
Master 200 GT: the gateway between the Yachtmaster and the Captain 200

boat map navigation captnboat

Yachtmaster holders can, by using the Master 200 GT oral exam gateway, claim a visa recognition from France giving them the same prerogatives as a Captain 200 (french degree). 

The Yachtmaster is a British certificate, issued by the Royal Association Yachting (RYA).

The United Kingdom being a signatory to the STCW Convention, it can issue the title of Yachtmaster STCW Endorsed. In theory, if the Yachtmaster title is “STCW Endorsed”, the skipper will be able to obtain the benefit of the STCW titles recognition between signatory states of the STCW Convention, subject to obtaining a recognition visa or to the establishment of a bilateral recognition agreement between countries.

However, France (signatory of the STCW convention) does not recognize the “STCW Endorsed” Yachtmaster as such and therefore does not issue any visa recognition. Skippers who have it are, therefore, not allowed to sail on a boat waving the French flag. This can be a source of frustration for skippers who are denied employment opportunities.

To allow Yachtmaster holders to operate on French boats, they need to obtain a new certificate: the MCA Master 200 GT; which is recognized by France and can be subject to a visa recognition.

With a Yachtmaster, the Master 200 GT certificate is easily obtainable.

The Master 200 GT is the bridge between the Yachtmaster and the Captain 200 . Without a Master GT MCA, it is impossible to get a visa recognition from France.

1. What is the MCA Master 200 GT?

The Master 200 GT is an English STCW certificate recognized by France through the issuance of a visa recognition.

The MCA Master 200 GT is very similar to the Yachtmaster Offshore. Therefore, it can be used by skippers on vessels up to 200 GT or by watchkeeping officers on vessels up to 500 GT.

The Master 200 GT can be “Limited”, allowing use up to 150 Nm offshore, or “Unlimited” for use without distance limits.

Skippers must complete their diploma with a GMDSS certificate . This can be either a GMDSS ROC (Restricted Operator Certificate) which limits the activity in GMDSS Zone A1, or a GMDSS GOC (General Operator Certificate) which allows an unlimited use.

A number of prerequisites are required from the seaman who wishes to obtain this gateway, as follows.

2. Obtaining the complementary MCA Master 200 GT exam 

A. prerequisites to obtain this gateway.

First of all, to be able to use this bridge between the Yachtmaster and the Master 200 GT, some prerequisites are necessary:

  • Be over 18 years old
  • To have completed 6 months of sea service with a RYA Yachtmaster, or IYT Master of Yacht limited
  • To hold an offshore RYA Yachtmaster or a commercially endorsed IYT Master of Yacht limited
  • Have a valid ENG1 medical certificate
  • Individual Survival Techniques (IST)
  • Basic firefighting training
  • Basic first aid (EM 1)
  • Life safety and social responsibilities
  • Operator certification: GMDSS ROC or GOC
  • Have the HELM (Human Element, Leadership & Management) operational certificate
  • Finally, pass the oral exam (see below for the content of the oral exam) of the MCA Master 200 GT. There is no MCA or RYA preparation course for the Master 200 oral exam. The program for the oral is: navigation, IRPCS, meteorology, cartography, business and MarPol law, Bridge procedures, etc.

In addition, candidates must complete a Notice of Eligibility (NoE) and send it to MCA. It is recommended that you allow at least 28 days before your file is processed. Oral examinations are held at the MCA offices.

skipper barrant son bateau

B. Content of the Master 200 GT oral exam:

More specifically, and to put all the chances on your side, here is a summary of the content of the MCA Master 200 GT exam.

1. Plan and execute a passage (chart and navigation instructions, light lists, tide tables, radio warnings)

  • Be familiar with the IMHA A and B buoyage system
  • Identify and analyze the limitations and sources of error of electronic charts and navigation systems
  • Know how to use Radar and ARPA (practical use, mode of operation, limitations and sources of error, including basic radar plotting techniques)
  • Know the application of variation and deviation to convert true heading to compass heading, and understand the basic causes of variation and deviation
  • Locate the ship’s position on the chart based on magnetic bearings and/or radar ranges, position by latitude and longitude
  • Find the magnetic heading to steer and the ETA for a given destination given the starting position and recording speed
  • Identify transits and chart trim marks to plan a safe approach to a port or anchorage
  • State and explain the meaning of common chart symbols and abbreviations
  • Know how to obtain and use weekly Notices to Mariners to correct charts
  • Research high and low water times and predict heights and/or intermediate times for standard and secondary ports
  • Find and predict tidal range and rate from charted tidal reference points, and tidal current atlases

2. Meteorology

  • Know the sources of weather information
  • Interprete weather forecasts, including knowledge of the characteristics of various weather conditions
  • Use and interpret information obtained from on-board weather indications

3. Maintain a safe navigation watch

  • Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the principles of marine navigation monitoring, including anchor monitoring; such as STCW Code A-VIII and ICS Bridge Procedures Guide
  • Understand the use of bridge equipment including echo sounder and Navtex
  • Be familiar with steering control systems, including autopilot and operation from manual to automatic control and vice versa
  • Maintain navigation records
  • Know the circumstances under which the captain should be called to the bridge
  • Know the principles of handing over and relieving the bridge watch

4. International regulations for preventing collisions at sea (ColRegs)

  • Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of ColRegs including the requirements: to proceed at a safe speed, keep an eye out for and recognize lights and shapes, and fog signals for all classes of vessels, recognize audible maneuvering signals and light signals. Recognize a developing collision situation by compass, radar or visual reference
  • State the measures to be taken during the day and at night to avoid collisions. Describe precautions to be taken when navigating in or near areas of reduced visibility; evaluate the probability of a radar-only collision of a vessel and the steps to be taken to avoid a collision. Describe the requirements for navigating in or near traffic separation schemes. Describe the need to navigate in narrow channels
  • Respond to emergencies, operational safety and pollution control

5. Distress signals and communication

  • State the conditions under which distress signals may be used; understand the different types of distress signals, actions to be taken upon receipt, and obligations to assist
  • Know the proper use of pyrotechnics, EPIRBS and SARTS, including the appropriate circumstances for their use
  • Understand proper distress communication procedures, including the terms Mayday, PanPan and Safety messages
  • Emergency communication with GMDSS regulations

6. Vessel manoeuvres

  • Know the steps to prepare for departure, tasks before going to sea, docking, entering a dock, berthing alongside docks, piers or other vessels; stowing to buoys
  • Know how to use and maintain mooring lines and associated equipment
  • Know how to use the rudder, steer the ship, know the effects of propellers on the ship’s direction, the effects of wind and current, stopping, going astern and turning short
  • Act in the event of a failure of the deck, telegraph or steering gear control, including emergency steering arrangements
  • Know anchoring procedures
  • Understand precautions to be taken when using winches and windlasses
  • Understand the precautions to be taken when mooring and unmooring

7. Responses to emergencies

Be able to respond to emergencies by adapting the posture according to the different scenarios:

  • Initial actions as follows: man overboard, collision, grounding, flooding or major mechanical damage, initial damage assessment and control, marine environmental protection
  • Fire prevention, use and maintenance of firefighting apparatus, shutdown and isolation of facilities and equipment, evacuation and breathing apparatus, fire and safety plans
  • Operation and maintenance of rescue apparatus and equipment, including immersion suits and thermal protection aids, pyrotechnics, and ammunition launching devices
  • Launching of liferafts and rescue boats; proper rigging of liferaft hydrostatic release units
  • Basic principles of survival

8. Pollution Prevention Requirements

  • Know good pollution prevention practices in ports and at sea, as well as measures to be taken to prevent pollution during bunkering
  • Know how to respond to pollution incidents in ports and at sea
  • Know the basics of waste management and disposal of waste and oil residues

9. Vessel Navigability

  • Understand the fundamentals of watertight integrity and closing all openings, including hatches, access hatches and watertight doors
  • Understand the difference between good stability and poor stability, and recognize the warning signs of the latter
  • Increasing and decreasing weights
  • Low freeboard
  • Clogged deck clearances and scuppers
  • Loose tanks
  • Preparing for weather, ensuring and maintaining watertightness

10. Business and Law

  • Understand the content and application of the applicable codes, namely the “Small Vessel Commercial Code 1” and the Large Commercial Yacht Code (LY3) 2
  • Be familiar with the Code of Safe Work Practices for Merchant Mariners 3, its content and practical application
  • Know the requirements for drills and exercises, including fire, emergency and abandon ship drills
  • Understand the legal requirement to insure a seaworthy vessel
  • Know the basics of salvage laws
  • Understand the requirements for safe manning, hours of work and watchkeeping
  • Identify the circumstances under which a vessel requires a crew agreement

compas voilier

3. Ask for a visa recognition to work in France

Once the Master 200 GT is obtained, the holder can apply for a visa recognition from the competent authority.  

The visa recognition attests to the seaman’s competences to perform functions equivalent to his or her certificate in foreign countries.

A. How to apply for a visa recognition?

To obtain a visa recognition, you must put together a file with the following documents:

  • The CERFA for visa application , duly completed and signed,
  • A copy of your valid seaman’s certificates, approved by the administration of the country of issue (here the Master 200 GT), with the STCW reference of the title,
  • A medical check-up, issued within the last 2 years by a doctor authorized by the country of issue of the certificate or by a French seamen’s doctor,
  • An identity photo.

B. To whom should the application for a visa recognition be addressed?

The request for a visa recognition must be made by the seaman or the owner of the ship under the French flag on which the sailor, holder of the certificate concerned, is embarked.

This request should be sent to the “employment – maritime training” department of the DIRM (Direction InterRégionale de la Mer) of a DDTM (Direction Départementale des Territoires de la Mer) of the maritime coastline on which the vessel is operating (DIRM-Mediterranean, for example, if the vessel on which the sailor is embarked is operated in one of the departments of the Mediterranean coastline).

To know more about how you can obtain a recognition visa, see our dedicated blog post here.

C. Working in France with a visa recognition

Once the application has been validated and the visa recognition obtained, the French authorities certify that the foreign title held by the seaman corresponds to an equivalent level of function in French regulations.

By issuing this visa, France authorizes the holder to work under the French flag for a limited period of 5 years. If the recognized title expires earlier, the visa recognition will also expire.

The renewal of the visa recognition must be explicitly requested.

Note 1: Obtaining a visa recognition does not entitle the holder to the issuance of the equivalent French title and the related rights under French law. (e.g.: obligation to hold a French title for access to higher education).

Note 2: Obtaining a visa recognition is not sufficient for a foreign sailor to be able to command a French vessel. For this specific function, the foreign sailor must also be evaluated by a national jury. This national jury, presided over by the DIRM in its “commercial” formation, will examine the officer’s knowledge of the French language and national maritime regulations.

In summary, to work in France or under the French flag, the holder of a Yachtmaster STCW Endorsed must:

✅ Obtain the Master 200 GT by validating the Master 200 GT oral exam ✅ Once the Master 200 GT is obtained, apply for a visa recognition from the competent authority. ✅ When the visa recognition is issued to the seaman, he can then practice for 5 years in France.

