Nevada Magazine

Land Sailing in Nevada

January – february 2013.

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Nevada has many claims to fame, and you can add one more to the list: land sailing. In fact, I was interested to learn recently that the Silver State is arguably the premier land-sailing destination in the United States.

sand yachting

“We have the dry lakebeds, the hard mud,” says nine-time national champion and current treasurer of the North American Land Sailing Association, Mark Harris. “Nevada is a very popular location because we can go the fastest.” Nevada also has wind galore, which is as valuable to a land sailor as fuel is to a racecar driver.

Land sailing, also known as sand yachting or land yachting—or as Harris likes to call it, “dirt boating”—has evolved primarily into a racing sport in the last half century. Its roots can be traced as far back as 6th-century China. Centuries later, some European royalty used land yachts for entertainment, and they were even used hundreds of years ago in the U.S. to transport goods.

Today, however, they are used primarily for competition. Land-sailing events are held internationally from the vast beaches of Western Europe, Ireland, New Zealand, and Brazil to the dry deserts of the U.S. It’s no surprise then that the arid sands of Nevada have become the epicenter of the fiercely competitive dirt-boating world.

sand yachting

OK, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. “It’s friendly competition,” says Harris, an electrical engineer for the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada. “The Europeans are big on entertainment, so that tradition has carried over to the states.” The sense of community and family is strong in land sailing. Harris says a group of spectators and racers, which rarely exceeds 100 at most events, will enjoy potluck dinners, fly remote-control airplanes, hold stargazing parties, and socialize around bonfires.

The next major Nevada event is America’s Landsailing Cup (this and most others are open to the public) on March 23-30 at Ivanpah Dry Lake, just south of Primm—a shopping and entertainment destination known for its Primm Valley Resorts and Desperado roller coaster.

Richard Jenkins set the world land speed record for a wind-powered vehicle (126.2 mph) there on March 26, 2009 in his yacht Greenbird. The previous record of 116.7 mph was set at Ivanpah in 1999.

sand yachting

While Ivanpah is technically in California just over the Nevada border, it’s still largely considered a Nevada event because Primm is the gateway. Other Silver State terrain used primarily for land sailing includes Misfits Flat, just south of Stagecoach; Smith Creek Valley Dry Lake southwest of Austin via State Route 722; and Diamond Valley northeast of Eureka via S.R. 278.

On the NALSA website there are images from the 1998 “Holy Gale” event held in the Black Rock Desert. The Thrust SuperSonic car (jet-powered in this case) famously bolted across northwestern Nevada’s Black Rock Desert in 1997 at a world-record speed of 763.035 mph, or 2 percent above the speed of sound.

The annual Holy Gale has since moved to Smith Creek Valley, which is Nevada pilot Lester Robertson’s favorite event. Robertson is the owner of the aforementioned Misfits Flat land—where much of the famous 1961 film starring Marilyn Monroe was filmed—and the Carson City company Complete Millwork Service.

Robertson loves the competition of land sailing, but he also cites, “the silence of the desert; just setting down these contraptions, accelerating, and seconds later flying along at 50 mph in a cloud of dust,” he says. “The dust subsides, and you will find yourself five miles from camp without a breath of wind, hoping for the next puff to come in and take you home.”

Robertson, who heavily promotes youth land sailing, also speaks highly of the camaraderie that is such a big part of the sport’s makeup. “A lot of guys and gals have been friends for years—the same bond you find with the rock hunters, rocketeers…all of us waiting for the next year’s trips to the heart of Nevada, the Great Basin.”

Black Rock Goes Soft

sand yachting

The Black Rock Desert in northwestern Nevada was once a premier land-sailing destination, but that’s not so anymore. The key, believe it or not, is moisture—or lack thereof. “It has not flooded since 2000 or thereabouts,” says Nevada pilot Lester Robertson. “Four years ago the surface went from so hard you did not leave imprints with your motorhome tires to so soft and crumbly a 250-pound dirt boat would sink so deep you cannot sail.”

According to Robertson, the Black Rock needs a substantial flood covering after which the water would soak deep into the subsurface. “Perhaps this will be the year we get the type of snow and rain we had when the Truckee River flooded and the Helms pit became Sparks Marina; that’s what it will take to repair the Black Rock Desert,” he says.

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A sand yacht to harness the wind

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Le Touquet-Paris-Plage

Home Le Touquet-Paris-Plage Sports heaven A sand yacht to harness the wind

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Bertrand Lambert has left a legacy to be proud of. The five-times world sand-yachting champion has made this discipline an iconic sport of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage! No wonder the Manche Watersports Centre has been named after him.

Because the Opal Coast’s southern beaches are ideal for sand-yachting, Le Touquet regularly hosts national and international competitions. In 2006, for example, the world championship took place here, offering a rare spectacle far too good to miss under any circumstances!

sand yachting

A competition setting

Top athletes can perfect their skills in this optimal environment. So the competitions offer the perfect opportunity to admire their performance. Like in April 1991, for example, when Bertrand Lambert smashed the world speed record by reaching 151.55km/hour! Both world champions, his daughters Charlotte and Clémence have followed in his footsteps. What about you? Fancy trying for the next champion title? Click here for further information about the Bertrand Lambert Manche Watersports Centre

Sand-yachting, try it once and you’ll be hooked

At low tide, vast stretches of the beautiful 7km beach of fine sand are exposed, offering the ideal terrain for hitting those top speeds aboard one of Le Touquet’s elegant sand-yachts. All it takes is a favourable wind to see the white sails bearing the famous caddie, hurtle at full speed across the sand.

sand yachting

With the wind in your hair, you can try your hand at the helm of this sand vehicle gliding along with the wind as its only power source. The watersports centre proposes sand-yachting lessons and courses, and even one-to-one tuition for beginners from the age of 8 years. You’ll quickly learn to handle the vehicle and start enjoying the thrill from the very first session in complete safety. Just what you need to build confidence and, basically, get yourself hooked on this new experience.

Seizing the moment

Seizing the moment

48th Enduropale races of Le Touquet-Pas-de-Calais

48th Enduropale races of Le Touquet-Pas-de-Calais

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Land Yachting – Sailing for Those who prefer land

September 30, 2019 Rob Sayers Experience Days , Extreme Outdoor Activities , Fun Outdoor Activities , Land Activities , Outdoor Sports , Physical Challenges 0

sand yachting

Blasting down the beach with your backside inches above the ground makes land yachting one of the most exhilarating sports I have tried. Powered purely by the wind in my sails, I joined a posse of stockbrokers who were intent on fulfilling their need for speed.

I tried land yachting as an outdoor activity gift from my wife through Red Letter Days . Activity gifts are one of the best ways to guarantee successful gift giving, at least for me.

What is Land Yachting?

The land yacht had three wheels for stability. In case you didn’t realise, it can be quite a challenge to get a four wheeled vehicle to have all four wheels evenly on the ground unless you put in some decent suspension. Land yachts don’t have suspension, and so you feel all of the bumps and bounces. Traction is provided through wind blowing in a large triangular sail attached to a mast mounted at the front of the land yacht. You sit in a very reclined position and hold onto a rope that pulls the sail in or releases it.

Do I need to be able to Sail to Control a Land Yacht?

