Better Sailing

Sailboat Vs Yacht: What is The Difference?

Sailboat Vs Yacht: What is The Difference?

Many boaters use the terms “sailboat” and “yacht” interchangeably when they are actually quite distinct. A yacht is a larger boat or ship that is used for recreational purposes. The term “yacht” is of Dutch origin, and it was initially described as a small, swift sailing vessel used by the Dutch navy to track down and catch pirates. A boat, on the other hand, is a smaller vessel that can range from a fishing boat to a sailboat in size. So, if you’re interested in this topic, this article will compare yachting with sailing in many ways. Like this, you will have a much better understanding of which option is best for you. Keep reading!

Sailboats and Yachts: Meaning

Firstly, it’s important to understand the meaning of each word. Generally, a boat is a form of watercraft that comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. A boat is a watercraft that is small enough to fit on a ship, which is typically less than 1,000 feet long. A ship is a huge vessel with a large carrying capacity that can transport other vessels. The size, shape, and capacity of a boat vary depending on its intended usage. Boats are most commonly employed for navigating places along the water’s edge or inland waterways like lakes and rivers, although they can be utilized on any water source. Boats can be used for a variety of purposes, including providing service to people and vessels on the water, recreational activities, commercial passenger, and cargo transportation across waterways.

So, a sailboat (sailing vessel) is a boat that is propelled primarily by the force of the wind on sails. Keep in mind that the term “boat” can cause some misconceptions about the vessel’s size. People may refer to it as a sailing ship rather than a sailing boat once it reaches a particular size. Also, boats are generally thought to be smaller than ships. A sailboat is a water-borne watercraft whose principal means of propulsion is the wind, which is captured and controlled by triangular-shaped pieces of cloth known as ‘sails.’ On the other hand, a powerboat is a watercraft with an internal combustion engine as its primary source of propulsion.

A yacht is most likely a vessel that is primarily used for personal rather than business purposes. There are yachts that you can hire for a week or more. This might add a little confusion as they are commercially owned but within the hire period, they are used by individuals for leisure purposes. Generally, people usually refer to sailboats as yachts or vice-versa. This is a common phenomenon nowadays, however, there are significantly more sailing yachts than motor yachts at the seaside/marina. If you want to specify a boat that is not largely powered by the wind, use the word motor yacht.

Sailing yachts and motor-powered yachts are the two forms of yachts available today. Yachts range in length from 26 feet to hundreds of feet. A cabin cruiser, or just a cruiser, is a luxury vessel that is less than 39 feet long. A superyacht is typically above 70 feet long. So, what is the definition of a mega yacht? They usually exceed 150 feet in length, but there is no top limit! Note that the world’s largest boat is 728 feet long, or 222 meters.

Let’s now check the main differences between a sailboat and a yacht:

Sails and Motor

The boat may be powered purely by the wind or by one or more inboard or outboard motors, depending on the model. While some larger boats may have very massive engines to provide genuine speed on the water, most yacht engines are far less powerful. Yacht engines are substantially larger, can produce far more power – up to 800hp in some circumstances – and can go many further distances.

If you’re searching for a vessel that’s easier to operate, you could argue that a yacht is a superior option. Sure, the computer components are more complicated, and there is more to manage, but sailing will be simpler. In stormy weather, managing a sail can be tricky. From inside the cabin, you can’t manage your sails. You may, however, operate your yacht from the cabin.

It’s a fact that sailboats will always have sails. After all, it’s their primary source of propulsion. The nail is what propels the boat forward by harnessing the wind. So long as the weather permits, sailing can be done anywhere, at any time. Yachting, on the other hand, has its own set of restrictions. A yacht will usually lack a sail, which can be viewed as a good or negative aspect, depending on your perspective.

The advantage of having a sail over only an engine is that you don’t have to worry about running out of fuel. Fuel is not only costly but also inconvenient and pollutes the environment. When on long voyages, you must always keep an eye on your fuel levels, or you risk breaking down at sea. The great thing with sailboats is that as long as there is wind, a sailboat can sail. If you have an extra sail onboard, you should be alright regardless of what occurs. You have a significantly lower chance of being left stranded at sea.

Sailyacht Vs Yacht

>>Also Read: Sailboats Vs Powerboats: Why Sailboats are Better

Size Matters

The size difference between a yacht and a sailboat is one of the most significant ones. Most of the time, a sailboat will almost certainly be smaller than a yacht. Of course, some sailboats are larger than others, but if we’re talking about average sizes, a yacht will be larger. The reason that size counts so much when deciding which boat to buy is that the available space is limited. So, if you opt for space note that the larger your boat is, the more space you’ll have. This may seem self-evident, but it is one of the most crucial aspects of your boat to which many people forget to give due consideration.

Generally, when it comes to boats, size will always matter. Except in cases where someone prefers overall better performance and speed. But, keep in mind that almost everything you do will be influenced by the size of your boat. The smaller the boat, the less storage space you have, the less space you have for emergency supplies, and even the less space you have for yourself. Regardless of the size of your boat, your sleeping quarters will most certainly be small. Also, depending on your height, every inch of a room may be crucial.

When there are more people on your boat than just you, size matters the most. If you intend to live alone on your yacht, you will have a significant space advantage. If there are three persons on board, you probably going to need more equipment and devices for cooking or for emergencies. All of this suggests that the sleeping space is the most significant distinction between living alone and living with people. If you live alone on a yacht that can sleep four people in theory, you will have a lot more storage and consequently space.

People on Board

The extent to which the crew will influence your decision is mostly determined by your budget and the size of the vessel you are considering buying. Meaning that if you’re intending to buy a sailboat, you won’t need any crew. Except for your family/friends that live on your boat with you, you basically are the entire crew. However, if you own a yacht, it’s an entirely different scenario.

If you intend to live aboard your yacht, you may require the assistance of one or two crew members. There will be plenty to do even if you are the most essential member of the team, i.e. the captain. This is because you might haven’t already mastered things like navigation, maintenance, plumbing, and engineering. So, a yacht often requires a complete crew to assist with navigation, maintenance, electronics and engineering, repairs, and sometimes even stewards to attend to the passengers.

In other words, having a sailboat means that you can take care of everything yourself. There are only a few computer components that will need to be repaired, and you are unlikely to have an engine. Repairing a sailboat isn’t easy in and of itself; it’s just easier for one person to handle. Meaning that it’s far easier to replace a sail than it is to fix an engine. In bad weather, a small sailboat is just easier to monitor than a large yacht. At the absolute least, another set of eyes will be probably required when sailing with a yacht.

Price also Matters

In general, yachts tend to be more expensive than sailboats. Occasionally, a great deal more. For a variety of factors, the most important of which are materials, design, and construction techniques. Note also that a boat’s price is likely to rise as it becomes more modern. Although this isn’t always the case, it is the vast majority of the time. If money is a key factor in deciding which boat to buy, here’s something to think about: just because a yacht is more expensive doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have one. If you have the cash, knowledge, and you know the kind of sailing you will be doing then go for a yacht!

Note also that a sailboat can be outfitted with a variety of amenities and conveniences. But, the sailboat doesn’t always include these features. This will mostly depend on the type of sailboat. As a result, buying a basic sailboat can save you a lot of money. However, most yachts will provide high end amenities. As a result, a motor yacht will cost significantly more than a regular sailboat. Sailboats are also smaller than yachts, which means you have a larger selection of less expensive boats to pick from when making your purchase. But, yachts often start in the six-figure range and can reach millions of dollars depending on the yacht’s size, age, and build quality.

Maintenance and Repairs

Yachts are frequently more expensive to maintain than sailboats. Meaning that boat engines require a great deal of upkeep, and the expense of fuel can be prohibitive for many individuals. For example, did you know that a gallon of diesel fuel in a yacht may only allow you to travel less than 1 nautical mile? If you’re going on a long voyage out to the sea, you can end up spending a lot of money on fuel. A sailboat, on the other hand, can take you wherever you want to go with very little fuel. Bear in mind also that a yacht’s insurance is more expensive than that of a sailboat. One of the main reasons is because it is classified as a yacht.

In addition to the boat’s price there are some other things to consider. The most important one is maintenance and repairs. A boat will always need these and it might need them once per month or once per year. It depends on the kind of repairs and on the way in which you “treat” your boat. Also, if you’re buying a used sailboat, you will need sometimes more research and more money for upgrades. It will be repainted, restored, and upgraded, although it will remain the same size. You should approach buying a boat in the same way that you would with a car. So, according to the size and kind of boat you want to buy, it’s important to keep in mind the price and extra costs as well.