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RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200 Course 300

MPT is the most complete full service private maritime school in the country and has been training mariners since 1983. Our Fort Lauderdale based campuses host over 45,000 square feet of classrooms, deck and engineering training labs, the Ship's Store, and student service facilities.

Preparing for RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master...

Course description.

  Yachtmaster Certificate of Competency

The Yachtmaster Qualification is the pinnacle of the RYA (Royal Yachting Association) Training and Certification System. It is widely recognized throughout the world as a prestigious accomplishment.

 Holding this credential can:

- Improve your resume for any deck department position on yachts - Serve as prerequisite training for an MCA OOW 3000 GT CoC - Professional Development in your yachting career  - Serve as your Certificate of Competence (CoC) for operators of yachts up to 200 tons

The Yachtmaster Course should be undertaken by crew aspiring to advance to the MCA OOW level up to 3000 tons and by those who are advancing to the command level for Master of Yachts up to 200 tons.

  2 Routes Available – Same Course:

Yachtmaster Coastal Yachtmaster Offshore

Yachting professional candidates are encouraged to start their training and professional development as early in their career as possible. Many will take their STCW Basic Safety Training Program (#140) and then when they qualify, it is recommended to obtain the Yachtmaster Coastal CoC. Candidates wishing to upgrade to the offshore route later can simply examine, without additional required training.

Whether you qualify for the Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore, the training is the same. The only difference is your experience and practical skill level. You will be examined towards whichever level you qualify for.

The MPT Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore Course (#300) is taught on a Motor Yacht and the practical training and examination are towards a Motor Certificate of Competence. (If you are applying for a Sail Endorsement, this course will not satisfy your practical training and exam requirements). All sea time must be on a power boat and not on a sail boat under power. The Theory, SRC, PPR, and Basic Training courses are the same for both schemes.

The MPT Yachtmaster advanced level certification is available in a 2 week + exam program combining shore-based theory and practical hands-on techniques for a Motor Vessel and the RYA Practical Examination. The first week of class is in the classroom (theory) and the second week is Practical, out on the boat. In addition, there will be class on Saturday of the first week so please plan accordingly.


One week (40 hours) of comprehensive shore-based theory module with written assessment papers including navigation, tidal calculations, international and inland rules of the road, coastal pilotage, meteorology, anchoring and mooring, docking and undocking, buoyage systems, safety, voyage and passage planning, general ship knowledge and seamanship.  A theory examination will be conducted after the completion of the 40-hour theory portion of the program.

One week of Yachtmaster Offshore/Coastal practical training is conducted on board one of MPT’s Yachts. These yachts are up to 48’ and are twin screw motor yachts. This part of the instruction covers seamanship skills such as nautical terms, tides, marlinespike seamanship, anchor work, boat handling, docking, general yachting skills, basic weather, navigation and passage planning. This course will be a preparation course for your final Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Examination. The practical portion of the course will be conducted during daytime, evening and occasionally may include weekend hours.

The Yachtmaster Course #300 is an Advanced Review Course and it is assumed that candidates will have the prerequisite knowledge of the Basics of Navigation and recommended to the level of RYA Day Skipper, and the very least, the level of the Essential Navigation On-line course. To increase your likelihood of success, we recommend taking the online pre-course - ESSENTIAL NAVIGATION. Additionally, flash cards are available in the MPT Ship's Store for rules study in lights and shapes. Also, many Apps are available to assist in these subjects for pre-study. It is also strongly advised that you pick up your study material well in advance of the start of your course. Pre-study is essential for a successful outcome of this course. 

The RYA Yachtmaster course is accredited by the RYA and MCA and recognized for service as Captain or Mate (OOW) up to 200gt up to 150 miles from a safe haven, at the Offshore level or up to 60 miles from safe haven at the Coastal level. 

The Yachtmaster CoC meets the STCW A-V1/1 and section A V1/1-4 when combined with Basic Training Courses. Yachtmaster Offshore fulfills the prerequisite for MCA OOW 500 and 3000 GT and the MCA STCW A-II/2 Command Certificate for Master 200GT.

Sea Service Prerequisites (minimums): Note you must be able to provide proof of your sea service before undertaking the exam. This should be provided at least 2 weeks before the course when possible to allow our team to review it and ensure your eligibility for the course. Speak to your MPT Career Counselor or your instructor for assistance.

 Sea Service can be proven by submitting one or more of the following: 

  • Log book (RYA or other acceptable)
  • Sea Service Testimonial Letters from captains, owners or operators of vessels outlining vessel specifics, time underway, your capacity served onboard and the location of the service (tidal or non-tidal waters, etc).
  • Sea Service Forms (calendar style - provided you can supply all of the additional information such as number of miles, etc.) Method 2 is preferred.

Yachtmaster Coastal: Motor - Option 1

Without RYA Coastal Skipper Practical certificate:

  • 2 days as skipper on vessels of less than 24 meters

Note: No more than half of the required miles can be on vessels over 24 meters

Yachmaster Coastal: Motor – Option 2 A & B

  With RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Certificate:

Can be used to enter OOW 3000GT program and modules

A. Mariners with Coastal Skipper Practical Certificate and with more than half of required sea service on vessels less than 24 meters

  • 20 days on board
  • 2 days as skipper on vessel less than 24 meters

B. Mariners with Coastal Skipper Practical Certificate and with more than half of required sea service on vessels greater than 24 meters

  • 30 days on board

Yachtmaster Offshore: Motor  

  • 50 days sea time overall on motor vessels
  • 5 days in the command position on the vessel (as Master)
  • 2500 nautical miles logged with half transiting through tidal waters and half on a vessel of less than 24 meters that is not a tender.
  • 5 passages over 60 nautical miles, including 2 overnight and 2 in command (as Master) of vessel.        

Yachtmaster Ocean:

  • Obtain Yeachmaster Offshore
  • Complete the RYA astro/ocean shorebased theory #306
  • Ocean passage of 600 nautical miles or more as captain or mate
  • Complete oral exam with RYA examiner successfully

For Commercial Endorsement:

In addition to the SRC and First Aid (must have been taken within 5 years) you will need to obtain an MCA Certificate of Medical Fitness (ENG-1) as well as the Personal Survival Training (4 Modules of STCW 210) and the online Professional Practices & Responsibilities (PPR) Certificate. If you are planning to work commercially, you should simply add the STCW Basic Training Program, which will include the approved Personal Survival and First Aid automatically and will also allow your Yachtmaster CoC to have the STCW endorsement as well. Most boats internationally require this of all crew working commercially. We also recommend the Security Awareness or Designated Security (VPDSD) Course if you are working commercially as well. These are all separate fees from the Yachtmaster Course however MPT offers Package discounts, speak to an MPT RYA Specialist for more information and assistance. There is also a fee candidates will pay to the RYA for the commercial endorsement.

Written & Practical Exam Information:

The written exams are administered at MPT at the end of the shore-based theory segment of your program. They include all of the topics covered in the course. All of the shore-based courses and experience criteria must be fulfilled before the RYA Examiner will conduct the practical assessment. The final exam will be conducted by an independent and unbiased RYA Yachtmaster examiner and takes the form of an extensive oral and practical examination on a motor yacht. Candidates who have taken MPT's Yachtmaster course may use one of the MPT vessels for the exam at no additional fee. The practical exam will take an additional one-two day and is scheduled when the examiner is available and generally immediately after the course, weather permitting.  Once your eligibility has been reviewed (sea time and prerequisites met), the schedule for the practical examination is predicated on several things:

1)The weather as this is a practical underway examination 2)The availability of the RYA Examiner (this is not an MPT employee)

Examinations may need to be scheduled for additional days which may not be consecutive to the dates of the course.

Exam Subjects:

We will review with you the knowledge-based subjects during your shore-based theory week and also fine tune your boat handling skills during your practical course, but you should be familiar with the following areas when you join the class and proficient by the exam date. (Note if you are not already well versed in these subjects when you arrive, you are strongly encouraged to take the Essential Navigation (online course) as there is not sufficient time to cover the basics in the 2-week program. Ask about #333) 

  • Knowledge of the International and Inland Rules of the Road.
  • Safety. The candidate will be expected to know what safety equipment should be carried on board a yacht.
  • Boat Handling, Maneuvering, Docking: Yachtmaster Coastal students will be expected to answer questions & demonstrate ability in simple situations only. Yachtmaster Offshore candidates are expected to demonstrate ability in more complex situations and will also be expected to show a higher level of expertise.
  • General seamanship, including maintenance.
  • Responsibilities of the skipper
  • Navigation, Basic Weather 
  • Radio Communication & Signaling
  • Command presence, management and direction of crew.
  • Essential Navigation (online course)

Practical Exam Fees:

The RYA Examination Fee for the initial examination will be paid by MPT as part of your course tuition. Additional RYA fees are paid by candidate if a subsequent examination is needed.

 If at the end of your course you wish to postpone the practical exam date, you are permitted to return for exam and RYA exam fee paid by MPT, within one calendar year, space permitting.

Additional Recommended or Required Courses:

  • Essentials of Navigation (Online Pre-Course) #333
  • First Aid & CPR #143 or Take STCW Basic Safety Training #141, 142, 143, 144
  • SRC VHF Radio License #303 Required (offered Online) or GMDSS GOC #404
  • RYA PPR (Professional Practices & Responsibility) #335 ONLINE COURSE
  • MCA Approved Engine Course #440
  • USCG Radar Course #148 & ARPA Course #150 or MCA Nav/Radar/ARPA Course #402

If you have three years of yacht service, speak to a career counselor about continuing straight through your OOW or Chief Mate 3000 GT program.

Required Materials

RECOMMEND PRE-STUDY: Essential Navigation online, course #333, COLREGS Study Apps or flashcard, and course notes. AVAILABLE IN MPT SHIPS STORE or bring with you the following: Pencil (mechanical or #2) Paper Chart Eraser (We recommend white- like magic rub or Staedtler), Navigation Tools (parallel rules/Portland plotter/triangles – your choice), Dividers (we recommend two- one as divider and one as compass), Calculator (we recommend the TI-30x), Hand Bearing Compass - optional though recommended (We recommend Weems & Plath #2004). Pick up at MPT when you register or when you check-in: Yachtmaster Shore based Training Manuals & Charts (provided by MPT).

