B McMichael White Fleet ORC ORC 2 20/Jun/2023 11:05 AM 5-Band W/L Medium 5.8 NM 11 Kts
B McMichael White Fleet PHRF_ToT J 44 20/Jun/2023 11:10 AM 5.8 NM 11 Kts
B McMichael White Fleet ORC ORC 3 20/Jun/2023 11:15 AM 5-Band W/L Medium 5.8 NM 11 Kts
B McMichael White Fleet PHRF_ToT J 109 20/Jun/2023 11:20 AM 5.8 NM 11 Kts
B McMichael White Fleet PHRF_ToT J 88 20/Jun/2023 11:25 AM 5.8 NM 11 Kts
B McMichael White Fleet PHRF_ToT J 105 20/Jun/2023 11:30 AM 5.8 NM 11 Kts
C Guardian Jet Blue Fleet ORC ORC 1 20/Jun/2023 11:05 AM 5-Band W/L Medium 6.6 NM  
C Guardian Jet Blue Fleet PHRF_ToT PHRF 1 20/Jun/2023 11:10 AM 6.6 NM  
C Guardian Jet Blue Fleet PHRF_ToT PHRF 2 20/Jun/2023 11:15 AM 5 NM  
C Guardian Jet Blue Fleet PHRF_ToT PHRF 3 20/Jun/2023 11:20 AM 5 NM  
C Guardian Jet Blue Fleet PHRF_ToT PHRF 4 20/Jun/2023 11:25 AM 5 NM  
C Guardian Jet Blue Fleet PHRF_ToT J 80 20/Jun/2023 11:30 AM 5 NM  
D GMT Composites Performance Cruising Green Fleet PHRF_ToT Performance Cruising 1 Spin - Rule 26 23/Jun/2023 12:05 PM 6.45 NM 4 Kts
D GMT Composites Performance Cruising Green Fleet PHRF_ToT Performance Cruising 2 Spin Rule 26 23/Jun/2023 12:10 PM 6.45 NM 4 Kts
D GMT Composites Performance Cruising Green Fleet One Design Performance Cruising 3 Spin - Pursuit 23/Jun/2023 12:20 PM 6.45 NM 4 Kts
D GMT Composites Performance Cruising Green Fleet One Design Performance Cruising 4 Non-Spin - Pursuit 23/Jun/2023 12:20 PM 6.45 NM 4 Kts
D GMT Composites Performance Cruising Green Fleet One Design Performance Cruising 5 Spin - Pursuit - Open 23/Jun/2023 12:20 PM 6.45 NM 4 Kts
D GMT Composites Performance Cruising Green Fleet One Design Multihull - Pursuit 23/Jun/2023 12:20 PM 6.45 NM 4 Kts
Yacht Club
Club Swan 42 Henry Brauer Steve Madeira NEHF/Eastern/St Francis/STC 1.0379 20/Jun/23 - 12:01:24 0:00:56:24 0:00:58:32
Swan 42 Paul Zabetakis New York Yacht Club / Storm Trysail Club 1.0389 20/Jun/23 - 12:02:22 0:00:57:22 0:00:59:36
Club Swan 42 Paul Hamilton / Patricia Young NYYC, RORC, CCA, CYC, STC, JYC 1.0364 20/Jun/23 - 12:03:11 0:00:58:11 0:01:00:18
Ker 50 Arthur Santry New York Yacht Club/Oakcliff Sailing 1.1448 20/Jun/23 - 11:58:07 0:00:53:07 0:01:00:48
Farr 40 Alec Snyder OakCliff 1.0371 20/Jun/23 - 12:03:41 0:00:58:41 0:01:00:52
Swan 42 David Fass New York Yacht Club / BPYC 1.0418 20/Jun/23 - 12:04:18 0:00:59:18 0:01:01:47
Mills 43 Custom John Cooper Lake Stockton Yacht Club 1.0686 20/Jun/23 - 12:03:03 0:00:58:03 0:01:02:02
J 121 Ken Comerford Annapolis Yacht Club/ Storm Trysail Club 1.0305 20/Jun/23 - 12:06:01 0:01:01:01 0:01:02:53
Swan 45 1/C Rowan Suarez Navy Offshore Sailing 1.0588 20/Jun/23 - 12:04:30 0:00:59:30 0:01:03:00
IMX45 Laura Heiss / Todd Labaugh American Yacht Club 1.0335 20/Jun/23 - 12:06:00 0:01:01:00 0:01:03:03
J 122 Team Syndicate STC/WPYC/AYC/NYYC 0.9753 20/Jun/23 - 12:13:36 0:00:58:36 0:00:57:09
Italia 11.98 Linda Weiss Storm Trysail Club 0.9405 20/Jun/23 - 12:16:20 0:01:01:20 0:00:57:41
Italia 11.98 John Brim Storm Trysail Club 0.9393 20/Jun/23 - 12:17:23 0:01:02:23 0:00:58:36
J 111 Andrew Ward / Sedgwick Ward SIYC/NYYC 0.9788 20/Jun/23 - 12:14:52 0:00:59:52 0:00:58:36
J 111 Bill & Jackie Baxter Riverside YC / NYYC / STC 0.9832 20/Jun/23 - 12:14:46 0:00:59:46 0:00:58:46
XP 38 Jay Turchetta EGYC 0.9562 20/Jun/23 - 12:17:20 0:01:02:20 0:00:59:36
J 112e Al Minella HYC/SPYC 0.9590 20/Jun/23 - 12:17:09 0:01:02:09 0:00:59:36
Summit 40 Ben Chigier Jubilee Yacht Club 1.0064 20/Jun/23 - 12:14:28 0:00:59:28 0:00:59:51
Farr 395 David Goldstone CPYC 0.9940 20/Jun/23 - 12:15:27 0:01:00:27 0:01:00:05
Henderson 30 Mike Royer Davis Island Yacht Club 0.9634 20/Jun/23 - 12:17:44 0:01:02:44 0:01:00:26
J 111 Edward Kaye Eastern Yacht Club 0.9704 20/Jun/23 - 12:17:18 0:01:02:18 0:01:00:27
J 133 Matt Stokes Bras d'Or Yacht Club; Royal Ocean Racing Club 1.0132 20/Jun/23 - 12:15:03 0:01:00:03 0:01:00:51
X-332 Sean Gallagher Eastport Yacht Club 0.8614 20/Jun/23 - 12:26:40 0:01:11:40 0:01:01:44
00 X442 Eric O'Sullivan Thames Yacht Club 0.9763 20/Jun/23 - 12:22:21 0:01:07:21 0:01:05:45
03 J 44 Chris Lewis NYYC/Austin YC/LYC/STC 27.0 / 1.1265 20/Jun/23 - 12:10:31 0:01:00:31 0:01:08:10