While advanced marine electronics and navigation systems are available on some boats, they are more of a must for yachts. When doing transatlantic voyages, it is critical not only to be able to navigate with precision but also to be able to identify other boats or objects that you may not be able to see, as well as to comprehend your vessel’s performance.

When it comes to technology, it’s not just about whether you’re choosing a sailboat or a yacht. The age of the specific vessel is also something to consider. A sailboat that is more than ten years old may not be as technologically advanced as a brand new sailboat. Better technology can offer a lot of opportunities for you if you decide to buy a yacht. First and foremost, it can make working on your boat much more convenient. There’s no reason you couldn’t work remotely from your boat if you have the ability to set up a functional office with wifi.

Technology also brings up a lot of new possibilities for you when it comes to the act of sailing. A sailboat could traverse the Pacific or Atlantic, but it would be rather difficult. On the other hand, with a yacht, it can be a lot easier. In comparison to a sailboat, your yacht will have advanced navigational systems, warning and guidance systems, and many more safety features.

Sea, Lakes, or Rivers?

Bear in mind that in shallow waters, large yachts are unable to sail. A sailboat is a way to go if you plan on sailing in areas with shallow waters. In the Caribbean, for example, a yacht might be difficult to navigate. At the very least, it’ll be more difficult than sailing. A yacht, on the other hand, may travel to far more places than a sailboat.

A small sailboat might theoretically sail across the Atlantic. However, it can be quite risky, and your boat might not be able to withstand the strong winds and waves. Furthermore, if you’re aboard a sailboat, you can be the only one on board. This means that if the worst happens, far out at sea, there will be no one to aid you. You can do it, of course, but it is risky.

So, smaller boats may normally operate in calmer seas such as lakes, rivers, and shallow harbors. Larger boats, usually between 20 and 30 feet long, can equally navigate rougher ocean seas. A yacht, on the other hand, can sail in deeper ocean waters and handle more choppy seas. Yachts are significantly more ideal for lengthy ocean voyages due to their bigger size, high-tech electronics and guidance equipment, weather protection, and a variety of other characteristics.

Sailboats Vs Yachts

>>Also Read: Sailing Vs Boating: Why Sailing Is Better

Sailboat and Yatch Construction

Depending on the anticipated scale of production, sailboat makers can fabricate their own parts or order them. Masts, sails, engines, and metal fittings are common items provided by specialty vendors. Boatbuilders, on the other hand, create their own fiberglass hulls, using Gel coat polyester resin, a catalyst for the resin, woven fiberglass roving, and fiberglass. Wooden hull manufacturers create and shape their own wood in the same way. Note that the main building materials used in boat construction are aluminum, metal, wood, and fiberglass. The unique structure of each material offers a different design and usage as well as additional features to the way in which the boat is built.

Material considerations are important, whether they affect the cost or the durability of the product. Fiberglass, carbon fiber, and metals such as titanium will also be used to construct a boat. On the contrary, a sailboat will most likely be composed of wood or fiberglass. So, in case you value safety and sturdiness above all else, and money isn’t a big issue, a yacht will be significantly safer for you.

The material can also influence the way in which you make repairs. For instance, a wooden boat is much easier to repair than a metal boat. You can make some simple and quick repairs using wood, and they’ll probably last till you get to a marina. To do major repairs on a yacht, you’ll need a lot of specialized equipment and knowledge. Moreover, you may need to ask for a crew member to help you with this.

Sailboat Vs Yacht – Summary

As you can see there are many differences between a sailboat and a yacht. Nowadays many people tend to confuse or don’t be aware of the exact meaning and differences of these vessels, and it’s normal. But, we, as sailors, have to know the differences in order to understand which kind of boat is right for us. For example, if you want big spaces, luxury, or intend to liveaboard then you should opt for a yacht. But, if you want to experience the true joy of sailing, sail anywhere without worrying about polluting the environment or spending too much on fuel, then go for a sailboat! It will entirely depend on your needs and preferences so weigh the pros and cons of each one before making the decision.

In any case, I hope that you have now clarified the differences between these two and that you will make the right choice. I wish you all safe & enjoyable voyages!


Peter is the editor of Better Sailing. He has sailed for countless hours and has maintained his own boats and sailboats for years. After years of trial and error, he decided to start this website to share the knowledge.

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My Cruiser Life Magazine

Yacht vs Sailboat – A Definitive Guide

What exactly is a yacht, anyway? Does it have to be a motor boat? But what about large sailing yachts?

The term is confusing because it is used differently in different places. Sometimes, it’s a term only reserved for large motor yachts with multiple crew member teams.

Here is a look at my observations. You might find that the lines are different in your harbor, but this article should get you started.

Table of Contents

  • Sailboat vs Yacht – What’s the Difference? 

Six Things that Make It a Yacht

So what’s a yachtie, then, sailing yacht vs motor yacht, types of yacht — what makes it a megayacht, modern yachts, classic designs.

  • What about Yacht Racing? 

Sailing Yachts or Motor Yachts

Faqs – motor and sailing yachts vs sailboats.

Cyclades: Milos

Sailboat vs Yacht – What’s the Difference?

Before diving in, it should be noted that there is some regional variation at play. For example, American and British sailors use the word yacht very differently.

First, the American definitions. From the Merriam-Webster dictionary, here are how sailboats compare to yachts.

Sailboat – A boat usually propelled by sail sailboat Boat – A small vessel for travel on water Yacht – Any of various recreational watercraft, such as a) a sailboat used for racing, or b) a large usually motor-driven craft used for pleasure cruising Merriam-Webster Dictonary

So right away, we can see a few trends that play out in the real world. For one, any term with the word “boat” is inherently generic. It could be a fishing boat, a work boat, or a pleasure boat. Likewise, it could be a sailboat or a motorboat.

On the other hand, a yacht is a special kind of boat. It is always for recreational and not commercial use. Sometimes it’s a sailboat used for racing, and sometimes a motorboat used for cruising.

From my personal experience on the water, I don’t disagree with this definition, but it leaves out a lot of nuances.

Across the Pond, the use of the word yacht is slightly different. In British usage, the words “yacht” and “sailboat” are used more or less interchangeably, with more sailors tending toward the word yacht. Here’s the definition according to the Cambridge English Dictionary. 

Yacht – a boat with sails and sometimes an engine, used for either racing or traveling on for pleasure Cambridge English Dictionary

This sounds like the definition of a sailboat by US usage to my ear. But this is precisely how many Brits I have met in my travels refer to their boats—er, yachts. 

Besides the dictionary definitions, we could look at how the term is used in the publishing world. For example, one of the most popular UK-based magazines is Yachting World . The magazine covers cruising boats, global sailing destinations, around the world races, and general sailing techniques. Its nearest US competitor is called Cruising World.

A sail boat on the Aegean Sea.

As a boater in South Florida, I became more aware of the differences between a boat and a yacht. You cannot navigate the waters between Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and Miami for long without noticing a few other things that will qualify you as a yacht.

1. Yachts are nearly always operated by a professional crew who act as hosts for the owners and guests. There’s always a captain and chef, and usually stewards and deck hands too.

2. Yachts are flashy—they look expensive, and they are expensive. They shine, they’re always washed, and their wood and stainless glisten with perfection. After all, they have a full-time crew to tend to all of that.

3. While motor yachts are more common, there are plenty of beautiful sailing yachts on the water as well.

4. Yachts tend to be big. They need to be big enough for guests and crew to be comfortable. Plus, many are owned by business owners who use them to entertain. 

5. Yachts spend much of their time with no guests/owners on board. Instead, the crew moves the yacht from one place to another, and the owner flies in to enjoy a few days a month onboard. 

6. Many yachts are available for charter. While one person might own it and use it, they don’t spend all their time onboard. So when it’s still idle, it and its crew are leased out for days/weeks/months at a time.

Even within the subset of the motor yachts, there is significant variation and room for definition. To illustrate, some boats are designed to be sleek and modern, with the stately look of a yacht.

The term yachtie is commonly heard in port cities around the world as a person who gets off a yacht. Initially, this term was used only for wealthy owners or their guests. However, if you’re in a place where “yacht” means smaller boats, then any sailboat owner could be called a “yachtie.”

Nowadays, though, the term yachtie also could refer to the crew. Bravo TV’s Below Decks reality series focuses on the adventures and misadventures of the crews on these sorts of yachts.

More often than not, yachts are motorboats. But they aren’t just any motorboat. They are often sleek and fast ones that look like they just blasted out of the newest James Bond film.

