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YACHTCARE V-11 VT Polyester Fibreglass Reinforced Filler

YACHTCARE V-11 VT Polyester Fibreglass Reinforced Filler Image 1 of 1

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yachtcare v11 vt

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Yachtcare V-11 VT styreenvrije polyester glasvezel-plamuur bruin - 400g


14.99 UVP: 15.85

Prijzen incl. BTW en excl. verzendkosten

Beschikbaar, levertijd: 2-5 werkdagen

  • Beschrijving Yachtcare V-11 VT styreenvrije polyester glasvezel-plamuur bruin - 400g Yachtcare V-11 VT is een styreenvrije, tweecomponen… Meer
  • Beoordelingen

Yachtcare V-11 VT is een styreenvrije, tweecomponenten thixotrope vulstof en lijmverbinding van zeer reactief reparatiehars met gemengde glasvezels. Door de speciale glasvezelformule heeft de vulstof een hogere sterkte dan een normale standaardmassa. De compound verhardt snel en vertoont slechts een zeer geringe lineaire krimp.


  • Inhoud: 200g, 400g, 700g
  • Basis: Vinyl tolueen
Bootmateriaal: GFK, Hout
Containergrootte: 400 g
Gebied: Bovenwatergebied
Gevarenaanduidingen H-zinnen: H226: Ontvlambare vloeistoffen, gevarencategorie 3, H242: Zelfontledende stoffen en mengsels, type C, D, E en F, H315: Huidcorrosie/-irritatie, gevarencategorie 2, H317: Huidsensibilisatie, gevarencategorie 1, H319: Ernstig oogletsel/oogirritatie, gevarencategorie 2A, H410: Chronisch gevaar voor het aquatisch milieu, gevarencategorie 1, H412: Chronisch gevaar voor het aquatisch milieu, gevarencategorie 3
Producttype: Bootonderhoud
Serie/Model: YC V11
Signaalwoord: Attentie

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YACHTCARE V-11 VT Polyester Fibreglass Reinforced Filler

YACHTCARE V-11 VT Polyester Fibreglass Reinforced Filler Image 1 of 1

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Yachtcare V-11 VT mastic polyester renforcé de fibre de verre sans styrène marron - 400g


14.99 UVP: 15.85

Prix TTC, frais de livraison en sus

Disponible, délai de livraison : 2 à 5 jours ouvrables

  • Description Yachtcare V-11 VT mastic polyester renforcé de fibre de verre sans styrène marron - 400g Le Yachtcare V-11 VT est un compos… Plus
  • Évaluations

Le Yachtcare V-11 VT est un composé thixotropique à deux composants et sans styrène, de charge et d'adhésif, constitué d'une résine de réparation hautement réactive avec des fibres de verre mélangées. Grâce à la formulation spéciale de la fibre de verre, la charge a une résistance plus élevée qu'un composé standard normal. Le composé durcit rapidement et ne présente qu'un très faible retrait linéaire.

Données materielles

  • Contenu : 200g, 400g, 700g
  • Base : Toluène vinylique
Espace: Zone en surface
Informations de sécurité: H226: Liquide et vapeurs inflammables, H242: Peut s'enflammer sous l'effet de la chaleur., H315: Provoque une irritation cutanée., H317: Peut provoquer une allergie cutanée., H319: Provoque une sévère irritation des yeux., H410: Très toxique pour les organismes aquatiques, entraîne des effets néfastes à long terme., H412: Nocif pour les organismes aquatiques, entraîne des effets néfastes à long terme.
Le matériel du bateau: Bois, GFK
Mot de signalement: Attention
Quantité: 400 g
Série / Modèle: YC V11
Type de produit: Bootspflege

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Voir Mastic époxy

YACHTCARE Mastic polyester renforcé fibre de verre V-11 VT

YACHTCARE Mastic polyester renforcé fibre de verre V-11 VT Image 1 de 1

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Détails sur le produit

V11 VT est un enduit bicomposant sans styrène, à prise rapide et renforcé de fibres de verre. Ce mastic de réparation convient parfaitement pour renforcer les zones nécessitant un remplissage important. Très bon pouvoir adhésif sur le composite et le bois, le V11 VT ne convient cependant pas aux endroits constamment exposés à l'eau. Applicable par couches pouvant faire jusqu'à 5 mm. Appliquer sur une surface propre, sèche, dégraissée et poncée à gros grains. Proportion du mélange avec le durcisseur BPO : 2-3 % (2-3 g de durcisseur pour 100 g de mastic). Le V-11 VT reste un peu collant après séchage. Il faut donc le recouvrir d'un autre enduit.

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yachtcare v11 vt

Yachtcare V-11 VT Glasfaserspachtel V11

Yachtcare® V-11 VT

Art.-Nr.: 2750191-200-0

Glasfaserspachtel für höher beanspruchte Verfüllungen.


inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 1-3 Werktage (Speditionsversand ca. 5 Werktage)

Die mit einem * markierten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.

Yachtcare® MEKP-Härter

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Yachtcare Glasfaserspachtel V-11 VT 400 g Braun

Yachtcare Glasfaserspachtel V-11 VT 400 g Braun


Styrolfrei und faserverstärkt

Für höher beanspruchte Verfüllungen und Reparaturen

Gute Haftung auf Holz, GfK und Metall

Yachtcare logo link


Wie zufrieden bist du mit den produktinformationen, produktdaten & -maße, produktdaten.