Sailing a land yacht is far simpler than sailing a boat. There is no risk of waves, capsizing or falling overboard. Also, because you are lying down in the land yacht, there is no risk of being hit by the sail boom when you tack across the wind.

Your instructor will tell you the circuit for the day in relation to the wind and the technique for getting around corners to keep the wind. All you have to do is pull the sail rope and steer to avoid any of the other land yachts, dogs, people on the beach.

How to Control a Land Yacht

You steer a land yacht with two pedals, left and right. Some land yachts have hand levers for steering, but that only leaves one hand free for pulling the sail rope.

If you are facing the right way, all you need to do to get the land yacht moving is to pull the sail rope tight and keep it held tight. You musn’t loop the rope around your hands though, because if the rope pulls too much you could get rope burns or cuts. Land yacht racers usually wear gloves to protect their hands.

The tighter you pull the sail rope, the faster the land yacht will go, as long as you are not heading directly into the wind. As with any sailing sport, you have to work out which direction the wind is blowing to get the most speed. If you get it right, you find yourself hurtling down the beach with a rather huge grins on your face. Tight turns can lead to flying along on only two wheels, which is a bit hairy but awesome fun.

The Thrill of Land Yachting at High Speed

My Land Yachting Gift Experience

Whenever I get a gift experience I always open it with a sense of trepidation, wondering what experience I will be getting myself into. The Tiger Moth flight was a bit scary, mostly because people kept telling me that they had had dreams of me crashing and also because you didn’t get parachutes.

I was very excited when I opened the Red Letter Days envelope with a gift voucher for land yachting. It was something I had wanted to try for quite a while. I booked the two hour session on a beach near Rye in Kent and eagerly awaited that windy day.

It was easy to find, not least becuase of the big van plastered with signs for the land yachting company. The guys running the day were busy setting up the land yachts, which were left lying on their sides so that the wind didn’t blow them down the beach before time. There were quite a few rather nice cars parked at the side of the road, and talking to the other peope waiting most of them were stockbrokers. Land yachting must be one of those sports that attract people who have a need for that adrenalin rush. Engineering doesn’t necessarily give you such a buzz, but using some of the things you design certainly does.

We were given a brief training session on safety and how to control the land yacht. Then it was pretty much in you get and of you go. At first, it was a bit tricky getting around the first corner because you had to cross the head wind. If you didn’t turn quickly enough, you slowed down and stopped facing the wind. No amount of tugging on that sail rope would get you moving. the instructors stood on that corner to help get you moving again. After a few laps, I got the hang of it. At this point the instructors called me over to the centre to stop. I wondered what was up, and then they increased the height of the mast, which in turn unfurled more sail. This meant more speed! Awesome!

I was back out into the circuit and amazed by the increase of speed from increasing the sail size. One by one, the other bankers were pulled over to have a mast extension. Things then became quite competitive. Overtaking and racing ensued. I got such a thrill from overtaking others and a great sense of satisfaction if one of them lost the wind on a corner.

All in all, the two hours whizzed by and I was left wanting more.

How can I get to try Land Yachting?

You do need a licence to sail a land yacht on a public beach in the UK. The best way is to find a land yacht racing club.

If you want to buy your own land yacht, Blokarts are the most popular brand. The Potty is a UK land yacht design that will fit into the boot of your car.

If you want to try land yachting, you can buy land yachting gift vouchers from Red Letter Days. .

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9 places to go sand yachting in normandy, during your next vacation, practice sand yachting in normandy   here are 9 beaches for sand yachting in normandy.

With sandy beaches as far as the eye can see, Normandy is the ideal region for sand yachting.   The so-called “ship of the sands” was already used several millennia ago by the Egyptians!   It was Europeans who made it a hobby more than a century ago.   Between the wheeled car and the small sailboat, sand yachting in Normandy is an activity that quickly offers feelings of freedom and fun.   At ground level, you use the force and direction of the wind to gain speed and move.   This very accessible water sport does not require any particular physical condition.

1.   Landing Beaches

Old german bunker in Normandy, Gold beach

Crédit Photo : Shutterstock – photoneye

Sword Beach, Juno Beach, Gold Beach, Omaha Beach, Utah Beach ... Welcome to the Landing beaches, rich in history and emotion!   Here, you can combine the practice of sand yachting and visiting the museums dedicated to this military operation of the   Second World War   .

Also Read: 18 Most Beautiful Beaches in Normandy

Located on a protected natural site, the kilometers of Omaha Beach and Utah Beach are ideal for nautical leisure.   Arromanches-les-Bains is also one of the unmissable beaches for sand yachting in Normandy.   Nicknamed Gold Beach, it still bears the traces of the large artificial port which welcomed the Allied troops during the liberation of 1944. Providers offer sessions of two to three hours throughout the year.

2. Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer


Credit photo: Shutterstock - Christian Musat

Located very close to Dieppe on the Côte d'Albâtre, the sandy beach of Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer provides easy access to sand yachting, especially when coming from the Paris region.   Dieppe is indeed just over two hours from   Paris   .   Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer is the most imposing beach in Seine-Maritime.

Just after the tide, the sea recedes, gradually creating a huge race track.   All year round, depending on the tide times, two-hour sessions are offered by local clubs.

3. Consider the Sciotot

Consider the Sciotot char

Photo Credit: Facebook - Sciotot Sailing and Wind Activity Center

Among the Cotentin beaches, that of Sciotot is a perfect spot for sand yachting in Normandy.   Between the Flamanville and Rozel capes, it is part of the commune of Les Pieux in the Manche.   Its stretch of sand is four kilometers long.   Its wild aspect and its size make it an excellent playground for all, from the age of 8 years.

Did you know that in 2019, the newspaper   Le Monde   ranked Sciotot fifth   most beautiful beach in Europe   ?   All the more reason to consider a nautical leisure stay!

4. Trouville-sur-Mer

Trouville-sur-Mer chariot

Photo credit: Facebook - Trouville sur Mer Tourist Office

To practice sand yachting in Normandy in a mythical place, you have to come to Trouville-sur-Mer.   Located very close to Deauville, this seaside resort is the oldest in the region.   Its large sandy beach stretches for 1.2 kilometers.   It combines nautical leisure, relaxation and history.

In Trouville, you can not only try sand yachting, but also discover Beach Karts!   These small remote-controlled vessels take up the codes of land yachting, on various routes.   Finally, children's clubs and facilities allow the whole family to have fun at the same time.

5. Jullouville

Jullouville sand yachting

Photo credit: Facebook - Jullouville town hall

Located 8 kilometers from Granville, the large Jullouville beach stretches from Saint-Pair-sur-Mer to Carolles for approximately 2 kilometers.   Accessible by stroller, it is above all a family beach.   Its numerous animations in season also help to delight young and old alike.

At low tide, it becomes the nerve center of shore fishing and sand yachting.   The sailing base of Jullouville is also THE spot in the south of the Channel for this activity.   Notice to thrill seekers: the beach is open to the bay, which gives it exposure to winds conducive to speed gain!

cabourg beach

Crédit photo : Shutterstock – flydragon

Between Caen and Deauville, the "romantic beach" stretches over almost 4 kilometers of fine sand.   Visiting Cabourg will give you the opportunity to practice sand yachting in Normandy, in a unique setting.   The Grand Hôtel Belle Époque   , the casino and the Marcel Proust promenade are all attractions that can be observed from the beach.

