fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

Small Craft Advisor

fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

Boat Designs: Evaluating SCAMP’S Big Sister

(this new welsford cruiser checks a lot of boxes…).

fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

Over the past few days I’ve had email exchanges with John Welsford, New Zealand designer, regarding a brainstorm that’s been percolating in his clever, whimsical noggin: A bigger, more commodious takeoff on his wildly popular SCAMP design.

As most SCA readers know, the 11’ 11” SCAMP design was conceived 13 years ago when Josh Colvin, editor of this fine publication, asked Welsford to come up with a new kind of small cruising boat—one small enough to explore the most hard-to-penetrate backwaters, while being easy to rig, light enough to trailer with the smallest of tow vehicles, surprisingly great under sail, and comfy for overnight camp-cruising adventures. So, following some tweaks by designer and master boatbuilder Kees Prins, the resulting sailboat was dubbed SCAMP, for Small Craft Advisor Magazine Project.


fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

The rest is history: More building plans and kits for SCAMP have been sold over the years than any other small cruising boat we can think of. Besides the original wooden version, Gig Harbor Boat Works was licensed in 2013 to produce a fiberglass SCAMP, and the little giant killer—in wood and fiberglass—has since its debut been at the center of various small-boat rallies, workshops and sailing events.

While SCAMPs are still being built worldwide by enthusiasts, plan and kit sales have slowly been approaching what might be a kind of saturation point. It’s not that “everyone who wants a SCAMP has already built one,” but we get the feeling that it’s time for something new and different—like a SCAMP-inspired design that has the personality and quirky appeal of the original boat, but with more creature comforts (for an aging population of SCAMP lovers).

Meet SCALLYWAG, John Welsford’s big sister to SCAMP, a 15’ 4” x 7’ 3” wonder with a “real” cabin, tabernacle mast, mizzen sail, powerful main, water-ballast tanks, sitting headroom down below…and like SCAMP, faster than many onlookers might expect.


fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

This might turn out to be a timely, common-sense follow-up to the successful SCAMP design—so tempting that John Welsford is talking about building one for himself.

(As a footnote, we might add that in 2008, prior to the introduction of SCAMP in 2010, Welsford came up with another design that was similar to but somewhat larger than SCAMP—called TREAD LIGHTLY, which measured 13’ overall, with a beam of 5’ and addition of a mizzen. The series of similar hulls began with PEANUTS, an experimental build that never quite made the plans list. That design led to TENDER BEHIND, then SHERPA, then TREAD LIGHTLY, then SCAMP, then SCRAPS and now SCALLYWAG. Quite a series!)

TREAD LIGHTLY drawing…immediate predecessor to SCAMP)

fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

Here is John Welsford’s description of the SCALLYWAG design:

“I’ve had a number of people tell me they love SCAMP, but they’d like a ‘real’ cabin—something that would provide shelter for a couple of friends to overnight out of the rain; somewhere with space enough for four to sit and chat over coffee or rum on a cold evening; somewhere with a bench for a cooker, a table to eat the food off of, and lockers for all the essentials…and room for the skipper and first mate to stretch out and sleep in comfort.

“SCALLYWAG is not so big as to make launching and retrieving a chore; her mainmast is in a tabernacle, which makes standing it up easy-peasy for clients who don’t like the idea of lifting a mast that size vertically into place. Her mizzen is light enough to not be a worry, too, in that respect.

“The rig is a powerful one, but easy to access for reefing, and she will heave to under mizzen with the main let free so she sits mostly head-to-wind, dry and restful if a gust has to be waited out.

“I’ve added a pair of big water tanks for ballast, so with that and her beamy shape she’ll be very stable. Her cockpit self-drains, the motor is inside the tall transom for easy access, and while there’s room in the cockpit for four, she’ll be easy to single-hand and relaxing to sail.