11 day class in Fort Lauderdale

RECOMMENDED PRE-STUDY: Available at MPT Ships Store Complete Course Training DVD Flashcards AVAILABLE IN MPT SHIPS STORE OR BRING WITH YOU: Pencil (mechanical or #2) Paper Chart Eraser (We recommend white - like magic rub or staedtler) Navigation Tools (parallel rules/Portland plotter/triangles - your choice) Dividers (we recommend two - one as divider and one as compass) Calculator (we recommend the TI-30x) Hand Bearing Compass (We recommend Weems & Plath #2004) PICK UP AT SCHOOL WHEN YOU REGISTER OR WHEN YOU CHECK-IN: Yachtmaster Shorebased Training Manuals & Charts (provided by MPT)

Course Photos

yachtmaster 200gt


Not suggestions. Thanks for letting me be your student! Alejandro, Friday August 2015 RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200
A bit more time would be nice! But Steve was an awesome instructor.Very easy to follow and very thorough. Arthur, Wednesday November 2013 RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200

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JPMA & Hoylake Sailing School

JPMA & Hoylake Sailing School

(john percival marine associates), what are the requirements for a master less than 200gt coc.

The MCA have brought out the Master (code vessels <200gt), OOW (Yachts less than <500gt) CoC for those who hold a Yachtmaster Offshore or Yachtmaster Ocean, and would like to hold an MCA Master CoC.

There are 2 variants of the Master <200gt: ‘Limited to 150 miles from safe haven’ & ‘Unlimited area’.

If you hold the Yachtmaster Offshore CoC, you will get the limited Master <200gt CoC, if you hold the Yachtmaster Ocean CoC, you will get the unlimited Master <200gt CoC.

If your final aim is to achieve the Master <500gt or Master <3000gt CoC, you will need to have the OOW <3000gt CoC before you can move on to the Master CoCs.

In order to gain a Master <200gt CoC, you will need to do some classroom training, some sea service, and finally an oral exam.

Required Service:

You need to have 6 months of sea service on vessels of any size, whilst holding an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or IYT Master of Yachts Limited certificate.

Sea Service Verification Process – please click here to read about new regulations.

The courses you must undertake for Master <200gt are:

STCW Basic Safety Week certificates (PST or RYA Basic Sea Survival/PSSR/Elementary First Aid/Basic Fire Fighting) RYA or IYT Yachtmaster Offshore or Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased & Practical certs (either sail or power). These need to be  Commercially Endorsed NOTE: you don’t need to have a shorebased Yachtmaster certificate if your Yachtmaster CoC was issued before 31st July 2003 GMDSS ROC (if YM Offshore is used) or GMDSS GOC (if YM Ocean is used) certificate ENG1 Medical certificate Human Element Leadership & Management (Operational) certificate

Updating Training for CoC applications – anyone serving on board ship, who holds any of the following certificates must, as of 1st January 2017, have documentary evidence of either completing the training course or updating training within the last 5 years:

  • Personal Survival Techniques
  • Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats (CPSC & RB)
  • Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (PFRB)
  • Basic Fire Fighting
  • Advanced Fire Fighting

Applying for an NoE:

To do the final oral exam for Master <200gt, you will need a Notice of Eligibility. This document is issued once the MCA have assessed your eligibility, and an oral exam cannot be booked until the NoE is issued.

Your service needs to be proved with 2 forms of evidence for each vessel on which you are claiming service time. Usually a Testimonial and a Certificate of Discharge. If you have a discharge book, this can be used with a testimonial for each vessel, or if you are a member of the PYA they will attest your PYA logbook.

You must send a form of ID with your application. You can send a copy of your passport, signed by your Captain and with their CoC number noted, but you can also send any form of National ID – birth certificate or Discharge Book are usually easier to cope without!

Click here to view MSN 1858 (the testimonials and certificate of discharge can be found as annexes of the M Notice on pages 33-37)

Update to Electronic NoE application process & online oral exams

You will need to download the application form . You must complete the form and send all of your original certificates to the MCA. The NoE will be processed in about 28 days. Once the NoE is issued you are deemed eligible to take the oral exam.

JPMA offers oral preparation courses for the Master <200gt oral exam. Click here for details.

MCA Officer of the Watch – Master (Code Vessels <200gt) OOW (Yachts <500gt)

Work towards your master (code vessels 200gt) oow (yachts <500gt).

This generic MCA certificate of competency allows seafarers to become a captain of any vessel less than 200gt.This includes work boats and wind farm support vessels.

Radio Communication Courses

  • GMDSS General Operators Certificate (GOC)

Close up of a compass

  • Human Element, Leadership and Management (Operational Level)

yachtmaster 200gt

Orals Preparation (Master< 200gt) OOW (Yachts less than 500gt)

Why the master 200gt, about the course.

Passing the Master 200gt will allow you to become the Captain on any vessel less than 200gt. This includes work boats and wind farm support vessels.

The Master (Code Vessels <200gt) Officer of the watch (Yachts <500gt) training covers two capacities:

  • Limited (*not more than 150 miles from a safe haven)
  • Unlimited (**unlimited area).

Before you can obtain the Master (Code Vessels <200gt), Officer of the watch (Yachts <500gt) Certificate of Competency (CoC) you must complete the relevant training modules along with the required MCA Ancillary courses to qualify to sit the Master (Code Vessels <200gt) Officer of the watch (Yachts <500gt) Certificate of Competency oral examination.

Required modules & certification

Required training & certification: , recommended training:  .

  • Orals Preparation Master (Code Vessels <200gt) Officer of the Watch (Yachts <500gt)

To qualify for the Master (Code Vessels <200gt) Officer of the Watch (Yachts <500gt) Certificate of Competency Oral examination, you will be required to hold the pass certificates from the training courses above and also meet the following entry requirements.

Entry requirements

Limited certificate*.

Master Officer of the Watch limited – not more than 150 miles from safe haven.

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have completed 6 months seagoing service while holding an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or IYT Master of Yachts Limited certificate
  • An RYA Yachtmaster Offshore certificate and a certificate of successful completion of a Shorebased Yachtmaster Offshore course; or
  • An IYT Master of Yachts Limited
  • Hold a valid ENG1 (medical fitness certificate) or accepted equivalent
  • STCW Basic Safety Training

Unlimited Certificate**

Master Officer of the Watch unlimited – no limit on area

  • Have completed 6 months seagoing service while holding an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean or IYT Master of Yachts Unlimited certificate
  • An RYA Yachtmaster Ocean certificate and a certificate of successful completion of a shorebased Yachtmaster Ocean course;  or
  • An IYT Master of Yachts Unlimited

Please Note: The above entry requirements are not required to attend the training courses for Master (Code Vessels less than 200gt) Officer of the watch (Yachts less than 500gt). However they are required to apply for your Notice of Eligibility (NoE) and sit the final CoC Oral Examination. Full details can be found on the MCA Oral Examination Form MSF 4343 .

For full Training and Certification Guidance of the UK requirements of Deck Officers on Large Yachts (over 24m) please refer to  MSN 1858 .


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Officer of the Watch (Yachts less than 3000gt)

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Courses and certifications are approved and issued by IYT Worldwide and recognized by MCA. Recognition by 25 governments has placed IYT MOY 200 GT accreditation at the top as the global standard of certification. The IYT Master of Yachts 200 GT Unlimited certificate is a qualification that gives the holder sufficient knowledge of celestial navigation to navigate globally using a sextant and to plan, undertake, and manage an ocean passage. The course also delivers a comprehensive understanding of the factors involved in routing and meteorology. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA -Must be at least 18 years of age -The IYT Worldwide MOY Unlimited Programme is restricted to current holders of a valid IYT Worldwide MOY Limited Certificate. Note that they are also accepted: -MCA OOW Certificate -MCA stamped Notice of Eligibility (NOE) -MCA Master (Code Vessel) <200GT -Marshall Islands Master (STCW II/3) <350GT  /  Chief Mate (STCW II/3 <500GT) -AMSA Master less than 35m Near Coastal (Master <35m NC) – previously referred to as Master 4 -A current medical fitness examination and a color blindness eyesight examination, which allows the participant to safely perform the relevant duties on a yacht. Medical/eyesight examinations must be performed within the last two years from the time the certificate is issued. -Must have undertaken either two trips of 250 miles or one trip of 500 miles out of sight of land. To cover those areas where this may be difficult, i.e. the Mediterranean or Caribbean; this out-of-sight-of-land requirement can be satisfied 20 miles or more from a shoreline. -It is expected that a passage plan be made for that voyage, which would subsequently be used in the course for review and debriefing purposes leading to improvements by the final theory exam. -It is strongly preferred that the passage(s) be carried out before the course is taken (but that it may be done after the course with extenuating circumstances).

MODULES  The course consists of 6 days of astronavigation and worldwide meteorology. A thorough knowledge of all subjects covered in the IYT Master of Yachts Limited course is assumed.  EXAMS Written for each module

CAREER PATH Master of 200 GT vessels in all oceans Chief Mate of 500 GT vessel up to 150 nautical miles offshore OOW (Officer of the Watch of a 500 GT vessel of all oceans) PRICE EUR 1550 *Without accommodation HOW MUCH YOU CAN EARN ON A SUPERYACHT? The salaries for these positions start from EUR 5,000 +

yachtmaster 200gt


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Master of Yachts Coastal

Master of yachts coastal/mate 200gt power & sail.

This certificate is approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)

Course Synopsis

Master of Yachts Coastal/Mate 200gt Power & Sail is a Comprehensive and Complete Live Onboard Course with Total 6 Days for Sail OR 5 Days for Power. The Course Fully Designed Including The Practical’s on The Water Examination. The Course is Exhaustively Covered With Subjects Like

  • Navigational Charts And Publications
  • Dead Reckoning And Estimated Position
  • Position Fixing
  • Tidal Levels And Data
  • Safety at Sea
  • Meteorology

The Course is Continuously Upgraded from Time To Time with Much More Subjects That Need to Be Part of it. The Master of Yachts Coastal Course is Totally Designed to Be Conducted Onboard a Yacht, Hence it also Covers Areas Like Practical Seamanship Skills That Are Required Like

  • Boat Handling
  • Yacht Presentation
  • Passage Planning

To Obtain A Power Certificate/Endorsement, Training And Examination May Not Take Place on A Sailboat Under Auxiliary Engine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I Qualified To Work After Pursuing Master of Yachts Coastal/Mate Certificate?

Anybody  Who Holds The Master of Yachts Coastal/Mate certificate is Qualified To Work As

  • Master of <24m Vessel up to 60 Nautical Miles Offshore
  • Chief Mate of 500 Ton Vessel up to 60 Nautical Miles Offshore
  • Chief Mate of 200 Ton Vessel up to 150 Nautical Miles Offshore

What Are The Minimum Entry Requirements To Apply For The IYT Master of Yachts Coastal / Mate 200 gt  Course?

  • One Must Hold OR Obtain A VHF Radio Operators Certificate.
  • One Must Hold OR Obtain All Four STCW’95 Basic Safety Training Certificates.  If STCW Safety Training is Taken After January 1 st , 2014 The New Proficiency in Maritime Security Awareness is Also Required.
  • Candidates Must Provide Documented Proof of 30 Days And 800 Miles At Sea Including 2 Days As Watch Leader/Skipper And 12 Hours Underway on Watch At Night.  This Pre-Requisite Experience Must Have Been Obtained Within The Last 5 Years.
  • Candidates May Sit The Course Prior To Obtaining The Minimum Sea Time. However, They Will Not Be Issued Their Master of Yachts Coastal / Mate 200gt Certificate Until All The Requirements Have Been Met.
  • Verification of Yachting Experience Must Be Signed By The Skipper of The Yacht on Which The Candidate Was Sailing.
  • Candidates Claiming Sea Time During Times When They Were Acting As Captain May Sign Their Own Entries, But Will Need Independent Proof That Can Be Verified By IYT.
  • A Current Medical Fitness Examination and A Color Blind Eyesight Examination.
  • Medical/Eyesight Examinations Are Valid For A Period of Two Years.

