheric and mystical environment.

catamaran moteur lagoon occasion

Winter in Salekhard – November to March

Winter here is cold and dark, but it provides unparalleled opportunities to see the beauty of the Northern Lights. There’s nothing quite like their dance across the night sky. At the time of the new moon in February, you can sometimes see them for 2 weeks straight!

In the winter you’ll need to wrap up, but there are loads of activities to keep you warm. You can ski, snowboarding and try snowmobile racing to name just a few. This is also the time when the city looks at its most magical, covered in a blanket of purest white.

Where to Stay in Salekhard

If you’re here on a group tour to Russia, then accommodation will probably be organised for you. If you’d like to stay a little longer, here are our top 3 suggestions for hotels in Salekhard.

Hotel Artika

Located near the historical part of the city, the hotel is central to all the sights of the city. It’s a great place to be based for exploring Salekhard by foot. Rooms are clean and tidy, and the on-site restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Book here

Hotel Parallel

Also in the city centre and near the historical district is this hotel with spacious rooms. There is no restaurant on-site, but the hotel provides in-room breakfasts. Book here

Yuribey Hotel

Located further from the centre, but closer to the airport, this hotel is geared more towards business with conference facilities. There’s an onsite coffee shop, and a fitness centre and sauna are also available. Book here

catamaran moteur lagoon occasion

Where to Eat and Drink in Salekhard

Truly the best coffee in town! The staff at this cafe are friendly and know how to make a great brew. Muffins and other snacks are also available. A great place to go for a hot drink when you’re taking in the sights of Salekhard. Highly recommended, especially in the winter.

Address: Matrosova St 16/2

Khmel’ I Sol’

With a focus on craft beer, you definitely won’t be disappointed if you’re a beer lover. The food is hearty – think gastropub grub – and the portions satisfying. We like the individual booths that allow for a party atmosphere!

Address: 24 Chubynina St

Oxota Restaurant

As you might expect for a restaurant named after hunters, this is not a spot for the vegetarians! Specialising in locally sourced products, there is an emphasis on the wild game of the region. You should also know that multiple trophies in the form of stuffed animals line the walls. This is one of the more upmarket restaurants in Salekhard.

Address: 11 Lenin St

The main draw of this restaurant is its unique location at the top of the Torch bridge. There are great views of the city and the river from here. It really does make for a one of a kind dining experience! 

Address: 40 Chubynina St

For snacks, there are lots of supermarkets in town and a great market beside the museum, near the bridge.

How to Get to Salekhard

catamaran moteur lagoon occasion

Plane – there are two flights daily from Moscow and three flights per week from St Petersburg. There are also various other regional flights to the city.

Train – Labytnangi is the closest station. There is a direct train from Moscow and one requiring a single change from St Petersburg. You can book trains via the RZD website here .

Overland – if you’re feeling particularly adventurous then you can definitely drive to Salekhard. You should, however, consider the time of year and how confident you are on potentially icy roads. From Labytnangi you’ll need to either take the ferry or cross the river using the ice road in winter.

Guided Tours in Salekhard

We hope that you’ve found this list of top sights in Salekhard useful. If you’re considering coming to visit this beautiful part of the Russian Arctic then why not take the stress out of organising your trip and simply book it with us!

We can arrange a sightseeing day in Salekhard as part of any of our group tours. You’ll get the benefits of transport in town, a local guide fluent in English, and all your accommodation arranged for you. We’ll even arrange your flights and collect you from the airport. View our tours here .

  • Tags city guide , salekhard

One reply on “Top Sights in Salekhard (with interactive map)”

Sounds like a fascinating place. I hope to visit it someday when the political climate improves.

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The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia

The capital city of Yamalo-Nenets okrug: Salekhard .

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - Overview

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is a federal subject of Russia, part of Tyumen Oblast and the Ural Federal District. Salekhard is the capital of the region.

The population of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is about 552,100 (2022), the area - 769,250 sq. km.

Yamalo-Nenets okrug flag

Yamalo-nenets okrug coat of arms.

Yamalo-Nenets okrug coat of arms

Yamalo-Nenets okrug map, Russia

Yamalo-nenets okrug latest news and posts from our blog:.