“While the relationship between SCALLYWAG and SCAMP is obvious, it’s not just the styling. The backroom calculations in hydrodynamics suggest she’ll handle well, and be faster than many expect. With high stability and the ability to sit upright when aground, she’ll be able to transition from hiding in the mud or sand up a creek somewhere, to making a longer coastal passage without any fuss.

“Construction is simply plywood over ply bulkheads, with stringers to line everything up, and with considerable buoyancy just in case. The plans will have scale drawings of all major components, and we anticipate soon having printable full-sized templates for frames and other key items.”

As for specifications, beyond the overall length of 15’ 4” and beam of 7’ 3,” SCALLYWAG will have board-up draft of 10,” a board-down draft of 3’ 4,” a total sail area of 143 s.f. and a fully-rigged dry weight of 750 lbs. (Incidentally, the beam-to-length ratios of SCAMP and SCALLYWAG are almost identical.)

John Welsford says that plans for SCALLYWAG will be available on December 1, but he can take orders in the meantime. Price will be $245 U.S. funds for emailed, printable PDFs, and the plans can be ordered via John’s website: (Joel Bergen, well-known for the Welsford Navigator he built and sails in many Northwest small-boat events, will be developing a set of SCALLYWAG patterns in the not-distant future, according to Welsford. Editor’s note: We heard from Joel yesterday; he’s hoping to develop CAD-produced patterns “in a few weeks,” now that he’s received initial SCALLYWAG drawings. Stay tuned; we’ll provide updates on plans and patterns in this space.)


Eager to hear what SCAMP-savvy friends might have to say about the SCALLYWAG specs and just-released drawing, we sought initial reactions from…

JOSH COLVIN, editor of Small Craft Advisor , who commissioned the SCAMP design in 2010 and enjoys sailing SCAMP #1:

“There’s certainly no doubt who designed this one! It looks almost as much like Welsford’s PENGUIN as a SCAMP. SCALLYWAG’s length is a sweet spot in terms of accommodations potential. She’ll be rowed less than most SCAMPs, but I love the inboard motor well to keep her lines clean, and the engine right at hand. But her most exciting feature is the addition of the mizzen, which will improve seaworthiness and make managing the mainsail easier.

“Between LONG STEPS and SCALLYWAG, those looking for something like SCAMP, but larger, have great options. I’m excited to see the first boat built—she will be bigger than most expect, just looking at the drawing.” SIMEON BALDWIN, builder of an early SCAMP who has perhaps sailed more nautical miles with a SCAMP than anyone…and who has also served as a generous advisor to fellow SCAMP builders and is an expert on rigging and sailing the little 11’ 11” boats:

“I like what I see of this long-rumored design. Knowing John and his attention to ergonomics, I can anticipate it will work well. The tabernacled mast and addition of a mizzen are most appealing.

“From the drawing I think it may resemble LONG STEPS in terms of the recessed footwell. It also appears he is eschewing a by-design lazarette made popular by many SCAMP owners.

“The double water tanks are something to contemplate. I don’t envision SCALLYWAG as a purpose-built racer with crew, actively keeping high-side ballast on long tacks, like the SKATE 15 that Brandon Davis designed, which utilizes two tanks and a dump-valve system that may be more elaborate than a typical cruising sailor would want to live with. But John may be describing two water tanks that are filled and remain separate from one another.”

(Editor’s note: Welsford’s comment on tanks, “The ballast tanks are linked, and they’re not far enough off the centerline to work independently. There is one each side of the aft end of the centerboard case and they go out as far as the seat-front extensions.”)

“I’m looking forward to how all of this works out!”

BRANDON DAVIS, of Turn Point Design in Port Townsend, whose company cuts CNC kits for the SCAMP and a variety of other small boats. Brandon is also a skilled designer and small-boat sailor:

“I really like this boat, since it has just enough room to have a cabin but it’s still small enough to be trailered, beached and easily built in a garage. The enclosed cabin should encourage longer trips or taking a friend along.