The seaside resort also has the Family Plus Label: clubs specially dedicated to children are installed on the beach.   If you come with your family, you can let your children have fun during your initiation to your new favorite hobby!   What a pleasure also to reward his sporting efforts by eating an ice cream at the end of the afternoon on the longest pedestrian promenade in Europe.

7. Ouistreham

ouistreham sailing

Photo credit: Facebook - Sweet Home Cabourg

Head for Ouistreham Riva-Bella beach!   Labeled a 3-star Nautical Station, the   Pearl of the Côte de Nacre   is perfect for lovers of marine sports.   Among the range of possible activities, sand yachting is a must.

Before setting off on the sand, take the time to observe the changing landscapes, capped by the dunes that separate you from the city…

8. Bretteville-Sur-Ay


Photo credit: Facebook - Ay-ole sand yachting center

Are you looking for a huge, wild and untouched place for tourism?   Welcome to Bretteville Beach!   Ten kilometers of beach between the two harbors of Saint-Germain-sur-Ay and Surville, a view of the island of   Jersey   : yachting aficionados will be delighted!   The small town of Bretteville-sur-Ay is located on the D650, which locals also call the "tourist route".

From Cherbourg to Coutances, it runs along the Normandy coast and smells of holidays, the sun and the hot sand (in summer!).   Taking this legendary route will take you to several sites of tourist interest ... and many sand yachting spots.   Are you ready for the Normandy sand yachting tour?

9. The Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel


Crédit Photo : Shutterstock – 365_visuals

To practice sand yachting in Normandy in a mythical place, nothing better than the bay of Mont Saint-Michel.   Very close to Mont Saint-Michel, on Hirel's shore, you will be introduced to the pleasures of sand yachting.

The session takes place in two stages: you will approach the sand yachting from a theoretical point of view during a briefing, then once the safety rules are understood, you can let yourself slip into this boat.   Notice to thrill seekers!

Practical information for sand yachting in Normandy

The activity.

Sand yachting is a hobby where you seek both to gain speed and to steer your craft, propelled by the force of the wind.   You quickly manage to control your little ship and gain a very pleasant feeling of freedom.   The tank can be   single or two-seater   .   The tandem version is particularly suitable for taking a child on their lap or for feeling reassured by the presence of an instructor.

The conditions of practice

The sand yachting is   accessible to everyone   , from 7 to 77 years old.   It is best done at low tide, when the beach is huge and you draw lines on the still wet sand.   A minimum force 3 wind is required to propel and steer.   The ideal is also to ride on a very compact sandbank.

The equipment

For a successful session, bring   warm clothes   (sweater, fleece), an old pair of closed shoes, sunglasses and gloves.   Generally, clubs provide helmets and waterproof clothing (coveralls, waxed).   Also think about your change of clothes!

So what are you waiting for to make sand yachting in Normandy?

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Sand Yachting

Normandy Tourism, France

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Updated on 23 June 2020

Sand yachting on the long sandy beaches in Normandy makes for fun memories!

For a fun photo option, check out our selection of spots: in the Manche , in the seaside resorts of Cabourg, Deauville , Trouville-sur-Mer , on the D-Day Landing Beaches

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How Land Sailing Works

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Imagine this: You're in your small sailboat, skimming along at speeds that top 50 or 60 miles per hour. The wind whips your face. Exhilarated, you skillfully guide your craft, moving the sail to adjust your speed. The landscape is a blur until you gradually head up into the wind and allow your sailboat to slow to a stop.

Then you step out of your boat, smiling, and walk over to the shade where your friends have been sitting, watching you sail.

No, you aren't walking on water. You're participating in an extreme sport called land sailing .

Some historians trace land sailing back to ancient Egypt and other cultures that used vehicles with sails for land transportation. Drawings exist of land sailors on the beaches of Belgium in the 1500s [source: Bassano ]. These days, land sailing is popular in Europe, where it's called sand sailing . Boats race along sandy beaches at low tide, and racers may attract big-name sponsors. Land sailing also is popular in New Zealand, Brazil and other places with wide, open spaces.

In the United States, land sailing gained popularity in the late 1960s and has been growing and evolving since. Racing dominates the sport, with events like the annual Americas Landsailing Cup regatta. In 2010, the event will take place March 21 through the 26 in Primm, Nev. But enthusiasts also enjoy recreational sailing.

Most racing happens on the dry lakes (playas) of high deserts. Land sailors also can be found on some beaches and even on sports fields and in parking lots.

The North American Landing Sailing Association (NALSA), an organization of individual land sailing groups, was formed in 1972. NALSA affiliated itself with the older International Land and Sandyachting Federation (FISLY) in Europe, which had developed rules and standards for its races [source: Embroden ].

Mark Harris, NALSA treasurer, said regular land sailors in the United States number in the hundreds, as compared to the thousands in Europe [source: Harris ]. But NALSA leaders expect more people to take up the sport, because it's relatively inexpensive, safe and environmentally friendly. Prices of popular models such as the Manta start at less than $2,000 [source: Wind ]. You don't need a dock, and the boat uses no fuel.

And best of all, land sailing is thrilling. Interested in trying your sea -- make that land -- legs? Read on to learn more about what makes land sailboats go.

The Physics of Land Sailing

Land sailing conditions, land sailing tips, land sailing safety.

Sailing on water and sailing on land have some things in common, but they also have a lot of differences. In fact, a land sailboat is really more comparable to a glider on wheels than a sailboat [source: Weber ].

Land sailboats usually have three wheels and one sail. They go too fast to use jibs or spinnakers. (Jibs and spinnakers are the two main types of headsails, or sails used in front of the mainsail, on sailboats.) Made by several manufacturers, land sailboats range in size from a sailboard (sort of like a surfboard with a sail) on wheels to a huge land yacht.

In smaller boats, the sailor may sit or lie on the frame. Usually, sailors steer with their feet, moving a T-bar , which basically is two pedals. You push with the right foot to turn left, and with the left foot to turn right. Steering with the feet leaves the hands free to use a rope (also called a line or sheet) to maneuver the sail. The sail is used primarily to adjust speed, not for steering. For some maneuvers, such as going around a racing maker, the land sailor will use the sail, but mostly just to adjust the speed to allow for accurate steering [source: Bassano ].

One brand, BloKart, uses a hand-operated tiller, so disabled people can sail.The tiller is a lever that helps steer; on a BloKart, it's attached to the wheels, while on a sailboat, it's attached to the rudder underwater that steers the boat [source: Blokart ]. In larger boats, the sailor may be enclosed except for the eyes and top of the head in a long, low craft. These sailors look like they've been stuffed, in a reclining position, into a close-fitting rocket ship or experimental aircraft with a sail. In racing, rules in some classes say that standard boats cannot be modified, while open classes regulate only the size of the sail and allow sailors to experiment with designs.

What attracts many people to land sailing is the speed. The speed record, set by Richard Jenkins in March 2009 at Ivanpah Dry Lake on the Nevada-California border, is 126.2 miles per hour (203.1 kilometers per hour). The wind that day was 40 miles per hour (64.4 kilometers per hour) [source: NALSA ].