There are also plenty of other styles of yacht on the ocean. Yachts take many shapes and forms since the best naval architects design them to suit whatever their clients want to do. 

For example, some yacht owners use their boats to explore the Seven Seas. To do this, they might commission a custom expedition yacht or convert an old research vessel, fishing boat, or tugboat. These vessels are great for getting off the beaten track and taking any long trip.

This photo was taken when I was at the Amalfi coast this summer. I shot this massive private yacht. Hope you like it!

And similarly, some yacht owners want to sail. Some enjoy sailing for sailing’s sake, and others want their floating mansions to produce a smaller environmental impact by cutting down on their use of fossil fuels. 

There are classic sailboat superyachts, like the three-masted schooner EOS . The EOS is the second-largest pure sailing yacht in the world at 305 feet (95 meters) long. She was launched in 2007 and is owned by movie billionaire Barry Diller and his wife, fashion designer Diane von Fürstenberg. 

But you can’t compare the motor yacht vs sailing yacht without mentioning some of the other ultra-modern takes on the classic sailboat. The Maltese Falcon is a well-known sailing superyacht with three masts. But unlike the conventional schooner rig found on the EOS, the 288-foot (88-meter) Maltese Falcon has DynaRig technology . It looks like a square-rigger from the 1800s, but the masts can rotate, allowing it to sail upwind.

And for those who are still pondering sailing vs motor yacht design, you can’t miss Sailing Yacht A . Sailing Yacht A is sometimes noted as the largest sailing yacht in the world, but due to its unusual design, it is actually a “sail-assisted yacht.” In other words, this boat has sails, but it needs to run the motor to make way—the sails only help the motors.

How Big Is a Yacht?

With varying meanings worldwide, no single definition for the word yacht exists. Many brokers and charter companies loosely define a yacht as being at least 80 feet (24 meters) long. 

In an industry where the lowest entry-level model needs to be big, luxurious, and fancy—how do different naval architects and boat makers differentiate themselves? In other words, how can a yacht be more than just a yacht? 

The answer, of course, is to be a SUPER or a MEGA yacht. There’s no agreed-upon definition of what precisely these terms entail, but make no mistake–it takes a big yacht. 

Worth Avenue Yachts, a global yacht broker and charter specialist company, postulates that a superyacht is at least 78 feet long (24 meters).

Furthermore, mega yachts are even grander. They start around the 200-foot (60-meter) line and keep getting bigger from there. The largest megayacht in the world is the 592-foot (180-meter) AZZAM . AZZAM was launched by Lürssen Yachts in 2013 was built for the President of the United Arab Emirates.

Yacht Aesthetics

So we’ve touched on the fact that yachts are usually pretty big, and in some cases really, really big. But there’s another thing that sets them apart from the typical sailboat, too. Yachts look different.

Generally, there are two aesthetics or looks that yachts take on, forming something of a motor yacht debate. Of course, this isn’t an inclusive list. Many designers work to make a statement with their yachts. The look of the finished vessel is a statement and an advertisement for the builder.

There are many yachts built that are designed right from the drawing board to turn heads. The most common way they do this is by making them modern and sleek, even futuristic at times. 

Designers and builders put the latest technologies into yachts to appeal to early adopters of new technologies. What CEO or celebrity doesn’t want to own the world’s fastest yacht ? 

And then there are futuristic-looking ones with forward-thinking designs. Boat International collected some of the craziest-looking yachts that are worth a look.

white and gold yacht scenery

The yachts above get their title as yachts thanks to their value and size. But there’s another classification that you should consider—those yachts that get their name for their air of traditionalism. 

Perhaps they are well-cared for or restored wooden hulled yachts from the 1920s or 30s. Many of these classics are sailing yachts , but that isn’t always the case. 

In some cases, they are modern fiberglass or metal-hulled boats built recently and designed by contemporary designers. But their owners wanted that classic yacht aesthetic, so they created something that appears older than it is. Here’s a look at some of the nicest classic yachts out there.

What about Yacht Racing?

The older, more traditional British use of the word yacht seeps into everyday American English in a few places. 

They’re more common on the international stage, so beyond the everyday use of yacht terms in the US, these particular uses harness a more global view of the word.

One such example is in the term yacht racing. Yacht racing sounds fancy, and it usually is, but it is entirely about sailboats. Yacht racing is usually done at a yacht club, another term that focuses on an older use of the word. 

In the heydays of the yacht club, the line between the sort of crewed megayachts you see today and the person sailboat was blurrier. Fewer people had boats, and those boats that the wealthy could afford were divided between large crewed vessels and those small private boats kept at clubs. And, of course, one of the favorite activities at the yacht clubs was yacht racing.

Yacht clubs are still a thing, but they are less a part of everyday boating in the US than they used to be. Yacht clubs range from a local, passionate small boat sailing community to exclusive, elite social clubs with little to do with yachts.

Yacht racing is an international sport, although even the Olympics refer to it now as “sailing.” The oldest trophy in sports is the America’s Cup , and the competition for it is the pinnacle event in yacht racing.

Rolex Middle Sea Race 2019

So how do you tell a yacht from other boats? It depends on several factors, but unlike a lot of things in boating, there really isn’t a right or wrong answer. If you want to call your new 20-foot pontoon a yacht or even a ship, go right ahead. However you want to enjoy life, the weather, sun, wind, or adventure, only one thing is for sure. Owning a boat makes it better!

To learn more about other boats and their comparisons, check out: Catamaran vs Pontoon

yacht and sail boat

At what point does a sailboat become a yacht?

There is no definitive line where a sailing boat can be called a yacht. To some extent, you can use the word sailboat to describe any private, recreational sailing vessel. This is how the word is used in many parts of the world.

In the United States, the word yacht is usually reserved for crewed luxury vessels. To count as a yacht by this definition, the boat would need to be very high-end, sleek, and expensive. In short, it’s probably not a yacht if it’s under about 80 feet or so. 

Are yachts or sailboats more expensive?

Yachts are more expensive, but it’s all in the definition of the word. In the US, the understood definition of a yacht is a luxurious sailboat or motor yacht. More often than not, yachts are big enough to require a professional crew.

On the other hand, a sailboat is any vessel that uses sails for power. So a yacht could be a sailboat, but not all sailboats are yachts. By the US definition, most sailboats are small and far from the lavish luxury you’d find on a yacht. But in some parts of the world, “yacht” is used interchangeably for a sailboat of any value.

Is a 40 foot sailboat a yacht?

The answer depends on where you are from. In parts of the world heavily influenced by British English tradition, the word yacht is often interchangeable with sailboat. If this sounds right, then a 40-foot sailboat could definitely be a yacht.

But in the US, the word yacht is usually reserved for large, lavish, and expensive vessels with professional crews—the types owned by celebrities and the super-wealthy. If this sounds more like your neighborhood, chances are a 40-foot sailboat is just a sailboat. On the other hand, if it doubles or triples in size and gets a crew, it might be bordering on yacht territory.

Is a sailing yacht cheaper than a yacht?

In general, the purchase price of yachts are roughly equal. While sailboats have more rigging and equipment, motor yachts have larger engines, so the prices are closer than you might imagine. There are too many variables to generalize when it comes to operating costs. In general, though, a fast-moving powerboat will always cost more than a slow-moving sailboat due simply to fuel costs.

If you’re thinking about chartering and want to compare the prices of sail versus power, companies like The Moorings Charters allow you to browse various destinations and boats. For example, a one-week charter on a 42-foot sail catamaran in the BVI starts at around $9,400. For comparison, that same charter on their smallest power catamaran, a 43 footer, starts at $11,070.

yacht and sail boat

Matt has been boating around Florida for over 25 years in everything from small powerboats to large cruising catamarans. He currently lives aboard a 38-foot Cabo Rico sailboat with his wife Lucy and adventure dog Chelsea. Together, they cruise between winters in The Bahamas and summers in the Chesapeake Bay.


8 Differences Between Yachting and Sailing

Differences Between Yachting and Sailing | Life of Sailing

Unless you are very involved in the sailing community or own a boat of your own, you may think of yachting and sailing as similar.

In a lot of ways they are, after all, both are boats and both spend their time at sea. But, that’s about the end of the direct comparison.

Sailboats and yachts are very different, each with their pros and cons. Whether you are just curious about what the differences are, or are wondering because you plan to buy a boat yourself you’re in the right place. This article lists 8 distinct differences between yachting and sailing.