“The longer waterline should increase average sailing speeds. My guess is that rowing speed will be lower than the SCAMP, as the rower will not be able to take advantage of the waterline length because of her weight.

“Will SCALLYWAG be offered as a kit? I could see it selling well as a kit and the market could be ripe. Many SCAMP builders might consider this as their next build.

“I look forward to seeing the first SCALLYWAGs on the water!”

KEES PRINS, designer and boatbuilder, who constructed the first SCAMP while serving as boatshop manager at the Northwest Maritime Center…and in the process suggested and implemented some changes that improved the design:

“I think SCALLYWAG will find a great following in the SCAMP world and beyond. Adding a cabin will greatly enlarge the ‘SCAMP Crowd.’ At that beam, and with twin ballast tanks, stability should be enormous for a boat this length. I would have liked to see a cross section through the cabin to know more about sitting comfort. (Four people hanging out inside seems a little optimistic, but two should be comfortable.)

“I’m curious about what the tabernacle for the unsupported mast will look like. A big sail area, together with a stiff hull will induce a significant load on the tabernacle. There seems to be a deep well for the mast base to swing through, judging by the drain hole.

“All in all, SCALLYWAG looks very promising.”

OSCAR LIND, a serious student of all various small-boat designs , and earlier builder of a SCAMP, who shares at least one thing in common with John Welsford—they’ve never met a pun they didn’t like:

“I might have to clear out the shop and make as much room as possible to build this boat (due to the 7’ 3” beam, especially). It’s so tempting and fills the bill for usability and function.

“It does need a Chinese lug rig, though. I expect quite a few SCALLYWAGS will ultimately be built.”

(Editor’s note: John Welsford comments, “I like the Chinese lugsail, but for a sail of this size on a boat that will be trailered, rigged and derigged for each outing and dry-stored, the extra complexity of the Junk sail slows the process. As well, the balanced lug is in my experience, a little quicker upwind—unless the junk rig has cambered-panel sails, and there are few sailmakers producing those, so I think in this case, simplicity and performance get the nod.”)

As for my personal view as a serial boatbuilder, restorer and sometimes buyer of project boats, I enjoyed owning a SCAMP several years ago. While I loved sailing the boat, I wished it was bigger and included a sleeping cabin. So, John’s new SCALLYWAG design checks many more boxes as an all-around keeper, and I prefer its overall hull, cabin and rig design, not to mention its potential as a serious cruising machine.

So, once again, here’s a chance for you, as a fellow boat nut, to offer your evaluation of SCAMP and her newly-hatched big sister, SCALLYWAG. (Also, please add other thoughts in the comments section below…) • SCA •

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Build from Plans

Ready to build your own? You can order your own set of printed plans or a PDF download right here at this site. Welcome aboard!


Build from a Kit

The famously detailed CNC-cut SCAMP kits are available all over the world. See links below to find an authorized kit reseller or buy here and get started the easy way.


Buy a Fiberglass Model

Why build a SCAMP when you can start sailing and exploring now? The renowned fiberglass SCAMP from Gig Harbor Boat Works can be customized to your tastes as well. Click here to visit their site.

Dave Lucas, FL

It was blowing a solid 12 to 15 with higher gusts and us hot-rodders were having a ball showing off and speeding around the slower boats when what do I see ahead of me but a Scamp. ... only a hundred yards or so so we figured to catch him in about two minutes; it didn’t work out that way. It took us about two miles to finally get to him ...These guys were just sitting drinking beer and hauling ass easy as you please. They could tack and jibe and mess around like it was dead calm, where we were having to be really careful. That’s impossible—this kind of performance cannot come from a clunky little 12-foot boat. This thing somehow ignored everything I thought I know about hull speed. I strongly recommend this boat to anyone who wants a simple, lightweight, safe, dry, fast boat.”