The physics at work is the same as in water sailing, but the results are different because the conditions are different. Forces make things move, and forces can slow or stop moving objects. In sailing, the forces causing motion are the push of the wind on the sail and the pull of the air passing over the curve of the sail, creating lift much like on an airplane wing (but imagine it turned sideways). The forces holding back a water sailboat are the friction of the water on the hull and some friction of air on the boat and sails.

Land sailboats can go faster because their wheels face much less friction on dry surfaces. Because the whole boat is exposed to the air, land sailors meet more air friction, but that doesn't slow a boat nearly as much as water friction [source: Brinson ].

Land sailing isn't just sitting back and letting the wind push the boat, though. Sailors must move the boat side to side to maintain that lift.

What's it like to go land sailing? Read on.

sand yachting

If you try serious land sailing, you're likely to be high as well as dry. The most popular places for land sailing in the United States are on dry lakes in the high deserts in California, Nevada and other Western states.

Dennis Bassano, North American Landing Sailing Association (NALSA) president, estimates that about half of land sailors started out as sailors on water. The rest of them are often people who ride motorcycles or all-terrain vehicles or people who try other sports on America's high deserts and happen to see land sailors while in the area. People see how fast land sailboats can go and want give it a try. There's also a lot of crossover with ice boaters, who in the summer switch out their runners for wheels and take up land sailing.

The primary season for land sailing is March through November. In between, rains make the dry lakes muddy bogs. The federal Bureau of Land Management allows land sailing on some public lands and even encourages it. Powered only by wind, land sailing has less impact on the environment than many sports do [source: Bureau of Land Management ].

Some popular land-sailing sites include:

  • Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conversation Area in northwestern Nevada
  • Ivanpah Dry Lake, on the California-Nevada border, near Primm, Nev.
  • The Alvord Desert in Oregon
  • El Mirage Dry Lake near Victorville, Calif.

People who don't live near dry lakes sometimes sail on beaches at low tide, although most American beaches are too regulated or populated. Some people with smaller boats sail on athletic fields, in parking lots or on airstrips, when they can get permission. It takes more skill to sail in these smaller areas, where the boat is more likely to run into an obstruction.

On the dry lakes, the atmosphere is likely to be dusty, and the temperatures can be high. Sailors won't notice the heat once they get going, of course. Unlike in Europe, land sailing sites in the United States tend to be remote, without many amenities. Many people combine sailing with camping.

Read the next page for some tips on land sailing.

Take it easy, matey. If land sailing sounds interesting to you, don't just rush out and buy a dirtboat. Do a little research first:

  • Rentals and charter trips are available, especially in the Western United Sates, for those who want to try before they buy. Such trips can be a fun vacation as well as a way to decide if you're serious about the sport.
  • Attend local land sailing events to see what's involved. Many events are held spring through fall. The North American Land Sailing Association's Web site is a good place to learn about events and clubs in various locations.
  • Talk to land sailing enthusiasts. Most are passionate about their sport. They love to talk and want the sport to grow.
  • Investigate the various kinds of boats. They range widely in size and price. Land sailing is less expensive than water sailing.
  • Attend the annual America's Landsailing Cup to get a good look at the different types of boats in action.
  • Think about your goals: Do you just want to have fun, or might you want to get into racing? If you like to tinker, you might want to work with your own design in the open classes where the only restriction is the area of the sail [source: Harris ].

But with those high speeds, can land sailing be safe? Keep reading to find out.

Land sailing is a little like real estate: Location, location and location. People who live near or visit the high deserts in the American West with their dry lake beds find ideal conditions. But land sailing enthusiasts in less ideal locations sometimes have to be a little more creative, heading for airstrips, large parking lots, stadiums and other open expanses. One of the most unusual sites ever used for land sailing in the United States was the cornfields in Iowa owned by a farmer named Randy Harmon. Back in the early days of the sport in America -- the 1960s -- sailors would launch their boats in the fields after the crop had been cut. As Nord Embroden writes in his article about the history of land sailing in America posted on the NALSA Web site, the "corn stubble provided an adequate but bumpy surface" [source: Embroden ].

sand yachting

Land sailboats often go four to five times the speed of the wind. With a minimal wind of 10 miles per hour (16 kilometers per hour), you can be racing along at 40 to 50 miles per hour (64 to 80 kilometers per hour). When the wind speed is higher, boats may go two to three times the wind speed. Speeds of 80 miles per hour (128.7 kilometers per hour) are not unusual.

If you're flying along that fast in a boat with no real brakes, you could run into trouble. But land sailing is usually one of the safest of the extreme sports, if sailors use common sense. The first bit of common sense is using protective gear. Land-sailing tours and rentals insist on its use, and most land sailors use it as a matter of choice.

The main types of protective gear are:

  • Helmets: a top priority.
  • Seat belt: Those who go land sailing on beaches usually don't wear seat belts for fear of turning over into the water and becoming trapped. But in the United States, where they are sailing on dry lakes or other hard surface, most people do buckle up.
  • Goggles or other eye wear
  • Pads: Knee and elbow pads are usually good. The need for other pads may be determined by the type of boat and the position of the sailor -- what body part is likely to take a beating. Some people use shin pads; some use back protectors.

The larger the area for sailing, the safer. On a huge dry lake, there's little to run into. If you have trouble figuring out how to slow or stop the boat, you have room to figure it out. So, how do you stop the boat? Essentially, you stop it by steering it directly into the wind. Coming to a complete halt may take quite a distance. Sailors in smaller boats may drag their feet to help when the boat has almost stopped. Larger, enclosed boats have something like a parking brake to bring the craft to a stop once its speed is down to 4 or 5 miles per hour (6.4 or 8 kilometers per hour).

Those who sail in smaller settings take more risks. In parking lots, sailors can run afoul of light poles and curbs. Problems can arise in popular land sailing areas. If too many boats are sailing close together, some are likely to run into each other.

One of the obvious safety advantages of land sailing over its water cousin is that land sailors are unlikely to drown. If something goes wrong, a land sailor can get out of the boat and start walking.

Until your skills are well developed, it's a good idea not to sail too far from camp or vehicle. If you injure yourself, you don't want to have to trek a long way across a dry desert lake to your vehicle [source: Bassano ].

For more information on sailing and other sports, check out the links on the next page.

Lots More Information

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  • About Go Landsailing. (Dec. 15, 2009) Go Land
  • "Alvord Desert." U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
  • "An Introduction to Land Sailing." Sailing Ahead. (Dec. 21, 2009)
  • Bassano, Dennis. President, North American Land Sailing Association. Personal interview via telephone. (Dec. 19, 2009)
  • "BloKart: Best Toys on the Planet." BloKart. (Dec. 21, 2009)
  • "Book a Trip -- Get Blown Away!" Land Sailing Tours LLC. (Dec. 22, 2009)
  • Brinson, Lloyd. M. Ed. in Physics, UNC Greensboro. High school physics teacher, retired. Personal interview. Dec. 22, 2009.
  • "Description of Land Sailing." Wind Chaser. (Dec. 21, 2009)
  • Embroden, Nord. "Landsailing in America." American Landsailing Federation Newsletter May 12, 1998. Reprinted on (Dec. 15, 2009)
  • Harris, Mark. Treasurer, North American Land Sailing Association. Personal interview via e-mail, Dec. 19-20, 2009.
  • "Introduction to Land Sailing." Landsailing.Net. (Dec. 15, 2009)
  • "Ivanpah Dry Lake." U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
  • "Manta landsailers." Windpower (Dec. 23, 2009)
  • North American Land Sailing Association. (Dec. 15, 19, 21, 22, 2009)
  • "Off-Highway Vehicle Areas & Trails." U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
  • "The Sirocco, Sirocco Spring, and Sirocco Twin -- Great Fun, Outstanding Performance." Sirocco Land Sailer. (Dec. 21, 2009)
  • Weber, Robert. Southern vice president, North American Land Sailing Association. Personal interview via telephone, Dec. 19, 2009.
  • Weber, Robert. "Water Sailing vs. Hard Surface Sailing."

