and other starships are used for the captain's personal use, normally diplomatic missions. The yacht measures 18 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 8 meters high, with a mass of 95 metric tons. It's located in the center on the ventral side of the saucer, directly below the bridge.

The Enterprise's yacht was made of tritanium and duranium. It was designed to serve as a self contained, multipurpose vessel, but was used almost exclusively to transport personnel and visiting dignitaries when transporters were inoperable or inappropriate. The interior of the yacht consisted of a flight deck, two staterooms, accommodation for the flight crew, and a galley. Hatches allowed access to the engineering area and the impulse engines, which surround the habitat area. The ship was normally crewed by two pilots and a service representative who tended to and assisted any diplomatic guests. The yacht was equipped with a deflector grid, impulse engines, aerodyne flight motors which were used when it entered a planet's atmosphere. In space, the yacht was capable of achieving a maximum velocity of 0.65c; in a class-m atmosphere it has a cruise velocity of Mach 6, and can reach up to Mach 20.

Unlike shuttles, if necessary the yacht could be launched at speeds as high as warp 7. Once it has separated from the main vessel, the yacht safely decelerates until it reaches sublight operating speeds.

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

  • Memory Beta articles sourced from short stories
  • Small craft classes

Captain's yacht

Captains yacht

A Sovereign -class captain's yacht.

Sovereign Captain's yacht

Ship views.

The captain's yacht was a type of auxiliary vessel installed aboard several classes of Federation starships in the 24th century , including the Galaxy -class and Sovereign -classes . On both designs, the yacht is launched from the underside of the saucer section and was used by the ship's captain to travel alone or to host visiting dignitaries.

While Captain Jean-Luc Picard commanded the USS Enterprise -D , he didn't often use the yacht in his eight years in command. This trend continued during his command of the USS Enterprise -E . While rarely using the yacht, he lost the Cousteau following a Son'a attack in 2375 and the Calypso was stolen by the Androssi and later destroyed in 2378 . ( TNG movie : Insurrection ; TNG - A Time to... novel : A Time to Be Born )

In the mirror universe, the captain's yacht was used aboard the ISS Enterprise -D . ( TNG - Through the Mirror - Ripe for Plunder comic : " Chapter One ")

  • 2.1 Connections
  • 2.2 External link
  • Thelasa ( STO - Star Trek Magazine short story : " Mirror Image, Part 1 ")
  • Calypso ( TNG - Through the Mirror - Ripe for Plunder comic : " Chapter One ")

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ].

and auxiliary classes
, named classes • • • • • • (warpshuttle) • • • • • (scout) • • • • (warp shuttle) alphanumeric designations A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
type designations • • • • • • type-6C • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
others • • • •
passenger shuttleStarfleet shuttle (2230s)

External link [ ]

  • Captain's yacht article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Odyssey class
  • 3 Typhon class

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

The captain's yacht carried onboard the Enterprise-D and other starships are used for the captain's personal use, normally diplomatic missions. The yacht measures 18 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 8 meters high, with a mass of 95 metric tons. It's located in the center on the ventral side of the saucer, directly below the bridge.

The Enterprise's yacht was made of tritanium and duranium. It was designed to serve as a self contained, multipurpose vessel, but was used almost exclusively to transport personnel and visiting dignitaries when transporters were inoperable or inappropriate. The interior of the yacht consisted of a flight deck, two staterooms, accommodation for the flight crew, and a galley. Hatches allowed access to the engineering area and the impulse engines, which surround the habitat area. The ship was normally crewed by two pilots and a service representative who tended to and assisted any diplomatic guests. The yacht was equipped with a deflector grid, impulse engines, aerodyne flight motors which were used when it entered a planet's atmosphere. In space, the yacht was capable of achieving a maximum velocity of 0.65 ; in a class-m atmosphere it has a cruise velocity of Mach 6, and can reach up to Mach 20.

Unlike shuttles, if necessary the yacht could be launched at speeds as high as warp 7. Once it has separated from the main vessel, the yacht safely decelerates until it reaches sublight operating speeds.


Memory Alpha

Cousteau (yacht)

The Cousteau contained a cockpit (with a dedication plaque ), a small transporter and cargo area, and a docking port which made a direct connection to the Enterprise -E. It was capable of atmospheric flight and landing on a planetary surface. It could also generate tachyon bursts . Only one pilot was needed to fly the craft.

In 2375 , Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his senior staff took the Cousteau to the Ba'ku planet as part of a plan to prevent the forced relocation of the Ba'ku by the Son'a . The yacht carried several weapons and transport inhibitors to the surface, which were deployed by the crew in order to keep the Son'a from removing the Ba'ku from the planet. Later, Data used the Cousteau to create a diversion by firing tachyon bursts into Ru'afo's ship 's shields , forcing him to reset his shield harmonics and allowing Worf to transport the bridge crew to the Federation holoship . Ru'afo was able to seriously damage the Cousteau before he was transported from his ship. ( Star Trek: Insurrection )

A model of the Cousteau was stored in Picard's section of the quantum archive at the Starfleet Archive Museum . ( PIC : " Remembrance ")

Shuttles named
(2366) • (2367) • (2375)
Shuttles of the USS (NCC-1701-E)
Shuttlecraft: •
Other: ground vehicle •

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

Sovereign class Captain's Yacht Cousteau orthographic views by John Eaves

John Eaves' orthographic drawings of the Cousteau

The Cousteau was described as " a diplomatic cruising vessel that's docked out for touring, " by designer John Eaves , who noted: " It's almost 110 feet long, so it's a pretty big ship. " ( The Secrets of Star Trek: Insurrection , p. 39)

Star Trek: Starship Spotter classified the Cousteau as a Mark 2 Captain's Yacht.

A deleted scene established that the Cousteau disintegrated in the atmosphere of the Ba'ku planet shortly after Data's attack. The yacht was not shown attached to the Enterprise -E at the end of the film, so it was possible the yacht was destroyed.