Hopefully, by the end of this article, you will have a much better idea about which might be better for you. After all, yachting/sailing isn’t for everyone.

Table of contents

One of the biggest differences between a yacht and a sailboat is its size. A sailboat is likely to be much smaller than a yacht. Of course, some sailboats can be bigger than some yachts but if we are working on average sizes a yacht is going to be bigger. The reason that size matters so much when it comes to picking which boat you are going to purchase (sailboat or yacht) is space. The bigger your boat, the more space you are going to have. This may sound obvious but is one of the most important factors about your boat that people often fail to give their full consideration.

Size matters (when it comes to boats). Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The size of your boat will factor into almost every single thing you do, every day. The smaller your boat the less room you have for storage, the less room you have for emergency supplies, the less room you have for storing even yourself. Your sleeping quarters are not likely going to be very big, regardless of how big your boat is. Depending on how tall you are every inch of space could matter. If you are 6 feet tall and your sleeping quarters are only just big enough, or worse, too small. You are in trouble. It may not immediately bother you. You may even be able to trick yourself into thinking that you are fine curled up into a ball whenever you are trying to sleep. You won’t feel this way for long.

Size matters most when there are more people on your boat than just yourself. If you are planning on living on your boat solo you have a huge advantage space-wise. Whether you have 1 person or multiple you will still need the same kit. A watermaker , water storage, food storage, a first aid kit, a fishing rod, etc. You won’t need 3 first aid kits if you have 3 people on board. All of this means the biggest difference between living solo and living with others is the sleeping room. If you are living solo on a boat that can in theory sleep 4, congrats, you now have a whole lot more storage.

Conversely, if you are planning on living on your boat with someone (perhaps your spouse) then space matters even more. Two people need to be able to move about comfortably. Just because your little sailboat can sleep two doesn’t mean two people will be able to live on it comfortably. If there is more than one of you, you may be better off with a yacht.

For the most part, the yachts are going to be more expensive. Sometimes a whole lot more. For a few reasons, mostly material and technology. The more modern a boat is the more expensive it is likely to be. This isn’t always the case, it is for the majority of the time though. If the price is going to play a big part in which boat you choose to buy here is something you may want to consider; just because a yacht can cost more doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get one. If you are on the fence, it is almost always to spend the extra money on something bigger and better.

When you buy a house, it is not uncommon to buy one to fix it up. Making little repairs and upgrades here and there, in some cases even building an extension. This doesn’t work with boats. The boat you buy is the boat you get. Sure, it can be improved. Repainted, renovated, modernized, but for the most part, it will stay the same size. You need to treat buying the boat the same as you would buying a car in this way. You wouldn’t buy a small hatchback and then build another story on it. The size boat you buy is the size boat you are stuck with. If you need more room, you will need another boat. It will work out much cheaper in the long run if you buy one expensive boat than having to buy a second slightly cheaper one because the first wasn’t up to scratch.

How much the crew will factor into your choice largely depends on budget and the size of the vessel you have your eye on. If you are planning on buying a sailboat, you aren’t going to need (or want) any kind of crew. You are the whole crew, except maybe your family/friends if they happen to live on your boat with you. If you have a yacht, however, its a completely different story. If you are planning on living aboard your yacht you may need one or two crew members to help you out. Even if you are fulfilling the most important role (captain), there will still be lots to do. Navigation, maintenance, and engineering may not be your forte.

If you are planning on buying a sailboat, you can handle everything yourself. There are relatively few computer components that will need working on and chances are you won’t have an engine. Repairs to a sailboat are not easy per se, they are just more manageable for one person. Changing a sail is much easier than repairing an engine. In severe conditions, a small sailboat is simply easier to keep an eye on than a huge yacht. A yacht may require, at the very least, another pair of eyes.

4. Whether or not there is a sail

This difference is purely aesthetic for the most part. Whether or not there is a sail. A sailboat, unsurprisingly, will always have a sail. The nail is how the boat harnesses the wind and what drives it forward. Sailing can be done anywhere, anytime, so long as the weather permits it. Yachting, on the other hand, can be far more limiting. A yacht typically won’t have a sail, which can be seen as either a positive or a negative depending on your outlook. Heres why.

If you are looking for a vessel that is easier to handle, you could argue that a yacht would fit those criteria better. Sure, the computer components are a little more complex and there is more to handle, but sailing itself will be easier. If you have to manage a sail, it can be pretty difficult in stormy conditions. You cant control your sails from inside the cabin. You can, however, steer your yacht from the comfort of the inside.

The advantage of having a sail, as opposed to just an engine, is that you don’t need to worry about fuel. Fuel is not only expensive but a real hassle. You must always keep an eye on your fuel levels when making long voyages or else you risk breaking down at sea. A sailboat can sail so long as there is wind. If you have an extra sail onboard, chances are you will be fine no matter what happens. You are much less likely to get stuck at sea.

5. Engine size

Some sailboats do have motors, albeit small ones. It could just be a trolling motor or as big as a 2 stroke. Regardless of what engine size you have, it is never going to be your primary power source. If you have sails you get your power from harnassing the wind. This, again, can be seen as either good or bad. If you have a small engine you have less to worry about. If you only have the most basic mechanical skills and knowhow you will probably be fine.

A yacht, on the other hand, is a whole different beast. If you don’t know how to work on your yacht in the engine room and you break down you are in real trouble. Owning a yacht can be far more complex than owning a sailboat in this regard. If you don’t anticipate learning how to make these repairs yourself, you are going to need to hire someone who will. Its no good just relying on the marina workshop or a local mechanic, if you are at sea there will be no way for them to get to you. Hiring a crew member with good mechanical abilities isn’t going to be cheap. It is a recurring cost you may want to factor into your budget when deciding whether or not a yacht is right for you.

6. Where they can sail

Big yachts cannot sail in shallow waters. If you are planning on sailing in places with shallow, shale filled, waters then a sailboat is the way to go. The Caribbean, for example, can be hard to navigate in a yacht. At least, harder than it would be with a sailing boat. On the other hand, a yacht can go to many more places than a sailboat.

You could, in theory, sail across the Atlantic in a small sailboat . But, would you want to? It is very dangerous and your boat might not hold up to the intense wind and waves. Additionally, if you are on a sailboat you might be the only crew member. This means there will be no one around to help you should the worst come to fruition, far out at sea. It can be done, you can sail across the Atlantic. But you probably shouldn’t.

7. Technology

In regards to technology, not just whether you are choosing a sailboat or a yacht must be given consideration. How old the individual vessel is, is equally important. An older yacht may not be as technologically advanced as a brand new sailboat . If you do choose to buy a yacht, better technology can open a lot of doors for you. First of all, it can make working on your boat a lot easier. If you have the capability of setting up a fully functioning office with wifi there is no reason you couldn’t just work remotely from your boat.

Technology also opens many new routes for you to take regarding the act of sailing itself. You could sail across the Atlantic with a sailboat, but it would be very risky and very difficult. With a yacht, on the other hand, it can be far easier. Your yacht will come equipped with advanced navigational systems, warning and guidance systems, and much more safety features than a sailboat would. A yacht will be able to plot your route from point to point. On a sailboat, you may not have that luxury.

8. Material

Material matters, whether it is affecting the cost or the sturdiness, it is something to consider. A yacht will be made of fiberglass, carbon fiber, and metals such as titanium. A sailboat, on the other hand, will likely be made from wood or fiberglass. If you are looking for safety and sturdiness above all, and the price is no problem, a yacht will be far safer for you. On the other hand, a sailboat might have the aesthetic you are looking for. You may want a wooden sailboat specifically because you think it looks better.

The material can also factor into how easy it is for you to make repairs. It is a lot easier to patch up a wooden boat than a metal one. With wood, you can make some cowboy fixes on the fly and they will likely hold up until you make it to port. With a yacht, you will need many special tools and training to make big repairs. Again, you may need to hire a crew member to handle that for you on a yacht.

Hopefully, you now have a pretty good idea about the differences between yachts and sailboats. They each have their pros and cons, and can both offer you a world of excitement and adventure. Which boat would be best for you depends solely on your needs. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to which boat to choose, just go with your gut instinct. Hopefully, this article has made the decision a little easier. At the very least.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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Yacht vs Sailboat: What's the Difference?

Explore the key differences between yachts and sailboats in our latest blog post. Perfect for travelers deciding on their next nautical adventure.

Kit Evans

The world of boats is complicated to decipher because of how many types, models, and brands exist. Yachts and sailboats are two essential types of boats that are immediately recognizable by anyone. With that said, the yacht vs. sailboat debate ultimately comes down to several distinguishing factors between the two.