What is Required For The IYT Master of Yachts Coastal / Mate 200gt Exam?

  • The Course Must Be Completed Before Challenging OR Going For The Exam.
  • Minimum Sea Time Requirements as Per The Standards Prescribed Should Also Be Met Before The Examination.

What Does The Exam Actually Consist of?

  • The Exam Will Be Conducted By An Independent IYT Master of Yachts Examiner Which Will Be in The Form of An Oral And Practical Test With Presentation Onboard A Yacht.
  • Candidates Must Demonstrate Their Sufficiency And Ability To Handle, Dock, And Anchor The Boat With A Required Level of Confidence as Expected By The Examiner.
  • Candidates Will Be Examined on Any Subject Contained Within The Syllabus And To Be Questioned on Any of Their Yachting Experience Till Date.
  • In The Event if The Examiner Considers An Examinee Has Not Achieved The Required Standards as Expected By IYT, An “IYT Master of Yachts” Certificate Will Not Be Issued.
  • If A Candidate Does Not Qualify, Then a Confidential Report Will Be Sent To The Candidate Outlining The Reason OR Reasons For Failure And Suggesting Remedial Action That Should Be Taken For Successful Completion of The Course.
  • Completion of The IYT Master of Yachts Coastal Course is Not A Guarantee of Passing The Examination And Receiving The Certificate.

How Do I Apply For Enrollment?

  • Candidates May Apply To Any of The Participating IYT Partner Schools Worldwide Who Offer This Course.
  • In Order To Apply For The IYT Master of Yachts Certification Courses, A Detailed Yachting Resume Must Be Sent To Your IYT Training School For Evaluation.
  • Acceptance into The Course Does Not Automatically Guarantee Obtaining An IYT Master of Yachts Coastal / Mate 200gt Certificate.
  • All The Prerequisites That Are Necessary Must Be Fulfilled And The Required Satisfactory Standards Have To Be Achieved in All of The Courses as Prescribed.

With in How Much Time I Have To Submit All The Required Paperwork After Completing The Course?

  • STCW Certificates
  • Radio  Certificate
  • Medical Fitness Certificate
  • If Any Extra Documents Are Necessary Then The School Will Advise The Candidate of Necessary Documents.
  • If Any Documents Are Missing, The Candidate Will Have Twelve Months of Time To Produce Any Missing Paperwork. This Paperwork Should Be Forwarded To IYT Worldwide By The Candidate This Does Not Include Exams As They Should NEVER Be Given To A Student.
  • In The Event That The All of The Required Paperwork For Final Certification is Not Completed And The Paper Work is Not Submitted Within This 12 Months Timeframe The Entire Course Must Be Completely Retaken.
  • Master of Yachts Unlimited


Master of Yachts Unlimited Training

Iyt master of yachts courses have been recognised by the british maritime & coastguard agency (mca) since 1998 for use on board all red ensign registered yachts up to 200 gross tons. although the courses were specifically designed for use on red ensign yachts, they are now accepted by many other flag states because of their prestigious mca recognition. it is imperative that holders of iyt certificates check with the flag state for which they wish to work or the port authority/maritime authority in which they wish to operate to ensure they will accept your certificate..

What is the IYT Master of Yachts Unlimited Certificate? The IYT Master of Yachts Unlimited certificate is a qualification that indicates that the holder has sufficient knowledge of celestial navigation to navigate globally using a sextant and to plan, undertake and manage an ocean passage together with a comprehensive understanding of the factors involved with regards to routing and meteorology.

If you hold the Master of Yachts Unlimited certificate you are qualified for work as:

  • Master of 200 ton vessel all oceans
  • Chief Mate of 500 ton vessel up to 150 nautical miles offshore
  • OOW (Officer of the Watch of a 500 ton vessel all oceans).

What are the entry level requirements?

  • Candidates should be 18 years of age or older.
  • MCA STCW Officer of the Watch (OOW) Yachts CoC
  • A valid STCW Officer of the Watch (OOW) Yachts CoC that is accepted for a Flag State Endorsement (FSE)
  • A valid STCW Master <500GT Yachts CoC that is accepted for a Flag State Endorsement (FSE)
  • MCA stamped Notice of Eligibility (NOE)
  • MCA Master (Code Vessel) <200GT
  • MCA Master <500GT Yachts (150nm/Near Coastal)
  • Marshall Islands Master (STCW II/3) <350GT Yachts  /  Chief Mate (STCW II/3) <500GT Yachts
  • AMSA Master less than 35m Near Coastal (Master <35m NC)-previously referred to as Master 4
  • Note: We will accept commercial STCW Merchant Navy CoC holders entry into the Master of Yachts Unlimited course provided they have the sea time required to gain the Master of Yachts Limited CoC.  See this page of our website under “What are the minimum entry requirements to complete the IYT Master of Yachts Limited course?”
  • A current medical fitness examination and a colour blindness eyesight examination, which allows the participant to safely perform the relevant duties on a yacht. Medical/eyesight examinations must be performed within the last two years from the time the certificate is being issued .
  • Prior to taking the course the candidate MUST have undertaken either two trips of 250 miles, or one trip of 500 miles out of sight of land. To cover those areas where this may be difficult, i.e. the Mediterranean or Caribbean; this out of sight of land requirement can be satisfied 20 miles or more from a shore line.
It is expected that a passage plan be made for that voyage, which would subsequently be used in the course for review and debriefing purposes leading to improvements by the final theory exam.
  • It is strongly preferred that the passage(s) be carried out prior to the course being taken (but that it may be done after the course with extenuating circumstances).

What does the Master of Yachts Unlimited theory course consist of?

The course consists of 6 days of astronavigation and worldwide meteorology. A thorough knowledge of all subjects covered in the IYT Master of Yachts Limited course is assumed. There will be a final written examination on the last day of the course.

  • The earth and the celestial sphere
  • The PZX triangle
  • The sextant
  • Measurement of time
  • Meridian altitudes
  • Planet sights
  • Starsight planning
  • The pole star
  • Moon sights
  • Compass checking
  • Satellite navigation systems
  • Great circle sailing
  • Meteorology
  • Passage planning

The IYT Master of Yachts Unlimited certificate is a qualification that indicates that the holder has sufficient knowledge of celestial navigation to navigate globally using a sextant and to plan, undertake and manage an ocean passage together with a comprehensive understanding of the factors involved with regards to routing and meteorology.

Candidates who have demonstrated the required level of understanding and expertise in the course syllabus will be awarded the IYT Master of Yachts Unlimited Certificate

How do I apply for enrollment?

Candidates may apply to any of the participating IYT Partner Schools worldwide who offer this course.

What happens if I am color blind, hearing impaired or have other medical issue?

The MCA are no longer allowing Deckhands, Officers of the Watch, Mates or Masters who have color blindness to hold MCA certification. In the past, those who were diagnosed with color blindness were issued certificates with the endorsement” no solo watch” or “dual watch only”.   Because the IYT/MCA Master of Yachts certificates are commercial in nature, IYT will be complying with the same MCA requirements and will be unable to issue any commercial certificates to those who have color blindness.    It is imperative that students undertake a color blindness test  BEFORE  they enroll in any IYT/MCA commercial course as we will not be able to certify them.   Also, it is important to note that a ‘lantern test’ for color blindness is no longer accepted.  The test must be an Ishihara or CAD test.    Those who already hold IYT/MCA commercial certificates with a color blindness endorsement “no solo watch” will be able to renew with the same endorsement”.  

For candidates who are hearing impaired, hearing loss should not exceed 20 decibels for the frequencies of 500Hz, and 1000Hz and 2000Hz. When hearing level does not meet these standards, hearing aids may be accepted providing the above standards can be reached when using the aid and watch keeping duties at sea can be adequately performed.

Candidates with Type 1 Diabetes may receive the IYT Master of Yachts Coastal/Mate and Limited Certificates of Competency.  However, please know that the MCA may not allow you to progress to the OOW or 500 and > Master Certification.  As the IYT Master of Yachts Unlimited Certificate of Competency allows for ocean crossings, we cannot issue this certificate as medical assistance will be unavailable. 

Please note that the MCA will not issue an STCW qualification to candidates who do not pass the “ENG1 Medical Fitness Examination”.  The MCA will not allow you to progress to the OOW or 500 and > Master Certification.

How much time do I have to submit all required paperwork after completing the course?

Click here for information on time submission requirements for MOY Mate/Coastal, Limited and Unlimited.

As a professional in the yachting industry you are required to update and learn new skills on a regular basis. As you move up the chain of command or look for new opportunities your qualifications are essential. Please make sure they do not expire.

IYT plays a leading role in your professional training with 250 + schools in 56 countries around the world. We facilitate theoretical and practical training through our network of partner schools globally.

We are dedicating our efforts to better serve students and schools as we continue to improve our database and system and are working diligently to create new e-learning courses.

IYT is proud to be an ISO 9001:2015 Standard approved company.

View our course progression for an understanding of what is possible when you train professionally with IYT.

Superyacht Student Information

Become an instructor.

Professional Instructors, superyacht crew, diveboat crew, commercial maritime services all start with the fundamentals and progress from there.

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Professional IYT courses allow you to pursue your dreams and work in amazing places. There is a real demand for career minded professionals.

Superyacht Schools

IYT Worldwide offers more professional courses at more schools in more countries than any other organization.

Certificate Replacement

IYT World follows strict ISO standards that ensures our Government approvals. Renewal programs for member certificates follow a 3 to 5 year schedule.

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  • International Crew
  • International Flotilla Skipper
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  • International Flotilla Skipper Sail – Catamaran
  • International Bareboat Skipper Sail – Catamaran
  • International Certificate of Competency (ICC Certificate)
  • Powerboat Skipper
  • Yachtmaster Coastal (Power or Sail)
  • Yachtmaster Coastal Sail – Catamaran
  • Yachtmaster Offshore (Power or Sail)
  • Yachtmaster Offshore Sail – Catamaran
  • Yachtmaster Ocean
  • Patron de Yates (Yachtmaster Coastal Spanish edition)
  • Marine Communications (VHF-SRC)
  • Small Powerboat and Rib Master (MCA Recognised)
  • IYT Commercial Tender License Course
  • Weather Master
  • Navigation Master
  • Master of Yachts Coastal/Mate 200 Tons (Power or Sail)
  • Master of Yachts Limited (Power or Sail)
  • Superyacht Chef
  • Superyacht Deck Crew Course
  • Introduction to Yacht Marine Engineering
  • Superyacht Hospitality Training
  • Boat Engineer Course (SCV Code for Vessels Operating in the Caribbean)
  • IYT-MSWI BoatMaster Course
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  • Government Approvals
  • Professional qualifications

Working as an RYA Yachtmaster

Your qualification must be appropriate to the vessel and area of operation. For commercial use, all certificates must be commercially endorsed .