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The Brussels Times Magazine

Hidden Belgium: Sand Yachting at De Panne

Hidden Belgium: Sand Yachting at De Panne

When the wind is right, you can ride a sand yacht along a 30-kilometre stretch of wide sandy beach between De Panne and Dunkirk.

The sport was brought to the Belgian coast in 1898 by André Dumont and his seven brothers. André launched the idea by attaching a sail to a wooden go-kart. The sport caught on. In 1927, François Dumont established the Sand Yacht Club (the name in English to add a touch of snob appeal).

The sleek land yachts can reach speeds of over 125km/h on one of the best beaches in the world for the sport.

You can sign up online ( ) for a private lesson run by the Royal Sand Yacht School. Or get together with some friends for a group session out on the sands.

Derek Blyth’s hidden secret of the day:  Derek Blyth is the author of the bestselling “The 500 Hidden Secrets of Belgium”. He picks out one of his favourite hidden secrets for The Brussels Times every day.

Copyright © 2024 The Brussels Times. All Rights Reserved.

Capricornia Blokart Club, Yeppoon, Queensland

Capricornia Blokart Club, Yeppoon, Queensland

Yeppoon’s beaches were made for Sand Yachting! Everyone can enjoy land sailing.

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2024 Capricornia Blokart Bash

The 2024 Capricornia Blokart Bash will be at Mulambin Beach, Yeppoon Queensland from Friday 31st May to Monday 3rd June 2024.

Download the Notice of Race and important information regarding the event.

Check out the poster.

  Entry Form.

The registrations, social events will be held at the NRMA Capricorn Yeppoon Holiday Park.

We recommend that you stay at the NRMA Capricorn Yeppoon Holiday Park.

Call them on 1800 068 703 or Click on this link to go to their website.

Tell them you are with the Blokart group.

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We thank NRMA, Keppel Bay Sailing Club, Livingstone Shire Council, Blokart International, Australian Blokart Association and Oldfart Blokarts for their support.

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sand yacht Brittany

sand yachting in Brittany

  • Test sand yachting in Brittany

In the landscapes of our beautiful Brittany , there's nothing like an outing to the open sea to oxygenate the mind... And if we added a pinch of thrills? Let's swap our swimsuit for a completely different outfit: we're off for a morning of sand yachting initiation!

Download our travel diary

How to do sand yachting?

To practice this sliding sport, nothing could be simpler: all you need is a little wind (which comes from the sea), a low tide and a great desire for adrenaline!

Direction the sailing school where the instructor welcomes us to explain how the machine works. The technique to start? Imagine that we have a bicycle handlebar... To handle with the feet! To move forward and master the speed, he explains the vocabulary words to remember: “trim the sail”  means pulling on the sail; “shock the sail”  means to release the sail. How to stop? We asked him and here is his answer: the sand yacht has no brakes! The instructor reassures us and shows us that the sand yacht stops as soon as we face the wind! We put on our helmets, it's up to us!

  • Check if the wind comes from the open sea: it will not be cut off by the monuments and will remain stable
  • Handles like a bicycle: the feet direct the direction, the arms regulate the speed
  • To slow down: lower the sail
  • To speed up: tuck in the sail
  • To stop: face the wind

sand yacht Brittany

Discover the sensations of sand yachting

Sitting at ground level, each on his own machine, we begin our first sand yachting session in Brittany! We remember the instructor's precious instructions and let our racing car glide along the Brittany coast. The least we can say is that the sensations are not long in coming! The sand yacht accelerates slowly (with a few jerks, lack of control on the first try of course), but after only a few minutes, the speed begins to stabilize little by little.

If we had to describe our sensations? Certainly the same as those we can find in karting, but with the sound of the waves replacing that of the engine: a real pleasure!

  • Sand yachting is a great water activity if you're looking for adrenaline
  • The average speed of the sand yacht is 60km/h. The more seasoned can drive up to 100km/h!

sand yacht Brittany

Test sand yachting in Brittany: for whom? 

In Brittany as elsewhere, the practice of sand yachting is accessible from an early age! In general, the first sessions can be given from 6-7 years old, when children are able to dissociate the movements of the arms and legs.

For the great beginners, we try to favor the days when there is little wind, in order to start gently. Great fans of speed, tricks and skids will have a great time on days with strong winds!

  • Sand yachting is recommended from around 6-7 years old (ask sailing schools)
  • It is possible to do initiation sessions for children and adults: a great opportunity to go out to the water's edge with the family!
  • For complete beginners, it is recommended to test the sand yacht on a “light wind” day.

Sables d’Or les Pins in Brittany

Where to test sand yachting in Brittany? 

To test sand yachting in Brittany, here are our 3 spots to remember in Dinan-Cap Fréhel:

sand yacht Brittany

From Rougeraie beach to Beaussais Bay, the place is ideal for all levels. In addition, the sailing school is open all year round!

Sailing school in Saint-Jacut-de-la-mer

Sables d’Or les Pins in Brittany

In Sables-d’Or-les-Pins , the dune landscapes welcome you for a beautiful ride in a sand yacht, on one of the most beautiful beaches in Brittany! In the program ? 3 km of fine sand, pine trees, the bay of Saint-Brieuc... A magical place to test sand yachting in Brittany!

Nautical Center of Fréhel in Sables-d'Or-les-Pins

sand yacht Brittany

The Bay of Mont Saint-Michel is a good place to learn sand yachting! Brittany's 7 km long stretch of coastline guarantees great acceleration… Meet at the sailing school, labeled “French sand yachting school”!

Sailing school in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel

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Le Touquet-Paris-Plage_Chars à Voile ©CRTC Hauts de France- Ishak Najib

  • Sand-yachting in the bay of Somme
  • Things to do
  • Fresh sea air… everywhere

At the farthest end of Fort-Mahon’s dunes lies the entrance to one of the most beautiful bays in the world: the bay of Somme. And what better way to explore its beauty than up close and personal with its glorious sand. With nothing to propel you but the fresh sea air, climb aboard your land yacht and relish the feeling of the crisp wind as it rushes through your hair. A thrill that even the most unsporty can enjoy. And it’s all just a short hop away.

Northern France _ Fort-Mahon _ sand-yachting © Crtc Hauts De France Nicolas Bryant

Sand-yachting in the Somme bay  ̶  25 km of pure freedom

A wide-open beach caressed by the foamy sea and with an unbroken stretch of sand that goes as far as the eye can see: 15.5 miles to be exact! It was here, on the vast shores of northern France in the early 20th century, that land sailing was born. And it’s no surprise really. At low tide, when the Channel retreats between Le Crotoy and Fort Mahon , a magnificent beach (almost) as flat as a crêpe is revealed.