Our own youthful dreams often featured small boats in starring roles. Aboard these simple, stalwart little vessels we'd venture across nebulous bodies of water in search of distant wild shorelines or uncharted islands. We'd land, hike into the interior, and make camp. But always our boats offered refuge from any threat, including summer storms, which we'd wait out beneath our boom tents. At night we'd read sea stories by oil lantern and sleep under a blanket of stars.

Curiously, never once did these visions include negative images of wrestling with a heavy mast and complex rigging, fussing with a smelly, recalcitrant outboard, or being held off shore by our boat's draft. And even when we pictured the afternoon breeze kicking up whitecaps, never once did the vision include a chilly capsize.

It was the dream of returning to those simple pleasures that inspired thoughts of S.C.A.M.P. (Small Craft Advisor Magazine Project). That and a persistent desire to go over "there"—that place we often see but are unable to reach. It seems to happen on every cruise. Never mind that we're usually sailing the smallest boat around for miles, we always come upon some ultra-shallow lagoon or serpentine tidal stream that disappears into the reeds, trees and rushes. To get in there—to really commune with nature—a boat needs to be light, shallow and easily propelled—and preferably flat-bottomed in case we decide to stay right though the ebb. —Josh Colvin

Features : Water Ballast Tank • Offset centerboard • Massive Flotation Stowage Cabin • "Veranda" Overhanging Cabintop • Kickup Rudder Flat Bottom and Skegs for Beaching • Voluminous Stowage Lockers 8' 3" Cockpit Sole Single Berth • Convert Cockpit Seats to Double Berth

Designer : John Welsford

Additional Development: Kees Prins, Brandon Davis, Howard Rice

Screen Shot 2024-04-30 at 3.00.39 PM.png

First Launched

Sail Numbers


Length Overall



fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale


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SCAMP Building Kit + Foils

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SCAMP Red Lantern Crew Neck Sweatshirt

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SCAMP Red Lantern Shirt

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SCAMP Building Plans

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SCAMP Articles Package

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SCAMP Brass Name Plate

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Limited Edition SCAMP Poster

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A Boat Called SCAMP

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Official SCAMP Burgee


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Gig Harbor Boatworks

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Talk to other owners, builders and fans at the scamp message board here, our group page above, or at a popular facebook group., ordering kits.


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SCAMP Building Camps

The pocket yacht, small craft advisor magazine.

Do you own a SCAMP? Make sure to send us a photo of your boat for our Gallery page above. Send your photo with your name, boat name and sail number to: [email protected]

Talk to other owners, builders and fans at our SCAMP Message Board , or here at Group page above, or at a popular Facebook group.

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Seller's Description

Go to Sailing Texas classifieds for current sailboats for sale Scamp, 2014 12’ Fiberglass “Scamp” Sailboat, “Time Bandit,” with new cover and trailer. Excellent Condition - $14,000 o.b.o.: Coral Gables, Florida.

World-famous New Zealand sailboat designer, John Welsford, designed “Scamp”to be built out of wood.

The design became so popular that Gig Harbor Boat Works in Washington State agreed to produce them in fiberglass. “Time Bandit” was one of the first off the line in 2014 and she is in excellent condition. Bullet-proof, highest standard of construction. Just 420 lbs., so easily trailerable anywhere behind the smallest car.

Water-ballasted, unsinkable and easily righted. Her off-center board kicks up into one of the side benches and her kick-up rudder means that she sails in a foot of water and is beachable anywhere. Simple, balanced-lug rig drops into lazy-jacks at anchor or dockside. A single halyard hoists the one sail to be back underway in an instant. She motors beautifully with just 2 h.p. on the motor mount (motor not included). If you would rather have the quiet, she comes with Kevlar two-piece oars and rows effortlessly. Cuddy-cabin for shelter. Holds two for an easy day’s sail but will take four (and a dog) for a tootle out to a sandbar under power. A very big little boat. I love her but the expanding boat collection means something has to give! Call me if interested.

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

Similar to the IW-26, built in Sweden. Also called LILL SCAMPI 26.