06 J 44 June & Amanda Kendrick Lloyd Harbor YC/STC/NYYC 27.0 / 1.1265 20/Jun/23 - 12:11:25 0:01:01:25 0:01:09:11
05 J 44 William Ketcham NYYC/American Yacht Club 27.0 / 1.1265 20/Jun/23 - 12:11:58 0:01:01:58 0:01:09:48
01 J 44 Willets Meyer SeawanhakaCYC/NYYC/IPYC 27.0 / 1.1265 20/Jun/23 - 12:13:57 0:01:03:57 0:01:12:02
04 J 44 Midshipman Lucas Sawin US Merchant Marine Academy 27.0 / 1.1265 20/Jun/23 - 12:14:15 0:01:04:15 0:01:12:23
02 J 44 William Mooney STC/North Haven Casino/IPYC 27.0 / 1.1265 20/Jun/23 - 12:17:35 0:01:07:35 0:01:16:08
13 J 109 Group W Breakwater YC 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:22:55 0:01:02:55 0:01:06:04
17 J 109 Dan Nash Pequot Yacht Club 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:24:00 0:01:04:00 0:01:07:12
16 J 109 Tom Sutton LYC/HYC/GBCA/BYC 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:24:55 0:01:04:55 0:01:08:10
14 J 109 John Greifzu, Jr. Stamford YC/New York YC/Storm Trysail Club/Ponus YC 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:25:01 0:01:05:01 0:01:08:16
11 J 109 John Wurch Seaside Park YC / Atlantic Highlands YC 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:25:13 0:01:05:13 0:01:08:29
21 J 109 Christopher Ercole Hempstead Harbour Club 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:25:19 0:01:05:19 0:01:08:35
15 J 109 Trevor Roach CPYC 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:25:23 0:01:05:23 0:01:08:40
19 J 109 Ken ODonnell Pequot YC 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:25:23 0:01:05:23 0:01:08:40
22 J 109 Bill Kneller Coasters Harbor Navy YC 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:25:24 0:01:05:24 0:01:08:41
12 J 109 Bud Rogers Breakwater 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:25:25 0:01:05:25 0:01:08:42
18 J 109 Robert Schwartz Manhasset Bay Yacht Club/NYYC 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:25:29 0:01:05:29 0:01:08:46
10 J 109 Jeffrey Warren Pequot 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:26:09 0:01:06:09 0:01:09:28
08 J 109 Daniel Corcoran Lloyd Harbor YC 69.0 / 1.0501 20/Jun/23 - 12:27:03 0:01:07:03 0:01:10:25
25 J 88 Dave Tufts Rochester YC 78.0 / 1.0350 20/Jun/23 - 12:29:25 0:01:04:25 0:01:06:40
24 J 88 Iris Vogel HYC;STC;NYYC 78.0 / 1.0350 20/Jun/23 - 12:30:48 0:01:05:48 0:01:08:06
28 J 88 Dave Dennison Lake City Yacht Club 78.0 / 1.0350 20/Jun/23 - 12:30:53 0:01:05:53 0:01:08:11
23 J 88 William Purdy Huguenot Yacht Club 78.0 / 1.0350 20/Jun/23 - 12:31:23 0:01:06:23 0:01:08:42
26 J 88 Ken & Drew Hall Riverside Yacht Club 78.0 / 1.0350 20/Jun/23 - 12:32:05 0:01:07:05 0:01:09:26
27 J 88 Nicolas Delcourt Larchmont Yacht Club 78.0 / 1.0350 20/Jun/23 - 12:32:37 0:01:07:37 0:01:09:59
36 J 105 Bill Zartler Lakewood Yacht Club/New York Yacht Club/Storm Trysail Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:34:10 0:01:04:10 0:01:05:29
54 J 105 Damian Emery PJYC 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:34:26 0:01:04:26 0:01:05:45
30 J 105 Bruce Stone Nicole Breault St. Francis YC 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:35:06 0:01:05:06 0:01:06:26
07 J 105 Rob Marsh North Shrewsbury Iceboat & Yacht Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:35:35 0:01:05:35 0:01:06:55
43 J 105 Paul Beaudin Harlem YC 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:36:14 0:01:06:14 0:01:07:35
35 J 105 Gardner Horan Black Rock Yacht Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:36:15 0:01:06:15 0:01:07:36
38 J 105 John and Marisa Koten Liberty Labs Sailing Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:36:25 0:01:06:25 0:01:07:46
39 J 105 Brian Nelson NYYC/AHYC/MBC 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:36:38 0:01:06:38 0:01:08:00
46 J 105 Jason Barron Bobby Waltz Barron’s Boatyard 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:37:05 0:01:07:05 0:01:08:27
49 J 105 Donald Santa Annapolis Yacht Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:37:09 0:01:07:09 0:01:08:31
44 J 105 Doug and Amy Stryker Eastport YC / Raritan YC 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:37:11 0:01:07:11 0:01:08:33
53 J 105 Kristen Robinson Annapolis/Eastport Yacht Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:37:14 0:01:07:14 0:01:08:36