A sight completed by a lovely westerly breeze, warm sunshine and a horizon that stays tantalising out of reach no matter how quickly the wheels turn…

Northern France _ Quend _ Sand yachting © CRTC Hauts-de-France-Stéphane Bouilland

Pure exhilaration

Under the watchful eye of an instructor and without a single obstacle in view, get comfy in the low-ride seat of your stable, three-wheeled yacht and satisfy your need for speed. And with these training yachts capable of reaching up to 30 mph, you certainly won’t be disappointed! This means you’ll need to dress appropriately with the head-to-toe waterproof clothing provided (handy when you go full throttle through the water ‘pools’); just bring your own sunglasses and gloves. First, the ever-impatient instructor will teach you how to rig the yacht and master the paddle. Then, with hands firmly on the sheet, let the breeze whisk you away to the farthest reaches of the beach. As free as the wind and with all your fears forgotten, this is what they call ‘the thrill of the ride’ .

Northern France _ Quend-Plage _ Sand-Yachting © CRTC Hauts-de-France-Stéphane Bouilland

Local's tip

Denise Paes Cosme

Head to the Buvette de la Plage, a small restaurant on the Saint-Valery-sur-Somme beach. After a walk along the docks or on the way back from a stroll through the streets of the medieval town, enjoy a break with friends on the terrace and admire the stunning view over the bay. As the sun goes down, evening drinks take on a whole new dimension.

Useful info

  • Fort-Mahon Tourist Office
  • Ozone, Maison de la Voile
  • Mer & Rencontres
  • Eole Club Berck

555 Avenue de la Plage


Tel : + 33 (0)3 22 23 36 00

Base Nautique – Boulevard Maritime Nord


Tel: +33 (0)3 22 23 42 60

Base nautique


Tel : +33 (0)3 22 23 37 92

4 Digue Nicolas II


Tel : + 33 (0)3 28 29 13 80

Esplanade Parmentier

F-62600 BERCK

Tel : + 33 (0)3 21 09 04 55

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Dunkerque_Longe-côte et kitesurf © Opale Longe Cote Ot Dunkerque

logo jardins du morbihan

Sand yachting in Morbihan

Ready for an invigorating sporting holiday? What if you took advantage of the benefits of the salty air of the Atlantic Ocean? Head to the beaches of the Gulf of Morbihan to learn or train in sand yachting. And if you are looking for accommodation nearby to relax, head to Camping Les Jardins du Morbihan at the gates of Vannes, a sublime fortified port city in the Brittany region.

Morbihan is a paradise for sports and leisure sand yachting

If you are new to sand yachting, know that the vast windy beaches of Morbihan are the ideal playground for this original machine. Well installed on a 3-wheel cart (1 at the front and 2 at the rear) enhanced with rigging, you will travel at the speed of the wind the kilometers of sandy stretches of the Breton coast. To steer this device, which is traditionally found on the beaches of northern Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, you will need to control the rudder using your feet. You will also have to succeed in steering the sail firmly attached to a mast and a boom.

For the record, the first airplanes were built in France by Louis Blériot and tested in 1912 on the beaches of Berck and Hardelot. These rolling machines propelled by the force of the wind alone are used today for leisure and competition. The last speed record validated by the international sand yachting federation (FISLY) dates from December 2022. It is held by a New Zealander who reached a speed of 222.4 km/h! Thrills guaranteed on the beaches of Morbihan for beginners and the most sporty, even if a recreational sand yacht generally does not exceed 60 km/h.

Some addresses to note

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, solo, in a duo, with family or friends, head to Penthièvre in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon where the landscapes are magnificent. To take lessons, ideally choose one of the 2 sand yachting schools in Morbihan which provide the equipment and are approved by the French Sand Yachting Federation (FFCV):

  • Zef Attitud’ offers several discovery packages (1 hour or 1 hour 30 minutes). For a 1-hour outing, count on €27/person, €35 in a two-seater (from 5 years old) and €25 (from 8 to 12 years old). Groups of 6 or more people can benefit from discounts. The school also has a branch in Kerhillio (Erdeven) in the heart of the Grand site de France Dunes Sauvages de Gâvres in Quiberon.
  • Les Passagers du Vent offers to teach you sand yachting in Quiberon Bay on the Plouharnel site. The club provides 1- or 2-hour courses accessible to all (individuals, schools, disabled sports, etc.). For 1 hour in low season, count on €23 (individual from 8 years old), €36 (two-seater from 7 years old), respectively €26 and €42 in high season.

Wear the protection provided by the clubs (helmet, overtrousers) and don’t forget your windproof jacket, gloves and sunglasses. For your safety and that of people on the beach, always follow the advice of your instructor.

To take full advantage of the magnificent sand yachting spots on the Quiberon peninsula, consider booking your comfortable 4-star accommodation nearby. Les Jardins du Morbihan with water park and heated swimming pool is also only 40 km from the unmissable seaside resort of Carnac with 3000 menhirs and 5 beaches.

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sand yachting

Yacht once owned by Jimmy Buffett goes up for sale

Video above: Jimmy Buffett sand sculpture honors singer’s legacy in Key West

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Jimmy Buffett fans have the chance to own a piece of the artist’s history, if they have just under a million dollars to spare.

The 42-foot Rybovich Spencer Sportfishing boat was custom-built for the “Margaritaville” singer in 2003, according to the seller .

Buffett named it Last Mango II, a reference to his 1985 song Last Mango in Paris. Its current owner, a friend of Buffett, renamed it Blue Eyes II after purchasing it from him.

“The owner of the boat was personal friends with Jimmy and bought it from him directly,” yacht broker Steve Messenger said. “It was custom built for Jimmy Buffett by Rybovich Spencer and when it was completed, he had the shipyard completely destroy the mold, so it could never again be copied.”

The yacht is listed for sale in Montauk, New York for an asking price of $999,000.

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to WFLA.

Yacht once owned by Jimmy Buffett goes up for sale

Mike Lynch and daughter among missing after yacht sinks: What we know about disaster - and 'alarming' potential cause

The British-flagged luxury vessel named Bayesian was carrying 22 people when it got into difficulty off the coast of Sicily. Sky News looks at what we know about the tragedy.

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News reporter @samuelosborne93

Wednesday 21 August 2024 19:01, UK

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Six bodies have been found after a superyacht sank off the coast of Sicily.

Twenty-two people were on board the vessel named Bayesian when it got into difficulty in the early hours of Monday, with 15 people rescued.

Here's what we know about the sinking of the luxury vessel so far.

Follow latest updates on the superyacht sinking

Seven people missing after British-flagged yacht capsizes in tornado off coast of Italy

What might have caused the sinking?

The British-flagged luxury vessel, named the Bayesian, capsized at around 4.30am local time on Monday morning off Palermo, according to ship-tracking site Marine Traffic.

It sank in a matter of minutes with 22 people on board, 12 passengers and a crew of 10, according to the Italian coastguard.

Waterspouts, essentially tornados which form over water, were seen as powerful winds battered the area overnight, local media said.

sand yachting

The yacht may have sunk faster with all the doors open due to the hot weather, Sailing Today magazine editor Sam Jefferson has said.