GFK, Holz, Stahl
Ideal geeignet fürBoote, Yachten
Kinderspielzeug geeignetNicht Kinderspielzeug geeignet
Abtönbar mit Voll- und AbtönfarbeNicht abtönbar
Blauer EngelNicht "Blauer Engel" zertifiziert
Dient gleichzeitig als Grundierung Nicht gleichzeitig grundierend
Oberflächentrocken nach ca.4 h
Überstreichbar ab ca.12 h
Verarbeitungstemperatur15 °C
LösemittelfreiNicht lösemittelfrei
AnwendungsbereichInnen & Außen

Maße & Gewicht

525 g
Höhe9,4 cm
Breite9,9 cm
Tiefe9,9 cm


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YACHTCARE Polyester Glasfaserspachtel V-11 VT

YACHTCARE Polyester Glasfaserspachtel V-11 VT Bild 1 von 1


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Yachtcare V11 VT Faserspachtel, 200 gr.


Preise inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten


Sofort verfügbar

  • Beschreibung Yachtcare V11 VT-Faserspachtel, 200 gr. Der V-11 VT Faserspachtel ist eine styrolfreie, zweikomponentige thixotrope Spachtel… Mehr
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  • Bewertungen

Yachtcare V11 VT-Faserspachtel, 200 gr.

Der V-11 VT Faserspachtel ist eine styrolfreie, zweikomponentige thixotrope Spachtel- und Klebmasse, hergestellt aus hochreaktivem Reparaturharz mit eingemischten Glasfasern. Dank seiner speziellen Glasfaser-Formulierung bietet dieser Spachtel eine höhere Festigkeit im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Standardmassen.

Diese Spachtelmasse härtet schnell aus und weist einen minimalen linearen Schrumpf auf, was zu einer glatten und zuverlässigen Oberfläche führt. Sie eignet sich ideal für Reparatur- und Aufbauprojekte, bei denen Festigkeit und Haltbarkeit gefragt sind.

Vertrauen Sie auf den V-11 VT Faserspachtel, um Oberflächen zu reparieren, zu modellieren und zu kleben. Er ist vielseitig einsetzbar und liefert professionelle Ergebnisse. Perfekt für die Automobil-, Bootsbau- und Bauindustrie sowie für Heimwerkerprojekte.


  • Inhalt: 200g
  • Basis: Vinyltoluol


V-11 VT Faserspachtel ist eine styrolfreie, zweikomponentige thixotrope Spachtel- und Klebmasse aus hochreaktivem Reparaturharz mit eingemischten Glasfasern. Aufgrund der besonderen Glasfaser-Formulierung hat der Spachtel eine höhere Festigkeit, als eine normale Standardmasse. Die Masse härtet schnell an und weist einen nur sehr geringen linearen Schrumpf auf.


  • Klebeverbindung von Holz, GFK und anderen Werkstoffen
  • Für die Reparatur kleiner Laminatschäden in schwach belasteten Bauteilen als Kleb- und Füllmasse im Überwasserbereich
  • Als Montageverklebung von Holzleisten und GFK-Anbauteilen auf GFK- Laminat
  • Zum Verfüllen ausgebrochener Hölzer


V–11 VT Faserspachtel wird in Schichten bis zu 5 Millimetern mit einem Spachtel, in dünnen Schichten mit einem Pinsel auf den sauberen, fettfreien, trockenen und möglichst rau angeschliffenen Untergrund aufgetragen. Ein Kilogramm V-11 VT hat ein Volumen von 750 ml. Zur Verarbeitung wird das Faserharz mit 3 Gew.-% BPOHärterpaste intensiv vermischt. Das Produkt kann bis zu Temperaturen von 5º C (bei 4% Härterzugabe) verarbeitet werden. Die Härtung verlangsamt sich jedoch. V-11 VT bleibt an der Oberfläche leicht klebrig und sollte nach deren Trocknung mit einer anderen Spachtelmasse oder Topcoat abgedeckt werden. Bevor V–11 VT Faserspachtel als Verklebung oder zur Laminat-Ausbesserung auf GFK-Untergründen angewandt wird, müssen vorhandene Topcoatschichten (Schlusslack, Gelcoat) bis zum Laminat abgeschliffen werden. Bei der Anwendung auf Blech wird eine Polyester-Spachtelmasse (ohne Glasfasern) als Haftbrücke eingesetzt.

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Gründl empfiehlt


Inhalt: 0.5 kg (37,90 €* / 1 kg)


Inhalt: 0.5 100g (11,90 €* / 1 100g)


Inhalt: 0.7 100g (18,50 €* / 1 100g)


Inhalt: 0.25 kg (35,80 €* / 1 kg)

yachtcare v11 vt


yachtcare v11 vt

Yachtcare V-11 VT Faserspachtel styrolfrei 200g 400g 700g

ab 8,49  € *inkl. MwSt

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

  • Beschreibung

Produkt Details


  • Zusätzliche Informationen

Yachtcare V-11 VT Faserspachtel ist eine styrolfreie, zweikomponentige thixotrope Spachtel- und Klebmasse aus hochreaktivem Reparaturharz mit eingemischten Glasfasern. Aufgrund der besonderen Glasfaser-Formulierung hat der Spachtel eine höhere Festigkeit als eine normale Standardmasse. Die Masse härtet schnell an und weist einen nur sehr geringen linearen Schrumpf auf.