45 J 105 Jack Wallace Lake Champlain Yacht Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:37:16 0:01:07:16 0:01:08:38
37 J 105 Jim Goldman Thames Yacht Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:37:22 0:01:07:22 0:01:08:44
42 J 105 Max Kalehoff New York Athletic Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:37:24 0:01:07:24 0:01:08:46
40 J 105 NEKA Sailing North East Keelboat Alliance / Webb Institute 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:37:30 0:01:07:30 0:01:08:53
50 J 105 David Willis Storm Trysail Club/Lloyd Harbor YC/Centerport YC 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:37:43 0:01:07:43 0:01:09:06
48 J 105 Kevin Fitzgerald Annapolis Yacht Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:37:47 0:01:07:47 0:01:09:10
41 J 105 Chuck McCarthy NSYC/HHC 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:38:04 0:01:08:04 0:01:09:27
31 J 105 Stuart Van Winkle / Joel Terry / Mike Lyttle Atlantic Highlands YC, STC 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:38:29 0:01:08:29 0:01:09:53
47 J 105 William Maher LHYC 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:38:38 0:01:08:38 0:01:10:02
33 J 105 Chris Tate Apponaug Harbor YC 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:38:39 0:01:08:39 0:01:10:03
32 J 105 Harry DiOrio SIYC/NYYC/SPYC 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:38:42 0:01:08:42 0:01:10:06
51 J 105 Richie Palmer New York Athletic Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:39:09 0:01:09:09 0:01:10:34
52 J 105 Chris Robertson Barrington Yacht Club 87.0 / 1.0204 20/Jun/23 - 12:41:49 0:01:11:49 0:01:13:17
Yacht Club
Ker 11.5 NEKA Sailing North East Keelboat Alliance 1.0434 20/Jun/23 - 12:08:05 0:01:03:05 0:01:05:49
IC37 HOWARD SPENCER NEW YORK YACHT CLUB & ROYAL AKARANA YACHT CLUB 1.0366 20/Jun/23 - 12:08:55 0:01:03:55 0:01:06:15
GP 42 Thomas Rich Storm Trysail, NYYC, Ida Lewis 1.1218 20/Jun/23 - 12:04:07 0:00:59:07 0:01:06:19
22 IC37 Peter Wagner NYYC/StFYC/SFYC 1.0431 20/Jun/23 - 12:09:58 0:01:04:58 0:01:07:46
Carkeek 47 Jim Madden NYYC / NHYC / SDYC / SIYC 1.2064 20/Jun/23 - 12:01:22 0:00:56:22 0:01:08:00
Farr 400 Elizabeth Shaw O'Toole US Merchant Marine Academy 1.0775 20/Jun/23 - 12:10:48 0:01:05:48 0:01:10:54
Soto 40 Craig Albrecht PWYC 1.0777 20/Jun/23 - 12:10:55 0:01:05:55 0:01:11:02
Eggemoggin 47 Jack LeFort NYYC/CYC 24.0 / 1.1324 20/Jun/23 - 12:18:14 0:01:08:14 0:01:17:16
Kerr 55 Brian Cunha IYAC -63.0 / 1.3347 20/Jun/23 - 12:08:17 0:00:58:17 0:01:17:47
Farr 40 MIDN 1/C Rick Irving Naval Academy Sailing -6.0 / 1.1949 20/Jun/23 - 12:15:27 0:01:05:27 0:01:18:12
Cape 31 Mike Dressell Lauderdale Yacht Club 9.0 / 1.1628 20/Jun/23 - 12:17:22 0:01:07:22 0:01:18:20
Melges 32 Skip Young Sachem's Head 24.0 / 1.1324 20/Jun/23 - 12:19:13 0:01:09:13 0:01:18:23
Cape 31 Madelyn, Megan, Mark Ploch American YC NYYC Storm TRY 9.0 / 1.1628 20/Jun/23 - 12:17:33 0:01:07:33 0:01:18:33
Melges 32 Lawrence Hennessy Essex Yacht Club 24.0 / 1.1324 20/Jun/23 - 12:19:39 0:01:09:39 0:01:18:52
Farr 40 Trevor W. Nelson New York Yacht Club | Barrington Yacht Club -12.0 / 1.2082 20/Jun/23 - 12:16:29 0:01:06:29 0:01:20:20
J 121 Robert Littleton Hyannis Yacht Club 24.0 / 1.1324 20/Jun/23 - 12:30:15 0:01:20:15 0:01:30:53
Farr 30 Kevin McNeil Annapolis YC 51.0 / 1.0815 20/Jun/23 - 12:08:46 0:00:53:46 0:00:58:09
J 130 Keith Amirault RNSYS / RWNSYC 33.0 / 1.1149 20/Jun/23 - 12:07:49 0:00:52:49 0:00:58:53
J 112e George Harrington Monmouth Boat Club 57.0 / 1.0708 20/Jun/23 - 12:10:25 0:00:55:25 0:00:59:20
Columbia 32 David Conlon SSA 72.0 / 1.0450 20/Jun/23 - 12:12:09 0:00:57:09 0:00:59:43
02 Columbia 30-2 Sport Lance Ryley Constitution Yacht Club 75.0 / 1.0400 20/Jun/23 - 12:13:12 0:00:58:12 0:01:00:32
Columbia 30 Sport Dave German / Steve Harding Davis Island Yacht Club 81.0 / 1.0301 20/Jun/23 - 12:14:08 0:00:59:08 0:01:00:55
IMX 40 Terrence Arndt Larchmont & Storm Trysail 36.0 / 1.1092 20/Jun/23 - 12:10:14 0:00:55:14 0:01:01:16
Sydney 38 Michael McBrien US Merchant Marine Academy 30.0 / 1.1207 20/Jun/23 - 12:10:52 0:00:55:52 0:01:02:37
Fareast 28r Bryce May Black Rock Yacht Club 60.0 / 1.0656 20/Jun/23 - 12:16:16 0:01:01:16 0:01:05:17