Working with an RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal certificate

A commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence will enable you to skipper vessels up to 24 metres in length, operating in category 3,4,5, and 6 waters - up to 20 miles from a safe haven.

Working with an RYA Yachtmaster® Offshore certificate

A commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence will enable you to work as a Master of commercial vessels of up to 200gt in category 1 to 6 waters - that is up to 150 miles from a safe haven.

This Certificate of Competence can used commercially in its own right, or as a pre-requisite for the MCA's Officer of the Watch qualification, which enables you to work worldwide on vessels of up to 3000gt.

Working with an RYA Yachtmaster® Ocean certificate

A commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence will enable you to work worldwide as a Master of commercial vessels of up to 200gt.

This Certificate of Competence can be used commercially in its own right. It is also a pre-requisite for the MCA's Chief Mate, Master 500 and Master 3000 qualifications.

For more information about working with RYA qualifications, the categorisation of waters and required certification click here . 

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Master on Yachts <200GT (TM - MSD)

Get this licence and you will be able to earn a living while doing something you love!


yachtmaster 200gt

Course Name:

Transport Malta Master on Yachts 200GT

Daily lunch included Accommodation (optional – please ask for options and prices)

Course Structure

Tuition will be given by means of classroom lectures, demonstrations & practical exercises on the following modules:

  • Offshore Navigation
  • Maritime Law
  • Instruments
  • Meteorology
  • Rules of the Road
  • Seamanship & GSK
  • Signals & Voice Procedures
  • Introduction to MARPOL
  • Engineering
  • Practical Boat Handling & Maneuvering

Entry Requirements

To be eligible to attend this course, students must fulfil the following requirements:

  • Be 18 years or older
  • Hold a valid seafarers medical fitness certificate (IMO/ILO)

To be eligible for a licence from Transport Malta, students must present the following requirements:

  • Course completion certificate
  • Hold a valid STCW Basic Safety Training Certificate (available at MaritimeMT)
  • Hold a valid VHF-SRC, or GMDSS ROC, or GMDSS GOC (available at MaritimeMT)
  • For a 60Nm licence: - Hold an officially recognised licence to skipper a vessel and have documentary evidence of 800Nm logged approved seagoing service, 30 hours of which must be carried out during night-time.
  • For a 150Nm licence: - Have held an officially recognised licence to skipper a vessel for at least two years and have documentary evidence of 2500Nm logged approved seagoing service, 100 hours of which must be carried out during night-time.

Required & Ancillary Certificates All courses available at MaritimeMT

Similar courses.

For anyone looking to start their career within the interior department onboard a superyacht, then you would certainly be advised to start here. The Interior Hospitality Yacht Training | Level 1 course, based on the GUEST Introduction training, will give anyone a huge advantage to both finding the right employment as well bringing the relevant skills and value to a first onboard positon.

The GMDSS GOC (General Operators Certificate) course, as per IMO Model Course 1.25, is designed to meet the requirements of the STCW Convention, Table A-IV/2, for SOLAS vessels operating in sea areas A1, A2, A3 and A4, and satisfying the provisions of the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union (ref. IT U RR Art. 47).

The GMDSS ROC (Restricted Radio Operator's Certificate) course, as per IMO Model Course 1.26, is designed to meet the requirements of the STCW Convention, Table A-IV/2 for Sea Area 1 Only.

This course is the refresher training for crew to be able to launch and take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat in emergency situations, in accordance with section A-VI/2 of the STCW Code. Seafarers requiring deck certificates of competency must complete this STCW course as part of their Officer training and need to do a REFRESHER course every 5 years.

This course is for seafarers designated to provide first aid on board ship and for those requiring certificates of competency.

The STCW Basic Safety Training Refresher course is designed in accordance with the latest amendments to the STCW Convention regulation 1.14 and section A-1/14 of the STCW Code.

This course trains crew to be able to launch and take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat in emergency situations, in accordance with section A-VI/2 of the STCW Code. Seafarers requiring deck certificates of competency must complete this STCW course as part of their Officer training.

This course is for seafarers designated to lead a fire team on board ship and for those requiring certificates of competency.

This REFRESHER course is for seafarers designated to lead a fire team on board ship and for those requiring certificates of competency.

This entry level course aims to give candidates the required basic safety training and knowledge listed by the STCW Code A-VI/1. Seafarers wishing to work onboard a commercial vessel in ANY capacity must successfully complete this course before engaging in employment.

This course is based on the requirements of Regulation II/4 of Chapter II, Section A-II, Table A-II/4, STCW-78 as amended in 1995 as mandatory requirements for Rating Forming Parts of Navigational Watch, navigation functions at the support level.

Can crew any commercial vessel within Ports, Internal and Territorial Waters of Malta, in accordance with the Manning Requirements of respective commercially registered vessels.

With the Mate/Master training course you will obtain a qualification to serve as Mate on commercial vessels of 24metres in length and over as well as a Master on commercial vessels of less than 50metres in length, operating within the ports, internal and territorial waters of Malta.

UPGRADE YOUR Master on YACHTS <200GT Transport Malta Certificate, to Master of VESSELS <200GT. This course aims to give trainees the essential education and training to skipper a workboat less than 200 GT, carrying less than 12 passengers and any other operational limitations.

Radio communications certificate of operators – Specifications of minimum standard of knowledge, understanding and proficiency for RT (VHF only) Operators (S.L. 399.35)

Efficient Deckhand is a practical and theory-based course of which is designed to give students the necessary knowledge and skills to become a proficient seafarer onboard merchant ships.

On successful completion of the necessary course module/s, Pass of oral examination, and presentation of required sea service, candidates will be able to work as a Master on Yachts less than 500GT / Chief Mate on Yachts <3000GT - STCW Reg II/2

The STCW Ship Security Awareness training for all Seafarers course is aimed at mariners who do not have a designated security duty.

This course is based on the guidelines, suggestions, and requirements of TM Model Course 1.05

On successful completion of the necessary course module/s, Pass of oral examination, and presentation of required sea service, candidates will be able to work as a Master on Yachts less than 3000GT - STCW Reg II/2.

On successful completion of the course & oral examination, candidates will be able to work as a Deck Officer on YACHTS less than 3000GT - STCW Reg II/1.

If you want to cross to Sicily or sail around the Mediterranean basin, then this is the licence you need!

Engineer of vessels with propulsion machinery of maximum continuous power of 750kW, operating commercially within territorial waters.

This 4-hour practical course is designed to cater for boaters who would like to have more experience in handling their recreational boat.

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yachtmaster 200gt

MCA Master 200gt


The Master 200 qualification is the next rung up the ladder after Yachtmaster (Offshore and/or Ocean) Certificates of Competence. If you took the M200 (limited) as only a YM Offshore, it is a simple rubber stamp to add the Ocean later and become a M200 (unlimited).

The MCA/RYA Yachtmaster Certificates of Competence are written into UK legislation (as well as that of Australia, New Zealand and a few other countries). On a UK vessel, the qualification covers you legally up to 200 tonnes. Whilst RYA/MCA Yachtmaster CoCs are not written into the legislation of most countries, there are some countries (such as Portugal) that do informally recognise them as a valid qualification for commercial skippers. It is important to note, however, that there are still a few countries (including Italy and Monaco) that do not recognise the Yachtmaster CoC. The Master 200 is more likely to be recognised in law by all IMO countries (about 130 nations)

5 day course £950

Given our commitment to keep prices as low as possible, in the current economic climate we reserve the right to cancel & reschedule any course which is not fully booked

About the Course

The Master 200 Certificate of Competence (CoC) is legally recognised by more national authorities outside the UK than the Yachtmaster CoC.

Those qualified to Master 200 are also automatically qualified as a watch officer (OOW) on yachts up to 500 tonnes.

Although the Master 200 CoC does not open any more doors than a Yachtmaster CoC already does l egally in the UK for vessels under 200 tonnes , it is acknowledged that the Master 200 certificate holder will have had a considerable level of additional skipper training. Skippers who hold the Master 200 qualification are therefore considered a step above those with the Yachtmaster and are ultimately more employable as a result. Some employers, particularly in the wind farm sector insist on this higher level qualification.

The Master 200 CoC is a good bridge between the MCA/RYA Yachtmaster courses and the MCA Deck Officer Courses.

In the workboat sector, the Master 200 CoC is a route to Master 500 (workboat) CoC.

Course Syllabus

There is no set MCA or RYA Prep course. The syllabus is vast and over 50% are subjects such as Business, Law, Marpol, Bridge Procedures etc which aren't normally covered in RYA Courses. The full syllabus can be found in MSN 1858 .

Pre Requisites 

Minimum of 18 years old

Have completed 6 months’ seagoing service while holding an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or IYT Master of Yachts Limited certificate

Hold a valid ENG1 Medical

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence (Commercial Endorsed)

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Shorebased Certificate

4 x STCW Modules (Fire Fighting, PSSR, Elementary First Aid, Personal Survival Techniques)

A GMDSS Restricted Operators Certificate (ROC)

HELM Operational Certificate (Human Element Leadership & Management)

Additional requirements for Master 200gt Unlimited :

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence (Commercial Endorsed)

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased Certificate

A GMDSS General Operators Certificate (GOC)

Whats Included

5 days of tuition from an experienced instructor who holds Master 200gt as a minimum

USB s tick with additional course material.

Our Course N otes Folder.

Light refreshments throughout the course

Use of Laptop during the course.

New for 2024 - Access to Whitehorse Maritimes IRPCS, Buoyage and Bridge Equipment for 2 months after the course.

Course Dates

Contact us if dates are unsuitable, or no dates are showing

My Crew Kit

Yachtmaster / Master of Yachts 200GT

Are you ready to take the next step?

RYA, IYT & Transport Malta Yachtmaster / Master of Yachts 200GT

There are 3 primary sailing and motorboat training bodies that provide Yachtmaster / Master of Yachts training suitable for deck crew working in the superyacht and yachting industry.

The RYA Yachtmaster 200GT,

-RYA Yachtmaster Offshore (150NM Limited) -RYA Yachtmaster Ocean (Unlimited)

The IYT Master of Yachts 200GT

- IYT Master of Yachts 200GT Limited (150NM Limited) -IYT Master of Yachts 200GT Unlimited

Transport Malta Master of Yachts 200GT

-Transport Malta Master of Yachts <200GT Limited Area (150NM) -Transport Malta Master of Yachts <200GT Unlimited Area

Not sure which course / Coc is right for you? Contact us with a query and we will put you in touch with an industry professional.