14 June, 2020 / Life of Reindeer Herders of the Polar Urals .

5 March, 2019 / Salekhard - the view from above .

13 May, 2018 / Nenets Reindeer Herders of Yamal .

20 April, 2017 / Life of the Nenets Reindeer Herders in the Russian North .

9 December, 2015 / The Magic of the Russian North - Polar Lights near Novy Urengoy .

More posts..

News, notes and thoughts:

21 December, 2010   / The Yamalo-Nenets region could become a new supplier of halal meat to Muslims in Qatar. This week Qatari officials will get their first taste of reindeer at Russia-Qatar investment forum in Doha. Russia is rich in tasty reindeer.

History of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The first information about the Yamal land and indigenous peoples living there - the Nenets and Khanty, refer to the 11th century. However, Novgorod merchants visited “the Edge of the Earth” (this is how “Yamal” is translated from the Nenets language) even earlier.

From 1187, the lower Ob was under the control of Veliky Novgorod, and, after its fall, it passed to the Moscow princes. In 1592, Tsar Feodor sent an expedition for the final conquest of the lands of the “great Ob.”

In 1595, one of the Cossack detachments built a fortress called Obdorsk (today, it is the capital of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - Salekhard). Obdorsk fortress became the northernmost Russian settlement in Siberia at the time. Gradually the population grew, active trade in furs, mammoth bone, boats, fur clothes, and other goods was developed.

This was promoted by the famous Obdorsk Fair. In January-February, the Nenets and Khanty, merchants of Tobolsk, Yenisei, Arkhangelsk gubernias gathered there. From 1796 to 1920, this region was part of the Tobolsk gubernia (province). By the beginning of the 20th century, Obdorsk annually exported up to 3,200 tons of fish and about 50,000 fur skins (arctic fox, fox, squirrel, ermine, etc.).

More historical facts…

In 1930, the Yamal (Nenets) district was formed as part of Uralskaya oblast with the center in Obdorsk. In 1933, Obdorsk was renamed to Salekhard (meaning “a settlement on the cape” in the Nenets language). In 1939, according to the All-Union Population Census, there were 45,734 people in the district, including 15,348 nomads.

The main branches of the economy of the region in the pre-war years were the fishing industry and reindeer husbandry, harvesting of furs grew at a rapid pace - 10 times from 1931 to 1940. In 1944, it was included in the Tyumen region. After the end of the Second World War, a new branch of the economy (fur farming) began to develop rapidly (silver-black foxes, blue arctic foxes, mink).

In the summer of 1958, the Yamal-Nenets complex geological exploration expedition was established in Salekhard. Intensive search for hydrocarbon deposits began. From 1964 to 1966, on Yamal, a number of large deposits of natural gas were discovered, including Gubkinsky deposit with a reserve of 350 billion cubic meters of natural gas and Urengoy deposit (the largest in the world).

In 1977, the Yamalo-Nenets okrug became an autonomous region. In 1991, the Yamalo-Nenets region adopted a declaration of sovereignty. In 1992, after the signing of the Federative Treaty, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug became a full-fledged subject of the Russian Federation.

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug views

Yamalo-Nenets region landscape

Yamalo-Nenets region landscape

Author: Nikolay Alexandrov

River in the Yamalo-Nenets region

River in the Yamalo-Nenets region

Author: Kudryavtcev N.

Yamalo-Nenets Okrug scenery

Yamalo-Nenets Okrug scenery

Author: Syromyatnikov

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - Features

Most of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is located within the northern part of the West Siberian Plain, a small part is located on the eastern slope of the Ural mountains. From the north it is washed by the Kara Sea. This province belongs to the regions of the Far North, more than half of its territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle.

The territory of the Yamalo-Nenets okrug is located in three climatic zones: arctic, subarctic and the zone of the northern strip of the West Siberian lowland. The climate is determined by the presence of permafrost and the cold Kara Sea, the abundance of bays, rivers, marshes, and lakes. Frequent magnetic storms are accompanied by colorful northern lights.

In general, the climate of this region is characterized by a long winter (up to 8 months) and a short summer, strong winds, a small amount of snow cover. The average annual air temperature is negative, in the Far North it reaches minus 10 degrees Celsius. The minimum temperature in winter drops to minus 55 degrees Celsius, in summer - up to plus 30 degrees Celsius.