Carrera 280 Brad Porter Duck Island Yacht Club 90.0 / 1.0156 20/Jun/23 - 12:16:06 0:00:56:06 0:00:56:59
X-37 Steve Longo / Halsey Bullen / Mark Duncan Cedar Point YC/Storm Trysail Club 78.0 / 1.0350 20/Jun/23 - 12:18:00 0:00:58:00 0:01:00:02
587 Melges 24 Gary Schwarting Gulf Coast Sailing Club 96.0 / 1.0062 20/Jun/23 - 12:19:50 0:00:59:50 0:01:00:12
X-Yachts X-37 Scott Kirkpatrick Black Rock Yacht Club / Fayerweather Yacht Club 84.0 / 1.0252 20/Jun/23 - 12:18:49 0:00:58:49 0:01:00:18
Tripp 33 George Pawle Jubilee Yacht Club 84.0 / 1.0252 20/Jun/23 - 12:20:05 0:01:00:05 0:01:01:36
00 Beneteau 10R Dan Delannoy BRYC 90.0 / 1.0156 20/Jun/23 - 12:23:10 0:01:03:10 0:01:04:09
Pearson Flyer George Lima / Ken Madeiro Bristol Yacht Club, Spar Island Racing Assn. 135.0 / 0.9489 20/Jun/23 - 12:23:50 0:00:58:50 0:00:55:50
Omega 36 Tracey / Polk Magothy River Sailing Association 117.0 / 0.9745 20/Jun/23 - 12:22:35 0:00:57:35 0:00:56:07
Chance CTM 31 Robert Bruno Mystic River Mudheads Sailing Association 147.0 / 0.9326 20/Jun/23 - 12:25:36 0:01:00:36 0:00:56:31
J 29 Jack McGuire Storm Trysail Club/Annapolis Yacht Club 114.0 / 0.9789 20/Jun/23 - 12:22:45 0:00:57:45 0:00:56:32
J 29 Steve Thurston Barrington 114.0 / 0.9789 20/Jun/23 - 12:23:45 0:00:58:45 0:00:57:31
J 92 Robert Pogue 117.0 / 0.9745 20/Jun/23 - 12:28:08 0:01:03:08 0:01:01:31
57 J 80 J.R. Maxwell Annapolis Yacht Club 123.0 / 0.9658 20/Jun/23 - 12:32:56 0:01:02:56 0:01:00:47
55 J 80 Brian Gibbs Jubilee Yacht Club 123.0 / 0.9658 20/Jun/23 - 12:33:00 0:01:03:00 0:01:00:51
58 J 80 Party Tree Racing Sail Newport 123.0 / 0.9658 20/Jun/23 - 12:33:03 0:01:03:03 0:01:00:54
56 J 80 Donald Suter PBSA 123.0 / 0.9658 20/Jun/23 - 12:33:07 0:01:03:07 0:01:00:57
59 J-80 Steven Parks Ida Lewis YC, Newport YC 123.0 / 0.9658 20/Jun/23 - 12:33:10 0:01:03:10 0:01:01:00
Yacht Club
Westerly Marine RP 60 Bill Titus IDA LEWIS / ROYAL IRISH / IYAC / STORM TRYSAIL CLUB      
Beneteau First 36.7 Chris Fesenmeyer S & C Club      
J 105 T. J. Buckley & Paul Von Maffei DIYC      
J 105 Brandon Flack MudRatz Youth Offshore        
Tartan 4100 Beth Berry STC/EYC/SCC      
X382 Bryan & Kara Schapperle Norwalk YC / NYYC      
Baltic 47 Andrew Burton Ida Lewis YC / STC      
Tripp 26 Henry duPont Block Island Community Sailing / Off Soundings      
Dehler 37CR Gary Gochal Raritan Yacht Club      
J 95 Richard Eytel Metedeconk River Yacht Club      
Tartan 372 Paul Eliea Ketewomoke YC / Lloyd Harbor YC      
Jeanneau 410 Jurgen Link Off Soundings      
Oday 30 Stuart Cole - G Wadawanuck      
T34 Mike Sullivan Yralis - Disqualified (under rule 30.4)
- Disqualified (under rule 30.3)
- Did Not Compete
- Disqualified (Not Excludable)
- Did Not Finish
- Did Not Start
- Disqualified
- Did Not Sail Course
- On The Course Side
- Retired
- Redress Given
- Scoring Penalty
- Z Flag Penalty (20%)','white', 250)" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">DNC
Alberg 37 Michael Williams Harlem Yacht Club - Disqualified (under rule 30.4)
- Disqualified (under rule 30.3)
- Did Not Compete
- Disqualified (Not Excludable)
- Did Not Finish
- Did Not Start
- Disqualified
- Did Not Sail Course
- On The Course Side
- Retired
- Redress Given
- Scoring Penalty
- Z Flag Penalty (20%)','white', 250)" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">DNS
GulfStar Custom 50 TM Sloop Ed Steedman NYYC/STC - Disqualified (under rule 30.4)
- Disqualified (under rule 30.3)
- Did Not Compete
- Disqualified (Not Excludable)
- Did Not Finish
- Did Not Start
- Disqualified
- Did Not Sail Course
- On The Course Side
- Retired
- Redress Given
- Scoring Penalty
- Z Flag Penalty (20%)','white', 250)" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">RET
C&C 34 Kevin Curtis Fayerweather YC      
J 112e Andrew Genser SHYC      
Dufour 36p Bryan Lee Eastern Yacht Club      
J 29 Peter B Hilgendorff YRA of LIS      
C&C 110 Bob Zannetti SHYC      
Tartan Louis Manocchio Na      
Baltic 51 Gary Nackman Raritan YC, Storm Trysail Club      
Beneteau First 345 Bert Rubin de Cervens Ketewomoke Yacht Club      
Bristol 35.5 Isaac Halpern Shelter Island Yacht Club, NYYC      