The Star Trek Encyclopedia , 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 117, 165, in the entries "captain's yacht" and " Cousteau ", stated the Cousteau was destroyed. It further stated in the notes to the former entry, " The Enterprise -E yacht was named Cousteau at the urging of Patrick Stewart , in honor of the French oceanographer. The name was inscribed on a dedication plaque in the ship's cabin. Cousteau was designed by Herman Zimmerman and John Eaves . " In the third edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia (p. 590), the name of the yacht was said to have been chosen by producer Rick Berman .

This might be the second captain's yacht and the third auxiliary vessel under Captain Picard named the Cousteau . In the notes to the "captain's yacht", in the fourth edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia , the authors wrote, " The yacht on the Enterprise-D was apparently also named Cousteau , although we never saw it in use. "

A Type 15 shuttlepod from the USS Aries and a Type 7 shuttlecraft from the USS Enterprise -D were also named Cousteau .

Studio model [ ]

  • See: Cousteau model

See also [ ]

  • Cousteau dedication plaque
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)

Forgotten Trek

Designing the Next Generation Enterprise

When it came time to design a new Starship Enterprise , history did not repeat itself. Where Matt Jefferies had produced hundreds of sketches to come up with the design of the first Enterprise , Andrew Probert had a basic formula in mind before he was even hired for the job.

After working on The Motion Picture in 1978, and before a second Star Trek television series was even announced, Probert had painted a future starship strictly for his own enjoyment. When he interviewed for the position of senior illustrator on the new show in 1985, Probert said he was “so pumped up” that he started making more drawings as soon as he came home.

Knowing that the second series would be set about a century after the first, Probert felt the new Enterprise should be faster and probably sleeker. “At least it should be more elegant.”

Enterprise-D painting

Filling in details

When Probert was hired, it was to design the new Enterprise ’s bridge and other sets. The task of designing the ship itself fell to him by happenstance. Probert brought that painting of a future starship with him to his Paramount office. One day, Story Editor David Gerrold walked in, saw the design and took it to Gene Roddenberry, who approved it on the spot.

All that remained was filling in the details.

Enterprise-D concept art

“The saucer had, since its inception, been the main section,” Probert explained, “so I made it larger in proportion to the secondary or engineering hull.”

In previous designs the warp nacelles were always to the rear but above the saucer rim, which visually seemed to give them equal importance and physically placed them above the ship’s center of mass. Both of these seemed to be negative points, which I hoped to remedy by lowering them to a position between the two hull sections. This would place them closer to the ship’s center of mass.

Enterprise size comparison

Also the struts holding the saucer and warp engines were slanted in opposite directions; the saucer is going forward, engines going back. That wasn’t bad, but it created a slight visual conflict, so I slanted them all forward to unify their direction and give the overall design a feeling of aggressive forward movement, like a lunging cat. The view from the front of the old ship produced a variety of shapes. I took my design theme from the saucer and started sketching every component as a compressed oval.

Gene Roddenberry's changes

Probert’s final design had relatively short nacelles to suggest that warp technology had become more powerful. Roddenberry didn’t like it: “He was so used to those huge warp engines from The Original Series that this seemed underpowered to him.”

My whole intent on this ship was to unify all of those shapes; I wanted to give it a forward lunge for the saucer and a forward lunge for the engines, but Gene still wanted the engines to extend out the back as well.

Roddenberry’s only other change was to put the bridge back on top of the saucer. Given the size of the new ship, this only added a small bump. But it gave the viewers a sense of scale.

Enterprise-D painting

On the underside of the saucer, Probert inserted a captain’s yacht. Although the Enterprise -D’s was never seen on screen, it became a staple of Starfleet design. Rick Sternbach included a captain’s yacht in his design of Voyager and the Enterprise -E’s captain’s yacht was revealed in Insurrection .

Industrial Light and Magic built two miniatures for the first season: a large 6-foot model and a smaller, less detailed 2-foot model. Both were capable of saucer separation.


Greg Jein built a new, 4-foot miniature for Season 3. It had more pronounced hull plating and a thicker saucer rim to match the new Ten Forward set. Probert — who by then had left the show — had designed the saucer to be one deck in height .

Jein’s model largely replaced the other two, but stock footage from the first two seasons continued to be used, creating a visual discrepancy. The 6-footer was refurbished for Star Trek Generations , when a computer-generated version and a special 12-foot-wide saucer (for the crash) were also made.

Enterprise-D model

I have the original artwork featured in the header!
A friend has a, presumably, cropped edition, 18 in. by 24 in., of the poster dated ’87 with the artists names on the bottom but not signed. Looks like it was folded a one time with a couple of small creases which do not detract immensely from the poster. In one of those plastic bordered frames. Do you think this has any value worth pursuing for sale?
I would love to see a fleshed out, maybe 3-D rendered version of the top artwork. Honestly, I think that design would’ve worked well in the Kelvin universe NuTrek.
Great article. Wish it were longer! To me the 1701-D will always be the most beautiful of all Trek ships, including the E.

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Star Trek: 10 More Secrets Of The USS Enterprise D You Need To Know

Ten more hidden details about Star Trek's greatest starship, don't @ us.

Star Trek The Next Generation Enterprise D

The USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D is one of the largest starships in the history of Star Trek: 642 meters long, 195 meters tall, and a whopping 4,960,00014 metric tons of corridors, EPS conduits, carpeted panels, carpeted decks, carpeted bulkheads – really it's a lot of carpet.

Serving the crew of Star Trek: The Next Generation for 178 episodes and 1994's 48% Rotten Tomato-scoring Star Trek Generations, we really do know quite a lot about the Galaxy-class Enterprise-D. Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda's extensive Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual (both the book and interactive CD-ROM), as well as Rick Sternbach's exhaustive deck-by-deck USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Blueprints have given us highly granular looks at the ship, down to her isolinear processors.

With those guides in hand, we previously ran down ten of the most entertaining secrets we uncovered about the Enterprise-D, everything from the captain's yacht to Cetacean Ops. But believe it or not, we've come up with a few more.

Let's beam back aboard the USS Enterprise-D and see what other secrets we can find behind her duranium panels and wood accents.

10. We DID See The Main Shuttlebay

Star Trek The Next Generation Enterprise D

So let's start with a mea culpa.