"I imagine all the doors were open because it was hot, so there were enough hatches and doors open that it filled with water very quickly and sank like that," he said.

Official pictures show air conditioning units in several of the rooms, however, which could counter the suggestion open windows caused the vessel to sink faster.

The huge mast is also likely to have played a role, he added.

What are waterspouts?

Waterspouts typically occur during thunderstorms and can develop very rapidly, within minutes.

Their spin generally reaches wind speeds between 75-200mph, but can reach as high as 300mph.

A waterspout is formed during a storm in the Mediterranean Sea, October 1, 2018. REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis

They can travel at about 10-20mph typically but can reach greater speeds, making them difficult to avoid - especially in something as slow-moving as a yacht.

Matthew Schanck, chair of the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, called the reports of a tornado or waterspout "rare" and "quite alarming".

"The vessel was at anchor in a recognised anchorage," Mr Schanck said.

"Depending on wind direction and the state of the sea, this informs the captain whether it is a safe area to anchor or not. There was nothing that was too concerning, for my eye. All in all, the captain used the information they had to make a safe call."

Emergency services work near the scene where a yacht sank in the early hours of Monday off the coast of Porticello, near the Sicilian city of Palermo, Italy, August 19, 2024. REUTERS/Igor Petyx

Who owns the yacht?

British tech tycoon Mike Lynch was among those missing, along with his 18-year-old daughter Hannah. His wife Angela Bacares was rescued.

Mr Lynch, 59, is known as the " British Bill Gates " and has been in the headlines in recent months over a high-profile fraud case.

sand yachting

In June, a US jury cleared him of all charges, which were related to the 2011 sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard (HP). The yacht trip is believed to have been a celebration of the end of Mr Lynch's legal troubles.

HP accused him of deliberately overstating the value of the company before it was acquired by the American tech giant.

Mr Lynch was extradited to the US to face trial in May last year and spent 13 months under house arrest in San Francisco as he awaited trial on 17 charges of conspiracy and wire fraud brought by the US Department of Justice - which were later reduced to 15 charges. He always denied any wrongdoing and was acquitted.

Read more: Lynch's co-defendant dies days before yacht sinking

CCTV shows storm which capsized superyacht, killing one

Who was on board when the boat sank?

The passengers were largely British and American, the Italian coastguard said. Crew members were from New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada.

Charlotte Golunski was among the Britons rescued. Her LinkedIn profile says she is a partner at Mr Lynch's firm Invoke Capital and has worked there since 2012.

Charlotte Golunski

Speaking after the ordeal, Ms Golunski told Italian media that she lost her daughter Sofia for "two seconds" amid the "fury" of the sea but was able to retrieve her. She said she held the infant above the waves until the lifeboat was ready.

"Many people screamed. Luckily the lifeboat inflated and 11 of us were able to get on board," she told ANSA.

The girl's father James Emsley also survived, according to Sicily's civil protection agency.

Also on board were Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of investment bank Morgan Stanley, his wife Judy Bloomer, a top US lawyer Chris Morvillo, who worked on Mr Lynch's criminal case, and his wife Neda Morvillo. They were all reported as missing.

The yacht's captain James Calfield survived, along with South African crew members Leah Randall and Katja Chicken.

Jonathan Bloomer is the chairman of Morgan Stanley Pic: Hiscox/ Linkedin

Recaldo Thomas, a Canadian-Antiguan chef who was working on the boat, has been found dead, the Italian Coastguard has confirmed to Sky News.

During rescue efforts, divers saw "corpses through the portholes" of the wreck as they recovered the body of a man at a depth of 50m (164ft), according to Salvo Cocina, the head of the Civil Protection of Sicily.

sand yachting

What do we know about the vessel?

The Bayesian is owned by a company controlled by the wife of Mr Lynch.

It was known for its unusual 72.3m (246ft) single mast - one of the world's tallest made of aluminium - and shared its name with the statistical method Mr Lynch's Autonomy software was based on.

Pic:Danny Wheelz

It was built by Italian company Perini Navi in 2008 and last refitted in 2020.

It was listed for rent for up to €195,000 (£166,000) a week, according to online charter sites.

The luxury vessel , which was managed by yachting company Camper & Nicholsons, can accommodate up to 12 guests in six suites.

It won a string of awards for its design, according to online specialist yacht sites.

Mr Schanck said the vessel would have been equipped with "high standard" life-saving appliances and radio communications. He added the yacht would have met all international standards and UK maritime coastguard agency regulations before its voyage.

Pic:Perini Navi/The Italian Sea Group

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The boat left the Sicilian port of Milazzo on 14 August and was last tracked east of Palermo on Sunday evening, with a navigation status of "at anchor", according to vessel tracking site VesselFinder.

The Bayesian previously travelled to other parts of Sicily before its last sighting off the coast of the port of Porticello.

The path of the last 24 hours of the Bayesian. Pic: MarineTraffic

On Sunday, the boat was seen off the coast of Cefalu before it travelled towards Porticello, MarineTraffic data shows.

In the days before, the yacht travelled around four of the Aeolian islands, just north of Sicily.

It was previously named Salute, or "health" in Italian, when it flew under a Dutch flag. Its minimalist interior featured light wood with Japanese accents designed by the French designer Remi Tessier, according to descriptions on charter sites.

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Prosecutors in the nearby town of Termini Imerese have opened an investigation into the sinking.

Related Topics

  • Superyacht sinking

Who is Mike Lynch, the British tech entrepreneur in the superyacht sinking?

The software millionaire was once considered the U.K.’s version of Bill Gates. The yacht trip came after his acquittal on U.S. fraud charges related to a 2011 tech deal.

sand yachting

Mike Lynch, a British technology entrepreneur, is among those missing after the Bayesian superyacht sank in a freak storm off the northern coast of Sicily.

Rescuers are searching for Lynch, 59, and his daughter Hannah, 18, as well as two other people with British citizenship and two with American citizenship, authorities said. Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, was among 15 people — including a 1-year-old girl — rescued. One person has been confirmed dead.

Who is Mike Lynch?

The son of a firefighter from County Cork and a nurse from County Tipperary in Ireland, Lynch received a doctorate from Cambridge University and made his fortune in tech.

He was once feted as Britain’s version of Bill Gates. He sold his company, Autonomy, to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion in 2011 — one of the biggest British tech deals at the time.

But he was subsequently accused of overvaluing the company and was charged in the United States with fraud. He spent years fighting legal battles before being acquitted by a jury in San Francisco in June.

The ill-fated voyage on the Bayesian was intended to be a celebration of his legal victory, Britain’s Telegraph newspaper reported , and members of his legal team were among those on board. In a cruel coincidence, his co-defendant in the fraud case, Steve Chamberlain, died after being fatally struck by a car on Saturday while out running, Chamberlain’s attorney said.

The Bayesian

The British-flagged 183-foot luxury sailing yacht, Bayesian, is owned by Revtom, a firm controlled by Bacares, Lynch’s wife, and registered on the Isle of Man, documents show.

It tilted and sank after being hit by ferocious weather around 4 a.m. Monday. Its 75-meter (246 feet) aluminum mast was the tallest of its kind in the world, according to Italian shipbuilder Perini, which built the yacht in 2008.