Bristol 41.1 Brian Finnerty Hempstead Harbour Club      
Bristol 33.3 Todd Komoroski Harlem Yacht Club - Disqualified (under rule 30.4)
- Disqualified (under rule 30.3)
- Did Not Compete
- Disqualified (Not Excludable)
- Did Not Finish
- Did Not Start
- Disqualified
- Did Not Sail Course
- On The Course Side
- Retired
- Redress Given
- Scoring Penalty
- Z Flag Penalty (20%)','white', 250)" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">DNC
Beneteau Sense 55 Johan Hedlund N/A - Disqualified (under rule 30.4)
- Disqualified (under rule 30.3)
- Did Not Compete
- Disqualified (Not Excludable)
- Did Not Finish
- Did Not Start
- Disqualified
- Did Not Sail Course
- On The Course Side
- Retired
- Redress Given
- Scoring Penalty
- Z Flag Penalty (20%)','white', 250)" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">RET
Maxi 72 Hap Fauth STC / NYYC / RORC - Disqualified (under rule 30.4)
- Disqualified (under rule 30.3)
- Did Not Compete
- Disqualified (Not Excludable)
- Did Not Finish
- Did Not Start
- Disqualified
- Did Not Sail Course
- On The Course Side
- Retired
- Redress Given
- Scoring Penalty
- Z Flag Penalty (20%)','white', 250)" onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">DNC
Greene 35 Alan Burnett Masons Island      
Corsair Sprint 750 Thomas Reese Marathon Yacht Club,Youngstown Yacht Club      
Express 37 Richard du moulin Larchmont/Storm Trysail 69.0 / 1.0501 23/Jun/23 - 14:02:40 0:01:52:40 0:01:58:19
C&C 35 MK3 Jonathan Asch Stamford YC, STC 117.0 / 0.9745 23/Jun/23 - 14:15:13 0:02:05:13 0:02:02:01
J 120 William Klein Norwalk YC 39.0 / 1.1036 23/Jun/23 - 14:01:55 0:01:51:55 0:02:03:31
J 99 Jeff Johnstone Ida Lewis Yacht Club 72.0 / 1.0450 23/Jun/23 - 14:10:01 0:02:00:01 0:02:05:25
Beneteau First 40.7 Andrew Roberts Riverton Yacht Club 54.0 / 1.0762 23/Jun/23 - 14:07:13 0:01:57:13 0:02:06:09
J 99 Kenn Fischburg Block Island Yacht Club 72.0 / 1.0450 23/Jun/23 - 14:10:56 0:02:00:56 0:02:06:23
Grand Soleil 37 B&C Tapio Saavalainen AYC/STC/Helsinki Sailing Squadron (HSS) 66.0 / 1.0552 23/Jun/23 - 14:18:00 0:02:08:00 0:02:15:04
J 120 Rick Hanson North East River Yacht Club 39.0 / 1.1036 23/Jun/23 - 14:14:40 0:02:04:40 0:02:17:35
J 99 Steve Wadsworth Block Island Yacht Club 72.0 / 1.0450 23/Jun/23 - 14:23:16 0:02:13:16 0:02:19:16
Dehler 42 Ken Wisdom CPYC/NYYC 54.0 / 1.0762 23/Jun/23 - 14:26:57 0:02:16:57 0:02:27:23
First 27 SE David Wilson CHNYC/NYC 90.0 / 1.0156 23/Jun/23 - 14:38:40 0:02:28:40 0:02:30:59
J 120 Charles Murphy Pequot YC 45.0 / 1.0924 23/Jun/23 - 14:28:36 0:02:18:36 0:02:31:24
Grand Soleil 34 Ted Ruegg Annapolis Yacht Club /North Haven Casino 75.0 / 1.0400 23/Jun/23 - 14:35:40 0:02:25:40 0:02:31:30
Farr 30 Andrew and Christina Besheer New York, RORC, STC, LYC - Disqualified (under rule 30.4)
- Disqualified (under rule 30.3)
- Did Not Compete
- Disqualified (Not Excludable)
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51.0 / 1.0815      
Tripp 43 Mark Greenawalt Fayerweather Yacht Club 30.0 / 1.1207 23/Jun/23 - 13:59:54 0:01:54:54 0:02:08:46
J 111 Abhijeet Lele Sachems Head/ NYYC 24.0 / 1.1324 23/Jun/23 - 13:58:56 0:01:53:56 0:02:09:01
J 111 John Pearson Pjyc 24.0 / 1.1324 23/Jun/23 - 14:01:19 0:01:56:19 0:02:11:43
J 122 Don Dwyer Essex YC/NYYC/STC 27.0 / 1.1265 23/Jun/23 - 14:03:27 0:01:58:27 0:02:13:26
J 111 Douglas Curtiss New Bedford Yacht Club 24.0 / 1.1324 23/Jun/23 - 14:03:31 0:01:58:31 0:02:14:12
J 121 Joe Brito NYYC, BYC, BYC 12.0 / 1.1566 23/Jun/23 - 14:01:43 0:01:56:43 0:02:15:00
03 J 125 Brian Prinz Branford Yacht Club -12.0 / 1.2082 23/Jun/23 - 14:00:19 0:01:55:19 0:02:19:20
Dehler 46 Markus Lahrkamp American Yacht Club 24.0 / 1.1324 23/Jun/23 - 14:10:55 0:02:05:55 0:02:22:35
J 122 Daniel Heun Non-affiliated 27.0 / 1.1265 23/Jun/23 - 14:13:24 0:02:08:24 0:02:24:39
J 111 David Wilson Breakwater YC 27.0 / 1.1265 23/Jun/23 - 14:17:59 0:02:12:59 0:02:29:48
J 45 Erik Asgeirsson American Yacht Club / NYYC 12.0 / 1.1566 23/Jun/23 - 14:26:01 0:02:21:01 0:02:43:06
J 133 Steve Brownlie Atlantic Highlands Yacht Cub 18.0 / 1.1444 23/Jun/23 - 14:28:28 0:02:23:28 0:02:44:11
J 122 Constantine Baris NYAC YC, STC, Sagamore YC, 27.0 / 1.1265 23/Jun/23 - 14:36:22 0:02:31:22 0:02:50:31