V-11 VT Faserspachtel ist eine styrolfreie, zweikomponentige thixotrope Spachtel- und Klebmasse aus hochreaktivem Reparaturharz mit eingemischten Glasfasern. Aufgrund der besonderen Glasfaser-Formulierung hat der Spachtel eine höhere Festigkeit, als eine normale Standardmasse. Die Masse härtet schnell an und weist einen nur sehr geringen linearen Schrumpf auf.


  • Klebeverbindung von Holz, GFK und anderen Werkstoffen
  • Für die Reparatur kleiner Laminatschäden in schwach belasteten Bauteilen als Kleb- und Füllmasse im Überwasserbereich
  • Als Montageverklebung von Holzleisten und GFK-Anbauteilen auf GFK- Laminat
  • Zum Verfüllen ausgebrochener Hölzer


  • Inhalt: 200g, 400g, 700g
  • Basis: Vinyltoluol


V–11 VT Faserspachtel wird in Schichten bis zu 5 Millimetern mit einem Spachtel, in dünnen Schichten mit einem Pinsel auf den sauberen, fettfreien, trockenen und möglichst rau angeschliffenen Untergrund aufgetragen. Ein Kilogramm V-11 VT hat ein Volumen von 750 ml. Zur Verarbeitung wird das Faserharz mit 3 Gew.-% BPOHärterpaste intensiv vermischt. Das Produkt kann bis zu Temperaturen von 5º C (bei 4% Härterzugabe) verarbeitet werden. Die Härtung verlangsamt sich jedoch. V-11 VT bleibt an der Oberfläche leicht klebrig und sollte nach deren Trocknung mit einer anderen Spachtelmasse oder Topcoat abgedeckt werden. Bevor V–11 VT Faserspachtel als Verklebung oder zur Laminat-Ausbesserung auf GFK-Untergründen angewandt wird, müssen vorhandene Topcoatschichten (Schlusslack, Gelcoat) bis zum Laminat abgeschliffen werden. Bei der Anwendung auf Blech wird eine Polyester-Spachtelmasse (ohne Glasfasern) als Haftbrücke eingesetzt.


Hinweise zum Umgang mit den Produkten und zur Entsorgung entnehmen Sie bitte dem gültigen Sicherheitsdatenblatt und den entsprechenden Merkblättern der Berufsgenossenschaft der Chemischen Industrie. Die vorstehenden Angaben, insbesondere die Vorschläge für die Verarbeitung und Verwendung unserer Produkte beruhen auf unseren Kenntnissen und Erfahrungen im Normalfall. Wegen der unterschiedlichen Materialien, Untergründen und abweichenden Arbeitsbedingungen kann eine Gewährleistung eines Arbeitsergebnisses oder eine Haftung, aus welchem Rechtsverhältnis auch immer, weder aus diesen Hinweisen, noch aus einer mündlichen Beratung begründet werden, es sei denn, dass uns soweit Vorsatz oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit zur Last fällt. Hierbei hat der Anwender nachzuweisen, dass er schriftlich alle Kenntnisse, die zur sachgemäßen und erfolgsversprechenden Beurteilung erforderlich sind, rechtzeitig und vollständig zu unserer Kenntnis übermittelt hat. Schutzrechte Dritter sind zu beachten. Im Übrigen gelten unsere jeweiligen Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen. Es gilt das jeweils neueste Technische Merkblatt, das von uns angefordert werden sollte.





















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Afbeelding niet beschikbaar

Yachtcare V11 VT – 2-componenten glasvezelplamuur – voor reparaties aan gelcoat en glasvezelonderdelen – styrolvrij

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Yachtcare V11 VT – 2-componenten glasvezelplamuur – voor reparaties aan gelcoat en glasvezelonderdelen – styrolvrij

Prijs: €7,49€7,49 - €18,40€18,40
Prijzen zijn inclusief btw.
Materiaal n.a.
Compatibel materiaal Hout
Speciale kenmerken Sterk
Kleur Bruin
Aantal items in pakket 1
Aantal exemplaren 200 gram
GTIN 04102871534045
Fabrikant Yachtcare

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Technische gegevens.

Kleur ‎Bruin
Grootte ‎200g
Stijl ‎Yachtcare V-11 VT vezelplamuur
Materiaaltype ‎n.a.
Seizoen ‎Evergreen
Kenmerken ‎Sterk
Sport ‎bootsport
Meegeleverde onderdelen ‎192 g A-component, 8 g B-componenten; plastic spatel
Batterijen inbegrepen? ‎Nee
Afdeling ‎Unisex
Fabrikant ‎Yachtcare
Modelnummer item ‎153.404
Afmetingen pakket ‎8,2 x 7,6 x 7,6 cm; 200 g
ASIN ‎B077754FTR
Gegarandeerde software-updates tot ‎onbekend

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Datum eerste beschikbaarheid 23 januari 2018
Plaats in bestsellerlijst #141.411 in Klussen & gereedschap ( )
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Yachtcare V-11 VT vezelspatel Beschrijving: Yachtcare V-11 VT vezelspatel is een styrevrije, twee-componenten thixotrope spatel - en lijmmassa van zeer reactieve reparatiehars met gemengde glasvezel. Vanwege de speciale glasvezelformule heeft de spatel een hogere sterkte dan een normale plamuurmassa. De massa hardt snel aan en heeft een zeer geringe lineaire krimp. Toepassingsgebied: • Kleefverbinding van hout, GFK en andere materialen. • Voor de reparatie van kleine laminaatschade in zwak belaste onderdelen dan Lijm en vulmassa in het overwater. • Montageverlijmen van houten latten en GFK-aanbouwdelen op GFK-laminaat. • Voor het opvullen van uitgebroken hout. Kenmerken: • Inhoud: 200 g, 400 g, 700 g containers (incl. verharder). • Kleur: bruin. • Verhardende toevoeging: 3% BPO-harderpasta • Verwerkingstijd: bij 20 °C - ca. 4 - 5 minuten

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Yachtcare Yacht Care V Bullet 11 VT Fibre Spatula Polyester, Unisex, V-11 VT Faserspachtel, brown

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Causes serious eye irritation.