The main difference between yachts and sailboats is that sailboats have sails and yachts don’t. Sailboats are also smaller than yachts, feature fewer amenities, and cannot move quite as fast. Yachts are also much more expensive to purchase and maintain, and maintenance costs 20% of the initial cost each year which can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

It’s much easier to transport a sailboat than a yacht because yachts have to be shipped on a cargo deck. Conversely, you can attach the average sailboat to a trailer and tow it to a port. Follow along as we highlight the key differences between yachts and sailboats.

What Is The Difference Between a Yacht And a Sailboat?


The main differences between yachts and sailboats come down to size, amenities, and build . They serve the same purpose, but yachts and sailboats differ quite a bit when it comes to design. While not interchangeable, many prospective buyers struggle with whether or not to buy a yacht or a sailboat.

The yacht vs. sailboat debate has been discussed for decades, and it is ultimately subjective. However, many key differences can sway your opinion before you make a big purchase. Let’s take a look at the difference between yachts and sailboats and see why they matter.

Sails are the most immediately clear difference between yachts and sailboats. Sailboats always feature sails, but that’s not usually the case with yachts.  The sail on a sailboat helps propel the vessel and is useful whether your boat has an engine or not .

Standard yachts lack sails because it would alter their appearance. Yachts are supposed to look sleek and luxurious which wouldn’t work as well with a sail. With that said, sailing yachts feature sails and are more often used for racing than cruising.

One of the downsides of traditional yachts is that you don’t get the aerodynamic boost that you would get with a sail . If you have a high-powered engine, this isn't a problem, but it will have to work harder without a sail under poor weather conditions.

The average sailboat is smaller than the average yacht.  For example, the average yacht measures 78 feet long and the average sailboat measures 30 feet long . Yachts can be as small as 40 feet long or they can even exceed 100 feet long.

The world’s largest yacht measures 511 feet long and it is unsurprisingly owned by a multi-billionaire . Both yachts and sailboats vary in width depending on the floor plan and how many cabins they feature. Sailboats are generally slender because they feature a small galley and don’t typically include a cabin.

A superyacht is defined as a yacht that is 79 feet long or longer. However, you won’t find many superyachts out on the sea because they cost at least $3,000,000 in most cases.

Yachts are almost always much more expensive than sailboats. The difference in cost comes down to the many amenities that yachts are known for as well as the motor and size.  Yachts start at $500,000 on the low end, but they can exceed $10,000,000 for superyachts over 79 feet long .

The more expensive a yacht is, the more expensive it will be to maintain because of the fuel demands and part replacements. There is more variety in cost when it comes to sailboats because they are a broad category of vessels. For example, a sailboat with no motor will cost thousands of dollars less than one that is motorized.

A motorized sailboat can cost as much as $250,000 or more whereas one without a motor may only cost $3,500 . Luxury sailboats with cabins can cost $500,000 but without the powerful performance of a yacht. With that said, sailboats cost less to maintain so even buying a high-end vessel may be a worthy investment.

Yachts have a higher capacity than sailboats because of how much bigger they generally are. There are often multiple decks on a yacht which makes it easy to host a large group of guests.  Standard yachts can only accommodate 10-12 people, but large superyachts can hold more than double that in some cases .

Sailboats can typically hold 5-10 people, but it depends on the size of the vessel. You can calculate the capacity for a sailboat or yacht by multiplying the length and width and then diving that number by 15. Otherwise, you can simply refer to the capacity as recommended by the manufacturer.

It’s worth noting that boat manufacturers can only provide approximate estimates for capacity. They base the capacity on an average of 150 pounds per person, but that doesn’t apply to everybody.

Yachts are superior to sailboats when it comes to amenities in most cases. Sailboats sometimes feature a few amenities, such as a cabin or bathroom.  However, yachts are considered luxury boats, so they are more likely to include special amenities such as built-in speakers and even TVs in some cases .

Some yachts even feature swimming pools and hot tubs, but they come at a premium price.  They typically feature at least one deck to accommodate guests and some even feature helicopter pads . You won’t find nearly as many amenities on a sailboat because sailboats are more for practical use.

Larger sailboats may include a private deck and retractable sunshade. Otherwise, there isn’t usually enough space on a sailboat to include luxury amenities such as movie screens and infinity pools.

If you’re looking for a boat with comfortable quarters, then a yacht is ideal for you. Sailboats feature quarters in some cases as well, but yachts specifically emphasize comfort and luxury.  Some yachts feature multiple cabins that can be used for lounging and sleeping alike .

You will also find larger cabins in yachts than sailboats which makes them much more comfortable. Yachts also often feature crew quarters because they sometimes require staff to operate the vessel. Sailboats are usually much smaller than yachts, and the cabins are suitably smaller as well.

You won’t likely find many sailboats with crew quarters unless it is a motorized vessel . Many manufacturers let you customize the floorplan and design for a yacht or sailboat. You can add a cabin to a boat that typically wouldn’t feature one, but it will delay how quickly you get it by up to a year or more in some cases.


Yachts are also faster than sailboats in most cases because of the powerful motor . Sailing yachts offer the best of both worlds because of the aerodynamic boost paired with the motor. Sailboats can still reach high speeds without a motor, especially if the wind is in your favor.

However, sailboats are faster than motorized yachts in some cases and can even reach speeds up to 12 knots or more. Yachts can operate at 10 knots at least, but massive yachts cannot usually maintain a high speed for long.  High-performance yachts from bands such as Foners can reach speeds up to 70 knots, but that is rare .

Luxury yachts that measure 30-40 feet long can run at 30 knots in some cases as well. Otherwise, heavy yachts with an underpowered motor may only run at 10-20  knots.

It typically costs more to dock a yacht than a sailboat, but it depends on the size. Marinas charge varying rates to dock based on the location and the size of your boat.  Boat length is one of the biggest cost factors, and they typically charge $10-$50 per foot of the vessel .

Yachts and sailboats can be similar in length, but yachts are often longer and wider making them more expensive to dock. Many yachts are considered liveaboard boats which can also add to the cost of docking at a marina.  Marinas charge an extra fee if you plan to live on your yacht while docked, and not all of them even allow it .

You will also likely need to pay an extra fee to have your yacht or sailboat pumped at the marina. This is more common with yachts because they almost always feature at least one bathroom, but some sailboats do as well. Pumping may cost as little as $10-$20, but it’s better than having to empty your tank.


Maintenance is a reoccurring cost no matter what type of boat you have. With that said, you will likely need to spend much more to maintain a yacht than a sailboat. Motor sailboats may still require expensive maintenance, but it’s much less than for a yacht.

Yachts require routine maintenance to ensure that the motor and engine can continue to run smoothly.  It costs 20% of the buying price per year to maintain the average yacht, and that adds up quickly . Yachts often cost over $1,000,000, so you could potentially spend up to $200,000 per year in fuel and maintenance in that case.

Traditional sailboats only cost an average of $3,500 per year to maintain, but they can cost as little as $1,500.  Your maintenance costs may exceed $5,000 per year for a sailboat if it is motorized . Even still, it costs tens of thousands of dollars less per year to maintain the average sailboat than a yacht. It also costs much more to insure a yacht than a sailboat.

Sailboats can typically travel further without needing to stop than yachts.  That is because yachts need to refuel which can limit how far you can travel from a port. However, motor sailboats have the same distance limitations as yachts because they rely on fuel.

Traditional sailboats don’t feature motors so they can essentially travel as far as possible until the crew needs to return.  Sailing yachts may be able to travel further than standard yachts because of the aerodynamic boost . This can put less stress on the engine which can help save fuel to let you travel further.


It’s much easier to transport a sailboat to a port or dock than a yacht. In many cases, you simply cannot trailer a yacht and you need to ship it as deck cargo.  You can expect to spend at least $1,000 to ship a yacht as cargo, but it can cost much more for long distances .

Sailboats are easier to transport because you can attach them to a trailer and tow them to a port in most cases. You can tow a sailboat with a trailer as long as it is 22 feet long or smaller. Otherwise, you may need to have your sailboat shipped as cargo like you would need to for a yacht.

Yacht Pros and Cons

Yacht Pros and Cons

Yachts are understandably desirable to many, even if they may seem unattainable. Even still, yachts are complicated just like any type of boat and they have various pros and cons. Let’s take a look at the positive aspects of owning a yacht.