This listing is presented by . Visit their website for more information or to contact the seller.

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fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

When I first saw a Scamp sailboat, I thought it looked like an oversized children’s bath toy. It seemed to bob around sitting too high in the water, and that snub nose made me feel that part of the boat was missing. But once aboard, the high sides created a dry ride and an atmosphere of safety. With a small cuddy forward, and lots of hatches for neatly stowing gear, it felt serene compared to some of the open boats I normally admire, where gear and stray equipment clutter their cockpits.

The Small Craft Advisor Magazine Project (better known as SCAMP) is an increasingly popular small sailboat that can be built from plans or a kit, as well as ordered as a ready to sail fiberglass model constructed locally by Gig Harbor Boat Works. With a 100-square-foot sail, and measuring just shy of 12 feet with a beam of about five feet, the boat seems like it shouldn’t sail well at all, but somehow it does.

I’ve been out on Scamps enough times to not be surprised by their abilities. For such a small boat, I’m continually impressed by how comfortable and spacious the seven-foot long cockpit, with benches lining each side, and the five-foot cuddy make the boat feel. If I was blindfolded at the helm of a Scamp and you asked me how big a boat I was steering, I’d say something long and steady — maybe 20 feet. After all, I’d be sitting straight up, with my legs down in a well, not scrunched up like most dinghies. The tiller in hand would feel steady, with no signs of the boat wiggling due to any slight inattention.

I wasn’t alone in finding the aesthetics of the hull curious. “I became interested in Scamps very slowly. At first I did not really care for them,” my pal Randy Wheating wrote by email. “However, my big Chebacco was being used less and less.”

Many people construct their own Scamps as part of a class. Friend and lifelong sailor, Dale Simonson, told me, “I sort of ended up with a Scamp by mistake. Or, more like by happenstance. I was planning (or dreaming about planning) to build a boat in a few years… when I stumbled onto an upcoming ‘Scamp Camp,’ a group build of ten boats. Ten students, four instructors, two weeks, and come home with your own boat!”

Dale noted, “I wasn’t totally enamored with the design until I started to really consider the value of the workshop, and getting such a good jumpstart on a build. It wasn’t until we got into the build, and all the ensuing discussions with the instructors (in particular, John Welsford the designer, and Howard Rice the adventure sailor), that I fell in love with the concept and the approach of the design as a very small vessel that is capable of cruising my local near-shore waters of the Salish Sea.”

For some Scamp sailors, the camaraderie is a big part of the appeal of the boat. There’s an active online community as well as Red Lantern rallies where scads of Scamps congregate. But that’s not true for everyone. Samantha Ritchie, the captain of a fiberglass Scamp named Kerfuffle observed, “the Scamp community is mostly older white men. I like older white men, but that’s not really my group, so I am not into the ‘community’ thing very much. That being said, I love seeing other Scamps and always go chat with the owners.”

But like other people, Samantha appreciates the balance of simplicity and function. “I am very comfortable in the Scamp, and it’s a low fuss kind of boat.  I am strong for a 65-year-old woman, but not as strong as I was 10 years ago. Despite that, I can easily put up the mast, pull the boat up on a beach, etc. No need for winches for any big jib — no jib!”

fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

I initially expected the Scamp to sail like a bulldozer, slogging along pushing water. In reality, it moves smoothly under sail and turns on a dime, making sailing out of a marina or around other tight places deceptively easy. With only one sail and a short waterline, making 360 degree penalty turns actually feels like fun. I will admit one fault about my crush — as I’ve sailed alongside my friends in their Scamps, they are gradually outpaced by all but the shortest hulls.