Causes serious eye irritation.

Causes skin irritation.

Flammable liquid and vapour.

Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

Heating may cause a fire.

May cause an allergic skin reaction.

Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

Very toxic to aquatic life.

Yachtcare Yacht Care V Bullet 11 VT Fibre Spatula Polyester, Unisex, V-11 VT Faserspachtel, brown

Purchase options and add-ons

Brand Yachtcare
Specific uses for product Craft
Material n.a.
Compatible material Wood
Special feature Strong

About this item

  • Top quality – the Yachtcare fibreglass repair spatula meets the highest quality standards and is ideal for repairing fibreglass parts. With the fibreglass spatula you achieve an extremely high strength.
  • Universal use: very good adhesion to many materials - sticks very well to fibreglass, wood and many other surfaces. Ideal for repairing small laminate damage to GRP components and as an adhesive and filler.
  • Easy to use – the V11 fibreglass spatula from Yachtcare comes in a set with a red BPO hardener. The filler hardens quickly and has very low shrinkage.
  • YACHTCARE Epoxy – For repairs in places with constant water load, we recommend our Yachtcare epoxy resins and Yachtcare epoxy spatula
  • Not only for your boat: the Yachtcare V11 fibreglass spatula is suitable for repairing car bodies, motorcycle trims, caravans, pools, pond, cars, surfboards, kite boards or in model making.
  • Contains reaction mass of 2,2'-[(4-methylphenyl)imino]bisethanol and ethanol 2-[[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl](4-methylphenyl)amino]-. May cause allergic reactions.

Frequently bought together

Yachtcare Yacht Care V Bullet 11 VT Fibre Spatula Polyester, Unisex, V-11 VT Faserspachtel, brown

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Product information

Technical details.

Color ‎brown
Size ‎200g
Style ‎Yachtcare V-11 VT Fiber Putty
Weight ‎0.2 Kilograms
Material Type ‎n.a.
Seasons ‎Evergreen
Features ‎Strong
Usage ‎Craft
Sport ‎boating
Included Components ‎192 g A component, 8 g B component; plastic spatula
Batteries Included? ‎No
Brand ‎Yachtcare
Department ‎unisex_adult
Manufacturer ‎YACH7|#Yachtcare
Item model number ‎153.404
Package Dimensions ‎8.2 x 7.6 x 7.6 cm; 200 g
ASIN ‎B077754FTR

Additional Information

Date First Available 5 Nov 2017
Customer Reviews
4.4 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank 79,827 in Sports & Outdoors ( )
65 in

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What's in the box?

  • 192 g A component, 8 g B component; plastic spatula

From the manufacturer


Yachtcare Professional Fillers

V-11 VT fibre filler is a styrene-free, two-component thixotropic filler and adhesive made from highly reactive repair resin with mixed glass fibres. Due to the special fibreglass formulation, the spatula has a higher strength than a normal standard mass. The mass hardens quickly and has very low linear shrinkage.

One product - many possible uses.

Adhesive connection of wood, fibreglass and other materials. For repairing small laminate damage in weakly stressed components as adhesive and filling material in the overwater area. As mounting bonding of wooden strips and fibreglass attachments on fibreglass laminate. For filling out broken woods.


Customer Reviews
Price €14.4414.44 €14.4414.44 €11.8611.86
Features: Achieves a particularly smooth and white surface. High filling capacity and very low shrinkage. Thixotropic filler and adhesive with mixed fibreglass.
Suitable for: Metal, fibreglass, wood and filled surfaces. Fibreglass, wood or metal surfaces. Fibreglass, wood or metal surfaces.
Colour: White. Light grey Brown
Contents: 250 g, 500 g, 1000 g. 250 g, 500 g, 1000 g. 200 g, 400 g, 700 g.

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Road is Calling

6 Most Magical Lakes in Vermont For Kayaking, Canoeing & Swimming

Lately, Vermont has been on my mind a lot. I was going through our old photos and found a bunch of pictures from those times when we went on a few road trips in Vermont that included canoeing and kayaking.

These days, knowing that summer is approaching , we just want to return and experience it all over again.

If you ask an average American what he or she knows about Vermont, most likely they will tell that this land is known for maple syrup, covered bridges, hilly valleys, and colorful foliage season. But Vermont is more than that.

This amazing state also has many colorful towns, history museums and sites, biking routes through old-fashioned villages, bustling farmers’ markets, mountains, and lakes.

So in today’s post, I would love to share some truly magical lakes in Vermont that we got to visit. I hope they’ll inspire you to go explore and get on the water. Here they are… 

Amazing Lakes to Go Swimming, Kayaking, and Canoeing in Vermont

1. lake morey.