First and foremost, yachts are spacious and comfortable which makes them better than most boats. They almost always feature a large galley and at least one cabin that offers plenty of room.  The luxurious appeal of yachts is that they come with many amenities making them akin to a mobile hotel on the water .

Yachts also feature powerful motors that are necessary to move their massive weight. You can fit at least 10 people on a yacht and over 20 on some huge models. This makes them the best boat to take out onto the water if you plan to entertain a large group of people.

  • Comfortable cabins
  • Plenty of deck space
  • Convenient amenities
  • Can reach high speeds

The high cost of docking at a marina is one of the biggest downsides of owning a yacht. They are so massive that spending a fortune on docking fees and club memberships is unavoidable. This is especially true if you plan to join a yacht club which can cost $7,000 or more per year depending on where you live.

Another key downside to a yacht is that they are a poor investment.  The exorbitant cost of yearly maintenance paired with the depreciating value after using a yacht makes it nearly impossible to turn a profit . It can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to maintain a yacht depending on how much you use it and how much the initial cost was.

  • Maintenance costs a fortune
  • Expensive to dock
  • Requires a lot of fuel
  • Needs to be shipped

Sailboat Pros and Cons

Sailboat Pros and Cons

Much like yachts, sailboats aren’t without their problems. With that said, sailboats are also incredible vessels and continue to improve with each generation. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of sailboats.

You can easily maintain a sailboat without spending nearly as much as you would on maintaining a yacht.  That is because the engine on a sailboat is much simpler than one on a yacht which makes maintenance easier . You also get a boost from the wind as you move through the water with a sailboat because of how aerodynamic they are.

Another benefit of sailboats is that the engine doesn’t roar loudly likely a yacht does. This helps create a calm atmosphere for everyone on the boat which is essential when you are at sea. Most importantly, sailboats are inarguably much more affordable than yachts so they are easier for the average person to attain.

  • Aerodynamic design
  • Quiet operation
  • Reasonably affordable
  • Easy to maintain

One of the biggest downsides of sailboats is that they rely on great weather to operate at the optimal level. This is especially true if your sailboat isn’t motorized or simply has a weak engine that can’t keep up with bad weather. Sailboats are also usually much slower than yachts because their engines are less sophisticated.

They can also be difficult to steer in many cases, especially if you are new to sailing . You will also need to replace the sails several every 10 years or 4,000 hours of use, whichever comes first. Finally, sailboats aren’t known for having great amenities, such consider a yacht if you want luxury features.

  • Can’t always reach high speeds
  • Doesn’t feature many amenities
  • Relies on great weather
  • Difficult to steer
  • Must replace sails

What Qualifies a Boat To Be a Yacht?

What Qualifies a Boat To Be a Yacht

The criteria for a yacht are dubious and frequently, debated, but they typically measure at least 30-40 feet long . Yachts are also almost exclusively luxury boats that feature more amenities than a sailboat, fishing vessel, or pontoon. Most yachts feature cabins, a bathroom, a kitchen, a dinette, and a comfortable galley.

Yachts also typically lack sails, but there are sailing yachts on the market but they are a more recent addition to the world of boats. They also have a unique look that you can recognize right away even if you are unfamiliar with other vessels.  Yachts often feature diesel engines that are powerful enough to move such a massive boat, and some of them come with multiple engines .

Can a Yacht Cross The Ocean?

Not all yachts can cross the ocean, but many of them can.  It ultimately comes down to the fuel source and what kind of engine your yacht has . Yachts with multiple engines in particular can easily cross the ocean up to 3,000 miles in many cases.

It’s important to check the recommended nautical mileage of your yacht via the manufacturer before you attempt this. Many people live on their yachts, and in this case, supplies are an important factor to consider.  It can take over a week to sail 3,000 miles depending on how many stops you make and how fast your yacht is .

In this case, you will need to make sure that your yacht has enough food and supplies to last you for at least a week. Ideally, you should plan a route that will let you stop at ports to refuel, pump your bathroom, and get more supplies to last for the rest of the trip. If this isn’t possible then it’s worth reconsidering and sailing a different route if you’re unsure about your yacht’s capabilities.

Is a Yacht Better Than a Sailboat?

Yachts are better than sailboats if you value amenities and speed . Sailboats don’t always include an engine, but when they do, it’s usually less impressive than a yacht’s engine. However, the sail on a sailboat gives it an aerodynamic boost that yachts simply don’t have.

Yachts are a poor investment compared to a sailboat because of how much they cost to maintain. You may have to spend up to 20% of the initial cost of a yacht per year to maintain the yacht. Overall, yachts and sailboats both have many pros and cons, but sailboats are a more affordable option if you are on a budget.

Kit Evans is a seasoned marine journalist and naval architect, bringing over 20 years of multifaceted experience in the boating industry to his writing and consultancy work. With expertise ranging from boat design and marine surveying to charter operations and vessel restoration, Kit offers unparalleled insights into all aspects of maritime life. When he's not penning articles for top boating publications or hosting his popular YouTube channel, Kit can be found sailing his lovingly restored 1960s Columbia 29 on the Chesapeake Bay, embodying his commitment to both preserving nautical heritage and embracing modern innovations in boating.

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The slender lines of the Oceanis Yacht are very eye catching. The focus on every detail and their wonderful feel at the helm inspire dreams of long cruises at sea. These powerful bluewater long-distance cruisers are designed to be easily handled short-handed, making new destinations and long cruises possible. Both inside and on deck, the quality and comfort of the fittings make every moment you spend at sea so much more sophisticated.  

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BENETEAU’s historical line places the emphasis on speed and design, and the pleasure is the same whether you are cruising or racing. This mixed use is specific to the First, which proudly boasts a taste for performance at sea, even in light air. Designed by well-known architects, the boat has left its mark on performance cruising, and it is now the gold standard.

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The First SE meets the challenge of providing keen sailors with a light, planing, high per-formance sailing yacht with great racing sensations, while guaranteeing safe sailing. Easy to trail, rig and launch, they facilitate moving to various sailing sites for regatta racing and can also be used to enjoy exploring and coastal cruising.

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Legendary. The Figaro is an ode to excellence in offshore racing. The one-design sailing yacht was initially designed for the Solitaire du Figaro, allowing some of the greatest skippers to compete at sea on equal terms, much to their pleasure. The sailor makes the difference on a Figaro.   

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Old BENETEAU sailing yachts

“ Our history has been told many times in these last fifty years, but, to understand it, you need to grasp our company values, and return to its origins, since it is nothing but continuity and progression.” - Annette ROUX

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Discover all our sailing yacht and luxury yacht lines 

Are you looking for a  sailing yacht dealer ? Leisure boating, short trips, competitive sailing, regattas – whatever type of sailing you like, BENETEAU has a wide range of  sailing yachts  and  luxury yachts , so there’s bound to be a boat to fulfil your dreams. 


With over century’s experience in the field of naval construction, and in recreational craft since the 1960s , BENETEAU can now provide boats for all kinds of sailors. 


BENETEAU has made a name for itself in cruising with the OCEANIS line. With  sailing yachts  boasting ever more stable hulls, open deck plans, easier handling, equipment, and interiors lending themselves to customization, the OCEANIS line has become the international gold standard in cruising. There are eight models ranging from 31 to 60 feet.


BENETEAU’s First line has also been in the spotlight for over 40 years. Now in its seventh generation, the sailing yachts are robust, easy to handle, and perfectly suited to sailors who love competitive sailing. The First sailing yachts are ideal for coastal trips, regattas and adventure raids. 


First SE - Seascape Edition encourages and empowers sailors to expand their comfort zone by joining competitive one-design racing and adventure sailing. It grows a community of owners linked by shared values and a drive to strengthen their sailing skills. Whether owners are racing against others in one-design classes or are engaging in adventure sailing, the First SE connects them to the elements and helps them experience nature in the most authentic way.


BENETEAU is also there to help you buy a top-quality boat. The OCEANIS Yacht line delivers  luxury sailing yachts  that satisfy this requirement perfectly. The line comprises two luxury craft of over 50 feet, designed by renowned architects and designers. The same is true of the First Yacht 53 in the First line. 


BENETEAU sailing yachts are also ideal for racers and sailors who love offshore racing. The Figaro class has brought the French sailing community firmly into the spotlight, since the 1990s. Now in its third generation with the Figaro 3, the sailing yacht offers a truly memorable sailing experience. A distillation of technology and innovation, she is the result of a collaboration between the best experts of Groupe Beneteau’s teams and the designers Van Peteghem Lauriot-Prévost (VPLP), the architects behind the winners of the last two Vendée Globe races. 