In our previous rundown of the 10 Secrets of the USS Enterprise-D You Need to Know , we told you that the Enterprise-D's main shuttlebay never appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation due to budgetary constraints. Turns out that was wrong.

Nearly all of the scenes in TNG set in one of the ship's three shuttlebays featured the two smaller bays, shuttlebay 2 and 3. However, a small piece of the main shuttlebay did appear outside the window of Data and Worf's shuttlecraft in "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II". Moreover, we also given a clearer look at the main shuttlebay's interior in season five's "Cause and Effect".

In that episode, the main shuttlebay was decompressed in order to push the Enterprise out of the way of the USS Bozeman and avoid a catastrophic collision. For its brief appearance in that episode, the main shuttlebay was a large miniature model built by Ed Miarecki. While we never saw an actual set of the main shuttlebay, Miarecki's impressive model – with a working bay door and two type-7 shuttlecraft – definitely still counts.

I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).

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25 Things About Star Trek’s Enterprise-D You Probably Didn’t Know [List]

Maurice Mitchell

Star Trek: The Next Generation – (NCC-1701-D)

Find out everything you didn’t know about the most famous spaceship in the universe. While the Enterprise for Star Trek: The Original Series is iconic, the reality is that most people grew up watching the Next Generation . It’s the ship that everyone knows and everyone loves, but here are some fast facts about the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D you may not know.

This was originally supposed to be a review of Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection which was sent to us by Eagle Moss Collections and was released in the U.S. last week. It’s a beautiful series and comes with wonderful models that display perfectly. There’s a fascinating article on the concept design of the Enterprise and many other well-written articles. Unfortunately, I discovered the articles have a small number of incorrect facts like saying there were two four-foot physical models of the Enterprise . Even the awesome die-cast model is the wrong color, looking tan instead of gray or blue-gray. While I can recommend it for the casual fan, for nitpickers, it’s lacking. You can learn more about the collection by going to .

Here are some things I learned from the book and other sources.

1. The U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) is a Galaxy-class ship and the fifth Federation starship in the Star Trek universe to carry the name Enterprise .

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

2. In the episode “Encounter at Farpoint”, it was the first new Star Trek ship to appear on television in 20 years.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

3. While working on Star Trek: The Motion Picture, concept artist Andrew Probert made a personal painting of what he thought the U.S.S. Enterprise would look like in the far future . He was working on the bridge for Star Trek: The Next Generation and put it up for inspiration. Producer David Gerrold borrowed it for a meeting and it was immediately approved for the new Enterprise.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

4. In 1990, Probert received a patent on the Enterprise-D design .

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

5. The warp nacelles for NCC-1701-D were originally designed to be much smaller than the original Enterprise since technology had advanced, but creator Gene Roddenberry felt the ship looked “underpowered” so he said, “Make the engines a little bit longer.”

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

6. While the original U.S.S. Enterprise was capable of splitting the saucer section from the main body, it wasn’t until the design of the Enterprise-D was nearly complete that the producers told Probert that the ship would split into two parts. He had to redesign the ship to do it.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

7. At one point the ship was designed to split into as many as 14 parts.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

8. There were three physical models of the NCC-1701-D used on the show: a six-foot model, a two-foot model, and a four-foot model.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

9. An original shooting miniature of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D was sold at auction for an expected price of $20,000 to $30,000. It sold for almost $600,000 .

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

10. Originally, the show was supposed to reuse visual FX footage of the Enterprise-D similar to what was done in the original series. However, the use of video technology instead of film was so fast and cheap that more effects shots were created.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

11. The ship was 1521.42′ (463.73 m) long.That’s more than four football fields long and twice the size of Kirk’s ship.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

11. The ship in the original series was gray but looked blue because of filming. The new Enterprise had a blue-grey colored pattern but looked gray on TV .

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

12. The ship was supposed to be so advanced that the engines would never malfunction . But a chief engineer was added because engine malfunctions were useful for the writers.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

13. In the opening credits, you can see someone walking past the windows in the Enterprise . It’s Captain Picard .

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

14. The Escape Pods (or “autonomous survival and recovery vehicles”) on the ship could sustain four occupants for 86 days.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

15. In the episode “Where No Man Has Gone Before” it’s said the ship was traveling faster than Warp 10 which meant that it occupied literally every point in the universe. Later it was explained that the ship was actually at Warp 9.99999.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

16. The Enterprise-D weighs about 400,000 metric tons    which are more than the 700,000  1,500,000 elephants.

Updated: The accepted weight (displacement) of the Enterprise is closer to  4,500,000 metric tons .

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

16. The ship had only one commanding officer, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, with the exception of brief commands by Captain Jellico and Commander Riker.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

17. According to the dedication plaque, the ship was dedicated on October 4, 2363, in honor of the anniversary of the launch of man’s first spacecraft named Sputnik. (updated picture)

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

18. The Captain’s Yacht was named Calypso , after the research vessel of the French explorer Jacques Cousteau . It was on the bottom of the saucer section and never seen in the series.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

19. The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D has made an appearance in every two spin-off shows from The Next Generation ( Deep Space 9 and Enterprise ) and several movies. It’s appeared in more episodes of Star Trek than any other ship, including the original series.

20. The ship could hold 1,014 crew members and up to 15,000 in an emergency . That’s the same capacity as Chicago Stadium.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

21. It’s the only Federation starship to become sentient and have a baby.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

22. The idea of crash-landing the saucer section came from an illustration in the Star Trek: The Next Generation Writers’ Technical Manual . They had planned to have the crash happen in the season six finale episode “Descent,” but it was too expensive.

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

23. The fish in Captain Picard’s Ready Room was named “Livingston” after producer-director David Livingston .

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

24. Patrick Stewart repeatedly petitioned to have the fish taken out because he felt fish tanks were inhumane .

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

25. Producer Rick Burman wanted to avoid making the ship look like the Original Series. He banned the color purple .

uss enterprise d captain's yacht

Did you learn anything new about the Enterprise-D? Which is your favorite starship from Star Trek?