Lake Morey is a rather small but very picturesque lake in Eastern Vermont. It is located right near the border with New Hampshire near a small town Lyme – one of those pretty towns that everyone associates New England with.

We discovered this truly hidden gem of Vermont on our visit to Hanover, a super cute college town in New Hampshire. On the way back from Hanover to Montpelier, we decided instead of taking a highway to take a scenic Rt. 5 along the Connecticut River.

Once we approached Fairlee , we decided to make a stop at Lake Morey to see if there was anything exciting to do there. And yes, this lake had so much to offer!

A historic Lake Morey Resort that sits right on the shore of the lake offers access to beaches, canoes, paddleboards, and kayaks. If you stay at the hotel overnight, canoeing and kayaking are included. All outside guests can pay for kayaks if in-house guests are not using them.

This lake also has a winding road along the shoreline where everyone can walk, jog, or bike. Also, outside the hotel area, there are a bunch of spots for water sports and leisure. If you have your own kayak or paddleboard, you are free to take it on the water anywhere around the lake. 

If you decide to spend a day or stay overnight on this Vermont lake, also pay a visit to Orford , just a bridge crossing away. Its early mansions that date back to the late 1700s crown a ridge above the Connecticut River and offer impressive views.


Lake Morey is easily accessible from many cities and towns in Vermont and can be done as a day trip. However, staying overnight in this area gives you more time to explore the nearby White Mountain National Forest , Sugarbush Farm , Billings Farm & Museum , and another beautiful lake Mascoma Lake . 

So, besides the Lake Morey Resort (which usually has the lowest prices on, ) Silver Maple Lodge , a beautiful 17th-century mansion, is a more budget-friendly charming option .

lakes in Vermont for kayaking

2. Lake Memphremagog

Lake Memphremagog in the very north of Vermont is one of many lakes in that area. In fact, it is part of the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, famous for its rural corner, lakes, woodlands, and meadows.

The land surrounding this lake looks just like the glacial forest that lies in the far north, somewhere in Alaska or Northern Canada. At the same time, it reminded me a lot of the scenery in Oregon . Lakes and bogs dot the countryside, and woodlands of coniferous evergreen trees extend for miles.

In a small town Newport with a newly developed lake’s waterfront, you have more chances to meet a moose than another person. It is very quiet, untouched, and marks the gateway to adventure.

Newport is the best spot for swimming, canoeing, or kayaking. You can rent a kayak at The Great Outdoors and go enjoy the lake anywhere close to the town and out towards Canada.

If you don’t feel like kayaking, you can always go on a boat tour or rent an outboard boat for the entire day. This rich in solitude and wildlife area also offers many spots for taking photos. Don’t miss a drive around this lake!

Psst : Less than 20 min drive away is a super awesome lazy river paddle adventure with  Clyde River Recreation . It is a different kayaking experience where you should go with your family or friends to unwind!


Lake Memphremagog is huge. And the biggest part of it is on the Canadian side. However, one of the cutest Inns is right by the lake in Vermont (below.) So, if you decide to spend a weekend in this part of Vermont, here are two lovely suggestions for your stay. 

Cliff Haven Farm B&B – small cute family-owned Bed & Breakfast in a quiet corner of Vermont. Come here during the foliage for a leaf-peeping.

Lakeshore Home – If you are coming with a family or a small group of friends, you might as well rent a house right on the lake.

Vita Huset, Swedish Inspired Inn – an incredibly adorable small B&B in the heart of the main town Newport. This accommodation is perfect for family stays and getaways with friends. Take a look at how cute rooms are! 

yachtcare v11 vt

3. Lake St. Catherine

On the opposite side of the state, near the border with New York, is another serene and peaceful lake with some of the best Vermont kayaking and canoeing spots.

More than that, it has incredibly clean water, two sandy beaches, picnic areas, a boat launch, hiking, and cycling trails.

We spent only a few hours there on our side road trip from Green Mountain National Forest but regretted we didn’t have more time. This big lake with campgrounds for tents and motorhomes and lakefront chalets can be a great place for a full weekend getaway in Vermont. 

The main entrance to the lake is in Lake St. Catherine State Park. However, it’s usually the most crowded place since there is a beach in the park. A scenic W Lake Road around the lake all the way to  Waterfront House has a few spots for recreation and kayaking if you are having your own kayaks. 


A trip to this lake can be a great day trip from Burlington or Saint Albans. A lot of people also visit on road trip to Green Mountain National Forest. And, as I mentioned above, you can even spend the entire weekend here, choosing to camp or stay in one of the lodges.

Our favorite accommodation options that I would like to share with you guys are:

The Loon & Otter Lodge  – a perfectly decorated house-museum in a secluded and picturesque area. Everything just feels right here, from cozy and inviting rooms to service. 

The Dorset Inn  – technically not near the lake but a short drive away. Even if you don’t stay overnight, go there for dinner and cocktails. Their food and atmosphere is totally amazing! 



kayaking in Vermont

4. Lake Champlain

Of course, lake Champlain was going to make this list. It is the largest lake in Vermont, incredibly beautiful and with many activities. Many people will definitely say that the best kayaking in Vermont is on Lake Champlain. 

During our multiple visits to Vermont, we drove around this lake in different directions, visiting state parks, camping, and kayaking.

The shoreline of this lake is home to various towns, parks, and historic sites. Being 172 km long and 23 km wide and having more than 80 islands, the lake offers tons of opportunities for swimming, fishing, paddling, boating, kayaking, canoeing, picnicking, and even hiking.