yachtscoring block island

Published on May 26th, 2024 | by Editor

77th annual Block Island Race

Published on May 26th, 2024 by Editor -->

The 2024 Storm Trysail Club Block Island Race was described by some as a race of “chutes and ladders” as the fleet of 76 boats started on May 24 under sunny skies in 5-10 knots off Stamford, CT. There were multiple restarts in the lighter conditions throughout the overnight race before 52 boats successfully completed the 186nm course early on May 26.

The 77th annual race navigates through Long Island Sound, around Block Island, and back with David Greenstein’s Mills 68 Space Monkey as the first to cross the finish line in 27 hours and 11 minutes. However, the ultimate victory in the ORC class was claimed by Andrew Berdon’s TP52 Summer Storm.

Berdon, now on his third Summer Storm, He recounted the significant logistical effort, led by project manager Alec Snyder, to get the boat from Kiel, Germany to the starting line within a few short months. Once on the course, Berdon emphasized the importance of staying in touch with the larger boats and making strategic decisions.

“None of them disappeared over the horizon,” he said, noting how a decisive move north to the Connecticut shore after re-entering Long Island Sound helped Summer Storm stay in the breeze while the wind died down for the rest of the ORC fleet, securing their overall win. “That’s just the nature of racing on Long Island Sound,” Berdon remarked.

yachtscoring block island

In the PHRF fleet, Loki, a J/122 skippered by David Rosow, was both the first to finish and the class winner. Rosow credited their success to strategic positioning in Block Island Sound, staying south of the fleet on both the outbound and inbound legs.

“We seemed to have slightly better breeze and were positioned well for the local current effects,” Rosow explained. Like Berdon, Rosow was new to his boat and expressed his delight with the outcome: “I was thrilled and surprised we produced such a successful result with so little time in the new boat.”

In the doublehanded fleet, John Feleciano and Zach Doerr from NEKA Sailing in the Figaro 2 finished in the top spot for ORC, while Peter Becker and Adrien Blanc finished first in the J/105 for PHRF.

The Block Island Race, as always, proved to be a great race to shake out the cobwebs before summer, especially for the 57% of the teams entered in the 2024 Bermuda Race which starts June 21.

Event information – Race details – Results

Source: STC

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Block Island Race Week’s Best Boat

  • By Kate Somers
  • Updated: November 2, 2021


“Our win is completely due to the team we had,” says Jack McGuire, a 37-year-old yacht broker from Annapolis, Maryland, who raced with a band of brothers and childhood friends to win the coveted Everett B. Morris Trophy. “The camaraderie was unmatched.”

Trimming main and calling tactics was John Mollicone, McGuire’s coach while growing up at Rhode Island’s East Greenwich YC. His brother Josh and his brother-in-law, John von Schwarz, were the boat’s spinnaker and jib trimmers. Three longtime friends, Dave Jurkowski, Nick St. Jean and Doug Nisbet, manned the pit, mast and bow, respectively. His brother Todd helped deliver the boat and prepare it for racing.

“It was definitely a family affair both on and off the water, but Block Island Race Week always has been,” McGuire says. “I actually met my wife, Elizabeth, there eight years ago when she was handing out awards because her parents were volunteers with Storm Trysail Club. This year, we all stayed together in a house on the island with our wives and kids, who were the best shore crew a team could have. The week started off with seven kids under 7, and at one point during the week we had 10 kids out there. It was just so nice to sail hard during the day and then decompress as a team with family at the end of the day. Our house was spectacular, walking distance from downtown, so we all took turns watching each other’s kids as we went out to visit some of the local establishments. It was really nice to get out into the world again.”