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uss enterprise d captain's yacht

That's a lot of elephants. Longer engines – make it so!! Now I'm going to watch for Picard in that window…

Engine malfunctions were useful to the writers because the writers are lazy. I am bummed they never used the captain's yacht, though I think they used the one on the Enterprise-E in Insurrection. I'm still not sure what the point of it was. Couldn't the captain commandeer a shuttle? He is the captain after all.

WOW Enterprise overload! Great stuff!! Now I know what to name our next fish.

Livingston would be perfect David! For a boy or a girl.

I guess the idea would be that it's more luxurious than your average shuttlecraft Pat. It would have been very cool for Picard to have been stuck in one with Lwaxana.

I got a fever! And the only prescription! Is more engines! Picard's definitely a blink and you miss it moment Alex. I'm not sure which season they started it in.

I've never gotten over the saucer separation. I remember walking through the front door of my house as a teenager while my parents were watching that first episode just in time for the separation. Let's just say I did not have a positive reaction to it and walked right on through the room.

It had a baby? What?

Wow! I thought that might be Picard in that window – but if I remember, it's a tiny, far-off shot. And I always thought the fish was named after explore and missionary, David Livingstone – didn't know about the director. Cool facts!

It takes strength of mind to captain all this 24th century technology and that honour definitely goes to Captain Jean Luc Picard.

When was the Enterprise-D in Voyager?

I was wondering that myself when I read it but it was in drydock in the Voyager episode "Relativity"

This was fascinating. And I don't recall the Enterprise ever becoming sentient and "giving birth." Had to look that one up, but I guess I missed that one!

The episode "Emergence".

A truly great captain

Hey I thought the same thing Tyrean. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle!

Crazy hunh!

Really? Why's that Andrew?

It struck me as dumb, corny, and contrived all at once. Basically, "we need a wow moment for this first episode; let's have the ship separate!" I hate things like that. Even when I was a teenager, I hated things like that.

I never thought of it that way.

"Where No ONE Has Gone Before"

Also, there's a whale in there someone.

I doubt that ship was supposed to be the Enterprise, just another Galaxy-class ship under construction. The timelines just don't match up. Even if the registry is the same, it's likely that was just a VFX oversight and nothing more. A nod to The Next Generation, nothing more.

Also, in 14 that's a picture of the escape pods from the Enterprise-E, from the film First Contact. Like the Captain's yacht we never saw the escape pods on the D get used.

And to point 16, Riker got promoted to Captain of the Enterprise after Picard was taken by the Borg in The Best of Both Worlds part 2. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other captains in command at some point too, but I can't think of any.

I don't really see how two points about Picard's fish really fit into an article about the Enterprise-D either, but whatever. 😉

Foomandoonian I've decided to concede on that point. I've changed that statement to reflect that.

The picture of the escape pods was from the Enterprise E, but I couldn't find a good picture of the Enterprise C escape pods. I've change it to one that's less confusing, but more boring. 🙂

Thanks for chiming in. You're obviously a knowledgeable fan.

Yes, I am a nerd. 😉

In the episode "Emergence" the Enterprise seemed to overcome various crises without any crew intervention. Data and LaForge investigate and discover strange interconnections in the ships systems forming a "brain" into the holodeck, prompting Picard to declare that the crew begin treating the Enterprise as a sentient being. Data manages to regain control of the Enterprise and aids her in her mission to "give birth" to a new sentient lifeform using vertiron radiation particles. After the lifeform's "emergence" the Enterprise loses it's sentience.

As it happens, I was reading that it was actually a sensor dome like on the original Enterprise. It was only when someone asked Patrick Stewart what it was he joked that it was the "Captain's Yacht" and it stuck ever since, even entering the TNG Technical Manual. It was more comfortable than a shuttlecraft and designed for extended missions not needing the Enterprise. Once DS9 came about and the writers introduced the Danube-class Runabouts, the idea of the Captain's Yacht was largely made redundant… at least until Star Trek: Insurrection but then it was more a case of "I think it's about time we took a look at the Captain's Yacht. We have one, we might as well use it just to show the audience we have one!"

Sorry,… but the Captain's Yacht was Designed as a private or diplomatic shuttle for the Captain or assigned ambassadors. It is similar to a 'Captain's Gig' or 'Admiral's Barge', in today's Navy.

This 'special' shuttle was in place, as such, at the beginning. The sensor domes (top & bottom) were redesigned as a kind of surrounding series of sensors, encircling the bridge (top) and yacht (bottom).

If you're talking about the briefing room windows in the opening credits, I think you'll find that was from the pilot episode. Apparently it was one of Gene Roddenberry's demands that he see's someone walk past the windows. It migrated to Voyager in later years where the shooting model had stills slides of the interior sets in the windows (e.g. the crew mess, Janeway's quarters, ready room, briefing room, senior crew quarters, engineering…)

It could be the Enterprise-D undergoing her pre-Generations refit as the setting for the pre-launched Voyager would have been, to me, between the TNG series finale and Generations. Voyager began with DS9 season 3 which saw first use in the TV series of the new shape Generations comm-badge. I've always assumed that a series run is from the beginning of the year to the end of the year (New Year's Day to New Year's Eve if you like – even though Christmas has never been mentioned in Star Trek). VOY season 1 is just after Voyager's launch but "Relativity" is just prior to her launch. Ergo it is not inconceivable that this could be the Enterprise-D

Oh yeah, that does line up pretty well! I wonder if it actually is a canonical appearance then? Nice thinking.

There was a time when something like this wouldn't have gotten past me. 😉

~1500 inches aye? Doesn't quite equal ~450 meters. Kindof a tiny ship if you put it that way. Surely you meant feet.

LOL I can't believe you're the first person to catch that. Thanks for the fact check

It was also the 6th, not the 5th, Federation ship to be named Enterprise. You had NX-01, NCC-1701, 1701-A, 1701-B, 1701-C, then this, the NCC-1701-D.

NX-01 served and was retired before the Federation was founded – they worked her hard during her 10 years in service.