I’ve been out in Scamps in a big blow, but when filled with 175 pounds of water ballast (integrated into cavities in the hull), I’ve been impressed with how stable they were. But, it wouldn’t be a sailboat if you didn’t get scared from time to time and yes, despite the broad beam and reefable sail, I’ve seen them capsize. Still, the boat is self rightable and floats high enough to bail with a little effort.

fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

Besides being fun to sail, the Scamp is an able camp cruiser and despite its size, both Dale and Samantha have done overnight stints at anchor with their partners. Dale notes, “I think I’m a minimalist at heart, my wife and I lived in Volkswagen vans for two years, touring Europe and Australia. I love to row (and sail, even more) and don’t care much for motor boating. I have found backpacking, kayaking, camping, and living a bit ‘rough’ to be enjoyable… Big poofy pillows are allowed. Dutch ovens, too. It’s a very comfortable floating tent that turns into a kitchen, a lounge, and then a fun sailing machine… and fits in a single car garage.”

As I’ve started to play with the many strings and sticks attached to slightly larger boats, the simplicity of the Scamp keeps calling me. Sure I’d be slower and maybe not as sleek, but the comfort and adaptability of the Scamp in such a small package just keeps me smiling.

Bruce Bateau sails and rows traditional boats with a modern twist in Portland, Oregon. His stories and adventures can be found at

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Bruce Bateau

Bruce Bateau sails and rows traditional boats with a modern twist in Portland, Ore. His stories and adventures can be found at

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fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

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Part 1: Choose Your Boat and Options

Base model boats are complete in either rowing or sailing versions, and include: ● Solid hand-laid fiberglass hull ● White exterior gelcoat and gray interior gelcoat ● Vinyl tan color rubrail bonded to hull ● Bronze oarlock sockets ● Reinforced transom for outboard motor ● Sailboats are sailaway ready with top quality sails, rigging, rudder, and all hardware.

Oars are not included in the base price because we have many lengths and styles to choose from.

fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

Built-in Features

Options in this section permanently built-in to your boat during the construction process. Pricing and availability will vary by model selected.

Custom Colors

fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

Custom Color Match (additional charge)

fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

Part 2: Choose Accessories & Equipment

Performance, rowing, sailing, and motoring, docking & storage options, personal safety.

Water recreation can be hazardous – stay safe out there.

Part 3: Submit Your Quote

Submitting this quote won’t place an order yet.

Dyna-Ski Boats custom builds outboard powered water ski boats for recreational skiers and show ski clubs. We have customers all over the world including Malaysia, the Caribbean, Moscow, Russia, the Cayman Islands and Canada. This blog is used to keep readers informed about what is going on at Dyna-Ski and answers questions that are frequently asked. You can also visit for more information about our boats. Contact Dyna-Ski at [email protected] or call 715-854-7501.

Friday, December 26, 2014

On line prices, no comments:, post a comment.


  1. Gig Harbor SCAMP, 2013, (fiberglass), Alexandria, Virginia, sailboat

    fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

  2. Gig Harbor SCAMP, 2013, (fiberglass), Alexandria, Virginia, sailboat

    fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

  3. Scamp Gig Harbor, 2013, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, sailboat for sale

    fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

  4. Scamp, 2016, SW Louisiana, sailboat for sale from Sailing Texas, yacht

    fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

  5. Gig Harbor Boatworks, Scamp, 2013, Annapolis, Maryland, sailboat for

    fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale

  6. Scamp, 2016, SW Louisiana, sailboat for sale from Sailing Texas, yacht

    fiberglass scamp sailboat for sale


  1. Fibrglass Scamp #1 On the Water

  2. Fiberglass work for a new hatch part II!

  3. My homemade foam and poor man's fiberglass boat

  4. Fiberglass Scamp Sea Trial

  5. We covered the sailboat rudder with new fiberglass and epoxy

  6. Gig Harbor Scamp motoring into large chop


  1. 12' Scamp

    The Scamp is a seaworthy 12′ sailboat that can handle a good dose of adventure. Just under 12 feet in length, Scamp boasts an unusual combination of features that give her the unique ability to explore waters too shallow for a larger boat, while retaining most of the bigger boat's comforts and capabilities. An offset centerboard opens up ...