The name of the region mentions the Nenets as the titular nationality inhabiting this territory, despite the fact that the majority of the local population is Russian. The ethnic composition of the population according to the 2010 census: Russians (61.7%), Ukrainians (9.7%), Nenets (5.9%), Tatars (5.6%), Khanty (1.9%).

The largest cities and towns of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are Novy Urengoy (118,700), Noyabrsk (109,500), Salekhard (52,000), Nadym (46,400).

Natural Resources of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

This region’s water resources are rich and diverse: the coast of the Kara Sea, numerous bays, rivers, lakes, and underground waters. Ob Bay is one of the largest sea bays in the Russian Arctic. In total, there are about 300 thousand lakes and 48 thousand rivers, the largest of which are the Ob, Nadym, Taz, and Pur.

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is on the leading places in Russia for hydrocarbon reserves, especially natural gas and oil. Today, Yamal produces about 90% of all natural gas in Russia (about 20% of global production) and more than 14% of Russian oil and gas condensate. In the Polar Urals, chrome, manganese, bauxite, and gold are mined.

At the same time, a huge part of the region’s natural reserves is still waiting for industrial development. One of the long-term projects is the development of the gas reserves of the peninsula and the shelf of the Kara Sea. There are 11 gas-bearing and 15 oil and gas condensate fields discovered here. Potential resources including gas on the shelf are estimated at 50.5 trillion cubic meters, liquid hydrocarbons - more than 5 billion tons.

One of the peculiarities of Yamal is that industrial development of natural resources and traditional activities of the indigenous population of the Far North coexist together. The world’s largest reindeer herd is grazed here - more than 600 thousand heads. The tenth part of the whole area of the region - about 8 million hectares - is a specially protected natural area.

Tourism in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Tourism in this region of Russia includes:

  • Ethnographic tourism (accommodation in a chum (traditional house), national cuisine, participation in national holidays - Day of Reindeer Herders, Fisherman’s Day, Raven’s Day, Bears festival);
  • Ecotourism (visiting wildlife sanctuaries and nature reserves);
  • Seasonal trophy hunting (autumn, spring - waterfowl game, winter - fur animals, polar wolf, brown bear, wild deer, moose);
  • Fishing (nelma, grayling, char, perch, pike);
  • Sports tourism (weekend hikes, climbing, hiking and skiing trips, water trips and rafting);
  • Tours on deer and dog sleds;
  • Cultural travel (participation in archaeological excavations in Ust-Poluy and Mangazeya);
  • Ski tourism at the ski resort “Oktyabrsky”.

Yamalo-Nenets okrug of Russia photos

Beautiful nature of the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug.

Small river in the Yamalo-Nenets region

Small river in the Yamalo-Nenets region

Author: Yuryi Nikolaev

Lake in the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug

Lake in the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug

Author: Patova Elena

Yamalo-Nenets Okrug landscape

Yamalo-Nenets Okrug landscape

Author: Leonid Mach

Pictures of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Yamalo-Nenets Okrug scenery

Author: Vitaly Moskaluk

Village in Yamalo-Nenets Okrug

Village in Yamalo-Nenets Okrug

Author: Aleksandr Dygas

Country life in Yamalia

Country life in Yamalia

Author: Vladimir Sysolyatin

Life of reindeer herders in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

House of reindeer herders (chum) in Yamalo-Nenets Okrug

House of reindeer herders (chum) in Yamalo-Nenets Okrug

Author: Evgeniy Lavrikov

Winter in Yamalo-Nenets Okrug

Winter in Yamalo-Nenets Okrug

Author: Evgeny Gorshenev

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    Torch Bridge. The bridge was built in 2004 to connect the city centre and the airport. It has actually become one of the most famous sights in Salekhard thanks to its architecture. The design features a single tower with a golden lattice structure, where the bridge gets its torch name from.

  24. The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia guide

    The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is on the leading places in Russia for hydrocarbon reserves, especially natural gas and oil. Today, Yamal produces about 90% of all natural gas in Russia (about 20% of global production) and more than 14% of Russian oil and gas condensate. In the Polar Urals, chrome, manganese, bauxite, and gold are mined.