Find a Yachtmaster / Master of Yachts, motor or sailing school

View All Master of Yachts / Yachtmaster 200GT Training Centres

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yachtmaster 200gt

  • ( Return to Pro Courses )
  • UnLimited Ocean Astro
  • M300GT/MA1000GT sail
  • M200GT/MA500GT sail
  • M80GT24m/MA200GT sail
  • Professional Sail Courses
General Details

ID: 6.1.9

Description: Master 200GT/Mate 500GT™ sail.

Certification type:
A6 Booklet.

ISO 9001:2015 compliance course & certification.

A total of consisting of;

Pre-Course study = 8 hours.
Theory Class Lessons = 70 hours.
Practical On-Board Lessons = 56 hours.
Home-study = 27 hours.

1. Captain of a sailing vessel up to 200 Gross Tons, with no Length Overall (LOA) limitation, private or commercially registered..

2. Mate/Watchkeeper up to 500GT on sailing vessels, private or commercially registered.

3. Operational limits:

For privately registered sailing vessels: 150Nm from a Safe Haven. **

For commercially registered sailing vessels for charter: 60Nm from a Safe Haven. **

** In Category Waters I, II, III & IV excluding polar waters (this requires an additional Endorsement).

4. Night passages unrestricted.

5. Tidal area with any height or range.

When professional crew are applying for a job position on-board a vessel, their certifications are subject to a process of acceptance by the Flag Administration of the vessel.

Acceptance of professional CoCs are always on a case-by-case basis. It is very important that any professional CoC adheres as close as possible to the STCW Convention for watch-keeping.

As the professional Certifications of Competency are restricted in their usage, the Flag Administration may consider the following to undertake:

1. Acceptance of the CoC as is for the position on a particular vessel according to their manning scale requirements.

2. CoC Endorsed by the Flag for their flagged vessels subject to any restrictions specified by the Flag.

3. CoC is used to qualify for a Flag Administration issued STCW Coded CoC possibly subject to an oral examination.

4. CoC is used to qualify as an entry qualification for a higher level CoC course(s).

Adheres to the STCW Code II/2 or II/3 on a case-by case basis subject to Flag acceptance or endorsement or recognition.

Trading Area Restrictions: EEA & EFTA, Mediterranean, Baltic, Black Sea.

Yes required every 5 years from the date of issue.

Sea Areas Category III & IV:
180 days Onboard Service 80 days actual sea-time having logged 3.000 Nm + 10 nights of watch-keeping underway of 4 hrs.


Sea Areas Category I & II:
180 days Onboard Service 70 days actual sea-time having logged 2.500 Nm + 10 nights of watch-keeping underway of 4 hrs.

1. Seafarers Medical Certificate.
2. Radio GMDSS Restricted Operators Certificate + Sat-Com OR Radio GMDSS General Operators Certificate.
3. Maritime Business & Law -Level I.
4. Radar Operator/Observer.
5. ECDIS (if the CoC is used for watch-keeping on vessels >300GT).
6. Leadership & Teamwork.
7. Sea-time log book signed-off.
8. Sea-time testimonials signed-off.
9. STCW Basic Safety Training 1978/amend 2010.

10. Stability -Level I.
11. Deck Rating.

What does the Certification look like?

iymcs a6 certif

The custom-designed iymcs booklet type certification is stylish and practical. The booklet outer is made of real leather with a sythentic interior that is resistant to water and protects the certificates. It is A6 in size, ideal to be kept in a crew document case or with the boat's documents in the chart-table. The iymcs Certificates are printed to ISO9001:2015 standards, are dual-language and feature extensive security features to security level 3 (Government passports & national Iidentification documents are security levels 1 & 2) and can be used as a personal ID in daily situations. (Nb. It cannot be used instead of a passport/national identity card).

The iymcs Master 200GT/Mate 500GT™ sail is the most comprehensive CoC available at this certification level and has set a benchmark standard that is hard to beat. Supported by STCW ancillary courses and sea-time requirements, it enables a clear path to acceptance or recognition or endorsement on a case-by-case basis by Flag Administrations worldwide. This is an important aspect when you are applying for a Deck position.

Certification Options:
i. Sailing Yachts.
(For professional deck crew that are employed on privately registered sailing yachts or on commercially registered charter sailing yachts).
ii. Classic Sailing Vessels.
(For professional deck crew that are employed on classic sailing vessel that engages in a commercial or training activity).
i. UnLimited OOW Ocean Astro.
(Removes the 150Nm from a safe haven CoC limit for privately registered sailing yachts or for professional crew employed to undertake deliveries of both privately and commercially registered sailing yachts).
ii. Sail Catamarans >17mtrs.
(For professional yacht crew that are employed as a Captain on a charter sailing catamaran).
iii. Polar Ice Navigation.
(For professional deck crew that are working on vessels operating in Polar waters or sea areas of similar characteristics).
iv. Light-Cargo Handling. (For professional deck crew that are working on commercial sailing vessels engaged in carrying light cargo).

The comprehensive subject matter that is covered achieves a good level of depth of knowledge and provides you with a good all-round knowledge base. The course introduces the first of the commercial syllabus such as Safe Working Practises, Risk Assessments, Watch-keeping Requirements, SOLAS etc, etc. This is relatively unique in many of the current offshore yachting certificates currently available (if it is, it is typically lightly mentioned).

For Flag and industry recognitions, as well as for compliance purposes, the Society has defined clearly the usage and limitations of this CoC which enables it to adhere to the STCW Code. Once again, this is an unusual process for this type of certification but does assist you in a positive way to gain jobs. The Society has separated the CoC capacities between 150Nm from a Safe Haven for a crew working on privately registered sail vessels and 150Nm from a Safe Haven for a crew working on commercially registered sail vessels for charter.

The CoC is dual-role (often known as polyvalent) and also has a watch-keeping capacity for a vessel up to 500 Gross Tons. It is used extensively to work as a Mate on these size of vessels. The basics functions of Radar, including mini-ARPA and AIS, are incorporated into this course for this reason. The practical course is dynamic and the main intentions of it are to build-up your skill-set so you can professionally run a vessel under the 500GT as a Mate or a sail vessel under 200GT as a Captain.

The CoC has numerous endorsements that change the capacity of it that can be added at any time.

The written and practical examinations are straight forward non-academic. Your spoken English has to be of a good level, your written English can be at an average level.

There are two types of sea-time records that are required; Sea-Time Log Book and the Sea-Time testimonials that support the Log.

This course is ideal for career development or for those people seeking to make a career change in their life.

The diagram below shows how the Endorsements for this CoC work.

yachtmaster 200gt

After 20 years in development, the iymcs Master 200GT/Mate 500GT™ sail is well established and is a long-time favourite of professional deck crew.

yachtmaster 200gt

What is this?

Our Society, the 'International Yacht Marine Certification Society" (iymcs) operates its entire operations under a Quality Management System (QMS) that is in compliance with the International Standards Organisation (ISO) 9001:2015 amended. Part of this compliance involves full auditing procedures. This is an important reference and enables us to gain recognitions from maritime admininstrations and marine industry bodies alike. Our Society is ISO9001:2015 certified by the British Standards Institute (BSI) Netherlands. The QMS together with the ISO, ensures that iymcs and its Members operate to the highest standards possible. All our courses, and more importantly the Certifications that we issue, are under ISO9001:2015. This practise is most unusual for such courses and certifications. Some organisations will claim ISO:9001 adherence but often the reality is it is for a document management process or a similar back-office process instead of for actual operations and/or for Certification issuing.

How much does the course cost?

The following are the recommended course prices (ex.VAT), prices may fluctuate between Member schools & colleges.

Scandinavia 3.100,-EUR Northern Europe 2.900,-EUR United Kingdom 2.600,-GBP
Southern Europe 2.800,-EUR Middle East 2.500,-USD North America 2.500,-USD
Prices exclude: course books,certification costs,personal travelling costs,course food and course accommodation.

Course Enquiry or Booking.

Your name; Your country of residence;
Your email; Your telephone number;
My ideal course date is; Where would you like to do the course;

Related Courses

Course syllabus..

( Vers. 1.4. )   Click-on ' + ' to see Syllabus.

Sails and rigs. Nautical terminology. SOLAS general knowledge. Safe Working Practises. Risk Assessments. Essential signal flags & morse code. Watchkeeping basic procedures. Introduction to Stability. Principles of the IRPCS.

All the Rules 1 to 37 + Annex IV. All sound & light signals. All day-shapes. Morse code & signal flags: A, B, C, D, E, L, M, N, O, Q, U, Z..

Buoyage channel layouts. IALA System A & System B. Major & minor systems. Types of buoyage and marks. Buoyage direction. Safe-water marks. Marina port & harbour entry marks. Beach & landing stages layouts. Buoyage lights -Flashing, Occulting & Isophase, Morse U & A. Isolated Danger marks. Beacon types.

Key channel marks & signals. Special vessel day & night signals. Movement control signals. Special channel signs.

All Vessel types & categories. Steaming lights configuration. Anchor lights. Sailing vessels -configurations. Special purpose vessels lights signals.

Electronic Nautical Charts: Raster Charts (R-ENC’s) or Vector Charts (V-ENC’s). Mercator projection & scale. Magnification of ENC charts. Int. Chart N° 1 publication. Raster & Vector chart symbols. Topography of land masses. Ports, harbours & bays. Charted depths & contour lines. Types of sea-beds & soundings. Obstructions. Drying heights.

Screen set-up; illumination, contrasts, instrument inputs, system config. GNSS data, DOP, satellite position. Distance measuring -using; latitude scale, ruler, measuring tool, cursor & VRM. Measuring angles & bearings using; EBL & cursor. Understanding information boxes. Heads-up & North-up & Course Up. Ground-Stabilised & Sea-Stabilised. Information layers. Route plan.

Harbour plans. Port entry marks & lights. Buoyage system layout. Depths & obstructions. Narrow channels & near-coastal TSS. Approach crossing technique to TSS. Vessel Traffic Systems/Services. Preparation of Pilotage plan/s

Admiralty List of Lights. Lighthouses identification, heights and distance off. Beacons, identification by day. Range/Transits, day & night. Sector lights. Deviation and Variation.

Waypoints - departure & destination. Distance-off waypoints position. Distance & speed measurements. Distance-off from obstructions.

Basic elements of Meteorology. Barometer & Barograph. Mid-temperate systems. Tropical & sub-tropical systems. Wind speed & direction. Beaufort Scale & Douglas Scale. Types of depressions. Frontal Depressions. Types of clouds and altitudes. Buys Ballot laws. Coriolis Rules. Sea & Land Breezes. Wave heights and velocity of. Low & high pressure, wind direction. Headland winds. Mountainous coastline wind effects. Meteo Bulletins & Forecasts. Sources of Meteo Information. How to read meteo forecasts. Types of fog. Formation & types of; rain, mist & snow. Level of confidence factors of Meteo Forecasts. Log book entries.