You can easily go on a road trip around Lake Champlain hoping to make a few quick stops but understanding how much is there to explore and do.

Some of the best areas to go kayaking on Lake Champlain on the Vermont side are Kamp Kill Kare State Park , Knight Point State Park, Woods Island State Park, Sand Bar State Park , Law Island, Fish Bladder Island . 

NOTE : Knight Island State Park requires reservations and a fee for any visit between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Fish Bladder Island is a private bird sanctuary, reservations and arrangements are also required. Check the details on their website . 


With hundreds of accommodation options, it may be difficult to decide where to stay overnight. If you are looking for a getaway and don’t want to stay in Burlington or Saint Albans, I’d love to recommend a few places that we loved:

Fearn Lodge – a romantic lodge on the shore of Lake Champlain in South Hero. The location is right on the water in a very secluded and charming area. We loved it for some of the best views and a super quiet environment. 

The Inn at Shelburne Farms – a bit expensive, yet a very elegant 19th-century country estate where you are transported back in time. If you can’t stay overnight, at least visit for a few hours! 

yachtcare v11 vt

5. Lake Elmore

If you are looking to go canoeing or kayaking near Stowe, this quaint beautiful lake is going to be a great pick. Montpelier (the capital city of Vermont) and scenic road Rte. 100 are also only a short drive away.

If you are visiting Vermont from outside the state, I highly recommend you drive Rte. 100 together with the mountain Rte. 108 before you get to the lake Elmore. Both of these roads are known for a long skein of country villages full of quirky Inns, shops, and cafes.

The lake itself is part of the Elmore State Park, full of hiking trails, campgrounds, picnic areas, and fairytale forest. 

There are a few spots around the lake where you can go kayaking if you have your own kayaks. For instance, on the western side of the lake near Point Road and Wigner Road. When we visited, we saw kayaks for rent on the Elmore beach, so it may be a better option for most people.


Lake Elmore is truly a stunning place in Vermont where spending a few hours of your day may not be enough. For the best experience, especially if visiting this part of New England in the fall , you can stay in one of the charming B&Bs or Inns.

So if you are wondering where to stay near Lake Elmore, have a look at these suggestions:

Mountain Spring Cottage – one of our favorite Inns in Vermont. A cute small B&B with only a few rooms creates a homie feel. Everything here is excellent – service, location, ambiance, rooms. This is a fantastic option for couples on a romantic getaway to Vermont and families who want to unplug.

Governor’s House In Hyde Park – another cozy Inn for an exceptional experience. Have a 19th-century stay in one of the rooms with a unique character and style. The owner, Suzanne, is a perfect host and cook who knows how to create unforgettable memories for each guest. 

yachtcare v11 vt

6. Lake Bomoseen

Lake Bomoseen is a beautiful lake to go kayaking not far from Burlington if you feel like you got enough on Lake Champlain.

This Vermont lake is special for many reasons. First of all, it is large enough to accommodate all kinds of water sports, including swimming, kayaking, boating, sailing, tubing, water skiing, and more.

Second, it has numerous beaches as well as spots for fishing and picnicking, although beaches for non-residents are for a small fee. And third, there is a road around the lake where you can bike, drive or walk and enjoy the views along the route.

Lake Bomossen is very close to Lake St. Catherine, so it is easy enough to visit both lakes during one trip. 

yachtcare v11 vt

So, have you been to any of these Vermont lakes? What about others that didn’t make a list? Drop a comment and let me know! 

Would you like to get inspired to visit other places around the USA ? Check all my posts on US travel here!

Get inspired to visit these awe-inspiring Vermont lakes where you can go kayaking, canoeing, boating, and swimming!! | USA Bucket List | Best of America | Best of USA |

Anya is originally from Ukraine but in heart she is a citizen of the world. She is working online and that’s why has an opportunity to travel a lot and live in different countries. At present time, she is based in Spain while waiting for the war in Ukraine to be over to be able to return home. On this blog, her main goal is to inspire others to travel to under-the-radar places and discover the world while working remotely.

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Great post, I’m a Vermonter and avid Kayaker. Email me before your next trip to northern Vt and I’ll sent you some truly magical and less well known sites to try. Breathing bodies of water to explore. Enjoy and happy travels.

Thank you, Dianne, I really want to return!!!

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Green Mountain Byway

Stowe, Vermont

An historic downtown with activities and recreation.

Now widely known as an historic downtown with activities and recreation, the Town of Stowe was chartered in 1763. Thirty-one years later the first non-native inhabitants arrived. Much later in 1864, the first guests arrived at the Mount Mansfield Hotel in Stowe Village. It was Stowe’s first resort hotel. This hotel was also one of the first in Vermont. Stowe began as an early 19th-century farming and mill community and gradually evolved into a year-round vacation destination. Stowe’s economy was primarily resourced-based until about 1950. In the latter half of the century it evolved into a service-based tourist economy. The first chair lift spun in 1940. With this benchmark the ski industry thrived in Stowe. By the mid-1960s Stowe emerged as the most recognized ski destination in the eastern United States. Stowe now attracts visitors from around the world.

Since that time, recreational activities on Mount Mansfield and surrounding mountains continue to shape the town. It is a major sporting destination. The historic downtown with activities and recreation is a force in the lifestyle of many town residents. At the same time, many businesses within the community cater to year-round recreation and tourism. Additionally, the town has a vibrant cultural scene. These activities include many special events that are critical to Stowe’s evolution as a four-season tourist destination.