This diversity has led to the BENETEAU brand being represented on all the world’s seas. But wherever they are, BENETEAU boats are easily recognisable for their taut lines, innovative design, robustness and performance. No doubt this will continue, since BENETEAU is constantly reinventing itself to provide ever more enjoyable, high performing, safe and user-friendly recreational craft. BENETEAU achieves this by making the most of current and future innovations such as ship control, dock and go, foils, etc.

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Parsifal III: Meet the charter star of Below Deck's sailing yacht spin-off

This week, producers have confirmed season five of hit reality TV show Below Deck Sailing Yacht will return to screens on 7 October for more crew drama and on-the-water antics. Set on the Balearic island of Ibiza, the series will again feature the 54-metre Perini Navi superyacht Parsifal III with Captain Glenn Shephard at the helm. In anticipation of the series' return, BOAT reflects on an interview with her owner Kim Vibe-Petersen , who unpacked the realities of filming a reality TV series on board his boat ahead of season three.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht is a spin-off series of the hit superyacht reality TV show Below Deck that follows the lives of the crew and guests across an eight-week charter season. For Danish owner Kim Vibe-Petersen, Parsifal III' s return is yet another opportunity to show off the yacht's charter credentials. 

Vibe-Petersen was personally approached by Below Deck producers in 2018 after they struggled to find a suitable sailing yacht. Parsifal III fitted the bill as she was already equipped for charter and a number of her existing crew were willing to take part in the show.

The Perini Navi sailing yacht first hit the water in 2005 and rose to instant fame scoring a number of prestigious accolades including a coveted Neptune at the World Superyacht Awards . On her launch, she also joined the ranks as one of the fast Perini Navi superyachts on the water with a top speed of 18 knots under full sail granted by two high-tech carbon masts, automated in-boom furling and a winged keel.

Vibe-Petersen admitted there were some yacht owners who didn’t want the names of their yachts connected with the drama-filled reality show, but he "didn’t have that concern." Although he had the option to change the yacht’s name for filming, he decided to keep it to maximise the charter appeal of  Parsifal III .

"It’s free advertising," he said. "The name of the yacht will come to people’s minds, especially to someone who has never chartered a yacht before. They will see that name and know the boat from the show."

Vibe-Petersen was also keen to secure a guaranteed packed charter schedule during low season. "I think there were a lot of boats that did not want to be chartered for the show but it's good money in the bank," he said.

While admitting he might not be the "specific audience targeted by the series," he said he has sat down to watch the first series, which took place in Corfu. Even in Vibe-Peterson’s home country of Denmark, the US show has gained a big following.

"This is the kind of show where they want to make a little drama," he added. "It’s not that wild on board a normal charter." The conveyor belt of colourful guests are chosen by the production team and given a "big discount" for appearing on the show.

Vibe-Petersen also explained the complicated logistics of filming Below Deck , each season of which features 16 charters filmed across a period of eight weeks. This means that two groups of guests separately charter the yacht in a single week. Meanwhile, the production team require a time period of at least a week to get  Parsifal III  rigged up and fit for filming. "There are 30 people on board each day with lots of wires and cameras – it’s a big, big operation."

Season one was filmed in Corfu, Greece, which posed a number of challenges for  Parsifal III as the sailing yacht was required to have a specific charter licence. "It’s pretty tough to get that," said Vibe-Petersen. "It’s not something we can do within a short amount of time. It can take 10 to 12 weeks to get a charter licence so it takes time."

For her second season, Parsifal III was filmed cruising Croatia's 3,600 miles of coastline. For season three, the show follows Parsifal III as she cruises around the Spanish island of Menorca, carrying a mix of new and old crew.

Season five of Below Deck Sailing Yacht will feature returning department heads chief stew Daisy Kelliher and first mate Gary King, while chef Cloyce Martin, chief engineer Davide Morosi, stews Diana Cruz and Danni Warren, and deckhands Keith Allen and Emma Crouch are amongst the new crew members.

Parsifal III is managed for charter by Camper & Nicholsons with a weekly charter rate starting from €245,000. 

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Yacht with 1,000 rounds of ammunition and fireworks burns in Marina del Rey

An investigation is underway at the scene where a luxury yacht went down in flames Wednesday night in Marina del Rey.

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Marina del Rey’s harbor produced an unexpected light show Wednesday evening as a luxury yacht loaded with ammunition and fireworks burned for more than two hours before flames were extinguished, authorities said.

Flames leaped 20 to 30 feet from the 100-foot vessel, dubbed the Admiral, while live ammunition rounds could be heard firing from the boat, according to videos from the scene .

Thursday morning, the charred yacht was lying on its side, and the water around it was tinted red from the diesel fuel dumped from the vessel. A Coast Guard spokesperson said an estimated 4,000 gallons of diesel was dumped into the water. The total is not official as monitoring continues.

Los Angeles County Fire Department officials said two passengers aboard the boat exited safely. No information was available about the cause of the blaze.

Fire stemming from a fireworks explosion on board a luxury yacht that sank while anchored in Marina del Rey.

An L.A. County Fire spokesperson said one individual suffered minor injuries, was treated at the scene and was released.

A photo shows the sinking Four Kings boat in the Long Beach harbor.

A deadly crash on a Long Beach sunset cruise. Then, the fight to save survivors

The boat, traveling at a high speed, crashed into the jetty near its slip, killing a man. It would have been much worse, if not for the quick thinking of a passenger.

Aug. 8, 2024

Firefighters responded to a call around 8:30 p.m. Wednesday and eventually knocked out the flames at 10:33 p.m. The boat was declared fully submerged at 11:33 p.m.

The yacht’s owner, who was not identified, told fire officials that the vessel was carrying 1,000 rounds of ammunition and fireworks.

U.S. Coast Guard personnel confirmed they were on the scene evaluating cleanup options.

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Andrew J. Campa is a member of the Fast Break team at the Los Angeles Times, having previously covered the Eastside and San Gabriel Valley. Before, he worked at several medium and small daily newspapers and has covered education, sports and general news. He’s a proud University of Alabama (#RollTide), Cal State Fullerton and Pasadena City College alumnus.

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Timmerman Yachts is a Russian builder of quality luxury motor yachts. Based in Moscow, it is owned by a group of Dutch and Russian investors and operates out of Moscow Shipyard. Several noted naval architecture and yacht design firms are involved with Timmerman, including Vripack, Guido de Groot Design, Ginton Naval Architects, Jon Bannenberg Ltd., and Francis Design Ltd.

Founded in 2003, the company was named for 17th century Dutch boat builder Franz Timmerman who brought Dutch boat manufacturing techniques to Russia and co-founded the Russian navy. Timmerman Yachts has more than 1,000 employees working at the Moscow Shipyard.

Timmerman has delivered a number of semi-custom luxury yachts between 26-47 metres in length, including TM26 and Timmerman FD-51, designed by Francis Design Ltd. Other notable Timmerman yachts include Victoria M, Alexandra (now Latitude) and Olsten 125′.

One of the 10 largest yacht builders in the world, Timmerman is focused on building high-quality luxury yachts at more competitive prices. Its Russian-Dutch partnership provides great yacht-building capabilities. Timmerman builds yacht to the highest standards and holds DNV, MCA and Russian River Register certification. The company reportedly has more than a dozen yachts in some phase of construction.

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Founded in 2003

Yachts built by Timmerman

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Gary King’s Below Deck Sailing Yacht Scandal and Sexual Misconduct Allegations Explained

Bravo announced this week that Below Deck Sailing Yacht would make its triumphant return for Season 5 after a bit of a pause. Back at the helm is Captain Glenn Shephard . And Daisy Kelliher returns as the chief stew. One other familiar face will be returning, and that is Gary King . The rest of the cast is a bunch of greenhorns who will all live, work, and party together in Ibiza. The newest season comes after over a year since the series called time on Season 4, which aired back in July 2023. Gary’s position on the show has very much been up in the air since a production assistant accused the First Officer of making unwanted sexual advances.

What were the allegations against Gary King?

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Gary King (@king_gk)

Shortly after Below Deck Season 4 wrapped, Gary found himself in the middle of quite the scandal . In August 2023, a woman on the production team spoke out to Rolling Stone about Gary’s alleged bad behavior. The production assistant also accused the show of covering up Gary’s sexual indiscretions. Samantha Suarez opened up about Gary crossing the line with her more than once when she worked in the makeup department. She went as far as to allege that during Season 4, Gary tried to force himself onto her. At the time, the cast was in Sardina filming back in 2022. At the time, Samantha explained that the cast and crew were put up in the same hotel. Part of her job description was to assist the talent manager with daily tasks. This included keeping the cast sequestered in their room due to the COVID-19 rules.