Official Log Book. Navigation Log Book. Deviation table. Pilot books. Tidal Almanacs. Legal requirements to carry charts & publications. Chart and publication updates - Notice to Mariners. Plotter ENC update requirements.

Local area large scale coastal chart. Chart publication check. Reading information. Exercises; buoyage & marks identification, depth & obstructions, major lights identification. Plotting instruments. Plotting a GPS position from plotter. Transferring waypoints from plotter. Measuring distances. Course & bearing measurement. Projected course track.

Vessel familiarization. Safe working areas. Deck obstructions. Muster Stations & Muster Lists. Vessel alarms. Safety Equipment & location of. Cut-offs. Fire detections system. Fire-fighting system. Deck layout. Mast & rig. Sail set-up. Deck obstructions. Cockpit layouts -working & guest. Jack-stays. Hatches & portholes. Hand-holds on-deck & interior. Boom and main-sheet arrangements.

Life-jackets and Personal Flotation Devices. Safety harnesses & clip-on procedures. Life-raft procedures. Man-over-board procedure & equipment usage. Flares, types of and how & when to use them. Medical kit content. Fuel, gas & electrical cut-offs. Navigation lights. Gas detector & cut-offs. VHF Radio. Electrical Panel -DC & AC. Checking battery levels. Compartment flooding & procedure. Bilge pumps -manual & electrical. Fire extinguishers & engine compartment extinguishing system. For’ard deck and side decks.

Line throwing exercise. Line names. Sheets & halyards.

Fuel levels, refueling procedures. Water tank levels & re-filling. Port-holes & windows closure. Stowage check. Power shore-supply cable. Depth & Speed Log instruments. Wind instruments. Plotter. Radar. ECS or/and ECDIS plotters. Set-up of the heading instruments; Satellite, Gyro and Fluxgate. Keel bolts. Rudder.

Pre-start checks; oil, coolant and fuel levels. Check Sea-cock for cooling system. Check sea-water strainer and clean. Check alternator belt. Throttle controls - cable. Post start-up checks incl. exhaust. RPM gauge and setting speed to. Helm indicator. Cold-water start procedures.

Rudder check. Wind & waves strength & direction. Depths & obstructions. Other vessel awareness (traffic). Marina port traffic. Request entry or departure from Port Marina Office. Casting-off from the dock methods. How to enter into a port or harbour. Approaches to the dock. Organize & brief crew for docking. Singling-up lines, releasing of. Passerelle stowage.

Slow speed exercises; turning the boat in a confined area, rudder angle effect, narrow channel bends & obstructions, approaching a dock. Autopilot usage.

Organizing crew tasks. Mainsail; halyard hoisting technique, use of main-sheet & main-sheet traveller co-ordination, kicking strap & boom vang, topping-lift usage. Adjustable back-stay usage. Runners and check-stays. Rig load and sail pressure. Genoa; unfurling, use of genoa sheet. Changing the Genoa for another. Reducing sail area; reefing mainsail, furling genoa. Genoa traveller track settings. Lowering mainsail safely. Storm jibs and stay-sails.

Organizing crew tasks. Steering a course under sail. Tacking under full sail. Create a visual reference course with various tacks. Create a visual reference course to clear obstructions and shallow depth areas. Create a visual reference course to maintain a safe distance off from a headland. Moderate wind gybing (10kts-16kts). Heavy wind gybing techniques. Cockpit tidiness with lines. Electrical & hydraulic winches. Winch safety. Wearing harnesses & clipping-on. Awareness of leeway factors. Wind speed & direction instruments. Windex direction usage. Use of Tell-tales. Launching and take-down of Asymmetrical spinnakers in moderate winds (11-16 kts). Velocity Made Good. Relationship of apparent wind & true wind direction and speed. Heavy weather tactics. Use of sea anchors including drogues, warps & parachute. Heaving-too in heavy seas.

Position awareness exercise using plotter with vector charts + local large paper scale chart. Identify land navigation marks and objects. Referencing position to pilot book. Distance off. Positioning using single visual LOP Positioning using Radar VRM or EBL. Two-visual & three-bearing fix. Running fix. Port or harbour entry, day & night. Depth control. Heading checks, in-line and by bearing using a pelorous ring. Steering a course by GPS Compass and by Magnetic Compass. Fluxgate autopilot course set-up. Calculation of TVMDC. Analysis of data of; COG, SOG, CTW, STW, DOG, DTW. Pilotage plans. Use of waypoints. ETA calculations under sail. Projected course plot clearing obstructions, shallows & headlands. Fuel consumption planning. Course to Steers to offset leeway & tidal stream & current affects.

Boat preparation. Watch duties & allocation of. Watch-keeping briefing. Crew briefing & allocating tasks. Safety aspects & safety equipment checks. Sail and rig set-up for meteo & sea conditions. Preparation of Pilotage Plans. Interior preparation. Galley preparation of light snacks and drinks. Deck & Rig checks for tacking & gybing.

NOAA & UKHO systems. Tidal height adjustments. Standard tidal curves. One-Quarter/One-Tenth Curve. Table 3. Tidal Streams & Tidal Currents. Top-surface currents. The use of tidal almanacs. Chart Datum concept. Charted depths. Depth contour lines. Drying heights. Calculating time of float-off aftergrounding. Calculating clearance time to cross a harbour bar. Calculating height clearance under a bridge or cables. Calculating a spot depth for anchoring as close to a shoreline. Sea-bed characteristics. Tidal Diamonds. Tidal stream atlases.

Identify type of anchor on-board. Anchor chain/rope length, secure of. Use of Capstan. Using an anchor as a mooring. Exercise of partially lowering and raising anchor in port. Anchoring exercises in sheltered bay, both under sail and under power, dropping the anchor and weighing anchor.. Picking up a buoy technique, securing and releasing of mooring line.

Rule 1 application for entering bays, harbours & roadsteads. Rule 2 for making a departure of the rules to avoid immediate danger. Rule 3 for vessel identification. Rule 5 for maintaining a look-out. Rule 6 for maintaining a safe speed. Rule 7 for risk of collision. Rule 8 for actions to avoid collision. Rule 9 for narrow channels. Rule 10 for operating in TSS & VTS. Rule 12 actions between sailing v/ls. Rule 13 applied in overtaking. Rule 14 applied in head-on or nearly head-on when under power. Rule 15 applied when crossing with another vessel/s. Rule 16 applied as in give-way v/l. Rule 17 for stand-on v/l’s. Rule 18 for establishing priorities. Rule 19 operating in or near areas of restricted visibility. Sound signals usage whilst underway. Monitoring VHF traffic channels.

Full procedure, with MRCC communication simulation. Use of dummy preferably, if not fender & bucket. Life saving equipment in the water. Recovery techniques. Life-ring or horshoe practise throwing exercise. In-sight exercise under power; using Andersen turn. In-sight exercise under sail; using Reach-Reach & Reach-Run-Gybe maneuver under sail. Out of sight search patterns.

WC issues and dismantling of pump. Galley usage & stowage. Grab-handle points. Using of the companionway steps. Cooking a full meal underway. Provisioning list. Organizing provisioning of the boat

Coastguard & SAR MRCC. Range of TX & RX. Power output. CH16 usage. Port channels. Distress Mayday. Safety Securite messages. Pan Medico Alert. Call-up for port entry & departure.

Procedures for; grounding, flooding or sinking, engine failure, electrical systems failure, fire. Steering systems failure procedure. Dis-masting & rigging a jury rig procedure. Furling gear failure. Towing a vessel & to be towed.

Basic heat stroke and hypothermia precautions & treatment. Sea-sickness. Head injuries. Arm & leg injuries. Basic Bandaging. Cuts & bruises. Jelly fish and coral stings.

Basic safety equipment check. Tender garage rail & winch launch. Launching and recovery procedures. Rowing exercise - oars & paddles. Loading crew into tender. Crew sitting positions. Communications tender to boat.

Passage Planning -near coastal. Creation of working Passage plans. Creation of Summary Passage Plan. Route track planning - near-coastal. Effects of tidal stream & currents. Vessel traffic density.

Official Log Book. Definition of a vessel engaged in Charter. Designated Person Ashore (DPA). Summary Passage Plan submission. Passenger or/and crew max. capacity. Duty of Care. Due Diligence. Legal limitations of a Captain. Introduction to SOLAS. Small Vessel Code. Surveying requirements for a small commercial vessel. Maintenance requirements for a small commercial vessel. Operational limitations. Introduction to Risk Assessments. Introduction to Boat Accounts. VAT & import issues. Introduction to flagging. Customs & health clearance.

Route track plotting. Offshore approach tactics to headlands. Course tracks; actual, projected and historical. Landfall technique for lights, beacons and land objects. Course track adjustments to avoid low pressure systems. Offshore TSS’s.

Principles of Radar operation. System set-up. Screen & keyboard illumination & contrasts. Correct use of range scale. Gain control usage with chart referencing (on auto-tune). EBL & VRM usage. Data boxes. Sea & rain clutter. Heads-up RM, North-Up RM & TM. Sea-stabilised & ground-stabilised. Target & vessel identification. Target aquirement. CPA & TCPA. Collision avoidance. Manual tune. Scanner rotation, wave-length. Turn points & rate of turn. Parallel indexing. Float EBL & VRM. Mini-ARPA & ARPA AIS transponders & receivers.

Line orders. Docking orders. Captain + Mate management. Use of uhf radio. Clearing decks. Guest management. Safety awareness. Mini-ISM and ISMS. Health and Safety interior management.

Battery management system. Shore Supply cable & input. Generator. Master electrical panel. AC electrical panel 220-240 VAC. DC electrical panel 12-24 VDC. Helm electrical panel. Battery cross-over. Starting procedures for battery low tension levels.