Stowe Village

The well-preserved and thriving Stowe Village retains the look of an historic market town. And, visiting historic buildings, such as the Akeley Memorial Building, Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum , The Current (formerly the Helen Day Arts Center), and the Stowe History Museum and the Stowe Historical Society one-room schoolhouses, provides enriching experiences. Stowe’s historic attractions are now mainly in Stowe Village. Leaving Route 100 and traveling northwest on Route 108 (otherwise known as the Mountain Road) one encounters a busy thoroughfare with hotels, motels, shops, restaurants, art galleries, and other tourist venues.

Stowe Lower Village

Heading north on the Byway is a hamlet known as the Lower Village. Historically, the Lower Village thrived on manufacturing. Most recently Tubbs manufactured snowshoes there. It is here that the town’s first post office opened in 1816, the first tannery appeared, and stores from Stowe Village expanded.

Today this historic downtown with activities and recreation is a gateway to the Town of Stowe. Alive with restaurants, offices, inns, and residences, remnants of Stowe’s architectural history commingle with modern development.

Moscow is a small, rural, former industrial village that grew around the dam and sawmills. Conveniently, the village grew along the Little River during the nineteenth century. Water power once supported early manufacturing in Moscow. Saw and grist mills, butter tub factories, and sash and blind mills are all examples of early manufacturing in Moscow village. Add to the mix starch and ax factories, furniture and woodworking shops, carding mills, a tannery and a foundry. Much of Moscow’s first development grew up from Vermont’s early agricultural industry.



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A green field offering opportunities for recreation.


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  1. V-11 VT Polyester Fibreglass Reinforced Filler from 12,95 €

    Product details. V11 VT is a styrene-free, fast-curing, glass fibre reinforced 2-component polyester putty. This repair compound is ideally suited for heavy-duty filling that requires a reinforcing effect. V11 VT has very good adhesive properties on GRP and wood, but is not suitable for areas that are constantly exposed to water.

  2. V-11 VT // Yachtcare

    V-11 VT. V-11 VT Faserspachtel ist eine styrolfreie, zweikomponentige thixotrope Spachtel- und Klebmasse aus hochreaktivem Reparaturharz mit eingemischten Glasfasern. Aufgrund der besonderen Glasfaser-Formulierung hat der Spachtel eine höhere Festigkeit als eine normale Standardmasse. Die Masse härtet schnell an und weist einen nur sehr ...

  3. Yachtcare Yacht Care V Bullet 11 VT Fibre Spatula Polyester, Unisex, V

    Yachtcare V11 VT - 2-component fibreglass filler - for repairs to gel coat and fibreglass parts - styrene-free . Visit the Yachtcare Store. 4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars 45 ratings.

  4. Yachtcare V11 VT

    Yachtcare V11 VT - 2-component fibreglass filler - for repairs to gel coat and fibreglass parts - styrol-free : DIY & Tools

  5. Yachtcare V-11 VT styreenvrije polyester glasvezel-plamuur bruin

    Inhoud: 0.5 Kilogram (€ 29,98* / 1 Kilogram) € 14,99*. Details. Yachtcare V-11 VT styreenvrije polyester glasvezel-plamuur bruin - 400g Yachtcare V-11 VT is een styreenvrije, tweecomponenten thixotrope vulstof en lijmverbinding van zeer reactief reparatiehars met gemengde glasvezels. Door de speciale glasvezelformul….

  6. V-11 VT Polyester Fibreglass Reinforced Filler from 12,95 €

    V11 VT is a styrene-free, fast-curing, glass fibre reinforced 2-component polyester putty. This repair compound is ideally suited for heavy-duty filling that requires a reinforcing effect. FREE SVB bag when you spend more than €300.00 - shop now! My SVB Account ...

  7. Yachtcare V-11 VT Faserspachtel Polyesterspachtel, braun, 700g

    Yachtcare V-11 VT Faserspachtel Polyesterspachtel, braun, 700g : Sport & Freizeit ... NICHT NUR FÜR IHR BOOT - Der Yachtcare V11 Glasfaserspachtel eignet sich zur Reparatur von Kfz-Karosserien, Motorrad-Verkleidungen, Wohnmobile, Wohnwagen, Pool, Teich, Auto, Surfboards, Kite Boards oder im Modellbau. ...

  8. Yachtcare V-11 VT mastic polyester renforcé de fibre de verre sans

    Yachtcare V-11 VT mastic polyester renforcé de fibre de verre sans styrène marron - 400g Le Yachtcare V-11 VT est un composé thixotropique à deux composants et sans styrène, ... YC V11: Type de produit: Bootspflege: Fermer le menu 0 sur 0 évaluations Laissez une évaluation ! ...

  9. Mastic polyester renforcé fibre de verre V-11 VT à partir de 12,95 €

    YACHTCARE Mastic fin FEW VT (18) à partir de 14,95 € ... V11 VT est un enduit bicomposant sans styrène, à prise rapide et renforcé de fibres de verre. Ce mastic de réparation convient parfaitement pour renforcer les zones nécessitant un remplissage important. Très bon pouvoir adhésif sur le composite et le bois, le V11 VT ne convient ...