  2. 2013 Gig Harbor SCAMP sailboat for sale in Virginia

    Virginia. $10,000. Description: 2013 Fiberglass Gig Harbor Scamp for sale. Excellent condition, numerous options, on custom trailer, sail away condition. See small craft advisor magazine or gig harbor boat works for info. Equipment: Location: Alexandria, Virginia. L60072.

  3. This 12' Scamp sailboat is brand...

    This 12' Scamp sailboat is brand new and ready to sail! As a "microcruiser" design from noted marine architect John Welsford, the Scamp is a seaworthy 12′ sailboat that can handle a good dose of adventure. ⁠. It has a quick-to-rig balanced lug, water ballast tank, a self-bailing floor, and a reputation for being easy to self-rescue if capsized.

  4. Boat Designs: Evaluating SCAMP'S Big Sister

    The rest is history: More building plans and kits for SCAMP have been sold over the years than any other small cruising boat we can think of. Besides the original wooden version, Gig Harbor Boat Works was licensed in 2013 to produce a fiberglass SCAMP, and the little giant killer—in wood and fiberglass—has since its debut been at the center of various small-boat rallies, workshops and ...

  5. Announcing the SCAMP

    SCAMP is an eminently capable micro-cruiser commissioned by Small Craft Advisor magazine, designed by John Welsford. Only 12 feet long, yet the feel of a larger boat. High freeboard, hard chines and full ends give lots of buoyancy and carrying capacity. 178 pounds of water ballast. Flat bottom with keelsons tracks surprisingly well and sits ...

  6. SCAMP

    A boat with a BN of 1.6 or greater is a boat that will be reefed often in offshore cruising. Derek Harvey, "Multihulls for Cruising and Racing", International Marine, Camden, Maine, 1991, states that a BN of 1 is generally accepted as the dividing line between so-called slow and fast multihulls.

  7. Scamp Sailboat

    Add to Cart. SCAMP Building Plans PDF DOWNLOAD. $149.00. Add to Cart. SCAMP Building Plans. $149.00. Add to Cart. SCAMP Articles Package. $9.95.

  8. SCAMP Review in Small Craft Advisor Magazine!

    From the archives: The SCAMP rendezvous meeting at the shop. The 6-page review covers the SCAMP as a whole, including both kit-constructed models as well as the fiberglass version made by us here at Gig Harbor Boat Works. It is filled with the personal feedback of both DIY builders and those who've purchased our fiberglass boats ready to sail ...

  9. Multiple sailing dinghy

    The Scamp is a seaworthy 12′ sailboat that can handle a good dose of adventure. Just under 12 feet in length, Scamp boasts an unusual combination of features that give her the unique ability to explore waters too shallow for a larger boat, while retaining most of the bigger boat's comforts and capabilities. An offset centerboard opens up ...

  10. 12' SCAMP Microcruiser: The Biggest Little Boat

    The Scamp is a seaworthy 12' sailboat that can handle a good dose of adventure. Just under 12 feet in length, Scamp boasts an unusual combination of features that give her the unique ability to explore waters too shallow for a larger boat, while retaining most of the bigger boat's comforts and capabilities.

  11. Sailboat Listings sailboats for sale by owner

    fiberglass monohull: Engine: 1 diesel inboard; Location: LUND, Outside United States ... Sailboat Added 14-Sep-2021 More Details: Brush Creek Yachts SCAMP: Length: 12' Beam: 5.6' Draft: .6' Year: 2016: Type: daysailer: Hull: composite monohull: Engine: 0 gas inboard; Location: ... Show all sailboats for sale under: 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 ...

  12. 2014 Scamp

    2014 Scamp. Coral Gables, Florida, United States. Listed Jan 24. Expired. $14,000 USD. Seller's Description. Go to Sailing Texas classifieds for current sailboats for sale Scamp, 2014 12' Fiberglass "Scamp" Sailboat, "Time Bandit," with new cover and trailer. Excellent Condition - $14,000 o.b.o.: Coral Gables, Florida.