Block Island Race Week served as the return of Dirty Harry after 20 months of being mothballed due to the pandemic. It sat under shrink-wrap on the hard before McGuire brought the boat to Peter Ross’ speed shop in Bristol, Rhode Island, which had completed a refit a few years earlier. As a result, the team was able to do a few events before Block Island to dust off the cobwebs. “It was amazing to be back on the water with friends and family.”

Dirty Harry ’s return to glory adds another chapter to the boat’s long and storied history on Narragansett Bay. Its previous owner, John Lavin, was a legend of the local racing scene. “Growing up at East Greenwich, I always saw Dirty Harry on the mooring and knew it to be a cool race boat,” McGuire says. “Eventually, I met John and started sailing with him in my early 20s, even doing two Block Islands on the boat. He sadly passed away in 2012, and his wife, Judy, asked me to sail the boat that summer.”

When McGuire later bought the boat from Lavin’s widow, it needed some serious upgrading, and Ross took him under his wing. “He let me set up shop in his building in Bristol to help me make the necessary upgrades. By this time, I had moved to Annapolis with my wife. So, what started as a six-month project turned into a 20-month project. The boat is still a stock J/29, just everything has been updated from the 1980s. We redid the bottom, replaced anything that had a load on it, like tracks and winches, and got new sails, which is what really sets us apart. They’re designed and built by John Fries out of Connecticut—Fries Sail Design. He just knows the J/29, and our suite of sails is perfect for the boat.”

The 2021 edition of Block Island Race Week had 157 boats, including many top-tier professional programs from around the Northeast, and the caliber of the fleet was not lost on McGuire and his team, especially this year. “There is no better competition on the East Coast than Block Island Race Week,” he says. “Just watching everyone out there was amazing because clearly everyone was bringing it after a year of little to no sailing. All the divisions were competitive and deep with talent. We were in PHRF 3, which had 12 boats lining up against boats with so much experience. The Storck family in their J/80 Rumor was pushing us on the starting line every time, and Steve Thurston with his J/29 Mighty Puffin never let up as well. Everyone was just pushing hard the entire time.”

What started as a six-month project turned into a 20-month project. The boat is still a stock J/29, just everything has been updated from the 1980s.

What set his team apart from the competition, he says, were the little things on the racecourse that eventually added up to bigger margins. “It was all about getting out and finding the lane to put the throttle down, followed by our clean mark roundings. When you can hold that spinnaker until the last second before the leeward mark or execute a perfect jibe set, you just extend every time.”

Dirty Harry

But that didn’t come naturally. With coach Mollicone on board, the team went out for two hours the day before race week and ran a windward/leeward session, focusing especially on mark roundings. Mollicone was even timing Nisbet on the bow so he knew how much time they had to pull off the maneuvers.

Practice paid off, of course, and when they were called to the stage to accept their Boat of the Week award, McGuire was elated. “Four years previous, we had just finished the boat and launched a month before, so we were just happy to be bringing Dirty Harry back to Block in honor of John Lavin. I think we finished fourth. Then, in 2019, we really went for it. I had six of the seven crew that we had this year, and we were so close to the top and just lost out to Interlodge , which is an amazing race program, so we couldn’t be too disappointed.”

This year, however, everything clicked, he says. “We won every race except the around-the-island, and we only lost that one by seven seconds after 18 miles and with a symmetric spinnaker against so many asymmetric kites. Winning overall was our goal, and we achieved it, which is just pure satisfaction. There were many who said a J/29 could never win top boat, so seeing my name on the list of other winners of Block Island Race Week is so rewarding. Anytime your name and Ted Hood’s are on a trophy together, it blows your mind. I wouldn’t have changed that week for anything, and to then share that stage with family and close friends is just the icing on the cake.”

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The Block Island Race is Getting Some Updates

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John Donovan’s J/111 Libertas (Southport, CT) is a winner of the Terrapin Trophy, which is awarded to the first place boat in the Block Island Race’s PHRF fleet. Photo courtesy of Rick Bannerot/OntheFlyPhoto.net

Registration for the 75th running of the Storm Trysail Club’s Block Island Race now open, and the Notice of Race is posted at Yachtscoring – Block Island Race NoR. The 186-nautical mile race, from Stamford, CT around Block Island and back to Stamford, is scheduled to start Friday, May 22.

“Just like classic race boats sometimes need to be optimized for better performance, we really wanted to update the 75th running of this annual race to encourage maximum participation,” said Ray Redniss, Storm Trysail Club Rear Commodore and Block Island Race Principal Race Officer and Event Co-Chair. “For the 75th edition we will use YB Tracking for the first time. Navigators and race fans both love this feature. In another innovation for this year, double-handed entries will start and race with their fully crewed classmates, just like the Rolex Fastnet Race. This gives them an opportunity to compete for class silver as well as against each other for double-handed podium spots.”

“Additionally, within the double-handed entries there will be a trophy for the top mixed-gender team,” Redniss continued. “This nods to the new Mixed Two Person Keelboat Offshore discipline slated for the 2024 Olympic Games. Note that we have adopted US Sailing Safety Equipment Requirements USSER “Coastal” plus a raft as the safety standards for the BI Course. These are very close to those used in the past, but we are trying to standardize sets of regulations, particularly when boats are preparing for the Bermuda Race. We will soon be announcing details about our expanded pre- and post-race parties and awards events. And if that wasn’t enough, we also have a nifty new logo!”