The Captain's yacht is seen in Season 6 Episode 25: Timescape. They are traveling in the captain's yacht. Why did you not say anything about the Primary Shuttle bay? which is never shown due to supposed massive size and small budget.

That picture is of Soldier Field (Football) which holds over 60k. Chicago Stadium was a basketball stadium.

You got the mass wrong. The E-D masses either 4.5 million or 5 million metric tons. 4.5 is the commonly accepted number. 5 is given on screen on a data readout. The TNG Tech manual (written by production staff) has it a 4.96 million.

"11. The ship was 1521.42' (463.73 m) long.That's more than four football fields long and twice the size of Kirk's ship."

The Enterprise-D is actually 2107 feet or (642.5 meters) long with a mass of 4,960,000 metric tons.

PELICANEATSCAT, the ship in Timescape is NOT the captain's yacht. It is a Danube-class runabout. It is even called "the runabout" in the episode.

Sorry,… but your 'facts': 3, 5, and 11 (the ship is actually 2,108 feet, OL), are wrong. A pretty good average, considering how many 'expert sources' there are out there.

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Screen Rant

Star trek finally uses a starship captain’s perk that’s usually forgotten.


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Star Trek: Lower Decks Cast Guide - Who Voices Each Character In All 4 Seasons

Adam sandler as homer simpson is the perfect live-action casting i'd never even considered, stranger things season 5 bts video introduces 2 new cast members ahead of final episodes.

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Finale - "Old Friends, New Planets"

  • In the season 4 finale of Star Trek: Lower Decks, the Captain's Yacht makes its second appearance in the franchise, proving to be a crucial tool in the rescue mission of Lieutenant Mariner.
  • The Captain's Yacht is a small warp-capable spacecraft that operates independently from the starship it belongs to, with its own engines, transporters, and weapons systems.
  • Lower Decks also brings back another forgotten Star Trek vehicle, the Argo, which originally appeared in Star Trek: Nemesis. The Argo is a rugged all-terrain buggy designed for travel over difficult terrain.

Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4's thrilling finale remembers a starship captain's perk that's often forgotten by using it to heroic effect. In "Old Friends, New Planets", Lieutenant Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome) flees the base of disgraced Starfleet Academy cadet Nick Locarno (Robert Duncan McNeill), only to find that her stolen getaway ship is trapped by Locarno's Trynar Shield. Captain Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis) obtains an enormous Orion battleship from D'Erika Tendi (Ariel Winter) to blow through the barrier, but the derelict ship is only useful as far as it can be thrown since its sheer mass is enough to punch the requisite hole that allows for passage.

Unexpectedly, it's not the Cerritos that takes advantage of the new hole in the Trynar Shield, but a secret third vessel that deftly maneuvers through the fight to get in transporter range of Mariner's commandeered starship, the USS Passaro. With this little ship, Freeman beams her daughter Mariner aboard right before the detonation of Locarno's stolen Genesis Device and gets away fast enough to avoid being caught up in the resulting planetary formation. Despite being part of Star Trek since Star Trek: The Next Generation , Lower Decks marks the second time this specialized vehicle is even used on screen.

Star Trek: Lower Decks features an incredibly talented and prolific voice cast of actors. Here's who's who aboard the USS Cerritos.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Finally Uses The Forgotten Captain’s Yacht

Captain picard used the enterprise-e's yacht in star trek: insurrection.

In the Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 finale "Old Friends, New Planets", Captain Freeman's secret third vessel is the Captain's Yacht, a frequently forgotten part of starship design that's finally put to good use as an integral part of Mariner's rescue from Nick Locarno's Nova Fleet. The Captain's Yacht is a small warp-capable spacecraft intended for the captain's personal use that detaches from the underside of a starship's saucer section and operates independently, with its own engines, transporters, and weapons systems. It's considered a perk of the captaincy, like the captain's ready room or private dining area.

A surprised Lt. Brad Boimler (Jack Quaid) remarks that he's "never actually seen someone use the Captain's Yacht."

The Captain's Yacht has been a part of starship design since Star Trek: The Next Generation. Production designer Andrew Probert made it part of the USS Enterprise-D with the Calypso, the Captain's Yacht belonging to Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). The USS Voyager also included a detachable captain's yacht called the aeroshuttle for Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew). Budgetary constraints meant the Captains' Yachts weren't used on screen in either TNG or Star Trek: Voyager, but as a feature film, Star Trek: Insurrection could use Picard's Enterprise-E yacht, the Cousteau, as part of the plot, much like the animated Lower Decks .

Lower Decks Brought Back Another Forgotten Star Trek Vehicle

The cerritos also has an argo from star trek: nemesis..

As an animated series, Star Trek: Lower Decks can bring back other forgotten Star Trek vehicles previously limited to movie budgets. In Star Trek: Nemesis , Captain Picard, Lt. Commander Worf (Michael Dorn), and Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) utilize the Argo, an all-terrain buggy deployed from the sleek shuttle of the same name to Kolarus III to retrieve the component parts of B-4 (Brent Spiner). The Argo-type buggy is a rugged 3-seater specialized for travel over difficult terrain that features ample cargo space, independent sensors, a rear-mounted phaser cannon, and remote control of its paired shuttle. Best of all, the Argo is capable of being operated at "unsafe velocities."

An Argo-type buggy returns in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 1 premiere, "Second Contact", as a Starfleet standard-issue vehicle on an away mission, though this time without the shuttle. The buggy's durable build and cargo capacity make it a great vehicle on second contact missions that require the transport of supplies over uncertain ground. Ensign Beckett Mariner recognizes the Argo's capacity for hauling cargo and steals one to deliver needed farming equipment to the Galardonians, in lieu of Starfleet officially doing so. Both the Argo and Captain's Yacht are rarely used Star Trek vehicles, but thanks to Star Trek: Lower Decks , they don't have to stay forgotten.

All episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4 are out now on Paramount+.

Star Trek Lower Decks

The Ultimate Getaway

Relax on one of our beautifully appointed luxury yachts

for a true escape into paradise.

Ultimate YachtLife Charters is a premier boat rental and yacht charter experience in the Tampa Bay Area.