  10. Yachtcare® V-11 VT

    V-11 VT Faserspachtel ist eine thixotrope Spachtel - und Klebmasse aus Reparaturharz mit eingemischten Glasfasern. ... Yachtcare V-11 VT Glasfaserspachtel V11. Vosschemie Yachtcare® V-11 VT Art.-Nr.: 2750191-200-. Glasfaserspachtel für höher beanspruchte Verfüllungen. Größen/Varianten. 200. 10,45 € * ...

  11. Yachtcare Glasfaserspachtel V-11 VT 400 g Braun

    Der Yachtcare Glasfaserspachtel V-11 VT ist ein styrolfreier faserverstärkter Polyesterspachtel für höher beanspruchte Verfüllungen und Reparatur kleiner Laminatschäden. Er besitzt eine sehr gute Haftung auf Holz, GfK und Metall.

  12. Yachtcare V-11 VT Faserspachtel Polyesterspachtel, braun, 700g

    Yachtcare V-11 VT Faserspachtel Polyesterspachtel, braun, 700g : DIY & Tools. Skip to main Delivering to Kassel 34117 Update location Sports. Select the department you want to search in. Search EN. Hello, sign in. Account & Lists Returns & Orders. Shopping ...

  13. Yc V-11 Vt

    Yachtcare V11- VT ist ein styrolfreier, schnellhärtender und glasfaserverstärkter 2K- Polyester-Spachtel. Die Reparaturmasse ist für hoch beanspruchte Verfüllungen geeignet, die eine verstärkende Wirkung erfordern. V11- VT besitzt sehr gute Hafteigenschaften auf GFK und Holz. Der Glasfaserspachtel ist in nahezu beliebiger Schichtstärke ...


    VT bleibt an der Oberfläche leicht klebrig und sollte nach deren Trocknung mit einer ... 4122 / 717 -0 Telefax +49 (0) 4122 / 717 -333 [email protected] Bevor V-11 VT Faserspachtel als Verklebung oder zur Laminat-Ausbesserung auf GFK-Untergründen angewandt wird, müssen vorhandene Topcoatschichten

  15. Polyester Glasfaserspachtel V-11 VT ab 12,95 €

    62215. V11 VT ist ein styrolfreier, schnellhärtender und glasfaserverstärkter 2K- Polyester-Spachtel. Die Reparaturmasse ist für hoch beanspruchte Verfüllungen geeignet, die eine verstärkende Wirkung erfordern. Produktbeschreibung. Stellen Sie anderen SVB-Kunden eine Produktfrage. SVB Preis: 12,95 € (32,38 € / kg ) Sie sparen: 2,90 € ...

  16. Yachtcare V11 VT Faserspachtel, 200 gr.

    Yachtcare V11 VT-Faserspachtel, 200 gr. Dank seiner speziellen Glasfaser-Formulierung bietet dieser Spachtel eine höhere Festigkeit im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Standardmassen. Diese Spachtelmasse härtet schnell aus und weist einen minimalen linearen Schrumpf auf, was zu einer glatten und zuverlässigen Oberfläche führt.

  17. Yachtcare V-11 VT Faserspachtel styrolfrei 200g 400g 700g

    Yachtcare V-11 VT Faserspachtel ist eine styrolfreie, zweikomponentige thixotrope Spachtel- und Klebmasse aus hochreaktivem Reparaturharz mit eingemischten Glasfasern. Aufgrund der besonderen Glasfaser-Formulierung hat der Spachtel eine höhere Festigkeit als eine normale Standardmasse. Die Masse härtet schnell an und weist einen nur sehr ...

  18. Yachtcare V11 VT

    Yachtcare V-11 VT vezelspatel Beschrijving: Yachtcare V-11 VT vezelspatel is een styrevrije, twee-componenten thixotrope spatel - en lijmmassa van zeer reactieve reparatiehars met gemengde glasvezel. Vanwege de speciale glasvezelformule heeft de spatel een hogere sterkte dan een normale plamuurmassa. De massa hardt snel aan en heeft een zeer geringe lineaire krimp.

  19. Yachtcare Yacht Care V Bullet 11 VT Fibre Spatula Polyester, Unisex, V

    Yachtcare Yacht Care V Bullet 11 VT Fibre Spatula Polyester, Unisex, V-11 VT Faserspachtel, brown : Sports & Outdoors

  20. 6 Magical Lakes in Vermont For Kayaking & Swimming

    Amazing Lakes to Go Swimming, Kayaking, and Canoeing in Vermont. 1. Lake Morey. Lake Morey is a rather small but very picturesque lake in Eastern Vermont. It is located right near the border with New Hampshire near a small town Lyme - one of those pretty towns that everyone associates New England with.

  21. 10 Of The Best Places To Kayak In Vermont

    3. The White River, VT. Famous for having one of the longest continuous kayak runs on a major New England river, the White River's run between Stockbridge and Bethel is a Vermont whitewater classic. Along the first three miles of this route, you'll find off and on Class II rapids.

  22. Vermont State Parks

    802-585-4855. 3444 Little River Road. Waterbury, VT 05676. Season: May 17 - October 20. Day Use Hours: Sunrise - official sunset. Camping: 27 remote tent sites, accessible only by boat. Pets are permitted throughout. Please clean up after your pets.

  23. Stowe Vermont

    Stowe began as an early 19th-century farming and mill community and gradually evolved into a year-round vacation destination. Stowe's economy was primarily resourced-based until about 1950. In the latter half of the century it evolved into a service-based tourist economy. The first chair lift spun in 1940. With this benchmark the ski industry ...