The yacht sank to a depth of more than 160 feet; it is believed that some passengers might have been trapped in their rooms. The first attempt by cave divers to search inside the yacht was unsuccessful, local rescue authorities said , because furniture was obstructing access to the bridge.

The name Bayesian refers to a statistical theory that assigns probabilities, such as the chance of rain tomorrow, according to Merriam-Webster .

Lynch, who researched adaptive pattern recognition while at Cambridge , used the theory in his software to help companies sort troves of data.

Who else was on board the yacht?

Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of Morgan Stanley International, and Chris Morvillo, a lawyer at Clifford Chance, were among those still missing after the yacht sank, Reuters reported , citing Salvatore Cocina, the head of the Civil Protection in Sicily. Their wives were also aboard, according to Italian authorities.

Rescuers picked up Charlotte Golunski, a colleague of Lynch’s, who saved her 1-year-old daughter from near-tragedy when she slipped from her mother’s grasp in the furious waves. Her partner, James Emslie, was also among the 15 people rescued, according to local media reports.

Stefano Pitrelli in Rome contributed to this report.

sand yachting


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    Donna advises finding a club or course near you via the North American Land Sailing Association, Blokart's website, or the International Sand Yachting Federation.

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    Land sailing, also known as sand yachting or land yachting—or as Harris likes to call it, "dirt boating"—has evolved primarily into a racing sport in the last half century.

  8. A sand yacht to harness the wind

    Sand-yachting, try it once and you'll be hooked. At low tide, vast stretches of the beautiful 7km beach of fine sand are exposed, offering the ideal terrain for hitting those top speeds aboard one of Le Touquet's elegant sand-yachts. All it takes is a favourable wind to see the white sails bearing the famous caddie, hurtle at full speed ...

  9. Land Yachting

    Land yachting is sometimes called land sailing or sand yachting, but can be done on any large area of flat open land. Beaches, dry lake beds and private airports are the favourite locations because they are flat and open to the wind. The land yacht had three wheels for stability. In case you didn't realise, it can be quite a challenge to get ...

  10. FISLY Home Page

    Welcome to the homepages of FISLY. the International Land and Sandyachting Federation. FISLY YOUTH CAMP (12 - 14 August 2024 - Marck France) Access to the "FISLY INTERNATIONAL PILOT REGISTRATION".

  11. 9 Places to Go Sand Yachting in Normandy

    To practice sand yachting in Normandy in a mythical place, you have to come to Trouville-sur-Mer. Located very close to Deauville, this seaside resort is the oldest in the region.

  12. Sand yachting in Normandy

    Sand yachting on the long sandy beaches in Normandy makes for fun memories! For a fun photo option, check out our selection of spots: in the Manche, in the seaside resorts of Cabourg, Deauville, Trouville-sur-Mer, on the D-Day Landing Beaches. Types.

  13. How Land Sailing Works

    These days, land sailing is popular in Europe, where it's called sand sailing. Boats race along sandy beaches at low tide, and racers may attract big-name sponsors.

  14. Hidden Belgium: Sand Yachting at De Panne

    Hidden Belgium: Sand Yachting at De Panne. Tuesday, 2 August 2022. When the wind is right, you can ride a sand yacht along a 30-kilometre stretch of wide sandy beach between De Panne and Dunkirk. The sport was brought to the Belgian coast in 1898 by André Dumont and his seven brothers. André launched the idea by attaching a sail to a wooden ...

  15. Sand Yachting

    We thank NRMA, Keppel Bay Sailing Club, Livingstone Shire Council, Blokart International, Australian Blokart Association and Oldfart Blokarts for their support.

  16. Sand yachting in the Somme, north of France

    It's one of the best spots to try sand-yachting! Sessions last about three hours and you can get started in a matter of minutes. You learn to manoeuvre and to direct the sand yacht by gauging the wind, and soon get to enjoy the heady sensations of speed. Your sand yacht can hit 90 kph!


    Land sailing, also known as sand yachting or Land yachting , is the act of moving across land in a wheeled vehicle powered by wind through the use of a sail. The term comes from analogy with (water) sailing.

  18. Land or Sand Yachting in Scotland 2024

    Sand yachting enthusiasts flock to St. Andrews in Fife for an unforgettable thrill ride. The stunning location's perfect mix of windy conditions with awe-inspiring scenery is the ultimate sand yachting experience.

  19. British Landsailing

    Welcome to British Landsailing, the British Federation of Sand & Land Yacht Clubs (BFSLYC). We are the administrative body for sand yachting and land sailing in the UK. The sport includes the competitive and recreational sailing of sand and land yachts. Here you can find out more about land sailing, where to learn and sail, competitions and all ...

  20. Sand yachting in Brittany: advice and best spots in Brittany

    A magical place to test sand yachting in Brittany! Nautical Center of Fréhel in Sables-d'Or-les-Pins. Leo Laurent. Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel. The Bay of Mont Saint-Michel is a good place to learn sand yachting! Brittany's 7 km long stretch of coastline guarantees great acceleration….

  21. Sand-yachting in the bay of Somme

    Sand-yachting in the Somme bay ̶ 25 km of pure freedom. A wide-open beach caressed by the foamy sea and with an unbroken stretch of sand that goes as far as the eye can see: 15.5 miles to be exact! It was here, on the vast shores of northern France in the early 20th century, that land sailing was born. And it's no surprise really.

  22. Sand yachting in Morbihan (Brittany): Our advice for doing it

    To take lessons, ideally choose one of the 2 sand yachting schools in Morbihan which provide the equipment and are approved by the French Sand Yachting Federation (FFCV): Zef Attitud' offers several discovery packages (1 hour or 1 hour 30 minutes). For a 1-hour outing, count on €27/person, €35 in a two-seater (from 5 years old) and €25 ...

  23. Sand yachting on the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, near Saint-Malo

    It is along this bay that you will find the beach of Hirel, between Saint-Malo and the Mont-Saint-Michel. This large stretch of sand is a perfect place to practice sand yachting in Brittany. Our partner Avel Char à Voile welcomes you on the Hirel beach, 15 minutes from Saint-Malo, to try this sailing sport with your family or friends.

  24. Yacht Club Event Benefits Veterans Groups

    GIVING AID: Barnegat Light Yacht Club committee members helped make fundraiser a success. The event featured fine wines and gourmet dishes. (Supplied Photos) On Aug. 10, the Barnegat Light Yacht Club in Harvey Cedars held its third summer fundraiser, this year to benefit two New Jersey veterans groups. The gala event raised more than $10,000

  25. Yacht once owned by Jimmy Buffett goes up for sale

    Video above: Jimmy Buffett sand sculpture honors singer's legacy in Key West. TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Jimmy Buffett fans have the chance to own a piece of the artist's history, if they have ...

  26. Mike Lynch and daughter among six missing after yacht sinks: What we

    Mike Lynch and daughter among six missing after yacht sinks: What we know about disaster - and 'alarming' potential cause. One person is confirmed to have died after the British-flagged luxury ...

  27. What to know about Mike Lynch, the U.K. tech entrepreneur in yacht

    The software millionaire was once considered the U.K.'s version of Bill Gates. The yacht trip came after his acquittal on U.S. fraud charges related to a 2011 tech deal.