Welcome aboard! We offer many luxury charters, including birthday yacht parties, yacht weddings, as well as accommodations to suit your needs. Equipped to provide the smoothest cruising, undisturbed vacation, and breathtaking sunsets from St. Petersburg, our charters are uniquely crafted for all of our guests.

The Ultimate Vessels

The Ultimate Vessels

Our 70 and 80 foot yachts offer the freedom and privacy you need to enjoy your next adventure or getaway. Defined by highly detailed, hand-crafted furniture and upholstery, her interior finishes play with texture and light. Princess yachts have long been recognized as some of the finest-quality luxury yachts in the world, due to their fine craftsmanship, custom design, woodwork, reliability, and safety.

Indulge Your Desires Within Our Lavish Accommodations

With three levels of entertainment, you can bask in the sun from our spacious bow, entertain in privacy in our luxurious cabin with aft deck, or enjoy fresh air and a commanding view from the flybridge. Sleeping accommodations are available within our 4 staterooms for up to 8 guests with 3 bathrooms and an abundance of storage for your belongings.

Become immersed by the comfort and premium accommodations of the only Princess Yacht in the Bay Area for your next boat rental or yacht charter adventure with us.

Your Next Adventure Awaits

From peaceful sunset cruises with your loved ones, to the ultimate dance party for your next birthday, we offer various charters to accommodate your needs. First-time boaters or yacht enthusiasts are welcome!

Your Next Adventure Awaits

We offer boat rentals to guests In Tampa, St. Petersburg, Orlando, Sarasota, and Surrounding Areas

We have entertained guests who are Bay Area natives, as well as visitors from international waters who wish to embark on their next journey with the utmost class. No request is too large! Customer service is our #1 priority. When you book your next luxury boat rental with us – either online or by phone – you can rest assured that your stay with us will meet the highest standard of care and professionalism.

Ultimate YachtLife Charters takes great pride in being a locally-owned yacht charter company in the Tampa Bay Area. We are eager to partner with local businesses and vendors who wish to elevate the experience of our guests by creating an exceptional itinerary of custom events! Book your next St. Pete boat rental service or yacht charter with us and create new memories in absolute luxury.

Friends enjoying the fresh air of the flybridge on the 70-foot Viking Princess Yacht

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Miss Molly | Island Hop

Make memories aboard Miss Molly during a glorious day spent relaxing on the ample deck, playing in the waves, spotting dolphins, and sipping a margarita. Kayaks, paddleboard and giant lily pad included.

  • Hour Glass 8 hours

Miss Molly | The Great Eight

Join this 8-hour charter combining our fishing village hop and our island hop! Explore private islands, sip mimosas, stop for lunch at our favorite waterfront eatery, and more.

  • Hour Glass 4 to 8 hours

Miss Molly | Mimosa Mornings Hop

Mimosas, compliments of the captain, await… Let the cruising begin! Join us on the Mimosa Mornings private charter and make the most of your vacation day with an early start! Mimosas, compliments of the captain welcome you upon boarding… Let the merriment and cruising shenanigans commence!

  • Hour Glass 2 hours , 4 hours
  • Users 1-6 guests

Miss Molly Sunset Cruise | Private Sunset and Skyway Bridge Lights

Immerse yourself into vacation mode with our sunset cruise on the 37′ Express Cruiser Miss Molly , offering a blissful opportunity to sit back, relax, and enjoy your yacht mates and the privacy that only a private charter can offer.

Completely private yachting excursions on Miss Molly

Miss Molly is a great time for groups of up to 10 people and provides a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere for you to enjoy a day on the water and cruise with your friends and family. Miss Molly offers a truly memorable yachting experience!

You can skip the crowds of strangers on a public cruise and instead enjoy a spectacular day on the water for you and your family to safely enjoy. At 36’, Miss Molly is generous in size to accommodate your fun filled day on the water!

Incredibly comfortable, air conditioned and both offering full spotless bathrooms, Dreamboat Charters has got you covered!

Choose the nimble Miss Molly, which allows captain to navigate into intimate spots for your groups entertainment including local eateries, watering holes, and serene islands fabulous for shelling.

Treat yourself and those you love to a private day charter-yachting on board the Miss Molly.

a small boat in a body of water

"Five of us spent the afternoon cruising and it was so much more than I expected. We saw dolphins, stopped at an island for swimming and shelling plus a great beach bar with live music. The whole experience was the best fun, the highlight of our vacation."

"Everything was better than the pictures! Sheryl and her husband are very nice and she is very quick to respond. Everyone had a great experience on their yacht! Highly recommend the experience!!"

We had never been on a yacht but it sounded like a fun thing to do. The day was just great, we saw things we had never seen before like manatees and even dolphins. We caught the sundown and got great pictures of the whole day, so glad we did this!

"We were in town for a business thing and found Miss Molly online. The five of us did the cruise (four hours) and had the best time with Captain Rich and Cheryl. They took us to all the great spots, swimming, cruising and a cool beach bar with a pool, live music and great food. Can't rave enough about how much fun we had, can't wait until our next trip to the area."

"We had a great time watching Dolphins play in the wake of the boat. We enjoyed the warm personalities of the owners during the sunset cruise and the four-hour excursion (snorkeling, beach, etc.) had I known it was going to be so fun, I would have booked for longer."

Saint Petersburg Yacht Rental

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Private Crewed Boat Charters with Captain & Crew

St Petersburg Luxury Yacht Rental - Private Boat with Captain

420 Prestige Private Yacht Charter Saint Petersburg Yacht Rental Luxury Crewed Private Boat Charter Prestige 420 yacht with captain and crew to serve your party. We also have chefs and catering available upon request. Our Event staff will help you plan your dream charter call now for more information. Upto 13 Guests plus the captain and crew.