Samantha explained that the entire cast, including Gary, were all disobeying the rules set by production. The victim told the outlet that she was given the task of walking a drunk Gary back to his room. She said, “There is no limit to alcohol consumption whatsoever, which I think poses a really big problem.”

Gary King was accused of crossing the line

As Samantha continued, the story seemed to get worse . According to the production assistant, Gary asked that she climb into bed with him. She claimed, “I was like, ‘I have to go—I need to go bring other people water and food,’ and he’s like, ‘No, no, please.” The assistant admitted she joked with him. She told him “that she would sit outside of his door to make sure he wouldn’t leave his hotel room.” As Samantha turned to leave, she claimed the Below Deck Sailing Yacht star moved behind her and “grabbed her and pressed her against his body, and refused to let go even though she says she tried to kick and elbow him.”

After the article was released , Gary was canceled from the 2023 BravoCon lineup. While his co-stars attended the Bravo shindig, some spoke out in defense of Gary. Colin MacRae shared via People  “I had a chat with him after that all came out. I think he’s going through a really tough thing. I don’t think that’s a nice thing to go through for anyone. There were two people in that room, and only they know what happened.” The engineer refused to comment further, adding, “So, yeah, I feel for him.”

Gary King could still be at risk of losing his job

If Bravo had kept to the same timeline, Season 5 would have already been filming by the time the Rolling Stone article broke . This means that Gary was already fully immersed in the show and still the First Officer. But there could also be a reason for the extremely long wait for the premiere date. The network could have been waiting to see if the allegations were dropped or debating editing Gary out entirely. However, since Gary is happily promoting the new season on social media, I would wager that he will play a big part in the upcoming season.

Gary has always maintained his innocence. The Below Deck Sailing Yacht star tried to acknowledge his Season 4 antics , which showed him in a love triangle with Daisy and Colin. He took to Instagram to note, “Contrary to what many of you may believe, I am still friends with Colin and Daisy. The last season of #belowdecksailing was not my best; having watched some episodes, I know that I have a lot of work and growing to do and will do everything to be a better person.” Gary sent a message to haters adding, “To all those people that constantly comment negatively and try bring me down, sticks and stones! You will not bring me down.”


The post Gary King’s Below Deck Sailing Yacht Scandal and Sexual Misconduct Allegations Explained appeared first on Reality Tea .

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Crime and Public Safety | 100-foot luxury yacht sinks in Marina del Rey…

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Subscriber only, crime and public safety | 100-foot luxury yacht sinks in marina del rey after fireworks explosion and fire.

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The fire was reported shortly after 8:30 p.m. in the harbor.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Seaon 5 trailer teases a Daisy romance, less Gary, no Colin, major firing, and more

Daisy Kelliher on Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5

Finally, after months of waiting for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 news, we have it, and it’s good.

Bravo released the highly anticipated trailer for the sailing show, along with a premiere date.

The last season fractured the friendships of Daisy Kelliher , Gary King, and Colin MacRae, who all helped make Below Deck Sailing Yacht a mega-hit show.

Colin isn’t back for another season, but Gary and Daisy are, with the past season impacting their working environment.

Aside from the Gary and Daisy drama, we see Captain Glenn Shephard, like never before, losing his s**t on the crew more than once for very good reasons.

The Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 trailer

Daisy is the focal point of the trailer, as it seems the powers that be are making her the star in the aftermath of the sexual misconduct scandal allegations against Gary.

The chief stew finds herself hooking up with a deckhand that could be more than just a boatmance.

It seems that the new chef is going to be a major problem on Season 5. Daisy and the chef butt heads when she refuses to serve his food because, well, it looks like crap.

The party vibe of Ibiza brings many challenges for Captain Glenn and his crew. Not only with unruly guests but also the crew crossing the line by partying with guests.

Captain Glenn sets ground rules for the crew, which are ignored, leading to him unleashing his fury on them. The captain even wakes up the crew at one point after a disastrous crew night out.

Other teasers include another near-boat crash for Parsifal III that makes it seem like Gary may be the one who saves the day. Speaking of Gary, he’s in the trailer, but there’s definitely less of him, and not a single Gary hook-up is featured.

What is featured is a fire, a bloody nose, plenty of drunk falls, and Captain Glenn firing someone. The way it’s set up, too, the teaser definitely wants us to think Captain Glenn fires Daisy or Gary.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by OMFGRealityTV (@omfgrealitytv)

When does Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 premiere?

Below Deck Sailing Yacht fans will have to tune into Season 5 to find out who Captain Glenn fires, as well as if Daisy what happens with Daisy’s budding romance.

The good news is that the sailing show is back in less than a month. Season 5 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht premieres on Monday, October 7 at 9/8c.

Below Deck Med Season 9 wraps on Monday, September 23, which means we are either getting a reunion or a Captain Sandy Yawn wedding special on Monday, September 30.

Are you ready for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5?

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 premieres on Monday October 7 at 9/8c. Seasons 1-4 are streaming on Peacock.


No one wants this drunk on TV! @BravoTV let him continuously get drunk and sexually harass women! He even tried to get one of the girls on Project Runway drunk so he could take advantage of her! He’s a predator & he does not belong on TV reaping all the benefits with free booze! So Bravo has put in place safeguards to protect others from sexual harassment, abuse, etc. but is going to let that drunk predator Gary King stay on? NO!!! He’s gotten away with this for a few years and he needs to be stopped!!! Do Better Bravo!!! I won’t be watching! He’s whining & crying on social media.

Boat explodes in Marina del Rey

100-foot yacht explodes in marina del rey.

A boat was completely destroyed in a massive fire in Marina del Rey.

LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Calif. - A boat is completely destroyed after exploding in Marina del Rey .

The Los Angeles County Fire Department responded to a call in the 13800 block of Bora Bora Way a little after 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 18. 

Firefighters say two people safely got out of a 100-foot-long yacht. Neither were hurt in the massive fire, the Los Angeles County Fire Department said.

SkyFOX was over the scene around 8:45 p.m. when the boat was engulfed in flames.

A boat was destroyed in a fire in Marina del Rey. It is unknown if people were inside the boat at the time of the explosion.

As of late Wednesday night, officials did not say what caused the boat to catch fire.

This is a developing story. Tune in to FOX 11 News at 10 p.m. and Good Nite LA at 11 p.m. for the latest.

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By Ashna Hurynag, news correspondent and Eleonora Chiarella, producer

Sunday 25 August 2024 08:48, UK

Pic:Danny Wheelz

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Giovanni Costantino, CEO of The Italian Sea Group, told Sky News there are no flaws with the design and construction of the Bayesian superyacht which capsized in a storm off the coast of Porticello, Sicily, on Monday.

Five bodies were found by divers on Wednesday - taking the number of confirmed dead to six.

The Italian Sea Group also owns the firm that built British tech tycoon Mr Lynch's Bayesian, and Mr Costantino said the vessels "are the safest in the most absolute sense".

News of the sinking left CEO of The Italian Sea Group Giovanni Costantino in ‘sadness on the one hand and disbelief on the other’.

"Being the manufacturer of Perini [boats], I know very well how the boats have always been designed and built," he said.

"And as Perini is a sailing ship... sailing ships are renowned to be the safest ever."

He said their structure and keel made them "unsinkable bodies".

Read more on this story: Why search of superyacht wreck has been so difficult Hero mum 'slept with baby on deck when storm sank yacht'

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yacht and sail boat

Mr Costantino said news of the sinking "put me in a state of sadness on one side and of disbelief on the other".

"This incident sounds like an unbelievable story, both technically and as a fact," he said.

It is understood Italian prosecutors investigating the incident are continuing to hold interviews with the survivors.

Pic:Perini Navi/The Italian Sea Group

On Tuesday they questioned the captain for more than two hours to help reconstruct what happened and provide useful technical details.

Four British inspectors are also in Porticello and have begun a preliminary assessment of events.

It is understood they will look at all relevant aspects of the incident, including the design, stability, and operation of the vessel. They will also examine the effects of the weather conditions experienced.

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Twenty-two people were on board the vessel, 15 of whom were rescued - including Briton Charlotte Golunski and her one-year-old daughter Sofia.

Divers will resume efforts on Thursday morning to bring ashore a body they found earlier. One more person remains missing.

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