Perhaps most importantly, the race will feature combined ORC/IRC scoring in the same methodology being used for the World Sailing ORC/IRC Championships in September. Under this system, each boat’s elapsed time will be corrected under ORC and IRC and those corrected times will be averaged to produce the boat’s score. That event, run by the New York Yacht Club in Newport, is a rare opportunity for U.S. racer/cruisers to compete for a Worlds in home waters. NYYC will also use this combined scoring in all of their events this summer. To facilitate this system, complimentary ORC club certificates will be made available to boats that hold valid IRC or ORR certificates and which have not held a valid ORC certificate in the last five years.

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STC Commodore AJ Evans describes the thinking behind choosing the new ORC/IRC system: “Class size dilution from race organizers offering too many rules has become a real problem. We think that using combined scoring will lay the groundwork for STC – as one of the most influential clubs in the international sailing community, along with other important race organizers on the East Coast – to streamline VPP rule and class options for 2021. It might seem counterintuitive to utilize two rules when competitors tell us they want only one, but it is our expectation by the end of 2020 that boat owners will be in a better position to see how their boats actually fare under one rule compared to the other and how each is used in practice by race committees. We also hope that our use of combined scoring will encourage more participation in the Block Island Race and NYYC events given the similarities in ratings and scoring.”

Event Co-Chair Doug Lynn encourages all entrants and prospective entrants to read the NoR carefully, as significant changes have been made to improve safety standards for boats (NoR 1.4) and crews (NoR 15). “With more than 100 days to go [as this issue went to press], it is easy for all to comply with a requirement which may well save a life!” said Lynn. “The links in the NoR and those found on the Storm Trysail Club website, as well as that of US Sailing, offer many options for you and your crew wherever they may be. These events often sell out, so please be sure to register early.”

The Block Island Race is a qualifier for the Northern Ocean Racing Trophy, the Double Handed Ocean Racing Trophy, and the New England Lighthouse Series (PHRF – For more details, consult the Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound Handbook or the Stamford Yacht Club website). The Block Island Race is also a qualifier for the De Coursey Fales, Sagola and Windigo Trophies, the du Moulin Cup for Double Handed Racing, and the Youth Challenge Cup awarded by the YRALIS, as well as the Storm Trysail Club “Tuna Trophy” for the best IRC combined scores in the Edlu Race (40%) and the Block Island Race (60%). ■

Ron Weiss, Chair of the Storm Trysail Club Sponsorship and Communications Committee, contributed to this report.

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77th Annual STC Block Island Race set to sail in classic conditions

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Storm Trysail Club Launches Registration for the 2024 Block Island Race

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The eagerly awaited 77th edition of the Block Island Race is now open for registrations, as the sailing community anticipates an exhilarating maritime adventure.

Scheduled for May 24th at 2 pm, the Storm Trysail Club is looking forward to surpassing previous participation records for the 186-nautical-mile journey. This renowned event offers an enticing opportunity for both seasoned teams seeking pre-race practice and local racers in search of a fresh challenge.

Participants can opt to navigate under ORC or PHRF categories, exploring either the 186nm circuit around Block Island or the 136nm route down Long Island Sound to Plum Island.

Commodore Ray Redniss, a sailing veteran with over four decades of experience, underscores the unique nature of the course during late May. He states, “What sets this course apart is the diverse range of conditions that may unfold in late May. Sailors consistently find their resilience and skill challenged in these dynamic scenarios, truly highlighting the formidable spirit of the Block Island Race.”

In response to the evolving dynamics of competitive sailing, the Race Committee introduced a new rule in 2023. This mandates that an operational AIS Transponder must be carried and switched on from the boat’s start until it finishes or is no longer sailing, ensuring continuous transmission and reception.

In an exciting development, the Storm Trysail Club has entered into a strategic partnership with Raymarine for the 2024 Block Island Race. Participants who purchase a new Raymarine AIS700 transceiver from any Raymarine dealer or reseller before May 31, 2024, will be eligible for a $200 prepaid Visa card rebate. Further details can be found below.

The Block Island Race serves as a qualifier for prestigious trophies such as the Northern Ocean Racing Trophy (ORC), the Double Handed Ocean Racing Trophy (ORC), and the New England Lighthouse Series (PHRF). Additionally, it qualifies participants for the De Coursey Fales (PHRF), Sagola (PHRF), and Windigo (PHRF) Trophies, the du Moulin Cup for Double Handed Racing, the Youth Challenge Cup awarded by the YRA-LIS, as well as the STC Rugg Family Youth Offshore Challenge, and the coveted “Tuna Trophy” for the best ORC combined scores in the EDLU (40%) and the Block Island Race (60%).

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Storm Trysail Club

February 15, 2021

2021 Block Island Race Notice of Race Posted

Featured News , Regatta News , Block Island Race

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The Storm Trysail Club is pleased to announce the Notice of Race and Registration is open for the 2021 edition of the Block Island Race. Interested participants are encourage to read the NOR and register via YachtScoring: https://yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eid=14276

The 75th Block Island Race was postponed in 2020 due the COVID-19 pandemic to May 28, 2021 and had over 40 boats registered. Currently, early enthusiasm for Block Island Race Week with over 115 registrations shows there is a thirst by sailors to get back on the water. The Club encourages early registration to help organizers plan well in advance.

The race fleet will start and finish in Stamford, CT and competitors have the choice of two divisions: The Block Island Course (186 NM) and The Plum Island Course (125 NM), each with different classes and eligibility as indicated in the Notice of Race.



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    The Block Island Race shall be governed rules as defined in The by the Racing Rules of Sailing ("RRS"), ... Changes and/or additions to the Sailing Instructions shall be posted on the Notice Board on the YachtScoring website by 1000 on the day of the race. Changes to the scheduled start time will be posted by 0800 on the day of the race.

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