  13. Close to the Water: My Boat Crush

    For some Scamp sailors, the camaraderie is a big part of the appeal of the boat. There's an active online community as well as Red Lantern rallies where scads of Scamps congregate. But that's not true for everyone. Samantha Ritchie, the captain of a fiberglass Scamp named Kerfuffle observed, "the Scamp community is mostly older white men.

  14. 2016 Brush Creek Yachts SCAMP sailboat for sale in Louisiana

    12' lug rigged sailboat, water ballast, offset centerboard, tilt up rudder, white hull with teal trim. Mast is removable with a yoke tohold hemast and sail rig. Bow. stern, mast, spar and boom are vanished wood.

  15. Scamp by Gig Harbor Boat Works, 2015, Los Osos, California, sailboat

    Scamp by Gig Harbor Boat Works, 2015, Los Osos, California, yacht for sale, sailboat for sale. 6/24/19, Scamp by Gig Harbor Boat Works, 2015, Los Osos, California, $16,000, Price reduced 8/12/19 to $14,000, Taken off market: ... (2-piece fiberglass with bronze oarlocks) Cover for trailering/storage Scamp spar/sailbag

  16. Fiberglass SCAMP review in 48 North

    Our fiberglass SCAMP got a fantastic write-up in the April 2014 issue of 48 North! It's a pretty good sized article so we're not going to reprint the whole thing here, but these are a few of our favorite parts: Gig Harbor Boat Works, known for their strong, esthetically pleasing rowing boats, has already shipped a number of the new SCAMPS ...

  17. Plans & Kits

    Meet the Scout, a great sailing dinghy -- and rewarding project for a first-time boatbuilder. The Scout is a wide, stable, 10-foot boat that's a blast to sail and row. Weighs only ~70 pounds and makes a great tender, yet has enough dry stowage below deck to take on a beach camping trip of its own. The offset daggerboard makes an open footwell ...

  18. Plans & Kits

    SCAMP Rigging Kits. $69.99 - $329.99. Boom and RUNNING RIGGING plus Hardware 2 10-foot lengths of 3/16" Raid Braid for 1st Reef2 20-foot lengths of 3/16" Raid Braidfor 3rd Reef4 SD-043030 3" cleats for reefing lines1 60-foot length of 3/16" Raid Braid for Topping / Lazy jack system (cut to...


    Discover EXPERT MARINE and get in touch directly to find out more about the brands and services offered for sale.

  20. Boats for Sale in Moscow, ID

    Over 4 weeks ago on BoatersNet. $3,400 1978 FiberForm 19 Cuddy Cabin Runabout, Merc228. & EZ Load. NICE! Pullman, WA. Offering an exceptional condition 1978 Fiberform 1900 Offshore/Runabout. This is the 19' model with the Cuddy cabin. Watercraft total is in excellent shape for its age. The interior is near best and the motor is too.

  21. scamp sailboat owners group

    Recent Photos; The Commons; Flickr Galleries; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; The Print Shop; Prints & Wall Art; Photo Books; Stats Dashboard; Get Auto-Uploadr; The SCAMP Sailboat. 24

  22. Build & Price

    Inflatable Sponsons. 1 pair ($495) add air pump ($40) Air-filled tubes attach to gunwale, adding stability and protecting the boat from dock damage. Order Subtotal. Total before tax and shipping. Customers can pay with card, ACH transfer, or check. A 2.9 - 3.5% processing fee will be charged for card payments.

  23. Dyna-Ski Boats: ON LINE PRICES

    If you want a general price range send me an email at: [email protected] or give me a call at 715-854-7501. I normally reply from [email protected] but I like to carry on conversations from my long time home email address which I will send you in the first reply. If you want a great price on a Dyna-Ski Boat you will get one when you shop for one.