  • Professional Yacht
  • Master 200GT/Mate 500GT sail

Blue Oyster Sailing White Logo

  • Barcelona English Language Training Maritime English
  • MCA RYA Fastrack Sailing Courses FACTS
  • MCA RYA Fast Track 15 Wks YachtmasterPLUS Stcw10
  • MCA RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Fast Track 14 Wks
  • MCA RYA Fast Track 7 Wks Yachtmaster Coastal
  • MCA RYA Fast Track 8 Wks Yachtmaster Motor Boat
  • RYA Half Track Yachtmaster
  • RYA Fasttrack Dayskipper
  • RYA Day Skipper Combined
  • PADI Fast Track Dive Master
  • Gap Year Student Training
  • Marina Drills and Skills Power & Sail
  • Milebuilding Passages Adventure Sailing
  • Power and Sail Delivery & Management
  • Hanse 415 Charter Yacht Barcelona and Majorca
  • Hanse 575 Charter Yacht Barcelona and Majorca
  • Hanse 505 Charter Yacht Barcelona and Majorca
  • Hanse 455 Charter Yacht Barcelona and Majorca
  • Lagoon 440 Multihull
  • Catamaran Pajot Lucia 40 Palamos 2017
  • Motor Cruiser Moraga Faeton 1040 Charter Yacht
  • Bavaria 46 Cruiser
  • Beneteau Oceanis 473
  • Beneteau Oceanis 43
  • NEW Beneteau Oceanis 38
  • NEW Beneteau Oceanis 35
  • Beneteau Oceanis 40
  • Beneteau Oceanis 411
  • Beneteau Oceanis 37
  • Beneteau Oceanis 343
  • Jeaunneau Sun Odyssey 509
  • Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 419
  • Jeaunneau Sun Odyssey 45
  • Jeaunneau Sun Oddysey 379
  • Jeaunneau Sun Oddysey 33i
  • Dufour 455 Grands Large
  • RYA Practical Courses
  • RYA Powerboat 1&2
  • RYA Start Sailing
  • RYA Competent Crew
  • RYA Day Skipper
  • RYA Coastal Skipper
  • RYA Fasttrack Dayskipper 14 Days
  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Prep
  • RYA Yachtmaster Ocean
  • International Certificate of Competence
  • RYA Theory Shorebased Courses
  • RYA Basic Navigation
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory
  • RYA Coastal Skipper Theory
  • RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory
  • SRC / VHF Radio
  • RYA First Aid
  • RYA Diesel Engine
  • Own Boat and Personal Tuition
  • MCA Stcw 95 Blue Oyster Basic Safety Training Courses
  • STCW 10 Personal Safety and Social Responsibilty
  • STCW 10 Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention
  • STCW 10 Personal Survival Techniques
  • STCW 10 Elementary First Aid
  • STCW 10 Proficiency In Security Awareness
  • Pro Marine Hospitality
  • Pro Super Yacht Crew: Practical Sailing
  • Pro Super Yacht Crew: Advanced Skills
  • Pro Crew Marine Cookery
  • MCA Master Of Yachts Training Courses
  • Master of Yachts 200gt Limited
  • Master of Yachts 200gt Unlimited
  • RYA/MCA Master Of Yachts Exam and Assessment
  • Testimonials


  • RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Course Blue Oyster Sailing 2016 Vera flies in from Moscow

04 January 2016

RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Course with BOS. Welcome back to Vera Abramova from Moscow today to start her RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Course. Vera completed her RYA Day Skipper Practical Course with us this time last year - have a great week out on the water. Stephen starts his RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Course - another International student this time from Sydney way down under. Stephen successfully completed his RYA Coastal Skipper Shore based Course with BOS last week along with his SRC VHF Course. To join our RYA courses, mile building or family sailing holidays email us here or call +34 629 881 923. Barcelona - Gibraltar - Antibes - Portugal.

dissertation meaning in english

yacht 200 gt

yacht 200 gt


  1. Yacht Captain Up to 200 GT

    yachtmaster 200gt

  2. Master 200 GT : La passerelle entre le Yachtmaster et le Capitaine 200

    yachtmaster 200gt

  3. Master of Yachts (200gt) Unlimited

    yachtmaster 200gt

  4. Master of Yachts (200gt) Limited

    yachtmaster 200gt

  5. A Unique Platinum Yacht-Master at Monaco Legend Group

    yachtmaster 200gt

  6. Rolex Yachtmaster Ultimate Guide

    yachtmaster 200gt


  1. Master 200 GT: the gateway between the Yachtmaster and the Captain 200

    Yachtmaster holders can, by using the Master 200 GT oral exam gateway, claim a visa recognition from France giving them the same prerogatives as a Captain 200 (french degree). The Yachtmaster is a British certificate, issued by the Royal Association Yachting (RYA). The United Kingdom being a signatory to the STCW Convention, it can issue the ...

  2. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore / Yachtmaster Coastal / Master of Yachts 200

    The RYA Yachtmaster course is accredited by the RYA and MCA and recognized for service as Captain or Mate (OOW) up to 200gt up to 150 miles from a safe haven, at the Offshore level or up to 60 miles from safe haven at the Coastal level. The Yachtmaster CoC meets the STCW A-V1/1 and section A V1/1-4 when combined with Basic Training Courses.

  3. IYT Master of Yachts 200gt Limited Certification

    The IYT MoY 200gt Limited preparation course is a bespoke course created by, and exclusive to Galileo Maritime Academy. This course is designed to prepare participants, either professional seafarer or amateur enthusiast, in great detail to successfully complete the MoY 200gt Limited certification course. The idea of taking your IYT MoY 200gt ...

  4. IYT Master of Yachts Unlimited

    The IYT Master of Yachts Unlimited is an MCA-recognized commercial Master License for Yachts up to 200GT across all oceans. It is recognized by various flag states and port authorities around the world and meets the requirements for candidates working towards their MCA Officer of the watch (OOW Yachts 3000GT) and Chief Mate 3000 CoC.

  5. What Are the Requirements for a Master less than 200gt CoC?

    In order to gain a Master <200gt CoC, you will need to do some classroom training, some sea service, and finally an oral exam. Required Service: You need to have 6 months of sea service on vessels of any size, whilst holding an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or IYT Master of Yachts Limited certificate. Sea Service Verification Process - please ...

  6. Master (Code Vessels less than 200gt) Officer of the Watch

    The Master (Code Vessels <200gt) Officer of the watch (Yachts <500gt) training covers two capacities: Unlimited (**unlimited area). Before you can obtain the Master (Code Vessels <200gt), Officer of the watch (Yachts <500gt) Certificate of Competency (CoC) you must complete the relevant training modules along with the required MCA Ancillary ...

  7. MCA Master of Yachts 200gt Limited RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Power and

    Pre-requisite experience: Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based and MCA recognised Yachtmaster Offshore certificate of competency, Basic training, GMDSS restricted operators certificate. Duration: 6 Days. Examination and assessment: MCA Master (Code vessels less than 200gt) oral examination. Certification

  8. Master of Yachts Limited (Power or Sail)

    Master of Yachts Limited Training (Power or Sail) IYT Master of Yachts courses have been recognised by the British Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) since 1998 for use on board all Red Ensign registered Yachts up to 200 gross tons. Although the courses were specifically designed for use on Red Ensign Yachts, they are now accepted by many other ...


    The course allows you to work on up to 200 GT commercial vessels as a captain up to 150 NM from the coast. If you hold the Master of Yacht 200 GT Limited, you can join the Master of Yacht 200 GT Unlimited course immediately. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA. -Must be at least 18 years of age. -Hold or obtain a Marine Communications VHF-SRC Radio Operators ...


    The IYT Master of Yachts 200 GT Unlimited certificate is a qualification that gives the holder sufficient knowledge of celestial navigation to navigate globally using a sextant and to plan, undertake, and manage an ocean passage. The course also delivers a comprehensive understanding of the factors involved in routing and meteorology.

  11. IYT Master of Yachts Limited

    The IYT Master of Yachts Limited is an MCA-recognized commercial Master License for Yachts up to 200 tons limited to 150 nautical miles offshore. It is recognized by various flag states and port authorities around the world and meets the requirements for candidates working towards their Officer of the watch (OOW Yachts 3000GT).

  12. Master of Yachts Coastal/Mate 200gt Power & Sail

    Course Synopsis. Master of Yachts Coastal/Mate 200gt Power & Sail is a Comprehensive and Complete Live Onboard Course with Total 6 Days for Sail OR 5 Days for Power. The Course Fully Designed Including The Practical’s on The Water Examination. The Course is Exhaustively Covered With Subjects Like. The Course is Continuously Upgraded from ...

  13. Master of Yachts Unlimited

    The course consists of 6 days of astronavigation and worldwide meteorology. A thorough knowledge of all subjects covered in the IYT Master of Yachts Limited course is assumed. There will be a final written examination on the last day of the course. The IYT Master of Yachts Unlimited certificate is a qualification that indicates that the holder ...

  14. MCA RYA Master of Yachts 200gt Unlimited RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean

    Pre-requisite experience: Yachtmaster Ocean, Yachtmaster Ocean shore-based and MCA recognised Yachtmaster Ocean certificate of competency, Basic training, GMDSS general operators certificate. Duration: 6 Days. Examination and assessment: STCW Master (Code vessels less than 200gt unlimited area) / Officer of the Watch (Yacht less than 500gt).

  15. Working as an RYA Yachtmaster

    A commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence will enable you to work worldwide as a Master of commercial vessels of up to 200gt. This Certificate of Competence can be used commercially in its own right. It is also a pre-requisite for the MCA's Chief Mate, Master 500 and Master 3000 qualifications. For more information ...

  16. Master on Yachts <200GT (TM

    This course gives students the essential knowledge and training to skipper a yacht less than 200 GT. Transport Malta will issue a licence either limited up to 60Nm or limited up to 150 Nm from a safehaven depending on proof of seatime made available. Course Name: Transport Malta Master on Yachts 200GT. Package:

  17. MCA Master 200/OOW 500

    The Master 200 Certificate of Competence (CoC) is legally recognised by more national authorities outside the UK than the Yachtmaster CoC. Those qualified to Master 200 are also automatically qualified as a watch officer (OOW) on yachts up to 500 tonnes. Although the Master 200 CoC does not open any more doors than a Yachtmaster CoC already ...

  18. Yachtmaster / Master of Yachts 200GT

    RYA, IYT & Transport Malta Yachtmaster / Master of Yachts 200GT. There are 3 primary sailing and motorboat training bodies that provide Yachtmaster / Master of Yachts training suitable for deck crew working in the superyacht and yachting industry. The RYA Yachtmaster 200GT,-RYA Yachtmaster Offshore (150NM Limited)-RYA Yachtmaster Ocean (Unlimited)

  19. iymcs MA200GT/MAT500GT sail

    The Master 200GT/Mate 500GT™ sail certificate has two options to choose from, namely: Sailing Yachts and Classic Sailing Vessels. It currently has four types of Endorsements, namely: UnLimited Oceanic, Sail Catamarans >17m, Polar Ice Navigation and light-cargo handling. These Endorsements can be added at any time which is a significant ...

  20. RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Course Blue Oyster Sailing 2016 Vera

    MCA RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Fast Track 14 Wks ; Fast Track . MCA RYA Fast Track 7 Wks Yachtmaster Coastal ; MCA RYA Fast Track 8 Wks Yachtmaster Motor Boat ; ... Master of Yachts 200gt Limited ; Master of Yachts 200gt Unlimited ; RYA/MCA Exams . RYA/MCA Master Of Yachts Exam and Assessment ; Locations ; Prices ; About . X ; Blue Oyster . About ...

  21. yacht crew training courses

    Jump Into Your Next Adventure. Yacht crew training, our crew training centres. Bluewater is the longest established dedicated yacht crew training provider. As superyachts have gro

  22. Denis Philippov

    - MCA/IYT Master Of Yachts 200GT Offshore Sail - IYT Yachtmaster Offshore Power & Sail Instructor - STCW'95 - more than 70.000NM in Med. Activity well done job is when job is done well! I might need to beg you for pardon due to my misleading status last two months and moreover i for sure want…

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