St Petersburg Yacht Rental

94′ Ferretti Jacuzzi Yacht The Finest Luxury Superyacht in Saint Pete Tampa Bay. Jacuzzi and Jetski and Beach club all included. 12 Guests Maximum

Saint Petersburg Yacht Rental

42′ Prestige Private Yacht Custom yacht charter with a private captain and crew available for parties and events. 13 Guests Maximum

St Petersburg Yacht Rental

50′ Azimut Luxury Yacht New to the Fleet out of Tampa Bay on the City Side along with our 48′ Azimut in Tampa Bay Available. 13 Guests Maximum

Egmont Key St Petersburg Florida Yacht Rental

Luxury Private Yacht Saint Pete FL

Jacuzzi and Jetski included in this 13 guest passenger vessel. Plus captain and crew members. This is a top of the line beautiful boat ready for charter out of Saint Pete Florida.

Luxury Crewed Private Boat Charter St Pete

Saint Petersburg Yacht Rental Luxury Crewed Private Boat


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Day Sails and Sunset Cruises - Downtown St. Petersburg, FL - 44' Yacht

In addition to the best offers we have for boat and yacht charters in St. Petersburg, FL, see also options available for rent in these nearby locations:

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Rent a Boat in St Petersburg, Florida with Sailo!

Looking for a boat rental in St. Petersburg, Florida? A boating trip is always a great way to experience St. Petersburg. Choose your perfect St. Petersburg yacht charter with Sailo and set a course for adventure! When you rent a boat in St. Petersburg, you can choose your own itinerary and explore at your leisure. Want to relax on deck? Prefer to do some fishing? Or maybe you just want to escape the crowds? Find your ideal yacht rental in St. Petersburg with Sailo.

Private boat rentals in St. Petersburg

Explore the beauty of Florida state from St. Petersburg by a yacht charter. You’ll find 39 boats to rent in St. Petersburg with Sailo, for the best choice. Set sail on one of our sailboat rentals in St Pete . You can also choose from catamaran charters in St Pete , available to rent. What better way to discover the shores of Florida than from the deck of a luxury motor yacht? Browse the motor boat rentals in St Pete on Sailo for your ideal boating trip. You’ll also find a party boat in St Pete , perfect for groups of 13 or more available in Florida.

How to rent a yacht in St. Petersburg, Florida?

Wondering how to find the best boat charter in St. Petersburg for a memorable experience on the water in Florida? We have created a set of advanced filters to help you navigate easily our database of St. Petersburg yacht rentals and find the one for you. First pick a start date and then choose your trip duration. You can go for an extraordinary of 2, 4 hours or full day experience. Next, select the number of guests, the type of boat and the price range you are comfortable with. The crew filter helps you narrow down the results to the boats with the captain included in the price, or bareboats that you’ll captain yourself. Choose the boat you want in Florida, to view more pics, read description and reviews. Message the owner if you have any questions or continue with your booking request.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in St. Petersburg, FL?

St. Petersburg boat charters for daily trips are available at an average of €1100 per day in Florida. Cheaper boats (sometimes with no captain included) may be rented for €250. Our St. Petersburg premium charters may have price tags up to €6500, with crew, fuel, docking fees and other extras added to your budget.

Can I pay in installments for my Sailo boat rental?

A lot of our boat owners allow payment in installments, particularly for the weekly boat charters in St. Petersburg. First installment is always charged at the time the booking is confirmed. To find out if a boat has an installment plan, reach out to the boat representative and ask details via 'Message Owner' before you submit the booking or check out the Payment Schedule at top of the booking page.

Because we love the ocean

Sailing is a great way to experience nature. So we like to remind everyone that keeping nature as beautiful as possible involves a little effort from all of us. Some of our tips for responsible boating include:

  • Don’t litter or throw waste overboard - take rubbish home and dispose of it responsibly
  • Eco-friendly sunblock can help prevent damage to marine life
  • buy local and sustainable food products

However long you’re sailing for, a little goes a long way. Read more about responsible boating.

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Popular boat types in Florida among renters:

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  1. Enterprise-D Captain's Yacht Concept Design

    uss enterprise d captain's yacht

  2. Calypso (USS Enterprise D Captain's Yacht) Concept Art

    uss enterprise d captain's yacht

  3. Enterprise D Captain’s Yacht

    uss enterprise d captain's yacht

  4. Enterprise-D Captain's Yacht Concept Design

    uss enterprise d captain's yacht

  5. Schematic of Captain's Yacht from U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 E

    uss enterprise d captain's yacht

  6. Galaxy-class captain’s yacht Uss Enterprise D, Mission Call, Star Trek

    uss enterprise d captain's yacht


  1. INSIDE SEA GALLEY: USS Enterprise Aircraft Carrier Makes 17,300 MEALS A DAY

  2. Eaglemoss USS Vengeance

  3. USS Enterprise D VS MCRN Donnager : Size Comparison

  4. Playmates classic USS Enterprise NCC 1701 original series new release with sound effects and lights

  5. Star Trek Picard Shipswap

  6. Thursday Trek: Enterprise-E Captain's Yacht


  1. Captain's yacht

    Taking the Captain's yacht out for a spin?Deanna Troi, to Jean-Luc Picard The captain's yacht was a large support craft built into the design of several Federation starship classes, including the Galaxy-class, Sovereign-class, and California-class starships. It was docked to the underside of the saucer section. On the USS Enterprise-D, the name of the captain's yacht was the Calypso. On the ...

  2. The Unseen Enterprise-D

    Captain's yacht Painting of the Enterprise-D captain's yacht for the 2007 Ships of the Line calendar by Andrew Probert. Probert included a "captain's yacht" in the bottom of the saucer, which Picard could presumably use for personal missions.

  3. star trek

    12. When you look over the Star Trek the Next Generation Technical Manual's schematics of the USS Enterprise, one interesting thing indicated on the underside of the saucer section is the presence of the captain's yacht. It was a flying saucer looking ship that seemed to be a miniature of the Enterprise's saucer section.

  4. star trek

    That's where I put the captain's yacht, which is a private vessel for dignitaries and captains of ships to use as personal shuttles. That was never used in the show. At one point there was a script where Picard was returning to the ship and the dialogue was, "The captain's shuttle is on the way back. Crew members, man your stations."

  5. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

    The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was a Federation Galaxy-class starship operated by Starfleet, and the fifth Federation vessel to bear the name. The Enterprise served from 2363 to 2371 as the Federation flagship, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Following the ship's destruction at Veridian III, it was rebuilt as a museum ship, and was briefly brought back into service to counter a ...

  6. FSD: Starfleet Shuttlecraft

    The captain's yacht carried onboard the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D and other Galaxy-class starships are used for the captain's personal use, normally diplomatic missions. The yacht measures 18 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 8 meters high, with a mass of 95 metric tons. It's located in the center on the ventral side of the saucer, directly below the bridge.

  7. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

    USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), or Enterprise-D, to distinguish it from other vessels with the same name, is a starship in the Star Trek media franchise. Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, it is the main setting of Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) and the film Star Trek Generations (1994). It has also been depicted in various spinoffs, films, books, and licensed products.

  8. Starship Enterprise

    On USS Enterprise-E, the name of the captain's yacht is the Cousteau. In 2375, the crew of USS Enterprise-E used the Cousteau to travel to the surface of the Ba'ku homeworld, in the film Star Trek: Insurrection. Designer Andrew Probert came up with the concept of the captain's yacht while designing the USS Enterprise-D. Although it was never ...

  9. Calypso

    The Calypso was a Federation captain's yacht that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century, attached to Galaxy-class starships, among others the USS Enterprise-D. (Star Trek: The Next Generation) In 2371, it scraped on the surface of the planet Veridian III, where the ship's saucer section had been forced to crash land. (Star Trek Generations) Calypso was the name for the yacht in ...

  10. Captain's yacht

    While Captain Jean-Luc Picard commanded the USS Enterprise-D, he didn't often use the yacht in his eight years in command. This trend continued during his command of the USS Enterprise-E. While rarely using the yacht, he lost the Cousteau following a Son'a attack in 2375 and the Calypso was stolen by the Androssi and later destroyed in 2378.

  11. Is the Captain's Yacht from Enterprise-D (the Calypso) warp-capable?

    Apparently, no. The Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual (considered, if not entirely canon, at least a quasi-official authoritative source), gives the following description of the Captain's Yacht:. The yacht is capable of sustained sublight velocities approaching 0.65c. The impulse propulsion system (IPS) consists of six sequential beam-fusion reaction chambers feeding a central ...

  12. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Galaxy-class

    The captain's yacht carried onboard the Enterprise-D and other Galaxy-class starships are used for the captain's personal use, normally diplomatic missions. The yacht measures 18 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 8 meters high, with a mass of 95 metric tons.

  13. Cousteau (yacht)

    The Cousteau was a Federation captain's yacht that was in service with Starfleet in the late 24th century, attached to USS Enterprise-E. Cousteau was a large auxiliary craft which normally docked on the ventral side of the saucer section, opposite the bridge, and immediately below the saucer torpedo launcher.When connected to the Enterprise, only the bottom side of the yacht was exposed to ...

  14. Designing the Next Generation Enterprise

    Enterprise -D painting by Andrew Probert and Rick Sternbach. On the underside of the saucer, Probert inserted a captain's yacht. Although the Enterprise -D's was never seen on screen, it became a staple of Starfleet design. Rick Sternbach included a captain's yacht in his design of Voyager and the Enterprise -E's captain's yacht was ...

  15. Star Trek: 10 More Secrets Of The USS Enterprise D You ...

    The USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D is one of the largest starships in the history of Star Trek: 642 meters long, 195 meters tall, and a whopping 4,960,00014 metric tons of corridors, EPS conduits ...

  16. 25 Things About Star Trek's Enterprise-D You ...

    The Enterprise-D weighs about 400,000 metric tons ... Like the Captain's yacht we never saw the escape pods on the D get used. And to point 16, Riker got promoted to Captain of the Enterprise after Picard was taken by the Borg in The Best of Both Worlds part 2. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other captains in command at some point too ...

  17. RV Calypso

    The Captain's yacht of the USS Enterprise-D, on Star Trek: The Next Generation, was named Calypso by actor Patrick Stewart. He also gave the name Cousteau to the captain's yacht of the USS Enterprise-E in homage to the Calypso ' s famous former captain. Wes Anderson directed a film homage of Jacques Cousteau's life called The Life Aquatic with ...

  18. Star Trek Finally Uses A Starship Captain's Perk That's Usually Forgotten

    The Captain's Yacht has been a part of starship design since Star Trek: The Next Generation. Production designer Andrew Probert made it part of the USS Enterprise-D with the Calypso, the Captain's Yacht belonging to Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart).

  19. Enterprise E -- The Captain's Yacht

    The Captain's Yacht USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E This smaller vessel, docked and hosted by the larger Enterprise E, is not much different from the ship's vessels of nowadays that have the same name. Mainly for the Captain's use alone, we first see this exciting feature in Star Trek:Insurrection.

  20. Yacht Charters in St. Petersburg Florida

    Ultimate YachtLife Charters takes great pride in being a locally-owned yacht charter company in the Tampa Bay Area. We are eager to partner with local businesses and vendors who wish to elevate the experience of our guests by creating an exceptional itinerary of custom events! Book your next St. Pete boat rental service or yacht charter with us ...

  21. Dream Boat Charters

    Join us on the Mimosa Mornings private charter and make the most of your vacation day with an early start! Mimosas, compliments of the captain welcome you upon boarding…. Let the merriment and cruising shenanigans commence! Book Now. Learn More. Cruise With Us! From $899. 1-6 guests.

  22. St Petersburg Luxury Yacht Rental

    Saint Petersburg Yacht Rental Luxury Crewed Private Boat Charter Prestige 420 yacht with captain and crew to serve your party. We also have chefs and catering available upon request. Our Event staff will help you plan your dream charter call now for more information. Upto 13 Guests plus the captain and crew. 94′ Ferretti Jacuzzi Yacht.

  23. Boat Rentals in St Petersburg: Yacht Charters

    St. Petersburg boat charters for daily trips are available at an average of €1100 per day in Florida. Cheaper boats (sometimes with no captain included) may be rented for €250. Our St. Petersburg premium charters may have price tags up to €6500, with crew, fuel, docking fees and other extras added to your budget.